Getting Rid Of Hollywood - The Return Of AMERICAN Media/Entertainment

I think it's fair to say that we don't have entertainment anymore, just "lifestyle" propaganda = be the shittiest person you can be - and race-baiting. The thing is though, how many high-level positions are held by those with Israeli dual-citizenship? Obviously our media does not serve our interests. How can we get AMERICANS back into positions of power in our media? Can something like the Endowment For Arts be used to our advantage instead of shilling out for leftie/commie faggots and good goyim?

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the old media are propagandist that sell bullshit and fuck load of plebs with shit taste buy that crap by the ton
so long as plebs keep them on life support with their shit taste kikewood will never go away
the only way to actually harm them is by having a smarter population who does not mindlesly chocke on kike shit all the fucking time
the 2 ways of doing this is by reducing the subhuman population (dindus, kebabs, etc) and improving the education system (wich kikes also control) to rise the bar of the lowest common denominator wich the entretainament industry will always try to pander too
shity entretainament is a symptom of a shity education
Holla Forums knows this


Thing is, pedowood shapes the casuals' tastes. Casuals/normalfaggots are always gonna eat up the slop put right in front of them, so we have to change what's right in front of them. Old media must die. Also, I'm sure they've got nearly unlimited funding, like porn producers that make IR/cuck shit even though they lose money - it's strictly propaganda - I'm sure they would've gone out of business long ago if not for their (((resources))). Changing education takes 15-20 years (one generation) and that's far too long to let these rats keep poisoning us on a mass scale.

Gen Z seems to have developed inmunity to the (((poison))) though…
Better keep danking up our redpills so the can further inmunice themselves to kikery

When you think about it, virtually all of them are. Six corporations with all-Jewish boards and all-Jewish executives own 96%+ of all entertainment and news media in the US now, down from over 50 with many fewer Jews in 1980. Every Jew in the world is a de facto Israeli citizen by virtue of the fact that all a Jew anywhere in the world has to do to obtain Israeli citizenship is ask for it.

20 years ago normies weren't aware that Jews owned and controlled media with an iron fist. Back then, the kikes were smart enough to mostly keep their mouths shut about their Jewishness. You could see references to Judaism in a lot of shows and movies, but that could be handwaved away by the explanation that a particular writer or comedian was Jewish. Nobody would think anything of it if one actor or writer was a Jew, anymore than if one person was Irish or Italian or Polish. The preponderance of social media combined with the recent unprecedented levels of chutzpah have enabled many people to connect the dots that wouldn't have noticed or cared before.

Now, how to actually remove them? That's a tougher question. Under normal conditions the kikes would be forced to stop insulting whites or forcing diversity as people turned away from their products en masse. Like said, a lot of them have sources of funding independent of the returns on their projects, so they can create endless numbers of bombs intended to propagandize instead of entertain or be profitable.

I'm starting to think the Germans just shipped them off to work camps in cattle cars because the Jews have so many tricks and contingencies that normal, peaceful methods for removing them from influence no longer work.

Meant to link to this user
Polite sage

I think there's a market for intelligent white made entertainment featuring white and nearly all-white casts. Make the movie, get the crowd response. I just think there's way less of a market for explicit pro white propaganda in for pay tvs and movies. It would take some talented writers willing to risk something small fucking it up and trying to snowball that.

Why don't we start using the laws to target the communist/Jews?





There are laws that make it illegal to engage in immoral behavior. Forgot what it's called.


How about a massive #MadeInAmerica capaign where we not only promote US made goods and services, but entertainment. Made 100% by Americans for 100% Americans. You can even meme a little logo a la pic related to tag watch-worthy entertainment. Alternatively, (or simultaneously), we can make a "Globalist made" logo to attach to all entertainment/goods of (((foreign))) origin.

what sucks is how as they are dumbing us down with low IQ shitskins they are at the same time dumbing movies down as our collective IQ plummets. Movies and entertainment are going to get worse and worse. Idocracy isn't 500 years in the future, we'll see similar conditions in our lifetime. More people like kid rock running for senate. The Rock running for president etc. we're almost there now.

Hacksaw Ridge was a major success.

Just stop buying their shit.
Stop supporting old material owned by the same companies that fuck over whites.

Capped. This is a very good post.

Not that the post is bad, but when you cap good post try to get them a bit more like a box, it's easier for people to read when you share it around.

Funny you say that. Did you anons know that nignogs consume way more media than whites? This is especially true for traditional mass media like TV and radio. They also viciously spend more time on social media as well.

This has got me thinking. Maybe the blacking of tv shows, movies and ads has more to do with corporations catering to their audience. They are low IQ zombies worse than boomers. I'm sure everyone here has noticed that the proportion of niggers on tv is higher than the population. They only make 15% of the population but account for almost half of all actors on tv commercials.

I'm buying more and more into the theory that a lower western IQ is part of the plan to create a corporate paradise with government funded zombie consumers. It's a kike's wet dream. Screenshot related.



We know that kikes want to destroy all white people. We know kikes use cultural marxism and mass importation of shitskins to do it. These are tangible facts.

But what we don't know is what they will do when white people are finally out of their hair and destroyed. What's the end game? This is why I said it was a theory. We won't know unless we allow it to happen.

Internet is racist yo.

if it was a good post it would have REFERENCES and PROOF to persuade others

People on a chan.. buy movies? wow. i think everyone is finally gone.. its literally all nufags..

i thought hacksaw ridge, was a cheap as fuck saving private ryan.. litterally they spent sheckels on the first 15 minutes.. then it degrades to the point of hurry up and finish.. ((if we get numbers will make a sequel and between the two, you'll have 1 good movie))

the only way to fix america, is to make people think living here is great and opportunities here are better than anywhere else. that looking at the world as a whole is ignoring where your from. GLOBALIZATION IS BEING NORMALIZED. ONE WORLD GOVT IS COMING.

we need massive changes to stop it. the WALL weather its a waste or not is a SYMBOL against open borders.

i just turned 30.. and some guys i've worked with over the years who are in their 40s n 50s are always around and talking about shit like this.. you know what i do? i try to keep up on their kids, their all 15 to 18..

do you know why? because i'm still young enough that they'll tell me whats cool or not and why. if you can't keep up on ((trends)) you can't save us from the globalists.. these kids are being fed this propaganda continually. their parents are total normies, some are right wing, some left wing.. their kids don't look anything like them socially.. its all what ((media sells them)) its scary as fuck. have kids.. have no bearing on their outcome.. i know a conservative non pushy conservative church going wholesome dude in his 60s.. his 19 year old daughter has blue hair and smokes pot and uses lsd like its water..

we have to stop the media poison.
cnn must fall. but before we crush it, we must establish its outside connections. chain of events. sorry for what may seem like rambling, i've always been told i can create a solid research report, but can't keep ideas together.. for normies..

god speed men.

I know it's unrelated, but have you guys seen Car 54? The second season kinda sucks, especially the Bar-Mitzvah episode. But it's funny, wholesome, entertainment.

OP is a faggot once again!
watch anime or something, 99.99% of everything has ALWAYS been shit. Even in nazi Germany. I only like hard sci-fi or actual science and mathematics, you might as well watch fetus porn if you're not doing any of that

Thanks for the recommendation. This is pretty good.