Murdoch Murdoch Shoa'd

Leftcucks shut down the Murdoch Murdoch channel on youtube. I preemptively downloaded some of their episodes.!siZQVYrB!zLWyWtctYX7M11Wr5bqRFg

If Murdoch Murdoch reads this:

==We are planning a German synchronization of MM and therefor request the episodes
with just SFX/music==

please contact us at nsfx [at]

thanks in advance

Other urls found in this thread:

It's good to see that the left is appealing to Google capitalists and helping them.

just found an archive of all the videos:

Or maybe they think they 'threatened' Google into complying.

Disinfo, he has his video's on hidding. Leftypol didnt do shit.

Or maybe, just maybe, this is a bullshit post for alt-faggots and is a waste of Holla Forumss time

Cultured-thug also has his channel taken down

Awesome, no more cringeworthy shit only the likes of evalion would like.

Why the fuck does Murdoch-chan brown eyes?
Why throw pierce under the bus?
Some kike shit right there.


I think I may have accidentally figured out Murdoch Murdoch's identity…

I wish.
This trs tier garbage needs to go

It's IB. Notice the reddit spacing.

Die. The funny thing is the biggest reason e-celebs aren't welcome here isn't because of the e-celebs themselves, per se, but because their followers are utter turbo cancer.

Now what if i told you Holla Forums did it? Would you all change your mind about this situation?

They're 4chan tier but not too cancerous. The metamorphosis video is a pretty good white pill so thanks for saving their vids OP.


Well, if you love being ass pegged by Holla Forums, feel free to continue to do nothing against it.


No one cares about his 2004 era animations. Go back to Holla Forums and tell your friends that.

The funnier thing is that some turbospergs get so assrattled every single time. Regardless of what message is actually being spread. It reminds me of some tactics I've seen employed against Holla Forums-tier thinkers: repeat yourself loudly until your opposition gets hearing damage and/or gets bored and goes back to their actual job. In a word: Communist.

There was literally nothing wrong with some of the ideas Murdoch Murdoch tries to communicate over Jewtube. So you're either being a Communist by intentionally not listening and trying to shout out the message, or you're being a kikel.

I'd tell you to check the catalog.


Sage is not a downboat.

Then Holla Forums did nothing wrong, fuck off.


We should actually form a "thank you" letter to Holla Forums, for taking down jewtube e-celebs. A fellow socialist will always help in a time of need.

I'm encoding one of the better eps that went missing just for you.

Ironically this. I'm glad this cringe tier bullshit is gone and maybe
Leftyfags should have posted the thread here instead and ensured his channel was deleted and not just videos hidden.

Leftyfags are good against alt-kike. Just get them both to fight each other and both controlled jewish movements destroy each other.

Can the "thank you" letter contain "thank you" ebola?

I bet you're going to be so surprised when you're banned lel

Of course!

If I get banned for wrongthink against your Jewish hivemind it's probably for the best. I might be a bad influence on your golem.

Hey OP:
Heil Hitler!

Holla Forums seems to have taken a break from spamming shit dick

user, if you don't understand why Murdoch was degenerate cringy trash i feel bad for you. It was worst content ever produced here, this is why documentaries without shitty animation are superior, than making a narrative based story, which is poorly animated and made out of stockphoto pictures without even removing the watermark.
Leftcucks did a nice job of helping us, they were seeking to hurt us in any way, but in reality just went after the retards we wanted to cleanse ourselves.

I don't really need to explain that to smart people, but here's some stupid fags like you have to exist.

Fuck off cuck.

I've seen two episodes and neither were cringe. One was a pro-nationalism music video for some Protomen song. The other was the recent one about trashing the sjw faggots that have used the gaming industry to push their agenda.

I don't need to explain to smart people that children play video games and are exposed to the cultures around them, and that if you Commies are targeting them it's probably a good idea for NatSocs to target them also.

I understand your frustrations.

Murdoch Murdoch makes good shit and their hearts are in the right place.

Good luck to them since their shit have always been entertaining.


you guys

are so obviously

not form here

you just need

to fuck off

back to reddit


Fuck off cuck.


Fuck off, cuck.

The problem isn't even Murdoch Murdoch or his content, it's the cancer like 4ba980 or d671b5 that latches on to his ballsack.


The problem is he caters to faggots like this and does a half assed job doing it.

where do you think we are? YOU fuck off back to >>>/reddit/

This is their explanation of the situation.

For some reason I doubt this actually happened. One person spamming NIGGERS isn't Holla Forums raiding anyone. And meanwhile no one gives a shit here.

Not even a ledditor, the way you type sounds like a ledditor though.

Fuck off, cuck.



So is Holla Forums gonna flag some communist channels or will we do nothing like usual?

Who gives a shit if MM was taken down, he actually had quality redpills.

Let them celebrate, we lose nothing over this.

Murdoch is actually smart, unlike the average leftycuck channel.

Fuck off cuck.


Not from here, eh? Who did Hotwheels steal Holla Forums from and give imkikey/feil/therealcoonman?
encode almost finished; downscaled from 1080p to 480p

We already took one down. All they did was make murcock hide his shitty videos. They still didn't strike back yet.


What's with the comic?

Fuck off cuck.


Better than cuck-tier comic, tbh.



Leftypol was false flagging that take down of the commie shit themselves.

Why do you save a western comic image?

Then we did nothing then and the whole thing is just Holla Forums being Holla Forums. Whatever. Not sure what they thought they'd accomplish by posting this thread here but no one even cares.

Look at all the Holla Forumsers in this thread terrified of a counter attack. "muh E-celebs!" "muh alt right!". Yes, just let Holla Forums do what it wants, that will show them. There is literally nothing wrong with a concerted effort to wipe out any right wing videos on youtube, just let it happen goy. I'm not buying it.


…that's a pretty shit tier western fan art right there, dude.

So far, all the wiped out right wing channels have their backups.

Holla Forums is celebrating already.

I bet you also enjoy the shitty comic that SJW gook posts, since it's right wing.



Don't have you have more eastern art to respond?

I ask honestly.

The thread was clearly bumplocked in the pic. You know what? Lets get a mod in here to release the OP of that threads post history, I'm willing to bet good money this was a blatant Holla Forums false flag.

You don't understand user, something that doesn't align 100% with Holla Forums's hivemind is obviously a shill

Post the other page.

You know the one.


I don't understand that reference.

In a way it's funny how the hivemind doesn't understand that itself is a huge problem here. Mostly annoying, though. I'm gonna have to split up this video…

Holla Forumser confirmed. They scared as fuck. You know what? Fuck this, I'm so sick of their shit. Let's get 4pol, all the regular alt right hangouts like r/thedonald, etc together and just swarm Holla Forums with garbage. Shitposts, gore, furry porn etc. Lets make Holla Forums completely unusable. If they don't want to allow free thought and ideas then that is an act of war and they need to be wiped out. Also on the youtube front, for every right wing video they take down, we wipe out ten of theirs. I'm fucking done with tolerating their bullshit, all they had to do was stay in their containment board but they couldn't help themselves, lets wipe them out for good.





That doesn't even fit into the conversation.

As said, fuck off, cuck.




Get the fuck out, cuck.


You guys sure seem like the Ubermensch.

To be fair, there's not much to get done.

We are still safe.


It's painfully obvious that the cucks in this thread happy that Murdoch got taken down, are themselves leftypol faggots trying to stir up more shit.


Pick one. Murcuck Murcuck shilled for Kike Enoch pretty hard. Also, do you remember the episode where they gassed William Luther Pierce?

I also remember the episode where WLP is resurrected and becomes a teacher like figure.

I also remember that Murdoch Murdoch shits on the alt-light i.e. civnat cucks.


so the leftist go after one of us and we just take it, what the fuck happend to pol, did all the schilling demoralize you faggots so much that you just take it?
for fucks sake and i thought i escaped the terminal cancer 3 years ago.

At least the art is getting better.


The alt-right has been a fantastic way to pull people away from fence sitting and getting them interested in right wing thought, which eventually leads to here. They don't have to match up perfectly with us on everything, that comes later. They were integral in getting Donald Trump elected and will be integral in pushing America as a whole in the direction of the right wing.

someone take over for me, I gotta go


Now that's a shitty webm.

Why do you even save that?

thank you for talking some sence

The message. (((You))) obviously didn't watch it.


The reason Holla Forums can't get a damn thing done ever is because they're so fractured, a billion different special snowflake ideologies. Holla Forums united behind Trump and got shit done. We cannot let people allow their love of having their own personal treehouse triumph over their right wing beliefs. A fourth Reich won't pop up over night, it has to be done slowly and we can only achieve this through unity. Alt right and e-celebs can be cringy at times, but that is nowhere near enough of a decent excuse to let right wing ideology be censored out of existence by a bunch of butthurt middle class twats larping as socialist revolutionaries. Stand with your fellow right wingers and fuck Holla Forumss shit up for daring to challenge us.

They only did that after massive blowback.

You are an idiot if you think any of this is real. There are no extended logs beyond just a few screenshots. There is no proof that those IPs are real. None. They could be easily scrapped, random IP addresses.

This is likely a group of raiders who got together, faked some fucking chatlogs, and made a Google doc.

Nice joke, Holla Forums

Hahaha, reported

How make shekels per report?

I can understand not wanting to discuss individual e-celebs on this board, rather leaving that to cuckchan Holla Forums. In the greater scheme of things, entertainment, pretty female talking heads, humor/memes, etc. with a conservative or traditionalist message win the hearts and minds of people questioning the bullshit self-destructive, degenerate values of the left that are dominating all the other forms of media (tv, print and cable news, even schools). The left has lost the battle for the internet. Those "e-celebs", are a fortification in that internet battleground, and bring young impressionable minds over and are likely one of the forces that have driven this most recent generation to the right. Because the personalities amuse, entertain, soothe, etc. while he left can only preach self-destruction and make hamfisted comparisons to the Harry Potter books.

Personally, I didn't make the leap from leftist indoctrination in school and college straight to 14/88 GTKRWN overnight without amusing memes, infographs and breakdowns of what's fucked up in this world and (((why))), by a talking head on Youbutt.

Anyway, I won't disparage most conservative e-celebs, even the all-trite cucks are useful idiots that sway young minds away from the left's siren song that aims to dash whitey on the rocks. And I won't celebrate leftycucks successes at censorship. We need to continue to dominate the internet as a medium.

But yeah, we don't need to devote threads to them on this board.

None that's what the hotpockets get paid the big bucks for, we just get 2 dollars US for every (you) we get in a anchored thread.

Well said. Holla Forums isn't attacking right wing videos on youtube just for the lols, it's because they know we currently dominate the internet while they only have the dinosaur mainstream media that nobody gives a fuck about. They're scared, we have them cornered and they are lashing out.

www media fire com/file/pxhwd9kwa9z8j5j/

As many of the old ones I could save.

And then they brought Pierce back and that unlocked an even bigger arc of growth.

Which is exactly how many people "woke up" in the end.
And the ones who "woke up" were the ones who smelled ashes, or got smelled ashes by others, and then decided to at least see if there is any merit in it.


Consider investing shekels in an English class, followed by How Not to be a Faggot 101

reddit here
can i get a quick rundown ?
who's winning
s-sieg heil btw

Christians 1, Atheists 0

but christcuckery is a jewsih cult

True tbh. I don't see any reason for us to be spending time attacking namefag e-celebs so long as they are helping to push the overton window in the right direction and not cucking too hard on certain issues. No one goes from liberal cuck straight to GTKRWN, it's a gradual process to transition. Their videos offer a gateway into this transition in my opinion.

Good job. 7/10 effortpost.

Sieg. Fucking. HEIL!!


If murdoch is reading this shit thread: please kys my man. Not trying to say that because of whats going on now, i have always thought your vids were shit. I remember when youd shill your godawful vids on here last year, and we laughed you back to reddit. Cant you stay in your reddit playpen? I am glad your shit doesnt show up on jewtube front page, seeing your godawful wojak edits made me sick.

Is that because you worry about losing part of your identity if the ideas from here spread to more "normal" people through media? Are you a chan hipster? Why does a animated youtube series bother you so much?
Or are you a leftist in Holla Forums anonymity?
Should we just go back to talking about Trump?

p much screw the mod that sunk this.

Careful, he'll label you a TRS shill and ban you.



Take this piece of shit cartoon elsewhere dumb nigger.

I bet they hate Sam 'get in my ride we're Killin Kikes' Hyde as well.
How did the Kikes lose their grip on humor so hard?

I really don't like these.

the show is shit

What a disappointment..we live in a digital age, people get their info online, social media, cell phones etc. At least murdoch murdoch was trying to reach other whites to wake up from their genocide slumber. If you want to safe the white race from the kike overlords, you're going to have to catch up and keep up. Quit being self defeatists, pick up the slack, start promoting your fellow men and women. Make it hard for the kikes to rule, you're making it too easy. The last 2 years of shitposting online through the social media platform has gotten most people interested to learn more and prevent or even heard what white genocide is..look, i get the basement is comfy but there's a world out there ready to be reclaimed by you for your people. Get going. Don't let hot wheels down, 8ch can't be just made out of old, worn out battle lords..your enemy has already snuck in and is playing a hand in manipulating your brothers to fight each other and distract each other from the ultimate goal…stop them. Maybe it's this generation that can actually right the path for future generations to preserve. Ethnonationalism, specifically white nationalism, needs to be fought for and won. Keep marching forward, men.

what are you gonna do?
spam the catalog with your shit that nobody likes?

get a fucking job nigger.

Yeah lets go back to saving the white race with our shitposting fellow soldier nay HERO of the West.

OK kids, I knew this was going to happen eventual so here is my strategy.
Have a youtube-dl script that auto downloads the entire channel into its own folder.
Run this script every month or so (you might have the capability to run it constantly).

I have it set up like this

scripts has the script files (1 script for 1 channel)
yt has the actual content in (1 folder for 1 channel)
every channel folder has a c folder in it (for content) this is where the videos are dumped
So for Murdoch Murdoch I have
master-folder/yt/Murdoch Murdoch/c

Every script looks like this (this is on linux bash I will provide a windows script[practically the same]; you need to have youtube-dl installed for this to work)

cd ..
cd yt
###### channel folder name
cd "Murdoch Murdoch"
cd c
###### youtube-dl
youtube-dl -ci -o "%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s" –write-all-thumbnails

However the channel returns no videos so let me demonstrate on some channel that has videos

cd ..
cd yt
###### channel folder name
cd "Ashens"
cd c
###### youtube-dl
youtube-dl -ci -o "%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s" –write-all-thumbnails

Like you can see all I do is change the folder name Ashens VS Murdoch Murdoch and the actual channel address

To run the script in linux I simply right click (in master-folder/scripts/ ) (on empty space) and select open in terminal (on windows there is more diking around) then all I type in is ./ followed by the first letter of the name of the script (capital letters are important in linux)
then press tab for auto completion to get
And press enter for it to run (in this window it will tell you what is going on keep it open for the script to run)
You need to type more of the beginning of the of the name if there are more files beginning with M
(Spaces are escaped using a special convention.)

If you have problems and can not run its because of permissions simply open the scripts folder and type in the terminal
chmod 711 *

I hope this helps I keep my archive up like this and update it so I don't lose the videos I like to watch.
This is not perfect because between downloads there they might get their channel taken down or a new video removed.

Also thanks for all the video dump in
I might not have all the new videos from his channel and my script can not detect any videos on Murdoch Murdoch now.

I hope I thought you something anons.
Remember to always have folders created when you create the script and don't miss type the name in the script.

Shit I forgot to reference OP.