What the fuck is going on?
What are these kikes trying to do?
The BO is gone.
We're done lads.
Fuck I forgot this
McCain is never going to log in again.
The board has been reddit tier garbage for months now. If anything there is a slim chance that we will get a BO that actually cares about maintaining board quality.
I put in a claim, but I'm sure Holla Forums or someone else beat me
Whoever the current BO of this place is fucking sucks ass at his job, but I'm sure kikemonkey will gladly give control to Holla Forums since he loves them so much. It's been an honor shitposting with you lads.
do it faggot.
It will probably go to one of the lower level Holla Forums vols or it is just the site fucking up. You'd be surprised how many Volunteers the place has if the BO was smart and did his job considering smaller boards have at least 3 or so plus the BO.
Well would you look at that.
I vote sanaefag for new BO.
Never a day of rest.
oh my…
my captcha was rly ehj
They don't want that I would ban leftist, JIDF and shills with such ruthless efficiency they would think it was another shoah.
So what do? Can more still try claim?
It'll probably be this.
Better start archiving OP posts so threads can be recreated. Goons will have wiped the entire board shortly after getting it in a similar fashion to that gg board in the past. Could take a while before Holla Forums recovers and you'll be seeing exodus shilling out the ass for months afterwards. Luckily, we've seen this before with that gg board so events become predictable.
Makes me wanna join thr force
Maybe the first BO would be again interested of it, if anyone has some contact with him.
oh yeah, the A-team…
Pretty much this. Also better start preparing to dispense red pills like no tomorrow.
They are like moths to the flame of truth.
Also seriously why has nobody put Happy Party Train or Taim Roll to Holocaust videos someone get on this!
I think you will get the board.
Well, BO of /tok/ here, if we lose Holla Forums I'll offer sanctuary in the temple to Holla Forumsacks until things come back.
I got this, fam, big changes coming soon.
I don't need to be BO to win the hearts of the people user. My business is with the Kikes in September.
what a waste of quints!
hold me
what am i supposed to do if jews become the BO?
So many newfags in this thread.
Not every set of digits needs to be some grand message. Sometimes they just offer hope or are meaningless or up for interpretation.
Nah. Occasionally dubs will be meaningless, but quints?
A one in ten-thousand post, and this pol/nig managed to waste it, thoroughly.
Pepe is disappoint.
Maybe you just need to find the meaning behind the quints and stop worrying so much. Also lurk moar and learn how to read the digits. You've got a long way to go still.
Of course, of course.
been on 4 then 8 since thousand fucking seven, bruh. been told to lurk moAr by better poasters.
Sanae is a goy'd girl.
You are still a faggot.
Ya know if I am ever having a bad day and you post this it always puts a smile on my face.
The tree of user must be refreshed from time to time with the calls to lurk moar.
user your waifu's a Jew.
so what did porchmonkey break this time?
In this case, they are funny.
this one is on the board owner
he's supposed to post at least once a month, if i remember right, or his board goes up for claims
Fuck it, post Titos
Fuck that Jew ideology.
If anything she would hate the Kikes for trying to steal faith.
We don't dislike tito here tho
everyone loves tito
they are onto us boys
A BO who is obsessed with a waifu and is interested in 2D; or a BO who doesn't have a waifu and isn't interested in 2D
What are you going to do to celebrate when this board officially becomes property of Holla Forums?
Turn it into a egoist board
Hey I never made a claim for the BO position like I said I have business elsewhere with the Kalki and Kek.
i like your board a lot. thank you for your consideration
I made a claim, but it'll probably just go to imkikey.
Dubs confirm, can we still make claims?
We still can make claims. Im making one right now to save it from the goons
Ni I checked… /po/ is open for claims though.
Such a shame, I would have like some goofy BO for once.
Oh never mind putting in a claim now.
Nothing can save you now.
God their meems fucking suck
All they can do is poorly rip off Holla Forums memes. Not an original bone in their bodies.
Whoa, never saw that one before, yoink.
How is it "intensifies" if it's not a .gif that vibrates? There's nothing intense about that image.
before claiming pol, be sure NOT to live in a country like Italy that jails people for being far-right
communist showing everyone again that they have zero creativity
Thanks user, I'm glad the board is appreciated. It's funny, I initially made the board as a repository and overflow for Kekism and it became primarily used for a holding board for pre-operational discussion and deep esoteric study. I'm happy with that.
Honestly I don't want to be, or expect to be, BO of Holla Forums and would rather resurrectedplayer get the position, but I'll apply anyhow.
It's a 2007-tier facebook image macro "meme". Not being a gif is the least of the problems with it.
The BO should live in America for obvious reasons. In no other country could they be safe from the law and moderate Holla Forums correctly.
Hilariously retarded, as expected.
Nigeria should work.
You sure about that, goyim?
>>>Holla Forums1884180
e-celeb bullshit
And where's the aheago?
Sanaefag leader of the White Supremacist known as 8ch would be pretty hilarious.
Oh shit.
Doge and rage comics used to be funny a long time ago, and because of faggots like you more memes will be ruined.
'oh shit' what? I don't think an online Cambodian puppetry symposium is liable to do a lot of business with Israel.
No, we don't need a nigger BO. And no right-minded white person would live in Nigeria.
No, they honestly never were.
Who actually picks BO anyhow? How is it decided?
Laws like that always get overturned as unconstitutional. No other country has free speech as strong as America. Not one.
new board is up - mega.nz
Remove yourself from my imageboard, newfag
Did you just have a stroke or something? Mega is not an imageboard.
Holy jesus fuck no they never were, fucking kill yourself.
No, seriously, I'm not just using that as a figure of speech, improve the world by removing your consciousness from it permanently.
Site administration does. For a large board like Holla Forums, they'll likely spend some time combing over the applications before selecting someone they see fit. Smaller boards are usually first-come first-serve.
OK some of the comics were kind of funny. But the doge shit never was.
I remember some thread which showed of how original and funny those commies tried to be in order to lure more followers. God, they were so awful in that.
i aint clickin that shit nigga
You're wrong
You're new. And stupid.
All boards are SUPPOSED to be first come, first serve. There have been appointments here, however, even in the face of legitimate claims.
ZOGbots murder proportionally more whites than niggers. Don't give them your adulation.
OK so why don't we just reclaim le ebin rage comics like we did Pepe? Should be easy right?
hello reddit
Just got username/password for the board, anyone wanna trade for bitcoins?
Führer never killed himself, he fled on to the Argentina
Lad if somehow an leftycuck or some other kind of scum ever got hold of the board people would just create a new one.
a new level of retardation
triple digits
Yes, that's the bloody point. When normalfags get ahold of an "ebin meme" they oversaturate the entire Internet with it. In here when someone is overusing a meme you get to tell that faggot to shut up and eat shit, normalfags are too polite for that.
What's Holla Forums's dream BO like, anyway?
I just want one that won't fucking autosage art and culture threads
Kill yourself newfag.
The government will have us tearing up railroad tracks soon. I can tell you it's quite hard work if you don't use machines.
one that doesnt delete self improvement threads. book threads. pdf threads, redpill threads. art threads, culture threads. also
One who isn't insecure about literacy.
Can always rely on communists being bitter at people who actually produce things of value.
but wouldnt it be more jewish to try to claim memes or worse monetize them?
I do
You have to go back
You sure post like a newfag.
Sounds legit. Make a sticky about this.
It was bound to happen, when autism became socially accepted among pro-whites.
btfo tbh
Monetize them, yes.
Claim them, no. 'You don't own nothing goyim!'
Remember how these communist queers are getting frisky about this if you're a moron that don't think eceleb faggots and groups like TRS aren't controlled opposition.
It'll go to one of the hotpockets or the right back BO after he realized he fucked up and forgot to log in for a few weeks. Either way Holla Forums is fine. But that won't stop the usual kikes from claiming Holla Forums is dead and we have to exodus to one of their kosher honeypots like (((endchan)))
Who was the BO? Kikey? Or did the board go to shit because the previous BO abandoned?
Dis gon' b gud
you can't own a joke, once its in the aether it's public domain, no one here is a stand up comedian. Also funny to call out editing ben garrison's works when you guys did it, but I guess that isnt theft right?
Right back to the BO. Sorry, I've got brain cancer
The government will have us tearing up railroad tracks soon.
Nogs and spics without mass transit soon
Either way he'll be gone.
I created a backup board, >>>/polbu/
Board infos:
- Inclined to general Holla Forums ideologies, I.E. national socialism
- Adverse to shilling from all organizations
- Promotes and accepts self improvement, culture and book threads
- Does not accept blogposting
- Promotes Assad in the middle east
- Promotes President Trump
- Promotes discussions and focus on matters
- Promotes operations and /baph/ like activities, but focues towards high targets, like this board did during the 2016 election.
This board is just in case Holla Forums gets jewed. It's not supposed to be a dnc like /polk/ did. For now wait until we know more about the new BO of Holla Forums
Check the ban log, plenty of bans by cuckfy over trivial shit, none by the BO.
The BO himself came down and banned me after inactivity for a week for going against the ZOG emperor once.
If the BO were to become someone from Holla Forums then it wouldn't really matter anymore who get kicked out, it will turn to shit either way.
These btw
meant to quote
>The government will have us tearing up railroad . why do I do this sometimes? I need to double check before I send
Back to reddit
We could get an actual exodus going.
Dubs say CP. 2's say CP production. preceding digit. 8's say tied to the anthony weiner files.
the server saves ip information, its been proven
Do not let it fall to marxists
every two weeks. Board owners are supposed to post every 13 days.
Lauren is literally a Jew? Really makes you ponder…
Was the BO assassinated by the Clinton foundation?
They would probably try to make that happen to ensure that the board gets divided before trying to conquer the rest of what remains.
Board owners and moderators in general are unable to view IPs directly due to the fact that they are hashed before they can be seen. Don't fall for Holla Forums propaganda.
Your memes are still shit, m8
Some people say she is, some people say she isn't. People accuse her real surname, Simonsen, of being Jewish, but she claims it to be Danish. She posted 23andme results that would be consistent with her being white, but I don't think there's any proof that the results are legitimately hers. I don't know, she doesn't really look Jewish to me though. Just an opportunistic Patreon slut.
I could watch it all damn day long buddy
Anyone have the screencaps of when all those permabans got handed out and the first 3 pages of ban log displayed all ips?
i don't think any of you lads understand that CodeMonkey isn't going to give the largest board on the site away to some random user
Look at the tweet the user I was responding to posted. "My grandparents escaped the Nazis in Denmark". Hmm… I wonder why she would make such a claim….
I think you guys are the reason BO have resigned, because while some of you might be real, most are shills that should have been banned a long time ago.
10/10 just wish the camera fag didnt potato
Yeah I've seen that too. But is it a real tweet, where's the archive?
claim this too lel
Thank you. BO application has been sent, with maximum autism.
I thought Kikey was the BO
Wouldn't really be much of a reason to do so, that shit has less than 20 posts on the entire board.
Is the position of your board that Trump never does anything wrong, or just that he's generally a force for good?
Will 8/pol/ finally become great again?
The motherfucker must have stop logging into it. You don't even know how this works.
Well there you have it, that board was controlled opposition too
Yes, they all went to endchan.
They still have thread about it.
Get the fuck out. We need a BO who is actually a Holla Forumsack.
you must be nu
Because I have a biological imperative to protect my folk and destroy encroaching tribes.
I've lurked for some time now so I'm going to claim.
Wish Me Luck
I'm just saying that your reasoning behind hating cops is the same as blm's
that guy had no reason to bum rush the cop so he got shot.
Simonsen is Danish. A lot of Danish surnames end in sen. They used to be patronyms like Simonson, Anderson etc.
Hi jew, reported
The problem, of course, is that kikes often take on white names in white countries to blend in.
Eat shit, shill. Self-admitted right here.
Shill Mods Must Go
There is absolutely no shame in this. All mammals MUST protect the lives of their youth. The cop had no excuse as to why he could not overpower a scrawny teenage white boy and, thus, I have no excuse to not want him destroyed.
Will you allow book threads? it would be interesting to discuss the differences of ideas between Fascist/NatSoc leaders and their merits
shes a kike
IMKikey is here ladies and gentelmen
So what game are you playing at now?
You've failed to subvert Holla Forums since 2014 and you'll never ever stop failing. How does it feel, Shekelstein? Are you experiencing frustration?
3000 Holla Forums books, currently finishing the uploads. If there were cheese pasta in there I would be v& by now.
And .xyz is an israeli domain. Also nextchan was supposed to be their new bunker, bunch of faggots.
Yes, I will allow book, culture, and art threads. European culture and heritage is important to Politics.
Smiley would lose the board next limit the same way he always loses boards.
Just like how he lost /fringe/
guys this is just a Holla Forums false flag
If I become BO, I'll just update the meta thread to link to other boards for Holla Forumsbooks bantz ect. There is no reason to not have a side board for those discussions where they won't have to be constantly bumped and take up 5+pages of Holla Forums and can actually be preserved rather than shilled.
By being locked up in mental ward for two weeks?
Hello, goon. You projection is as laughable as ever I see
And encase I abuse my leadership for my own self interest I will hold an election for the next owner. This will insure that no board owner will abuse their power.
Arguments: 0
2nd pic reminds me of the villain from rocky and bullwinkle
Watching your sanity deteriorate is pretty fun
I own you all
if it's bad, we'll migrate to another board.
it's in the nature of the site.
Jej, yes
Eternally asshurt over smug
Stop, you're going to tire me out from filing so many reports. Don't be a baka!
blm doesn't give a shit about cops you dumb nigger, they just want an excuse to riot
fuck off back to goon hq
Fuck Tito.
The fuck?
>>>Holla Forums1884394
So, how is that an argument against the mods being compromised? How does that disprove the banning of self-improvement, books, art, music, and culture threads? How does that disprove a half dozen dead threads being up at once constantly? How does that disprove anyone critical of Trump being banned?
How about you ask your goon friends on Freech to back you up?
My email is [email protected]/* */ and I am running for BO.
two can play at that game faggot
that's not even a picture of the guy
too late
Are you okay, user? Is that jewish schizophrenia hitting extra hard today?
Reminder that imkikey avatarfags with anime girls and acts like the autistic lunatic he is THE INSTANT that he is outed.
Oh Schlomo, your judaism is showing
It's a meta/pol/ thread. I don't know what you expected.
Most likely following the tradition of shilling with nothing but copypasted posts. This is the cancer they bring to half/pol/.
I vote Sanaefag for Furher!
I guess I can't actually expect quality here anymore.
C'mon, step it up! You aren't even trying! Laughable!
Imkikey just stop.
So where's your argument? Imkikefy has been maddowposting and running this board into the ground. Go back to Freech, maybe your goon comrades can give you some actual arguments.
Not an argument.
Such is life in Holla Forums. Nice dubs though
Hi Imkikey
It's time to move on komraden. Everything you need to know is in here
I don't feel like turkposting as kampfy so here
Pic related.
There is a fairly simple reason for it
It's why you don't have meta threads. Meta boards were made for the sole purpose of containing the cancer but they don't really contain it that well, since people can still come here regardless.
Let's hope someone good gets it, it's destiny that Holla Forums breaks free.
Afufufu, truly pathetic jew-kun~
You've been caught lying that imkampfy is too separate "people" and you just clumsily dance around the point. Sad.
This, too. Niggers are evil creatures devoid of any and all compassion – even toward their own offspring.
The mods have been driving this board into the ground and the userbase is dwindling as a consequence. I wonder (((who))) could want this.
In terms of cancer, yeah they are similar to shills. But in the long-term failing to distinguish between newfags and shills is counter-productive.
Are you retarded or is evidence to hard to understand?
Imkikey has been running the board into the ground user. That is fact.
Get your shit together, Ron.
I feel the only downside of online is the inability to physically whip newfags for being retarded.
Self-dox now.
are you retarded?
RIP claims
As expected of a hebrew
are you upset?
Little slow on the draw there lelelelelel
When are you taking applications for more janitors? We're crazy understaffed. Blatant D&C threads get left up for hours or even days. Not even interracial porn spam gets deleted in a timely fashion recently.
What's it like to be so retarded you get pre-emptively blown the fuck out?
top lel mein brudder
Where are your arguments?
It is easy to understand that a person can post with two different IDs. In fact there is evidence that Imkikey does that in /polmeta/ all the time just to say MUHBOOOOOOOOOOKS like the autist he is. Please stop shilling for mods,
It must be hard to accept new janitors when every single kike and leftist is going to try worming their way in. I assume that's why Holla Forums is always as understaffed as it is.
This has been my assumption as well. I'd be on high fucking alert for anyone who offered, which makes me not want to offer, but then I'm just another user in the crowd sending reports that probably aren't even being read because nobody's there.
Kek has the rach poster returned? I thought you had taken the bantz literally in that japanese porno.
Communists are so fucking stupid hahahaha
How many IPs are you on right now, Schlomo? Keep that projection coming.
Reports are the only thing that keeps Holla Forums in a usable state. They do get read just not often enough I've called the mods utter faggots for being absent in the report field more times than I can count
What happened?
Be careful what you meme.
Heild… rach has returned.
Well, i offered. The admins or whoever can check up on my other boards and see that I am a real Hitlerist at least.
1# Jewish tactic in the media. Please stop shilling you kike.
What's your argument, Moishe?
The only vetting process I can even think of is to look for post histories that seem extensive and solid, then address that poster in a thread to make the offer and ask for an email address to speak candidly through.
Do you still have to be part of an IRC to admin/mod around here?
kill you're self
Irresponsible BO, instead of being this inept you should track down the people who scream redditspacing.
Sorry schizoposter but you will never have any power here or anywhere. Also, I know you're the anti-trump shill who tries to derail every thread on this board. I've been observing you via hidden cameras for months now. Very soon I'll have gaslighted you into hanging yourself like the faggot from Linkin Park. Count your days, cunt.
You're trying too hard to fit in, faggot
Fire Moonman and IMKikey. That's how you get the shit together.
I just rachposter to the wrong person. It was meant for Rachposter, as in IMKikey
rip pol
Kill yourself.
No it doesn't faggot. Sunshine is gone, IPs are all hashed, stop spreading disinfo.
Kill yourself.
It was intentional. Easier to hide video proof that Sterling had a gun.
Good goy, all of Holla Forums is bad and dead because shills spam metathreads. When are you going to make a thread promoting MUH EXODUS to some other site?
Fucking allow Literature, art, and self improvement threads faggot.
I don't usually shit on Russia but that po board is pathetic. It certainly makes it easier to understand why some prefer lurking here.
It's basically 4chan Holla Forums and reddit put together.
Purge the commies. They've been shitting up for weeks
With natural resources and infrastructure nationalized, and all kikes exterminated, society is fixed.
FFS if I make a Holla Forums improvement board, will you fucking use it and quit bitching? what would be good name anyhow?
Reminder that the mods love to spam MUHBOOOOOOOOOKS has a placeholder for actually arguments, some day they will think an argument up and you'll be sorry
Why not just use /improve/? We already have an improvement board with a decent population.
/pdf/ didn't stop them from bitching about books so no lol
Call it /ubermensch/
Nice argument kid
Name it like the half dozen or so that are already on this site. I like your style though, "I dont like this board so im making a new one.">>10279064
This is not the real rach poster. Check the filename.
Oh yeah, I'm trembling.
Because it needs to clearly be a Holla Forums board for Holla Forumsacks and cover more than just /fit/ and books, pretty much a community and bantz board just for polacks.
/pdfs/ is antibantz
Heil'd! I love this board thouh.
How about /polism/?
Shitposting is anti-improvement
You don't want it to be something close enough to Holla Forums that shills try to force an exodus to your board and use it for d&c purposes. You also want it to be something that will make kikes and leftists uncomfortable. Something like /ubermensch/ or /nazisuperman/ gets the point across
Rofl, trips confirm, that's going in the rules. Dubs confirm for the name though.
I will explicitly state that it is a subboard of Holla Forums no exodus, only support.
No I want my threads on a board with an actual population.
Sounds like a personal problem.
hi budys
Mods remember that most of these faggots are kikes and summerfags. Just let them stir in their own shit it will be over by the end of summer just like last time.
Just allow them.
You're the BO, you're in charge.
Too long. Keep it short and sweet. It's better for adoption.
Can't you come up with a less transparently pathetic excuse?
Keep crying, Jamal. Nobody gives a fuck about your autism.
Whiny megooka, endkike, and /polk/ike shills will NEVER EVER win.
This is the moderator of Holla Forums. This is the level of contempt it shows the users of the board. THIS IS HOW AUTISTIC IT ACTUALLY IS. IT IS NEUROLOGICALLY UNFIT TO DO THIS JOB. WE DEMAND AN EXPLANATION, CODEMONKEY.
Since >>>/news/ exists, should we ban posting threads about news stories on Holla Forums?
Neck yourself cunt
Keep crying, Jamal. Nobody gives a fuck about your autism.
Whiny megooka, endkike, and /polk/ike shills will NEVER EVER win.
What copypasta? You're a lying kike.
Fuck you BO
That's fascism.
Mussolini made the trains run on time.
Time for the 6th? /n/new/pol exodus?
Let's just end this retarded argument over what threads to allow.(Holla Forums is not a democracy)
books are for faggots and kikes neck yourself
arguments fix shit, not a fucking ballot
The point of book threads was to discuss what books we SHOULD read as well as the substance we derived from their content
Point out exactly which "copypasta from /sudo/" I've posted.
You can't do it. I guarantee your response to this post won't be you backing up your baseless claim.
What are you afraid?
Bump because you will burn in hell, imkikey.
He's absolutely insane. He's lost his grip on reality, ego (or something even worse) has gone to his head.
He's literally autistic and quite probably suffering from physical brain damage.
Honestly, anti-improvement fags, what are your arguments besides…
Maybe Discord could be the next exodus for Holla Forums?
He knows. He hated those threads because he doesn't read books and those threads reminded him of that. They made him feel self-conscious, so he lashed out and banned them.
Then make a clear and defined argument over why we can't have book, self improvement, architecture, and culture threads?
I haven't heard a single fucking argument as to why we shouldn't allow them.>>10279185
They have no arguments. They claim one thread in a catalog of hundreds of threads is "spam" despite that making absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Anti-improvement fags are all imkikey.
Shill eternally BTFO once again.
Im FOR self improvement threads. Im asking why anti self improvement fags are so mad over self improvement threads. What are their arguments?
Dude, calm down. Just because people are being critical of you, doesnt mean you pull your pants down and shit all over. Sure, some anons are using flawed or even wrong evidence to argue, but they do have a point. Imkikey is a joke turkroach who stinks worse than shit. He has done nothing of value to the board, and never will. The board has been flooded with cuckistani fuckheads and braindead gommies since november. It pains me to see the board go to such shit, but looking at other boards, this must be some trend with the staff all around shitting the bed.
Just chiming in on this shitfest
Im asking again, what is the problem of having a self improvement thread here? years ago this was allowed
sage negated
I designate this the shills shilling shills who shill shills thread. Also if you want self improvement ignore these fags and head to >>>/k/ or >>>/pdfs/ and pick a topic. This board is not a democracy. It is anti-kike.
Oh look, exactly as I predicted you failed to point out which "copypasta from /sudo/" I allegedly posted. Because you can't. You make flagrantly false accusations that don't fool anybody because you're out of your fucking gourd.
You're seeing his arguments in this thread right now fam. He has no arguments. None whatsoever.
No, its a dictatorship run by incompetents.
8/pol/ is BEST Holla Forums. Deal with it.
Winning the Special Olympics…
"improvement threads" reveal the true untermensch nature of the retards who post here. Is there anything worse than seeing a thread full of self-admitted freaks reach 600+ posts with 200+ unique IDs?
Retards say they care about PR and optics but they literally flash their fupas, mantits, nigger brains and feminine dicks around here. If you actually need "improvement" in anyway you are already a fucking loser and I don't want to associate with you even online. KILL YOURSELF.
This is the most pathetic and self-defeating reasoning I've ever heard.
Years ago no one knew that this place existed so no one had to see your fat ass cry on the internet about how you need to lift so bad.
Exactly. There is no universe in which "improvement threads" make sense.
*le sigh*
The oldfags are already at endchan. Holla Forums is 95% bots and goons at this point.
You truly are a mental midget.
It's the daily Fat Fascists Anonymous thread with 600+ posts guys.
self improvement threads have helped me and others alot, thats their point. people here give other anons advice on how to improve themselves both physically, mentally and spiritually.
Again. What do you have against self improvement?
we have ID's here, Chaim
Seeing as pic related has been sitting in endchan's catalog for nearly two weeks, no I think not.
It's the daily internet tough guys reveal they were weak "beta cucks" all along thread with 300+ unique IDs. Get the fucc in here guys.
>>/pdfs/ muh booooooooooks
>>>/fit/ muh self-sucking "improvement"
>>>/polmeta/ muh mods are compromise because muh pet topics muh nupol
>>>/suicide/ muh exodus
Truly perverse jew logic.
Tell us when your tard fit has stopped
Lets shift the topic of discussion a bit, though we will keep it relevant. Seeing as how there are so many faggots ITT, would gay aryans be allowed in a TRUE >>/natsoc/ society?
At least I'm not fat and fighting gay tendencies like every tard that actually posts on self improvement threads lmao.
beyond pathetic, still want to argue or throw another semitic screeching, Chaim?
This is what the average post on improvement threads looks like.
I make new board, but…
It's the daily "2 weeks ago I couldn't stop fapping to trannies but now that I lift the urges went away" thread. get the HECK in here lads.
It's the daily thread where at least 4 guys write essays of their life's stories about how they *almost* became gay.
Self improvement thread niggers GET IN HERE.
are you a /monster/?
i hope so
We've been anchored.
Pay attention, anons and newfags. This is textbook kike screeching when they are found out. Please keep writhing around and trying to grasp at your menorah, it amuses me to no end.
There are none who can save your semitic soul, it was signed off to hell as soon as you drew your first breath.
Well, whom would want to see serious discussions on the front page
The shill projects his judaism onto you when his leftist shaming tactics fail. Thanks for admitting you have nothing left. You can go back to megooka, endkike, kikechanan, freech, and/or /polk/ike, whichever you came from.
What's next, are you going to call for Fat Acceptance?
How very talmudic of you.
are you confused?
Look, i can do it too!
But tbh you really are projecting. Are your projections 4K Ultra HD compatible?
You can't even argue against the point being made. You're that bad, schlomo.
You have no points. All you're doing is defaming people who want self-improvement threads as being gay. That's not an argument, that's jewish rhetoric.
We have IDs chaim.
>>>/fit/ - muh self """"""""""""""""improvement"""""""""""""""""""
Should threads about news articles be banned on Holla Forums because >>>/news/ exists?
Not worth considering, they're all "let me post irrelevant shit on Holla Forums reeeeeeeeeeeeee using boards meant for a topic is stupid everything should be Holla Forums with a theme reeeeeeeeeeeeeee". Go try to convince Holla Forums that they should have /christian/ topics, or /r9k/ that they should have /cow/ topics.
No, jew.
Then why do eceleb threads exist on here? Why do cuckistani and /cringe/faggots like smiley go by unscathed when they shit up threads? Is there backroom circlejerking? Strong possibility, as any group that hides in an IRC or discord are usually faggots prone to corruption.
It's the daily "should I transition or start lifting" self improvement general thread on Holla Forums.net slash pol slash
Do you mean 8ch? Are you new?
Yet threads about political topics are routinely deleted because they aren't "news".
Let's brake all the rules and start having a Fat Fascists Anonymous daily general then.
Congratulations on becoming the new board owner. Perhaps you could open a thread on >>>/polmeta/ detailing your various positions?
Hey new BO, can you ban Kikefy?
I can keep going, manlet.
Imkampfy's philosophy: Holla Forums is Holla Forums but with a natsoc theme, and any real discussion of natsoc material and recent happenings eluding to the return of natsoc in the west should be taken to x dead board.
Petition when?
Oh well it wasn't part of the plan. Keep an eye out for digits trying to guide you in life. Kek is planning some big shit.
We have to doxx Jim and get him arrested.
Heil is the one who put them there, you fucking idiot. And Jim put heil there.
Hi, heil. Tell Jim that he deserves death. Then go back to sucking imkikey's cock.
Woah fbi, Im just talking about removing toxic elements of the community here.
sorry that was meant for
Cool your dick, FBI. He lives in a non extradition treaty country, so the notion is moot. You COULD unleash Duterte on him, once he finishes ISIS. I leave the rest in the capable hands of the folks in virginia. ;^)
Editing Ben Garrison's work, like Holla Forums does, IS the theft you dipshit
True nationalists burn the kike literature faggot.