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Thanks Doc


I doubt somebody from that great thread see this again



I find its quality to be unsatisfactory.

I wanna fuck the brown kid and show him male on male love.


What did he look like before?


This is a lose/lose situation.



Just like life.



You should rename that to Dangan Ronpa Localization, it's got the "shit-punk" aspect down pat.

I hate to say that Shad has actually improved a lot from his earlier days… unlike most western "artists".


every thread
until you like it

I like his earlier work better. I really liked his military notebook.


After hearing his backstory at the Sleepycast podcast, i have much more respect for Shad.
He was kicked out of his school because he was naive and hosted his "legit" artwork along with his kinky shit on his website, the school director and other teachers found out and told him he was a menace to society, they kicked him out and told him to report himself to the police (and he did).
The police locked him in a room and shat on him for hours, before releasing him telling him they would've kept their eyes on him.

He was basically trapped in a completely hostile envroinment, and additionally had no more official means to improve his art and continue drawing.
So he just went "fuck it" and kept drawing to the level he reached up to that point, trying to improve on his own.
That's why his art was terrible.

He's from switzerland, if i remember correctly, he now lives somewhere in the US.

Which SleepyCast was this?


I have to fix another shit thread? Alright, whatever.




Not really familiar with his work, why did they expel and lock him up for? Swits don't like porn?



They didn't lock him up, the police basically just harassed him a lot.
His school got creeped out because they saw loli nazis having sex and lots of violence in his early work, so they decided to kick him out.
(he's actually not pro nazi at all nor even remotely a violent person)

Ultimately he was just young and dumb and didn't think at the time that his more extreme work should be separated from his official portfolio to make sure the school wouldn't found out, he obviously wasn't the only one in his school doing porn on the side of various nature.

Wow. Really makes you think.


Wow this sucks. If anything, you're making it worse.

Is there anything like the Cintiq but doesn't cost an arm and a leg?

You suck it up and fucking buy it.



How is it that they have a monopoly on the drawing tablet market? I just want a touchscreen tablet for my PC.


I actually don't know.
I mean, I've looked for others, but they've had WAY more issues, and cintiq is already troublesome.



A Wii U tablet cost around $100. Why can't we get something similar for PC and doesn't cost a ship full of gold?



Well, it's a business for once. Their sole purpose is to milk you dry, and if there's no competition.

Well…you know how it is.



What nuke is Wacom holding over potential competition?

shut the fuck up you're gonna derail the thread





Sometimes the only appropriate response to reality is to go a little crazy.

Learning to stop caring is one of the best things you can do





too bad most jap "artists" never improve or learn basic human anatomy

Gay Gangsters Ghost has some really great artwork.

Cripes. If that's the reaction he got for his stuff I'd hate to think how people would attack me for slug porn.
I mean, I don't like his art or the subject matter, but he's still pretty talented and can draw whatever the fuck he pleases, because it's just a drawing. It makes sense why he's so intentionally edgy now.

It's a secret to everybody

Who is this semen demon?

At least japs don't have Liefield.

The bigger problem is that a lot of japanese artist have a tendency for their art style to devolve.

I'd make a joke about wavedashing, but I've left my gamecube controller at home

It's even easier to appeal to popularity in Japan than it is here (ie. doing Steven Universe and Undertale fanart, furry and pony shit because people will give you money), and the people who consume sameface moe garbage are a major economic factor too. The people who want good art and unique designs aren't the ones who will pay for whatever you can copypaste out of your ass and onto their plate.

Look, I'm the guy that derailed the previous one by shitting on everyone because everyone is confusing nihilism for cynicism and hedonism, but I'm not going to try to explain it to anybody because the conclusion I came to in the last thread is that very few people can understand and accept the concept of LACK of meaning, they keep trying to bog it down with bullshit like OH NO BUT HUMANITY'S GOOD IS OBJECTIVE MEANING

Like, you fucking retards, humanity literally has an expiration date defined by heat death of the Universe. Nothing you do now will persist.

There's no infinite progression there to be pursued, the final outcome will be the same no matter what.

We're a little side effect, a subplot of the main storyline, and we're likely going to die out much, much earlier.

Can you stop acting like anything you do, feel, or think matters? I'm not even trying to make anybody feel bad, just stop acting like you're so important, and like your morals and ethics are anything but binding rules created by evolution for the sole purpose of keeping us in line.

But fucking nooo

That particular conversation seriously impacted my overall perception of the average public of the website. None willing to even entertain the thought of life as a concept having no purpose or meaning.

well fuck I guess I typed out this much might as well post it


Even if you accept that, but that doesn't make the shit you do in your lifetime, your area, your little speck of the known universe any less important to you, or the world as you interact with it on a comparatively tiny scale any less meaningful. Most nihlists just pretend they can totally comprehend how infinitesimally large the universe is and how small they are in it, and that that information totally doesn't just bounce off the animal parts of their brain like water off a duck. They then use that as an excuse to act all edgy and shit, or argue like a pedantic faggot.

That's fucking dumb, because you're implying I'm ACTING along with that belief. It's 100% possible for a person to consciously understand his insignificance and live despite that fact.

Nihilism does not deal with subjective meaning, it only deals with the harsh truth of there being a complete lack of objective meaning and insignificance of human metaphysical ideas.

I fully believe in nihilism, and I can mathematically understand how insignificant I am compared to even the observable universe.

Doesn't mean I'm being a complete self-destructive retard about it. I still have a girlfriend, constantly learn new skills and shit simply to make my life better, I mean I might as well, right?

Being a sad sack of shit that uses nihilism as a means to justify his depression is a different thing from a thinker who arrives at the idea of nihilism as a logical conclusion of his thought on the subject.

I'm pretty sure I'm a nihilist. Not in the "nothing fucking matters so fuck everything, civilization is all a farce" type, but the "nothing you do matters, so all that fucking matters is what you do".

Apply some Miyamoto Musashi and do nothing that is of no use.

Cyka Blyat, my brother

I dunno man, it comes from your perception. The actual logical thought behind it is all the same.

My perception IS that nothing matters and civilization is a farce from a cosmic perspective, but it's a charming idea when you think about it subjectively. Rejecting everything defiantly is dumb, because the Universe already has it that way.

I think of it more like "nothing has meaning, therefore everything can be meaningful depending on what I decide to care about".

You can believe in your own insignificance and you can lack metaphysical ideals, but the same deep seated parts of your brain that determine that belief understands jack fucking shit of the math. 99% of all nihilists just use current perspectives on the universe as means to an end. The other 1% are autistic or dead.

Though if you base the opinion on your understanding of the universe and then it turns out that the big bang and the heat death are nothing but jewish lies, what then?

I just think nothing matters because I spent a year as a literal hermit and lost all touch with civilization and really got "outside the box" and disconnected with a lot of the norms and stuff people are raised with. Though that place sucked so I forced myself to reintegrate with society, because fuck having -20 IQ points. But it left me with the understanding that I can just drop everything and nothing would change and no one would care if I disappeared or died.

I allow myself to feel. I believe in this philosophy very deeply, and I feel sort of a hard limit subconsciously stopping myself from caring about things because of that belief.

I outline what I want myself to feel and what not to feel. It might be a result of a long depressive period, but that's what it is. I never felt as though I used nihilism as a means to an end, I always felt like it was in the back of my head gnawing at me.

Then my entire understanding of science and the world would be a huge lie and my life would be flipped upside down.

I have no reason to think that any of this is a lie, however, because believing something out of lack of proof of it being otherwise is a logical fallacy - "argumentum ad ignorantiam" aka assertion out of ignorance

About your hermit lifestyle - yeah it takes a drastic change and disconnection from the usual routine for that belief to set roots

Jebus Christ that pic! Those 2 brownhaired sluts on the right have literally copy pasted faces!
Anime… was it ever good?

Ami and Mami are twins you doofus, that's kind of the point. Also, SEMEN DEMONS.


How much classical philosophy have you read? Stuff like Descartes in particular? Or alternatively, stuff like "the universe is a hologram/simulation"?

I think that I partially agree with the guy saying that pure science cannot be used as a basis for a belief system, because it will constantly change and if your paradigms are constantly mutable it's not a reliable basis for how you should live your life, because you get people like Hawkins who deny the existence of free will. Because fuck fatalism, alright.

Your belief system should be the rock foundation, something which can be trusted to not change regardless of what transpires in your life.

If you live within a single timeframe of 80-odd years, then the grand scale of things is irrelevant.

Nihilism is learning that the world is bigger then you, coming to terms with that, and instead of deciding that nothing you do matters, you bring good into the world instead, or do awesome things, or just fucking play video games and learn to stop worrying about everything.

Having a pessimistic worldview, or casting away morality that pertains to limiting the suffering of others in the long run isn't nihilism. It's called being an emo bitch who can't handle that he isn't the center of the universe.

That's the lesson of Nihilism. You aren't the center of the universe, you affect other people with your actions and ultimately, the only thing that matters is living a life you can define, without lying to yourself, that is a good one.

And in the end, it's learning to stop caring for how other people want you to be, and more about learning to care for yourself and those you love.

The early trap of nihilism is becoming nothing yourself. The point of nihilism is to break unnecessary and harmful chains and learning patience, determining your own path in life, like Buddhism preaches, but with a little more adventure added in.

Nihilism is seeing that the world doesn't matter, and then seeing your ruminations on how it doesn't matter, doesn't matter.

In other words, stop being a pussy and do what you want to do in life. No chains. And try to not be a total warmonger asshole because other people have dreams too, asshole.

I hate all this Idolmaster crap, none of those girls have any soul to speak of and that guy with P-head/face pisses me off almost as much as sweaty old fat guys.


posting more old shit

user, come on. One of the things I believe in the strongest is moral nihilism. The only real subjective good a person can have is personal gain.

I used nihilism as a reminder that I am my own God, in a sense. I am the only real authority I will ever have.

That goes against my philosophy though. If I accept that I am nothing, I accept that everyone else is nothing. I can use people as I see fit and not feel bad because they're just as meaningless as I am.

Lack of "purpose" as a defining property of objects is one of the things that sent me tumbling down the nihilist hole.


Freddy's philosophy on nihilism doesn't even take 3 minites to explain to anyone, all it is is basically, in the most simple language (ebonics):

"don't be a pussy ass bitch, stop worryin like a little bitch, go out and do shit that's cool, ya bitch ass nigguh"

That is literally all it is. Just stop being a bitch, bitcharoony.

he's too wordy on the subject, but you have to be if you want to get through to idiotic "intellectuals" with sticks up their bums that don't like if you talk simply and get to the point.




That's just called: being a sociopath.

If you want to push people away and never make any connections, feel free to act like an asshole.

It doesn't matter to you anyway, so good luck with that. You have to be kind to people, genuinely, if you want to move them. As a single person, your achievements are only so great, but if you really know how to move people (which involves not being an asshole and being good to people, genuinely because that way you know every detail to "manipulate" and won't suffer a disconnect when something doesn't line up with your weird ass morality)

Keep it up and you'll end up as Nick Denton with a 140 mil bill slapped on his ass by Hulk fuckin' Hogan.

He's a man who certainly shares your weird, personal brand of philosophy, and look where it got him.

You need to treat people as people, because if you're as worthless as them, then you're equal to them in ability to do shit, and they outnumber you.

It's best to get on their good side, dumbass.

Did you watch the video? It's the perfect summation of Nietzsche. You don't need ebonics, you just need one word.


I choose to give value and care into things that I want. I have a girlfriend. I choose to love her.

I make myself care about her, and earn money to support a future family, which I also choose to care about.

Nick Denton didn't get in trouble because of his philosophy, he got in trouble because he flew too close to the sun.

I practice art, technical skills and read shit every day. I make a point to improve myself. There are people better than me, but there are vastly more people that are worse than me.

There's no shame in recognizing that fact.

My point is rejection of morality, user

read "the disenchanted naturalists guide to reality" by alex rosenberg. it will open your eyes.

No, your rejection of reality is only when it suits you.

Like say you decide cheat on your girlfriend. You're the kind of guy who will rationalize that away as within your non-existant code. Yet you clearly value things, which is contradictory because you DO have a code of morality.

So which is it?

You're being a goddamned weasely pussy and you should be ashamed. You're doublefaced. It's fucking disgusting.


more like convincing myself to believe whatever I want to believe while also understanding that none of it is actually true.

If I decide to cheat on my girlfriend I won't need to change jack shit because I already am 100% aware of the fact that my love for her is my decision, not a feeling that I have no control over.

My "code" of morality is a frame of behavior that I put myself into. Consider it roleplaying a character.

I'll roleplay with you, bad boy ;3~

Oh yeah baby oh please tickle my feeble moral code, oh yeah murder is wrong and marriage is for life oh yeah daddy please mmhhhh



I didn't know I needed this in my life.


I honestly didn't expect Holla Forums to make a nihilist of me tonight.

Post it nigger.

Absurdism is more fun.

Absurdism deals with the existential crisis that nihilism produces. They go hand in hand. Saying that one is better than the other is absolutely ridiculous.

Now that I think about it, I probably qualify more as an absurdist than a nihilist.

I still need to read that damn book by Camus, it's just so fucking dense that it hurts to read.

But yeah, Japanese porn games turned me into a nihilist/absurdist.

That's not even the half of it but keep doing what you're doing.

Sounds like delusion, not nihilism.

murder is wrong, though.

Unless you're killing a terrorist or someone similar, like someone who's planning to kill people or a hostage taker. You don't kill innocents because those people are the backbone of society.

willing delusion. The difference between what I'm doing and what other people are doing is the fact that I'm fully aware that it's a lie.

And no, murder is not wrong. There's no "right" or "wrong". Morality is a metaphysical concept and people are only bound by it because evolution benefitted those that do not murder.

Nowadays we're above natural selection. There's no real reason, justification or profit in following principles that made us what we are now.

People that do what they have to do to get to the top are on the top. People that bind themselves with stupid, archaic rules of a primitive animal are where they get themselves - at the bottom of the pyramid.

For example, take Hillary Clinton. Take any politician, really. These people are apex predators. They let themselves break away from conventional conceptions of morality and "ethics" and rose to the top, like natural leaders they are.

People that wallow in dirt and chains of minimum wage while jerking over "morals", "ethics", right and wrong, good and evil are doing so because it's the only thing they have that lets them justify their constant self-harm in favor of other people.

It's a dog-eat-dog world, and the sooner you folks realize that the sooner you'll stop drinking from where others wash their feet.

Not really.

It can be stupid, but I don't think murder is wrong.

Can somebody explain that to me because I don't understand what the fuck happened.

BItch is tiny and gets carded despite being an adult.

I had a fake ID made for myself when I was 14. To this day using my actual ID makes me anxious as balls


That sounds hilarious.


I'm 18 and I buy alchohol no questions asked.

Edgy is when someone tries to be cool while saying contrarian shit. What I'm saying is not contrarian, neither am I trying to appear cool, since I'm anonymous anyway.

It's not contrarian because thousands of people arrived at the same conclusion before.

Those people are brats that wish to continue shitting on society and pretend society is retarded. You sound pretty similar to them.

Nah, edgy is being purposefully provocative by being contrarian. You can be contrarian and trying to appear cool without being edgy.

Is in no way true. While fame and cred is transient on an anonymous imageboard, it's still there. People glorify screencaps with dozens of replies, for example.

Well fuck you buddy.

Moral relativist please go. Islam is an inferior culture.

If you keep getting asked for ID just go to a different store. Preferably one where the clerks don't give a shit.

Not that I drink myself, my grandfather frequently ask me to pick some stuff up for him.

How bad is it?

People in groups are retarded. Therefore society is retarded and easily led wherever a leader wants them.

Perfectly evident in current elections, for example.

Hillary is leading one group of idiots, Bernie already showed his true colors by throwing his followers over to Hillary's side, and Trump is appealing to all of you by being contrarian.

user, stop projecting. Aesthetically, I'm disgusted by Islam and the people that follow it.

Moral relativism is stupid. Moral nihilism is realistic.

Explain why murder is wrong in a scenario where it isn't stupid.

How about you try for yourself

oh but user, murder is wrong because people have "rights" and one of those "rights" is a "right" to liveeeeee~


if you kill your enemies, they win.

This issue blew my fucking mind back then.

user thats fucking stupid

No one asked you, you've already demonstrated a complete lack of morals.

Now let the user with an actually opposing belief say something, I'm looking to be proven wrong.

This thread is severely lacking in

Holy shit my sides

You don't understand what projection means. In this situation, it requires me to be defending Islam to be projecting.

First of all, reasoning requires a foundation on what is important.
Second, not all forms of killing is murder.

Stop pretending user, I refuse to indulge in your female roleplay fantasies

unless you do a really good job at it

google it user. I hope you're not canadian.

Also unless you mean how they look, you are retarded.

Get out Trudeu!



A E S T H E T I C?

You're externalizing moral decay by associating it with Islam.

I'm not the girlfriend, I have a hikki girlfriend.

oh, damn, I'm sorry I wasn't up to date with the latest dank meme

I dun goofed

I mean the way they look, and the way Islam is. Saying that they're objectively bad would go against my philosophy, user. I simply don't like it.

Of course, I'm not denying the cultural complexity of Islam, which is arguably rich and well defined.

god damn eskimos

tim buckley more like Burch Cuckley

As a proud Finn, I find their skills to be horribly lacking.

Behold, my national anthem, real throat singing!

holy shit, is that k.k slider?




Pretty good. Better then that breathing shit for Trudeau



No, Islam isn't moral decay; it is moral stagnation.
Moral relativity is the source moral decay.

So you would be OK with them if they dress like Athenians?
Maybe because your philosophy is shit.


how cute

>>>Holla Forums


My old lol-xD-b-so-random folder is turning out to be surprisingly amusing, I kek'd at the one for a whole minute.

Bet ten bucks he's a muslim.





So what's the sauce?
Reverse is giving 'wow it's fucking nothing'.



Maybe I ought to have left those spoilered.

Whatever happened to second life, anyway?


wewd hard at that first one.

Apparently it's "Love is Difficult for Otaku". Try Google reverse image search next time.



How do you go from being a decent artist to that?
Holy fuck, everything is objectively worse.
There's no shading anymore, they're fucking rainbow coloured and they're lacking all detail.

i actually had some black weeb friends and their parents were mostly happy they weren't slinging drugs and getting shot by the cops. this was in DC and Baltimore they really hate other black people

hows that working out for you?

You're lucky. I ended up deleting most of my old shit, it was embarrassingly unfunny.

I literally have every single pic you posted, somewhere.



nigger did I fucking say it was original

It's pretty good. We're live in harmony.

I heard the end of the move Deathwinder or what ever his name is takes off his mask Aiden Gillen is revealed underneath and revels his name is Bill Wilson
Did that happen



I knew this would be stupid but I didn't expect it to be that stupid.

Tripcodes are needed when a public personality needs to prove that they are a particular someone, or have a way to be identified. There's absolutely no reason for a nobody to use a tripcode other than for attention.

In time, my friend, Ian will find the way. It's the path most of us tread, changing until we reach the end.


Fuck that, anonymity creates a culture of OC. There is no reputation, no empty hype and expectation, no cult of personality bullshit. It's a culture of pure ability, a meritocracy; either you can post good shit or no one cares about whatever the fuck you're on about.

Trips breed attentionwhoring faggots, fuck that shit. Besides, I find the ability to freely argue a point I know is wrong to be incredibly liberating, since I can explore concepts without having to worry about shit like social standing and appearance.

Lucky for you I have a cap for that.

Not bad. Not bad at all.

It's stupid. Get over it.



Its great.

Ugee is cheape4r than Wacom but has no programmable shortcut buttons on it.


Impressive, very nice.






Let's see if this one still works.

Nope, fuck.

Why did we find those so funny 10 years ago?

There were simpler times. I used to have a folder full of cat pictures with terribly written captions.

The world was less depressing and our hearts lighter.

I still have my Samus ones and probably my Pokemon ones.



Ohh, I do remember that, just when advice dog was finally fucking dying somebody made a pokemon one and suddenly every fucking pokemon had it's own. milf ninetails a bes

I completely forgot about this.


Nah, Vulpix and Golem were clearly the best.

There's a lot of shit we just save in a really deep place in our brains, but we never really forget. your memes WILL haunt you forever

also blastise dad best dad.

Ah here it is.

I have a soft spot for smartass humor


The whole skit was cringy and Ian really should just keep to firearm videos but I see nothing wrong with the message, pretty standard shit.


This one illustrates it quite succinctly.



no u

Anyone else remember this fucking guy?


Who could forget?


This pic pretty much sums up nihilism, a fitting end for my part in this thread.

Food & shower await.

That first image is scary fucking accurate.


Did they take the old Adam West batman and place him in the modern DC universe? Because I gotta admit that shit writes itself. The only thing that would make it better is if he was insanely OP.

that got me
Everybody knows black fathers are a myth

Maybe he wanted a Shiny starter.




My brain must have short-circuited from overexposure; these are actually making me giggle now.

Did this thread warp me back to 2001?

Got any more?
Not necessarily of vulpix.
Though it is the best

I didn't know I needed this

You guys are fucking nerds
Who the fuck cares if shit matters or not, everyone is gonna die obviously but most as well enjoy what little time we do have on this shitty planet
There's no need to cry about it



stop posting pics for ants



If a board has thread IDs then why do tripcodes still exist? Checkmate, anons.

Arvie Madison.
Pretty sure I spelled that right. If anyone even cares you can reverse image search anyway.

You know this triggers me eveytime I see it because there's barely anything protecting her and Guts has said atleast once that if it weren't for Godo's armor then he would be dead
I get it's supposed to be attractive and stuff but I'm autistic so what do I know

i think maybe its either a "First" or focused marketing.
Kinda like how in the 90s every music/graphics person had a Mac coz they were "designed for them".

you have to go back

modern art

Bam, delivery of milf!

My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do… I just fuckin' hate this world. And the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here.>>10280263

Because in a single thread it allows people to keep track of who they're talking to, it doesn't affix an actual identity to the poster since it's just as transient as it was before. It also cuts down on the "Disregard that, I suck cocks".

And like it was mentioned earlier, some cases of tripping are borderline acceptable, like if some gamedevs and shit. Except attentionwhores like yandev, fuck 'im.

Remember this fucker?



don't do this to me

Yeah, him.


How can a man sink so low i wonder.

Honestly? I am just getting into this shit, but I got a Huion 1060+ because all the reviews specifically said it was as accurate as a comparable Cintiq model, at 1/6th the price. Ran me $60 Canadian on sale, Haven't had any problems with it. The only feature it really seems to lack is the ability to sense angles, which doesn't seem like a deal breaker at all.

If you mean the type that have a built in screen, then they also make those, but you're heading back up into the $1000 range.

But really what is the difference between destroying a life of a plant and a life of an animal?
Plants can't scream like a cute piggy, but they definitely respond to damage. Or maybe the pain is the problem? Well then vegans shouldn't have problem with killing an animal after it has been knocked out or killed instantly with a gun (this is most peoples opinion about killing animals).
What makes the animals so special? And what about the bugs, they do not seem to feel pain, is it ok to kill them?
Frutarians at least are not retards in denial.

Great now I'm pining for the better days when everything was simple and my inner critic wasn't the size of a hundred pound tumor

nice manga fgt

Oh wow, I didn't know I these still.


also RL and Digital drawing skills are transferrable. See how far you get on paper before you invest. Try and draw in ballpoint pen or fineliner NOT pencil.

If you have money to burn, another way to go about it is to go for the big cintiq and use your big investment as a motivation to not allow your spending go to waste to kinda force you to gitgud.

That's mainly my light novel section, casual40K and Artemis Fowl goes in the Real Book section.

LOi nutted hard to this to this about 20 minutes ago



But user, killing cute things is wrong!

Notice how nobody gives a shit about killing cockroaches, plants, and bacteria, because they are not fuffy and they can't look at you with sad eyes.

Personally, I don't think killing is wrong. The reason for doing so (enjoyment, revenge, etc) is what might make it wrong. Also, torturing or inflicting unnecesary pain before the kill is, under my point of view, straight evil.

Wasn't Quentin planning a school shooting at some point?

Plants don't have a sense of pain. The sense of pain is meant to serve a warning that something or somewhere is dangerous. Pain is useless for plants as they're stationary.



THIS is healthy. Yours is blatantly UNhealthy.


There's not really any difference, which is why I eat both plants and animals.

A man of taste, I see.

Do you have any in yuri flavor?

I want my own mini lolibot.

I feel unclean

We're already doing this and you can see where it's taking the Western world

More like this please?

every time I see these, my heart hurts



Where in my post did you get that idea from?



I want to fuck that rabbit

I believe murder is wrong because it is not my job to decide whether one should be killed, as I do not wish anyone else to judge whether I should live or not. What right would I or anyone else have to decide that? If I have to act in self-defense, then it's every man for himself. Of course I don't want to die until I fucking say so, and neither does anyone else.

And second, murder is unnecessary. No conflict has to be resolved with deaths in the first place, but its one of the only and best ways we humans are used to dealing with a situation. Until my body gives up or I give up, I'm not willing to die just yet. If you want my wallet, there's no need to stab my heart.

Why do you care so much if caring doesn't matter?

Well, depends on your definition of stupid. I don't think that somebody turned into a nihilist by eroges should have the power of being the cop, the judge and the executioner, for example

Because nothing matters except this argument of course

pic related

I liked Twix, man.

i dont get it

Does this guy have any common sense?

I can't believe i read that entire wall of text.
It was an interesting read though

Pic fucking related

so, some semen demon femgriffin stole her casco seed in front of her?

where's >evafag


How the fuck does a mortal man possibly train to shitpost like this?

What said, that's not guts, what the fuck

It's mirrored

math doesn't check out on first pic, need to use equations that take into account relativity.