Educate yourself on Frankfurt school

Have you read all their theories, or at very least Critical Theory since its so popular?

They're important texts.
Do you have any grudge with Frankfurt or something?

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I'm not sure about Holla Forums, but I do know that Holla Forums sure didn't read the Frankfurt School

I'm not done with reading Hegel yet, the Frankfurt School will have to wait

Honest question: which of Frankfurt texts do you consider most relevant for our neoliberal & technocratic situation?
Any good short introductory texts, like some essays? (pls no 2ndary sources)

How many revolutions did they make?
How many nations are ruled by their parties?

this is a meme-tier understanding of history, revolutions, and himat

Maybe some of these?

One is temp­ted to reverse Marx’s Thes­is 11: the first task today is pre­cisely not to suc­cumb to the tempta­tion to act, to inter­ve­ne dir­ectly and change things (which then inev­it­ably ends in a cul-de-sac of debil­it­at­ing impossib­il­ity: “What can we do again­st glob­al cap­it­al?”), but to ques­tion the hege­mon­ic ideo­lo­gic­al co-ordin­ates. In short, our his­tor­ic­al moment is still that of Adorno:
To the ques­tion “What should we do?” I can most often truly answer only”, with “I don’t know.” I can only try to ana­lyse rig­or­ously what there is. Here people reproach me: When you prac­tise cri­ti­cism, you are also obliged to say how one should make it bet­ter. To my mind, this is incon­tro­vert­ibly a bour­geois pre­ju­dice. Many times in his­tory it so happened that the very works which pur­sued purely the­or­et­ic­al goals trans­formed con­scious­ness, and thereby also social real­ity.

You Stalinists are a shitstain on the communist movement.

Why bother? The school created the New Left which was a direct rejection of Marxist thought and methods.

Remove your Leninhat. You are unworthy.

Either way, Frankfurt school had been around since the 60s. Where is the practice?

Marxism, apparently, is a State Capitalism.

Lenin's Materialism and Empirio-Criticism gives a withering critique of critical theory. The Frankfurt school is the birthplace of postmodernism and the "progressive" variety of subjective idealism and anti-communism.

Foreword to The Frankfurt School, Postmodernism and the Politics of the Pseudo-Left: A Marxist Critique

It's not a theory. There is no evidence backing it. This cargo cult science must end.

It is true though that Marxism inherits from capitalism the idea of a society centered on production.

You say a lot but you can't prove anything, so you resort to another theory, which in turn can't prove anything.
Not an argument.

While you were off jacking to how you can find flaws to things that people have already admitted to not be perfect(As such thing is impossible) and therefore losing attention we have with false rhetoric, we were off actually doing shit.

"We?" And what exactly was your role in Stalin's regime?

Holy shit what do you think you're doing?

What that's supposed to mean?

You need food to live. That's a fact of life, not a "theory" or "idea".

That is not at all what I am saying, you ding dong. You are identifying with something you had nothing to do with. You're as bad as the stormfags with "muh white heritage muh cathedrals."

11/10 thanks for the projection

For your information, at least I wasn't damaging the movement with useless rhetoric back on , which none can find a defense for.

That's like saying that since we always had things every society was capitalism.
Of course we always made and consumed shit, but that's not what makes production or consumer society. It is production becoming an ideology in itself, a central principle of politics.

Reddit/pol/tumblr get out.