Britain: White students must not be allowed to segregate

No single ethnic group must dominate in schools, says head teacher

Oy vey!!! They won't blanda up, we need to take (((legislative action))).

Perhaps because no one, even the muds, want multiculturalism.

No (decent) parent wants their student to be subjected to the abhorrent filth of being educated alongside nonwhites, and Muslims it would seem prefer their own kind too.

These FILTHY FUCKING ANTI WHITES want your child to be subjected to an Islamic indoctrination, so they can learn to be a good dhimmi, while everyone learns to be good goys.

Other urls found in this thread:

Dirty quislings.

I wonder if Weller's kids are excluded from this multi-culti hell. Guessing not.

What the fuck? It isn't 1807

He will of course send them to Eton, where shitskins who aren't oil sheiks can't afford to send their kids anyway.

Would he be freaking out if schools made it mandatory to take Christan exclusive religious classes?

Of course. In fact for the past few decades, they have been ardent supporters of secularist education, and now Christian education has been ousted, all of a sudden secularism is no longer en vogue. I wonder why…

This is a genocide. I'm surprised British aren't martyring their selves off against the Jews Palestinian style every day.

Why not have the parents beat up this school yard bully?

Dear cousins in the USA send nuclear fire to major city centers asap tia.

Man, the next few years is not going to be easy for these kikes :^)


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

b u m p

we are in just as bad a situation lad

based mantra bot

i used to have words. now all i have is rage.

Education in modern Britain is kike nonsense for the most part. I made the mistake of trying to study history, and we were forced to learn about how Enoch Powell was a literal fascist for saying immigration could be harmful, and that the 60s and Suez Crisis were two of the best things to happen to the nation. All of this was alongside masses of rainbow flags (even at a supposedly "Church of England" school) and posters about "British values" multikulti and preventing "radicalisation"
I was kicked out for saying Enoch was right and I went on to a less cucked college. but it must be even worse in the "diverse" parts of Britain considering how bad it is here in the south

No, he's only objecting to people being able to leave the Islam classes. He doesn't give a shit about the Christian ones.

STOP using Quisling as a derogatory term!

That's terrible.

New York and D.C. also gone? We strike our colors!

There is some hope for us, for we can look to the visionaries and political greats of the past rather than the idiocy of modern Westminster.
Mosley was the best prime minister we never had.

Baronet Oswald Arnold Mosley would have been another jewish avatar just like Hitler, the end result would have been the same. Kalergi plan pre dated both of them, and logically you have to think they have been controlling both sides of every conflict for a lot longer than you dare admit.

Surprised they covered Enoch in any detail at all

Modern Britain for A2, I guess?

Solidarity my brother!

Nobody cares about your opinion you contrarian faggot. You'll become a marxist if national socialism ever takes hold. I know you. Go find some rare conspiracies that will make you feel special.

What happened in 1807?

You know fucking why they don't send white kids to these overwhelming shitksin schools?

Because they get fucking gangraped.

Aye lad. I wanted to study the Crusades as I had an interest in them at the time (2015) but I had to do "Modern Britain 1945-2007"as well. My sister lives in France and was very nearly caught up in the Paris attacks, which made me a lot more vocal than before; it pushed me totally over the boundary into ethnic nationalism rather than civic.. It didn't help that we were supposed to do an essay about the societal changes of the 1960s and how they "benefited" Britain. Even in English, we were set to learn about the coded language used by gays in 1950s London to conceal themselves. Theology was actually the least shite of the three subjects I did. because the teacher actually seemed to support debate and discussion rather than calling everything racist. Still, I only lasted about half a term.
I ended up with a year of NEEThood from December 2015-September 2016 and I was able to pick up the useful hobby of gardening through it, which also gives me a lot more options for employment seeing as there's less kike involvement

Let's look into Nick Weller. Here's some info about him from a BBC article:

The head of a schools group, including one where a teacher was stabbed by a pupil, has been awarded a knighthood for services to education.
Nick Weller, executive principal of Dixons Academies Trust, Bradford, was honoured in the Queen's birthday list.
Mr Weller said he was "humbled by the honour" and the schools' recognition.
After a teacher was stabbed at Dixons Kings Academy police arrested a 14-year-old boy on suspicion of attempted murder on Thursday.
Mr Weller said: "My main thoughts at the moment are with a colleague who is continuing to make steady progress in hospital and with a school which is also recovering from the event.
"Our academies and partnerships play a significant role in meeting the demand for new places in Bradford and improving schools in challenging circumstances."

I'm sensing something (((strange))) about Mr Weller.

Stuff like this really illustrates how the state education system is simply a tool for indoctrinating kids into a particular iconoclastic mindset with regards to their history, like rewriting the postwar period as a battle between anti-racist baddies and nationalist goodies.

Makes me real glad that I had history teachers who at least leant a little bit to the right. They created an environment that actually permitted debate rather than forcing a particular view on their students

I'm a history student at a supposedly more Tory university, but the amount of history students that have this manichean view of everything fucking depresses me. It's impossible to try and change people's view when they've been taught to see the world in a very singular way since primary school.

This is his current twitter profile. Now if that's not a semite, I don't know what is.

I hate how my parents got taught about British history, while all I was taught about Britain was the Romans and Germans conquering and bombing us or how barbaric and filthy the Victorian/Tudor/Medieval times were.

I wonder (((why))) we were taught so little about our history but more of our defeats and of other nations?

Achievement unlocked?

Well originally the idea of state schools was to improve economic output by improving the minimum education level.
While also improving social organisation and legal compliance by increasing literacy.

In the modern era it's all pure brainwashing.

Summary of globalism

It's too bad the historical jihads never took over England. You could have been taught about how that was your golden age.

Pictures like that of shitskins being funded by western tax payers really piss me off. All those resources being misallocated to ingrate invaders, such a waste! I wish we had a serious plan to remove them from our society.

Holla Forums needs its own version of The Protocols
A codified set of rules on how we will live our lives, and the steps we will take as we move into positions of power. Otherwise we're just going to live out our days in bitterness and resentment. There is no one else who will save us, if we want things to change, it really does fall upon us; the few whites awakened and alarmed by our otherwise pending extinction.


We must not lament on our position as a minority of men who still remain strong amongst the broken masses. Our futures don’t exist without action, what awaits us is a fate worse than death.

There are times in history when men have stood against impossible odds and those who have and have succeeded (even those who have fallen valiantly) are never forgotten. Their spirit exists through the eons, infecting the folklore of cultures the world over.

Our destiny is staring us in the face; goading us on we can all feel it. Our actions (and it is US, don’t kid yourself) will either make us immortal or condemn the world to eternal darkness.

And they call us the white supremacists

Absolutely, everything should be geared towards gaining power and removing it from jews and kosher nationalists.

The Protocols of Holla Forums

Let's get it written.

This is absurd. Why punish people for being more academically competent?
I was shit at math but I don't angrily want to hold back someone for going into AP Calculus BC because I only went as far as Algebra II. I simply acknowledge that they're better at math than I am and move on.
So if white students are dominating schools, let them. Do the work, put in the effort, get good grades. It so happens to be white students who are excelling? Tough shit, that's just how it is and they should suck it up.


I wonder if they will force the closure of Orthodox Jewish schools?

Correct. And no choice was given in any of it. But there are many who object, more by the day. The defeatists grow evermore silent. The Government in blind panic establish stricter and stricter laws by the day

Make a thread or preferably board to plan it out.

I'm always curious what the ratio is between people who genuinely ( are stupid enough to) think that putting sub humans in the same class as whites will make them smarter vs those who are spiteful of whites and just want to drag those students down.


"Malleum Barbarus"

In the OP article, there is a link to a study which states that the best way to make white children smarter, is to put them in a mixed school. I kid you not…

Coming from deep cover in the corporate world - "Fight the battles that matter". Sperging out in the coffee room because some fat bitch is virtue signaling about what she saw on (((CNN))) last night and getting a reputation as that weird Nazi guy = you lose. Influencing hiring decisions in your department to hire more white men = good, you win. You're competent and fair on the surface, always. Always.

Good point. And as a point of comparison, notice that Jews in positions of power do not sperg out and proclaim the migrant crisis is revenge for the pogroms. They couch their words with humanitarian parlance.

Yes, religious studies are important. I remember when I had mine, and we had to look for good and bad values out of all religions. Guess which one was deemed best by everyone: christianity. This will backfire so hard it's gonna be laughable.

I think there is a dynamic being missed here, though. There must be an undercurrent, whether it is overt or covert, which deliberately and unapologetically promotes their ideal. For the Jews, it's ADL & friends. Their sociocultural promotion has become so mainstream that they didn't have to personally invade a corporation (even though they did) they just bashed it into the population's psyche.

(also checked)
Yes, whites need to be totally unapologetic about having as many children as they can afford.

false statement
have as many children as possible
if you go with the "can afford" bit you get 35+ year old women just starting to try for their first

Then what do you do if you can't afford them? Just raise them in poverty in a diverse area?

These subhumans deserve it. Every last one of them will pay for the tragedy of 70 years ago.

Avoid "urban" areas no matter what your skills and income potential.

So just have loads of kids in a rural area (all of which are either poor and jobless or rich and exclusive) with no means of sustaining them?


indoctrinated worms in power like the one described should be found dead on the regular.

study from Cornell University about how segregation creates peace:

Does this mean that white people will be helped out someday?


Listen, friend, you have 3+ kids and you will find a way to give them a healthy upbringing.
Having less than 3 kids and cucking it up with kikes and their golem pets in the cities is a sure way to lose the culture war.

It's all their fault go.. my fellow white people, just let Britain become the multicultural utopia its meant to be :^)

I intend to have 3+ kids and I already live in a small, peaceful village in the Highlands.

But I'm just curious how I'm supposed to do that now (at 21) before having my own home or any financial stability whatsoever. Surely that's incredibly irresponsible and I'd do better to wait a few years at least.

I really don't like the idea of permanently playing everything close to the vest as I have been since being redpilled.

What is this?

If you are in shape and have any income at all, what you need to do is force your parents to be involved. They need to understand that if they want grandkids, the economy is not like it was when they were your age. The only way forward is intergenerational cooperation. If they have a house, it needs to be where your kids are being raised as well. Perhaps make it a thing to physically build them a grandparents house on the property as well.

They don't send them because they are also the worst-performing schools in the area.

This semitic ingrate wants all of our schools to be just like his - teachers getting stabbed by their subhuman paki students. If they have no trouble attempting to kill a teacher, imagine what they'd do to white kids.

And this 'man' has been knighted by the queen for his efforts.

Read as: Parents don't want their daughters raped or their sons stabbed by Muslim street gangs.

most teachers in the uk deserved to be stabbed tbqh lad you know exactly why too they are daft lefty cunts wont listen so let them get their enrichment

You're not allowed to tell the truth or have common sense in CY+2. Only the brown people are important now.

Here in the north mate, I had classes that were upto 80% muslim. ICT is especially bad since it's an extraordinarily easy subject, but as long as you choose the right subject you can avoid them, pakis avoid Maths, Physics, Computer Science, Sports most. ICT and Biology for some reason are fucked to hell.
**Also I hate that thing where you have to call them "asian". Fucking asians are chinks and japs, not muslims, they're fucking arabs. Even in other Western European countries you can call them muslims (Germany, France), but here they have to be called asian or it's offensive. Holy fuck they've even censored our innocuous words like "muslim" so you can't speak out against the invaders""

Here in the north mate, I had classes that were upto 80% muslim. ICT is especially bad since it's an extraordinarily easy subject, but as long as you choose the right subject you can avoid them, pakis avoid Maths, Physics, Computer Science, Sports most. ICT and Biology for some reason are fucked to hell.

Also I hate that thing where you have to call them "asian". Fucking asians are chinks and japs, not muslims, they're fucking arabs. Even in other Western European countries you can call them muslims (Germany, France), but here they have to be called asian or it's offensive. Holy fuck they've even censored our innocuous words like "muslim" so you can't speak out against the invaders

Hey I just had an idea guys


What if we yknow let people do what they want to do crazy isn't it

Pakistan and most of the Arab world are undeniably in Asia, though, and Britain had extensive trade and contact otherwise with South and West Asia long before trade with China and the rest of East Asia opened.

This idea that only people with yellow skin are Asians is ridiculous, you're letting the Americans cuck you linguistically


What is ICT?

We will if you do us the same favor brother.

Also while at university in Canada, I noticed Arabs really concentrated on Biology but they really liked Chemical engineering too (to learn how to make bombs and acid for attacks?). No idea why, but I concur with your assessment about their mathematics abilities. My higher tier math courses were comprised of europeans (especially Hungarians and Russians), and a few chinks. Totally muslim free.

kike spotted!

Apparently it's courses teaching people to use MS Word and such.

So when do the remaining minority white people around the world come together in one region of the world and start fighting for their survival and to take back their lands?

Can't be too far away if white students are the minority in school classes.

Completely worthless then. This is the kind of thing 10 year olds learn (or used to learn, before the smart phone generation).

Quisling was a fucking hero. He saved Norge from Marxist infiltrators.

Exactly. Whereas whites are capable of empathy, to a fault, the niggers and savage Mohammedans are not. We have allowed them to thrive as minorities, but do not think for a second that they will treat us in kind. This is not a mystery either, we know full well how the Spanish Christians were treated under Dhimmitude.

Yes. Don't forgot also the copyright troll laws you had to fucking memorise and preach in 100s of pages to get a grade.

I bet quran schools are perfectly fine

I don't know if it's that so much as, fight battles that actually have a productive outcome rather than going apeshit because someone is pissing you off.

If your parents want to be grandparents that could be an option but for most of us that is just losing the culture war, parents that vote and continue supporting cuck governments are to be kept on a leash not given domain over your kids too.
What I mean is that living with the least possible (for yourself) and only what is needed for a healthy body and mind (for the kid) is what you should strive for.
Ideas like financial stability will make sure you turn 40 before you have kids and while it might be possible for you to then find a wife 20 or younger its much better for you to do it now, you might be in a worse situation and there is no guarantee you will be in a better one if you remain childless.
So many things you might consider "essentials" for kids (toys toys toys good goy!) are not only inessential but even detrimental to them.

UK is finally deader than the great barrier reef

Are you kidding mate, I've seen flats go for £40,000 near Greenock

A similar flat in the CHEAPER cities of England will cost you the same thing, in Manchester it might double, and in London you're looking at double even that.

Every area of England has these places, which are getting significantly more scrutiny in the public view, now.

England in particular, I've noticed a LOT of Union flags around. And the Muslims seem more… shy. Atleast around the North West.

Saying the UK is dead is generally dishonest, and there are some growing trends. Every shop now seems to have a "UK produce" area, full of fruit, veg and meat.

Gardening is also a valid Aryan path, go for it user.

Sorry britfriend, we only have barely enough warheads for our own city centers.

"Affording" children is a myth.

That was an excuse, not a reason. The system is working as originally intended.

Nah see in our western economies tax revenue comes from the populace not resources.
As such to increase tax revenue and thus increase the wealth that can be redistributed to the ruling class and their supporters, they must increase the productivity of the populace.
You do this via education, infrastructure, etc.

What a degenerate gif. Fuck you kike

If it ain't white, it ain't right

Explain to me, how dumbing down the goyim and shoving social justice into their heads is supposed to increase their productivity?

The (((ruling class))) you mentioned don't care about productivity, as long as they're on the top. Tax revenue can be increased by growing cattle head count, rather than per-head amount.



It doesn't.
But the more educated and developed the populace the greater the chance of them removing the current ruling class.
Starving illiterate serfs are extremely unproductive but they also make for lousy revolutionaries. Meaning they can only overthrow you if your military/police forces allow them to.

Right now they need to dumb down the populace in western nations to keep them pacified. Greater connectivity and communication capacity has made a well developed populace more dangerous than it was before.
They're prepared to take the revenue hit so long as they stay in power.
But it's a difficult thing to say the least there's a lot of opportunity for shit to go horribly wrong. They're hardly omnipotent and all knowing.


I'll start:

1. OP is a faggot.



A student in Bradford was kidnapped by police and sent to jail for terrorism for nothing more than criticising egalitarianism and promoting white nationalism. He was part of NA. Bradford is occupied territory. No go zone.

Hah, you're an idiot. Clearly you don't know why they're excelling. It's because they have white privilege. Do you even know that it's 2017? It's not fucking 2016 or even 2015 anymore! Wake up!

why does everyone forget this?
the winner of yesterday isnt a god
when you learn actual history you realize how thin the margin is between a regime holdin power, a revolution beginning, and society outright becoming chaos

The first people I'd hang would be the (((educators))) and (((education ministers))).