Post yfw Holla Forums's queen gets btfo by real life
literally who
top kek, the jews dancing bit was ace. kudos to her for getting on the fucking news with probably less than 10k youtube subscribers
That dumb cunt lives in the GTA?
wtf do those even obey physics? thems anime titties
I think there's something wrong with her, mentally
She's a piece of shit but dem doe eyes unnffffff
also mfw
She was a kike. Anyone got that side view of her face detailing her beak?
this never gets boring
she looks kinda inbred
literally the most spooked shit ive ever heard. do poltards think everyone is desperate to "belong" to a group based on something you have no control over.
I really hope for your sake she was 18 here
To be fair I don't think there's a single e-celeb that didn't eventually go off the rails into lolcow territory
I have mixed feelings about this. Is wanting Nazi Puss enough to send you to commie hell?
People absolutely do feel a need to belong. Mixed race people often struggle with this. It's not a matter of opinion.
tbh, I don't think the internet police look at every nude photo posted online that day and investigate whether or not the subject was 18 or not at the time of said photograph being taken.
It's not a matter of race, either. Literally anyone can say they are looking for a "place to belong". That's horoscope level shit.
about her "boyfriend" ITT:
If you're mixed race, you feel like you don't belong because of it, and you end up blaming r.ace m.ixing instead of stupid bigots you're retarded.
t. mixed race dude
I disagree, this is something taught, and gained from the environment. I say this as a person who moved a lot as a child and met lots of different people, and even experienced some racism. When I was younger I felt the need to fit in and belong but that was less because of my need or want to fit in personally, but moreso to please my parents. As I grew as a person and grew away from the desire to please my parents because of "God" and "The Bible" I also grew out of my "need" to fit in.
this. I'm also mixed in burgerland. I look vaugely ethnic. I don't know why anyone would feel like that. I've always belonged as an american
Did racist bigots force your parents to fuck each other user?
You're still playing the victim, grow up and blame your shitty upbringing and lack of proper socialization rather than the 'bigot' or your promiscuous parents.
As a mixed race guy, I can confirm that's bullshit.
No, but I have bigots on one side of my family that I wouldn't mind see go missing in a meat grinder. >:^)
But you know, something like that could never make someone feel like they didn't belong.
you're assuming he feels no sense of belonging. I think his point was that it isn't the case. i love you kys
Eat shit and die
Of course, it'd have been more wholesome to marry a cousin or sibling, right?
This whole board is composed of alienated individuals, of course that's the case.
How do you blame you shitty upbringing without blaming your parents?
I actually do feel like I belong, and it's to people I actually want to spend time with. I just don't feel like I have to appease bigots on either side.
Not that it matters, but they were married when they had me.
the need for ethnic "belonging" is a societal construct. seriously, if you actively seek friends based on how close their skin color is to yours you need help.
Economic alienation is different to supposed "is i wight? is i black? idunno, wat do?"
I threw that in there to fuck with you. You need to confront these 'bigots' in your family or just separate yourself from them. If you keep using these attributions of 'bigot', 'xenophobe', 'racist', etc, you're feeding these forms of systemic discrimination and will keep the system in flow. I'd separate entirely from these undesirable family members as you'll forget about them within a year, unless they somehow gagged you as a kid and ridiculed you for your otherness. In that case, suicide is painless and so is bombing facebook HQ.
Blame ze superstructures dear user.
I'd say it's applicable in the general sense of the word as well.
Canada is completely cucked where civil liberties are regarded, it's Europoor-tier, and it's not a big step from silencing Nazis to silencing Communists.
Hi, jumping back in here after like a 6 month absence.
What is the general consensus among Holla Forums - who do you want to win the Presidency, Clinton or Trump? Which do you truly believe would truly be the bigger disaster, short-term and long-term?
catalog, there's a cyclical.
Why the fuck would you post without lurking for a second?
Holla Forums needs to learn how to behave in a fucking chan.
I almost feel like you have to be a little crazy to want to put yourself on the internet like that.
I thought about making youtube videos a while ago, and I stopped because I realized I was paralyzed by the fear of doing something spastic.
Why do communists who call for violent revolution never get arrested?
I'm pretty torn, personally. Either option is good news for Porky, which means "economic growth" while conditions for the working class get progressively worse. On the one hand, the left looks bad if this happens under Clinton. On the other hand, Trump has enough popular support that he just might push through the kind of authoritarian nightmare shit that would make him very, very hard to get rid of.
because most of the time it's actually gunless liberal lifestyle-ists who ain't gonna do shit
that's a pretty good question.
confirmed for larping liberal or anarchist.
I think because most of the left is dead. They probably don't see it as a real threat, especially coming from an anime image board
She looks like Eggman.
Let me attempt to awnser it.
The forces that decide which forms of speech are banned might not be outright communists, but they have an instictive sympathy for them, communists simply aren't in their crosshairs because they are seen as part of the same ideological spectrum, it's the same reason why left-liberals never really criticize marxism.
This lulzhitler attentionwhore isn't a real threat either. Speech laws simply aren't threat analysis of the porky cabal.
In a way, I think a lot of the ruling class' current strategy is something like a liberal détournement of genuine leftist sentiment that is perhaps best represented in socdems murdering Rosa. They can't turn around and criticize Marx (unless, of course, they're liberal feminists or intersectionalists) because then they'd have to drop the facade and admit that they don't give a shit about the working man and they're porky's people through and through.
I've noticed this tendency when taking some sociology courses at my local university, where these liberal theorists like to pretend that they're building on top of Marx's work by acknowledging him as the discoverer of class oppression, onto which they pile their idealist notions of gender violence and Holocausts and PoC-trans oppression as if class conflict had something to do with negative individual opinion regarding class and not concrete material relations vis-a-vis the MoP.
This modern pervasive form of progressive liberalism relies very much on the ability to co-opt legitimate grievances with the system and channel them into the dead-end of politics, offering the elusive promise of reform as a carrot and dressing it up in vaguely Marxist trappings and framing it as an apocalyptic revolutionary struggle in order to distract from the rottenness of the very system. Now, we see that even HRC, the arch-porky, has begun to repeat intersectionalist talking points, that Democratic big-wigs have begun using the vaguely Maoist witch-hunting tactics of modern liberal feminists to silence their opponents and promote their own candidates.
In states where this liberal progressivism has taken root, such as my dear home of Canada, the ruling class cannot attack the left because their peace and power depends on their ability to dress up as the left. If they were to ever pick a fight, they would undermine the appearance that they are the left, and worse yet, if a fight did break out, there was a risk that people would take sides. So we get a free pass for the time being.
The response to this seems obvious: attack these bourgeois liberals as loudly and as shamelessly as possible - force them to come after us and thus show their true colours. Ever since I figured this out I have never turned down an opportunity to shit on liberals.
Don't worry, comrade. We'll rape those whores before we hang them.
tankies are literally liberals
If you live in burgerland anti-communism is pretty ubiquitous its one reason for this bullshit "new cold war" we're having with russia now bc the leaders are cynically exploiting latent anti-communist sentiment and using to support their anti-Russia geopolitical contest.
The people in power just aren't spergs like Holla Forums autists they know what people who were colonized by the West think about the West and they know what workers think of rich people, so they try to give themselves a face-lift by promoting faux-leftism.
If you pay attention to what left-liberals say they concede that not everything that Marx said was bad, so they say trying to hold Marx responsible for "crimes committed in his name" is a lot like trying to hold Christ responsible for crimes committed by Christians.
If you pay attention to their discourse its still blatantly anti-communist, though more subtlety so, they still accept the 'le 100 gorrillion' meme for the most part but they just don't sperg out like Holla Forumsacks and start banging their shoe on the table and yelling about a nigger gangster communist conspiracy
Different fag, but I'm pretty fucking indifferent tbh with or without economic growth the working class is going to be exploited but the only difference is if we finally sustain a strong bout of economic growth is that us unemployed folks might have a chance of getting a decent job, or just a job.
You do know that historically when unemployment is low that it makes it easier for the labor movement to advance and become better organized, right?
What did mean by this?
If Holla Forums has any balls, they'll set up a legal fund to get back her laptop, damages for every expense imposed on her by stopping this, and the headsjobs of all the bureaucratic scum responsible. It won't be quick, it will be expensive, but it won't be the first time.
Moreover, with each legal ruling against these "laws", they become weaker and we become stronger.
Never apologize, and never cave in, when your cause is righteous.
Such people today are labeled rightists as part of the process of the establishment attacking them, because those in power choose to describe themselves as "leftist". Case in point: Gamergate. The same thing happened to rightists back when those in power chose to call themselves rightists.
t. Holla Forums
In the end they are all pussy liberals when confronted for their "politics". Even fascists are not anymore what they used to be. Makes me sick tbh.
wut source
You definitely become crazy if you're not approaching it as an actor and really believe in all this "be yourself" and "like me for who I am" ideology.
Except jews. And roma.
The only real solution is auditing yourself to Cleared Theta Clear.
Why is everyone reading all this bullshit into what I said? Fuck off retards, I'm not some sort of genocidal Holla Forumstard.
ideological puritanism makes people paranoid. at that point any deviance from established language can only be enemy's propaganda.
how has nobody posted her dildo webm
we were waiting for you
it's on here, im not good with computers so i dont know how to embed
Holla Forums in defending authoritarianism when it suits them SHOCKLER
I would fuck her untill she is a full commie tbh
I for one think this is awful and despise the Canadian government. I'm not all of Holla Forums though. I agree there are far too many tankies here.
but only in limited numbers!
We can criticize both nazis and pc police at the same time. There are multiple enemies, comrade.
so you're a necrophiliac then?
not surprised considering what the Bolsheviks did to the youngest daughter of the Romanovs
only manageable because americans are thick and see Russians as communists still
while america is more socialist than Russia these days
Let's not pretend that zero is more than another zero.
Because communists don't have a history of forming gangs and murdering random members of the bourgeoisie, and because our ideology doesn't completely revolve around murdering people who don't think and look like us.
Plus communists get censored and arrested all the fucking time, what are you on about.
Obamacare is a failure but its still an attempt at socialized healthcare
Russia doesnt have that I dont think anymore
Most of 8/pol/ hates her for being e-celeb garbage, I'm surprised you weren't aware of this OP.
It's like thinking that 8/pol/ is apart of the alt-right, only the ignorant actually believes as such.
"Socialized healthcare" isn't socialism.
its still a step in the left direction
breddy much
It is, although not how I imagine you to mean it.
Burgerland is the only country in the world aside from 4th-world hellholes in subsaharan Africa without a functionally universal healthcare system. It's like our rejection of the metric system, we're THAT retarded.
Oh ok
I remember alot of Soviet programs were shutdown after the fall so I assumed that was one of them
Someone is white knighting her on /polmeta/ and sometimes spamming pro evalion threads on Holla Forums. Who the fuck is doing that, if Holla Forumsacks dislike her?
a shill? a faggot fanboy?
CTR? a standard bored troll?
white knighting is not prominent on Holla Forums in case you havent noticed Kek
Probably either a white-knight teenager or someone new to Holla Forums.
Evalion is part Native American anyway.
CTR is 100% known to operate on websites like Reddit and they have received over $5 million in funding for this election alone. They also operate around the clock, picture related.
The BBC just did a report on the alt-right and used 8/pol/ as the sole "example" community, .webm related.
Also some of the CTR leaks demonstrate logs of them talking about 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ (there is a slight chance that they are fake I guess).
With all of this in mind, the chances of CTR presence on 8/pol/ is pretty higher.
I always love that post
reminder to all CTR that they are despised even by the people they are paid to support
Also I forgot to show the picture related chart from Time Magazine.
You guys are retarded if you think Holla Forums likes evalion. For all we know she's a kike, and she's a confirmed slut.
They do. It wasn't that long ago that FRSO got raided by the FBI. Environmentalists deal with that shit too. There were even some extra-judicial assassinations a few decades ago.
too many anarkiddies is the problem
You're both a part of the problem. Poorly read anarchists and tankie LARPers are a plague on this board.
typical tankies. blaming everyone but themselves for fuckups.
8/pol/ is the alt-right and they only denounced it to be hipster little shits.
That's not even how genetics work you ugly bitch
Though, aren't the belly piercing and taking nude pictures of yourself with politicals slogans on your skin considered to be absolute fun.
Do you think it was all fun and games for the proles in the early 30s?
what would the white race do without her superior genetics
I feel bad for half-breeds. You can blame "racists" all you want but it's just human instinct to prefer those that are similar to yourself and a mixed race person is not similar to the vast majority of people. On the bright side, if you're a black/white halfbreed, you're far more likely to be successful and rich than any black person.
Those cows are a metaphor for all the beaners and pajeets on Holla Forums pretending that they are white
Oooh is this a new wordfilter?
Yeah, it is.
And it's like that wherever you go.
There are morons that judge people on arbitrary characteristics.
Yeah, I do. They are literal, self-described, racist. What else should I blame? Some feels you get because you're uncomfortable around different people? That's fine, but it's awful squeamish. Most people don't blink twice when they see me, and the few that do aren't usually spooked enough to build an ideology around it. That just sounds like a form of shyness, honestly. Nothing wrong with that. People with green hair and tattoos on their face sometimes make me uncomfortable, too. But if I see people like that enough times, I eventually get use to it.
wasn't she trolling ?
and also part jewish ?
I'm pretty sure she was hated there.