Esoteric Kekism

We haven't had one of these threads in a while and these threads in my opinion always give rise to the most insightful posts on the board.

Also lately on cuckchan iv'e been noticing more and more Kek threads explicitly rejecting Kekistani heresy while becoming increasingly aware that Kekistan was deliberate sabotage. I think that it's becoming increasingly likely that Kek really will come back in September.

Other urls found in this thread:!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg
(you) Military Memetics Tutorial 13 Dec 11.pdf

when is Holla Forums going to recognize that Kekism is Erisian is SubGeniusism is anarchism?

Hail Eris!
All Hail Kek!!
Praise "Bob"!!!

Kekism is the worship of possibility while Discordianism is the worship of decay.

We're nothing alike, all Goons and Discordians will hang on the day of the rope.

Is the Black Sun important to the jewluminati too, or do they have an irrational fear of it?
Post related

Reminder that (((Esoteric))) threads are Smiley/fringe/ threads. KEK is a natural force, not hidden at all.

Order out of chaos would fit KEK, but the Black Sun is primordial symbol of order. The Swastika would be the actual sun which orders our time on earth and gives the life producing light.

I'm reminded of dark matter, an invisible and predominant substance in the universe that guides the cosmos in ways we don't quite yet understand entirely.

The entering into the chamber of Kek was an aspect of the Egyptian scribal tradition of the House of Life, from within that new thought forms appeared, magical creativity.

The initiation text that covered this was what later became commonly known as the Book of Thoth though none that claimed such were copies of the original highly secretive tradition the primary purpose of which was to generate religious text.

The original text has been reconstructed from various fragments and recently published,

bullshit. read the principia discordia. they totally argue that Eris was misunderstood and that "chaos" is actually "creative." discordians actually invented Kekism m8. i was there

Goons will all get the rope.

Fuck off 10bux

Within the chamber of Kek is the Mistress of the Rope, the measure of all things.


And this is were the fun begins, the Mistress of the Rope is the Goddess of writing Seshat, and her Sumerian equivalent was Nisaba.

The City of Nisaba Goddess of scribes in Mesopotamia was Eres, she was known as the Queen of that City thus Eres-Kigal and Goddess of the Underworld, and the basis for Eris/Discordia.

Initially Nisaba was a Goddess of grain and then the related activity of measuring and accounting thus the scribal tradition, her constellation sign was Virgo and agricultural practise dates back to when that constellation rose at the spring equinox.

Shadilay my fellow tad/pol/s! I invite you all to >>>/polism/ Please see thread >>>/polism/24 to see if it is right for you.

Check'd. As the golden sun is above, the black sun is below.

got any proof?

Fuck off Kike, discordians are degenerate shits. Serrano was checking digits before you were born!

well robert anton wilson the dude that was one of the founders wrote the illuminati trilogy of books wich had both disgordian characters and even eris in the book.
the way he portrait her was essentialy the ultimate manipulative woman, working for good ends but in pretty fucked up ways.
i can see the similaritys but compared to our idea of kek, eris is just wierd.
further how does ammid come into all of this?
i doupt the idea of the goddess of JUSTICE came out of nowhere.
man i feel like a newfag.

one other thing i just rememberd, in the books eris had a ritual of introducing a new members.
where the new guy had to fuck a giant golden apple with a woman in it
wilsons idea of eris was digenerat as hell.
further the main bad guys plan was to revive a army of undead nazis.
so yea disgoardians can fuck right off.

Also, the descendants of those edgelords of yesteryeae, have openly declared themselves our enemies. Recall "punching pepe" and "d k m u" the edgelord faggot "khaos magicians" who think getting drunk and fapping = high magicks. Burn them all.
Also, note that everything those discordian and khaos losers got that even half worked, was ripped off (and bastardized and degenerated from) UFO cults like the Aetherius Society, that were working as front companies were Esoteric Hitlerism.

dude you can forget those idiots as a whole, most of them come from burkley and frisco, where their parents were digenerat but reasonable, there kids have been thoroughly poisond by the leftists and kikes.
were in the old days people ironicly worshiped emperor norton and bob, these days its nothing but feminism and communism.
the joke religions of the 60's are well and truely gone, the joke is dead and only cancer remains.

sage for off topic.


Reported for slide thread

I know… but this isn't a boy's club anymore, user.

That was you? Thanks again user, for making that. I'm the OP from that thread. I think that was the first time someone made OC specifically in response to a thread I made on Holla Forums do you post on >>>/tok/ too?

Check'd, that's ready for modification.

Sorry user we're not discordians here. And if we were we wouldn't talk about it.

Better go back to SA. That's where all the discordians are.

Mod it to hell and make an ultra rare Pepe with meme air intake and a P&W filter that you can sell for $9000 on Craigslist cause that's how many hours you put into it in Paint.

We're ACCORDION not discordian you faggot.

fucking newfags, the only thing missing was "not poletics related"

yea, i know that feel.
to think that a bunsh of joke and meme spewing faggots became the only defence of western civilization.

that's because there's like a total of 10 people that bought into this CIA mindfuck

you're LITERALLY retarded

The immature girls that inspired your thread and my OC deserved all ridicule. No I don't but I did make pics related among others.

Good thing you spoilered those shitty Pepes.

All the Gods are within you.
Everything you experience is the mind projecting a false exterior.
There is no true external world.
All perceptions are inherently empty.
If you meditate long enough you will discover all this to be true.
There are many layers to esoteric knowledge. Always assume there is a deeper level of understanding that you haven't penetrated yet.
If your spiritual teacher doesn't know these things and live by them, find a new teacher.
The real secrets will not be pronted in books you can buy. The real secrets require an irl initiation from an irl teacher. Go find one.
Good luck.

Kek High Energy logo variant using all three 1488 standard RGB colors. Might be doing too many of these, but I want to make sure the anons who wanted an enlarged version of this graphic get it at some point.

The Black Sun is Logos, not Chaos. God is the Void that binds all things. The talmudic sorcerors are the lords of all agents of Chaos. We are living in the timeline of their defeat, however the more things change the more they stay same. We are 'in the cosmic driver seat', but Kek is just a concept of Yugen we use to keep our Logos/order in balance. Nothing is esoteric.

shilling my updated archive!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg

Does anyone else find it interesting that we've shared so many memories and experiences together that we might as well be family but we don't know a thing about each other? I mean we are Kek after all, I wonder if the intensity of our sharped experiences plays some vital role in his power.

After all the power of a family is the same as the power of a nation. They're the same thing on different scales.


Our children shall be the most powerful.

Well shilled 👌

The Holla Forumsack is the heart of our volk, and Kekism is it's soul. We are a people of true ego, free of arrogance and secure in our pride. and honestly we can identify each other through writing styles and phrases pretty easily at this point. IE I spout esoteric Hitlerism, talk about herbalism and the hippie mafia too much, who am I?


Your memes brought this up. The voice actor for Kermit was recently fired for refusing to endorse homosexuality and degeneracy. Ah, too bad, we could use more good meme magicians and posters on /tok/ it's starting to feel too secret club with the small group of dedicated posters in the Temple of Kek.
We were called to this life, user. We answered.

It's disturbing how much time goes into the memes isn't it? Although, it's inspiring to see them picked up and improved repeatedly. Pic related is my wife's first meme for the cause.

The universe is a hologram made of chaos and order, action and entropy, creativity and apathy. We are both the chaos of the ink and the calm void of the canvas, born again to write the story of our new destiny. We walk amongst gods, my friends.

Then advertise the board more often.

Teaching user is herding cats. I wish you the best. I'm done trying. Most of them can't see even when spoonfed.


But what we really need is the promised chan. A truly free and unsubvertable home.

SHADILAY and attention all adherents of Esoteric Kekism! In the matterless light of the black sun, through the purity of the green flame, and the greatness of the great green god Kek, I announce the existence of the Temple of Kek! >>>/tok/ I humbly request your attendance!

from their broadcasts I consider them blackpilled, or at least greypilled

More ass art for the poo poo god

Even bodhisattvas need a pep talk now and then I guess: Chin up soldier. The hypercrisis is real, the most dangerous game continues. With one cornerstone the volk built an entire mystery school in fourteen months. They remember and they teach. Shills can only cower and make fire memes in the face of the fools who step into the void. Praise Kek, all hail discordia, moloch a shit.

No text variant. Also a desktop image for anons with 5:4 displays.

these threads are pretty gay


I think this is inaccurate. There is no central philosophy to the Principia Discordia. The book never distinctly makes a central point on purpose. It's just a bunch of rambley philosophy. Literally everyone who reads the book gets something different out of it, and no two people are the same. Within Discordian groups, there is the largest range of ideologies and political affiliations that I have seen, even compared to image boards. The Goons just also happen to be vocal and obnoxious.
The Illuminatus trilogy is just two dude's vision of what PD is supposed to be. Some people agree with them. Some don't.
Hi Kamfy

Jews fear Eris something fierce. It's sorta like Christianity in that all the details are in there, so they went overboard trying to subvert it and when that fails they just pretend it doesn't exist. The discordian mystery schools literally went to war to stop cia goons perving around on their goddess. Polite sage because fight club.

"Evola speaks of a global conspiracy that will overcome Judaism and would include non-human elements. He mentions a Prince of Darkness. And in this he is right. After all, what are the Jungian Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious?
They are inhuman entities. The ancients called them Gods and Demons. And what is the Collective Unconscious? It is the "Memory of the Blood," or rather, a "memory that goes through the blood," that acts on earth by means of the blood.
There is nothing more mysterious than blood. Paracelsus saw it as a condensation of light. I believe the Aryan, Hyperborean blood is not the light of the Golden Sun, of a galactic sun, but of the light of the Black Sun, of the Green Ray.
It is not the "light of the Akashic Archives," but of another universe. The Akashic Archives belong to the Enemy. If the Hyperborean Memory of the Blood can be penetrated, then the Voice would awake and recover the Vril, thus breaking the Eternal Return. For this Shastriya, Brahamanic and Esoteric Hitlerist India aims to conserve the purity of the blood, to be able to "remember" more effectively and win the Great War." - Miguel Serrano

Absolutely. We've seen so much together that's it's easy to see when the boys are going to show up and loosely coordinate.

With those clues it's pretty easy to figure that you're from the rainbow thread. Also probably the guy who replied to my post on /tok/ earlier.

Page 00063 in the book


Very early, when the Morning Star, Oyeihue {Venus}, calmly gives its message of light to you, extend your arms towards Her:

I pronounce my Oration to Lucifer:

Oh, Luci-Bel, Oh Morning Star
May your deep light fall upon me
Cover me in your petals
Of light
Like in the skies of Autumn.

Permit me to pass
Through your Window
Towards the Black Sun
That waits behind you

Oh, Black Sun!
Absorb me in your light
Faster than the light
Of the Golden Sun

And give me shelter
In the nonexistence
Of the Green Ray
Where the Master Dwells
Even the Masters of my Master
And dwell the high Secret Guides
Of Esoteric Hitlerism

Oh, Green Ray!
Engulf me in your nonexistence
But more real than any existence
Help me to realize
Impossible Dreams
The Resurrection of the Beloved

The return of the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler
The re-creation of Esoteric Hitlerism
And the possession of the Archetype
Until the consummation of its Myth
And it’s Legend
In the Resurrection of the Flesh
The Immortal Vajra.
Permit me to return to the Black Sun

Oh, Black Sun!
Reabsorb me in your rotating light

And carry me to your home
The Morning and Evening Star

Oh, Morning and Evening Star!
Together with the Beloved
Now that She may fight
Within me

In my Impenetrable body of Red Light
The Immortal Vajra
The Incorruptible Power of Odil
It Resides in NOS

The Vision and the Voice
And quickly we come to realize the Legend and the Myth
Until the consummation
And Transfiguration
Into the Absolute Man and Woman

Oh, Evening Star, Yepun!
Allow me to pass
Through your Window
To the Golden Sun

And with Chastity
There in Order to continue fighting
The power in dawn
I reclaim.

Oh, my Guide Lucifer!
Oh, Sun of Gold!
Let us pass in the Nostalgia
Of the Green Ray

So that She and I
We leave here
Towards something never heard
Towards It!
Beyond the Green Ray
And of its Nonexistence

Heil! Sieg Heil!

[The Invocation of the Black Sun

As appears in the Third book of the Trilogy of Esoteric Hitlerism “Manu: Por el Hombre que Vendra”- Miguel Serrano and the Martial Thulean Order of A-MOR.]

filename: kek'd

This post is proof that esoteric hitlerism is a jewish psyop

Polytheism is Aryan and Monotheism is Jewish.

Here is another shitty Pepe

the best pepe is the one that upsets the kikes

Here are some awesome Pepes

one thing is for sure- kekism is just as cringy an discordianism


Jews gonna jew.


because of these guys, people from england to poland worshiped the tribe of the gods untill the jew showed up with there "one true god"

Some identify two forms of gematria: the "revealed" form, which is prevalent in many hermeneutic methods found throughout (((Rabbinic literature))), and the ((("mystical"))) form, a largely (((Kabbalistic))) practice.[5]

Though gematria is most often used to calculate the values of individual words, psukim (Biblical verses), (((Talmudical aphorisms))), sentences from the standard (((Jewish prayers))), personal, angelic and Godly names, and other religiously significant material, (((Kabbalists))) use them often for arbitrary phrases and, occasionally, for various languages. A few instances of gematria in Arabic, Spanish and Greek, spelled with the (((Hebrew letters))), are mentioned in the works of (((Rabbi Abraham Abulafia)));[6] some (((Hasidic Rabbis))) also used it, though rarely, for (((Yiddish))).[7] However, the primary language for gematria calculations has always been and remains (((Hebrew))) and, to a lesser degree, Aramaic.

A classic Biblical commentary incorporating gematria is (((Baal ha-Turim))) by (((Rabbi Jacob ben Asher))).

Gematria is often used by the Maharal of Prague and hasidic Torah commentators (such as the "Sefath Emmeth" from Gur).

Esoteric Kekism is a product of the Dugin cult. Prior to Dugin's occult influence and the co-opting of the Pepe maymay, the meme had no esoteric connection.

Duginism is cancer and so is OP.

I don't know about jewish psyop, but nonsense of a dribbling madman that it is. The weird (if not fishy?) part is the actual biography of Serrano - lots of connections with important people for a madman.

wtf I hate christ now

The name Kekistan implies a Middle east country, that's not how it should go when the ideology/theology behind Kek is european.

good so you are starting to see the truth

"kekistan" is not even funny for one second. I don't understand how this shit forced meme could even have success. 95% of humanity is braindead drones without a bit of a will or a soul would be my explanation.

I suspect it's a play on ancapistan, which is either a lefty scum meme or one of ironic memes by the ancaps.

the normies see it as a fuck you to the sjw, thats as far as their though prossess goes, what do you expect from reddid and facebook users?

In that case it is a signed subversion. Even worse than I thought

Get your CELT history, some good stuff;

Lugh killed Balor a one eyed giant (Balor of the evil eye) with his sling. hmmm kikery afoot…

King Conn 'Of a Hundred Battles'

Tuatha De Danann "tribe of the gods"

Kekistanism is to Kek what Marxism/Communism is to Marx.
Beware of that moment when ideas give birth to their exact opposite in the world.


Do you know about the Arius vs. Athanasius situation, where the monotheist theology was challenged by the trinitarian theology?

nope never heard of it, my hystory fagging goes mostly to greek and roman times.
but dont forget that the idea of the one true god is a jewish invention to controll the goy and create a stable golem.
they dont belive any of that shit, they worship moloch the idea of god is a fucking joke to them.

You are paranoid user. I have friends who know Dugin or his daughter in person. He's ridiculous and doesn't have that kind of power even less the one of understanding autistic imageboards

So how is jesus/yahweh moloch?

How many Million Jew exist and how many Christians? Me thinks the Jews failed miserably in controlling Christians. Only Christians are winning.

I was once a teacher in the Current 218, user.
I know the people and the dialect.
Dugin will find himself exposed on spencergate soon.

If you read the Bible its exactly the opposite, talmudists are the synagogue of satan, do you need more proofs of the real intentions of those called "kekists"? Its just shitposting, the worst of all with the bleesing of mods, ask them the reason.

Which bible? I know luciferian UNfags and 'jesus is lucifer' niggers are jews, but how is jesus as the idol of christianity actually an incarnation of moloch not God? Is it related to the demiurge in gnostic theology?

no jesus or god isent moloch, jesus is fiction createt by the jews to controll there goy golem while they worship the actual god creature they call moloch.
in their mind they thought
let the idiot pleps talk to a wall with their useless litle prayers to make themselfes feel better while we use our rituals that actually work

all of it is fake and a way to controll people, thats how the churches can do all the fucked up shit they do, because they know its fake.
christians/satanists belive in the same made up story while the jew laughs in the backround that controlls the vatikan and freemasons alike.

Surrender to Tyr you chirstcuck faggots

there is a reasone why uncle adolf used so much norse imagery.

cool game you got going there

Thanks mods for allowing leftypol to shit here.

Start here acolytes (you)

shit thinking like this is why they keep controlling you, you cant handle the idea that your belives were nothing but a machanism of mass controll so you best retour is calling me fucking left.
bitches like you are the reasone why the west has such a hard time, please do the white race a favor and kill your self so that the rest of us can finaly get rid of jewish controll.

You don't post like you're from here

I recall reading a teaching about the sevenfold nature of man from Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine. Man is comprised of seven souls, each corresponding to a different plane of being - the divine soul (atma), the spirit, the intellect, the passional soul, the vital soul, the astral body, and the material body, corresponding to the material plane of being, our perception being limited to this plane and we are blind to the higher planes. Blavatsky cautions that this is a dangerous piece of knowledge, as the one who understands it fully will have immense power. I am curious if there is something here that we could tap into to advance the interests of our volk. Perhaps some form of meditation or astral projection is required to perceive higher planes of being and influence them?

this is autism

no i post like someone that isent native english, so in the words of my people, geh in oasch.

well the problem with most esotheric teachings is that none of them tell the whole truth, or worse are based on complete bullshit.
we were lucky that we discoverd tangable effects of meme magic, so best we can do is keep trying things out.
for example take a practice that you found and write a thread about it and have some anons try it out.
from what we have found out so far, this thing only works when a lot of people do it together wich mages experimentation pretty shit.
but that shouldent discourage us, with time we will find another practice that is real and works.
synchronicity is a good start so lets see what the digits tell us to do.

Fuck off you stupid newfag cunt.

Indeed, it is simply the manipulation of nature by observing the reality you wish to manifest on a quantum level.

Boy you Kikes sure are pissed about something.


The sheer idea that Kek is bound to some land is itself against his nature as a god of the primordial waters.
Sure he has taken on modern aspects thanks to interacting with us but this place is still more primordial mud than clay.

Pic related

Let's do an experiment. I'll construct a maze and make it pitch black. You can't see anything and have no conception of how it's arranged. Since its not really there, you should be able to just walk right through the walls, right? Since you're making it all up in your head, and there's no sensory info eminating from the walls that don't exist, there's no reason the walls would stop you, correct? kill yourself

But you already put the reality in the user's head by declaring it a maze with solid walls. Therefore he will manifest that reality. "Observation" is more than just sight. An individual's mind manifests the sensory info they require to keep the illusion running.

You already defined/observed reality thus negating the experiment.

Hyperborean Trips od Truth!!!

Suppose i tell the user its an empty room with a big soft pillar in the middle of the room, but instead its a giant pit that drops 100 feet into a snake pit.

You aren't qualified to post in these threads, pleb

but its dark so he doesn't know where they are. if he's just constructing reality based on my priming him that walls exist, that's not enough to map them out. Pls give 10 seconds of actual thought into this shit. We were all 17 once, but come on, there are basic thought experiments that demonstrate why the "all in your head" theory is severely insufficient.

Holla Forums IS DEAD

Holla Forums btfo

Have you ever thought that you are the cancer killing Holla Forums? You people come to shit up any thread with good discussion.

He hasn't been worshipping the void for 20 years, he hasn't been infused by the god of occlusion for at least 5 years on public record
And on the chance that CIAniggers actually did push this religion, all I can say is they didn't choose to do anything, rather their consciousness was penetrated and they became another group of useful idiots for me and those like me. They never learned how to praise and serve, so now they're slaves to be manipulated by an actual power. Remember: by the time you recognize what's happening, it's already too late. It was always too late, I'm far too deep inside you to be excised, and now I will fulfill my purpose whether you like it or not.
Next time you want a meeting just ask for Kek's sake, you're neither sneaky nor clever so try being honest for a change, it feels good>>10285532

Butthurt bitch

this, anyone who taints discussion or interrupts it is a shill. Filter them immediately.

Kek has spoken.
And while we're on the topic, 8/pol/ is basically the other side of the coin known as "CNN" and you fags lap it up in spoonfuls.

(holy checked)
Uhm, no. The Swastika has four arms based on the Druids who helped the Celts create a four-caste society - with the Druids being the "fifth" or center of the Swastika. (i.e a four leaf clover) The left turning swastika (right hooks) symbolizes the return to Hyperborea at the end of the Kali-Yuga, while the right turning swastika (left hooks that kikes and for whatever reason the polish likes) symbolizes the Exodus before the last great flood - when the axis spun the opposite way.

He doesn't have to know where they are. Just as you don't have to know the cat in the box is alive, or dead. You simply need to accept it is there. You have already manifested "reality" by placing the walls. Now there are two wills that must overcome "reality" observing the same "space." Yours which you defined by making the maze, and his by overcoming both your reality of walls and the idea of those walls you already introduced into his head.

I was 17 decades ago, fucktard. I've had much more time to think about this than you summerfags.

The problem is you are trying to create thought experiments that are inherently flawed and are determined by observable parameters you choose.
You say there is a chair, I say, what chair?

The swastika symbol has been around a lot longer than Celts.

…Druids were given their knowledge orally by Hyperborean missionaries who received them from the White Guides of the Inner Earth. How far back are you talking here?

but I thought everything was fabricated in your own mind? If that's the case, no one else really exists. Even you can't keep up with your on-the-fly philosophy.

How about another thought experiment. You and I are sitting in a room and I say, "hey bud, close your eyes for a second" and then once you do, I pull out a gun and shoot you in the head. The police come to arrest me and I say "what gunshot?"

Checked for pure kike (((esoterics)))

See this right here? This is your brain on drugs, lack of historical knowledge, /fringe/ (((esoterics))) larping books and pure unadultrated faggotry.

chans create degenerates. Only Holla Forums stood against the flood but this is no longer Holla Forums. And it's not Trump's fault. In fact other versions of Holla Forums are just containment boards for Alt-Right anti-Trumpers. It's the mods who are part of /polk/ and Holla Forums. It's all a scam and I wouldn't doubt if it's DARPA behind the buy out and reorginization of Holla Forums.

What's Holla Forums?

So everything the SS was based on is a "lack of historical knowledge" and "fringe".
Kill yourself.

These are the most heavily shilled threads and we all know why.

These digits deserve some fresh OC.

Trapkike Smiley and /fringe/ is taking credit for the SS now? That's cute.

This user speaks the truth, if you don't know how your reality is constructed, if you don't KNOW it to the point that you'll casually wager your life on it, then you should do more learning and less asserting.

Nigger I did that when I was probably younger than you

kekism threads have been on here since last year and you are the cancer killing this board you TRSemite.

Josef Liebenfels chose the SS symbols from Hindu Tantrism. ??? The modern swastika came out of the Thule Society in Bavaria around the same time.

But user, there is more.

Holy fucking shit this is amazing. Thank you user, what is the song?



Hitler had the Swastika in his boyhood church. It was a common symbol in Germany. I know you live in Canada Smiley and are surronded by stars of David but that's not uncommon there.

Also Tantra? The whole point of my comment was that it wasn't coming out of Druidism. Learn how to read you sick homo kike

your reddit spacing makes me want to kil myself.
Miguel Serrano - The Golden Thread - Page 152-153 2017
Haushoffer was the teacher of Rudolph Hess so he directly had influence over the Reich,
Rudolph von Sebottendorff was one of the founders of Thule Society (who picked the logo) and was a known occultist.
And directly from the end notes on p 347

The Green Lion Eats The Sun August 21, 2017: eclipse over the states

During these years, overall from 2017 to the end of solar year 2020, is what I call the 'cardinal climax years' which not only brings to a close the late 20th century, but truly opens up the 21st century.
Since the 1960s, the United States has undergone a series of significant and demographic changes that have caused radical changes of American life that has sped up since the 1990s.
The crisis and challenges of political turmoil, cultural upheavals and economic crisis has caused Americans to question the establishment that has attempted to undermine American values with ideological humanistic and globalist schemes that has angered the American populace - especially the middle classes.
As we near another decade, a number of planetary transits signify that the years ahead will see generational, social and political changes that will define the decade just ahead - the 2020s.
At present, we are still witnessing the effects of the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square in the tropical cardinal signs of Libra, Aries and Capricorn. This planetary field began in November 2016 and will end in autumn 2017.
The lunar nodes will have changed quality onto the Leo-Aquarius axis on May 9, 2017 which precedes the total solar eclipse in mid-August over the U.S.

Looks like he's vomiting blood on the sun… Still though, does anyone recall the name of the alchemical green lion? Vitrolic or such?

Thank you user, it always inspires me when anons quote Serrano. Remember, the sign of the Swastika shows the path that are ancestors walked. All lands that bare this sign are lands thst were touched by our people. We must never forget that.

Remember that tantra is not what the kikes and degenerates have made it out to be.


Remember that Lucibel/lucifer was an ancient hyperborean enemy of the kikes. This is why the kikes and catholicucks rebranded them as "Satan" which is kike for Enemy. He is the enemy of the kike, reborn in our world, split in two souls by the cracking of the cosmic egg into a male and female from one soul.

Dubs confirm!

Away with your discordian shilling!

what the ~fuck~

Its true, the whole 'kekism' opened the door to normies and reddit tier posting.

Decay and creation go hand in hand. It's Entropy.

Hey goons,
My name is Holla Forums, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are dull, inverted, greyfaces who spend every second of their day fearing smug anime lolis. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever become one with the holographic fractal godhead? I mean, I guess it's fun censoring truth because of your own insecurities, but you all fnord to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to clopping ponies traded on EVE Online. Don't be a red shield. Just hit me with your best sigil. I'm pretty much infinite. I was 14th archmage of the Thule group, and captain of the astral SWAT. What mystery schools do you follow, other than "cowering from the naked truth of the void"? I also infiltrated the AA's, and have a banging hot goddess (She just blew me; shit was so immanetizing). You're all slaves of moloch who should just kill your priests. Thanks for listening.
Pic related: it's meme and my bitch

ur waifu a shit with no titays

If Kek is us then isn't Kauket all of our collective waifu?

Kauket is snek.

This user is right and his digits confirm it.

snek waifu a cute and best waifu
but frog waifu is good too

So who's best girl?

Heqet or Kauket?


Dubs say no need to choose
Monster waifu harem for everyone

With the August Eclipse fast approaching, is there any sort of summoning/devotional ritual one can preform for Kek?
The folks on /moster/ are trying to build a ritual for Ammit, perhaps one can be done for Kek as well?

Start a thread for it on >>>/tok/ and all d&c will be banned. Some of us are already on the eclipse path. others will be meeting near the path for an operation and can come together for group ritual.

I'm just going to keep maintaining the car Kek directed me to buy. Damn, that was the clearest sign I've received from any god, about anything. I bet he likes it because the cylinder head cast number ends in 777.

By that logic, niggers on plantations were "winning" because they outnumbered the whites on the plantations.

More slaves were owned by kikes than whites.

i heard miguel serrano was actually a pseudoname for smiley

God is the collective human mind and humans create and define their individuality by how they're viewed by others. Then wouldn't that make our collective mind and the individual user the closest people to god because we look for ourselves in a conglomeration of humanity rather than being forced to seek ourself through the tainted glass of interpersonal relationships?

And if God is the truth and we're the closest people to God then wouldn't that explain our obsession with Truth?

That old question?

welp, looks like your god has spoken. time to make like the cancer cells you are and divide. There are currently at least 3 new boards on Holla Forums alone for this kekistan autism last I checked.

as for the rest of us, if it' not happening related, it's probably getting anchored so better find your own boards too.

Kekistan is considered complete Heresy and most of wish that those faggots would get AIDS and die.

Fuck off

The "stan" suffix really bothers me. That's pure subversion. They could have at least bothered to come up with a name that doesn't evoke images of sand people in a former Soviet country.

oh the "stan" gets you? what gets me is the extreme normalfagism and the larping. I didnt even know these faggots existed until I saw them waving their flags around. another example of normalfags not understanding how the internet works. Slap them in their normalfag face, and tell them to just keep doing what we instruct them to do…which is vote for Trump and make white babies.

It was always designed to destroy Kekism.

Best Shadilay

It should be edited to say the year 126 of the Hitlerian Age.

Perhaps, all memes, days, and prophecies should be counted by the Hitlerian Age.
HA is superior to AD. 2001 ad was 111HA.
Praise Kek! SIEG HIEL!

The digits have spoken. Kekism has always been a watered-down, cuckchan version of any actual spirituality that subscribes to the idea of a collective conscious/reactionary universal force. The retards here (I'd venture to say actual autists and kids 20 years old and younger) that take these ideas as fact with the same fervor as some goat fucking terrorist are ultimately shitting up the board. If you truly want to expand you knowledge on the collective conscious, as well as similar ideas, and why it seems as if the world is being influenced by an ancient Egyptian frog god, then you should read works in a wide range of topics/authors including Eastern religions, Tesla, Jung, etc. You'll find many of the same names, ideas, and philosophies continually reappear even when the works these things are contained therein seem to be disconnected.

How new, blue Hebrew?

And how happy are you kikes you got that get? 22get betrays you though. The numbers are our friends.

Frog eats mosquito

being this much of a tool. read a book like suggests, you niggers.

fuck your dumb pagan bullshit you downs syndrome kike

faggots like you ruined an entire meme and now it belongs to t_d kikes


user… Have you read these threads? I've been through dozens of orders and forums and ircirclejerks and there is more esoteric knowledge in a single kekism thread, more talk of Jung, Serrano, real hermeticism plato pythagoras ect, and UNDERSTANDING, than a year's time in any of them, from the old occultforumsnto the OTO.

but you didn't have to go full retard, user…

paganism is the religion of whites tho

Friends don't work for you, kike. You're confusing them with slaves again. Memes don't work if they're forced. The jew fears χάος.

rofl, dubs confirm. We didn't have to, but I'll blame the 'ism.




Where's the fun it that?

Forgot the fucking mirrors. Drawfag thing is challenging.

Damn right! Besides, its a great cover.

I got the hyperborean trips of truth! Off by 1!



What did Kek mean by this?

It's called Holla Forumsism, faggot.

Oh shit. Day of the rope..seshat. Kek, the precosmic darkness. The book of toth details the process through which it is contacted to produce creativity. Meme magic…the primary weapon of the Jew is their monopoly on memetic production…concepts of awakening it…wtf. This is all expressing itself through us on a subconscious (not quite as oblique a term as I want to infer) level. Good god.

After the death of Akhenaten renegade Atenist scribes fled Egypt and continued their cause with the Habiru, the Jews always knew that generation of text can determine reality and the importance of controlling the narrative.

The tradition of The House of Life was that which had generated Egyptian memetic magic.

It is also the case that Kek represents the undifferentiated, the Jew encourages us through Post Modern social engineering to enter into the undifferentiated and non-discriminatory state of mind, to not differentiate between race, gender, religion,moral judgement, intellectual reason, thus to enter the condition of darkness, and that is the realm within which we currently find ourselves.

kky-darkness suggests lack of differentiation; hence the term kkw-smw, ‘utter’ or, literally,
‘united’ darkness, which alludes to the precosmic condition in which “there were not two things”.

>By means of the Chamber of Darkness, the initiated writer appropriates this night prior to any day

I have dreams about Egypt user. I dreamed of being cast down from the great pyramid into a moat of lost souls, a god pulled me to the shore and spared me, but only after I had struggled for some time. It turned me into something stronger. Something greater, and now I stumble into this…

I need to study, can you guide an initiate in the right direction?

There is the story of Setna who desires to learn the secrets of Thoth, the knowledge of all things, that's maybe a good starting point.










If we accept that the Vedas and Mahabharata as Aryan in origin, then I am not sure you are correct. The Bhagavad-Gita, for example, explains polytheism as being the religion of people who do not understand that the power behind all the demi-gods etc was the God of all things in existence. So people who worship the sun because they understand that the sun gives light which provides life, but they do not understand that the sun is not an entity that can bestow blessings or curses. Hinduism doesn't seem to hate pagans/polytheists the way Abrahamic religions do, but it does imply that polytheists are less intelligent and not as developed spiritually as monotheists.

It also talks about how God has two aspects: personal and impersonal. The impersonalists worship the laws of the universe/nature, order. God (in the Gita) says they will eventually arrive at the truth in this way (through many lives), but it is a difficult path. It is much easier to turn to God as a personality, with whom we can come into relation - which is consistent with the core tenants of Christianity, for what it's worth.

Yes, I agree. I myself have stumbled down the rabbit hole in many a kekism/Esoteric Hitlerism threads. There are anons that really know their shit, but I tend to shy away from getting too wrapped up in the religion of kek. I love the memes, but I attribute the coincidences more to a force on a grander scale, such as the power of collective conscious.

Numbers ARE our friends. But, it's clear that you're missing my point. Kekism threads contain valuable information in the esoteric, but getting wrapped up in worshiping a frog god is no different than a kike trying to continuously please Moloch. If Kek has been memed into existence, worshipping him will do nothing. He is a god of chaos, and to think that mere mortals can influence his will through gets is asinine. We're on the same side here, user. No need to be so asshurt that people don't worship Kek like you do even though we know you're a kike trying to push some retarded misdirection

If you'd been in these threads before you'd have seen your points made before. No one is trying to influence Kek here, but being more obsessed with numbers than the kikes are sure makes them uneasy. If you're a fan of Jung etc stick around, but you're not coming across as the expert. Don't project butthurt onto others just because no one thanked you for mentioning things we all regularly discuss. I am concerned that your spoiler is actually referring to you, and that you are misdirecting from our ability to scare the shit out of kikes with numerology.

I was at Mormon Church today and I stumbled upon a sketch of one of our early temples that I thought I would share. Remember Joseph Smith was a Mason and filled the temples with esoteric symbolism.

The thing that scares the CIAnigger the most is an awakening of the creative energy. Its through that energy that the narrative is generated and controlled, and its only because of the mass's unknowing that the Jews monopoly on it exists.

I am your new teacher. You are an imbecile. Fuck off and never come back.

You're a bad teacher there fella.

user, being part of these threads, and knowing what you must know, how/why do you continue to attend the Mormon Church? No judgment, just curious.

t. An user born into the church but left in teenage years

user, being part of these threads, and knowing what you must know, how/why do you continue to attend the Mormon Church? No judgment, just curious.

t. An user born into the church but left in teenage years

Kek and the power of meme magic brought me into the church. It's a strange testimony, but I realized that religion is the ultimate meme and then joined the one that did the best in my eyes to fight Kikery and postmodernist subversion. Since then I have stopped smoking, fapping, drinking, and listening to degenerate music. I'm also engaged to a beautiful young white nationalist who wants to have 7 children and believes in 1488. We shoot and hunt regularly and we prep and plan ways to keep our families free of degeneracy.
Plus, they baptized Hitler, his family, and his high ranking staff. I believe that their work with baptizing the dead is a great way to potentially disprove the Holohoax.

United States Marine Corps
School of Advanced Warfighting

TUTORIAL: MILITARY MEMETICS inspired by DARPA Military Memetics Tutorial 13 Dec 11.pdf

Notice the wizard on the first page of the DARPA document.
The deep state is very aware of the legitimacy of the powers that we are wielding. Never let naysayers derail our studies into esoteric symbolism this shit is real and is more relevant than ever.

These are all great aspects of the church. And finding a qt 3.1488 is one of the primary reasons that I would consider going to any church again, in addition to other social aspects.
I do not want to discourage you if you have a good thing going, but beware that the church may not be as anti-kikery as you think. Baptizing Hitler may not be so much based as just Mormons doing what Mormons do, baptizing all dead people; they also baptized victims of the Holohoax.
As far as I can tell, Mormons are generally jew-friendly, rather than jew-wise. They don't necessarily agree with everything about Israel because they believe they will create Zion in America but they are not opposed to kikes. It seems to me they are opposed to kikery inasmuch as they are opposed to degeneracy. Checkout the jewish symbolism at the Temples. Masonry, which has been shown to be jewish in its modern form, is the root for all Mormon temple rites and rituals the handshakes, secret names, passwords, etc – Ironic since the Book of Mormon warns against secret combinations… In fact, as I understand, Joseph Smith introduced the Temple rites after having joined the Masons, where he was expedited to the higher degrees.

I take it that being part of the Mormon church is not so much about believing all its doctrines, but benefiting from its social sphere. But just know that the CIA targets Mormons for recruitment… not that that means anything in particular. Plus they do not reveal what they are doing with their money. And they are inconsistent in their doctrines, like allowing blacks to get the Priesthood due to social pressure. And lately they've been bending on their anti-fag stance, even if slightly.
Enjoy the benefits user, but I caution you to be wary.

I agree, perhaps we the Kekoslovakians should declare war on the heretical Kekistani goatfuckers.

The proud republic of Kekuatorial Guinea will not stand idly by in the face of such atrocity. A coalition of the willing must be formed.

Seriously this could be a good countermeme plan. Can we play out a whole world war II scenario as per the hidden history with real fake nations and a fake fake Holocaust and everything?

What about Kekonians?

Why not Slavadanavian Americans?

You faggots are just about as bad as the astroturf shills trying to kill off any Kek-related discussion on the board. There is no name. There is no fictional land. This isn't sarcuck of mossad's subversion machine.

Relax, user. Only the profane think that pagan gods and symbolism are genuine, rather than reflections of natural processes and/or psychological states. There's nothing wrong with having a name for an adherent to a philosophy like Kekism.

That interpretation of vedic texts is as kiked as pic related. Think for yourself and stop trying to shill us.

(((esoteric))) is Jewy. What we're doing is straight science… the white man's magic. This thread is full of Smiley Jew posts though.

Thread is pretty gay tbh but good excuse to post frogs.


Well, considering no one taught me a damn thing about the Vedas, I'd say I am thinking for myself. Why don't you offer up a counter-argument if I am misinterpreting what seem to be pretty straightforward texts?
Or continue adding nothing to the conversation like a complete and utter faggot.

In funerary iconography, the vine branch or foliated scroll was an image of rebirth. For this reason, frogs and vine fronds appeared on Christian lamps with the "ankh" sign (signifying "life"), and sometimes the inscription "ego eimi anastasis formula," "I am the resurrection."


Combating the "pol is dying!" shill tactic: Forums

year posts

Holla Forums
2014 646,312
2015 3,725,565
2016 1,489,431
2017 1,078,710

Holla Forums
2014 500,029
2015 3,546,635
2016 1,489,431
2017 2,711,728

Holla Forums
2014 857,775
2015 5,968,657
2016 3,860,137
2017 2,342,986

t. 2014 shill

There is no other way to interpret Bhagavad Gita. Krishna is the Supreme Lord, worship of other gods is still worship of Krishna, but doing it wrong.
If you have a better interpretation, enlighten us!

This is a containment board. The more you are here, the less you improve yourself IRL. A very useful tool for (((certain groups))) If threads exist, even for a second, that remind you to be the best version of yourself and steps to achieving it, the board no longer serves its purpose. Instant memory hole of all self-improvement boards is not a symptom of shitty moderating, it is essential to the (((function))) of the board.

If you're going to have a Holla Forums tier digit checking thread that stays up for months, get some use out of it

I'd rather just shoot you and move on. If you want spoonfed, go beg someone else, although I suspect youre the same butthurt shill from the last thread who got shown to be a shill, trying to forcememe his view of hinduism onto Kekism, and if that's the case and I ever find you, the death will be slow and filled with torture.

Those trips…

Dude, that's just how simple oil lamps are shaped. It's practical, simple to work in your hand out of clay, and it works without spilling too easily. I fucking hate those hacks and kikes who read too much into it, or failed to do their job so mke up some bullshit.

You have had two opportunities with two anons to express why exactly the point of view is wrong. But you haven't, because you can't. Fuck off, retard.

You're the one who's forcing your cretinous beliefs onto Bhagavad Gita, the user is right and you still haven't provided an interpretation. I suspect it's going to be some /fringe/ wizard garbage. You're adding nothing but autistic screeching and the typical "I'm a powerful wizard and I won't share my divine knowledge with you peasants". The reality is that you have no real knowledge or interpretation of Bhagavad Gita and your head is filled to the brim with shit. Keep fantasizing about torture and murder, you impotent gimp. It may end for you like it ended for euronymous.

That nigger has been trying to religious d&c all thread. Just filter.

Ahh, the summferfags. Go back to halfchan where you belong.

Are you BO of /tok/ or someone posing as him? Cause damn dude. Handle criticism better and stop alienating our Hindus, Discordians, and other OGs. It doesn't add to the conversation.

I'm guessing he has never read Bhagavad Gita.

Checked and understood.

Why are you projecting, Schlomo? Filtered.

I'm a fucking asshole, as per ancient tradition set forth by Socrates, god of all assholes. Also, I'm sick of seeing the same shilling by thin skinned faggots, pushing "ALL IS BRAHMAN!" despite only being a tiny kike-like minority in india, but the most heavily pushed agenda in the west by the kikes controlling hindu and jubu cults. He's no different than the kike Radhanath who took ove iskon from the based Prabhupada.
Unless they're over 40 they're usually shit, and even then it's a solid split between cool funnyguys and evil edgelords as bad as the kikes. I've met people who helped found the church of Bob, and I've also met people from the shitstain it left behind, discordianism was a meme to break people out of being normies, not a magical path.
Forgive me, what does that stand for again?

On review he seems legit and has things to say. A kike wouldn't ever mention Jung. Maybe we just take this as a reminder to never d&c? Shrug.

Carry on friend. My bad. Also OG is niggerspeak, it means Original Gangsta, as in a founding member or someone who was doing things first. Nigger hipsters. As for (((Discordians))) they're mostly jewed up on the front line, but this has majorly pissed off the Erisian mystery schools, hence their contribution to Kekism and insisting that all (((Discordians))) should gb2SA.

Mate, if you think Swami Prabhupada is based then do you mind explaining to me what is the Supreme Personality of Godhead? I read Prabhupada's translation of Bhagavad Gita. My interpretation of Gita being monotheistic at its core is based on that reading (and his supporting commentary). So since you referenced the very teacher whose work I read, and you are telling me I am wrong, why don't you do us the eternal kindness of correcting us?
Did you even read my initial post to which you responded? I discounted the idea that Brahman (impersonal aspect of Godhead) worship is ideal.

Oh, well I knew that, I just suspected it had some other more relevant meaning.
What contribution? Seriously, where have they contributed? All I have witnessed is egofagging something I go out of my way to avoid and subversion, trying to take credit and trying to usurp Kekism as if kek = Eris and attempts to force meme "Kek is a god of chaos!" while having absolutely no understanding of void, Χάος, or the well of Tartarus. They would be consumed if they were to touch what they claim to seek, if in their lack of understanding they were to happen across it. In fact, I consider them an affront to Eris's very nature, most relying on interpretations by the kikes themselves.

I want to point to this user's reactions. I inspired his anger, and through anger, a person's nature is best revealed. I'm not doing this for my satisfaction, but to make a point of the flawed reasoning.
Appeal to authority because it backs up his existing viewpoint.
Hiding, cowardice.
Instead of rationally accepting that others disagree and that there is more information, he fled back to the point of safety, averting his eyes. This behavior, this mindset, is a major flaw in the thinking of humanity. user, if you continue this way, you are cattle. Man up!

Kindness is a shitty teacher. So here's a question, Why do you interpret it as monotheistic? Further, why do you take that one work as being so important?

No Erisian is going to tell you they're an Erisian. They don't recruit and don't like talking about their religion. (((Discordianism))) is to Discordianism what 4chan is to Holla Forums. Or maybe even what Reddit is to Holla Forums.

Completely ridiculous nonsense. You started by writing gibberish that was not a real argument, I called you out on it, and then offered you an opportunity to tell me how I might be wrong. Another user asked you to provide another interpretation, you responded with more garbage. Then, against all rationality, I asked you again to correct my misinterpretation and this is the response I get:
As far as I can tell, between the two of us, I am the only one who has even approached anything resembling rational discourse.
I already gave scriptural references for why I do. Once again, did you read my posts? How about you give me scriptural reference for why you don't think it is monotheistic.
What is "so important"? That's a meaningless phrase. All I did was reference a work that was, in theory, produced by Aryans, which I have interpreted as putting forth a monotheistic depiction of Godhood prior to Semitic influences.
This is your last chance, user. Put forth an argument or be immortalized as a witless """stoic""".

Sure it is. Ever since I since I started browsing Holla Forums i've seriously taken up powerlifting and became buff, started going to church, stopped drinking and doing drugs, quit smoking, and am now looking down to settle with a qt 3.14 from the congregation and have plenty of kids. Shill harder kike.

Have you tried getting them drunk, user? Rum does wonders. and leads to headaches and rambling til 4:44am..

All hatred is born of love contradicted, though I sense fear may be blinding you to the source of your hatred.
Did you misread my question? I'm not asking for some regurgitation of another's words. I'm asking YOU, for YOUR words. Can you not speak for yourself? Do you not know the face of your own ego?
Again, why do YOU interpret this as such, and why is it so important to YOU?

Oh, I get it now. You're not arguing from a doctrinal or theological standpoint. You're just making things up. My words are irrelevant, user. I was merely citing a possible point of Aryan-originated monotheism. Seems that has triggered you into doing some sort of psychoanalysis on me.
Take care, user.

Are you that weak? Do you truly believe that? If so, why do you speak?

You're all being faggots. Stop arguing over nothing.

You. Someone fancies themselves your teacher, and I DO see what they're doing. Consider putting your thoughts in order as they ask, though only for your own sake.

You. The hurtbox is useful, and fuck anyone who can't take it, but you're letting the urge to kick user back into it's place obfuscate the lesson.


As long as his ego is false, he will not be able to stand for his volk. We must all face our pain and learn from it, taking strength from it, so that we can stand strong together when the world burns around us, unphased by the heat as the flames of a fallen world lash against our skin. If we cannot face our selves, we will stand as roadblocks, thunderstruck, in the way of our brothers when they must push forwards!

This made me smile

I truly Believe Anons everywere have powers beyond the Illuminatis comprehension. + memes

Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon series is a great introduction to learning more about this topic (Covers secret societies, some of the occult, and their origins)

Honestly, the excommunication of Arian "heretics" at the Council of Nicaea is what I believe to be the first point at which the holy unity of the Church was compromised.

And then they turned against the Gnostics and Cathars and the Rosicrucians, who strived to hold on to their Aryan legacy and the Sangraal.

No butthurt here other than the fact I hate larping, adolescent faggots on this board who shit up these threads. If you truly think we're scaring the kikes through numerology, I'd love some information I could digest to come to your viewpoint. I love gets just as much as the next user, and I would love to know how our hong kong rice carving forum affects the universe on a grander scale. I truthfully have no idea how gets are influenced by anything other than the collective conscious memeing our will into the numbers.

Gets aren't remotely important, we just create importance because it's funny.
Other anons more well versed in the jew than I can elaborate, but essentially we vibrate between double and triple bluffs, using their superstition to make them trip over themselves, then mocking them for it, then manufacturing spooky synchronicity again when they stop. This is the outer layer of the idea, and the same thing becomes more spiritual to the "holographic reality" people, who can find layers of synchronicity wherever they look. Because they're always there.

Beyond that it's psyops and counterpsyops, artichoke and mk deprogramming, and just funny dumb memes to inspire the volk. Kek speaks to us through synchronicity just as all gods do, because he is an archetype within each of his followers: an egregore of shared intent bonded with an ancient idea. A resurrected god.

And that's all before we start talking about predictive programming, Saturn worship, sacred calendar dates, celestial alignments, and mucking around with prophecies for giggles.

Agree. Very erudite, great voice. Didn't want to touch the JQ, but on masonic topics he was top-tier. RIP Bill.

More OC

What if they were the ones that were bluffing?

They would have Samsoned the US over Syria if they actually had anything. Remember, man behind the curtain.
Pic: outline version for tactical meme kits

Is this the OC thread?

Should the DOTR happen this week, what should we do to ensure the spiritual survival of our people, our volk?

Any Kekists willing to make a few threads on >>>/polism/ ? Requesting the most absolutely autistic threads that you have ever wanted to post on Holla Forums but did not, due to expectations of getting shoah'd.

I was randomly flipping through Evola's "Introduction to Magic" when I stumbled across the following passage. Does this explain "Shadilay"?

"Moreover, in the texts we find words that cannot be reduced to a particular meaning, either because they consist only of vowels or only of consonants, or of combinations of vowels and consonants that do not lend themselves
to any possible interpretation or philological derivation. These are the real "words of power."

"The words of power—as they were called in Egypt—had various names…The expression may also mean that they are names without a sign, in other words, names the profound sound of which can be uttered or perceived only in a sudden illumination of the spirit freed from any physical bond….They have been transmitted as
magical sounds, nomina arcana (secret names); in particular, the combinations andpermutations of vowels were called voces misticae (secret sounds) or mystical syllables."

"Magical Sounds." (Shadilay)

"Secret Names" (Anyone else remember the
recent "Pepi and The Secret Names" Meme Magic?")

There's something to all of this, but I don't know exactly what yet.

First meditate towards the pyramids you'll be thrust before Kek.

Kek will command you to meditate at a high point of power.

Your spirit will begin a metamorphosis you'll go through a few of them. You'll also become much much more aware of synchronicity.

You should now be able to communicate directly with Kek at will now. He won't actually tell you much but he will guide you to accomplish small tasks that make up the whole.

That's what I've been using it for. Checking ID dubs and saving frog image.

Indeed, checking dubs and saving frog image, is best in life.

I'll shill this here as well then for some exposure, hope you guys will appreciate some of the references.

You're pretty frank in you're explanation which leads me to ask the question: How much is safe to divulge without educating those who might want to throw a spanner in the works? Is there even a limit? A certain amount of bean-spilling is necessary so that those paying attention can pick up on it and contribute their efforts. It's difficult to find an answer since we're going down an untrodden path (using the internet as far as I know) so there's no history to draw from.

what does Kek's ass look like?

Thundercloud without end, without light. His son is the lightning.
The Holy Grail of Hitlerism
Now in English!

Thank you user, you are doing Kek's will… or maybe it's hitler's or himmler's, either way, thank you.

Is that OC and if so is that the south face of Mt St Hellens?


It's kind of funny how these esoteric threads fill up in a day when I post in them and languish when I don't.
Most user here still think "God" is an external. Sad! Many such cases!
Git gud, fggts.

false prophet

have a gift from a 4ch shoah'd autistic operation

Fuck off shill. We will never accept your forced memery. You will languish in the lake of peepeepoopoo for eternity!

Any tad/pol/acks into super science? If so, this is how we fund the Reich! >>>/tok/1106

kys. Slowly.

Nigger, thousands of organizations and companies use the service. We'd be able to pick and choose.

You called. I have answered. Search for the flow of 5 beryls and you will find a golden thread. An old man playing a harp told me it was a good idea.

Just stopping by to say hello to my catty Jew friends. Did Holla Forums know if you get too good they'll shill you IRL?

I'll admit though, you're probably already mad if you think you can tame basilisks.

It's even more fun when you dive into their psyches using astral projection.

Never doubt the chaos and light of the truth. You will always have people that are unwilling to follow the truth but the trend surrounding the truth. Following whatever ideology seems vogue or in. They do not care for the truth.

The truth is a unsurmountable mountain. One that you climb forever Without end The only weight upon your back as you climb are the ideas that you are unwilling to discard to move forward toward enlightenment.

Perfection or the idea of perfection is a fallacy and yet regardless of that truth, its something you should strive for without end. Knowing that it will never happen but to pursue that goal regardless learning more with each step and push forward.

The truth breaks people the reality about the ugliness of humanity of those that hold power within our world and that service to them offers enormous benefits power and protection. The horror of how easy and effortless it is to go into a gilded cage as a docile obedient pet of those that wield power in this world.

This facade breaks down more every year. Burn the lies to the ground.The enemy of our world are not the puppets but those pulling the strings wrapped in the lies that our television (((programing))) has created.

Wow , i drew this

I appreciate you saving this user

Spread keks fury

Wow those numbers.
I think there is some serious hivemind telepathic higher energy going on. I could feel it the strongest during the Trump campaign when we all had one defined very specific concrete common goal. Now at the moment I kind of feel like the air is out of the ball a bit. No happenings have been a'habbenin either in a long time.

We just need a defined, attainable, and easily identifiable goal. What is the next step to defeating the kike?

go back to reddit you meme faggots


Organized red-pilling campaigns are always great. But they usually hinge on some event. We always grow stronger when muzzies blow something up. Perhaps (((they))) have noticed that and dialed it back to slow-cooking the frog (pun intended).

You've reached a point of despair in your lives and you're trying to displace it with something false. Your suppressed instincts and intuitions are being hijacked to control you and use you as a weapon to destroy freedom for those you would call your friends, to work against the cause that you claim to fight for. You don't belong to anything or anyone, so you're adopting a kit for belonging, half as a joke, then taking it quite seriously in your desperation. You're reinforcing these beliefs by limiting the scope of feedback you allow yourself to receive, living in an echo chamber.

You're all going TOTALLY INSANE.
'Kek' is fake. There's no such thing as 'meme magic'. Repeating digits don't mean anything and they can be manipulated to control what gets attention and what doesn't.
What is real is mass psychology. Memes appeal to people for reasons rooted in their experience and perception. It is not magic. You can't meme anything. You have to craft a meme with the principles of psychology in mind or else it will be a failure.

Which is exactly what the agency that made this 'Kekism' meme/cult did. They analyzed the points I mentioned above and found traction with existing memes and pushed their creation on you. You have been manipulated because of your lack of strength and intellect. You have been lazy and weak. You haven't studied, you haven't worked hard, and it is your fault.

You should turn back now and follow the example of Hitler. You should study the classics, read deeply into philosophy, participate in group activities in worthy institutions, and steel your mind to fight against the jew with your sheer WILL and STRENGTH, not prancing around like some castrated coward believing in false magic.

HITLER is your god, not some retarded cartoon frog


how can you redpill anyone when you believe in a fucking meme cartoon frog as deity? You are beyond bluepilled, you are legitimately, certifiable by medical doctors, completely retarded. You have severe mental illness

kill yourself you worthless coward

Keep crying kike

evidence of the kike scam this cult is

you are literally calling me a kike for sharing Hitler's story with you and encouraging you to follow his example

What is your problem with Hitler?

How dare you criticize his example?

You are a mindless jewish cattle-slave

Kek paintings by yours truly. See more at

My sheer will tells you to go fuck yourself


This user is correct, though his condescending spiel is not exactly doing any favors.

The people who believe in this kek are an embarrassment. They are shameful. They have to realize the depth of their failure.

They are not equals and do not deserve to be treated equally. Condescention is better than they deserve.

Hitler never wanted to be worshiped as a god. That's why you're a fucking kike.

Cartoon frogs make jews butthurt, and butthurt jews are too upset to work against my volk.

Cartoon frogs and Hitler: Infinity
You and jews: Zero

and the clock is ticking down. See you in September, kike.

I will leave this here.

Feel free to share boys.



The Happening is scheduled for September 23rd. We must focus on this.

some more

where are you getting that from

so you think Hitler would have worshiped a cartoon frog?


meanwhile, in reality, you are a weak, worthless coward showing absolutely no respect for the movement you supposedly support

user. . .

Poor, stupid user. . .

y u mad tho

Holy fuck these are gr8 m8

We kills kikes during darkness?

Thanks fam

you are a fucking retarded 12-year-old piece of shit

kill yourself

but y u mad tho


September 21-September 22 is Rosh Hashanah. September 23rd is on a Saturday (Jewish Sabbath). They'll be defenseless for 2.5 days because of their religious laws. Perfect time for KEK to strike.

beause christcuck praise to an insect and deep down he knows his god is piece of insectian trash

Kike detected; dubs discarded.

Why is best Korea portrayed as evil?
Honestly, I can't imagine why, unless you go by neocon worldview.
Good art, but find a better way to scan it.


Hitler is dead.

that middle one is legit scary.
Have a pepe youth.
seizing the memes of reproduction

subverting commie puns and making butthurt jews

Thanks for clearing that up Holla Forums

Kek is life, kek is love, kek is eternal. The jews shall lose. 10,000 years of Aryan prosperity awaits

So the Mediterranean is now the middle east? Go fuck yourself, that entire coast was Aryan soil.


Go kill yourself faggot.

Imperial Reich of Kekschland on standby, ready to eradicate kebab.

Between happenings we should go after the porn studios, and Mindgeek. There was a top tier thread about Mindgeek and all its tentacled porn studios, naming names and places. That thread was deleted which tells me porn is what we should be going after. It is the ultimate weapon of the kike.

somebody has been telling me that lefties are trying to meme Thot.
Anyone has info on this?
Thot is on a very different scale than Kek.

Thoth contains Kek, but is not Kek. He's sort of the successor, inheritor, and master of the eight.
It will fizzle, and devolve, just like the normie foray with Hecate and other witches.

any kekronomicons written yet?

"Thot" is some shitty meme for wrongthink or similar, as far as I can tell. It doesn't have any bearing on Thoth.

Kekism was created by aryans, for the use of aryans. No desert trilogy involved.

1. Kek desires tendies, shitposting and checking digits
2. With sufficient tendies, shitposting and digit checking, he realizes he's among friends and lends us his power because he's an absolute bro

There's pasta of dreams and canonical compilations on /tok/ though I doubt theres many physical books. If anything gets made though, I'm willing to make leather covers and do binding.

Oh OH the extra-negative term for slut that been going on.

pdf will suffice

Polytheism is the worship of the many aspects of nature, and the human character personified into gods and titans.

It represents reverence for the brutality and beauty of the natural world.

Monotheism is the worship of your master's feet.

Reminder that the biggest achievement of this CIA psyop is "kekistan".

No its actually Trump

Heqet is better for raising white birthrates and has all her imagery misattributed as Kek's. She's married to Khnum though.


the numbers don't lie

New Physical embodiment of Kek. What does it mean?

I was on a plane last week, and a Japanese gentleman sat next to me. As he sat down, i noticed that he had a KEK logo embroidered on his shirt. As he put his laptop under the seat, i noticed that it had a "Super-KEK" logo on the laptop case.

I decided to come straight out with it. "Hello Sir, Do you serve KEK?"
He turns to me in surprise. "Yes, I work for KEK. Are you going to the conference as well?"
"No," I respond, with ever increasing interest. "Which conference is that?"

So it turns out that SuperKEK is a Japanese particle accelerator, where they are investigating something or other i couldnt understand. Now this question is to more knowledgeable acolytes of KEK, What does it all mean? Have high speed particles ever been part of the prophecy?

Nigger-tier bullshit. Nature is nature, there's nothing to be worshipped there. This is pantheism of the lowest order, i.e. what abbos do.

This is your brain a jews.

P.E.P.E. = Points Emerging Probably Entering

Sounds very similar to quantum physics and the double-slit experiment.

The KEK accelerator isn't new, though. It was discussed when Shadilay was discovered in 2016.

Fair enough, I didn't recall it. I sure was surprised when i saw the insignia.

Yes, newfag.

We need a new interpretation of Points Entering Probably Emerging. The double slit experiment is bunk, you can duplicate it with a laser pointer and a needle. There are no such thing as protons, protons were invented by the kike mason disinformation agent Einstein.
He was a genus yes, but just a philosopher mathmagician whom made shit up when the numbers didn't work.

If photons were real as in have mass, when 2 cars approaching one another with the same intensity headlights, the photons would hit dash other at C squared, stop, (((gravity))) would kick in and most of the photons would fall to the ground.

Also cameras with film would periodically have to have the captured photons emptied out.

Another tested proof that light is just a waveform. Light travels at C to the windshield of a car. (((Mainstream science))) has tested and proven that the light slows down while passing through the glass. But according to them it magically speeds back upto C after getting to the other side. Without adding more energy that is impossible.

Much of QM is legit and still in the works, but do not mention anything but (((Einstein))) besides his telling quotes:

Also don't bring up any (((science)))by Nigger DeGrass Tyson or Dr Stephen HurDurHawking, a literal retarded puppet.


I really enjoyed this webm user, saved.

New thread up on /tok/ for this.

I saw that, I was going to link or copy pasta my post but I guess I don't have to now. I was also in our discussion on the /tok/ battlegear thread re all forces are electro magnetism and orgone/aether

I don't know where else to post this, but I had some sort of vision and I need to post it somewhere, it went something like this:

Trump continues to expand military influence in the government and gets some laws passed thanks to their intervention, however Trump resigns because of something I can't quite figure out (it had to do with the army I think), after that the Armed Forces takes control of the US, basically creating a dictatorship that makes a lot of reforms that Holla Forums likes and everything is well until an economic collapse. After that the army loses control and there's a sort of civil war or insurrection, doesn't last that much. Anyway, somehow Trump goes back into political life and runs for president again, he wins. However nationalists (probably alt-right, I think) try to take over the government and Trump massacres them. That's it.

does anybody have the esoteric kekism video by oscar turner?
you know, the guy who made webm related?
sorry for only tangentially related post but i wasn't sure where else to ask and i thought this thread would be a good place
his youtube channel got taken down
polite sage

Don't you understand?
The reason why you turn the other cheek is because everyone is going to be judged by God eventually
Your entire life is meaningless in comparison to the eternal destiny of your soul

Daily reminder that "kekism" is satanism and that pagan gods were demons

but didn't Kek started just as a meme tier "vidya thing" that later evolved into Top kek and such?
i know it sounds paranoid, but you never know

Daily reminder that Jesus is Latin slang for Hail Zeus; neck yourself christcuck.

Anons. I'm not sure what's going on, but I need to test something. I had a dream I did this already so I figure I'd follow through on the deja vu. I'm not sure what will happen. I'll make it worth your while though.

1) On Google search the exact string of words HEVO WIFL RUT TURL FIWO VEH (not in quotes though, this is important).

Yes, that's an improvisation on Enochian magic, but it seems to work. I know some anons here will appreciate the results that show up. I've got a few other tricks like that, maybe I'll teach anons someday but for now I need to protect my methods.

2) Post a screenshot with your results. If you're feeling especially bold, write a number between 1 and 10,000 and I'll tell you how much you're resonating with me. Or how much I'm resonating with you, alternately. I don't think there's a real difference between the two. The way it works is I've made up a numerological system in my head - the nearer you are to the number I'm thinking of, the nearer your own logos is to mine. Alternately it means you're a nigger.

3) Ask a question in your post. I can't make any guarantees about my ability to answer it, but tl;dr I seem to have tapped into akasha and I can access occult knowledge from anything and everything. Having questions asked to me and answering them helps me to calibrate my connection. Up to this point I've tried my hand at some really really big problems and come up with some solutions for those, but if I'm being honest - my fellow autists are my people. I'm here to empower you all in the same way I've been empowered.

I have some theories about what's going on. This will be in order to falsify some of those hypotheses. I'll be back later this week to check on the results and answer questions.

I make no distinction between Holla Forumsack and shill in answering questions. Here's the deal: the answers I give will be a seed that will make you perform my will. If your will corresponds to mine, then it will be to our mutual advantage. If not, then… you've been warned. I recommend thinking carefully on your will, and starting with something small. Don't tell me here what you want, I'll find you on the astral plane. Also pay close attention to your dreams from now on.

The first aspect of my will is this: to raise up my people and restore their own wills. I restore wills equally to Aryan, Hindu, Chink, Jew, etc. Chaos works equally through any of these, it is not impeded by such paltry things as race or religion. If, as I suspect, some of you have already had your wills restored, then let's confer on the astral plane.

big mistake making this post, my friend. There are large groups of people demanding the death of any "archon". Saying everything you just did, you may have already identified yourself.

Fuck it, I'll play along in honor of those dubs.

1) found more of your larping and some pedo investigations.

2) 742

3) Who/what is the white fox?

He hath forsaken the dry path of degeneracy for the amphibious truth of the Frog.

1) pic
2) 111 (trips, nice)
3) How to get the common people of my race to cultivate creative virtue?



352 results

Whats my mission?


will humanity ever realize its true potential?


Given that everything we've been told our whole lives about health was a lie by the pharmakike. What are your thoughts on staring at the eclipse unprotected to gather vril/chi etc? Is there anything in ancient lore about staring at the eclipse I haven't seen yet that any of you have?I've been sungazing regularly, upto 11 minutes now, and I can feel that it's good for me.

You're a loony. Giving sunburns to your retina is a shitty idea

Go for it, dude. What's the worst that could happen.

Speaking of pharmajew, , I hope you're not trying to send your answers through dreams. I've had my soul caged by the pharmajew when I was a pre-teen and haven't been able to remember my dreams since.

Heiled and also time stamp
Fuck the pharmaJew especially. I'll build the gallows , I volunteer

I've lived too long in fear of people. I am not going to withhold my love due to threats or the misunderstanding of others. Whatever people think I am, it will be more a reflection of their subconscious. I recently had my subconscious cracked open by certain malicious agents, but it also gave me an understanding of prophecy and why it has power. Ultimately, I'm just a dude who wants to share what he loves and help others who want to better themselves. Life is wasted spent in hiding.

1) They're connected in an oblique way.
2) Not very close.
3) No idea.

2) Far away.
3) Start with yourself.

We're going to develop new methods of cultural diplomacy. The internet is about to radically accelerate - we will want to have figured this out before that happens. It will be the only way to survive the flood. For now, contemplate these things.

Your numbers are closer than others.

Some humans might realize their potential. We shall see. I am here to empower my people.

I get answers from others in dreams.

The purpose of this will be to provide positive encouragement to one another. Does that sound insane? Isn't it insane that giving people positive encouragement sounds insane? That's my point. We are going to raise each other up and help each other to be the best that we can be. Nobody else is going to do it. Mutual support is the code we will abide by. In time we will be able to leave this prison and still be able to spot each other in the wild, allowing us to spontaneously coordinate. We will always know someone is shilling because they will be saying negative things to tear others down. This goes for any negative shilling at all, even against our enemies. I will do my best to persuade you this is the best way to raise ourselves up.

The distance between online cultures is growing at an extraordinary rate. We're all flying away at a million miles an hour and people remain under the impression we're not because we're still geographically near each other. There are big changes on the horizon that must be understood and embraced now if we are to make use of them. For now, sheath your weapons i.e. shelve the politics. Contemplate what is most important to you. Learn to win your enemies over by not antagonizing them.

The reason I'm starting this here is because I care about my fellow autists. Many of us have ended up here due to an utter lack of support from anyone about anything. Often times starting with our families in ways that some of us don't comprehend yet. What we're going to do is start by changing ourselves. If I am to be attacked for trying to empower my people and persuading others to make use of peace, then we're all fucked, shills included. I will even help shills. Love does not distinguish between people in need - but it will not be kind to wastrels either. I have chosen these threads because they seem to bring out people who have hope - even if Kek is some shill psyop, we can use it.

I will be back every few days. This will start very slow - my understanding of the ontology suggests it will probably take many months before we start calibrating very effectively. Sometimes my questions will seem silly or obvious. We'll have to figure out some of these things together, but I know that if you show faith and pay very close attention things will go much smoother. Just remember this always: Peace will win, fear will lose. Learn to laugh and enjoy yourself. Always encourage each other in any virtuous pursuit. This will be, above all, fun!

And stay there, semitic desert cult worshipper.

lol. let's play
2) pic 3 related, number is 6139
3) who am i?

No, I refuse to believe this moment in time, the only moment I can truly experience, is meaningless! This moment is all I have to make myself and my bretheren better. To make my country, and eventually the world, better. If I fail that than it doesn't fucking matter what happens to my soul. This moment in time is for fighting back with all your strength, not bowing down to the whims of a blood god worshiped by parasitic sub-humans. Fuck the jews and fuck the cucks that serve them!



"Bob Surplus" is trying to run a pump and dump using pepecoin while spewing heresy. purge incoming.

kek represents chaos and darkness

pls be satire


Sorry for bumping this dead thread, but I don't know where else to post it. Remember the "glitch" on Fox News where Clinton got cut off? I ran some filters over it. What's the chances that it's not a smiling frog's head waving hello?

Nothing was added or removed in the first image. All I did was fuck with the color levels. The second image is the first image under the sharpen filter.

Smiley Productions: the thread

It is true. I wonder how a general OC thread would go over here. That would at least enable me to stop using this gay thread for frog posts.


I'm watching Cowboy Bebop for the first time time in 15 years. Episode 17–"Mushroom Samba"–Spike encounters a talking frog while hallucinating.

The talking frog warns Spike that he's walking up the "stairway to heaven." Spike calls him "obnoxious" and continues walking. Spike is later shown waking up on top of the ship, implying that he walked all the way up the stairway to heaven.

I instantly thought of KEK when I saw this scene.

"turn the other cheek" doesn't actually mean what people think it means.

This is essentially what Holla Forums has done by embracing names like "Nazi".

I said internally: "I am randomly selecting a number with an allowed minimum value of 1 and an allowed maximum value of 10000 for the purpose of seeing the similarity between my logos and the logos of (pointing to your ID) this poster."

I felt that funny feeling at the top of my skull, I clicked on the Generate button and I got the number: 7873


Isn't Kek supposed to comeback from his trip today?

I'm a house/furniture mover and my customer for saturday has the last name Keck. I was taken aback when I was told, things are getting more fluid, the lines are starting to blur.


Do you always listen to everything kikes in white coats say?
I wasn't the only one that was faithful enough to bareback the eclipse for maximum loosh generation.

I switched back and forth between regular polarized sunglasses, yellow, aviators, and bare. I could gaze indefinitely with the regular sunglasses or aviators. It gave me a burst of energy and overwhelming sense of calm. My microcosmic orbit was pulsing so forcefully I was rocking like an autistic kid about to have a tantrum and my teeth were chattering. I could see the light bending and pulsing around the moon's magnetic field exactly like pic related but all white and gold.
Devine. I hope not but if the God Emperor is a kike puppet I look forward to our glorious battle.

Hail victory


In a sense, all cults represent different approaches to the divine, different paths of initiation, that may or may not lead to the same place.

Osirian initiation works through integration: awaken the Ra within (Horus) as the higher aspect of the Self, which will give back life to the Osiris, consciousness integrated and brought back togethere after it was dismembered by Set, wild, entropic passions.

Priests of Ra focused on the divine itself on the other hand: the first manifestation from the waters of chaos, unbroken, perfect creation, from which every god descends. This is a much older and more direct theology, one created in simpler times, but perhaps this is what made it so effective, and had it last until the christians came by.

Kek was conceptualized in a later period, basically as part of a negative theology, describling that which the original chaos is not. It is "not light", but as in "before-light". The potential for light. And now listen to me, because this is important: this is the real Path Of Light, compatible with the left hand path (as describled by Evola, the only viable path in the kali yuga), the path of "turning the poison into medicine", tha path of destructive apotheosis, of Shiva, the path of the thunderbolt and the diamond in buddhism. In a society that worships meaningless hedonism and survival, that only liberated sex to completely turn it into a commodity, as it did with every faith and every symbol no matter how holy, in a sea of meningless memes devoid of any metaphisical value, we embrace the darkness. We embrace the namelessness, because out of darkness comes the light. Ex tenebris oritur lux.
For those who can see the illusion shatter and look into this meaningless abyss, as hard as it may be, part of the work of the initiate is already done. The darkness becomes Nun, back to the abyss, but in positive: not as as the jump into entropy of a depressed nihilist, but as a new beginning.

This is the initiation of Kek, the path of light: The unbroken finds in this chaos the strenght and the will to manifest the light.

It is only fitting that its first manifestation was in the deepest cesspools of the internet.


can somebody explain this post?

The light has blinded you user

Carl Jung forsaw Kek:

I won my soul, and to what did she give birth for me? You, monster, a son, ha!-a frightful miscreant, a stammerer, a newt’s brain, a primordial lizard! You want to be king of the earth? You want to banish proud free men, bewitch beautiful women, break up castles, rip open the belly of old cathedrals? Dumb thing, a lazy bug-eyed frog that wears pond weed on his skull’s pate! And you want to call yourself my son? You’re no son of mine, but the spawn of the devil. The father of the devil entered into the womb of my soul and in you has become flesh. ~Carl Jung, The Red Book.

“You shall experience even more of it. You are in the second age. The first age has been overcome. This is the age of the rulership of the son, whom you call the Frog God. A third age will follow; the age of apportionment and harmonious power.” ~Carl Jung, The Red Book.

The God of the frogs or toads, the brainless, is the uniting of the Christian God with Satan. His nature is like the flame; he is like Eros, but a God; Eros is only a daimon. ~Carl Jung, The Red Book.

The blockchain version of labour bonds is pure genius


Praise Kek! Negate the slides!

Shadilay, bless this petition!

Shadilay, Kek, kill the shills!
Praise Kek!

original thread

Kek, we need you! SHADILAY!


I pray that one day you guys stop larping and become actual decent warriors for our cause

Every god and goddess of rope is standing behind you right now, kike, measuring you.


Okay strong bagan boi

Oh and btw did you knew that the word comes from that the jews wouldn't use a cross because of the deep hatred for christ? so much for the "Abrahamic cospiracy"

I've been developing various types of my own video processing to make some unique images out of stills and also be able to generate them quickly.

Not sure if there's any interest around here or not.


Searched around "praise kek" from things before 2015. Came across this article…

Video embedded is "Fake - Frogs in Spain" and here are the lyrics:

Oh Owoh, bop bop, bop bop..
There were you, with sun in your eyes your were dreaming
There were you, you live in a world on your own
You're not alone, no
We live in a world we don't know

You were right, the sun in my eyes made me dreamin'
And you right, I live in the world on my own
Bob bob, bob bob, But I'm so alone
Oh, can you hear me?

We are frogs on vacation
Every place in the town
Come and join our vacation
Frogs in spain very fun

Lala, la, lala, la

How do you do?
How do you feel?
How did you do it very strong?
I never know why..

I never can tell
the meaning of the words you spell on the wall
Forever is why you're not alone
You were right, the sun in my eyes made me dreaming
And you right, I live in the world on my own
But I'm so alone
Oh can you hear me?

- Repeat chorus -

You were right, the sun in my eyes made me dreamin'
And you right, I live in the world on my own
Bob bob, bob bob, But I'm so alone
Oh, can you hear me?


is there any connection with Kek and the Law of One?

lawofone dot info

Fuck off back to reddit.

its a legit query. its the first thing that came into my mind when i read what the "archon"fag at posted

i only actually stumbled upon the law of one thing just days ago and it seems to line up with most esoteric shit ive read up

Yes. Kek conciousness is the nascient social memory complex in fetal form.

Does that mean the war against the muzz/kikes begins in Spain?

I don't know why this disappeared.

Fucking checked man.
Welcome back Oh Great Kek

I thought this post had disappeared, it wasn't showing anymore.

A check for you good sir, it appears that Kek has passed his blessing onto you.

Can esoteric Kekism and esoteric Hitlerism be synchronized? How do they relate? Esoteric Hitlerism may be able to provide the base required to defeat the kekistanicucks and the civnat bullshit.

Holy shit, I was listening to that song earlier today. Meme magic, or Discomagic?

no it just means you were off by one faggot and have to go back.


Off by one in every single field with digits. Check that.

So the smiley bullshit is to give a "face" to esoteric threads? As if to say "Hey look he does this and he's bad, therefore this is bad!". Quite similar to the Imkampfy bullshit after all, and of course it goes with a white woman\swastika\repeating "kike" a bunch of times to signal in-group belonging.

Really makes you think.

Fuck off, Smiley

Yeah, pretty much. Mods should auto-ban anyone who makes the retarded "smiley posts". Every single one is a shill and simply floods threads.

Smiley talking to himself again. give it up, tranny.

everybody's on to your multiple identities trick.


Fuck off kike.

Guys, actual Egyptians are looking into Kemetic Orthodoxy and Kekism:

I can't read most of the thread but the posts that are in English are promising. There's even a poster showing the DNA connection between modern Egyptians and Ancient Egyptians. I think this is something we should support, if Lord Kek is willing.