OK kids, I knew this was going to happen eventual so here is my strategy.
Have a youtube-dl script that auto downloads the entire channel into its own folder.
Run this script every month or so (you might have the capability to run it constantly).
I have it set up like this
scripts has the script files (1 script for 1 channel)
yt has the actual content in (1 folder for 1 channel)
every channel folder has a c folder in it (for content) this is where the videos are dumped
So for Murdoch Murdoch I have
master-folder/yt/Murdoch Murdoch/c
master-folder/scripts/Murdoch Murdoch.sh
Every script looks like this (this is on linux bash I will provide a windows script[practically the same]; you need to have youtube-dl installed for this to work)
cd ..
cd yt
###### channel folder name
cd "Murdoch Murdoch"
cd c
###### youtube-dl
youtube-dl -ci -o "%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s" –write-all-thumbnails youtube.com/channel/UCjqVanJab9rt5BBBK0iEfyw
However the channel returns no videos so let me demonstrate on some channel that has videos
cd ..
cd yt
###### channel folder name
cd "Ashens"
cd c
###### youtube-dl
youtube-dl -ci -o "%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s" –write-all-thumbnails youtube.com/user/ashens
Like you can see all I do is change the folder name Ashens VS Murdoch Murdoch and the actual channel address
To run the script in linux I simply right click (in master-folder/scripts/ ) (on empty space) and select open in terminal (on windows there is more diking around) then all I type in is ./ followed by the first letter of the name of the script (capital letters are important in linux)
then press tab for auto completion to get
./Murdoch\ Murdoch.sh
And press enter for it to run (in this window it will tell you what is going on keep it open for the script to run)
You need to type more of the beginning of the of the name if there are more files beginning with M
(Spaces are escaped using a special convention.)
If you have problems and can not run its because of permissions simply open the scripts folder and type in the terminal
chmod 711 *
I hope this helps I keep my archive up like this and update it so I don't lose the videos I like to watch.
This is not perfect because between downloads there they might get their channel taken down or a new video removed.
Also thanks for all the video dump in
I might not have all the new videos from his channel and my script can not detect any videos on Murdoch Murdoch now.
I hope I thought you something anons.
Remember to always have folders created when you create the script and don't miss type the name in the script.