Even Bannon knows that Spencer is gay
Bannon called Spencer 'freak' and a 'goober'
Obvious slide thread. We don't give a fuck about that Richard Spencer nigger. Consider suicide please.
so /ourguy
He's also aware of the nigger problem, so he wasn't insulting Spencer because he's a white nationalist.
>On House Speaker Paul Ryan: 'A limp-d* m****r who was born in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation'
oops, sorry about that
Bannon, Stephen Miller(almost entirely confirmed), and Michael user are high level white house personal that are almost certainly Holla Forumsacks.
However I doubt that any of them are oldfags.
This man is a national treasure.
>Equal opportunity insults: Bannon has accused Sean Spicer of getting too fat for television and called Jared Kushner a 'cuck' and a '(((globalist)))' - thought to have anti-Semitic undertones
Amazing. Watch gentlemen as they do our work alongside us.
The full list is great, Bannon, despite being a former (((goldman sachs))) chief, is probably the closest ideologist to /pol in the whitehouse.
Mobile Suit Seandam did nothing wrong.
Bannon probably visited 4chan the first time it got mentioned in the news. Any decent journalist would have. 2008?
I'm glad he got kicked upstairs for his holocaust centers quip, shame huckabee sanders doesn't have the same personality.
They absolutely put Sean up there as a goofy distraction for a few months. Now they don't televise the briefings nearly as often and the cable ratings have dropped like stones.
Yeah, but there will always come this "President Bannon" again from the media, especially Scarborough to hit Trump's ego and try to kick Bannon out.
Bumping one last time with my favorite quote of the piece
Oy fucking vey
Checked. Since when have they had their say user?
he's 100% right! Remember the mods here would ban you for attacking Spencer last year but Bannon saw it because he's not a fucking retarded pathetic Weeb.
Spencer = Nazbol and a false flag agent of Dugin, who is extremly pro-Zionism, much more than Bannon
he's 100% right! Remember the mods here would ban you for attacking Spencer last year but Bannon saw it because he's not a fucking retarded pathetic Weeb.
Spencer = Nazbol and a false flag agent of Dugin, who is extremly pro-Zionism, much more than Bannon
he's 100% right! Remember the mods here would ban you for attacking Spencer last year but Bannon saw it because he's not a fucking retarded pathetic Weeb.
Spencer = Nazbol and a false flag agent of Dugin, who is extremly pro-Zionism, much more than Bannon
he's 100% right! Remember the mods here would ban you for attacking Spencer last year but Bannon saw it because he's not a fucking retarded pathetic Weeb.
Spencer = Nazbol and a false flag agent of Dugin, who is extremly pro-Zionism, much more than Bannon
he's 100% right! Remember the mods here would ban you for attacking Spencer last year but Bannon saw it because he's not a fucking retarded pathetic Weeb.
Spencer = Nazbol and a false flag agent of Dugin, who is extremly pro-Zionism, much more than Bannon
he's 100% right! Remember the mods here would ban you for attacking Spencer last year but Bannon saw it because he's not a fucking retarded pathetic Weeb.
Spencer = Nazbol and a false flag agent of Dugin, who is extremly pro-Zionism, much more than Bannon
he's 100% right! Remember the mods here would ban you for attacking Spencer last year but Bannon saw it because he's not a fucking retarded pathetic Weeb.
Spencer = Nazbol and a false flag agent of Dugin, who is extremly pro-Zionism, much more than Bannon
he's 100% right! Remember the mods here would ban you for attacking Spencer last year but Bannon saw it because he's not a fucking retarded pathetic Weeb.
Spencer = Nazbol and a false flag agent of Dugin, who is extremly pro-Zionism, much more than Bannon
he's 100% right! Remember the mods here would ban you for attacking Spencer last year but Bannon saw it because he's not a fucking retarded pathetic Weeb.
Spencer = Nazbol and a false flag agent of Dugin, who is extremly pro-Zionism, much more than Bannon
(((>>10271433))) do you faggots get paid extra for gets?
That is the indisputable nail in the coffin. His wife is a proud "eurasian", and hes pushing globalism etc. Both of them are pro-Stalin, pro-Bolshevism. At this point, Spencer is a traitor, and worse than a Jew. The Jew you know is fucking you. The traitor who pretends to be your friend on behalf of the Jew is more dangerous, because he is harder to defend from.
spencer has estrogen induced nu-male permanent tits
Yes, as if on cue, the TRS shill shows up to defend a zionist nazbol CIA wedge driver indirectly promoting white genocide. Reported.
Filtered my man.
You could just go back to the_cuckold and call it a day. You put Jew echoes on my post and youre defending a man who says the holocaust never happened and Israel has a right to exist, among all the other things that need not be listed. KYS, kike.
I'm not, but I'm glad I waited to filter you. Are you the nigger who was here earlier and fucked up his shoop?
He's just a Goldman Sachs shabbos goy who sold out his race to the kikes.
Nothing is more pro-Israel than Kikebart.
Kind of the pot calling the kettle black on that one. Both are faggots.
The same thing that the Soviets did to its satellite states. Create a belief that everyone is one people under one single flag, that way you can control the people. But for that to achieve, the Soviets butchered every single country national identity, heritage and tradition, that way you don't have anything to protect. Look at how globalism processes, remove any national pride and fill it with the multicultural culture of money, fame and sex, making them the new thing to "protect and be proud of". The neo-Weimar filled with decadence and debauchery of humanity itself reducing a human to lower than a slave.
Obviously a typo. Spencer is a proud defender of the Holocaust myth,
Say what you want about TRS and RS, they don't rail constantly against Holla Forums. What wedge-driving I see comes from here.
You worship a fucking homosexual rape baby who's a communist and a zionist who helped destroy Holla Forums like IMkikey!
He probably meant the holodomor instead of holocaust.
Spicer will always be best secretary.
anyone know Galina Dugin's maiden name? shes aleksandr's dugin's mom and i cant seem to find anything..
Spencer and his ugly af wife are both larping autists. No wonder they're drawn to NazBol.
Another glorious COINTELPRO thread
Yeah I'm sure he said that because he's much more based than Spencer and things Spencer is fag who's not right-wing enough. You are delusional.
Just one more reason to like Bannon. I'd really like to meet the guy some day frankly, there are a number of questions I'd be extremely curious as to what his answers would be.
I read that wrong at first and thought it said Spicer. I was thoroughly confused.
Classic bantz.
we are not friends kike
Kill yourself, smiley.
That absolutely could be why he said that, so I'm not sure why you're trying to be sarcastic about it.
So how long before Spencer gets exposed as some false flagging controlled opposition?
Like I said. Delusional. I want to believe though.
He already has. He's a Duginist slut for Russia. He's not even a White Nationalist, he's a Eurasianist.
He's right on both counts. That preppy faggot is both a freak and a goober.
He ate too many tendies.
Literally who cares.
And it's a real quote. Mein sides.
I got the feeling Spicer was too popular, and exposed the lugenpresse too effectively for ((their)) liking. (I mean, he was getting more viewers than prime-time talmudvision.) After a series of battles (the Hitler remark among others), they finally pushed him out of the spotlight.
those early spice briefings were so comfy
The Spicer meme market crashed and I got caught holding the bag.
Holy fuck, absolutely savage. Best move Trump ever made was hiring Bannon.
Huh, I never watched a single one of his briefings.
Bannon confirmed for Holla Forumsack.
Get a load of this guy.
Is there any evidence that he is red-pilled on the holohoax?
What? I wasn't under any impression that he was thought of in any particular way. I saw the
and other threads, but didn't actually watch a briefing. Was there even a thread for when he was pulled? I didn't notice.