Jupiter is to our Sun as (((Nibiru))) is to the Dark (((Sun)))...

Jupiter is to our Sun as (((Nibiru))) is to the Dark (((Sun))). Every MATTER has and EQUAL and Opposite (((ANTI)))MATTER. Everything. Cells, Atoms, People, Planets, Poles. Solar Systems and Suns.

Our solar system is a Binary Star System balancing in an act of polarity between light and dark. + or - Light-Sun and (((DARK)))Sun

The Orbits of our Sun and Planets will be passing with in the (((Dark))) Suns (((Anti)))Planets orbit. (((Nibiru/X))) is Jupiter. Jupiters Polarity Negative. Technically (((Jupiter)))

The orbits are so that (((Nibiru))) comes close and truly endgames this Earth. Purposely, like clockwork. (((Nibiru))) will enter a elongated vesica pisces orbit and come close enough to the Earth to wreck things…. then coming back by again after 7 years heading back out to finish us off (Tribulation) into the great abode… starting its new pause in action for another human civilization to start Anu… I mean "A New".

As Above / So Below

Now know this. The solar system is an organism, Earth is a CELL, we are the ATOMs. Everything fractally split in polarities. The Cell membrane is the Firmament/Dome. The Earth is getting ready to split, they know it. The ones that do and will be saved are the 144000!

Please Just look at it this way for a second. Open your mind. We are all in one CELL = HELL= JAIL

Jupiter = Jove = Jehovah per the Greeks. I cant say the force is GOD to do right:light:GOOD. But its the path that will open your eyes! Please Please READ into this on your own.

Look at the Earth as a CELL. Within the membrane

I Would say screenshot this but we wont be around to lulz on it

Allah is a pagan moon deity. A demon with a wallpapering of Abrahamic plagiarism over him.

Fuck off.

We already know our solar system was 'designed' 666.

This is the least readable post I've seen this year.

how I hate it when autistic retards randomly use the triple brackets on everything

Very Sorry. OP Here.

I posted the wrong pic.. Threadll wil die now but this was my intent.


Jupiter = Jove Per greek mythology.

Too close to Love, (((Lets))) get bury that.

The opposite of love is not hate. its (((love))). Or if you prefer Anti-Love; that is to say No-Love.

Absolutely ASLEEP

I hope you're paid well. I forgive you.

If Im correct. 666 plays a lot of roles. But the correlation that I tend to stick with is that the molecule Carbon 12 has 6 nuetrons, 6 Protons and 6 Molecules.

I'm glad you posted the wrong one. It convinced me a bit. Might start meditating for real this time tbh.

Fuck off Smiley.

Agreed. Soon. Very Soon,
You seen soon we are morphing…or ascending into a different molecule, man that is. Man as we are is indeed 666. You see, we are Christ, we are (((Anti)))Christ. We are the Carbon-12. Morphing into the Carbon 7. Or "6 surrounding 1" Carbon 7 has 6 Protons Surronding 1 Neutron. Or a new "Sun with 6 planets" if thats what you prefer to call it.

On your belly, Snake. I see you for what you are.

Sage goes in all fields


Here they come in force!

Snakes. Back into your holes.

You see, PHOTOSYNTHESIS. Some of us have some cells that gravitate toward the light. Its in the Blood…The Blood of Christ is what some call it. Others the Holy Grail. Templars: The Christ Crossing on their Shield is what they're referring to. The Great Galactic Crossing thats happening very soon… SOON

This is what is at the base of all ESOTERICS KNOWLEDGE.

Its out in the open because for every secret there is a (((secret))). In this situation (((secret)))=Truth

oh wow so you've figured out the secret to everything wow you're so smart

Good | (((Good))) is one thing. It is both. But you cant see the "ANTI-GOOD" its nothing we see, We do over see ""bad" Bad | (((Bad))) is one thing as well, but all we see is the Good vs Bad. That is to say Good and Evil.

LIght and Dark
God / Satan
Male / Female
Positive / Negative

ELectrons are NEGATIVE.
Neutrons are Neutral. No CHARGE.

PROtrons become Neurons

This EARTH is the FILTRATION of something bigger. This earth is HELL, and JAIL is HELL within a CELL.


KEK em.



lost me @ (((nibiru))). sage

Truth. Read the allegory in the lost book of ENKI. All 4 tablets. Find out and study when they were around. ALL CREATIVITY of the people are telling you the same allegory. Thru out history. Read them and DEDUCE what the common intent was between all the characters at play.

In cell respiration, the proton pump uses energy to transport protons from the matrix of the mitochondrion to the inter-membrane space.[1] It is an active pump, that generates a proton concentration gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, because there are more protons outside the matrix than inside. The difference in pH and electric charge (ignoring differences in buffer capacity) creates an electrochemical potential difference that works similar to that of a battery or energy storing unit for the cell.[2] The process could also be seen as analogous to cycling uphill or charging a battery for later use, as it produces potential energy. The proton pump does not create energy, but forms a gradient that stores energy for later use.