What is our response to the growing social responsiblity movements of leftists and young urban whites in general?
When are we going to form the equivalent of militant veganism, where vegans go to great lengths to avoid animal products? We need to go to great lengths to avoid funding our displacement. Young urban whites are huge into farmers markets, 'social responsibility' and so on, it's time we have our equivalent to this.
If you have a family you are forced to pay for your destruction but if you have no serious obligations in life then you would be an idiot at this point to be paying taxes, We are being wiped out without fighting back and by the time we start we wont have a chance. Its really looking like Trump was a delay to avoid civil war in America.
David Flores
Why are (((we))) funding our own displacement? I am not, are you?
I am not responsible for niglets, racemixers, or suicidal whites. (((leftists)))
I don't. I avoid this when possible. Direct attack is funding the hwhite movement and removing kikes from all our institutions.
I don't use the latter at all.
Farmers markets encourage family owned farms, not mexican picked farms.
many conservatives are RINO cucks
Labels for these exist, research into it has showed me that kikes find ways around such faggy labels, half assed attempts at saving our lives. If you coexist with nigs and jews you make your own bed.
Nothing in this OP suggests you have any thoughts of your own, just a defeatist atmosphere created, with zero thoughts added to the discussion at Holla Forums A datamining thread.
That says more about yourself than it does the thread. What the hell are you talking about? Defeatism shilling is telling us all to give up, that nothing can change, that anything we do is pointless.
back to the asylum 'targeted individual'
Easton Sullivan
Does anyone know of a good replacement for google?
Landon Evans
I've been shilling permaculture hard for a reason, user.
You mean like a volkish lifestyle? Nigger I already do that and I'm in the company of like minded whites
Xavier Diaz
well, thats a bust. Removing duckduckgo then.
Dylan Cox
Taco truck do not belong at farmers markets; stop buying spic veg.
Hudson Perry
Reported. It's genocide. You will never fool us.
David Cooper
Do you suggest that I not pay my taxes? That'll get me thrown into fucking jail. I don't want to be rotting away in a nigger hole on the DOTR.
Mason Foster
(checked) I have several side businesses that deal in cash and provide enough to pay all my bills. You need to look at life as a game and learn to play within the rules. My girlfriend and I became nobodies. Who looks at nobodies?
Brayden Harris
I like this. Where to start though?
Adrian Cook
You mean genocide/collective suicide? Displacement simply means being moved as a whole. We're being ethnically cleansed as a whole. It's more dire than displacement.
Mason Reed
Becoming NEETs. Drains the system faster. Use NEET bucks to arm yourself too the teeth, kill lefties when the system breaks and food fights start
Ian Martinez
What if we make taxes a voluntary thing?
Cooper Diaz
Absolutely kill yourself you filthy hooknosed kike.
William Ramirez
OP, what youre talking about is the same thing the Rainbow Family and much of the hippie movement was originally about. I wish they didn't get so degenerate though or accept begging as a means of income. If you want to continue this thread somewhere it won't get locked, please repost it on >>>/polism/