The globalist democrats strategy - since they have no agenda and are obviously away from the truth, not trying to improve the lives of working people - is to keep the "muh russia" narrative away from dying until 2018, when they hope there will be some trend for them to try regain at least one of the legislative chambers, they can also try to provide some final fake scandal to help boost some motivation.
Controlling either the Senate or House would allow them to use such fake scandal to call for an Impeachment vote, which would obviously fail, but the purpose is for it to fail so it supposedly energizes their base and puts pressure on republicans. Then, they could run their globalist candidate for 2020. If they feel somewhat confident, it's probably Warren. If not, someone like Creepy Joe Biden, which they hope would be a safer choice and would somehow have an appeal to their base and Midwesterners. If Old Joe is too decrepit, they run one of their clowns in the Senate or House, any idiot who doesn't sink for himself (they don't have such person in their ranks, though, since all of them are disconnected globalist puppets, when not outright unappealing due to the ideas they espouse).
If they do succeed in this they could resume their globalist sjw agenda they were pushing before and demonize President Trump as a Russian agent or something, giving them an excuse to implement mass voter-fraud, mass illegal alien legalization and, in fact, abolish elections through federal control (something the cucks in the republican party would probably consent, because they are also globalist-bought)
The problem with this is that, despite most of the republicans being aboard with them and outright self-sabotaging, they are very likely to lose again in both houses in 2018. They couldn't win any special elections, despite mass spending and media barrages. The republicans are the party in power, they will massively out-raise democrats and the urban-based democratic base has no turn-out during midterms, especially if Trump do measures against their voter fraud.
This is why it's crucial to energize conservatives to vote in the midterms, even if republican lawmakers are a bunch of cucks, even if that means voting for Paul Ryan. A lengthy democrat defeat in 2018 would crush their agenda early on and leave them hopeless for the next 6 years. It would secure Trump's position and destroy "muh russia" once and for all. There is a trend towards the opposition in the first midterms after a new administration takes over - but Trump is delivering, he isn't some globalist trying to screw over the people. The map is on our favor, and so is the weakness of the democratic party (no agenda, disconnected) and their base (no turn-out, no attention).
Fighting the media-establishment and doing other actions to keep engagement high among Trump supporters is the first step towards this. Can't stop memeing now, can't let Neocons, Alt-Lite and Alt-Right infiltrators let motivation go down, even with all the blatant treason in the republican party.