How To Kill Judiasm

Being Jewish is a maternal line. To be trusted and allowed into the inner-folds of Judiasm you must have a Jewish mother. As in to be a real Jew. Redpill anons all know this.
And to be clear: converts are not trusted. They are never treated as true Jews.

Ashkenazi Jews (Jews in power) has been debunked using genetic testing. Semitic genes among the Ashkenazim is in fact paternal, not maternal. The mitochondrial DNA is purely European. So, the "good" news for Jews is that they do possess middle eastern genes. The bad news is, it isn't on the mother's side, meaning - according to Jewish law and practice - they are not Jewish. It means there was some sort of mass conversion of gentile white European women that took place… and that isn't kosher.

And it makes perfect sense when you think about it. 2000yrs of Jews loving money, mating with hot Aryan goy sluts who love money has broken the chain of spirtual lineage.
Remember when Rabbis in Israel denounced Ivanka as being Jewish (thereby denouncing her children) because the conversion was done by a "controversial Rabbi" who was converting goy?

The final redpill, I believe, and an end to Judiasm is to force the conversation that Jews are in fact not genitcally Jewish by their own standard. They are larping as Jews. This means more than just being frauds in the Christian perspective of "these are the REAL Jews". It means there are no real Jews in the West or those in power in Israel.
If a Palestinian converted to Judiasm and had a Semitic mother, he would be Jewish while Bibi would not be.

The power of the Jew lies in their cohesivness of belief that they are in fact chosen (religous Jew), or at least part of an ancient tribe of victims (to the Leftist Jew). But they ALL agree that being Jewish isn't religous, it's maternal. Hence the Oedipus complex. And this is how Judiasm is kept alive.

Want to trigger the FUCK OUT OF A JEW? Go on Twitter and tell them they are genetically Paternal and can't be Jews because they're mother's were gentically goy. Now this may seem like a mute point because they are unwilling to give up their chosen status no matter what, but it is the seed that plants doubt.

Jews are in fact a cult of mutts who bread out a long time ago pretending to be Jews. Not a Christian version of arguing about origins and theology, but an actual genetic modern fact.

Weaken their belief in themselves, the way they have weakened white's belief in their own heritage, and Judiasm will collapse for ever. Call them Tom Arnold Jews. Call them converts. Most Jews are not religous anyway. They just want to be a part of the Maternal Tribe.

It's much more powerful to plant seeds of doubt than simply saying "you're going to be gassed" or "you're a kike" or "Jews worship Satan!". Because Jews have heard this for 2000yrs and it doesn't change anything. Prove they are not maternially Jewish and they simply can't survive. And this is the reason they want to keep Israeli girls from marrying out of the tribe so badly. This is the reason every Jewish mother gets angry with their son if they try to marry a goy.

Other urls found in this thread:

This thread is so scary it doesn't even get a first post JIDF shill.

I always though of the "jewishness is passed down by the mothers" as more of a cultural meaning then biological(Ie. circumcision and a controlling overbearing nagging mother figure are some of the things that get passed down). But I do agree with your conclusion that modern jews are much more westernized by blood then they realize or are willing to admit, so planing a seed of doubt would be a net benefit.

Though now that I think about it, the phrase could also mean something about when they got lost in the desert and had to resort to inbreeding.

That's a good point, but I still think there could be something to the biological aspect of maternal vs paternal genetic inheritance. Enough to warrant some studies.

Very true remember to always prioritize killing the women before the men

A 19th century French politician knew this and demanded all Jews have gentile wives and assimilate or else it will be the end of France civilisation . He was right . There is nothing in the world worse than the Jews and Henry Ford was right about everything .

Ok, but even that would only be half the biological solution according to the theory. What did he propose to do with the existing Jewish women?

or you know, kill all jews man

Hopefully he just slit their throats and used the remains in various soil-enrichment materials and stuffed bedding and dolls with the hair.


Mammals are matrilineal! Let me show you why that's the case:
1) Does your mom knows who is your mother? Yes BECAUSE she carried you and gave birth to you.
2) Does your dad knows who is your father? No BECAUSE he needs a paternity test to be "99%" sure.

Tricky question. It's true Judaism is filled with Holla Forums-tier fags ("you don't belong here", "you have to go back", etc)… But there are also many Jews that LOVE converts for everything.

Remember, the conversion process can take years (sometimes decades) and you will find bigoted people with close hearts as well as very welcoming people.


That's more of the social aspect though. Like I said here I'm more curious about the biological aspect of inheritance.

matriliniality is biological… But I'll try to answer your question; as far as I know, the only "biological" practice Jewish mothers (and to some extend all mothers) turn their male kids into betacucks.

This is NO joke, males in Judaism (as I understand it) are constantly berated and shamed/laughed at by their mothers and want to intrude in their lives until they die. Which seem to be somewhat similar in black/spic/white/Asian "conservative" families.

I understand a mother WANTS best, but that doesn't mean that what they do is right.

Bump for interest.

I confirm this is true. Jewish women are really bossy and they're huge fucking pains. But Jewish men are really reserved and shy.

NVM, I didn't answer your question.

Here it's the answer I have on the matter: children's IQ is closer to the mother's than the father's. At least the pattern I've seen in interracial marriages posted on 8/pol/ (something I noticed while everyone else was fapping to "hurrr race")

kek, so modern Ashkenazim are essentially rapugee rape babies then?

>tfw I can sympathise with them because my parents filtered out all my friends while growing up, now I have nothing

Hold up. Your parents made you hang out with Jews?

You have us user. And don't forget, you're here for life.

You didn't answer my question but what you said is still true anyway. I personally know a gentile conservative family who's child ended up exactly like that, and "coincidentally", ended up dating a Jewess. It's also a way women have more hidden control in a Jewish society, because the beta-ized men will then in turn nag other men to stay "in line" according to the women's views.

I believe it was Schopenhauer who said that children inherited their mother's IQ as well. So it could very well mean there is something to the Jewish law of maternal inheritance.

Never mind. I didn't know what you were saying. I'm just really tired.

No, I had no friends. I brought friends when I was around 17 and they screamed at me later because "I could have gotten raped"

I'm not kidding. I'm now 26, KV NEET. I'm not shy but I'm reserved.

dee bre gop loo du

man the paternal maternal knowledge thing is hilarious
guess it sucks for all you guys out there that dont have extremely telling traits that will be evident in both your male and female offspring
anyways op, memetic luck will come to you but only if you say

Don't worry, same here. It's 1 am and tomorrow I have to work with the electrician inspector at 8AM (although I think they set up appointments by 3 hour blocks).

Just utilise open boarders for Israel and then

1) The highest rate of ADHD, at 15.2%, is in the mixed race category.

2) The highest rate of 'Learning Disability, at 14.6%, is in the mixed race category.

3) The highest rate of 'Behavioral Difficulty', at 12.8%, is in the mixed race category.

Race mixing is a fate worse than death just look at BRs.

I work my ass off building fences. Where I live, there are shit tons of people moving in so I have to work much harder. I probably shouldn't stay up much longer.

I feel you a bit, I know a bit of real estate demands here in the metroplex (also people moving in).

I live in Richardson and in just a year the prices went up due to demand. Hope I see your posts again, have to sleep now.

I live in the Denver area and it's fucking ridiculous. My kids and I played a game where we picked out out-of-state license plates. We stopped the game because of all the people moving in. We just don't care anymore. And these are people who moved in at least two months because you have to get a CO license plate within 2 months. Colorado turned from being a purple state to a libshit hellhole. 'Gay Pride', 'I'm with her' and 'Feel the Bern!' Bumper stickers are not uncommon. All the Califags are moving in and changing the demographics until we become even more cucked. It can be used as an allegory for white genocide.


they're not reserved and shy at rubbing hands while destroying the white race

probably because of the herbal jew.

have you had any success using this tactic? how many jews actually care they'll just say "my moms a jew idiot" cause they're dumb and don't even really listen to others anyways too busy scheming and rubbing their hands in their heads

It's important to lay the groundwork for non-jews to see the genetic nature of jewry. I had some faggot on youtube spouting BS about judiasm being a religion and that modern jews can't trace their lineage to judeans.
I blew him the fuck out by pointing to the non-orthodox nature of their lobbyist organizations and their distinct claim to ethnic/victim status

Good thread OP. The shills instead of shitting it up are just ignoring it. Weak shits, all of them.

the end game

don't forget to spay or neuter your pets

Do you have sauce for this? It's important to me that this is 100% true.
t. mischling with Aryan father

The whole "jewishness is through the maternal line" shit isn't true. I don't give a fuck about technicalities. It's not biologically true. The only reason that rule exists is because the kikes were neurotic about getting cucked, and therefore the only way of knowing 100% sure that someone has jewish blood is if the mother is jewish

Does that make sense? I'm not going to hold my standards to their shitty unscientific religious rules. There are plenty of turbo-kikes who technically aren't "full jews" by strict orthodox standards. Tim Wise is still a kike, Lenin is still a kike, etc.


So the maternal line thing is bull. But it's still a good attack point. Make them defend their jewishness it pushed the window

I'd prefer a more final solution but this is good for some keks.

Do you have control of the state yet? No? Well then you cannot eliminate the Jews yet.

There are no Holla Forums-tier jews, oven-doger.


You're beyond retarded.

arent you just labeling jews as non-jews though? this does nothing but remove their gold star. they will keep doing what they're doing regardless, except they'll be harder to identify.
what we should really be doing is the exact opposite of this - we need to be cracking down on all kike dna and giving them their gold star. otherwise their cursed dna will continue to subvert us genetically without us knowing

Allow me to ask you a question; why are Jews powerful?
Is it because they're Jews? And somehow being Jewish alone grants you automatic power over societies?
Or do Jews derive their power from their ethnocentrism and identity? Pooling resources together to benefit Jews when needed and maintaining a powerful identity separate from the Goyim?

How you answer that question says a lot about how you intend to liberate our societies from the Jews. It is impossible to kill every single Jew on the planet. But it is or can be possible to destroy the Jewish identity, removing the one thing that allows them to dominate our societies; the *international* Jewry.

In otherwords, individual Jews dispersed throughout a country that have no shared identity or desire to work together as Jews against the Goyim are not a threat. But Jews dispersed throughout a nation with a feeling of shared Jewish identity, and prepared to work together because of this is very much a threat to whatever society is infected by them.

Jews deconstructed White identity because they know that strength comes from ethnocentrism (like the Jews have). It would be possible to rule even a society of Jews as a tiny minority if you could break down their identity as Jews.

However, I must say that I think OP's thread, while a good idea doesn't really accomplish anything. Our task is NOT to trigger Jews. Our task is to rekindle and awaken White racial consciousness and break the chains of Jewish domination of our media. You could piss off every Jew in this country (all 6 million of them) and accomplish nothing. But awakening even so small a number as 600 more Whites would be considered a deadly threat by the (((System))). Don't waste your time spitting in the enemy's eye. Instead cut his throat and move on to the next.


Ultimately, I don't think this is relevant. The main threat of the Jews is their behavior, not how their genes are transferred. So what if you convince them that they're not Jews? You'll just get a Jew by another name.


But what if they sacrifice their firstborn? Jewgod freed the jews from this pact thousands of years ago, but could this be the final challenge for shabbos?

Stop with this retarded meme.' We don't give a fuck what the kikes consider "one of their own," if they have any jewish forebears whatsoever, THEY'RE FUCKING JEWISH. End of discussion. The whole jewish cultural bullshit about "oh well his mother isn't jewish therefore he isn't a true jew" means nothing to US whites, it only holds any meaning for the fucking hebes themselves.

The only reason that's even a thing is because the jews try to use it as a way to avoid getting "genetically coopted." If you know the mother is jewish you're sure the kid is jewish, but you don't know if the jewish father was really the dad, because men don't carry children. That's all it is, which to anyone who ISN'T a fucking jew makes no difference. Is their mom a jew? They're a jew. Is their dad a jew? Then they're a fucking jew. This is not a difficult concept, and yet for some reason I see so many "redpilled" anons regurgitating this bullshit like it has any meaning to us whatsoever. Let the kikes fight amongst themselves over who a "true" jew is, it makes no difference to us, they ALL get ovened regardless of which parent was semitic.

Arabs are Semites. Don't fall for the name game.

That is some pretty sick propaganda user.I like it they are getting weaker by the day already.However they will ignore all evidence and just start mewling anti semite even when confronted with facts so personally I don't give a rats ass what side they got the jew from jew + anything = jew and gets the gas.

You know that quote from Mein Kampf about arguing with Jews, when even when they lost, they would still come back the next day and pretend like it didn't happen? Jews don't care about or acknowledge truth, so I am doubtful anything like this would work. The great master of lies, by necessity, must also deceive himself.

I bet the existence of the white race that your comment was accurate and intelligible

Well, socially they are pussies, but yeah, they still are kikes.

For future reference, don't capitalize 'jew', or 'jewish'.
Every needle we have goes into their shriveled little hearts.

It's doesn't matter, genetics really don't work that way. Differences between jews and non-jews are not only in the y-chromosome or mtDNA (which wouldn't even lead to phenotypical greed and sociopathy anyway), they're in every chromosome. Regardless of perverted jewish matrilineal customs, both parents contribute DNA to their children in nearly equal amount.


It's a metaphor.
The heart of the operation, etc.
I have no human word for their biology.

Good idea, user. I am going to think about this today. Bumping–will be back.

They arent followers of the religion of moses.

They are edomites by their own admission that interbred with the Samaritan hebrew people that then interbred with the khazars with their babylonian cult called Pharaseeism and then proceeded to interbreed with themselves for the next 1400 years. They called themselves jews to make bible ignorant christians think that they were related to judaens through clever word play.

They are humanites genetic abortion, ethnic mongoloid orphans, and religiously bankrupt

I've been doing this for years already.

Checked and agreed.
Open borders for Israel is a solid op that with enough effort would cause some serious problems for them between now and DOTR.

If we do it right, tens of millions of nogs and mudslimes would take care of most of the problem.

Destroy the Jewish philosophy that has been adopted by Whites through Christianity. The philosophy of weakness is good and strength is bad. Pride is bad. Wrath is bad. Lust is bad. You must forgive your enemies. Nein, nature is not bad, no matter how much jews want it to be. Read some Nietzsche. Trying to defeat Judaism while clinging to the very slave-serving ethical system based on Judaism doesn't work.

Explain Mark Levin user.

sterilize the women
turn them into sjw lesbians
worked well for white women

Ctrl + f

Synagogue of satan

0 results

This thread reminded me of something. There is a schism between Jews we can exploit. Sort of like with niggers, darker nigs vs. lighter nigs, more European Jews get preferential treatment compared to more sandnigger looking Jews. They're straight up about it too. Trigger warning: I had an Israeli girlfriend in highschool, she let me in on that little secret. I think we can capitalize on it, meme it, drive the wedge further.


Jews don't care about that. Their entire identity is crazy and makes no sense. Why would you think that you could hold them to some sort of standard?

Jew: A person descended from the exiled tribes of Canaan. Related to arabs.
Judaism: A monotheistic amalgamated faith based on local polytheistic tribal gods.
Israel: The proposed religious and ethnic homeland of the jews that the jews believe they are entitled to.
Ashkenazi jew: A crypto jew from europe. Most likely mongrelized or in-bred.

These people are a fucking problem because their identity doesn't make any sense, yet we are expected to just play along like they're acting as fellow members of the human species.
Whats the difference between a jew and a gypsy? Their religion. Otherwise they're just as rootless, and even when they try to take back their homeland by force its a huge fucking problem for all of us.

Maybe if they all left our countries and went back to the middle east to fight it out with their arab kin it wouldn't be so fucking bad, but its worsened by the fact that there are so many whites hypnotized by christianity and masonry, which are clearly just more jewish abstractions. It's worsened by the fact that the jews try to take over our countries, corrupt our children, ruin our women, and emasculate our men. It's worsened by the fact they weasel their way into our government to extract resources for their zionist agitations while simultaneously depopulating arab and african lands so that they can come to our countries.

Why the fuck should anyone tolerate this behavior? This has nothing to do with mother or father based descent. This has everything to do with a synchronized psychosis within a subset of people that were scattered to the wind. I guarantee that if you did a standard psychological evaluation of any Levite or Cohen rabbi type you would find that they are schizotypal or schizophrenic.

Jew/Judaism/Jewishness is a Hydra. Cut off the heads and the body dies.

It was their strategy always to marry Indo-European women, that's what set themselves apart from the Arabs and determined the Chosen people basis, the first four wifes of Jacob were given as Syriac the daughters of Laban the meaning of which is white, in the allegorical narrative Jacob had a herd of speckled cattle and brown while Laban retained the whole white.

Genetic research confirms that the basis of their Mit DNA was proto-European and they've only ever been concerned with retaining the Semitic paternal identity, they consider this hybrid superior to both the full Semite and European though generally they seem to get the worst looking results.

There is a certain logic to what you say, but we also know that Talmudism heavily emphasizes matrilinearity, perhaps as a defense against assimilative raping. The Jews who DO follow patrilinear mating along your line of thinking are the Karaites, and they are considered a heretical, irrelevant minority.

The head is Christianity though. Good luck trying to kill that Hydra. As long as their are Christians there will be people larping as Jews.

Just look at many of the posts in this thread. Christians creating more and more myths around the magic Jew. It will never die because of thist.

Reported for intl.

Reminder that everything intl says is refuted by these links and that they have no response.

Not Jewish:
Fundamental Question:

This really put their involvement with feminism into light. If normie non-orthodox jews were more misogynistic, it would be quelled.

As long as a billion people are reading the Old Testement and New, there are going to be hook noses reading the Talmud and larping as the "real Jews".

Jewish plagiarism of the Valkyrie Archetype. Never post her again!

The easiest way to kill Judaism is to shill diversity on them. Step by step breakdown:

1. The Synagauge is "too white"
2. Lookup the jewish calendar invite non-whites to their events/locations/kosher places/synaguage #explorejudaism
3. Infuriate the new non-white converts by saying judaism discriminates against them and it problematic.
4. have them become advocates of diversity in their synagogues etc
5. Hang posters in non-white areas inviting more to the synagauge/jewish events
6. Hang posters of interracial mixing between jews and the new converts in front of synagauges
7. if rabbis kwech call them racist/intolerant — try to blow it up in media further reinforcing how racist judaism is and that it needs to open up.
8. Congratulations you have just destroyed Judaic cohesion the one advantage that attains them success throughout the ages. Keep shilling this and using their own weapons against them until jews start back-paddling on the diversification.

wait a minute OP. Are you trying to trick me?

William Marston wasn't a Jew, retard.

Jewishness is defined by having Jewish blood, no matter how remote or from which line.

The idea of Jewishness being matrilineal is dangerous, as it suggests that White women being bred by kikes is somehow okay. Are you fucking kidding me?

How many nation-wrecking jews out there came out of the wombs of traitorous White women?

Anyone shilling for "matrilineal jewishness" is suspect.

No its fucking not, its obviously:

You have to utterly destroy their ability to wrap their tendrils around your people
Send them all to Israel at penalty of death and let them reap what they've sown from the arab world.


Meme this.

don't forget to burn out the stumps

Because a European woman that marries a Jew then becomes Jewish through conversion, any child born is considered entirely Jewish and the all important Semitic paternal lineage passed on.

The European Matriarchal lineage is equally important to them otherwise they'd just revert to being humble sand-niggers.

>tfw Holla Forumslacks will tell me to kys anyway

It's ok user, if you're genuine about renouncing your quarter (((ties))), you can be my driver.

Spotted the future President of Madagascar.

You want a toothpick?

Doesn't matter OP…
The worst of the jews already swap wives as part of a secret cult practice!

And that's the mildest part of what they do… They literally have blood orgies.
They are so bad that the Jews hate them and their Council of the Four Lands have excommunicated Sabbatain's and Jacobins.

I always thought this twitter op one had good red-pill potential. I think we should return to it at some point down the road.

damn, I must have been switched at birth, there're at least 2 standard deviations between us

It'd be nice if we had some of the memes in HEBREW

What about the "social construct" angle?

only in the sense of regression to mean, and if you are comparing sex, you should compare sons to each and daughters to each

#2, be sure to offer free shit to get them there
nah, their cohesion is much deeper than that.

there is no real reason for intelligence to be inherited from female side, at least not the way whites evolved


because coalburners are "hot Aryan goy sluts" right?


prove they still exist or stop making the claim. It's important to prove things not just post them

i have a nearly identical y chromosome to that of my 8times great grandfather
x's are a control that gets chopped and screwed. mito is an exception

Do you know the plot of Wonder Woman?

In spite of this:

Jews arrived in Europe first in the
where they prospered as traders, also of slaves, of which they married the smartest.