Most of you know this already but here's a redpill you can give to those who don't.
Tommy Robinson is a Jew
Yup, he's kosher as fuck. Hence why all he does is focus on mudslimes instead of the actual (((reason))) the mudslimes are even an issue in Europe.
checked. absolutely. same MO with all of these assholes
Wouldn't be suprised. I'm a burger so I don't know much about him. But at the very least he's a shabbos goy shill.
He's not a Jew, just a wannabe Jew. The self hate runs so deep in the Anglo psyche, an Englishman cannot defend his people without a relief valve to purge himself of guilt. Basically, it is a reaction to being called a "Nazi" 24/7.
Nice theory but can you actually back it up? Tommy is controlled opposition and there is little doubt that he got his initial funding from Jewry, the entire purpose of boosting him up was to stop the growth of the BNP so of course he is "a proud zionist". Vid related is a decent English politician.
I tried to convince my EDL cousin of the reality that of jews but he listens to this cunt word for word.
Only a pleb could take Tommy seriously after being exposed to the truth. Either you didn't put your points across well enough, or your cousin is a lemming.
Kill him user
you know you want to
Why is this? I've noticed it too, they're almost kike-like with their mindset about certain things
Those kike faggots in the comments.
JIDF shill hard for Tommy. There was a thread here not long ago that was full of praise for him despite his "radical Muslims are literally the only problem and it has nothing to do with race" stance, maybe that was just retards but I doubt it.
None of what you said counters his point.
My first reaction to whoever this guy is was "that's not what a jew looks like." I'm not denying the dude is shilling hardcore for kikes and their "country", but user's assessment makes more sense. Ethnically speaking, the guy looks like I'd expect a brit to look (with maybe some other stuff mixed in), but he doesn't look genetically jewish.
user's saying that this dude is so self loathing and is reacting so hard to being called a racist after all his mudslime exposures that he's a wannabe jew, or in other words "I stand with israel therefore i'm jewish therefore i can't be racist."
Maybe he does have jew genes, who knows, but it doesn't look like it, he doesn't have the hallmarks of a hebe. One can be a zionist shill and controlled op without actually being among their number, effectively making him an 'honorary' kike. Nobody is going to argue that this faggot isn't with the enemy, though, so any distinction is basically moot.
Tommy isn't a jew, he is just a shabbos goy. My issue was the implication that all Anglos are self loathing cucks, I wasn't saying Tommy is a kike (he might as well be though).
I get how that guy is CO.
But many on this board call Americans who explicitly name (((the problem))) CO too. Literally 100% of the people in what is referred to as "alt-kike" openly talk about the JQ. So what gives.
There is literally nothing wrong with remaining skeptical in regard to any and all people who accept the big tent label of (((alt right)))
Absolutely. There are certainly some weird, and even some ovenable characters under that banner, but on here it is always being dismissed as a whole, which is just bullshit. I would agree that too much paranoia may be better than too little, but you can overdo it. Of course the D&C shills also play a significant role in pushing that narrative.
Oy vey!
why would a sun face have a shadow? Shouldn't the entire face be emitting light? I's like there's another light source off to the side that is casting this shadow.
They talk about the supposed jewish question it isn't a question anymore, but they still cuck for the jews.
The same faggots are also defending (((Lauren Southern))).
>There is literally nothing wrong with remaining skeptical in regard to any and all people who accept the big tent label of (((alt right)))
At this point it can be said that the alt left is more redpilled on the JQ and who really did 9/11,(ie Cynthia McKinney, Jim Fetzer for example) can't think of a single (((alt right))) faggot who has ever mentioned the dancing Israelis on 9/11 for instance.
You're right, except about Jim Fetzer. He's either severely mentally ill or some kind of infiltrator, he's been a cancer to any movement he attached himself to, going back to JFK stuff in the 1990s.
Yes he's autistic as fuck but he does allow unscreened callers to call in and name the jew while the (((alt right))) wants us to waste our time trying to drop 'redpills' to a bunch of literal faggot lolbergs who will never be redpilled nor deal with the JQ. Fuck, even the old guard from the 9/11 truth movement is more to the right and redpilled on the JQ, the newfags here should become more familiar with them all the while we continue to push the 9/11 truthers even further to the right.
Anyone that the ADL promoted on their "hate list" is probably controlled opposition.
Culture of Critique has good info to help branch out from, but jesus what a cuck considering what he wrote.
Not all of them but it's shocking to see who they put on their hate list sometimes.
He's not a Jew, he's just a zionist taig
I was one of them. Megaphoning, leaflet drops, rallies and shit even met one of the truth action guys from burgerland when he came over, seen richard gage in person when ae/911 was a tiny movement etc…
This all was going well until the fucking occupy faggots came and co-opted the movement and the more moldable individuals in the groups. They took them and turned many into anarcho-capatilists (sp) fuck them and twisted them towards SJWs.
And you're totally right it was well known amongst us about the Dancing Israelis, the pre-warning of jewish companies and mossad involvement and how it benefited ISISrael. Even the left leaning 9/11 truthers knew this shit. None of us were Israel fans across the spectrum. Almost anyone OG in 9/11 truth knew that and it was widespread before all the disinfo shit came along..
Because it's a black sun, not a true sun. They worship darkness, not light.
Oh, so why did he admit to being a jew?
Good on you m8.
Racemixing? There are a lot of supposed 100% anglo englishmen that have that certain nose.
Is Pepe controlled opposition then?
And in this thread, summerfags who claim to be "red pilled" use Jewish psychoanalysis to accuse their brothers of secretly wanting to be Jews.
The fact that they themselves are the only people not allegedly Jewish in this equation is an amazing convenience.
Robinson is a kike. If Anglos are to blame for what he does, then Germany deserves what it's getting, as does the rest of Europe.
I want to learn more about the Roman nose, I've seen it on non-Romans, including an Iranian born in 180 AD that founded the Sasanian dynasty. It's history could go much further back then simply Rome, especially if you consider Rome's own founding mythology.
My nose looks kind of like the Roman nose. There is a bump on it then it sticks out a little. Am I a Jew?
It usually takes physical harm to break normalfag consensus but Jews of course rarely hit your over the head with a bike lock. Instead have the muslims do it, you need to show them the links between refugee programs and Jewish centers. EDL is the created opposition to a problem the Jews created in the first place.
The Roman nose is usually associated with nobility. Large and imposing, but not curved and hooked down like the Jewish nose. Most people think "authority" when they see a Roman nose.
Kikes like to have brand names which they can have the sheeple goyim to depend on, and control. They've used this trick to get the goys every time the goys think they are breaking out of the strangle the Jews have Whites in. That's why (((they))) hate anonymous numerological hieroglyphic rectangle appenders so much. There's no name brand to run by a leader to control only an idea, It was the Jews.
I guess I would include myself in the old guard of 911, I was mid 40's on 911 and a graduate mechanical engineer. The very first time I watched the towers fall my immediate reaction was that is impossible given what I was told caused them to collapse. It was the most frustrating thing I have ever encountered after the fact trying to figure out what actually happened. At first there was nothing to read except the official story line. Then came the deluge and I spent 100's and 100's of hours reading watching every video and examining every aspect of it. There were a 1000 rabbits running down millions of holes to chase and I think I followed half of them. But ultimately my pursuit of finding the real truth behind 911 lead me to the holocaust and a whole bunch of stuff. It also raised my awareness of many things that Holla Forums takes for granted. Now whenever I talk to anyone about 911 I always say something to the effect of "when they blew up the towers" and I never get any push back now using that phrase. It is way too easy now to show anyone the official storyline is BS. But way back a year or so after it happened it was near impossible to convince anyone that jet fuel was not kryptonite.
It was a joke.
You're welcome user! Did my service early, but learned something doing all that stuff - the internet, is a far, far, FAR more effective medium once you learn how to manipulate the normalfag areas. Megaphoning people going to lunch breaks and pushing flyers on them had a low bite rate and often pissed people off. Where as I can spend 30s typing a brief redpill comment on youtube these days and wake up to 200 replies and 1000 upvotes.
Trump is a jew.
There were regular peace protests outside Number 10 in 1940, totally swept under the rug these days. David Irving's seen references to them in Churchill's diaries.
The Kikes really turned the screws after that, as soon as the war was over the Empire was sold our, though not before every shitskin in it had been given the right to freely immigrate to Britain, courtesy of (((business leaders))) who needed help to rebuild, apparently. Once you get into the 50's degenerate consumerism and (((rebellious))) pop culture starts to cement itself, and there you are. It was kind of a testing ground for what was done to the US later on.
His biggest financier is a jew so him being one isn't that far-fetched.
hes a lemming
the point of tommy robinson is to distract from the issue of nigger invasions by blaming everything on the sandniggers
realistically, i'd rather have an entire europe of white muslims than a europe full of nigger christians
I love how that photo of "enemies" is all successful white men…
hope not hate is a bongistan government sponsored kike lobbying organisaiton
Since when is commenting on something equivalent to supporting it? You're a faggot.
Whether Tommy Robinson is jewish or not is irrelevant. He's a government agent, that's why he shouldn't be trusted.
Tommy Robinson is a tiny dicked little man.
The old BNP party is truly redpilled about the JQ.
Kikes created the "English Defence League" when the BNP began to get marginally popular.
BNP are always demonized by the (((British Media)))
Thanks OP, this is very relevant to the survival of the white ra.. absolutely no one
How does a kike have a gentile name?
thats not his real name. genius.
More like Tranny Robinson. Many such cases. Sad!
MI5 detected.