In fact, I only now opened that article, and it's hilarious how many different tiny political manipulations it contains.
Right away, we have a connotation that rather than discussing social consequences of promotion of any specific sexual activity, you should focus on your enjoyment alone. Plus a dash of 'everybody is different, therefore don't bother trying to form any general conclusions, that's for sexists/racists' too.
Why should I bother to understand myself? You only help the society if you learn to generalize. We only have healthcare because we, as a society, rejected… in the 19th century at least… 'self-understanding' and instead focused on biological commonalities between all people. We focused on similarities and not on differences. I don't bother to 'understand myself' because this teaches me nothing about human beings in general. I don't give a fuck about 'understanding myself'. Why should I bother to learn how I am different from other people?
As I said, planned obsolescence of words. 'Heterosexual' is out, time to learn the synonym-of-the-year. Repeatedly changing the terms that it is fine to use hinders consistent discourse.
'We're not encouraging it, we really don't, we REALLY do not encourage it, at all.'
'Feel free to click away if you are scared of something as innocent as anal sex.'
'We're not telling you to read about it, but we're telling you to read about it.'
More of 'we're all different, always remember to make disclaimers like "for some" or "on average" or else you're generalizing and generalizing is bad.'
As I said, literally everything is 'natural'. Any STD is natural too.
Another equivocation. While what they are doing is simply telling you 'stop disliking what I like', what they are going to pretend they meant by this is 'everything is just a biological function, therefore nothing is objectively weird/gross'.
Even more of evasion for responsibility because 'people have their own judgement'. 'We just gave him/her information, it's not our fault if this article has triggered a sequence of life-damaging events for him/her, he/she could have just employed his/her own reason, stop denying our youth free will and self-determination'.
Even more of connoting that discussion about anything begins, and ends, at your own reaction to it. There is a lot of broad social outcomes to relate to promotion of any particular sex act, and discussion of those potential outcomes deserves to be mentioned in such an article far more than its biology.
As I said, connotation that it's linguistically okay to reject well-established terms such as 'man'.
This is just Orwellian. 'It is imperative that you make a 100 % unbiased, independent opinion on whether you like to try something which we've repeatedly described in superlatives throughout this article'.
Tired now.
Feels good to be old.