Nigger assualts white teen

Before calling me a white knight please here me out fam

Apparently this teen was jumped by this nigger. As a result she suffered a broken nose and multiple injuries.

I've posted screenshots so you can decide for yourself. You can raid her on her crowd fund page that her mom set up or we can just laugh and ignore it it.


Other urls found in this thread:

White knight


yeah, give white women money, that always solves things.

There is more to this story than whats being lead on.

60 IQ chimp misspelt the baby's name on the birth certificate?

I have reached the point that in fearing for my life I would kill these niggers fairly quickly if they were to get uppity with me.

good advice fam



And the people involved and know the family will probably never think "maybe we shouldn't let our daughters hang around niggers"

Mother, Aunt, and Daughter have all sanitized their Kikebook profiles. This is the problem communicating in niggerspeak, It's uncivilized and result in offending people. Do you hear me clearly my good man?

I bet this cow was gesturing with wild hand signals, voicing guttural "don't dis me my nigga" etc, etc, etc. And got her cow ass tossed through a fucking glass door.
FYI - Adi Hood

Yeah ok I didn't do enough research. Bitch can pay the toll.

archive link?

What was she doing in the proximity of niggers?

Seems like a typical case of coal burning.

smh tbh fam DESU SENPAI

another case of a radiater hose sucking cunt that got what she deserved, someanons should blast her kikehook profile with "comments" doesn't work on Kikebook, either you have a login or you don't.

although they have all hidden their Kikebook friends, pictures, connections what is still displayed is who "Likes" the pictures they've posted. Such as this cretin. So, she's profiling for black cock crowd.

Every time these stories appear
Option one: Coalburner paid the toll.
Option two: Naive brainwashed libtard who should have known better hangs out around violent subhumans and meets the only logical conclusion.
Option three: It's a kike instead of a white woman.
Option four: Completely innocent white woman who did not associate with criminal subhumans was jumped in a random act of violence with no warning.

When option four is practically nonexistent you know you're living under Weimar conditions.

another friend, "Dee Twin Dustin White"
another friend, "Mandy Willis" ← coal burner confirmed

Can we just get a single thread for niggers beating white women. We don't need a separate discussion each time it happens.

another coal burning friend, Stasia Ann Veneva


Ding ding ding we have a /thread, this is the best option.

Such low self-esteem, sad.



Any woman who goes out with a black man deserves what she gets. Let's be constructive though. We can use events like this to spread awareness about how blacks behave.


sorry your daughter is defiling herself and shaming her family fucking niggers

Of course she knew the guy. If she didn't, then how do they know the perpetrators name?

This gofundme shit is the new victim industry

Nice work Detective user. No sympathy for mudsharks.

I'm sure she was fucking him. And this is the result. Maybe next time she won't be such a stupid cunt.

I'd wager Option 4 is only seemingly non-existent simply because it barely gets reported if at all.



3 and 4 are much less likely to be true than 1 or 2. And 1 is probably the case, though option 2 is still moderately possible.

What I take from this is she went TO the niggers turf. I'm to feel sorry for her why?

That her? She looks like one of those bitches who believes in white privilege. She probably still does.

She's the one who put herself in the proximity of sub-humans. Whether it was for bestiality or not, she is still mostly to blame. Niggers are gonna nig, regardless.

she sorry for being white, she's not racist, nigger loving cunt got what she had coming, tune in tomorrow for another black kills white headline

Maybe next time she'll get murdered by the ape and thus serve as a more effective warning to other women who've not yet polluted themselves.

Particularly grotesque.

It's called being fat

I'm guessing it's a family with no men, as well.

Anyone know how to shut down her gofundme? It says it will be used for legal reasons, isn't that against their rules?

Can't you funds to defend yourself, but you can use them to sue. They don't want people committing crimes and then asking for money. Could lead to crime for hire.

That's a spic chick. I can't give a shit about who she fucks.

Is this an actual news story? And what the fuck are you talking about white knight? Black on White crime gets posted here

Oh you want money. No jew

AFAIK it's against the rules to fund a legal defense. But the girl isn't charged with any crimes, the legal money isn't for her legal defense.

If they have a rule against funding civil lawsuits, I'm unaware of it.

>She was a natzee! gibs monies pls

and also that's kinda fucking backwards. What legal fees are there for prosecuting the nigger? Isn't that what the gov does?

these are all clearly trashy whores, but having degenerate spic friends tends to be a constant in these cases. But do they learn racemixing from spics or just gravitate towards fellow coalburners. chicken and egg I guess.

They're asking for legal fees to hire a lawyer for civil court. They don't need one if they're going to small claims though.

Presumably they mean to sue the nigger in civil court. Because yes, the government does the criminal prosecution.

I'm curious as to where they think the nigger is going to get the money to pay them though.

same here, I assume it's some way to get govenment to pay them, not sure.

if the gofundme ever takes off (looks like no one cares really) then I would probably report this for the hell of it

They won't obviously. That's why they made the gibs money plz.

Two things could be going on here:
1. This is a family who let their daughter associate with a nigger. They may not be racially aware enough to understand that suing a nigger is pointless

2. They plan on raising the money for "legal fees", consulting a lawyer, getting told by the lawyer it's futile, then pocketing all the money for themselves.

families have men in them, this is just a flock of ferals

It's actually pretty sick/creepy.


She lived, and there is more than ample evidence that she freely associated with niggers. If she isn't made into an example for others, then others will suffer as she has.

Saying 'fam' and editing out screens… You see the fat, nigger fucking bitch in your photo OP? I would give you worse.

She's an adult, she should have known better. No? Well now she does and GUESS WHAT? She'll still fuck niggers. So it's a shame he didn't kill her. Lock the nigger up forever before he kills a real White person during an armed robbery or some other shit.

That's right my fellow white people, there is no such thing as niggers attacking a random white girl who had nothing to do with them. The only white females who are the victims of black-on-white violence deserve it, my fellow white people. Nothing to to get outraged over. Just look the other way. Nothing to see here.

Are you implying she isn't a coalburner?
Because she very obviously is.

What's your endgame here user?

but why?


Even if she is (which is rarely ever proven in these types of threads posted here about a white girl who was victim of niggers), than she is the victim of brainwashing that we already know goes on during every white's childhood thanks to the jew controlled schooling instilling "there is only one race, the human race" and anti-white propaganda which deceives whites into thinking tyrone is just like you and me.

But either way, it is of no coincidence that in each and EVERY thread like this, where a white female is the victim of niggers or any of the other of the kike's pets, there are anons, just like you, trying to (even with the complete and utter absence of evidence, which is the case 99% of the time) convince everyone reading this threads that somehow, the victim is either a race-mixer, a non-white mongrel, or a kike. Anyone who has been here long enough has beared witness to this in each and every goddamn one of these types of threads. It's beyond clear that (((anons))) like you are shills trying to concensus crack each and every instance of black-on-white violence by claiming that every time one of our own females are the victims of niggers or any other such kike pet, they either somehow deserved it, or aren't even white. And what's the ultimate goal? You're trying to make it appear to the white men here, who feel instinctive rage at seeing their own women harmed, that black-on-white crime is not that big of a deal because the women either deserve it or aren't even white, so there is nothing for the white man to get enraged over. There are already posters here calling for this thread to be outright closed because "lol "confirmed" coalburner, that means she deserves it, case closed, /thread, nothing to see here".

You are a fucking anti-white shill, and we see right through you.

Nice emotional buzzwords

Are you still asshurt about the mischling that got eaten by lizards?

What the fug are you talking about my dear retard?

Please explain how taking pics from her Facebook and posting them here in an echo chamber of people who already agree with you is an effective way to use her as an example to warn others.

Place explain why you're so ass blasted about it, yid.
The reason you're upset is because you know that Holla Forums has inordinate influence.

Fuck off Anglin, you will never be white.

Every time a nigger commits a crime he is suddenly a helpless child. Even her aunt can't help but subconsciously excuse this nigger.


When will the niggers go back to their home planet?

Pronounced like Montreal in Quebec? Fuck sort of name is that? Why do blacks have the more bizarre names?

Why not just start a board dedicated to this sh*t ?

Bingo. Notice how OP wanted anons to know he wasn't a white knight in the very first line. It's probably the same assblasted kike from the lizard thread.

Oh look who it is again.

Bbbbbbut I'm not a white knight. I take it back. Bitch was a coal burner. I didn't do enough research

That kind of fat is caused by chronic inflammation. To have that at such a young age is an indicator of very poor health. She likely already has visceral fat which will eventually lead to organ damage.

Her mom doesn't think it's creepy to get money publicizing her daughter's misfortune. Put yourself in the public eye and you're fair game legally and morally.


No i'm anti whore, fuck off degenerate.
No coalburner is going to be the mother of my child, no woman who would consider coal burning is going to be the mother of my child.

But nobody is doing that. You're the 'coping mechanism' faggot, aren't you?

Nobody is lauding the nigger. They're just not leaping to defend coalburning trash. That's what makes you appear to cry like a Jew.
Traitors get no sympathy.

itt: broke nigger beats up broke white girlfriend, create gofundme, spams Holla Forums

But that's not true - in almost every case, it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

You want to know what's of no coincidence Schlomo?
That in every one of these threads, EVERY ONE, some faggot like you appears and starts crying about the coalburner, starts whining there's 'no evidence', starts bitching like a literal woman that Holla Forums doesn't cry tears for every dim-witted hosers who gets slapped around by a nigger.
99% of the time, there is blatant evidence - yet still you come. You cry about 'brainwashing', but that's no excuse for this shit - these people aren't 'brainwashed', they're simply weak-willed and dim-witted.

The victim of these crimes is 99% of the time a coalburner, someone hanging around with niggers, or a non-White portrayed as a White woman. That's the reality.
Deal with it.

And now, a story, for your lame ass. Ever heard of the Tarpeian Rock? I doubt it.
Allow me to pontificate for your edification:

No sympathy for traitors. Nor for those who would defend them out of misplaced loyalty.


I know it hurts, call me whatever you like.
but when a white girl interacts with blacks in any capacity, this shit is bound to happen.

at what point to we start having our women take personal accountability for their actions?
or are we just going to caudal them for the rest of their lives?

This. At least someone here has some fucking sense.

"Pontificate for your edification"