New 20min MDE Video "Smocaine 3"

New Million Dollar Extreme video "Smocaine 3" about a cop that does heroin and tries to enforce laws in crime ridden "spictown", basically a spoof of 80s cop movies
Pretty entertaining and well made, hopefully we see more from MDE/Sam Hyde

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hi sam

Who wins in a no holds barred dance fight to the death. Cannibal Shila Bluff or mass murderer Hyde?

I want you to trash more women, Sam. Particularly Amy Schumer.

Will watch with dinner tomorrow.

I will watch this instead of my next anime.

Woah, what's wrong with Sam at the end of the video?
Why is his neck fucked?

sam, i bought that overpriced tee. it better be gud.

classic suicide bomb rescue

I guess I can be assed to laugh my dick off, let's see what this is all about

Where can I watch Smocaine 1 and 2? I want to get caught up on the series first.

Remember lads, do not mail bomb threats to a jewish daycare.

Sam, you're falling apart. I know your show got canceled but please get your shit together. Take a shower, shave, work out, get a new show crowdfunded.

Most degenerate shit I've ever seen fam

True art.

ball dop muh day yee

This post is an attempt by kikes like Joe Bernstein to de-legitimize the great work that Sam & co. are doing. "HEY, LOOK AT THESE E-CELEBS SPAMMING THEIR SHIT HERE!!! FUCK THOSE GOYIM… I MEAN… 'E-CELEBS'… REEEEE!"

is this the official the codi cigar fan-site?

The first 2 are just short videos
Video related

Nigger what?

Not actually Sam Hyde

Has anyone else noticed that E-celebs that actually come from our culture tend to be imbued with the creative element while other E-celebs are merely commentators? You have Sam. E;R, and Jim who are all quite creative and then you have Sargon and PJW who do nothing but give their opinion and steal content.

If we had anything close to the ability to fund and organize large projects then our people would inevitably take over the entire entertainment/media industry.>>10280808

Really just seems like some degenerate nonsense.

Chan culture is the cream of the crop on the internet. People who come here are the best. Second rates come here to be associated with the best.

I'm sure Goons would disagree but fuck those guys.

But honestly we need a method of funding and organizing our own projects while keeping them grounded in the processes and culture that makes our memes the best in the world.

Couldn't agree more. On a smaller (and constantly shoahed & censored) scale, there's Murdoch Murdoch. Yeah, it's a little autistic but its unabashed and true to heart. Makes me feel every time. Very few content creators have the balls or ability to be 100% Holla Forums, then there are guys like Hyde who understandably prefer to keep things vague and hide behind the paper-thin veneer of sarcasm/satire.
I must be retarded, or maybe its the late hour, but who's E;R again?

I feel lucky every day that I get to speak with all of you – the most insightful, empathetic, idealistic and determined freedom fighters known to man and all the other retarded gay niggers who infest this home away from home, but you gotta take the bad with the good.

Of course they would, but like always, they're wrong. Goons are losers. Always have been, and always will be. 10 bucks cucks.

Full Holla Forums tier guy who makes cartoon and movie reviews.

In the vein of Holla Forums tier creators/artists, what do you anons think will be the future for art and creative content? Specifically, since writing is a pretty dead medium and movies and television are fully jewed, what is a medium of art that can actually reach people these days?

A Holla Forums radio station?

the influence of video games still seems to be expanding even though most of them are shit. If not video games themselves, I can see the gamification of things expanding like how china wants to give all of its citizens a score, it'd be too easy to turn that into good goy points and then require people to perform tasks to get more and improve their score.

Webms. Audio and visuals, short for the attention spans of modern minds rotted by technology.

I think the massive popularity of vine supports your assertion

All mediums can be wholly ours if we find a way to organize and fund large projects.

See also youtube incentivizing videos 10minutes long, and pewdiepies most popular videos being reaction videos to webms from 4chan /gif/ YLYL threads. Short video content also prevails on twitter and other social media.

I consider it every user's personal responsibility to learn basic video editing so that they can participate in the process. Just as we all (I hope) learn paint/gimp/photoshop.

The idea is good, and it's been talked about forever. But radio seems pretty dated too. Would there be enough listeners?

The influence of gaming is definitely there. Mainstream gaming has been pretty left leaning in the last few years, is quality indie development possible?

Checked. I think this is the most likely.

That would be great. Crowd funding projects for games, books, movies, whatever, could be an opportunity to create momentum and bring more people over to the right.

All mediums can be wholly ours if we find a way to organize and fund large projects.>>10281033
It's far more than just ideology user.

Ideology replaced religion as the soul of humanity and we're the replacement for ideology.

yes, but as we learned from gamergate, market penetration is a bit harder because the gaming press is full of those who are ideologically opposed to us and they would try to suppress any game that had a whiff of Holla Forumsesque sentiment from the game or developers

Okay then, if we're the replacement for ideology, what is our art form? Memes and webms have a power to them, and they definitely can be appreciated as art. But will they stand the test of time? Will people look back and say, "Pepe was a symbol for the burgeoning influence of internet culture on the world"? We look back in time and point to Plato's Republic and say, that was a peak moment in history. Or we'll look to Monet's painting Gare de St. Lazare and say, "That was a turning point in painting and culture". What will be our, to use Sam Hyde's phrase, paradigm shift?

Sam, why do you hang out in Venice when you go to LA it's so gross there

Get PewDiePie to shill our games. If we make anything truly good we already have the most famous celebrity alive ready to shill our shit.

The problem is funding and organization. So far we've only done passion projects and even those tend to sequester themselves away from the community rather than involve anons incompletely with brainstorming and development. Our memes are not made in isolation and it be foolish to think that we can accomplish anything with each other.

The birth of Kek was the true paradigm shift, it's when we started to gain understanding of the true nature of what we are and it's when we gained very primitive sentience. Right now Kek and us is a baby God who needs more that what we have now to properly develop. Primarily we need the promised chan but also ways of properly crowdfunding and organizing.

I believe that out of all deities/egregores/godforms/whatever that have ever existed none of them have even a fraction of Kek's potential. However if things stay as they are in terms of software things won't change much more.


Not a fucking argument.

We have more of a legitimate culture than mainstream America does these days.

Speaking of this what happened to the guy developing kekchan? He dropped off the map a short while ago, website loads a blank page and his youtube is nuked.

I heard he got dox'd and tried to cover his tracks.