come join us to drop truths about communism on 4chon
We're coming, buckos
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For what purpose?
It's like talking to a wall.
this aussie disagrees!
shitposting on halfchan is probably more appropriate after their deity fails.
Can I just hit myself in the head with a hammer a few times? I'll waste less time and save more brain cells.
Holla Forumsyp here
Stop insisting that borders should be dissolved so we can get overrun by niggers because dude nurture not nature lmao, and I'll accept the dismantling of capitalism.
No one says this except anarchist.
Most here don't think they should. It is something that will occur naturally if FALC is established. But under capitalism borders can and should stay. Those who support it are just naive liberals
So when are you leaving then?
accepting that borders shouldn't be dissolved under the current capitalist state of the world doesn't make one racist. In a way he is right, that third worlders will come in huge numbers if there was no border control
I'm conflicted, since it would probably destroy capitalism, but it would also probably give rise to a huge wave of fascist sentiment.
You know, if Holla Forumsyps were genuine about this r*ce war shit, they'd be advocating for open borders, not against. It would certainly make their views more popular.
I'm not saying we should tear down boarders or have mass immigration, but he was whining about blacks so I decided to respond in kind.
Someone's being a bit edgy
What i've learned so far is Holla Forums knows next to nothing about leftist theory. Anything they know about leftist ideology seems to come from sources they hate, the media.
Pretty much goes to show the mind of a Holla Forumsyp.
Holla Forums doesn't care about anything except social issues, racial purity, and maintaining capitalism insofar as true capitalism will naturally not reward nonwhites, who are innately inferior.
You aren't white, that's plain enough for anyone to see. Probably failed the mirror test a few years ago.
top kek
Borders already don't exist. The internet is shattering them. No use crying over spilled milk.
wow, even in the shittiest threads Holla Forums gets btfo
I would agree with you if you mean borders to cultural exchange and communication. But real, material borders definitely do exist
They do, but they're slowly becoming irrelevant if you can communicate just as easily with someone from Brazil, say, as previously you didn't and would have to know a telephone number at least.
I think they're sort of, not at the present moment, melting away.
At least the internet is eating away at them, for whatever effect.
I assume you're referring to the article about giving Kenyan children the mirror test at
But if you look at the original research paper at
And of course there is no evidence that black kids in Western countries do any worse on the mirror test than white kids.
new thread.
Don't let the Sassanachs find out about this one.
I am the suspicion. Thanks though.
This is a false flag you fucking idiots. Holla Forums is going to use this as justification to pound the fuck out of this board after the election tomorrow.
Look at the fucking quality of OP's post on Holla Forums. This is not someone who cares about giving Holla Forums a good image.
This fucker even left his nazi flag on, for fucks sake.
Yeah, I'm sure Holla Forums really needs justification to shit this place up. The only thing they're waiting for is an excuse. Of course we shouldn't do anything to educate and agitate because they might post porn or gore on here for the mods to delete.
You're right, we shouldn't engage in efforts to reverse the years of stormfag brigarding that has gone into turning Holla Forums into a fashy stronghold through some shilling of our own. Let's just keep here and not offend anyone, that's what a good sass- errr, leftist would do.
Finally changed your flag, eh?
Sorry OP I don't like being datamined by Hiroyuki.
Are you like one of those autistic leftcoms who insist that only a spontaneous uprising of the working class can lead to legitimate communism and attempting to teach people about the issues, organizing or basically doing anything but shitting on other leftists is opportunism?
You wouldn't happen to have curly hair would you?
You wouldn't happen to be intentionally calling me jewish after I call you out on your false flagging bullshit, would you?
Sorry to say, but I'm not the nazi. Quite the contrary.
Seriously though what fucking negative consequences could shilling for the left on 4chan have? It fucking worked for Stormfront, after all. pic related.
Let them come to us, rather than we come to them.
I don't want to shill, it's pointless and it makes me more obnoxious than they are.
An organized shilling effort from outside of imageboards is the entire reason there's such a strong nazi presence.
Ignore this retard, they're arguing on a feels>reals basis.
The problem isn't shilling, it's whether you bother to keep doing it.
If we kept doing it we would win. They get destroyed on every conversation.
Well, nobody's forcing you to do it. But saying that it's pointless is ridiculous. With so many lies and so much propaganda out there, taking a stand here and refusing to shill is like advocating pacifism in the face of fascism because "you'd be just as bad as they are."
Fuck that, anything that spreads a materialist understanding of history and the present state of capitalism is a good thing. As capitalism keeps fucking up, spreading socialist ideas among normies and combatting fascism might actually lead to some positive change and maybe prevent some people from deciding that the Jews and niggers are to blame instead of the falling rate of profit and the institution of private property.
Swarmfront didn't do shit, /new/ had too much racism for moot to handle, it was deleted, and when it was brought back as Holla Forums it pretty much cemented its status as "the racist shitposting board", especially given its status as a containment board for said racist shitposting
This is just tinfoil shit, like the claims that Holla Forums is overrun with CTR shills (as opposed to trolls baiting Trumpfags)
If the "shilling" you mentioned were even remotely competent or effective, you might have a point. But the posts on 4chan are short and full of intentional spelling errors. They are not legitimate propaganda.
Nice job posting one of the most popular images on Holla Forums in an attempt to "fit in", though.
This TBH. I'm sick of the concern trolling here myself. This isn't a fucking safespace, and neither should other boards be for stormfags.
Then post actual arguments on 4/pol/. All I see are old memes and low-effort garbage.
[citation needed]
I haven't even participated or checked it out. I'm just saying that it's a good idea in principle. Like getting together organized shitposting groups or something.
Seriously though why are you getting the impression that I'm a Nazi? Why would a nazi support this course of action? What the fuck would they possibly gain from this?
That's all you need. It's about appearing like a normal and active part of the board, not being right, the nazis did it.
Check it out, if you feel like losing all faith in humanity.
It's like watching two retarded babies fight over a little ball of crack.
This is a lie and you know it you turd eater.
Frankly, I came here from 4chan to avoid Holla Forums retardation. But it would be nice if it could go back to the good old days after 9/11, when 4chan was just a regular shit-hole and not a white supremacist hangout. Sometimes I dream.
It's better to be as accurate as possible TBH
Arguments are about convincing people after-all.
Stormfront couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery.
Did Swarmfront attempt to change Holla Forums's general political disposition? Yes
Is Swarmfront responsible for that change in general disposition? No
I'd say the change was due to what I mentioned above, combined with 4chan's role as an edgy internet site perpetually opposed to the status quo (whatever that is)
Believing Swarmfront did it is the same dumb tin-foiling that your friends on Holla Forums engage in. i.e. "nothing happens organically, everything is organised by some shadowy secret group"
Yeah, I'm sure its just coincidence that Holla Forums being brought back as the racist shitposting containment board had nothing whatsoever to do with it becoming such
poltard here you all suck NAZI RULES ALL
pic related
/new/ was less shit than Holla Forums became, but it was still filled with racist/anti-Semitic shitposting
The sole fact that white nationalists weren't immediately banned was what attracted Stormfront to 4chan in the first place. Which you would know if you bothered to read the image.
It's never been about arguments though, it's been about appearing to be a normal part of the board.
You still have no evidence whatsoever besides "it's a conspiracy theory and you shouldn't believe in conspiracy theories because that's what Holla Forums does :^)"
There is hard evidence that they tried to do this. There's no hard evidence that they failed. What possible reason could you have to believe that they failed, in the absence of definitive evidence for either outcome? Frankly, I remember what it was all like in 2006 (I never browsed /new/ or Holla Forums though) and I had first-hand real life experience with the kind of marginalized neets who collected A Wyatt Mann caricatures and had burgeoning white supremacist tendencies to begin with.
However, there was still an organized effort by a bunch of committed ideologues to introduce this philosophy and this way of thinking to those people. The fact that you insist so stridently that this had no impact whatsoever makes me suspicious, now. Again, why are you opposed to the idea of exporting leftist thought and materialist explanations for common economic and social phenomena?
When has racism ever been seriously policed on anything but a small minority of 4chan boards?
2013 was long after the /new/ being deleted shitstorm
I didn't say I was opposed to the shilling, I said that Swarmfront is just the convenient tinfoil excuse for why Holla Forums became the racist shitposting board.
I miss the old /new/ because even with the racist shitposting you still got decent threads (even if lolbertarians just posted 1+ hour long videos with no transcript as a rebuttal to every argument ever)
Again, if anyone here was actually familiar with /new/, they would've known about its history as the racist shitposting board.
Fuck that's the reason why 4chon was created in the first fucking place, because moot deleted that and /r9k/
He's not wrong though. Why not vote for a Communist for president.
They might not win, but it's better then sitting at home with you're thumbs up you're asshole about how voting is consenting to rape.
I don't think it's possible to say this definitively with the evidence we have on hand today, but I'll concede you that it was racist to begin with.
Activism is an illness of the worker's movement.
goo goo gah gah
Actually, shilling's probably a good idea, since regardless of what happens you're gonna have a lot of disillusioned Trumpfags
I mean it probably did have an impact, but I think deleting /new/ and bringing it back as "the racist shitposting board" i.e. Holla Forums did more damage than Stormfront could hope to achieve
communism eliminates the driving force behind the vast majority of immigration though. They come here for safety and money generally. Under a communist society the only brown immigrants you'd probably expect to see would be a couple of expats or some shit like that and since their not moving for economic reasons they're probably going to be prepared to accept the cultural norms and traditions of the society they're moving to.
Or you could just build a wall and hope for the best as the Third World's population continues to grow at a higher and higher rate and they become increasingly desperate for all the money and resources whites have stolen from them.
See how that works out for you.
holy shit they got BTFO lmao
As the industry gets moved out of First World into Third World and First World becomes poorer and poorer, until it is indistinguishable from Third World.
Reminder that moot got jealous that 4chon was getting traffic and establishing itself as the second largest English imageboard. So instead of ignoring it he waited for the perfect opportunity to bring back /new/ as Holla Forums when the original owner of Encyclopedia Dramatica changed its website to OhInternet. I wonder what the political discourse online would look today if moot never had that large ego behind him.
t. 17 year old
Not "false flagging", just calling you out for being deeply triggering and problematic, kikel.
Of course they do.
that's not the point. I doubt your average fashy would be in favor of such a practice. I would imagine they're generally more in favor of self-sufficiency which is going to bring problems of its own
Can't, I've been banned until after the election.
Oh how big of you. Who would have thought that a nazi would be for - egads! - Not Socialism?
Also, walls are useless when they can just fly over or boat around. This isn't 900 AD any more. You will never keep people of different races out, you will never keep other cultures out, you will never have your pute aryan homeland, it's just not going to happen unless you and a whole bunch of other likeminded cave men decide to be assholes and start acting like Isis. And even then it won't happen, the world will just drone strike you, and then white geno. .cide really will happen.
Kys yourself my friend