Where were you when the kikes decided to turn the Joker into a #RESISTfag libshit?


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looks like he failed to actually switch the roles


Joker probably is a kike, he has hook nose and everything

DC confirmed too stupid and incompetent to learn anything from Marvel imploding after going full SOCJUS.


Link because OP is a damned fool who cares not for providing proofs.


This was the plot from the first The Dark Knight.

They just keep giving us meme material.

fighting crime is the most racist thing anyone can do.

Watta cwazy wurld.

it would be funny if it weren't "true"

Also, Trump is now Batman, the famous genius hero who never loses. (And simultaneously Bane. There IS precedent for this.)

I cringed.


Who cares? Comics in America have been Jewish run and written since their inception. Comics in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s were just as much propaganda tools of the Jewish agenda as this comic is now. It's simply that we're further along the road to destruction so the agenda is becoming more apparent in their controlled media. Sage for irrelevant topic.

Just read older comics, for instance, Garth Ennis's run on the Punisher. Fuck this new bullshit written by shitheads.


Wait a minute I thought drumpf was suppose to be the joker.





God damn it I hate everything. I just fucking hate everything.

Trump is so powerful he wields all the comic book personas and can access any of them when necessary.


If you think about the message they are trying to convey, its that drumpf is evil for trying enforce the law.


The Joker is an agent of chaos who destroys people by forcing them to confront the internal contradictions in their psyche. What kind of bizarro joker would fight for muh wage equality?

Even on a basic character level that displays a complete lack of understanding the concept of the character. Nevermind the blatantly obvious shilling and the outright admittance to writing it with topical imagery to sell more copies. How communist of you.Holy shit on every level libshits suck at writing.

Either do something about it, or shut up. Not buying Marvel and DC comics is fucking them pretty hard; they're only being kept alive by (((Warner Brothers))) and (((Disney))) anyway.

that won't last for long. the newest diversity-man movie is falling hard, now that audiences know they've been bamboozled into watching propaganda:
archive.is doesn't work for this link.


And yet they hall the gall to ask why book sales are low.

They must have realized how similar Trump is to Batman. The memes must be eating them alive.

You can tell they're in such a panic when they are suddenly not even keeping their "trump is the joker" narrative straight. The fields of entertainment that they have infected and access to would've been better off dead. If the comics seem heavy politicized now; it's going to ramp up ten fold. Siccing the lugenpresse on Trump has not only made Trump stronger, but has also made such channels like MSNBC and CNN into laughing stocks that are crumbling apart. In fact, the entirety of the left and their delusional world is falling apart. Comic books and super heroes aren't the only thing going to see an upspike. You can expect cartoons, movies, music, and all kinds of other shit to kick up, only to meet their eventual demise.
Plus, the left can't meme to save their skins.

Fucking hot, actually.

Sounds antisemitic tbh. Is this /ourfilm/?


The joker is supposed to be Batman's greatest nemesis because he's sadistic and his motives don't make sense. He's an insane sociopath, which makes him unpredictable and truly evil. Having his character be all that BUT doesn't like nazis because he has american pride, or has some motive to oppose batman over some sort of social justice reason, is beyond retarded. Crash and burn cape shit

Superman is jewish as hell. Every kryptonians name is hyphenated with (((el))) I'm surprised that they didn't kike his story more rather than leaving him and wonder woman blacked.

Darkhorse is the only publisher that doesn't cave because it wasn't acquired and it isnt a target for (((mass media))) consumption.


Superman is Nietzscheian Overman = Ubermensch.

Kypton was a fucking perfect natural-scientific society. It was literally NatSoc in 500yrs. If you can't see that, it's because you love media more than narrative.

The captain nigger one looks hilarious tbh

Next, you will tell us that we have to tolerate captain "beat da nazis" america. Fuck off subhuman.

What the fuck is DC thinking? They've seen Marvel collapsing under itself because of exactly this shit and by all accounts were mostly staying away from it.

He's right though, capeshit is an inherently fascist idea. And that's why everyone loves it so much.

Lots of these capeshit properties were created by jews, but they were molded into the characters they are today when goyim writers got their hands on the characters.
Superman started as a Moses allegory for example, and fought "The Man" like ebul capitalists. But you can't argue against the fact that he very quickly became much closer to a Jesus allegory, and began fighting classic comic villains like monsters and hook nosed scientists.

Nice digits. You keep forgetting that the kikes don't care about the medium, they don't care about making money. They just get more free money from their kike brethren who get the money from the printing presses at the Fed and ECB, which effectively is stealing money from everyone else through inflation. They'll keep doing this until they crash and burn every society and economy on the planet. Where the fuck have you been?

Nothing is more sexually attractive to a properly functional and orientated man than the markers of female health and fertility.

A house built on a foundation of sand will not stand for long. Cry about Golden Age comic revisionism all you like, at the end of the day, capeshit is kosher as hell and deeply Talmudic, and all the accidental or coincidental Nietzschen overtones won't change that or make it any good. It has always been propaganda for shitlib socialism and Bolshevik cultural Utopianism.

first thing I thought

Why is this being anchored?

(((They've))) been cultivating the Joker as the icon of the violent leftist domestic terrorist useful idiot for quite a while, just look at the Aurora shooter.

This. Fucking psychotic nigger lefties.


Buzzword salad? You're painting with a pretty wide brush, and it seems that you need to do more research so that people won't dismiss your statements out of hand.

The kind of Joker who's realized that there's a cancer on society who not only believe in these lies wholeheartedly, but who are willing to riot and burn down their own towns to protest against an imaginary wage gap or the "oppressed" black folks.

So far, this story sounds like the Joker is entirely in character. In fact, the Joker was Bernie to Batman's Trump as far back as the 1989 movie: "I'm giving away free money! And where is the Batman?"

Its pretty much true though. However since the Kike is downright bad at creating things, he had to co-opt a lot of 1920s-1930s style pulp novels(more or less written by white men) and then reduce it to an illustrated and easily digestible format. A lot of non-Jewish influence shines through in comics, but at the same time its impossible to divorce them from the Utopian and Judaic cultural overtones.