Any latest informations of the scenes working on it?
Denuvo Cracking Status
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No news so far because nobody's interested on account of the games locked behind Denuvo either being crackable by injecting legit information or not even being worth the effort
Release a good game with it first.
The cracking scene has had a lot of talent drain. They have trouble finding kids to take up the torch, too. There's also not enough interest because Denuvo games are usually shit anyway.
Squeenix gave 100k (each) to the chinese crackers that cracked the first versions to stop doing it, they are too busy buying slaves to crack anyshit
Nah, not happening, no one works for free anymore, not even crackers, steam DRM is a fucking joke any home user can bypass reading 5m, that is the ONLY reason we still get free video games
has been done before, but Denuvo isn't stagnant or identical between games
too much of a hassle for most
3DM taking a break was a dent in cutting edge cracking too so yeah, there's that
Denuvo was cracked a long ass time ago, why the fuck are these thread still made?
Having fun playing Total War: Warhammer user?
Steam DRM is a fucking placebo, I guess kike publishers finally realized that.
Nothing new. Is still sour user:^}
Wow! That sure shows all those pesky pirates!
These days i have plenty of money to use on vidya but i boycott denuvo games just because of principles, when i was a poorfag i barely had money to buy games on fucking steam sales for 5bucks.
No interest, games with Denuvo are usually shit anyway
kill yourself fucking beta mongoloid, pirate if you want, but don't try to whine this 'b-b-ut poor people d-don't have money to buy shit' shit, if you don't have money to buy the games, you don't have money to buy the gear either
So i cant save up money for a decent gayming rig just because poorfag?
I believe it needs to be cracked on a per-game basis, and most of the games that have it are kinda shit.
Pirating is huge in 1st world countries, there are plenty of faggots with no job, and also just plenty of niggers who think they're entitled to free games or something.
"Gear" doesn't have to be expensive, and there are more reasons to buy a computer besides gaming.
Could there ever be an anti-piracy measure that is somehow both completely foolproof and pro-consumer, to the point legitimate players are not hindered? If such a thing existed, would you support it or still condemn it?
Latest status is: any game who has it isn't worth cracking.
Id probably support it, but Ill tell you one thing, faggots and shills would still find a way to complain about it even if it let you to legally/officially burn disks.
No one has the skills to crack anymore as a whole generation grew up to be retarded javascript and python shitters. And unbeknownst to you, there's a major push behind the scenes this year for TPM and encrypted memory on consumer desktops which will make software uncrackable without far greater resources than exist in the scene today. The end of piracy is soon.
You could always pander to such a specific audience that the few people in that audience would be more willing to buy your game…
I think the best approach is to just make yourself a cool enough developer that people will feel legitimately bad for pirating your game.
Not buying Fallout 4, Todd
Yeah, even here on Finngoria with our "generous" welfares you can have hard time having enough money to spend for fun after rent, electricity, food and other monthly necessities.
These are shits though i can understand the mindset that game shouldnt be over say… 30bucks especially in today's world with most games being short as fuck or just flat out unfinished with half the content behind season-pass DLC-jewery.
Hard question, obviously would depend on how pro-consumer it actually is. If i can still play it easily 10-20years later without needing to connect ot internet or being fucked if i lost the manual with cd-keys and such somewhere it'd be neat.
You might think that AAA shit, which is targeted at massive audiences and distributed everywhere, would be less expensive to sell as many units as possible. But, the 60$ price tag really helps them because of the absolutely massive advertisement budget as well as paying all the artists that make the game look pretty (but then fail because it has to be brown and have lots of bloom).
This is an industry in which you vote with your wallet. Your opinion does not matter.
>most games turn out to be overhyped garbage not worth paying for and the rare time that they are I go out and actually pay for them
the more difficult they make it to ==copyright infringe== the less I will buy games, plain and simple. I ain't taking a risk on a 70-80 dollerydoo title without trying it first and furthermore, will actively discourage any of my friends from buying too. If they were cheaper 30-40 region maybe just maybe I'd be more tempted but I've been burned too many times in the past to just blindly pick shit up and find out it sucks and/or doesn't work.
denuvo will be cracked if it hasn't already, there's no question about it. Until then I don't give a fuck about a single game that's been released with it and won't pay for them either. So using anti-piracy logic where every download is a lost sale, every game shipped with denuvo is a lost sale too :^)
That's exactly what I'm doing. Granted I only play old games.
fuck off retard, the point is the imbecile excuses, pirate if you want, purchase if you please, but don't make up this 'I h-have a good reason to p-pirate, honestly, I'm a good goy really' shitty shit
Tell that to sjws instead of the kettle, otherwise that's not an argument.
I'll give NuDoom a go whenever that get's cracked but other than that I don't really care.
I don't really care about NuDoom either TBH
If you didnt buy this game you're a fag
Nice image, it really adds to your point.
For some stupid reason, companies are afraid of upsetting SJWs and women. Perhaps it's because, due to corporate requirements, they have SJWs and women working for them. So, they already take those viewpoints into account. Imageboards on the other hand already clash with those views, and say they will pirate everything to boot. Just look at how fucking bitter everyone in this thread is. Yeah, this is probably closer to a realistic discussion than anything on an SJW forum, but it doesn't stop me from wanting to disregard people just because they aren't even trying to hide how big of a faggot they are.
Remember, even if there's no point to be made or no point to debate, you should always argue with people because winning "arguments on the internet" is super important.
I want the installer.
I want to play offline.
I don't want to create an account.
Fuck you Valve.
Truth. Haven't bought a mainstream game in years.
So sell it to me, what's this game about then?
I've seen generals for it but judging from the name alone i just dismissed it as yet another shitty CS/TF2/memewatch multiplayan turd.
sadly they're pumping out worse garbage than before.
i voted with my wallet for a full decade buying games i like at full price, they don't make games i like anymore.
it's like a slower serious sam game with bugs instead of demons and lots of neat weapons.
So i can have fun with it even playing solo?
Why would i pay 45yoropoors for it though?
It's shit. But it's addictive shit made out of pure fun.
go home underage
Except he didn't imply that, you just wanted to think he did.
He's more likely referencing Valve's complete dominance of the digital PC games market.
Publishers often refer to copying they don't approve of as “piracy.” In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all) circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions more complete.)
If you don't believe that copying not approved by the publisher is just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word “piracy” to describe it. Neutral terms such as “unauthorized copying” (or “prohibited copying” for the situation where it is illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as “sharing information with your neighbor.”
Enough of the "copying" meme you blubbering niggertard. Digital piracy has an actual meaning and you need to stop acting like companies are equating it with physical piracy.
Changing definitions to create points does not substantiate those points. It only kills them right out of the gate as the meaningless word-salad they are.
except they are. lawsuits get leveled against people where the company wants to charge a fine for every copy that was uploaded/downloaded despite no physical loss
dont share or access information you arent licensed to then
I once saw a cracker somewhere say that cracking denuvo would be quite easy and that cracker groups are quite incompetent. He isn't allowed to do it himself, because "they" got to him and if he releases cracks again bad things will happen to him. His only choice was to continue on at a minimum wage job or join them and make anti piracy software. He was never seen again.
A hero has fallen, our only choice is to raise up ourselves. If I make it far enough I will come back to teach some of you.
im in canada where its okay to download as long as you dont intend to redistribute or re-sell, cry more
oh man i know that feel
i can hack into the pentagon, its pretty easy actually all the chinese agents are quite incompetent. yeah im not allowed to do it though so i cant prove anything, hold on someone is at the drive through i have to take this
Have you considered that the laws in place are outdated? After all, digital piracy is a relatively new phenomenon. It's only been around for a few decades.
Even then, you act like since digital copies can be copied without cost, they are worth nothing and should be allowed to be copied. Yeah no, that's the mindset of someone who has never created anything worth copying. It takes many thousands of hours to create games and acting like that effort is not worth anything is both juvenile and insulting. It is a product that required an investment of time and resources just like a physical object and should be treated with at LEAST some of the same respect.
Go get a real job faggot.
Wait a minute. Cracking denuvo gets you 100k?
Well fuck. I've been wasting my life.
yeah, my dad works at nintendo too
nah the last time the law got updated was 4 years ago
digital copies are copied without cost, if you did put a cost on it, it would be fucking pennies
Except it does have a cost on it. The cost that publishers have been charging for digital games.
If you mean to tell me that CDs that can be mass-produced for fucking pennies make the cost of something multiply by hundreds of times, I don't know what to say to you.
It is like the price of art. Not bullshit modern art, I'm talking about stuff like Simon Stålenhag's art. While it doesn't cost anything to duplicate digital copies of it, it doesn't mean that it didn't take a substantial amount of practice and time to create.
You are paying for the artist's time and practice investment. What they make cannot just be made by anyone; it REQUIRES such a steep amount of practice that people enter art as their life career. The same is true for people who create video games. Not just anyone can create a game; it takes time and talent. THAT is why you are expected to pay for games. They take a truly herculean effort to create and that is worth money.
I welcome Denuvo, the savior of PC gaming.
I really look forward to a time when piracy is something we can laugh about and a time when poor people can't afford to play and own videogames.
Videogames are a luxury, not a basic need.
fuck that, value is subjective. some games are made with the idea of low price high sales, others are made with high price, low sales. you can't honestly tell me pic related is really worth what it was sold for
Let everybody know that you can easily extort money from squeenix by cracking the debungo.
so if you think its too expensive dont buy it? thats how the market works, how old are you?
would you go to a restaurant, order lets say a $15 steak, get exactly whats on the menu, eat it and then tell the waiter "yeah im only paying $6 for that steak"?
do you honestly believe that is true you dumbfuck?
Truth is irrelevant, the point is to make it spread like you're mom last night.
that's equating it to physical loss. more like i go to a car store with a machine that can copy cars. see an expensive one and go "too rich for my blood" then copy it and drive it away. no loss involved because that would imply i intended to buy it in the first place
I agree, value is subjective. Most people would agree that that "art" isn't worth anything. What they don't know is that the reason modern art shit exists is because art has tax exemptions and you can use it for money laundering. Just forget you ever heard that, goy.
That doesn't mean I expect to go to the artist of your pic and say, "I'll pay you 3 cents for that piece of shit you faggot".
It doesn't work like that. The value of something is determined by what the creator of it wants you to pay. That of course can be affected by what people say they are willing to pay for it.
If someone wants you to pay for their art/product before you can view/use it, either pay for it or fuck off. You would expect the same decency if you were to create something and expect someone to pay for it.
nigga, the artist was paid a long time ago. Unless they've got a cushy royalty program set up anyone outside of the publisher isn't getting shit from the sales.
there are plenty of decent arguments against copyright infringement but saying that it supports artists that don't see a penny from their work after the game is released ain't one of them. Even your example of classic art don't make any sense: how is Stalenhag deprived of anything if someone somehow was able to 1:1 copy his work? He already got paid when someone bought the ONE COPY of this work. An artist is paid handsomely hopefully right away and is happy, he doesn't get pissed and complain when there are unlicensed prints being traded freely.
you aren't getting it: in your example the steak was consumed, someone is out of a physical object and money is owed. A more apt example is that you sat at home, had an exact copy of the steak generated on your plate at virtually zero cost and then said you were going to give the restaurant what you felt entitled to for something that cost them nothing beyond the initial appropriation and preparation of the meat. That's not to say there isn't an argument for the restaurant and employees and overhead and all that but the chef doesn't give a fuck, he got paid already. The owner of the restaurant is the one who would feel fucked IF he actually was out a steak.
If no one buys steaks because the can copy them endlessly that's a problem, but there are more issues than scarcity imo
I'm not paying 60 fucking euros for doom.
You've already failed.
Exactly, which is why I pirate :^)
by that logic if you literally just stole it there would be 'no loss'
that car didnt come to exist out of nothing. producing it cost money which the producer has to make back or guess what they wont do it anymore. if everybody took a copy then there is zero profit aka no production incentive
its always funny when you penniless mutants complain that developers dont make games for you anymore, theyre all casualised or target or normalfags or whatever, while simultaneously jeering about all the things you pirated. comes from being a dunce cap non functioning autist i guess lol
arbitrary numbers you agree to be beholden to
you dont buy the digital good you buy the license to use it (if the license is non copyable/distributable)
you know maybe you shouldn't generalize and play victim and instead make a good fucking game with a good price
ye I dont agree tho
if something aint worth the money Im willing to pay I aint paying
your entire argument comes down to "lending books is piracy" btw tbh fam
Apparently there is one trick for the latest version that works but always online DRM renders it moot. Guys like 3DM do it for their countrymen and don't care about Gwailo and right now they're not releasing Denuvo cracks for about a year to prove some point or whatever.
The guys who develop Denuvo patch up all exploits found.
Something doesn't become worthless once it's been paid for once. It's not only the artists (and specifically to games, texture artists, environmental, concept, animators, sound design, SFX, music, and more) but also the marketing, localizing, distribution, legal, coders, project organizers, so fucking many jobs. Expecting every single one of them to only say "this is much money as I'm willing to take" is dumb. If you can get more money for something, YOU WILL. Copyright is a bitch, isn't it? Expecting to be compensated for something they've already done, how foolish those people are, right? No.
Your steak example doesn't work. You are basing your replicated steak off of something. Someone had to go through the effort of preparing that steak file for creation into a real steak. If they expected money for that steak file, either you shut the fuck up and pay for it, or you don't get to create that steak using their file until they release it for free.
Not like the technology to print steaks exists so your argument is outside of the realm of reality and was stupid and meaningless from the get-go.
you dont get to bring friends or decide the price
if you dont agree to pay the money you shouldnt be using it
books have their own (many different) licenses, check them out some time
I always pirate games, delete them and then pirate them again to make the publisher lose as much money as possible.
Now I'm going to set up an automated system that can repeatedly download and delete a game until the publisher goes bankrupt.
U mad moralfags?
make me
"a commodity is worth only what the purchaser will pay for it"
Yet I'm given the worst of both worlds. It's treated like a license, revokable at any time and enforceable via their DRM platform, denied the right to do whatever I want with it, yet also charged tax as if it was a normal purchase and given zero right to a refund as consumer law is supposed to give me. It's a raw deal, and it's not one I'm going to bend to. I bet you're the kind of faggot who would pay a school 200$ for a shitty textbook rather than just get the ebook online for free.
You can't stop me from pirating, and no matter what mental gymnastics you throw at me, I'm not going to feel bad about it, either.
lol those two statements together perfectly encapsulate just how actually stupid you are, you think youre beating the system but youre just beating yourself out of it
like i said, theres a reason why developers are targeting people like you less and less
i didnt need the books
if you dont like the deal dont take it, as above. dont worry, im sure mummy and daddy will cover the pittance videogames physically cost
What's your ratio for Fallout 4? 200.0?
Thanks for proving me right I guess. Shame this thread isn't cyclical, the coveted (215) is forever out of your reach.
3 statements
yeah nah
kys tbh famalam
coveted internet points what?
im not the one publicly rationalising my criminality and crying 'mental gymnastics' at everyone who pokes holes in it
You're not making sense. Games would not exist without people in most of those jobs. You technically could do without marketers, but your game would not sell. You could do without localizers but your game only gets made in 1 language. You can't go without distributors, your game has to get around somehow. You technically could do without legal if you want to get assfucked by every idiot that sees an opening to sue you. Project organizers are there to get large teams to work together. Good luck having hundreds of devs in a large team work together without guidance.
Your game and every single one of its mechanics would fail to exist without coders. You couldn't achieve a title screen without a coder. Game engines were created by code monkeys. This is the biggest, most important type of person to have. Fuck you. You are actually retarded and you should feel bad if you're even capable of feeling anything.
Oh right, I forgot it's summer. Welcome to the board, newfag, enjoy your brief stay.
Friendly reminder that statistically, pirates spend drastically more money on games than moralfags.
you replied to me with 2 statements, learn to communicate you…
meme ebonics wigger i guess
rofl 453 games, not much going in your life hey?
oh boy
spotting the marketers becomes easier and easier each day
Im sorry fam, I didnt realize you were stupid enough to exclude coders from creators and put them together with the parasites
also picture related would like to disagree with you on any and all benefits of parasites
Have fun calling localizers parasites the next time you want any game from any country that's not English speaking.
ive been here since 2014 i just dont care to pay attention to 'muh board culture'
im here for funny pictures and videos
> sincerely believing people are paid to post on a website with a
welcome to summer I guess
Have a pro-piracy and anti-piracy source.
What's your favorite flavor hot pocket? I'm partial to pot pie myself.
i dont actually know what hot pockets are
my wallet feels great, so full of money you dont have because you cant into the free market
I speak 3 languages, as any intelligent being should be
Friendly reminder that summer posting is a myth, confirmed by luggage dad himself on cuckchan and confirmed here by simply looking at the PPH numbers which have remained steady for months.
And this thread is hilarious
Keep those tears rolling kids, you where finally beaten and can't accept it.
Go ahead, list a single Denuvo title that isn't a massive disappointment.
inb4 MGSV, the most disappointing game of the decade
Yet here you are.
i can into free market very well, i just dont waste my money on games (very time expensive for their return in value)
sourest grapes
Reminder that you have to start school soon.
Well since you aren't MURICAN and hate FREEDOM I'll inform you, Hot Pockets are a type of food you see LURK MOAR
Unravel was exactly as expected, so no disappointment.
Look, if you refuse to post a single good game that uses Denuvo it's just going to make you look like a paid shill.
Shit games protected by a strong protection? that's the new model in the industry?
Good for them and good luck.
so you agree that games arent worth the money they are being asked for?
really nigga
which part
the lack of part 3, where you know exactly what will happen without seeing it?
or is it the lack of hayter being a shitty voice actor that isn't even snake in the first place so that shit doesn't matter
It was supposed to be GZ except bigger
it turned out to be GTAV with stealth
yeah i know its a food i just dont know the particulars, apart from that they go in the oven
1. by whos measure? you already disqualified one that others would disagree with
2. a shill for who? you want me to name a good game used by denuvo, wouldnt that make me a shill for that game and or denuvo? i dont care to keep track of this stuff lol
no, for their cost to fun ratio they are very good, however they are also very time expensive, and on a fun to time ratio they are quite bad. i can afford to use my money on things that have a better fun to time ratio and so i do, because my time is valuable
Mad Max was pretty decent.
But if you mean uncracked debungo games then nuDoom is the closest to "good" you can get for now. Still, nuDoom is a major AAA release that did the rounds as not being complete shit, so if that didn't spark interest in cracking the drm I can't imagine what will.
It's a gigantic disappointment because it's an unfinished shell of what it was supposed to be, curtsey of Konami and their vendetta against Kojima as they burned their gaming division to the ground. It's a game you can enjoy, yes, just stay the fuck away from any information on the mountains of cut content and features if you don't want that enjoyment soured permanently. What could've been one of the best games of all time ended up just "ok".
So you can't name a single good game.
Unravel used Denuvo? I mean I should be surprised, but if anything I'm impressed that Denuvo managed to contain the lead dev's spaghetti.
So are you agreeing with me or…?
Localizers have always been parasites. They make unnecessary changes and butcher scripts to justify their own existence and most of them are only in the positions they're in due to nepotism. A lot of people are only realizing this recently with shit like Fire Emblem, but it's always been like this.
Stop dodging the question and post a good game that uses Denuvo
Never heard much of anything about Mad max, hell I completely forgot it even existed until you brought it up.
NuDoom is NuDoom, I'll never give my money to bethesda as I don;t like how they lie to their customers.
i used to play games, now i just come here for funny pictures and videos
video game shills arent real lol
like i said i dont keep track of who uses denuvo but as doom4 has come up, doom4
There's a Name field in the reply box. You should type in "Jeb Bush" because you're the lowest energy shill I've come across.
Pretty much. XSEED is basically the only company off the top of my head that actually does their fucking job instead of acting as parasites, and even they came dangerously close a few times. Good thing Based Tom kept them in check.
Yes Unravel used it.
It also flopped hard proving once and for all that DRM always icreases sales.
fun fact: there is a paid denuvo bypasser (for like 3 or 5$)
how much do you think being a shill would pay? less than min wage i imagine, who has time for that lol? why would they bother with a website with a comparatively MINISCULE userbase? why would a shill get muddied down in a conversation with you drones?
it's fun. pirate it and give it two hours and you'll either understand or you'll never understand
a the smell of burning skin
Pirate it and put it in the vola.
Imagine a Starship Troopers game made by insane japs on drugs.
it doesn't work like that. it's 1 bypass by ip so if you change your ip it wouldn't work anymore and the guy you bought from needs to change the ip on his end something like that.
from what i understand from the mad max crack, pirating denuvo should theoretically not be too hard
the mad max crack that I got basically just injects some other person's info into each and every install of the game. the only thing you as a user need to do is set your timezone to whatever local time the cracker used, and the crack does the rest
i know there's got to be more to it but at a fundamental level that's all crackers really need to figure out how to do, is inject that legit info into the crack
Reloaded did that for some jrpg some months ago. The nfo said something about the crack being internal for friends and family only. The scene is pretty fishy lately.
Sounds like the usual to me, you got groups that just do nothing but pirate and the only way you'll be allowed in or stay is to also pirate and if you don't keep up you're out. Then you just have guys who share with their friends or whatever and the release of these leaks is somebody they shared it with. Finally you got guys who simply had a hand me down of something from somebody like an early beta or maybe some alpha version and they decide to just hit it up and release it publicly sometimes.
Nigger I've been playing games since 98.
If you had told me back then about Steam I would have laughed. I would have shown you a nice pile of blank CD-Rs.
Gabe the Jew is.
If they sell cheaper in third world regions, resellers can buy there and sell the games cheap in first world regions. They'd have to do region locking in your scenario. Still, wouldn't it be better than what they have now?
Yeah I'm disillusioned as well.
And now Japan is going full mobile and pay2win the future looks less bright.
Starcraft was the first game I bought with my own money. Yes I'm old.
Thank the fact that retarded normalfags always outnumber you. "Vote with your wallet" is a lie built on a false premise.
And what's worse is that whatever niche I once cared about is being eroded by leftists. I'm quickly running out of venues for my escapism as the normalfag libcuck steamrollers destroys them all.
Jack Nicklaus Golf on the NES was mine. Every day I shuffle around and wait for death.
I think a lot of this comes down to an outright lack of interest.
Many of the games on Denuvo simply aren't worth cracking.
Here is a list of all Denuvo-protected games.
Lords of the Fallen
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Battlefield: Hardline
Mad Max
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Anno 2205
Star Wars Battlefront
Just Cause 3
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Unravel Electronic Arts
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
Far Cry Primal
Need for Speed
Eve: Gunjack
The Climb
Homefront: The Revolution
Total War: Warhammer
Edge of Nowhere
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
F1 2016
Champions of Anteria
Now, tell me how many of those games you actually care about. That's probably how the crackers feel as well.
>thread was on last page with 3 post for hours
We all are.
That says more about the current state of gaming than it does about cracking.
And I was always under the impression that cracking was more motivated by the scene's need to lord their achievements one over the other, not the quality of the game itself.
theyre all shit. no wonder there arent any cracks, noone wants to crack them.
then why crack them?
But it only cost money to produce the ONE, single car in your scenario. Every time one is bought, the seller loses nothing, and only gains money. If that was the case, I'd say even $10 for the car would be a fair price, as if, say, even just a million people bought it (and with cars, it'd be far, far more), the producer would already be in the green.
Bragging rights.
Bruh you have to be a gamer first and foremost in order for you to even get into the idea of cracking a game.
Crackers "DO" play games or at least did at one point in order for them to even get into the scene.
It requires an understanding of how a game functions, how invasive the DRM is, and how that ties into a games low level init all the way up to variables tied into the engine. It's why SOME games with extremely invasive DRM run like ass or force glitches that kill the game. Different crackers have different motivations, to my understanding, most crack because they weren't able to play games in their past because they were too expensive or region locked, because they legitimately enjoy the game and want to see others play it, or because they're egotistical cunts who want to be praised for swapping a .dll. Most of those type III faggots would just upload someone elses crack under their own name or just do repacks since they require less time and accrue about the same amount of internet points.
So yeah, most crackers play vidya or have at some point, they're just autistic enough to understand how some of it actually works.
reminds me of the Techspot article saying g2a "steals" keys and that each key ended up as a lost sale to developers, like niggers don't even know how the fuck shit works
So? A lot of games get pirated to fuck and back.
Most popular indie games get more pirates than actual sales.
Punch Club got over 250k sales, so that's not even a good example. The devs probably still made a lot of money off of it.
This takes a few liberties
it's just the developer went to every journalist site telling them that.
I like how they imply that those people would have actually bought the game if they couldn't get it for free.
The 250k+ figure is just on PC, even accounting for the game's budget/Steam's cut/publisher's cut/taxes/sales/whatever they still probably made $300k+ EACH (the studio is only two guys) off the game on PC alone.
Talk about fucking dishonesty.
I hate this shit they should be happy people are willing to pay for their game at all when they could obviously get it for free.
This rubs me the wrong way. The thinking here is nigger-tier.
To be honest, I'd rather not have any priced video games.
The only way i'd pay for games is with an optional donation or if I feel that the buying price is exactly equivalent to what I think its worth.
We've all seen the evidence and compilations of shills. Botnets are not hard and neither is shitposting. Shills are literally the same as someone who posts on here normally, but favoring a different point of view in return for money.
You don't get to complain that you only made 300,000 dollars when you make something people can copy with no effort or resources.
What about the money they spent making the game?
A two man indie game? Probably close to nothing.
It's a threshold to cross, every time you copy a digital copy it doesn't suddenly cost the same amount as you made the original.
Yeah that's a pretty shitty list.
All those games are stuff you might buy on a Steam sale for 9.99 or less.
Cracking is a lot like hacking.
People do it for fun, bragging, getting media exposure and internet e peen.
That figure was accounting for budget and the like.
The game has 267,435 sales at $9.99, to account for sales/regional differences I'll half that to $5.
267,436 x $5 = $1,337,180.
Factoring in all the other things such as taxes and Steam's cut (among other things) I'll reduce that by 65%: $1,337,180 - 65% = $869,167.
The games budget was potentially nothing up to $200,000 (it likely wouldn't get any higher than 200 grand unless they were extremely bad at managing money like some studios are), if we go with the high-end of that we're left with $669,167.
There are two of them, so all in all they made at least $334,583 each, probably more.
Remember: that's just on PC, they likely made much more in total if you count smartphone sales, TinyBuild said they sold over 300,000 in total. They didn't port it to consoles for some reason.
I hate using this word, but these guys are just fucking entitled little shits.
I pirated Lightning Returns.
You can buy it from Steam for 15 dollars.
But there is no way I would have ever bought it.
Free shit is still shit user.
no shit fucko, and if everyone takes a copy then the original cost never gets covered
then you shouldnt use it
Can't blame him when you get bored you sometimes download shit just to see how bad it actually is.
I'd sorta support it if devs release a demo version of the game. I believe that buying something is the same as donating, and I want to know if something is worth donating too before purchasing.
Because this game had a manufacturing run of 2 million or so units and that's all the copies that exist.
get oand primates
You mean the consoles that get all their exclusives ported to PC because that is where the money is?
Are you not paying attention to anything else that's been said?
Those guys are just being greedy kikes, they made tons of money off the game yet they're sitting all sad because something that happens to near every indie game happened to them.
imagine the attached picture is that one of homer simpson belly laughing so hard hes bending over
children please leave the premises
regardless of the game's quality it's shit this was a fucking dirtbag move and they deserved it
Oh, they're threatening to make all their indieshit xbone exclusive or something? I mean, that's cool I guess, they can enjoy making less money than before.
If it was not true why port your games to the platform where "All the filthy pirates steal your game for free." Seriously if piracy is so bad why do they keep putting all their games on PC?
Or just completely strawman me and discard what I say, I guess that works as well.
its all heading that way, see the above comic
they dont lol?
you got oand and you reach for the entry level fallacy because youre a dunce, bl gg
Then by all means why don't you name off some of the great exclusives that consoles have. If they aren't all being ported to PC they should have at least ten good games between the three of them.
firstly define 'great' because im not trawling through 3 wikipedia lists for you to go
also, im sure you enjoy the pc port downgrades right (to make them runnable/optimised on consoles)? remember witcher 3 for example :^)
Go to a country like Costa Rica and look at how much games cost. A new game there cost about 150-180$ there.
Tell me, would you pay around $200 for a game.
Christ are you trying to make yourself look bad?
no please dont think poorly of me weebposter! (((
Everyone is going to think poorly of you and your argument if you can't even name one game that consoles have and PC doesn't and then immediately go into ad hominem.
original post said name 10 'great games' whereas you are saying name a single exclusive (trivial)
take the tape off your the corners of you eyes (you are NOT japanese) and youll be able to follow the thread more easily
Hey anons, I got something to tell you.
You should stop while your behind.
You're a cool!
the ad hom is free, i know you cant afford things so im doing my part
See now was that hard? Nine to go faggot.
Dragon's Crown
Puyo Puyo tetris
Lost Odyssey
Ridge Racer 6
EDF 2017
Demon's Souls & Bloodborne
Ace Combat 6
Gravity Rush
All Senrans except for 1
I can go on forever.
All shit
You'd think Americans would know better.
If you can get away with it you pirate the shit out of everything, unless you really want to support the devs.
I just wanted to finish the story after FF13 and 13-2. It was a good game for free.
You'd think the fact console wars are bannable would stop people, but no.
Except that the Native Americans sold us their land because they were naive dipshits who didn't understand the concept of property. Fuck off retard. Pirate what you want and buy what you want, who gives a fuck.
Being triggered really fucked up your reading comprehension, huh?
My point is that we didn't fucking steal the land.
Check the Vanquish thread for true cancer, Im sure its around 3 to 5 cuckchanners.
Tell me, Would you pay $200 for a new game?
You jewed them out of it, then took it by brute force anyway, but isn't that the usual ZOG MO? What's not to love?
It wasn't the American's that stole the land. It was Europe you dummy.
Alright, I'm not an SJW or anything, but Holla Forums's lack of logical rigor is really comical at times.
How did the natives steal their own land? It was Europe that came and changed shit. So how can you call them Americans?
Ok, you meant the "Native" Americans. Indeed, i cri ertiem, tbqh.
White America killed Native America, Europe merely gave them a foothold.
I wish the Spica had done the same to the natives instead of race mixing with them like the degenerate faggots they are
we wuz enjuhneerz n sheeit
The US has always been Whites and Kikes most of which came from England which had a Kike invasion after the Dutch bit more than they could chew and got backstabbed by the tricky jew.
Get fucked nigger
The DLC is fucking worthless you nigger, the only good paid content is the extra missions.
Weapons are worth literally zero and no one fucking bought it, get your head out of your ass.
Every game has to shoehorn DLC now days. All the DLC was is shitty weapons which are for only powerful early on in the game. I wouldn't call it additional content when the content is nothing at all.
Instead of bitching about it, pirate it.
Yeah I know that DLC apologists have infested Holla Forums for a while now. I wonder if anything can be done about you goyim at all.
I'm not apologizing for DLC, I'm just saying that the additional content is fucking nothing at all. The more interesting guns can be unlocked via cheat engines like the genocide gun.
Dont forget your welfare check on your way from the Net Cafe faggot
sounds impossible t b h
Do you also use CS:GO to gamble?
congratulations, that is the most autistic, misrepresentative, cringiest, and buttmaddest comic I've ever seen. I can only hope you posted it in some kind of sick irony. Or atleast it was made before 2012 when le epin swag weed dubstep trickshot meme wasn't yet destroyed by normalfags
The phantom pain crack worked like that too
It just injected some keys and user information needed for the game to barely bypass.
Now that this method was patched and all rainbow tables were removed in the latest Denuvo updates, it's impossible to do so.
-Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Hitman
-Need for Speed
Topkek buycucks really should die.
You niggers realizing you're fueling the same tard that shitposts all across Holla Forums right? The appropriate response would be to filter the fag and move on with your lives but because of some twisted sense of egotistical pride you want to win a shitty "argument" on the internet.
is providing the most obvious b8 the internet can provide and you niggers are dumb enough to bite. Fucking swear you faggots are disgraceful.
Nobody buys a book for the paper it's printed on; the medium which the information is delivered shouldn't matter. If a game isn't in demand the price will drop and you can buy it at the right price otherwise excersize some self-control and ignore stuff that's not worth anything.
Maybe this matters if you're a P2P group. The scene does it for the challenge and because they can.
Thing is, many non-fiction authors are more interested in the dissemination of information and ideas than making a profit, its the publishers who are trying to make a buck and the publishers who chase down unauthorized copies and copiers.
Its a bit off-topic, but it hits on the core idea here: That ideas can and should be sold for profit. That's what Intellectual property exists to establish, and it strikes me as a very (((mercantile))) way of pay-gating knowledge.
FOSS platforms exist and the people who wish to use them have every right to do so with their original ideas/content/whatever.
With that said information and the means to produce original content and distribute it isn't free. Someone will always have to give time, money, energy, etc to a project to keep it afloat. Whether or not the end result of all that is worth your cash is entirely up to you and nobody is forcing you to pay for what you don't want.
Good chance that in 500 years people will regard money as we do slavery.
If you pirate movies and games are you at serious risk for getting assfucked with lawsuits? I heard that companies only really take action against people who seed shit constantly
Looks like some guy finally cracked denuvo. he said he'll release the crack soon. it only works on denuvo games that are on steam though.
if you live in a shit country that may be true. but if you live in a 3rd world mastterrace country you are far from harm.
I liked the movie a piece of light fanservice, but wasn't the game an Asscreed clone? But with cars instead of parkour? Was it shit or not?
Half the game we were promised
I don't play these kinds of games, was it good or shit?
It wasn't good. Non of them were.
What? Never heard of it. Google shows something like little big planer rip off.
Oh lol
I honestly can't say, we're getting the full game like a few more months down the line. My hitmanfag friend says it's return to the form though.
The what? Wasn't eve an autistic MMO about spaceships?
From the name alone I say it's shit
No idea, is it good?
Don't play TW games, is it good?
Wow. Did anyone play it?
In all caps. Indieshit.
In all caps. Looks nice, but I doubt it has any good gameplay.
I wonder if hardcore F1 fans like it or not.
Looks like moba. I.E. shit.
Only hitman looks like something that can turn out to be decent WHEN IT'S FULLY RELEASED and a bunch of niche stuff only hardcore fans care about.
It seems Denuvo indeed has tendency to stick to shit games and shovelware.
Mad max was pretty decent, but it is one of those sand box like games ala far cry 3, where you go around the map doing the same 5 activity's over and over, I had a bit of fun with it and it is pirate-able.
The only denuvo game's that i bought were tomb raider and just cause 3 because they were on special, but I fully regret tomb raider because it's so mediocre, like somehow they took a step back from the first one. Just cause 3 is okay, but only for dicking around.
I'm waiting for the completed game to release and get cracked so i can have a nice discussion with Holla Forums. They fixed that shitty animation battle that units would have and charges are fixed but i can't help but wonder why they didn't add animations for the single lords dueling each other. Seems like this would've fit for the first time.
lol down syndrome kid
The reason people hated it was because the engine caused shitty problems to happen. I was going to continue but I bet you didn't play it anyways.
This made my day xD
Yeah it's a guy named Voksi_Bulgarian from Revolt forums.
Welcome back, (216)
Is this the right thread to ask for a pirating site? Now that is gone, I don't know where else to go and I don't remember any other sites from years ago
prostitute yourself for a private tracker
I don't think I'm attractive enough for that
hopefully this isn't another "I've cracked the game but don't want to let you know about lololol it's totally legit guys believe me" case. Also, the moralfagging and shitty arguments against copyright infringement in this thread are gloriously retarded
Thanks, user. At first glance it even looks like they're not filled with viruses. Appreciate the help.
hopefully this isn't another "I've cracked the game but don't want to let you know about lololol it's totally legit guys believe me" case. Also, the moralfagging and shitty arguments against copyright infringement in this thread are gloriously retarded
Denuvo is the cure against the scum
I sure enjoy Doom and TW: Warhammer quite a lot more knowing that worthless shits won't
IGG is usually availible from torrents like most other scenes I guess.
I would love to play Farcry Primal and TW: Warhammer.
he said he is going to release it to the public. he made a lot of cracks before like the dark souls 3 online one and most of the online cracks out there so I trust him.
8chon is completely out of touch regarding piracy. It reads like TorrentFreak. Piracy stops people buying games they otherwise might buy. Just because some nigger guilt trips themselves or wants to be a good guy and buy it after doesn't change shit. You have no idea how the average responsible person operates. Free is better than paying. If they can avoid paying they won't pay at all, especially in shit hole countries. Told you faggots this for months. You're getting your shit kicked in badly by DRM. No gook crackers are going to waste their time anymore.
Your whole naive narrative relies on "we can't possibly know how many". Just as bad as "if you make a good game it will sell".
Which is it?
There are some countries where they do sell for less.
An hero already.
A gamestop shop in Uruguay wanted to charge me 220 dollarydoos for a legit copy of The Last of Us.
Oh boy
Oh boy, a screenshot of a mysterious slav I never heard of saying something vague about what could be Doom or nuDoom.
This changes everything.
He is not a mysterious slav. he did a lot cracks before and he is pretty famous in most steam crack forums. it's going to be in half an hour from now but yeah I understand your point of view.
I remember articles about a nuDoom crack by some Russian guy some time ago and nothing ever came of that. Is this the same guy? Hell, is this the same claim? There is no date in your screenshot.
The thing is, Denuvo games just aren't very good so nobody gives a fuck to pirate em' and only normalfags are into them and we all know they're good goys.
>Just Fuck My Shit Up 3
The whole Denuvo uncrackable shit is just astroturfing. Stop making these threads. I'm sure they love to show them to potential clients when they're pushing their garbage software whose financial cost is way higher than any piracy.
I think HAWX took nearly a year to crack just because nobody gave a shit.
Besides for the real shitters who don't like supporting developers they have GOG games, more than enough to keep them occupied. I'm sure there's plenty a pirate playing Witcher 3 right now. Thing is, I'm sure many of them actually have huge respect to CDPR and are more than likley already or becoming actual customers. Not that GOG is sin-free of course but they're definitely not what I'd call the evil of the industry right now.
How many fans do you think SE has won with HITMAN DRM always-online nightmare? Practically none and has lost a the core of their audience, too.
I'm just rambling now. Fuck Denuvo. I saw them astroturfing in Tekken 7 steam forums trying to convince Bamco to become a client. Fucking pathetic. They got assblasted by the tekken community.
no not the same. that russian guy said he won't release to the public this one said he will. This is the forum
1. Start DLauncher.exe
2. Login to your account.
3. Wait the game to be patched.
4. Start DLauncher.exe again.
5. Login.
6. Enjoy.
I wasn't a fan of the new Doom when I played the demo but at least now other people can give it a try.
You can make a new dummy account you stupid. it's like a steam bypasser to make them thing you own the game or something like that
No shitting you. Go to foreign countries and cringe at the prices for some things. There's a good reason why people pirate. Would you par $220 for The Last of Us like
people try to blame piracy rather than exorbitant prices and low wages for China's shitty games industry & sales, they're releasing no new cracks to test and see if the market will rise from the ashes like talking heads claimed and as a demonstration piracy doesn't actually affect sales too much
Chinese people are smart enough to see that when they don't have to pay for something that's free, they won't.
I wouldn't play NuDoom even if that shit were free.
but metal gear v is cracked 100%
I'll wait and see if this shows up on the release log or private trackers.
ALYac Gen:Variant.Barys.54867 20160805
Ad-Aware Gen:Variant.Barys.54867 20160805
Antiy-AVL Trojan/Win32.Agent 20160805
Arcabit Trojan.Barys.DD653 20160805
BitDefender Gen:Variant.Barys.54867 20160805
Comodo TrojWare.Win32.Dynamer.DQ 20160805
Emsisoft Gen:Variant.Barys.54867 (B) 20160805
F-Secure Gen:Variant.Barys.54867 20160805
Fortinet W32/Generic.AC.35C294!tr 20160805
GData Gen:Variant.Barys.54867 20160805
Ikarus Trojan.Win32.Dynamer 20160805
Jiangmin Worm.BAT.dl 20160805
K7AntiVirus Riskware ( 0040eff71 ) 20160805
K7GW Riskware ( 0040eff71 ) 20160805
McAfee-GW-Edition BehavesLike.Win32.Backdoor.gz 20160805
eScan Gen:Variant.Barys.54867 20160805
Qihoo-360 Win32/Trojan.988 20160805
VBA32 TrojanDownloader.Betload 20160805
ViRobot Trojan.Win32.Dynamer.194560[h] 20160805
Zillya Trojan.Swizzor.Win32.191574 20160805
Look at how desperate you silly little children are. Just admit you don't want to pay for stuff full stop, you'll feel better. It's even so sad that you're willing to get fucked over so easily to continue rationalising it to yourself.
There are no games that make cracking Denuvo worth it
How can games cost more in 3rd world bumholes?
nice false positives, faggot
Also if you guys get false-positives on the files, it's normal. Almost all files are packed, hence the false positive. If I could have released it normally like other steamworks fixes and cracks, I would have.
How about Malwarebytes?
Is right.
ITT: painfully obvious kike shills
No. Giving consumers the kind of control over their own software that they ought to have necessarily takes control away from the publisher. If I can copy the game to a flash drive so I can play it on a different computer without connecting it to the internet, I can just as easily give that flash drive to someone else and let him play it–the software has no way of telling the difference between those two situations without becoming intrusive.
Publishers should stop trying to make piracy impossible or inconvenient and start trying to make buying games more attractive.
I see the anti-piracy psy-op has successfully migrated to Holla Forums from cuckchan.
How long until we start seeing dumps of interracial porn that are disguised as shitpost?
almost like they're afraid of bored bulgarians cracking their impenetrable DRM. this isn't cuckchan, they have no friends here
We've had anti-piracy fags in here since day one. (215) is example enough.
How's that paranoia treating you, Holla Forums? Everybody must be out to get you, that just has to be the answer.
Ridiculous taxes and importing fees.
Porn dumping is banned on this board, so never.
If somebody does that their shit will just be deleted.
You do realize the game hase been available on PS4 for over a year right? This isn't day one DLC, it already existed before the game even hit PC.
Read through the whole thread, this was the most accurate description of EDF.
Man I downloaded Witcher 3 and liked it so much I bought it and bought another copy for a poorfag friend who can't buy games.
Faggots cry about pirates but every pirate I know probably spends 10x as much money on games as moralfags. My steam library is over 350 games and I have a bunch of GoG shit and games on disc too. So fuck off moralfags, I easily spend way more on games than you cucks do.
Fucking lol dude. If I ever saw a post like that claiming there was a pro-interracial psyop going on, I'd either post the threads myself to troll the paranoid Holla Forums cucks or I'd have made the psyop post myself intending to post the threads later.
Stormcucks are way too easy to troll these days. They have forgotten what they once were and embraced the SJW-style echo chamber.
You're a dumb nigger:
RIP Denuvo.
user, you do realise that each game with Denuvo has a separate version?
This isn't a global crack, it's a crack for one game.