Keep it at least tangibly related to vidya
bonus points for fresher aut examples or your own video game webm's, even if they're shitty
no place for politics
Keep it at least tangibly related to vidya
bonus points for fresher aut examples or your own video game webm's, even if they're shitty
no place for politics
Other urls found in this thread:
Bad conversion on the crash 3 goddamn
Speedrun events are like a tri-yearly migration of herds of autistic deer, a natural wonder
Video games right?
Video gaem?
puked in my mouth
Your turn.
And you didn't let it out? What a champ.
youre the first person i've seen repost a webm i made.
feels good.
trips too?
video games are lame
Why is Microsoft doing this? All they have to do is make decent OS.
notepad.exe was the best piece of software microsoft has ever released.
We'll be right back after this short intermi∞ion…
Rate my OC
now cmon… XP isnt that bad. and vista was better windows 7 was just vista with an updated GUI and a 64bit version that was properly backwards compatible.
they werent terrible. but everything since… they've truely gone full retard.
"people buy our product because they already know it. same reason everyone buys qwerty keyboards. we control the market due to this fact… so you know what i propose? changing what everyone is already familiar with…. this will help us lose 50% of our customer base, so we can gain 1% of the mac customer base, and incentivize people to actually learn other operating systems. i mean… they'll have to learn ours, so whats stopping them from learning something better?"
"good idea"
meh. kinda long and uneventful.
Any things that I could do to fix that? I had trouble finding decent enough webms that weren't already used before.
Can it be the music as well? Is something more fast paced needed?
It's all right, but it could be shorter.
The beginning is especially unnecessarily long.
Thanks, the only reason I had the static was to try and see if the kind of "tuning into the TV" context would be good, rather than going straight to the goods.
I tried to model mine after these webms and others like it.
name 1 thing wrong with vista besides resiting what someone in a mac commercial told you to think.
vista was essentially XP but with automatic driver installs.
vista 64 was an experiment at best.. the true operating system was the 32
depends on what youre trying to do with the webm. i dont understand its objective. just seems like a compilation.
without that the only comments i can make are that maybe make the logo more transparent so you can see more of the video? maybe keeping some audio from the webms and letting them bleed through music? maybe add everyone favorite fuhrer a bit more?
The static at the beginning is fine, but again, it just needs to be very brief.
In that first webm it's almost 10 seconds long.
Two or three is more than enough.
The objective of the webm was to be an addition to the "bumper" series of webm's.
Alright, it was initially short but I was unsure if the message would be clear and hence increased the length, and I had only recently make webm related before so I wanted to have that same build up again.
I still don't get what's so autistic about that Crash webm, just looks like a normal timed run to me.
Explain then, faggot.
Can someone post that zero time dillema parody? The one about touching the cow? Will repay in lewds
fukin autsit lmao
well then its pretty good aside from the other comments i mentioned. i think the emblem should be alittle transparent. not too much though, just enough to pick up the movement of the background webms… and if the audio from random key webms in the back bled through the music… itd be pretty cool. i think so anyways.
speedrunning in general is a pretty embarassing hobby tbh fam. nothing particularly autistic about that video, its just an example of the autistic esport known as speedrunning.
i wish i had sound for this webm…
yeah, ok, that was what I thought, then.
I get if someone wants to try out speedrunning a game they like to see how fast they can do it, but this twitch AGDQ shit is pretty autistic fam.
watching speedrunners lose their tempers and break their belongings is a better hobby, imho.
It is a normal timed run, I'd rather start a thread with Vidya OC as well as dished auts
SInce when does Zankuro do 3d?
are they cooking meth in a christmas ornament?
these dont look spectacular or anything, though im sure it took a ton of trial and error…. also abusing save states so you can replay the same segment over and over to figure out the perfect way to do it. like how they knew to clip that cop car instead of going around or going in dirt.
Tell them to look up CornshaqGaming on youtube. Ask them if they want to become that.
we're a group of robots controlled by an AI set to wipe all intelligent life across the universe every time it gets too intelligent so that life doesnt destroy itself.
pretty simple concept. they should have made it a secret, or something hidden, or unknown instead of trying to make it mysterious.
"why are you here" "i cant say" or "i dunno" would be just as mysterious without breaking the story. looking back these robots were just pompous assholes. "you humans will never understand genocide for the purpose of populaton control" "oh, ok"
they aren't supposed to be spectacular, although getting the platinum relic is pretty hard on gimmick stages but i played them plenty as a kid
It's just me playing and having fun whether or not it reeks of auts is up to you, it's all good
The original writer wasn't ever going to explain them, to keep the galactic mystery a secret and to keep them scary.
He was forced to work with a co-writer for ME2 (which is why half the game is dicks) and was removed entirely for ME3 (which is why that game is ALL dicks)
Yes, you are right. You can't answer certain questions if you want to retain the fear of the unknown.
You're also correct in that EA made it so that they are just a bunch of pompous retards.
Well yeah, when you look at it after the second 2 piles of shit that followed it was beyond retarded. It's one of those things where the predecessor is lessened by the failings of the successor. Had the last 2 games played out as intended it that scene might have held more weight, even in retrospect.
I really dig that intro.
thats you playing? pretty good. how did you figure out to nip that cop car instead of going around? accidental?
The turning is butchered while boosted, the only way to get the platinum relic is to stay boosted and hit all the time boxes, the cop car normally slows you down but scraping the side of it lets you keep the speed without having to take an impossible turn to the right hand side of it.
finding it was incidental though ye
somewhat relevant.
Does anyone have any more startup webms like these ones?
the concept isnt a bad idea. they just executed it so poorly.
i liked ME2. never touched any dlc. it was fairly enjoyable for a simple TPS. with some neat fairly consistent story. wasnt as cool as ME1, but if you wanted to find out more about the world, me2 did its job.
the game was so involved in its story that they knew it didnt matter for the 3rd and final game. the people that played 1 and 2 were definitely going to play 3 jsut because. they got their money.
It's what I'm trying to say. The way the worlds unfolded in 2 was good but shit like probing and the overall story going fucking nowhere was the result of the retard.
ME3 was rushed out the door A YEAR EARLY, jammed with muliplayer shit, "betting boxes" to get goodies "that you can buy with real money instead of grinding you good goy", and naturally, one ending that is not explained and heavily contradicts everything you've ever known regardless of your choices.
It Hurts
If you guys keep insisting on this I suggest we create a new Holla Forums or another general board.
The reason why I post in Holla Forums webm thread instead of Holla Forums webm thread is not because I am into games but because the community here is better than theirs.
I still can't get over this shit.
He's the most powerful force user ever, and you will love him.
song name pls
you have to realize that Microsoft probably doesn't care about the people that buy their OSs. In fact, they probably hate them. Think about it, people guy an Operating System usually once per computer, and for most people a computer lasts them 7-8 years. So Microsoft makes around $100 per person per 7 years. Not a good way to make money.
Microsoft makes most of their money elsewhere, usually with software and deals for other companies, not consumers. This is the real reason Win10 has so much spyware built into it. Not because of some privacy conspiracy, but because Microsoft wants to milk ad revenue out of those fuckers who usually only give them money every 7-8 years.
the only reason anyone buys any microsoft products, is because people use the OS. without the OS there is no reason for office. without office, why even use exchange server? if you dont want to use exchange, why even get windows server? why bother with the company?
nigger, they made PLENTY of money making their OS popular.
because like you mentioned, they make most of their money off of their various software packages. Most people only use windows because of microsoft office and the like. Microsoft knows people are basically forced to use their OS if they want any of their software so why should they have to make their OS good or user friendly? They have literally no competition. Linux and OSX can't compete because Microsoft has cornered the market on proprietary software. That's why macs choose a different market and market their stuff to artsy hipsters, because they know microsoft has all the business and work applications locked down.
its the other way around. we're forced to use their software because we all know their OS.
the company i work for pays microsoft a ton of money. we're still partially running xp and will NOT remove 7.
we already have several macs, samsung tablets, and a bunch of PCs running ubuntu.
microsoft had to give us a massive discount to keep us from migrating to a google mail server and completely removing our exchange server and using that vmware power for something else.
microsoft is killing themselves, and their plummeting stock is proof of this.
in 10 years theyre either going to have to go back to their roots, or they will fail. just like with xbone, they got cocky. "you need us, so put up with our shit, look at how popular we are!" "ok, i guess i'll stick with it because its all i know" "ok, well… we're gonna change what you know" "ok, i'll learn something else"
simple as that. viable options are out there for anything microsoft provides.
what character is the girl in the thumbnail supposed to be?
That looks so fucking lame.
Why do people like star wars again?
gotta love that buzz saw animation tho
Nu-13 from Blazblue
why did someone do this?
it's shit.
you ruined it.
Why do you keep posting this shittier 3DPD slut?
Animations can't be impressive if the style of the drawings is not.
Talking of good animations makes me want to pick up kizumonogatari p.1 tough
got any good 34 on her?
That was pretty good
tom waits?
indeed it is
flood my fucking arse
Lucky that you have non-third world upload speeds. I couldn't get a flood warning if I wanted to.
things'll get better soon my friend
What movie is this?
honey i blew up the kid
That can't be. That's the movie with the giant baby.
I honestly wish I knew myself
I know this is Comedy Central, and therefore not real, but this guy's face says a lot.
I'm going to the store to buy some milk.
I'm all out of vidya webms and I've already posted enough not-vidya so I guess I'm done here
is this an /a/ thread now?
kill yourself
that clip was trash tho. tbh
+ swaying ∞ mask
+ no black borders around any of the videos
- blue doesn't match the YotsubaB CSS
- music is lackluster
- ∞ looks a bit too horizontally stretched IMO
∞ overlay fades off the top of the last video, reveals the editing trick, should just fade in a solid blue or black layer over top of both the video & ∞ mask layers.
I don't care for the minor dark line around the ∞ mask personally.
nobody cares
this webm doesnt even move.
why would anyone save this webm? are you 10?
oh youre a nigger?
Why you have to disappoint me user?
No I am not, thank G-d
top fucking pleb
Didn't make the image user.
Snek a best.
Then why save it?
Why do you care?
didn't you get the memo?
the official spelling is you're waifu
snek a shit, SHIT
I bet you are a crabfag or catfag.Disgusting.
don't lump me in with those plebs
The real best girl
have this edited one too
I really miss this game sometime. These are pretty satisfying.
Aside from that minor defect, here's this to consider: before Intel Core 2 came out, it was very normal to upgrade to a whole new system every year or two. That was very normal from about 1995-2006.
Once Core 2 came out, you suddenly had a processor that was very capable of handling any task you could throw at it, perpetually. I know people who have very capable gaming builds that to this day still use a Yorkfield or Wolfdale processor in conjunction with a high end graphics card. And for office/home work, which the vast majority of people use computers for? Core 2 is still overpowered if paired with a weak graphics card for YouTube.
Granted there are good reasons to upgrade to a AMD APU, or a Sandy Bridge on the cheap…but neither AMD nor Intel have released anything to obsolete their old products since 2011. The only advances have been in input-output and memory; in other words, motherboards are seeing more impressive improvements than CPUs are now.
But most people don't give a shit about that. Just give them a Socket 775 with a PCI-E slot and a couple SATA ports, and you are good to go.
And that means tighter margins for Intel, and Microsoft, companies that thrive on an aggressive upgrade cycle.
I think that it is one of the parts of a Twilight Zone movie.
According to some youtube comments its from this.
I think I have a fetish for good reload sounds and animations.
Is this a thinly veiled webm thread?
Fuck you.
It was fixed.
Nice video
Huh. Never seen that game before. What is it?
There's several word combinations in that webm that you could just google. I found out what game it was immediately.
Anyone got any other numbers station webms?
autism is a myth created by the powerful jewish
then you better start believing in myths user because you are posting in one
I never got this fucking game to work properly. Fucking controller support and unmappable keys
Damn that trainwreck intro was hiding fucking FIRE.
Even though it never got finished, this would still be a million times better than EA's shit.
ViKKKtorious is a goddamn divine album.
What a total dumbfuck whoever that is.
Why do you have so many shitty reviews of the new Doom saved?
Keep them around in case people need proof that certain reviewers didn't repeat your opinions back to you are paid shills
that is a fate I would not wish upon my worst enemy.
…. wasn't this the anime with the hot succubus chick?
I thought it was a comedy.
Shit nigger, why havent you watched it?
Thanks, those were the very things I knew I need to make better so it is good that someone else picked up on it.
I'm not an anime guy and have very vanilla taste in the anime I do like. Most get a bit too edgy for me… like webm related.
It is.
can someone explain the context of this?
Niggers just shits pile of trash on streets 24/7.
Its a constant reminder of why apartheid was in place at all.
I'm just going to dump this series because it reminds me of the shitty little bots that run around SS13.
that shit was barely funny in 2011 already
way to be a buzzkill
Well at least he isn't Hillary.
- those specific clips of Costanza and Scrubs have already been used, and so have the two girls near the end
- two bird clips
- blue doesn't match
- logo aspect ratio looks wonky
- music is dull
- faces and action in clip often don't line up well inside logo
- few clips
- unrecognizable clips
- logo fades out and exposes the clip underneath at the end
- slow start
+ animated logo
There is lots of room for improvement here.
This is an old version. This is the latest, fixing a few issues from that one.
I would have also done a logo rotation animation, but I'm not sure how to pull that off in ffmpeg, so I didn't.
To clarify, is new, is old.
Good taste
*Jet Set Radio
Song name?
Finding webms worth using is a matter of lurking for a long time. The webms I used in the bumper I made were collected between October of '14 and February of this year. I picked out clips that
Before I even made a list of clips I wanted to try using, I had a song picked out. I used that to determine how many clips I would need, which was 49. Then I made a list of about 60-70 clips which I thought were usable based on the above criteria and narrowed it down to the number I needed, switching a few in and out as needed. For example, the first bumper I made had two kerbal clips, so in the updated version, I removed one of them for the Payday clip.
If you can't find enough good clips to use, just don't bother finishing the project. Set it aside with a list of decently usable webms and build on that, and once enough time has passed to collect more webms, go back to it and try again.
This is probably the hardest part of the whole project. Give it something with a beat. The song you used makes me feel like falling asleep rather than relaxing and watching.
When you're looking, think about lining up clip transitions with the beat of the music and how many clips that will dictate you need.
You only need to find music that has about 40-80 seconds of goodness. The rest will get clipped out.
Thanks, the inclusion of the Costanza and Scrubs was intentional to have just a few 'classics' in it.
I used webms that only I had on me at the time, and I didn't really have much to work off of without asking for the right webms to use as many of the ones I have don't fit the style that I was aiming for. If I do something like this again, I would aim to have more variety. If any of you could send some recognizable webms my way it would be appreciated.
This was largely due to me trying to get the see through effect as I would need to have to chromakey the 8ch logo so the blue and the logo are the same image, and I saved it in 1920 x 1080 size so that is why it looked very wonky, as previously I had just the logo but no background because you can't chromakey through two layers on Sony Vegas I don't think.
I'd have to agree on that one, again, this was an issue of what I had on hand rather than what I could have used. And most of the good tracks have already been used before.
Largely due to the logo and getting the image as previously stated, I wanted to zoom it in a bit so you could see more of the image but I feared that the logo would be unrecognizable.
A combination of not having enough on hand and the length of the song used. Something I can improve upon if I had the content to work with, as nowadays not many good webms are posted here that haven't already been used in bumper videos.
Something I can easily fix next time
Again, another thing I can fix
Would you like to see me have another try at this kind of thing? Or would you rather I quit now and move onto another type of video.
I am currently thinking of recreating the Phoenix Wright court cases and having recognizable 8ch figures stand trial or get cross examined by Phoenix Wright. All I would need is probably something to talk about for each of the figures (say Carl the Cuck for example).
Other than that all I can think of for content is just more of the VHS styled war videos, perhaps I might do one on the Gulf War, but from criticisms from both of my videos that were in that style it seems that people want that kind of genre left the fuck alone.
Any requests for videos that you want seen?
Also, my attempt at a bumper was largely a proof-of-concept thing that I did in a day to see if I could do it.
Polite sage for double post
Shelve the bumper work and try working on the Phoenix Wright stuff.
Thread is already well past bump limit anyways.
I have been thinking, would it be better if it was a full blown cross examination or a very short quip or reaction webm a bit like this:
You probably have a better idea about that than I do.