Im sure its happened to almost all of us, a friend or family member starts dating a person you know is a terrible decision. A cousin starts dating an asian, sister goes out with a Mexican, ext. Knowing that this is ethically wrong we have a responsibility to try and intervene. The question is how? You cant just tell a normie "hey, blood and soul are one and by mixing them you are comming an unforgivable sin". Their conditioning would shut that down fasts. What techniques do you use to break these couples up? I personally use negative words alot when talking about them, like how trump used lyin ted, or low energy jeb.
Burn their house down and kill them all –including their subhuman children.
Jacob Myers
these sum it up pretty good
Camden Hernandez
You know how to redpill people. Apply your knowledge. If someone is young you can still salvage them, if they're older, they're probably already set in their ways. You need to decide whether or not it's worth it to you. I have a little sister myself who's hardly see because I work so much. I do worry about what sort of shit they're filling her head with in school and in the media ect. I wish I had a better answer for you. Remember, prevention is always the best measure. Godspeed user.
Adrian Anderson
Remember to keep using the phrase "goddamn dirty POCs" or just pointing out that the "dirty POCs" are ruining everything good in society.
It's not just a good solution for OP, but we should be using this more in general.
Isaiah Roberts
Take the two of them out and beat him at everything. Beat him by making him look fucking stupid in conversations about any topics. Make him look like shit dancing. Beat him in sports like basketball, or activities like playing pool, ping pong… etc… just probe him about his beliefs and shit on him in the name of "getting to know him." Bring the fullest force of your essence and make him feel threatened. He needs to feel it oozing out of you that he is not welcome. Generally these subhumans will react in such a way that makes them look like shit and defensive… at which point your sister will perceive weakness and end it.
Landon Miller
I'd like to know more too. Where I live at least there has been a recent spike in all kinds of mix race couples and I'm scratching my head as to why.
Generally I just brush them off as quickly as possible. Be professional but not courteous. Gives them an off feeling.
Has anyone else noticed a spike in miscegenation in their area or is my town an anomaly?
Isaiah Phillips
Act like everything is normal and you are so happy for them, but change the way you treat them. For example if you used to invite them to hang out, stop. Never again. If you used to like their goybook posts, stop. 12 years later when you are at thanksgiving talking about how little trey trey is in prison for stealing hub caps simply say "well, we all saw this coming"
Cooper Rodriguez
Fetishize them.The entire attraction depends on its taboo elements. Nothing would turn them off faster than you wink, wink, nodding them all the time and trying to bring up how much bigger his dick is with a big bellow laugh. Trust me on this one.
If you go in their calling him a nigger and calling her a coal burner… nothing is gonna make her pussy wetter later on when they can revolt against the white man. You would literally be fueling their fetish. The fetish is literally a nasty worthless nigger fucking a white woman with sexual inhibitions. That is the fetish..
Connor Gray
without sexual inhibitions^
Isaiah Jenkins
I really think this makes sense. No one wants to be with a looser. It also plays into my belief that by physically and mentally exemplifying the power of the white man you become a walking posterboard of what our people should strive for.
It just all points toward the solution being taking advantage of the subconscious racism all people have(but deny)
Eli Green
Yeah, no way I could do that, its just wrong in so many ways. I get what you are saying, but I dont think that I could even pretend to be ok with that kind of degeneracy.
Cooper Allen
Social shaming
I casually told a white man I know with an asian girlfriend that everybody thinks he's a sexual fetishist with yellow fever. He got got rid of her not long after.
I was out shopping once and a coalburner came up to me asking me to get something off the top shelf for her. I looked at her, looked at her niglet and told her do I look like your husband and get him to do it for you. She knew I knew she didn't have a husband.
Also non whites in general if they ask me for something I don't do it for them, although, I'm usually not rude to them unless they're rude to me. I'm not going to do anything for these people. Boycotting non whites is a good general rule to life to go by. Don't do business with these people whether it's buying from a non white owned store or hiring non whites or whatever; just don't do it.
John Gutierrez
It's due to the surge of propaganda over the last few years pushing miscegenation.
Alexander Sullivan
Never give up your freedom for anything than destroying/ruining kikes. Going to jail for anything other than harming kikes will always yield less than harming kikes. There are also much fewer kikes than shitskins.
Michael Edwards
We need a counter propaganda program of our own then. If anyone has anything please share. If not I can try firing up ms paint and put 9001 hours into something.
Charles Watson
We should really make propaganda targetted towards white women titled as only ugly or stupid women date outside their race or something. Women are inherently sensitive by their looks and with this climate of a women can do it too bullshit white women would want to stick with their own. Or another plan would be too flood Twitter, Instagram, fb, even tumblr with pics of happy white women holding their beautiful white children. This will subconsciously convince them that too have beautiful kids they need to date in their race. We should flood pics of ugly mixed race mutts to convince white women to think twice before dating outside their race. Women are attracted to beauty and can be convinced via emotion whilst men are more convinced by logic. Perhaps do it under a certain Twitter hashtag to get it spreading around for white women to be good mothers of white children with some nice motherly propaganda whilst using another hashtag to propagandizes gassing mixed race kids
Cameron Garcia
Also forgot to mention we should shame race mixers by implying their children don't look anything like them and say something along the lines of their children can never truly feel like they belong because their selfish parents doomed them to be outcast in society
Michael Hernandez
Whoops sorry I mean against not gassing save the gassing for the kikes
Connor Torres
JUST CALL THEM JEWISH! So what they look Jewish to me. Further if it becomes understood that only Jews are in mixed couples more Jews will do it.
Andrew Gonzalez
Doesn't take propaganda to realize mulattos are disgusting. They always have the nigger nose and lips with bushy hair. They are niggers.
Asher Morgan
I really like your examples. I think being to direct with shaming attempts often lead to people just writing you off as an asshole who they're glad to spite. Your examples aren't just telling someone racemixing is bad; it's shaming them for the consequences of it. It bypasses the jewish cultural programming to recoil at anything to do with race.
Evan Carter
I mean we should put white with white children look happy while white women with mixed children look unhappy. Something on the lines of subconscious propaganda to make white women understand that mixed race kids are ugly and their mothers are unhappy and dead inside and hate themselves
Samuel Cook
Agreed. The rest of the advice in this thread is bullshit if you are for some reason tied down to living in (((cities)))
Nathaniel Taylor
Historically niggers kill them off too. Only whites allow the existence of mulattos but physically they are the antithesis of White and weaken the white race allowing the negro to have numbers great enough to kill off the leftover whites. Then once all the purebred whites are gone the so called mulatto allies are dispatched and prevented from breeding.
citation, Haiti
Cooper Carter
A subtler way to do this is to ask if their kids are adopted.
Isaiah Hill
There's no point. All you can do is stay true to your points of view and express your disapproval. This isn't just about propaganda and buying into this ridiculous very recently ideology or liberalism/communism that caused this problem. It's a spiritual problem. Many of these people that just freely, and "randomly", fall in love with any swinging dick or set of titties are lacking any sense of self. They are on their path and that path leads to destruction. Either they'll come to this conclusion on their own with your steady position or they wont.
Dealing with the possibility of mongrelized members in your family isn't the end of the world. It hasn't changed my position whatsoever with regards to the end goal. This is beyond any one man or woman even if that includes friends and families.
I think of it as being a test to see whether I'll falter in my mission and that is complete separation without compromise.
Michael Martinez
This one especially is a great idea. This is a recurring thing that displeases race mixers because it materializes their transgressions towards their inner thoughts knowing their offspring don't look anything like them. It especially hurts when some random person even innocently says it because it shows with no negative intent at all and it still troubled them in many ways. Perhaps those anons of us that have children or niece and nephews or younger siblings of their own could partake in this. It be a good redpilling experience for them aswell.
Carson Green
Just cheching these dubs. I've been on twatter lately and have missed being able to openly call for extermination of jews and shitskins along with traitors.
Aiden Clark
Better dubs tho.
Adam Russell
THIS pic related
Anthony Cruz
Yellow Fever losers are easy as another user mentioned ITT. Just imply that they settled for a non-white and that everyone thinks they are a weirdo, both of which are true. Yellow fever fetishists are either autistic(Which explains how they are oblivious to their (probably non-existent) social circles looking down on them, along with their parents disappointment) or beta, unambitious, and afraid/traumatized of white women.
James Baker
This is good but we should a put text on the lines "who's kid did this old man steal from" it will make the race mixer openly admit that it's their offspring and then people will subconsciously realize that their offspring doesn't even remotely resemble their parents at all
Michael Wood
Everybody on the dating sites is going after white guys. People think you're dating blacks because of low self esteem and they feel sorry for you. They're pretending they think you're brave and novel because they don't want to deal with it. Your enemies are laughing at you and really happy since you've been downgraded, but everyone else just pities you.