In saliva, clues to a 'ghost' species of ancient human
As part of this investigation, the team examined the MUC7 gene in more than 2,500 modern human genomes. The analysis yielded a surprise: A group of genomes from Sub-Saharan Africa had a version of the gene that was wildly different from versions found in other modern humans.
The Sub-Saharan variant was so distinctive that Neanderthal and Denisovan MUC7 genes matched more closely with those of other modern humans than the Sub-Saharan outlier did.

Other urls found in this thread: worksheet answers.pdf

Interesting. Thanks for posting.


Here's another study which suggests that Sub Saharan Africans have a unique type of archaic human ancestry.

Did not mean to sage.

GRizzly bears and breen with polar bears and create fertile offspring.

The theory that only members of the same species can produce fertile offspring is flawed.
There are other hybrids that can be fertile.

I had a picture of it but didn't save it.

Isn't that a big part of how Homo neanderthalus got wiped out by Homo sapiens (and absorbed into their genome)? Sapiens was dumber, less strong, shorter, and overall inferior, but Sapiens/Neanderthal hybrids had significantly higher fertility rates than Neanderthals did on their own.

And now white people are the neanderthals. Again.


They always were, and Jews were never white.




Homo sapiens' advantage is sexual dimorphism. It allows the species to utilize a natural comparative advantage. This is probably the biggest reason we gained a "greater market share" of the genetic pool that contributes to Early European Modern MAn.


Now you know


Fix the 3rd one, it is incorrect.






If you aren't a science denier, then do you acknowledge the physical differences between the races such as skull structure, skeletal structure, brain size, testosterone levels, melanin levels, etc… and the differences in IQ test performance? The physical differences alone proves the races evolved separately from one another and when you combine that data with the consistent differences in IQ test performance and school standardized test performance throughout every country, it becomes clear that the races do not perform the same physically or mentally. If the environment is the causing factor for the different scores and performance, then why is the data and results persistent through every country? Why is it that in every country the data is always consistent, where East-Asians score higher than whites and whites score higher than Africans? Why is it that when income is the same for the different groups, the gaps still exist? While there is an environmental factor, it is primarily because collectively, races do not perform the same physically or mentally due to biological evolution.

Jewish-American (Ashkenazi Jew) average IQ level - 113

Asian-American - 106

White-American - 103

Hispanic-American - 89

Black-American - 85

Sub-Saharan African - 70

Australian Aboriginal - 62

Skull image needs fixing m8y


why do people keep overestimating Jewish IQ while underestimating East Asian IQ?

Reminder to read this:

10 shekels for a good goy.

Didn't jews have an IQ around 90 or 100? Someone once told me they too lie about their IQ but he sadly couldn't provide any evidence to his claims.


Reminder to read this as well:

nobody is underestimating shit. BTW it's not exactly an apples to apples comparison when you use cities like Shanghai and City-States like Singapore, or even SK which is really just seoul. If you're going to include major technological hubs in asian cities how about including silicon valley on that list? How about adding mid western american cities or Euro cities where whites have much higher than average IQ's?

Thats jews in Israel which includes a lot of mud admixture. It's ashkenazi jews who test higher (typically on the verbal section) of IQ tests.

I b here fo' da job innaview

Do you have more of these pics?



There are several papers but this is one of them

implying Asians are more sexualized than Whites.

Yeah, this is good, but I could've sworn I found it on ncbi. I never bookmarked it because I thought I could easily find it with a search. I'm suspicious that it was removed.

I worked with Jews for years in finance, they continue stereotypes which benefit them. I always used to hear them say to a client "John, in older to be happy in life you need three things, a Jewish doctor, a Jewish lawyer, and a Jewish broker". Then they would proceed to fucking destroy the client financially. They're fucking cunts.

got you my guy

that goyim deserved to get his anus destroyed

Confirmed master race? Master race takes more than high IQ. IQ only limits your potential. SK would look just like NK if it weren't for h'whites. And btw the Seoul metro area is half the countries fucking population, are the people taking those tests from fishing villages or the national technological hub? Do you think a "master race" would have an epidemic of plastic surgery so that they can look like the white race? Nah.

intellectual potential > everything

the results are from all major districts combined. if you take the seoul arena alone, the results would have been better than that of shanghai. LOL



Remember the purpose of intentional interbreeding.


Throw at me the most beautiful White woman in the world and I wouldn't even date her.

Israel is the evidence.

Why is Israel so fucking poor and pathetic if jews are so great? Is it because they can't worm their inbred way into societies built and paid for by goyim? My local education board has 7 inbred kike rats on it out of 10 open positions. Kikes are less than 0,2% of our district, the odds of this happeing by chance are one in five hundred million. 1:~520 000 000.

Jews are underreprestented in elected positions in Canada, yet many Canadian government departments are overreprestented by a factor of ten thousand, five hundred thousand, five hundred million.

Could it be jews are some master race? No, Israel absolutely shattered that myth. Could it be that most goyim assume kikes are self-hating whites and would deport every last one of them if they knew the level of subversion and nepotism? Absolutely. This is why they have been removed over 359 times in the past. The goiym always wake up.

Oh, and look up the sources and subject-base on that Ashkenazi jew IQ test. Just a tip.

Yes. What user doesn't understand is that Jews excel only verbally but are otherwise completely uncreative.


Time to post em again.


visuospatial proficiency is the most important aspect of intelligence


I hear Tesla visualized the entire mechanism of his inventions before he ever drew a diagram or crunched a number.

This is correct. Around 25% of the population of Israel is non-Jewish, and a majority of Israel's Jewish population is non-Ashkenazi.

For more on high Ashkenazi average IQ see:

It's certainly not better than everything else nor is it everything per se. Personally I'd much rather live in a white country around white people than around high "potential" north koreans, or south koreans for that matter. With all that "intellectual potential" what great advancements to civilization have koreans contributed in the past…..say……5000 years? Just one thing, not also invented elsewhere, that has really benefitted humanity writ large?

Also that info graph you posted shows the 2012 PISA scores in more recent tests whites and asians in the US have done more or less the same. Whites doing better on math and science in 2015 for instance.

You must have been living under a rock to not notice all these Asians in the top 1% in the STEM fields.

yeah, they made some changes to the PISA tests to make them easier. LOL

This is actually a fair point, not explained away by graph 1.

However, if combine graph 2, the fact that there are so many more asians, with the knowledge of the Bellcurve and IQ distribution, the answer to your conundrum of why asian currently dominate the top several fields becomes quite clear.

If you roll a dice 1 times, it is not very likely to come up as a 6. But if you roll 100 dices, it is almost a certainty.

There are less asians in the middle class, and the West outspends Asia in R&D. Europe and the U.S. had 4 times more scientists than the entire Asian region in 2010. GG

Gee I wonder…

Ghost Erectus should be memed.

Reported. Try harder.

try harder doing what?

keep cherrypicking data

I think there are like 10 times more college educated Whites than college educated Asians in the world.

That's somewhat of a nebulous term and questionable criterion nowadays.


I've never understood why that if Asians are that intelligent why haven't they done more throughout human history? Their intelligence wouldn't all of a sudden become the best in the world because the IQ test was created to show it. What has their intelligence done for them over their entire history? Especially the Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese, all who score very high on intelligence tests, but they don't actually do much. Yeah their countries have great Internet and they waste more hours playing video games than anybody else, but are they advancing the world or themselves?

They're good in math and science nowadays, but what do they actually do with their skill? They make smart phones? TVs? Computers? Things the West had been making for decades before they got started?

Ghost Face Erectus - yo!


Gay Hardons fucked a bunch of monkeys. Who would have guessed?

Damn, project murphy won't let me ask what if ghost face killah was ghost face gorilla.

the airplane is just a fucking engine with wings attached to it. every invention is just components already invented and incremented upon it. you're just too dumb to realize it.


Very obvious shill or very stupid chink

All I see are a bunch of research positions that were treasonously given away to foreigners who shouldn't be in our universities in the first place, especially in such large numbers. Those names look mostly Chinese as well and with over a billion people to export it's no surprise that they would dominate these research positions. And, just speculating, but I'm willing to bet most professors are abusing student visa holders the way corporations abuse H1B holders.

Top inventor means lots of patents filed but what did those patents mean to humanity? Where is the airplane? The car? The cathode tube? The resistor? Transistor? The television? The computer? The space ship? Cell phone? iPad ?etc. etc. etc. Koreans and asia generally haven't invented shit in 5000 years. Sure they build a cheap TV but other than cheap labor what have they been good for?

I went to an Engineering school that is consistently ranked top 5 in the world so I was around all of these supposedly super intelligent asians. They are smart on average and get good grades on average but there aren't many true geniuses. It actually doesn't take much to get good grades once you're at about average intelligence other than hard work and they are willing to put in the work. But that certainly doesn't qualify one for MASTER RACE. And even these "achievements" such as 'filing lots of patents' and 'being cited by other like minded gooks' are still fully within the context of the west and western institutions.

Asians in the US are cherrypicked data themselves as they are the best and brightest of their HUGE global population. Also "college educated" and STEM educated are two different things. Are there a shit ton of Asians coming over to the US on student visas to study social justice?

Then why can't Asians build them without white assistance?

1) China’s attitude toward trade with the West
(Europe, U.S.) during the 1800’s:
- NO interest
- they were already self sufficient
- regarded western goods as inferior & frivolous
- they were very
(“looked down on
all foreigners”) worksheet answers.pdf


After the 1800's
- culturally, scientifically, and militarily insignificant

Here you go:

well the europeans had a progressive, pirate, buttfuck mentality, the chinese had an inward, conservative and autistic mentality.

Here's why:
'Anti-Qing sentiment (Chinese: 反清; pinyin: fǎn Qing) refers to a sentiment principally held in China against the Manchu ruling during the Qing dynasty (1644–1912), which was accused by a number of opponents of being barbarian. The Qing was accused of destroying traditional Han culture by forcing Han to wear their hair in a queue in the Manchu style. It was blamed for suppressing Chinese science, causing China to be transformed from the world's premiere power to a poor, backwards nation. The people of the Eight Banners lived off government pensions unlike the general Han civilian population.

The rallying slogan of anti-Qing activists was "Fǎn Qīng fù Míng" (simplified Chinese: 反清复明; traditional Chinese: 反清復明; literally: "Oppose Qing and restore Ming").

In the broadest sense, an anti-Qing activist was anyone who engaged in anti-Manchu direct action. This included people from many mainstream political movements and uprisings, such as Taiping Rebellion, the Xinhai Revolution, the Revolt of the Three Feudatories, the Revive China Society, the Tongmenghui, the Panthay Rebellion, White Lotus Rebellion, and others.'

again some dumb retarded redneck without a proper education cherrypicking data and interpreting it in a wild manner that makes any debate with logical arguments impossible since he will reject them all for the dumbest reasons. instead the dumb redneck will use cherry picked nonsensical data instead of using objective and comparable data.

An airplane is just an engine with wings? What the hell? Is the space shuttle just a plane with a plane with a bigger engine?

If the plane isn't hard to make when why aren't Asians making them and cornering the market? Since after all anybody can fucking do it right?

I'm not going to watch 15 YouTube videos for many hours of length to get your point. Make your point concisely or give me a summary of a source.


They can make planes, what the hell are you talking about? It's just that the industrial know-how takes a lot of time and capital to develop, and company won't buy a plane from a new company just because they're cheaper.

Ashkenazis are smart because, unlike other Jewish groups, they mixed with European females (to a degree), which they could since they were slavers. That BTW makes them mamzerim.

Asians are scum, I don't need infographics to know this fact.


So why are asians so far behind then?

Didn't you make the point their just engines with wings? And if they make a better engine with wings shouldn't people want those because their so intellectually capable?

You going to backtrack on your stupid ass point now?

I noticed that White supremacists just like the Black supremacists turn any debate over IQ to a debate where comparable and objective data from modern studies or research is completely rejected and into a debate where stereotypes, simple observations, arguments of the lowest common denominator are used, because they don't have any good evidence to back up their ignorant claims. The Black supremacists will claim that they descend from aliens, they use magic and since magic cannot be refuted by modern science they automatically win the argument. It's the same shit with White supremacists.

What's your explanation for this? Hybrid vigor? That doesn't exist within human populations.

Your theory doesn't make any sense as the average IQ of Slavs and Germans aren't anywhere near as high as the average Ashkenazi IQ.

I suggest your read and watch what I provided. The links present a far more reasonable theory.(KIKE WAS GASSED FOR THIS POST)

You'll be dominating the market in no time I'm sure.

where did I completely reject objective data from modern studies? My anecdotal life experience has been almost exactly as described by the data. Asians have slightly higher IQ on average but not as many outliers. I didn't even disagree with the PISA scores I merely noted that the more recent ones show whites and asians closer to parity. But yet again you spew a bunch of cuckchan non arguments.

Keep being mad about pic related. I'm sure if you just study hard enough they'll stay loyal.

On your example of a Caucasoid is he wearing a kippah? Looks a bit Jewish unless some Caucus mountains peoples wear similar headwear further proving Jews have stolen all their cultural icons from other peoples.


They have more outliers, because they have more geniuses. LOL, look at the data.

Ashkenazi have a "higher average" because they created the tests to cater to their strengths.

I don't know if you realize but a lot of Asians work for the U.S. companies making those new airplanes. LOL

Last pic is fake. It is propaganda by kikes that they are superior.


I'm aware they managed to slime their way in yes. So because Pajeet answers the phones now, he makes everything run? Just because a few lying cheats managed to get a diversity hire, doesn't mean they are "making airplanes."
Go back to reddit.

LOL, you're a dumb one, aren't you? Asians don't benefit from affirmative action. The only ones who benefit are women, Blacks and Hispanics.


Joseph Renzulli's (1978) "three ring" definition of giftedness is one frequently mentioned conceptualization of giftedness. Renzulli's definition, which defines gifted behaviors rather than gifted individuals, is composed of three components as follows: Gifted behavior consists of behaviors that reflect an interaction among three basic clusters of human traits—above average ability, high levels of task commitment, and high levels of creativity.[10] Individuals capable of developing gifted behavior are those possessing or capable of developing this composite set of traits and applying them to any potentially valuable area of human performance. Persons who manifest or are capable of developing an interaction among the three clusters require a wide variety of educational opportunities and services that are not ordinarily provided through regular instructional programs.

While White students represent the majority of students enrolled in gifted programs, Black and Hispanic students constitute a percentage less than their enrollment in school.[30] For example, statistics from 1993 indicate that in the U.S., Black students represented 16.2% of public school students, but only constituted 8.4% of students enrolled in gifted education programs. Similarly, while Hispanic students represented 9% of public school students, these students only represented 4.7% of those identified as gifted.[31] However, Asian students make up only 3.6% of the student body, yet constitute 14% in the gifted programs.

In a plenary address at the annual Congress of the American National Association for Gifted Children in November 1985, Sternberg reported that the number of students of Asian background in American programmes for gifted children exceeded the normative expectations from population figures by a factor of five. Entrance to programmes for gifted children in the U.S. is usually set at a level to accommodate moderately gifted children rather than the highly or exceptionally gifted; thus an interesting pattern seems to be developing an over-representation of Asian children by a factor of five in the population of moderately gifted students and by a considerably greater factor-15 or over among the exceptionally gifted. A student has to be extremely gifted mathematically to score more than 700 on the SAT-M by the age of 13; only 4 per cent of college-bound 17 and 18 year olds in the U.S. attain such a score!

To illustrate this point: in a normal population with a mean IQ of 100, and a standard deviation of 15, 228 children in every 10,000 would have an IQ score two standard deviations above the mean, that is, a score of IQ 130 or higher. However, with a mean shift upwards of half a standard deviation, as reported by Jensen for Asian Americans, no fewer than 668 children in 10,000 would score in the IQ 130+ range. Many American gifted programmes which employ an IQ criterion for entrance set their entry level at IQ 130; in this situation, 6.68 per cent of Asian children would be eligible to enter these programmes on the basis of IQ as opposed to only 2.28 per cent of Caucasian children-an overrepresentation by a factor of 2.93. Yet Sternberg reports an overrepresentation by a factor of 5! Why do American gifted programmes contain almost twice the number of Asians than could be statistically expected from Jensen's projections. The children of this study have scored at or above IQ 160 on the Standford-Binet Intelligence Test L-M, an instrument with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation fo 16. Thus these children score at least 3.75 standard deviations above the mean. Fewer than 9 children in 100,000 score at or beyond this level. However, if we shift the mean upwards by 0.5 of a standard deviation, to investigate the implications of Jensen's findings and if we assume the standard deviation for the Asian population to be the same as that for non-Asians, then the criterion score of IQ 160 for entrance to this study becomes only 3.25 standard deviations above the new mean. Beyond this point lie not 9, but 58, children in 100,000. If Jensen's findings regarding a higher Asian mean are correct, and if they hold good for the Asian-Australian population as well as Asian-Americans, then we could expect to find Asian-Australians over-represented in the study by a factor of 6.5. Yet the over-representation actually found id an astonishing 15.6!

Spend a few more decades in the workforce and you'll see it gook. You will have to check your privilege some time.

Wow, you're losing so you act retarded? I never even brought up jews, you did.

What? The smartest one I've worked with were Chinese and Indians in the S&P500 company I work for. Some White dudes were dumb as fuck although 1 Germanic blond dude was smart as fuck and we hanged out together a couple of time.


I choose pictures randomly

It's the gookposter. For having such a "superior" intellect, he sure doesn't seem to understand the lessons being taught.


Over the course of history until today WHERE ARE THE KOREAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO HUMANITY? Master race my ass. No, you don't deserve the gas chamber like niggers and kikes but hardly a master race.


Yes more treasonous importing of foreigners. You realize a lot of those asians are agents of the Chinese government that are there to steal trade secrets the Chinese can't invent on their own? There was just a report a few days ago about the 10's of thousands of Chinese spies in the US.

The Chinese have been a coherent civilization for 5000 years yet they have to ask boeing or the russians for help to make airplanes. And forget about building commercial airplanes koreans can't even fly them. Vid related. Although to be fair I would get in a Korean built aircraft 100 times out of 100 over a Chinese made one. I spent time living in both Shanghai and Seoul and will give credit to the Koreans for at least caring about making quality products.

I don't even read more than 25% of what you retards post. I just skim through everything, because it's just rinse and repeat at this point.

I couldn't tell if he was trolling or Asian, guess they're the same thing on this board, or this thread anyway.

And? There are more French spies stealing German tech than Chinese spies doing the same. LOL, you retards can't make coherent arguments about the little info you get here and there instead you make a string a bunch of assumptions to get your sorry excuse of a point across.

Do you have proof of that claim or are you going to keep just pulling things out of your ass? So if that were true, it makes it okay to steal from people because those other guys are doing it?

Why are you so mad?

They're doing it, because everyone does it. LOL


Get the gas, this rice insect is getting uppity.


holy shit you are fucking retarded
not an argument and way to miss the fucking point, gook

I have yet to meet a man who could outsmart bullet

Don't mind retarded old guard memes, it's supposed to "challenge ur preconceived notions" because it's a white model guy in a kippah.

First of all:

Yeah everybody does it, thats not the point but it explains why the Chinese government is sending so many students to US universities to take up jobs in Aerospace and other STEM fields so that they can pilfer knowledge. The point is they aren't the glue holding the US aerospace industry together. When we say Asians can't into airplanes and inventing in general we mean on their own without western help. We never said they don't have the ability to go to western schools and work for western built companies. With enough guidance, oversight and infrastructure in place even a nigger could build an airplane.

convincing the guy with the gun that he shouldn't shoot you despite all the evidence that he should works pretty well for jews.

You have one article from 6 years ago? And totally disregard how much spying the Chinese are doing against every Westernized nation? Figures. Why should I have to look up shit to help your argument? That is your job.

And what the fuck is that picture? Is that supposed to make Whites look retarded? If anybody believes in magic, it's Asians, who believe all that old "Eastern Medicine" that if you eat a rhinos horn your cock will work better, or how about the Koreans who think that eating dogs will help your blood with high heat?

make outlandish claims without an ounce of evidence. of course, they can make a plane on their own. they may use western parts, because of cost and reliability concerns, but if they wanted they could build it 100% without any Western parts. Also, Western manufacturers use a lot of Asian parts in their planes too, fucking imbecile. LOL

"Going on at length of his (disdain) of the French, Smutny said French IPR (intellectual property rights) espionage is so bad that the total damage done to the German economy is greater than that inflicted by China or Russia," read the cable, dated November 20, 2009.


Since your verbal IQ is so low, here's another source:

France is the country that conducts the most industrial espionage on other European countries, even ahead of China and Russia, according to leaked U.S. diplomatic cables, reported in a translation by Agence France Presse of Norwegian daily Aftenposten's reporting.

we wuz scientiz nd shiit

also it was usually posted next to pictures of Jews to show the difference.

Whats even funnier is that the "master race" has been adopting christcuckery.

Wow thats quite the "outlandish claim made without an ounce of evidence" my gooky friend.
So if they could, why didn't they? Why can't the Chinese build a reliable jet engine? Even with russian help they are falling on their flat faces. I'm sure you would say they can make anything they want to. I grant you they can make almost anything but as I said with enough oversight so could niggers. The point is they can only make things or accomplish things after the white man has been there first. Why is that?

second half of meant for

Thread tldr


Will do. I think we let the jews do whatever they want because we are too kind to them, as whites are also too kind with other races as well. We never should've lost a grip on them.

I was talking about chinks not japs. Japs adopted western six sigma type quality control standards decades ago and thus can build quality products now. I don't think anybody here places Japs on the level of chinks or gooks. In fact I would say most here admire the Japs, at a distance. Japs are also respectful and not all uppity like nu-money chinks or gooks. Of Asia the Japs are clearly the master race.

What? Japanese are honorary Aryans now? Not an ounce of logic.

Do you know where you are? Obviously not.


This. Every single on. Every. single. one. All the ones I met at university admitted to me or I saw personally, cheating. I realized why they did so well in classes. All they do is copy. They can't analyze for shit.



I saw some White dudes cheat on a finance test when the questions were elementary level stupid.


meant for

How many jews do you work with? I used to date an Asian american girl who worked on wallstreet for GE capital and she would always complain about how the asian offices of banks and investment firms were always run by white guys. I was blupilled on the JQ at the time but now I realize they were really (((white guys)))……

Please notice the third pic, the first term, the one censored with green, it can be used to redpill leftists, but for some reason is censored.

I work in an IT firm. I took an introductory finance course because my minor was in business.

What's the fucking point of these threads? Who on Holla Forums doesn't know this shit. This is cuckchan tier posting. Whites have at least a 3% difference in DNA from Dindus. Do you realize how significant that is? A banana and a human share 61% of the same DNA.

Ahhh so fairly jew free, at least it used to be. I develop skyscrapers, fucking jews everywhere.

There is cheating in all races. I saw it too in HS and college amongst white people, nobody denied that white people cheat. The point is how RAMPANT it is in asian culture.

I wouldn't make the claim that cheating makes up all of the score gap but it certainly accounts for some of it. There is the other issue of even having this conversation with an Asian. What I learned living in Asia is that no matter the country their definition of cheating is vastly different from ours. And in many cases what the west considers cheating they consider a virtue. Same goes for india. Just another reason multi-culturalism doesn't work.

There are new people who come here every day. Did you just wake up one day and have all these info-graphs magically appear on your hard drive? Because thats not how other people acquired them. There should be a thread on Race/IQ, Feminism, the JQ pinned at all times.

How do we Debunk these cucks?

I remember seeing studies in the past that while collaborating that average Asian IQ was slightly higher than average Caucasian, that the Caucasian group produced significantly higher "genius" individuals than the Asian group.

Also, there is a significant portion, at least in rural America, of white trash tier individuals that are barely above the mental retardation cutoff that probably drag the average down for everyone else. Considering how unhealthy their diets and the chemicals being pumped into bodies, I'm sure most could be 10-15 IQ higher functioning if not chronically obese alcoholic smokers and potheads. Isn't marijuana heavily criminalized in most of Asia, aren't there other factors in this slightly over white average IQ?

Religious people have always asked scientists to tell them what the "missing link" between ape and humans is, that is one of their reasons for rejecting evolution. Little do they know the wild negro is that "missing link".

You have to use your brain to get yourself in a position of dominance over your opponent.

Almost all of this article revolves around semantics over terms. They tell us all those terms don't mean what we think they mean and were inaccurate/not precise enough from the start. So we can't use race to classify anything.
Well excuse me but we all know what a fucking nigger is and that they are sub-human compared to other races in numerous metrics. We all know what an Asian is and what an Arab is and what a White man is and that they are not even close to the same things. These people can write these long winded "debunkings" filled to the brim with non-arguments, straw men and outright misinterpretations until they are blue in the face but it won't change what we experience in our own lives. As Charles Murray said, the mapping of the genome will shut the mouths of all the race-denialists in the next few years. Every week they are finding more and more genetic indicators for intelligence.


so slavs are the real aryans after all
this BTFOs all jew shills saying that slavs aren't white

So the fact that the French steal more from the Germans than the Chinese did, in 2011 is somehow negating the fact that the Chinese have stolen billions upon billions of dollars and have specifically targeted military and R&D in other countries doesn't matter?



Asians cheat so much that it blows everybody else out of the water, as stated. Nobody is saying that there aren't stupid white or smart Asian people, you're just being a gook faggot who wants to act like Asians are some "master race" because they figured out how to cook rice before anybody else.

I don't even know why I took the effort to respond to you since you're this stupid.

You obviously don't work in IT. Poo in the loos are not that smart and fuck shit up ALOT

Joseph Renzulli's (1978) "three ring" definition of giftedness is one frequently mentioned conceptualization of giftedness. Renzulli's definition, which defines gifted behaviors rather than gifted individuals, is composed of three components as follows: Gifted behavior consists of behaviors that reflect an interaction among three basic clusters of human traits—above average ability, high levels of task commitment, and high levels of creativity.[10] Individuals capable of developing gifted behavior are those possessing or capable of developing this composite set of traits and applying them to any potentially valuable area of human performance. Persons who manifest or are capable of developing an interaction among the three clusters require a wide variety of educational opportunities and services that are not ordinarily provided through regular instructional programs.

While White students represent the majority of students enrolled in gifted programs, Black and Hispanic students constitute a percentage less than their enrollment in school.[30] For example, statistics from 1993 indicate that in the U.S., Black students represented 16.2% of public school students, but only constituted 8.4% of students enrolled in gifted education programs. Similarly, while Hispanic students represented 9% of public school students, these students only represented 4.7% of those identified as gifted.[31] However, Asian students make up only 3.6% of the student body, yet constitute 14% in the gifted programs.

In a plenary address at the annual Congress of the American National Association for Gifted Children in November 1985, Sternberg reported that the number of students of Asian background in American programmes for gifted children exceeded the normative expectations from population figures by a factor of five. Entrance to programmes for gifted children in the U.S. is usually set at a level to accommodate moderately gifted children rather than the highly or exceptionally gifted; thus an interesting pattern seems to be developing an over-representation of Asian children by a factor of five in the population of moderately gifted students and by a considerably greater factor-15 or over among the exceptionally gifted. A student has to be extremely gifted mathematically to score more than 700 on the SAT-M by the age of 13; only 4 per cent of college-bound 17 and 18 year olds in the U.S. attain such a score!

To illustrate this point: in a normal population with a mean IQ of 100, and a standard deviation of 15, 228 children in every 10,000 would have an IQ score two standard deviations above the mean, that is, a score of IQ 130 or higher. However, with a mean shift upwards of half a standard deviation, as reported by Jensen for Asian Americans, no fewer than 668 children in 10,000 would score in the IQ 130+ range. Many American gifted programmes which employ an IQ criterion for entrance set their entry level at IQ 130; in this situation, 6.68 per cent of Asian children would be eligible to enter these programmes on the basis of IQ as opposed to only 2.28 per cent of Caucasian children-an overrepresentation by a factor of 2.93. Yet Sternberg reports an overrepresentation by a factor of 5! Why do American gifted programmes contain almost twice the number of Asians than could be statistically expected from Jensen's projections. The children of this study have scored at or above IQ 160 on the Standford-Binet Intelligence Test L-M, an instrument with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation fo 16. Thus these children score at least 3.75 standard deviations above the mean. Fewer than 9 children in 100,000 score at or beyond this level. However, if we shift the mean upwards by 0.5 of a standard deviation, to investigate the implications of Jensen's findings and if we assume the standard deviation for the Asian population to be the same as that for non-Asians, then the criterion score of IQ 160 for entrance to this study becomes only 3.25 standard deviations above the new mean. Beyond this point lie not 9, but 58, children in 100,000. If Jensen's findings regarding a higher Asian mean are correct, and if they hold good for the Asian-Australian population as well as Asian-Americans, then we could expect to find Asian-Australians over-represented in the study by a factor of 6.5. Yet the over-representation actually found id an astonishing 15.6!

Well, at least, you are more RATIONAL than the retards who think that White people have magical powers or something that somehow makes them more creative or something, rofl. JESUS, these brain-dead retards are the reason why the West will completely and utterly collapse. The people who are accepting rapefugees by the millions have the same delusion as these retards. The only difference is that they're on the other end of the political spectrum. They think only White people can fix all the problems of the world and they should put their noses in everything and put all of the world's problems on their shoulders.

The ones I know speak perfect English and are quite smart.

You think I am gonna read through this? Also, they should steal as many technologies as they can, so they can shaft your tight anus as soon as possible, retard. LOL

I was looking through the inspirational books and came across this piece of crap. They wrote a fucking book about this nigger and the cover presents the nigger like he was fucking Malcolm X. Yes Mein Kampf isn't in this section!

How pathetic can Asians be? I know they whine and bitch about white women on the Internet, but at least they pretty much say their jealous. Do you people actually get joy out of posting some of the shit you post or do you get paid to do it? Do you think you're getting under my skin (you're not). I just like to respond because I find your retarded posts entertaining.

How can one many be so mad?

Most pathetic website on the Internet:
Fantastic video about how pathetic Asian men can be, video related.

lol, brandda up goyim. i am not mad. stop projecting, tyrone. i am just educating your redneck ass.

Watch them interact in groups at this Prison Protest

kill yourself

Just another example of what we mean when we say asians aren't creative.
It's not magic or pixie dust that makes whites more creative, I would posit that it's a result of our distinct evolutionary environment. But to deny that asians have a problem in this area?,8599,2054213,00.html
here is a redpill on jews for yah gookanon
Or if you want an introspective look from someone who has actually studied history extensively you have to go to the "white supremacists":

Reminder that imkikey autistically calls everyone tyrone when he is reminded that HE IS NOT WHITE AND NEVER WILL BE.

No seriously, I went to a "wrestling" show recently with a friend for lulz. The worst of the worst of the white race was there, I died a bit inside that day.

No seriously, do you really think 'wrestling' is representative of rural whites, or even 'white trash'? Or do you believe the egalitarian excuses for IQ focused on socioeconomics rather than race?
Because people don't magically get smarter when they live in higher concentrations. Nor does 'trash' disappear by moving to a city.

No they're certainly not representative of all rural whites, actually I've seen >$600k homes built on lots neighboring trailer homes in North GA. I have also worked in small businesses in the area and know the low-income socioeconomic white population is more likely to have dropped out of high school, had a child out of wedlock before 18, habitually use tobacco, and probably have a meth arrest. These people probably make up 15-20% of the white population, but they drag it down none the less.

I only classified them as "rural" because that's where I reside, I'm sure there's city trash too if that's what is miffing you.

just another example of plain stupidity. relying on non-objective data to support his claims. man, what are you a fucking inbred redneck? lol, man the white race is going downhill that's for sure.

man, those danes are fucking uncreative. lol they think like brainless insect, except they think about their genitals all the time, just like niggers.

Skullcaps aren't kippahs cunt.

Holy fuck, is the gook still at it?

Neanderthal displayed much slower rates of tool developement and diversification in geographically isolated areas, ie they were far less likely to create new tools or adopt new feeding strategies which necessitated new tools. Neanderthals display limited ornamentation of clothing and a lack of personal effects, sapiens sapiens display a huge abundance of personal effects and shaped objects of no immediate purpose. In other words sapiens created objects for purely aesthetic reasons.

Well now I know you are retarded as neanderthal was significantly shorter due to living in a cooler climate.

Debatable as scientists will use nigger bones in africa and compare their muscle scares to neanderthal but the northern cromags tended to have larger muscle scares like those of neanderthal. Just like today whites are significantly stronger but less adept at running than niggers. Cold climate and larger prey would select for strength, while warm climates will select for smaller muscle cross section to reduce over-heating and smaller prey wouldn't necessitate as much muscle mass.

Questionable. Though there are "neanderthal genes" in the eurasian genomes these genes were also present in the idaltu populations from which the neanthal populations were derived so it is difficult to tell where the genes were acquired from and whether the interbreeding was done with the idaltu, the neanderthal, or both.

What's with the neanderthal dick sucking anyway? The sub species died out thousands of years ago and selective pressure created the white race long after that, we aren't those old sapiens, idaltu, or neanderthal but rather a new sub-species.

I have an MS in geology and regularly attend demolition derbies which are fill with that "white trash" you despise. Whom are all working in skilled labor, trades, or professions and have more disposable income than urbanite liberal scum. The culture of rural America openly derides sophistication as phony and a put-on.

You're overestimating percentages, its more like 2-5%, they tend to congregate with each other.

Well, I haven't seen this since September?

As I told you a year ago, admission to and testing for gifted programs in the US are given at parental request. Most white parents don't know or care about such programs or that they can request testing. Asian moms, having no shame about cram-school bullshit, regularly demand such testing thus resulting in high admission rates for Asians.

Secondly you sample sets are shit, you compare selected populations either expats Azns who are almost entirely made up of high end professionals or similar individuals in specifica metropolitian areas in Asia proper. And of course you forget that China and the east regularly engage in "face" that is lying for the sake of appearances while in the west particularly due to liberal racial masochism the opposite is the case. China regularly claims its mean IQ is 102 but outside investigations attempting to collect representative samples often come up with a mean 99-100 for just the Han, excluding mudslimes living in the southern regions.

The expat Azns in America seem to have a mean IQ of 1104 vs the white America mean IQ of 103, but they have as a percentage of their population less than quarter as many individuals with an IQ over 130. This is according to the GSS and US Survey, which have large sample sets and a sampling methodology not subject to skewing by parental involvement.

LRN 2 statistical analysis and stop posting pasta derived from some gook troll-post on stormfront 5 years ago without altering the text at all. We know how to use google search around here.

Neanderthal DNA gives timeline for new modern human-related dispersal from Africa

Ancient mitochondrial DNA from the femur of an archaic European hominin is helping to resolve the complicated relationship between modern humans and Neanderthals. The genetic data recovered by the research team, led by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and the University of Tübingen, provides a timeline for a proposed hominin migration out of Africa that occurred after the ancestors of Neanderthals arrived in Europe by a lineage more closely related to modern humans. These hominins interbred with Neanderthals already present in Europe, leaving their mark on the Neanderthals’ mitochondrial DNA. The study, published in Nature Communications, (open access) pushes back the possible date of this event to between 470,000 and 220,000 years ago.

literally genocide yourself schlomo

citation needed retard. U.S. government surveys actually show that Asians have twice the number of people above the 130 IQ threshold.

IN B4 "but hey she's a jew!"

Circled part is no longer accurate with the recent population boom in Africa.

Almost all of sub-saharan is about 70 average or below… meaning roughly HALF of the people in those countries have below a 70 IQ. There is about 1 billion people in sub-saharan Africa which means 500 million of them are mentally retarded. Out of 7 billion total people, that's about 1/14 (or 7.1%) of the population… and that's only considering the retards from sub-saharan Africa.

If you want to push technology forward it is. Though, you only need a few people with a high intelligence in this area. They are there to provide shortcuts by eliminating things that won't work early on and applying the final touches at the end. You will find these people bounce from project to project since they often crush the ego of other high IQ individuals.



Ok dummy, live in your dreamworld or submit a paper at the conference.

Dear All,

We cordially invite you to attend the 2nd international symposium of spatiotemporal computing at Harvard, Aug.7-9, 2017 right after the 25th CPGIS GeoInformatics’2017 conference. This symposium draws practical leaders from around the world to discuss one of the most important future directions of GIScience and geoscience domains. Various important aspects of spatiotemporal computing will be discussed in-depth with an objective to set up a research agenda for the following decade.

Symposium registration and a special lodging rate have been arranged with Marriott in the stripe of Harvard and MIT.

We look forward to seeing you at the symposium.

Best Regards,
Chaowei Phil Yang, Ph.D.,
Director, NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center;
Co-Director, Center for Intelligent Spatial Computing
Chair, ISPRS ICWG IV/II: Computing Optimization for SDB and LBS
Professor, GGS, GMU,
Tel: 703-993-4742 (O)

Yang C., Huang Q., Li Z., Liu K., Hu F., 2017. Big Data and Cloud Computing: Innovation Opportunities and Challenges, International Journal of Digital Earth,

Yang C., Yu M., Hu F., Jiang Y., Li Y., 2017. Utilizing Cloud Computing to Address Big Geospatial Data Challenges, Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems,

Yu M. and C. Yang, (2016) A 3D multi-threshold, region-growing algorithm for identifying dust storm features from model simulations, International Journal of Geographical Information Science.

I've never met a high IQ person worth a damn who didn't LOVE being around other high IQ people getting shit done. Sure, there may be some fighting and people going off on tangents and who knows what will come out of it, but it sure doesn't 'crush egos.'

if the stats don't show what I want to see, IT'S FALSE.

nigger brain logic = wigger brain logic

Don't know about gooks and chinks, but if you're a zipperhead you definitely get fucked over by AA unless you have something else non-white thrown in.

Indians are incredibly fucking stupid, dirty, cheap, and dishonest, you're either the extreme outlier or a lying pajeet.

Keep the salt comin', lads

LOL Smiley got his wish: he became a meme!


Its because there is no recognized scientific defined Ashkenazi group to find and kikes literally just cherrypick their ivy league "kikes" whether they are thre quarter hungarian or just half white as the test groups and run tests in their closet without any oversight by unbiased parties. Literally what kikes are pushing in the media Chinks would be doing to inflate their scores. Classic projecting.

You nigger realize East and South East Asians are generally more or equally discriminated as whites in jewish controlled countries? They only put Chinks on the flyers because they know subconsiously no one wants to depend on the nigger to him.

man, these wiggers have horrible grammar.


I find it funny how the chinks immediately go for the brain size while ignoring the problems with their "larger" brain. They have a thinner egg-shell skull, softer brain lacking the number of folds you find in other races, and lack of plasticity.
The result is a lack of creativity and reasoning ability while their rote skills develop to bug-like efficiency.

We know the kikes cheat. We know they created the tests to synergize with their "strengths." Kikes have an ally in the bugs only so far as they don't "surpass" the kikes on their own test.

The yids aren't in here zerg rushing Holla Forums over this at the moment, the bugs are.

I don't have proof, but all the most dangerous jews I know are recently mixed.


I have known people with very high pre-dumbing-down SATs, and Merit Semi-Finalists, and people with IQs in excess of 150. They didn’t just know stuff. They were bright. Was intrinsic intelligence raised in the Asian young by hard study?

Whatever is happening, it is grave. Consider CalTech, which probably has the highest standards for admission in the country. Further, it does not practice affirmative action. The demographics of the studentry: Black, 2%; Hispanic, 12%; White (including Jewish), 28%; Asian, 44%. This is worse than it seems at a glance because Asians are only 15% of the population of California,and six percent of the national.

Whatever is happening, it is not a statistical fluke. A couple of quotes from the book among many similar ones:

“For example, among Math Olympiad winners white Gentiles scarcely outnumbered Jews during the 1970s…but since 2000 have become over fifteen times as numerous.”

“Over forty percent of Putnam winners prior to 1950 were Jewish…but since 2000 the percentage has dropped to under ten percent, without a single likely Jewish name in the last seven years.” The Putnam is a very high-end math test.

Another of my friends has an Asian wife and thus entree into the Asian community. He quotes their (wisely private) outlook: “Whites are lazy and stupid.”

If you like succinct, you just got it.

The curious thing is that the Asians are not just way ahead of Jews, but wayer ahead of Hagvacas. The gap is huge, and seems to me too large to be explained by the few points of extra IQ sometimes attributed to East Asians.


It's clear that Asians have more geniuses, because no amount of cheating can make them over represented in the top 1% in all fields of education during and after high school.

How fucking dumb does the editor have to be?!!

Despite all that hard work and supposed intelligence, Asians have fewer than 5% of significant inventions throughout history attributed to them. You are correct in stating that a few point average IQ differential between whites and Asians should not result in these differences, but there are 2 other key factors that have to be considered. First, the Asians that manage to escape their dog-boiling shitholes are significantly above average in IQ and agency. At least 80% of them are top 30% within their own societies. There is also the fact Asians are most adept at mathematics and learned skills involving heavy repetition. This racial specialization of sorts is highly rewarding in today's society, where programming related jobs pay extremely well and the educational system rewards the sort of thinking they are capable of. Of course, over the course of the past century or so, kikes have been eroding healthy white culture in the US (and more recently in the rest of the west as well), resulting in lazier, less academics oriented whites that are not being reared properly. Meanwhile, Asian parents discipline their children properly, instilling values and promoting behaviors that greatly increase Asians' chance of success later on. The "Asian" community aspect also cannot be underestimated. They stick together and help each other out, much like the kikes, whereas whites are largely either highly individualistic or self-loathing cucks. Asians in the US figured out how to game the diversity loan bullshit quite well, and managed to amass wealth they invested primary in their children's education.

Stop using data from the 1700-1970 era. That's like saying the industrial revolution came about because White people have blue eyes. LOL, use comparable data we have today and we see that Asians are just a lot more creative and intelligent than Whites.

You guys are lucky that the Chinese didn't have the rape and plunder mentality White people and the Mongols had, because you guys would be living in third-world mud huts right now.

What the fuck are you talking about, you constantly squinting, dog-boiling chink? Where is your evidence of Asian superiority? Why had East Asians not advanced beyond 10th century European weapons when Europeans paid them a visit in the 19th century? Why does China have to resort to stealing US tech developed by whites instead of developing it themselves with its large population of said geniuses? Why have they failed to develop a space program rivaling that of the US and Russia? How is it that despite their "intelligence", they lag behind over 50 years in this regard?

Also, you pan-faced gook, no one here is claiming white people are superior because of their blue eyes. We cite evolutionary differences as well as empirical data to support the fact the white race is the only one capable of producing true geniuses that move the world forward technologically. How are you even measuring Asian creativity in the modern world? There really is no reliable way to determine creativity, at least not constructive creativity of the sort the leads to major inventions and discoveries such as calculus, physics, the airplane, and the light bulb. And, throughout human history, it has been been almost exclusively whites that actually discovered or invented anything of any real significance.

Asian success in modern western society is much akin to nigger success in sports like basketball and football, but that obviously does not imply negroid superiority. Whites created the best functioning societies and exported them across the world, not to mention developing virtually every significant technology in existence, only to be infected by the kike parasite while Asians took what we gave them, exploited their own populations for slave labor, and somewhat bettered their own countries.


Greed cannot account for a 900 year disparity in technological advancement. Also, youtube videos aren't an argument.

Go back to farming rice you dirty chink, that is all you are genetically inclined for anyway.


Chinknigger I lived in Shanghai in the past decade and it was exactly the same as that user described it. The engineers there are almost worthless. I had 20 college educated chinese engineers working for me from various disciplines some of them were even university of Tokyo engr grads, for a similar sized project in the US I would need 4-5 white engr grads. The chink engineers are just so fucking worthless and without 100 point instructions they will literally fuck up everything they touch but nobody ever says anything because…….face the curse of asia. No innovation, no outside the box thinking nothing. Just post-boxes for information to be processed and spit out.

I'm not that worried about chinks in the US personally, besides their unimaginative post-box mentality they are all beta male faggots who get railroaded by the Alpha managers that run the world. The real threat of the chink is them stealing IP and military tech.

The only achievements you seem to be able to come up with are test scores (not real life examples of impactful innovation or contribution to humanity) and chinks squirreling their way into western universities. Why didn't they just do this research in China? Why do they have to come to white countries and white built universities to be accomplished in your eyes?
citation fucking needed. Number of patent filings or PHD circle jerk citing is not creativity btw.
You're right they had the get BTFO raped and plundered mentality, pic related


Well, obviously, it's not only greed, but I don't expect an idiot to be able to understand the intricate interaction between genetics and environment that lead to it.

In hindsight this does seem to be the case.

I've contemplated the divergent cultural and technological trajectories and as far as I can tell, the most fundamental difference between Western and Eastern thought is that western culture (and our acceptance of new developments/technology) is syncretic, forward-looking and curious about the earth and mechanics of the universe. Eastern cultures are more traditionalist (ancestor worship, harmony with nature, etc.) and resistant to change so while the bureaucratic organization of early china with their Mandarins and Confucian exams was highly advanced at the time (relatively speaking), the core focus of their society was directed at the past and at harmony with the natural order, while the western mind was instead interested in new opportunities, improvements and in conquering nature. Clearly both approaches have their weaknesses but I wouldn't trade places with a bug-eyed chink, that's for damn sure.


Nah, your only argument at this point is that because 70th+ percentile gooks are performing well in a completely kikes America in which white culture has been heavily polluted and whites are discriminated against most at every level, gooks are somehow more intelligent and creative than whites. A quick glance at history should yield the logical conclusion that the opposite is the case. Also, there is no evidence for the Asian IQ deviation being equal or above the white one. In fact, the opposite is generally accepted as true.


The main problem is foreign students and limited room.

China has 4 times the population of the US and most all their top students and most above average students study abroad, especially in the US, while US top students studies in the US.

So best case scenario, assuming excellence proportions are roughly the same you're looking at 4 Chinese VS 1 US students of the same level taking the entrance exams…
And since colleges have limited room, there is a finite number of spots to fill.

And that JUST FOR CHINA. Guess were every other Asian country sends it's top students?
That's where the absurd number of Asians students comes from, it has little to do with any excellency and A LOT to do with the simple fact there is a shitload of them.
Ban student visas and you would be looking at an extremely different number.


I am using hard scientific data, you're just believing what you want just like Tyrone who claims Blacks created the universe using technology stolen by the White people.

Man I love history.

Sure thing, just because Asians developed or discovered so few significant technologies despite their large numbers does not in any way mean they are less creative or intelligent than whites. Obviously, if far above average Asians perform well in completely kiked multicultural societies where kikes have completely destroyed white culture and where kikes occupy about 1/2 the white quota in anything significant in addition to ensuring anti-white discrimination in general, Asians are surely smarter and more creative than whites. That's just science, you stupid, filthy goy.

You do realize that 600 is the maximum score?
So all 15y/o Chinese students in Shanghai have a perfect score in math on average! Not ONE mistake to get 599 point something, over the ENTIRE STUDENT BODY OF SHANGHAI (which is what PISA test are supposed to test… a representative sample of the student population).

But the same Chinese students in Macao basically score the same as any other developed countries… mmhhh.
Yup nothing weird here.

gooks cheat, surprise, surprise

Have you not heard of the many gook/chink SAT/ACT cheating scandals?

What the fuck, are you this stupid, nigger? In Asia, education was never universal and some people were even prohibited from getting public schooling. I could go on about all the factors that hindered Asia scientifically and technologically, but it would just go over your head. The only thing you need to look at are the modern data that undoubtedly prove that you are an idiot and Asians have a lot more geniuses than Whites.

My experience with the Epicanthic Egghead is limited to the few I knew in HS and University, but for what it's worth they were rather dedicated, albeit boring and uninspired individuals. I remember the butthurt of the Chinese valedictorian at my HS that studied for 6 weeks straight and still scored lower than me on the ACT, even though I didn't prepare for a second and winged it in its entirety. We both scored in the 99th percentile of course, but I'll let ya guess which of us possesses more raw ability.

The Asians may make good, hard-working employees/specialists but none I've ever known possessed even a modicum of creative/inventive ability or a knack for thinking on their feet. This is why the white-man invents, discovers and creates, and the yellow man usually just emulates or outright steals.

Ok… this is stupid… this is going to a Black supremacist forum and use logical arguments against people who don't have an ounce of logic and believe in magic.

that makes me think
did the chinese really invent gunpowder?

The advent of universal education in Europe came in about 1800. By that point, European innovators had already formulated calculus, figured out the fundamentals of modern physics, crafted an assortment of relatively advanced firearms, designed and built immense and complex architecture, and determined the basic workings of the universe. They had also colonized and/or conquered over 1/4 of the world. Where was Asia then? I don't care about the "factors" you can come up with - that's exactly what SJWs/kikes do to explain away negro inferiority and ineptitude - I care about results. Besides, almost all of your "factors" are almost certainly a product of evolutionary differences between whites and Asians.

lol sure tyrone

There's this White dude who looked like a gnome who was convinced I was cheating and tried to find some sort of evidence that I was cheating and I just made that gnome motherfucker look like an imbecile in front of the entire class LOL.

Yup, I knew one in high school who began studying for the ACT in the 7th grade. He ended up getting a 34 (took the test several times, never managed to exceed 34), and I, after taking a few practice tests and reading a prep book within 6 months of taking the test, scored a 36 on my 2nd attempt.

more illogical bullcrap that doesn't prove anything. it's like saying oh there are thousands of factors that weren't controlled in this experience, but I will just believe anything I want, because the hard data prove me otherwise. LOL TYRONE PLZ

Man, I am gonna vote liberal next election so more Muslim rapists enrich the West.

Well, what the fuck do you mean by "factors"? Sure, white and Asian cultures and societies developed differently, but, for the most part, Asians were not disrupted excessively by others. Developmental differences between whites and Asians, therefore, can only really be attributed to evolutionary differences between the two races. The European environment favored a certain flavor of human and the Asian environment another.

differences, yes, but IQ or creativity, no.

That's where you're wrong, my visually impaired friend.


man this tyrone…


So, your argument is that despite vast differences in civilizational development and behavior in addition to virtually no contributions to math or science, Asians are just as creative and intelligent as whites? That sounds a whole like the arguments Tyrone would make…

These "people" are obviously just like Europeans in terms of mental development

(Mp4 would not fit)

I am saying it doesn't prove that Whites are more creative or intelligent, because you didn't control for all other variables. If you want to prove your point, Tyrone, you need hard data. Just how stupid are you?

What variables specifically, rice nigger? You are the one claiming that in spite of the obvious differences in societal development and technological innovation, Asians are just as creative and intelligent. You are the one making the retarded liberal assumption of equality in mental capacity among races that evolved in different environments. I have demonstrated differences in mental development by giving you an example of despicable behavior the Chinese engage in that was never even dabbled in by Europeans. The burden of proof lies on you here, seeing as how you are trying to explain away centuries of relative underachievement by Asians with "variables." Blacks are also underrepresented in this area, and they explain it away with "variables" and "factors" too.

thread was good until some assmad koreanboi started sperging out.

you will never be as good as whites, physically, mentally or spiritually. oh and your women will always prefer us. stay in your lands and know your place in the human hierarchy.

I can think of several ones, but if you had an ounce of intelligence you wouldn't have asked that question, nigger, because it's irrelevant to the argument made. I never said that Asians are just as creative or intelligent either. If you look at the hard data however, it seems to show that Asians are much more creative and intelligent. The thing is that wiggers just like niggers don't have any hard data to back up their claims, so it's really hard to take them seriously, that's the argument I was making. Your so called proofs don't prove anything, they're just anecdotes, wishful thinking and whatnot.

Saving page before it is mysteriously 404'd.

No fucking shit!

Bottlenose Dolphins and False Killer Whales belong in different subfamilies and still produce relatively fertile hybrids.

Do you know how higher the taxonomic rank of subfamily is compared to genus which was the traditional barrier of hybridization?

Also note that both are relatively highly derived in their respective subfamilies.

Ahh I see why they bust a sag now,its to keep the flies out of their faces especially when they want to take a nap after gorging themselves on welfare gibs.

Just according to keikaku.

They should legalize polygamy, so all these dumb blonde whores brandda up with Korean boys.

These are correlated.


you guys share a lot of commonalities with niggers, at least more than you would like to admit.

Not an actual threat if you consider that they stole the F-35 blueprints and still had to rely on 30 years old MiG-29 engines for powering it since they are barely capable to develop a 4th gen fighter engine in spite of decades of unlicensed reverse engineering of advanced Russian fighter jets.

Your racial lack of creativity is pretty obvious in your comebacks.

why is it you ppl stink like dead fish I mean every gd one of you chinks must be drinking a gallon of nuoc mam a day.

Some White dude I befriended thought I was the most creative person he had ever met just because of the sheer number of radical philosophical ideas, business idea and whatnot I came up with.

Whites are responsible for the vast majority of technological, scientific, military and philosophical achievement since at least 500 BC despite having a strong demographic disadvantage compared to you for the entirety of this timespan. Burden of proof is on you and you still haven't presented any empirically credible "variable" on why slants were disadvantaged without being racially inferior on intellectual aspects.

was that right before he stuck it in your trap butthole slanty?

Good. Now go back to China and help them make these engines so that the blueprints they stole won't go to waste.

Again, you're not providing any hard data, I've provided enough hard data to point out the obvious fact that Asians are just a lot more creative and intelligent than Whites. A lot of factors explains why Whites were the first to industrialize, and basically your argument boils down to we industrialized first, we GOT BIG WHITE DICKS HURR DURR, which I can't take seriously at all.


Classical Greece, Rome and Persia were not industrialized.

For fucks' sake you could not even invent Buddhism without the help of Whites.

if your think bill clinton giving you insects missile schematics makes you creative you really should lay off the rice wine.

What exactly are you creative about last I heard your nothing but currency manipulators that got punked into communism by Chiang Kai-shek and his jew handler after a nice long stint of being opium addicts from Britain pumping you full of it.


And China was more advanced than those countries LOL.

Regarding pic1, I've tried using it (or one like it) before and got a lefty copypasta similar to this:

I wonder if anyone would care to go through the arguments there one by one? I'd appreciate it.

You can go back to leftypol.


Yeah, if you count rice production as the measure of advancement.

pic related: BC era Greek compass compensation

The lack of wonder among the Chinese is especially remarkable in light of the fact that Chinese civilization far outdistanced Greek civilization technologically. The Chinese have been credited with the original or independent invention of irrigation systems, ink, porcelain, the magnetic compass, stirrups, the wheelbarrow, deep drilling, the Pascal triangle, pound locks on canals, fore-and-aft sailing, watertight compartments, the sternpost rudder, the paddle-wheel boat, quantitative cartography, immunization techniques, astronomical observations of novae, seismographs, and acoustics. Many of these technological achievements were in place at a time when Greece had virtually none.

The Neanderthal to the right of Kissinger in the leftmost pic looks like the Swedish bear jew Robert Aschberg who is known for doxxing and hunting down people on the internet who aren't agreeing with the immigration policies of Sweden. His father was a hardcore commie who laundered stole gold from russians.

Correction:not father, grandfather

The lack of wonder among the Chinese is especially remarkable in light of the fact that Chinese civilization far outdistanced Greek civilization technologically. The Chinese have been credited with the original or independent invention of irrigation systems, ink, porcelain, the magnetic compass, stirrups, the wheelbarrow, deep drilling, the Pascal triangle, pound locks on canals, fore-and-aft sailing, watertight compartments, the sternpost rudder, the paddle-wheel boat, quantitative cartography, immunization techniques, astronomical observations of novae, seismographs, and acoustics. Many of these technological achievements were in place at a time when Greece had virtually none.

yea and next thing you will try to convince whites of is that the chinks built the internet to right?You can take any list of so called achievements of chinks and unfortunately for your narrative whites can dwarf it and laugh in your face as even you now are living in a world we created not your kind you silly rice nigger.

Yeah, and Greece curbstomped and civilized half the old world in less than 200 years after they reached that technological level.

Shit like this happen when you live in a post-glacial shithole instead of the greatest irrigable farmland plain in the known universe that stretched in an area greater than the totality of Europe with its impassable alpine mountainlines, barren steppes, wolf-infested taigas and deathtrap glacial walls in a continent that only allows a less than a couple million population growth; but the eugenic effect is more beneficial in long terms.

I mean Whites were like a bunch of pirates and had to commit a shit ton of crimes against humanity to even reach the apex of their civilization. Thank God China was unwilling to do the same thing as the West did to industrialize itself. Not an ounce of shame in these wiggers. Wiggers, niggers, same thing. One is slightly more intelligent than the other.


These links have been dead since April 2016, retard.

More proof of the fact that slants possess no creative ability, and instead of thinking on your feet and coming up with your own arguments you need old stale pasta to do the job for you.

Pathetic. Go choke on a rice cake.

hurr durr, i can't prove anything, so I will resort to name-calling.

Where is that? There is zero backing that up.
All we have to do is look at history. We see almost zero contribution from Asians, almost zero creativity. Do you have some different history books than we do? Or did Confucius teach you everything you need to know about innovation?

Is that not a MAJOR achievement? Chinks would have gone on another couple thousands years as they were if it weren't for contact with the technological west.

The difference is whites create things, Asians photocopy them them the quality really isn't good enough to be considered copy/paste-tier, niggers and mudskins destroy them.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.



But who would have believed that there is on earth a people who,
though we are in our view so very advanced in every branch of behavior,
still surpass us in comprehending the precepts of civil life? Yet now
we find this to be so among the Chinese, as we learn to know them
better. And so if we are their equals in the industrial arts, and ahead
of them in contemplative sciences, certainly they surpass us (though it
is almost shameful to confess this) in practical philosophy, that is,
in the precepts of ethics and politics adapted to the present life and
use of mortals. Indeed, it is difficult to describe how beautifully all
the laws of the Chinese, in contrast to those of other peoples, are
directed to the achievement of public tranquility and the establishment
of social order, so that men shall be disrupted in their relations as
little as possible. Certainly by their own doing men suffer the
greatest evils and in turn inflict them upon each other. It is truly
said that "man is a wolf to man." Our folly is indeed great, but quite
universal. We exposed as we are to natural injuries, heap woes on
ourselves, as though they were lacking from elsewhere.

They didn't even want to industrialize themselves to begin with, because they didn't have this niggerish belief that they should destroy the environment and wage war to "advance" society. This thuggish belief that every crime no matter how repugnant they are is ok as long as it serves a greater purpose is only seen in Western culture, and thank God we weren't like that.

Pirates ahaha um no you are trying to mix innovation,creativity and in general far better societal living conditions even to this day with some morality trope propaganda fed to you by some chink commie dog eaters.Fact is you as a race are completely useless other than making iphones and cheap crap trinkets for 2 cents an hour.Also regardless of anything you regurgitate that fact is you are communist which was created by rat jews which in turn makes you know better than them being a literal non contributing parasite.Explain why the number one type of immigrant to the US and canada is pregnant fucking chinks if you are so great why don't you shitfucks stay where your at OH I know your sick disgusting communist that harvest organs from Falun Gong ppl for shekkels just like a jew would.

Ant people in a nutshell. Especially ironic when it's a reply to calling out Emperor Qin for the cunt he was.

He was some barbarian from the West. The most progressive emperors were all from the North or the West ironically, proving that European progressivism is the reason why they liked to wage war so much like chiggers (Mongols).




Yeah, porcelain pottery sure is the greatest achievement in human history. At least Qin, Sun Tsu and Jenkins were somewhat relevant.

The Chinese are no longer Confucian. They went from Confucianism, then Communism and now Pragmatism. They changed ideology after being fucked in the ass by a bunch of Niggerish Whites.

Why don't these subhumans do this?


MyLostTemple1 year ago
So essentially, the British Empire was acting as drug cartel back then.

Our Lord and Saviour Nicolas Cage1 year ago
This is the kind of history they DON'T teach you at British schools. I didn't even know how Hong Kong came under British rule until I asked my Hong Kong friend about it. And so it is hilarious, sad and confusing for me to see young Hong Kong folks waving the colonial flag and wanting to secede from China. Do they despise their own people so much that they would rather be second-class citizens to a foreign power? To me, it's like seeing a black person waving a confederate flag.

They changed ideology after the State Department got involved with China in the 40s and 50s.

Joshua7 months ago
So basically the british where drug dealers and pirates during the opium wars? LOL

The Opium war happened because of Sassoon David,a Jew who had a monopoly on Opium.

Well, as our slant-eyed friend has so obviously proven, the Chinese are so much more creative and intelligent and civic-minded that the only explanation is that evil backwards niggerish Western Civilization is at fault… somehow…

It's pathetic but it's understandable.

Hive mentarity can only get you that far while mutualistic parasitism with people that are not creatively hindered can go on forever.


Ankit Malik6 months ago
Historical revisionism, English were for the most parts pirates, and the
British government encouraged piracy against hostile regimes much after
the age of government sponsored piracy over (which once included the
US, who then retaliated against the British backed Barbary pirates in an
incident now known as the Barbary war).




Generally speaking, the consumption of dog flesh is taboo in Europe. This has been the case for many centuries, although exceptions have occurred in times of scarcity such as sieges or famines.
Expeditions and emergencies

There are occasional accounts of Europeans travelling in remote areas (outside of Europe) who get lost and have to eat their companion dog to survive. The explorer Benedict Allen claims to have done this,[143] and a case in Canada was reported in 2013.[144] This is distinct from Arctic and Antarctic expeditions, where the sled dogs are factored into the rations.[145]

Section 6, Paragraph 2 of the law for the protection of animals (Tierschutzgesetz (TSchG)) prohibits the killing of dogs and cats for purposes of consumption as food or for other products.[146]
Britain and Ireland

Eating dog meat is considered entirely taboo. However, Brittonic and Irish texts which date from the early Christian period suggest that dog meat was sometimes consumed but possibly in ritual contexts such as Druidic ritual trance.[citation needed] Sacrificial dog bones are often recovered from archaeological sites;[147] however, they were typically treated differently, as were horses, from other food animals.[148] One of Ireland's mythological heroes, Cuchulainn, had two geasa, or vows, one of which was to avoid the meat of dogs. The breaking of his geasa led to his death in the Irish mythology.

A few meat shops sold dog meat during the German occupation of Belgium in World War I, when food was extremely scarce.[149] According to The New York Times, in the 19th century the Council of the Veterinary School of Belgium occasionally recommended dog meat for human consumption after being properly inspected.[150]
Great Dog Butchery, Paris, France 1910

Although consumption of dog meat is uncommon in France, and is now considered taboo, dog meat has been consumed in the past by the Gauls. The earliest evidence of dog consumption in France was found at Gaulish archaeological sites, where butchered dog bones were discovered.[151] French news sources from the late 19th century carried stories reporting lines of people buying dog meat, which was described as being "beautiful and light".[152] During the Siege of Paris (1870–1871), there were lines at butchers' shops of people waiting to purchase dog meat. Dog meat was also reported as being sold by some butchers in Paris in 1910.[153][154]

Dog meat has been eaten in every major German crisis since, at least, the time of Frederick the Great, and is commonly referred to as "blockade mutton".[6] In the early 20th century, high meat prices led to widespread consumption of horse and dog meat in Germany.[155][156][157]

The consumption of dog meat continued in the 1920s.[158][159] In 1937, a meat inspection law targeted against trichinella was introduced for pigs, dogs, boars, foxes, badgers, and other carnivores.[160] Dog meat has been prohibited in Germany since 1986.[161]

In the latter part of World War I, dog meat was being eaten in Saxony by the poorer classes because of famine conditions.[162]
The Netherlands

During severe meat shortages coinciding with the German occupation from 1940 to 1945, sausages found to have been made of dog meat were confiscated by authorities in the Netherlands.[163]

While dog meat is not eaten, in some rural areas of Poland, especially Lesser Poland, dog fat can be made into lard, which by tradition is believed to have medicinal properties – being good for the lungs, for instance.[citation needed] Since the 16th century, fat from various animals, including dogs, was used as part of folk medicine, and since the 18th century dog fat has had a reputation as being beneficial for the lungs. It is worth noting that the consumption of such meat is considered taboo in Polish culture, and making lard out of dogs' fat is illegal.[164] In 2009, a scandal erupted when a farm near Częstochowa was discovered rearing dogs to be rendered down into lard.[164] According to Grazyna Zawada, from Gazeta Wyborcza, there were farms in Czestochowa, Klobuck, and in the Radom area, and in the decade from 2000 to 2010 six people producing dog lard were found guilty of breaching animal welfare laws (killing dogs and animal cruelty) and sentenced to jail.[165] As of 2014 there have been new cases prosecuted.[166]

Give it a rest, my dude. There's nothing wrong admitting your racial inferiority when reality points towards it.

I don't have trouble admitting that as a Med I am at the lower end of Aryans' IQ scale, achievement potential and genetic advantages, even though for the greatest part of history we greatly outranked our northern fellows in overall achievement. Imagine how silly you look for claiming superiority over Europeans when you accidentally invented the gunpowder, compass and paper and did virtually nothing with it, especially given that you live in a subcontinental-scale extended slum, have and HDI that makes freakinf albania look like heaven on Earth and your only two decent cities are the ones "oppressed" by those wait devirs.

This says a lot about your racial background, Wong.

There's a big difference between eating dogs in times of famine, and this:

The Lychee and Dog Meat Festival, commonly referred to as Yulin Dog Meat Festival, is an annual celebration held in Yulin, Guangxi, China, during the summer solstice in which festival goers eat dog meat and lychees. The festival began in 2009 and spans about ten days during which it is estimated that 10,000–15,000 dogs are consumed.

Unlike China, Britain’s industrial revolution and overseas expansion was driven by a military policy. According to Hobson, during the period from 1688-1815 Great Britain was engaged in wars 52% of the time[3]. Whereas the Chinese relied on their open markets and their superior production and sophisticated commercial and banking skills, the British relied on tariff protection, military conquest, the systematic destruction of competitive overseas enterprises as well as the appropriation and plunder of local resources. China’s global predominance was based on ‘reciprocal benefits’ with its trading partners, while Britain relied on mercenary armies of occupation, savage repression and a ‘divide and conquer’ policy to foment local rivalries. In the face of native resistance, the British (as well as other Western imperial powers) did not hesitate to exterminate entire communities[4]. Unable to take over the Chinese market through greater economic competitiveness, Britain relied on brute military power. It mobilized, armed and led mercenaries, drawn from its colonies in India and elsewhere to force its exports on China and impose unequal treaties to lower tariffs. As a result China was flooded with British opium produced on its plantations in India – despite Chinese laws forbidding or regulating the importation and sale of the narcotic. China’s rulers, long accustomed to its trade and manufacturing superiority, were unprepared for the ‘new imperial rules’ for global power. The West’s willingness to use military power to win colonies, pillage resources and recruit huge mercenary armies commanded by European officers spelt the end for China as a world power. China had based its economic predominance on ‘non-interference in the internal affairs of its trading partners’. In contrast, British imperialists intervened violently in Asia, reorganizing local economies to suit the needs of the empire (eliminating economic competitors including more efficient Indian cotton manufacturers) and seized control of local political, economic and administrative apparatus to establish the colonial state.

You had 5000 years of historical presence and yet a single European island nation from the fuckest fringe of the continent managed to pimp your shit for a couple of centuries.

What does that say about you, Long?

yeah, keep living in your dream world, where Britain is still a colonial superpower.

the chiggers could have completely wiped Europe off the map. Thank God, they decided to turn back instead of raping the entire continent and create a chigger-wigger hybrid race in the continent.

yeah, that's it. I will come back when China rules over the entire earth and the West becomes a cesspoll filled with Muslims and Niggers.

The British are the best goyim and the second biggest cuckolds after Sweden. That still does not negate the fact that at some significant timespan in the recent past they ruled over the entire fucking globe while being among the most irrelevant European ethnicities all the way up to the late medieval era and that THEY PEACEFULLY HANDED OVER ALL OF THEIR COLONIAL GAINS.

I have beef against albions but still gotta admire them due to you know…. FACTS?!

I will vote for the Liberals, btw.

Yeah, and unlike in Honk Kong and Macau they were completely unable to build any lasting legacy that would put natives to shame. Mongols might had been savages but unlike their turkic brothers, that literally Balkanized Europe's cultural heartland, they had sufficient cranial capacity to realize that pillaging and raping the whole known world was not sustainable for their lifestyles. Too bad for you their Manchu cousins did not have a similar wisdom and kept cucking on your pussy asses for centuries before the ebul brits liberated you. ;^)

I guess that will be the only way where you will have a hope to even compare, Ming.

Ant people gonna ant people, hell calling them ants is an insult to ants considering they can actually keep their colonies clean and orderly.

Yeah sure, with less scientists and fund, more than 50% of the top 1% cited researchers in the hard science are already Asian. Keep dreaming, Tyrone. Jesus. these albino monkeys sure are dumb as fuck.

Is there an actual true IQ test I can take online?

What is included in that grouping?

Considering Israel is made up of jews, why do they score so low on average IQ.

Oops! You forgot to provide context to your bait. Rudimentary adoption of an innovation doesn't equal utilization, ching chong.

James woods is literally /ourguy/ btw.

I have done extensive research, (results are shown on my original scientific date image pls observe and learn)

My research the results thereof indicate that black people are more like monkeys who can almost talk, than humans.

I wonder if this guy was fake and gay, or his parents were real devils.

literally fucking impossible.
The SAT uses increments of 10, not 1.
Impossible again, due to the accuracy of the test, anything above 160 is generally not measurable.

I think asians have different iq measurement. Notice all holders of anything above 200 are asians.
It states at Kim Ung-yong wikipedia page that "At age four, he scored over 200 on an IQ test normally given to seven-year-olds.". It was a test given to seven year olds.

The (((you))) farming gook still at it?

I'm in a pointless conv with an idiot that wants links to studies re race and IQ. Anyone have those?


so many genetic redpills in this thread
im just trying to keep up here

Genetic graphs need explanation for non-biofag anons. It's not easy to try to figure out what the dots and colors mean in relation to race, sometimes it's impossible unless someone knows what to look for.

No such thing as a based nigger. They are tentacles of the Kike.

Thank for the picture. That's funny.

"Jews are Neanderthals" is the most retarded meme. It would be more accurate to say "Caucasoids are Neanderthal-Sapiens hybrids", and Jews are basically inbred mountain goat herders that got mixed with nogs and gooks then slavs/germans.

The Neanderthal range was centered around Europe and it is said that they originally came from western China (like Xinjiang). Not the Arabian peninsula, I don't know where you're getting the Neanderthal-Haplogroup J connection.



the jew pretending to be an asian itt was b&. Joshua Goldstein as far as I can tell. Don't give him replies imo.


Should be pretty fucking obvious that genetically distant groups are different subspecies. Other animals with genetic lesser distance get classified as such, so the only explanation is politics and jewing.

It's an averaging of American whites, not including jews. I don't know if it's as murky a definition as in the census where maghrebniggers and other non-whites are included, or if Supreme Gentlemen are included but if they are it could be higher or lower than that.

As part of wacky alchemy experiments but then did nothing with it.

The FDA have approved a heart failure drug called Bidil, but only for blacks, as blacks do not benefit from conventional heart failure drugs.

Let this be a lesson to any braindead moron that thinks race is a social construct. It's literal biology and you can't even get drugs approved by the FDA without testing for race because some drugs work for certain races due to biology. It's obvious negroids are a subhuman lot however.

It must really burn them that we're winners and at the same time have time to relax afterwards. That must be galling.


Can't tell if you're baiting or just another butthurt Asian who clings to the only things you're actually good at. Remember to thank whites that you emerged from the 10th century, Ding!

So you're arguing like a kike then.
It does prove that whites just flat out outcompete you in life. Keep trying to prove that Asians somehow beat whites in creativity and intelligence though; maybe it'll get you your first dominant civilization one day.

Honestly this is just sad. No matter what, you can't wiggle out of the fact that Asians are outclassed as a subspecies. It's a European world; you're just living in it. Now go make me my iPhone in your sweatshop and maybe I'll throw you a penny or two.

Here's something fun I've learned today.

We were industrious enough to actually leave our continent and actually build shit outside of it.

mein sides

It is true that the east Asian is capable of better spatial reasoning, as well as non open ended tasks compared to the European. The European however is more individualistic, and excels at open ended problems, because of the European's ability for abstraction. The east Asian's intelligence is bounded by the social codes, this is why you see the intelligent among them go into the prestige fields and make money and please their parents. The geniuses among them achieve great things, but within their own small realm alone. The heightened emotions, and increased sense of individuality in the European have made him more war like, and more inclined to strike out on wild or seemingly useless pursuits. This difference in application of intelligence is best seen through philosophy. European philosophy serves no immediate practical purpose, though when the investigation of it is applied a man's resolve is bettered, he becomes more mindful and is more willing to undertake the essential tasks of life. The east Asian history of philosophy is very limited compared to the European. They had the intelligence to conquer, but their inflexibility and difficulty with thinking outside of the box prevented them from doing so.


Gee, it's almost like pro-racemixing faggots are retarded shills or something.


It's like a 18 year old athlete bragging about how he can outrun a 16 year old nerd and claiming genetic superiority when the nerd isn't even trying to compete with him in athleticism. Jesus, these wiggers are dumb as fuck. Sounds like the brain-dead niggers provoking a cop and refusing to cooperate when he's being arrested and then complaining that he got shot. Wiggers and niggers are the same thing.

WEW thanks for this thread lads, the NSA had raided my hard drive and I had lost all my sources to back up my racial facts to my brainwashed parents.

doing God's work