Resume goes into the trash
Pic related, socialist delusions in a nutshell(USER WAS TAKEN TO HR FOR THIS POST)
Resume goes into the trash
Pic related, socialist delusions in a nutshell(USER WAS TAKEN TO HR FOR THIS POST)
i don't put socialist on my resume you fucking retard
capitalism ftw!
Nice fantasy world you're living in ancap
Nice made-up story, bro.
into the trash
here is your creativity
it is an insane scenario
it requires you morons applying for a job
yeah rightio, lad.
someone's upset
Where did the actual anarchists touch you, an crap?
Go ahead then, tell me how you make money and I'll tell you why you're full of shit.
stop bumping, moron
Stop sagespamming you butthurt faggot. It's more of a feeding than a bump.
uh huh.
People like you is why this board is going to shit.
Shitpost goes in trash
Pic related, Spooky ideology in a nutshell.
vindictive sage
t. newfag sagespamming within the first 10 posts on a slow board
Learn to type with capital letters you fucking tumour. Smallcaps posters are always shitposting retards.
We are reaching levels of cancer that shouldn't be possible with this guy.
ancaps are so autistic i bet they actually would
bet even porky'd get sick of them after just a bit. the worst classcuck is a proud one