The Mortal Engines Trailer

While you niggers were shitting up Holla Forums with a billion garbage threads on Jew Wars, this came out.

Other urls found in this thread:!1VRylYhB!R3h6CKx7VUirn2vJxMtspOiiSaCp9q1pOcDXhCRSokM

Looks like an anime.

So Mad Max meets Transformers in that one japo cartoon where the little girl goes to the flying city? Essentially?


Looks better than I expected. Nice to see Hera Hilmar in it too.

hey, come on now it's not our fault Peter Jackson became a literal who? when he fucked up the hobbit movies.
This does look interesting but the problem is why should I care about an obscure science fiction about a 60min war and then for some magical reason London became a beast that started to eat other cities.

Rapefugees m8 vibrant hard working rapefugees.

berry cool, 5 claps out of 5.

How much is that in ameri-farts?

Looks bad

I am talking about the science fiction novel you dumb faggot. But in real life yes it would be rapefugees.Also on the subject on literature go on amazon find the book. ebook or audiobook and read/listen the story.
It's dumb and not in a cleaver way, it's just dumb liker cia nigger monkeys.

Depends how many burgers I've eaten and how upset I am after seeing amerimutts posted.

Is that a stronk wymyn?

This movie is fifteen years too late. They should have made an Artemis Fowl movie, or at least tried to reboot the Golden Compass, instead.

I've seen tits from 12 year olds better than that ;)

I just watched The Hobbit films again recently. They're an alright adventure movie. I'm still glad we get to live in a world that gave Tolkien's tales proper epic treatment. The films look amazing. I mean shit, did every one forget that Tolkien wrote the Hobbit as a goofy children's tale for his kids?

I've seen the books but never really gave a fuck about it. Anyone here read these? How is it?


Jewish wamen tend to have big udders when they are 12 year old alright, Moshe. But that is because daddy diddled them and forced them to develop early.

They better not shit up one of my fav book series


I read real books, not YA trash.

get this shit out of here.



Why is it always London?

It's going to be part of some trilogy of movies, isn't it? It's Peter Jackson, so it will at least be pretty good.. but can't anyone make any fucking movie that doesn't take 10 years to release the full story?

Not going to go well for as long as they insist that it's a kid's/YA book.


or white Brits, who tend to be massive nationalists in their daydreams of the sun never setting, but, well, you know…

It's for those 5 seconds ads.

Books were pretty good, last read them about 9 years ago. Been waiting for the movie for a damn long while. If anybody's interested I'll post a mega link with rips of the audiobook cassettes.

Eh, looks like it could be interesting. Whether or not I'll watch it depends on one simple factor though, is the main character an intelligent, acrobatic female leader played by a flat-chested white girl? If so, fuck this garbage I'm not interested.

Well, that answers that. PASS.

Main character is a guy. The girl is the love interest.

That's like saying "the main character is Finn, Rey is a love interest." I saw what she looks like. Why would I want to watch a movie about a guy falling in love with someone I find disgusting? That was part of what made me hate the recent King Arthur film.

If the target audience is supposed to be even partially boys, you need to give them a character they like, look up to and want to be. If his love interest is repellent, then they'll question his taste, question his decisions, and have no desire to be him at all. Enough with the flat pedoshit.

The entire point of the character is that she's not considered attractive by anyone but Tom, the guy. The red bandana hides hideous scarring. Her only redeeming aspect is her relationship with Tom. From what I Remember, she's portrayed as a cold-hearted bitch for the most part.

You just confirmed everything I was dreading. So she's ugly, flat, and a cold-hearted bitch, but she's tough and the main character loves her because…? Why would I be interested in a character THAT stupid? Trash. Pure trash.

She's not ==THE== main character

MC loves her because of shared adversity, and because she shows her more compassionate side to him but nobody else. She's brash, he's a fucking teenage historian. It's a good dynamic.

You've described her as a fighter, heavily scarred, flat, and a cold-hearted bitch. He's bookish and develops stockholm syndrome. More gender role reveral bullshit.

I'm totally ok with it. Part of their character arcs is that Tom becomes more assertive and Hester becomes more comfortable with herself and mellows.


Are those latex prosthetics? I've seen trannies (Holla Forums ambush, no homo) with better tits than that.

Here's a mega link with the complete Mortal Engines quartet audiobooks. Worth checking out. For whatever reason, I think they were only ever officially available on cassette tape.!1VRylYhB!R3h6CKx7VUirn2vJxMtspOiiSaCp9q1pOcDXhCRSokM

She looks like a normal 13 year old, which makes of you a pedo (even thought she is past 18 in any of those pics).

Average female height is 5'4, average worldwide bra size is D, puberty begins at 12.

Every fucking girl in Hollywood has to be a lanky flat chested statue. The average girl isn't a tough as nails fighter chick. Nothing about scarface here is normal. Climb off it.

you are full of shit


I'd give her some vitamin D, if you know what i mean.


Flat is cute!


Now there has been some improvements but more than 70% of the bitches here are indeed fucking A cups.



And plastic surgery.

like .5 a percent of people compared to the 30 percent who are obese and overweight