The Ringleader

This man, is the guy who is behind the website itsgoingdown, a major antifa site. he is a professor at UC Berkely. his name is James Anderson-Furgeson. Attached is a rough vector image of his face, and the original image that the vector image came from. This thread is dedicated for the posting of memes about him. go nuts. By going after him, we are cutting off the head of the snake known as antifa, as well as the source of 95% of the SJW bullshit that gets our blood boiling.

Other urls found in this thread:



Anyone ever notice these people always either have fish mouth or monkey ears?

cucks look genetically similar

How exactly is he the source of 95% of kikery?

Didn't it turn out TRS doxed the wrong faggot?

looks like a kike to me

ignore the sage

SJW's are just the shock troopers


What is with Berkely? Is that commie central or something?

Yeah and they took down the article once they realised it. It was meant to distract from one of the TRS guys having some faggot scandal the day before. They claimed they found this guy from reddit and his faceberg account, however both of those were even different people that supported different teams in the last super bowl.

cuck face is real

Universities on the strongholds of post-modernism


lol impotent tards making memes about the people that cuck you daily in real life. As you make your memes this guy is mobilizes leftists in the streets.

Do you feel smart?

Just so you know, these people don't have souls. I know because I have one of those faces.

The Germans (idealists) at least said all their judgments come from themselves. These resentful pricks think their judgments come from reality. That their interpretations are always factual and the only problem is that you believe differently or are trying to. It's from their arrogant atheism, where they believe their judgment is law and no one can have a superior one.

That's fine, but only if they'd admit that maybe their judgment is sometimes wrong. Instead, they immediately forget about their previous judgment and treat it as irrelevant to anything about their character or themselves, because they've resolved it presently.

At bottom, they are cynics and supremacists.

It's Jimmy Neutronberg, the rabbi genius.

Holla Forums pls go and stay go

If big words bother you, you don't belong in this board.

Who's going to gas me? Not you, you weak ass faggot nerd lmao.


mods pls gas this kike


Replace mods with cops and that's the same scream you will make when you step outside with those fascist views of yours.

buttblasted faggot detected

Post your little cuck face, nerd.


How ass blasted are you?

Rate from assgrab-hopping bothered to completely blasted.

Totally and utterly retarded. I expect you're a shitskin beaner now. Time for you to go back.

Are you illiterate or just autistic?

A guy with a cuck face is talking to me right now. I can't believe this shit.

Does this happen everyday on this website?

He's not the IGD guy, but he his a kike professor at a leftist university.

TRSniggers can't dox

How about you leave, then? Or perhaps you can complain to the mods.

James Anderson-Furgeson

I didn't know Holla Forums was visited by hysterical tween girls. Just, sqquuueeeee. Lol, hilarious.

Find the nearest shotgun and start eating lead

I think I found Mommy and Daddy:

Jim Furgeson & Barbara Anderson

forgot photo

Our baby boy is a Ham Radio fag:

Ho fuck, can someone from /k/ go taunt this guy over ham?

It's expired, and he lives in California now but it may be valuable information for tracking him down further. It does however confirm his Mommy and Daddy's address.

Also, not sure it's written anywhere but his middle name seems to be Christian.

James Christian Anderson-Furgeson


Mommy (Barbara Sue Anderson) is a Social Worker (License #8965)

Mommy and Daddy's phone number is:

Jim Furgeson & Barbara Anderson

he's a manlet.

Posting bounty for full Dox @2BTC and 10 BTC if you can get him fired.

Other methods *with proof of course* will be paid out based on social damage inflicted. I'm sure you can think of other ways to ruin a man's life :^).

*Requires proof, please only contact me with proof, expect payment within 24h*

Version: BCPG C# v1.6.1.0


It's Mommy at work!


What even is left to dox? Most of the stuff ITT looks pretty thorough. I don't think anyone is going to dig up his SSN

This information:

Was from (((TRS))) and was a piss-poor excuse for a dox. It doesn't seem to be accurate, but it did help me down the path thus far.

Daddy Applied to be on some sort of Board in Austin, TX:

Also, his middle name is Alan
Jim Alan Furgeson


I hate to ask, but is this the same guy TRS doxed? I'm all for ruining a Berkeley professors life, but is this the right target?

This is what a cuck looks like.

These guys themselves are a meme.


Seems Daddy was a high-school teacher at McCallum High School.


I'm simply going off of the name, if the name is correct, then yes it's the right guy.

This is the (((TRS))) info:

Also, the faces match with the photo posted in:

I've seen photos of Jim Furgeson when receiving awards for his work in 'Humanities'


Looks like someone had found James' bosses' info:

Also let the Chair of the Dept. of Plant and Microbial Biology at Berkeley, Dr. Krishna K. Niyogi, know how you feel about James being in her department.

Phone 510.643.6602
Lab Phone 510.643.5206
Fax 510.642.4995
[email protected]/* */

This video is purely for informational purposes. I Jacob Smith do not condone violence or otherwise unlawful activity in any way, shape, or form.



James Christian Anderson-Furgeson
>[email protected]/* */

It seems that James has found himself a handle on He also seems to be interested in Linux/Music/SuperCollider

> (as jamescaf)

It definitely seems that he may be trading stocks on 'stocktwit'


Also, updating with berkeley email address as well.

James Christian Anderson-Furgeson
>[email protected]/* */
>[email protected]/* */

Berkeley does have that reputation, mainly because of the '60s counter culture and the protests that went on there. Shame though, because their engineering school is top notch.

Seems he has been pwned in multiple breeches. Anyone want to track down any dumps with jamescaf

It seems they work in the 'Zambryski' Lab. It'd be a shame if all of the phones in the labs rang all day on Monday.


They're all blind, too, and they all wear those same, stupid, thick-rimmed glasses.

Glasses, beady eyes and a semi-sloped forhead too.

Berkeley is Commie Central and has been for many years.

More like Turd Furgeson, amirite?

okay anons.. iCloud hax for the mudez

Numales grow beards so they don't look like overgrown children.

All. The. Fucking. Time.

You should be coming together and arming up then going out on missions to kill fucks like these.

I explain cuckface to normies as Smiling with your jaw, not your lips and that it's a hallmark of untrustworthy, insincere personalities with alterior motives. The smiling by opening the mouth makes both pupils look center dead ahead at the viewer and cannot be unseen once pointed out. Creepy as Cicero from Skyrim.

ayooo hol up, wait a minute, yo be sayin jews are like more *smacks lips* sophisticated and literate niggers? shiiiieeeet

why are we still spreading this fake shit?
it's kind of embarassing
not to say this guy is innocent as being a professor at berkeley puts him in good company with commies

I have them but the machine I have them on won't boot. I will fix it today and post if no one beats me to it.

That's what a real woman looks like

They do have souls. They do actually have some light in their eyes: The glint of a gleeful cannibal; The ungrateful female glint; The beady eye.

They do have faces. They change their faces to suit their lies. All those terms: resentful, judgment, reality, interpretation, factual, idealist, cynic, atheist, supremacist, etc and on and on – all of that is just the lie. The lie does have a sequence: Lie, to Steal, to Eat. To begin execution of this highly conserved sequence, the lie must have an originating recognition: Tasty (you). Once acquired, it executes the feign.

If you think judgement matters to them, just wait until they change their face of linguistic fashion yet again. At the bottom, they are cannibals, who are meek, who recognize and execute parasitism. So they do have souls, just no souls that will be granted salvation (Nor granted damnation either; they will be given nothing).

Appropriate word. They cannibalize the future of their victims.

Hey, I have that raifu. Neat.

It would be good if you left contact details…

they are Stirner defined - nihilistic narcisssm, but not authentic nihilism like that of Nietzsche or Sam Hyde, but tactical inconsistent nihilism.

These people never smile with their eyes, utterly weird and unpassionate (((college campus))) type people incapable of feeling shame and people that lie without hesitation.

What a bunch of weirdo weaklings.

kikey gacey

Since someone bumped this, any update on this?

Posting memes about him, especially here on our circlejerk board, doesn't do shit.

Destroying his life, however..


Is it true oh Kek please!!!

Looks jewish imagine that
can confirm please?

James Anderson-Furgeson ??? parents? location ??Spouse or fag BF???


Is it really fun time ?



how do we know this is true. also lets make sure we dont underestimate these kiddos

makes perfect sense that hes a professor though