European Commission ‘very close’ to triggering Article 7 on Poland

European Union Threatens Poland with Sanctions and Suspension of Voting Rights


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Hopefully Trump had anticipated this and has offered Poland some assurances and support should this eventuality transpire.

This is how the new Polish Lithuanian commonwealth begins

Don't count on it, the US State Department is fiercely in support of bringing tens of millions of shitskins to Poland and Hungary.

Poland is the center piece of the US's new strategy of isolating Russia from western Europe. The US is going to support Poland breaking off the EU with as many member states as possible to form a hostile wall between Germany and Russia

ZOG Force is going to purge the Poles to the last child as an example to the rest of the world. ZOG is essentially a mechanical god on this planet and our mortal enemy controls it. Poland and Hungary are the new Sodom and Gomorrah.

Why the fuck did whites everywhere just cuck themselves out so we would end up with lying hypocrites like this in charge? Is it that famed empathy of the white man that made him so great his own Achilles' heel?

Then why give that nationalist speech? That was a forceful defense of Polish nationalism in the face of grave threats to their culture.

Could this be the trigger for a new great war?

user, the US State Department is filled with anti-white career liberals and neocons. KNOW THIS

Eu is falling apart and can't wait to see the end.

why don't they just leave the EU already? no amount of gibs can be worth this abuse

isn't tillerson cleaning house yet?

As much as I'm against EU interventions, fucking with separation of powers is not something to be done lightly. The second that today's opposition gets to power, they'll try to abuse this to achieve their agenda.
I assume this changes the constitution and that parliament can't override presidential veto, so it's most likely not gonna pass anyway.

the state department caused Communism to gain a foothold in Asia. It's because of this very same government institute we had fight the Vietnam war.

Trump should splinter the State department into a thousand pieces.

Why the fuck would he do that?


As long as Pooland gets fucked over, it's fine by me

The VISEGRAD group, aka basically the Eastern Europe block, are in the EU because it gives them vast financial growth to do so. Not only are they net receivers of EU subsidization, they gain a hell of allot more then what they put in, compared to north-west Europe who put in more then they get out of it which is a massive burden on their own populace. But for the VISEGRAD group EU accession also allows them to send their workers into our lands and create a tertiary supply of wealth. Because those workers usually save up and then go back to Poland to spend all their savings.

- Poland still has the złoty currency, with no set in stone date to adopt Euro's as official currency.
- Hungary still has the Forint currency, with no set in stone date to adopt Euro's as official currency.
- Chech Republic has the Koruna currency with no set in stone date when to adopt Euros as official currency. Their Central Bank has been favoring the Koruna since 2016 [migrant crisis height].
- Slovakia adopted the Euro as its national currency. Slovakia is said to have extensive gold reserves held by their unofficial Central back. It has constantly reported no growth, while those in the precious metals are certain one of these members states is buying tons.

The European Union has issued a directive back in 2014 i think it was, where it official stated; all EU members must adopt the Euro as their official currency by 2020.

Austria, which is not part of the Visegrad group (V4), is also adopting anti-migrant policies. It is most likely acting in the interest of the V4 and appeasing them rather then the EU. Austria might know something more.

The European Union is going to get rekked hard, i for one as Dutch citizen welcome it whole heartedly.

oy fucking vey

"I think Europe has to decide if it wants to live and thrive or if it wants to shrivel and disappear." – Netanyahu

WHAT A COINCIDENCE. It's not that they're working from both sides, using these threats from a select few in Brussels to push Poland and the others into Israels sphere. (And on the global stage US and Russia i.e. ZOG West & East against the EU or Germany.) I guess it's only normal that Netanyahu pops up at the Visegrad V4 meeting.

Fucking nu/pol/

The greatest thing about fighting kikes is they'll always be bragging about how great they are and how they're going to be victorious, to someone, somewhere. And, when (if) you shoot them in the head with a bullet, they'll immediately stop bragging and suddenly they have no more power. Sort of like mosquitoes.

If Poland is looking at sanctions and loss of voting rights, why wouldn't they just shift loyalties to Russia?

Yet other Jews are horrified by the prospect.

How did the State Department become a goddamn monster?

I for one, actually look forward to total war.

The conversion of nationalism into patriotism.

No shit. Where do you think you are?


It has nothing to do with rapefugees

Yes, yes! Fucking do it!

Poland and Hungary will immediately leave the EU!

> we had fight the Vietnam war.
they only did it for appearances

I'm sure he'll drain that swamp.
Any day now. :^)



Basically this.
The EU is so caught up in its own propaganda that it thinks life cannot exist without it. There are plenty of nations out there looking for more influence and will gladly take up a disenfranchised nation. Hell, even Trump went in and said he stood with Poland on its decisions. Not only that but if the EU keeps treating its member nations like shit they'll fucking leave. Poland is only staying in there because it's getting massive amounts of gibs, there is not a single person that actually likes the EU in Poland.

The last bastion of sanity in the world, user. I've just been waiting for the kickoff.


Jews always play both sides and are rarely in power but control those in power from the sidelines.

From their Jewish history those who have slighted Jews are written into their history as the most vile, baby killing, shit eating, dick sucking vermin the world has ever seen. While the Jew is the most holy and pious. Coincidence?



✓ ✓ ✓

Welcome to the new USSR


Are you seriously trying to shill for the European Union?


Nah what do you mean by ZOG force. Seems like they are pushing for to get those eastern countries back under ostjuden dominance. (Like every one of them was taken over by communism.) See this comrade shilling for Poland to have loyalties to Russia:


Its not shilling you enormous faggot, its a question - if the EU is shitting on Poland, whats their motivation to remain in the EU, as opposed to shifting loyalties to the other regional power?

So, is poland back to their anti-commie 1920 self? They're gonna need a new Piłsudski to compliment it all.

The future of humanity depends on Poland not fucking up.
Fuck this gay Earth.


If they use half the effort they put in to making vidja, victory is assured.

Holy shit!
Praise kek!

Let's hope they can still remove kebab from vienna like good old times.

I still wonder how these people can be so thoroughly deluded to think that the EU FORCING migrants to be taken into Poland through economic sanctions and Poland saying no is somehow an aggressive authoritarian action by Poland. I get they're commies but I don't think commies are that stupid. If they are then they are comparable to niggers in comprehension ability.

TL;DR Poland says no, EU shouts rape.


send all your energy to Poland

Did I transition into a timeline where world war 2 never happened and the allied forces are the good guys this time?

Kurvaaaaaaaa Check'd


Before the fall of Rome. You still had guys wondering why the tax man hadn't come by to collect their taxes for a while. Roads were falling into disrepair and the roadside olive trees were being ignored. The aqueducts weren't being cleaned and the local legionaries were MIA.

I wonder how may rural plebs on seaside communities away from the Roman capital even knew how fucked things were before everything went dark for the last time. How many of them kept going through the motions until they starved to death or ran out supplies and had to downscale their economy?

When the EU finally does collapse, will it be gradual like the Roman collapse more rapid since things would be aided by the internet? Would things not collapse at all and simply deflate into a state of sterility?



Poland NO.

It's EUSSR get it right or get out.

What did Kek mean by this?


No, it's Islamic Union of European States, get it right or get out.

in this timeline WW3 will have Germany as the bad guys and Poland as the good guys

Old grannies and idiots do because Donald Tusk as he head of E.U = the E.U is a vassal of Bolan in their pea brains.

Tusk and his party that reigned for 8 years sold Poland to Germany
that cocksucker needs to hang

Everyone is polack.

De moneys?


Austrias gov is pozed piece of shit who started “refugee welcome” to Germany
They will have elections in October. Expect much bark and no bite.

And That:

(((Friedman))) has write whole series about it.

Now the existence of the white race is assured.

And when our plane crashed over Russia his response boils down to "lol k.", he's our benevolent retard Bush, he's first in line for the rope.



classic d&c

EU collapse when?

What is this? They will take away an occupied country's illusion that they have control if they don't do as they're told?

The golem turns on its master.

I don't think there will even be a WW3 though, the French are ready to rebel against their own government at the first opportunity, countries like Sweden can't fight because they simply don't have an army capable of it anymore, and i doubt the German people have it in them to fight for something that only hurts them. It's cool to be apathetic against the rapefugee shit until they have to go to war and die for it.

A hilarious side effect of this purposeful destabilization is (((they))) no longer have a military capable of forcing their will in Europe. The whole plan relied on EU will being absolute (which Brexit killed) and the US being around to bomb any troublemakers back into the stone age (which isn't happening anymore). All Merkel and her (((masters))) can do is sit around shouting that they're in charge here while everything collapses around them.


What the hell happened to that image?

Wow I wonder how many times it got saved and reposted.

That doesnt look like compression…

Polexit when?

Was soll das hier die linken Märchen zu verbreiten

Sheeet wrong thread

excuse me


Probably manually transformed. Although I suppose it's possible that some parts were shifted left/right on video cable, due to clock de synchronization. That would require that screenshot was done on separate device to the one drawing the image.

allahu akbar my brother

So take them in and show them to the showers.

Is a "POLXIT" possible?

Can they find the exit on their own?

As long as they have their solar-powered flashlights, they'll be fine.

So, while the UK is in the EU we have some leverage in this decision.



Poland took over a million refugees
they were from Ukraine, so it doesn't count lol


i cant wait for the bullets to start flying
shit's gonna be soo cash

>German green politician openly talking about forced resettlements in Poland
>one of the larger German newspapers talking about "taking the sword" to poland's elected government archive.fo/qtgSy

have I taken the wrong corner and landed in bizarro universe?

Normal day in kali yuga.

Good Luck!

So, this piece of shit Timmermans is a member of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland. Poland should revoke it.

Confirmed good idea

Stop the fucking presses.

this will happen.

this is the good Germans ("the holocaust will eternally be our blood guilt") though

There's a reason they've been pushing for a unified european army.
They already want to start a new joint project by uilding some new aircraft, becasue the eurofighter last time didn't fail spectaculary enough.


did kek come back early? what's goin on? not tired of winning still.

The USA have been running an active policy of White Genocide in all their subject countries since WW2, and I doubt Trump have the power to stop it.

Those are not Czechs.


And I as an Austrian citizen pray to KEK, God, Wotan, hell even fucking Yahwe and Allah that you are right and that it will happen within months and not years.

Can any polish user comment on that.


(((They))) are just protecting (((their))) interests, nothing more.

Weren't they supposed to do this weeks ago? The Polish people made their choice. Their own people over shekels.

I hate the EU and I am willing to give up my entire future that I worked 20 years for to fight the kikes trying so hard to make my potential future daughter be raped or my potential future son to be beheaded. I won't stand for this and I will either win or die trying before they import shitskins into my country. Good riddance, better to die holding a weapon than to serve on your knees and shit like that.

Pole here with an actual explanation

Our current government- Law And Justice (PiS, Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) has just passed the resolution giving them control over constitutional court. If the resolution passes in it's current state and is signed by president Duda 2/3rds of judicial positions in the aforementioned court will fall under control of PiS. Having 66% of votes of constitutional court is necessary to make any changes to polish constitution. This can put PiS on a path to amassing complete control over country and perhaps changing it's voting system as a whole. This, obviously, is detrimental to all other political parties including PO (Civic Platform, Platforma Obywatelska) which is under complete control of the EU. It's former leader, Donald Tusk is right now on the position of The President of The European Council. Thus, European Union is forced to make it's move against our government and possibly force it into submission through sanctions and such. Oh, and it's worth mentioning that everything that is leftist or under globalist control in Poland, including our jewry, private media, banking cartels and part of the academia is fighting PiS in everything they do. Now excuse me, i need to kurwa do something important.

How is the weather in Tel Aviv?


I think that you kurwas realized that the EU is just another Soviet Union and got a nation wide flashback when it started to show that the new world war would be fought in Poland again.
This shows the purpose of democracy. As soon as one party has complete support of the people, gets all the votes and can change constitution, it becomes a bad goy country and is accused of dictatorship.

Love this part. A Pole will have to completely shaft their own country and force sanctions on a government that has massive support among the people.
I imagine he will be an eternal exile if he does that.

they can to nothing if the party has so much support

cheeki breeki to you too

strongarming and threatening your supposed allies isn't a very good way to keep them friendly
these people are fucking brain dead

quads of truth

Judges already fucked up the separation when they started legislating from the bench. Systems don't matter, people do.

It's kind of bullshit to say v4 profits from the EU when you look at where most of the money goes to media companies, government handouts and human rights organizations aka things owned or controlled by native Jews. The only reason Poland hasn't left the EU yet is fear of economic sanctions/isolation or a Russian takeover/meddling. Unfortunately all countries are overly reliant on trade these days.

What is that symbol on that image? I want to wear one here in burgerland but I don't want to look like a polak plastic paddy.

So why don't you piss off?

How much of the people supports the current party though?

a majority. around 33-35% i'd say which is a lot compared to PO's 20-25%. Moreover, once PiS starts reforms with free hands i expect a rise in support for their party

It's generally a very bad thing when a political party interferes with the judiciary. EU pressure is just an excuse for them to grab power.

Checked. Take it from an user who's been in a lot of fights. Anybody who's "very close" to hitting you won't do shit. Pour it on them.

The fucking EU can't die soon enough. Stay strong Poland bros

kurwa jebany


amen, and it will, it's just a matter of time, but sooner is better than later

Reminded that (((sanctions))) is newspeak for SIEGE.

It is an act of war and a prelude to direct war.
You surround a place, blackade it and deprive it of food/medicine/trade - starving it until it is weak enough to attack or surrenders outright.

Haha, did they think that all of those sweet billions of British taxpayer pounds, the opportunity to take British jobs, to deny British families the resources to raise children, while receiving tax from the pockets of British men in child benefit payments for CHILDREN STILL IN POLAND - they thought all that was just "free shit"?


When I visited Warsaw I saw it first hand. Barkers standing on every street corner with leaflets bearing the image of a big fat, pink pig wearing a Union Jack overcoat. The barkers were selling English lessons "to help you take what is yours from the British."

They aren't your friends.
They aren't your racial brothers, despite pretending to be.
Even if it meant the complete destruction of the British population through resource theft, THEY WOULD STILL DO WHAT THEY ARE DOING.
Poles, you made a deal with the Piper and you will pay him, one way or another.


I'm a Polak.
I never wanted to be in the EU.
The only party that "resists" EU is PiS.
PiS are greedy center-leftists who don't want to leave the EU, they want to get more EU money, yet don't want to get immigrants.

God dammit I hate this center-leftist government.
Yet better then the full blown leftists of PO

Let me stop you right there.
I can vote to elect a politician, I can NOT vote to elect a judge.
I rather be ruled by someone I can elect and have some power over.

Who is the fucking retard who wrote those nationalities into that image? Because that Asian kid sure as fuck is not Portuguese, nor are those gypsies Czech.

good this is what we need they think they can take away the rights of countries with the eu now with brexit and eurosceptics and austerity they will find out they need us and we don't need them and they can stop dictating to us.

and they will lose their money but they should have thought of that before attempting to create a superstate.



Kevin MacDonald was right. He knew the Jews only supported mass migration because they know its the only way to kill antisemitism in their eyes.



I encourage everyone to read his works.

Good going kikes


Anything is better than niggers. No country has survived a niggers epidemic yet.

th-thanks US State Department

I'm afraid for Poland, not because i think they will cave in but because they are the most stubborn people in existence.
If you play chicken with a Polish person he will not turn away.

You are confusing their hatred of Germans as sympathy for jews.


You were suppose to bring balance to Europa Adolf, not stab it the back with Soviet Russia you nigger nosed pog

This is absolutely true


The EU can't do shit about Poland, they can't invade (for many reasons) and can't block them from aid effectively because they are terrified of alienating some central and eastern European countries.

Yeah, they're something like the continental brits. They got so much shit pushed on them through centuries that they got stubbornness conditioned into them.

Why doesn't Poland just leave the EU already?


Jews are projectionist at heart. You tell us, how is the weather in kike land, jew?

ADL thinks he found a new hate group to add to the collection.


t. janusz korwin mikke

ale zapierdala

The same reason why GB still hasn't.
Bureaucratic monster that gives german free moniez gibs as bribes.
IMO Poles are also doing this to expose the EU. The whole former commie block is getting really reluctant about EU's shit.
This is EXACTLY the same thing that Soviet Union and their stooges did to control nations.

That and the fact that Eastern Europe would once again become a battlefield in the fight NATO vs. Russia which is pretty much obvious at this point.
Gotta punish dem pesky goys for abandoning our perfect system of true communism, oy.

Uhhhh…… Nice dubs? Heil'd? …something?

Not what I meant, they still liked the EU because of gibs and shekels. Think they were one of the member countries least supportive of leaving the EU, but of course that's likely to change now.


Germany and Poland should invade Russia together

Someone here has read his Mien Kampf.


And you are confusing Polish anti-semitism with affinity for whites. The Pole may hate jews. But he acts just like the jew, crying victim while attacking whites, and exhibits a seemingly endless hatred against Germans, Swedes, and Russians. All of which he should be grateful to, because they destroyed the jew-ridden Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Instead he repays their generous aid with hatred.

have you not been watching? The deep state is getting purged, hard, and Anthony Scaramucci has previously quoted Hitler positively.
Poland is going to be the pivot, around which the EU gets spun.

Found the kike

It's surprisingly effective on a lot of the world's populace, including a lot of the French and German peoples. It is a very 'Anglo' thing to become hostile when threatened, essentially the rest of Western Europe has nothing like it. Eastern Europe does however although unlike the Brit/American 'FU' response (Brexit, Trump); Eastern Europeans just pretend to agree, say what people want them to say, and then do absolutely nothing of what they've been asked and instead pour all their resources into preparing for battle.

It was embedded in the Anglos due to the Baron's War, Magna Carta, the Protestant Reformation and near constant pressure from the Papacy and whatever Continental Dictator at the time thought that Britain should belong to him.

It was embedded in the Eastern Europeans due to near constant pressure from the Ottoman's attempting to exact tribute through intimidation. They just said "sure" and then never sent it, built up armies and attacked the mudslimes when they came to collect.

This also works on personal level. When someone threatens me to get his way I get pissed and intentionally challenge him even at my disadvantage. I won't let some shitter dictate what I can and cannot do.

t. slav

I just had a thought.

If the UK are net contributors to the EU and they have to pay to leave that means that as net beneficiaries of the EU Poland should get a massive payout if they leave.

This is presuming the EU is not simply making up the rules as it goes along.
