Has your choice of characters changed as you've gotten older?
Do you think that playing as female characters in video games is just a phase that teenage boys go through?
Has your choice of characters changed as you've gotten older?
Do you think that playing as female characters in video games is just a phase that teenage boys go through?
na, still play primarily as male in games. If I wanted to look at a piece of nice ass, that's what porn and rule 34 is for.
It's a phase faggots who want to be girls go through. If you play as a girl character and you are a guy you should kill yourself.
like, forever?
I typically play my first playthrough as a guy and then if the game is good enough to warrant a second turn, then I might pick a girl to see if there's any difference.
you should kill yourself forever. Everyday you should get up out of bed and kill yourself, it's what Jesus would've wanted.
As long as girls are cute and get all the best hair styles I'll pick girl
hair is just dead skin
What if I forget a day?
It's a phase all boys go through.
if they don't stop it though, get the 12 gauge and take them out back.
Never. Why play as the weaker and sluttier character when I can be the more successful and stronger male character?
Then kill yourself twice the next day, duh.
Then you've got some really fucking weird skin, my man
what if your choices are an androgynous elf boy or a bulky amazonian?
been playing as cute girls since threads of fate and pokemon crystal. If you give me the option I am playing as a girl.
what gay retard wants to stare at a male character all the time
I pick a female character then cover her up in as much clothing as possible so that you can't tell either way.
It's what allah would've wanted.
rolled an Amazon in Dragon's Crown because none of the boys are cute
i found the perfect board for you
Elf is cute
There are no male elves, only female traps. I would choose the amazonian.
Oh look, a thread for baiting gaybois. We've never had that one before on fucking Holla Forums.
So what if I wanna lick ice cream off of your hard erect cock, theres nothing gay about that.
This tbh. There's nothing gay about wanting to slide dicks in and out of your mouth
What about having your neghole pozzed though?
I like girls so I pick girls, I still like girls so I still pick girls.
If I have the choice to see more content with a male or with a female, why would I pick male if I don't like males in any way over females? I think females can be cute, sexy, and more, I want to see these kinds of traits reflected either in art, dialogue, or anything else because it appeals to me. Worst case scenario the female in a game has no appealing traits to me in which case I'm in the same position as if I had picked the male.
Maybe if you self insert as the guy that can be cool but I don't do that, I don't get that immersed. I view games as what they are, fictitious works that I observe and interact with and I like to observe girls.
Maybe if you like male traits it can be alright for you but I don't.
I don't think it's crazy for some men to be attracted enough to girls that they choose them over men.
That's lewd
P. gay tbh fam
poz me good daddy, I need it in my boypussy.
your genderfluid anthro father didn't get artificially inseminated to make no god damn cis gendered hetrosexual breeder!
I don't want to stare at a boy's ass all day long so who do you think I'd pick?
ITT: Closeted faggots who want to be girls
Seriously, all of these homos saying that looking at a male character in-game is gay lack the ability to derive anything from video games except for sexual gratification, no matter how small it is since nobody here will ever be successful anyway, this is the primary motivator for these people. If you're a man and prefer to play as a girl and playing as said female gives to changes to the game in any way, leave Holla Forums and either:
A. Get a wife and children, you fucking NEET
B. Become a monk and give yourself over to the Lord so he can cure you of your faggotry
C. If all else fails, hang yourself.
tl;dr- closet homos need to go back to >>>/cuteboys/
the most edgiest character with a katana
then the most edgiest character with a gun
then most kawaii uguu grill
t/n: kawaii means cute
You rage only turns them on user.
Now THAT is what I call gay. Not even your trips can cure you of such faggotry.
Nah, women are whores and will make you pay alimony.
But I don't want dickings by men of the cloth, I want to dick traps.
But good rope is expensive.
Why should you care? Money is a thing of the living, and if you are leaving its not like money matters anymore.
Yeah, women are naturally whores. If you weren't such a numale you would be able to make them stop being whores and loyal to you, but you can't.
Monks don't have sex, you damn degenerate. Traps are for homos who don't want to admit they have a mental illness.
Maybe if you stopped spending all of your money on internet to shitpost, you could afford rope.
Don't get upset.
Fuck this thread, why is Kris still the only good pokegrill after all this time?
It literally makes no sense to pick the male in a single player game unless the girl is ugly as fuck. There is no reason to pick male. Rather stare at a qt or man?
ITT Insecure actual homos call people that pick girls homos
I can guarantee you have never had a girlfriend if you actually think this. All girls are whores.
I barely ever play singleplayer, so I'd probably pick girl if I was feeling like a faggot.
In multiplayer always just choose male.
I usually play a girl because I like playing what I am
unless I'm playing an MMO with Holla Forums
She is pretty cute but she's also probably one of the biggest pokewhores. The B/W girls may be the most attractive but also appear to have a lot of sexual experience. 0/10 would not fug
When I was a teenage boy I always made male characters. It wasn't until college that I started making female characters (I think Demons' Souls was the first time) and now I only ever make females unless all of the female options are hideous.
I just think that girls are pretty
Where's her dick?
Where the fuck are you getting that from?
Look at their attire. Typical slut clothing. You're telling me a girl like that who goes on a journey won't get fucked by everyone that crosses her path. The B/W bitches are literally modern girls. Considering Unova was supposed to be America, Rosa is just a typical American whore
but oniifam, they're like 10 years old.
Because GSC was the best generation.
Your plan backfired, if anything I'm more suspicious of males characters in Holla Forums guilds.
I'm pretty sure they age up the characters in the newer games
so sorry
I'm straight but I also like to be pretty. I'm self aware enough to know that doesn't go well irl so playing female characters is the say to go.
There was seriously no reason for you to post this
if you can have waifus: play as male
if you can't: play as female (aka be your own waifu)
u can thank me later
why do so many Holla Forumsirgins have gender issues?
Not just the sissy boys that wanna be girls, but the anti "degeneracy" straight wannabes (that we all know are absolutely not straight)
i started picking the girl character when i realized it offends people
My theory would be low testosterone levels that cause the behavior. I'am pretty sure we all have seen a fat ugly mtf tranny. Why does it happen if he knows that he will still be ugly? Estrogen son, when you are fat your body produces more estrogen and if you eat shit ton of processed food filled with fillers your testosterone level decreases more and more.
Ok i've gotten off the point here, but it still can happen to skinny folks since we have so much shit in our food,detergents and even water that causes the testosterone to be lower that it should be.
so tl;dr read /fit/ sticky and get /fit/ yourself if you don't want to be a fag
I never played a female character until I got older unless there was a gender lock in the game. The reason being is that in the vast majority of new games, the male character models are absolute shit compared to female ones.
thank you /fit/fag
I used to pick dudes as a wee lad, then I picked chicks in my teenage years, and now as an oldfag I pick whoever, though given the choice in character customisation I will make myself and see what mischief I can get up to role-playing myself in a fantasy universe.
That said, given the choice my companions will consist of women and an animal sidekick, and depending on the quality of the writing a god-tier bro is also acceptable.
disapointed, I wanted the lancer
Fuck off.
fuck yes!
I'll be going now
I come here to find new video games to play.
Its like you WANT to eat dick
I play as a guy in some games that I can play as a knight, but if I can make a waifu I go grill
whicher model looks cooler.
Why are you picking something that distracts you from the actual game? Fucking focus on the game and not some whores ass.
That is 50% of the reason to pick male. The other 50% is suspension of disbelief.
I've always played male characters unless not given a choice. If not given a choice I usually don't play that game unless it's really good. I play video gaems to put myself into the place of the player character. I cannot do that with female characters, I am not a girl I do not think that way so I can't get into the game.
There is literally no reason to play as a guy unless you are gay or a self inserting weirdo.
I pick girls, especially small ones, for the contrast of weak girls wielding giant weapons.
A weak boy is fine, too.
I play as myself on games i take seriously
On shitty games i play as females because they are prettier to look at
Man, this thread got me going.
Way back when, I used to play the original Etrian Odyssey, I was at least 13.
I picked the manliest dudes, like the old shogun, the protector with the cool beard, and like one chick alchemist that I never like and eventually got rid of for a dude. Back then, I was so straight it hurts to think about how god damn incredibly homophobic I actually was.
Fast forward to EO3 on an emulator in like, 2014 or so, just about the time I stopped acting like I wasn't blatantly bisexual, as much as I hate that term. I picked more evened out party members, mostly the cute ones like the lil prince and actually some grills like the adult pirate chick and a gladiator with a lot of underboob.
But, contrary to my open-ness to traps and grills in games like Etrian Odyssey where I built my own party, even in games like Dragon's Dogma, where you often have a direct disadvantage for being male, I always chose to play as a dude with a shaved/buzzed head, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a nice steely expression on his face, this mostly came from KOTOR, which then just sorta stuck as I went through other games that had enough customization and closeness to me as a person.
I find that if it's a game very distanced from me as an individual, I'm more inclined to make characters that are more silly fantasies than anything else. My WoW characters on Nostalrius were all male, not because I like looking at man ass, but because I don't want to display myself as something or someone I am clearly not. If I play as a chick, which I did try to do in a few games, it just ends up getting sexual, and it feels wierd because I am not that type of fellow.
I will say this, in Dark Souls, I always made a grill character and wore heavy armor. It was a nice contrast to what other fags did.
As for my opinion on playing as a different gender, I don't mind seeing that other people play chicks just cus they, in reality, have dicks. I might judge them, but I don't really mind it none.
I can't wait to be called a faggot for posting more than four lines and having an opinion.
5/10 sneak that Ina little later and it'd be at least 8/10
Always men. If the game lets me get a beard, I get a beard.
Third person games are inherently less immersive, so i'm happy to play a female character in most of them. Especially if they have a decently modelled ass. If it's first person, what difference does it make?
yeah, i usally make petit goth girl for any type of class using giant weapons
If there's no difference between the two, I usually play as a guy. Why? Because I'm a white fucking male.
I'm still going to spend too much time dressing up
I was like 13, man. Dark times.
Sure thing faggot
finna roll
Honestly, it completely depends on the game. I'm almost 50/50 with male/female characters.
My characters are never self-inserts, because I just find that weird. Instead I usually come up with a rudimentary persona for my character and base their appearance on that. In DS, if I'm playing a heavily armored tank I'll make a male character with a bald head and a jaw like a concrete block. If I'm playing a pyromancer, I'll make a cute witch with red hair.
Some games just offer shit choices for the different genders. Sometimes the male characters all look like rectangles with Down syndrome, and sometimes the female characters are all pear-shaped landwhales.
More games need to allow you to create an entire party rather than just one character, so you can get the whole spectrum without having to replay the game a million times.
Yes there are, theyre called orcs.
has hentai not taught you anything?
I like playing a cute little girl, though I will always make my waifu if the game lets me go full martial artist.
i do a run as both, i like to make male characters look like lemmy, or give them big bancho pompadours if the game allows it
then for female characters i make a tomboy girl with scars on her face and short hair
I've been meaning to do an FFT single class run.
You're a man of taste.
When I was 10 or so and still thought girls had cooties I used male custom characters, but now that I've acquired a taste for 2d I like female create-a-characters better.
That said, if they're pre-set characters, like in fighting games, it depends on which of them appeals to my tastes for gameplay first, followed by aesthetics.
This user sounds like a pretty cool guy.
i choose a male character and make him wear womens clothing
She's pretty close
50/50 depending on the game. In dungeon crawlers I even out the genders. It's always been like that for me ever since I was little. As long as my characters looked cool/cute I didn't care.
i force myself to get into my characters heads more after realizing making choices that i think i would make lead to being generic good guy
the female characters do anything special you the skin only change I personally use to men because it makes me regular
women are of only the option but male is a choice of course it should be easy
I role play as my characters from board games in video games so it really depends, as we use a semi-randomized system for new characters if your original one dies.
choose the women skin make you trap
The ninja looks stupid.
she was lewd the way she was you fucking monster! An innocent kind of lewd!
I swear, some of you are massive faggots. You say that you play as girls because you want to "look" at them and stare at their ass because "hurr durr looking at a guy's ass is gay!" Well faggots, you're dead wrong. You picked to look at a shitty female's ass instead of a superior man's ass. Everything about a man is better, strength, agility, intelligence and attractiveness. Thinking that men are attractive is perfectly straight behavior, unlike wanting to think inferior women are "sexier". You know what I call people who want to fuck inferior beings? Fucking degenerates, no different from racemixers or coalburners. You're all faggots of the highest order and all of you need to jump off the nearest cliff immediately.
rollan for knight
Nice blog, faggot. XDDD
I just flip a coin, and if I'm making multiple characters, I alternate.
I have always choose girl characters because i wanted to look at them doing cute things. But now i always choose a man to self insert myself, and imagine myself doing things to other girls in game.
Anyone choosing girl probably has inner fetish of actually being one, i can tell that from myself. Its not like its a bad fetish, but Holla Forums fascists you all worshiping and listening to won't approve apparently.
Not videogames. Fuck off gook.
I understand what you mean about Hilda's jean shorts, but Rosa's just wearing leggings and a poofy skirt.