Alt light chink wants to genocide white southerners

Heon Jong Yoo
Phone #: 1-903-805-9499
Address: 400 Old Grande Blvd Apt 1201
Tyler Texas 75703-4172
email: [email protected]/* */
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko (uses Internet Explorer)
Host Name:
ISP: Suddenlink Communications
A News Article on Heon's Faggotry:
*There are claims of photography of Heon committing acts of sodomy, but such photography has yet to surface.
However, he blatantly admits to giving oral sex to other men.
Facebook Archives:
Snapchat: judenjager1993
Discord: A Really Bad Goy#1826

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking twinkie.

He needs the gas chamber immediately.

Hello, Reddit. You do realize you're on an imageboard, right?

It's too triggering to post.

A gook getting a bj from a meth whore is too triggering for you?
Now I know you're from Reddit.
use spoilers, newfag

me no rikey

South China see maybe.
that's autistic af

I wouldn't want interracial porn saved on my harddrive either

Wonder if its the same guy who spurgs out here whenever someone mentions the south.

I would hardly call it porn. It's blacked out. Delete it after you post it.
Do you think people save half the shit they post here for more than 5 seconds?

That's a Korean name. Get his ass back to the shithole he came from

Anyway, sorry to derail.
Go get that gook bastard.

I don't support interracial sex.

By supporting imgur, you're supporting far worse than a gook getting a beej from a hooker.

What is with these gooks self proclaiming to be Southerners all of a sudden? Not even blacks think they're Southerners. He's not the first one I've seen.

Also his user names
Snapchat: judenjager1993
Discord: A Really Bad Goy#1826

I don't have a problem with non whites hating Jews but what is his deal?

It is a Japanese term refering to Koreans.

"Southerners" from Texas are something completely different than southerners from Alabama or Tennessee. Texas really is its own thing, for better or worse. Anyone can be a Texan. Only white men can be southerners.


Rootless people sway in the breeze until they find something to latch on to. We've seen it with Whites often enough, now it appears asians are remote enough from their own cultures to try and find something worthwhile to belong to.

Texans have been different, but its mostly been spics and white hispanics right?

I don't think so. I'm from Georgia and if I went to Texas I wouldn't start calling myself a Texan.

Yes and no.
Much of it is the spics, but the rest can be blamed on California ruining their own shithole and migrating to Texas. Colorado, Washington and Oregon have all felt these effects.

Of course you wouldn't call yourself a Texan. You're not a faggot.



found his dox, along with his stats

fuck y'all

I thought gook was derived from some word in Korean and dates back to the Korean War? Thus, Americans coined the term. Maybe I'm thinking of zipperhead.

Good one user but now you've made me sad that we'll never get a good Jagged Alliance game again.

lol, girl looks worse than most coal burners. Sad.

Gooks wish they were white.


The continued development of 1.13 is enough for me.

I laughed and spit chocolate milk all over my computer screen

This. Although I really wish they'd create more open-ended campaigns, conquering Arulco for the 100th time sucks.



Lel jews like this is why Hitler needs to come back.

/r/ing that rawhide westaboo pic
These gooks are a hoot.

Checked and saved. That's genuinely hilarious.

It's actually a thing…

I feel like I have seen him before and you're being set up to dox a random asshole and you're going to fall into it like the retard you are.

Whatever happened to nypa?

What makes a Texan Southerner different from let's say a Tennessee or a Alabama Southerner? I am from eastern Oklahoma near the Arkansas border. and I have lived in Georgia and Texas. The only differences I have noticed is that although we all speak Southern English, there are different types and Texans wear boots everyday…other than that they are pretty much the same (The White Men of course). So, in y'all's opinion are the differences?

The only South this gook is from is South Korea.

eastern Oklahoma, Northwest Louisiana, Southwest Arkasas, and Northeast Texas are all pretty much the same. state lines don't matter much I have learned


The culture is different, user. Texas has its own thing. It's been a capitalist (not that that's bad), globalist place since they struck oil.
Northern Texas isn't the same as Dallas and the Austin/San Antonio area. It's a place where nobody is actually from. Everyone just goes to Texas when they want to make money or go on vacation.
Rural Texas is different, but I would consider much of that to be closer to "western" than "southern." Western isn't the same as southern.
The whole cowboy culture isn't so much of a southern thing as a western thing. Georgia was never known for its long cattle drives and ropin' calves. That's purely Texas and the west.

case in point:

This is the difference between a Texan and a southerner. Any questions?

Yeah I live in 'arklatex'. Pretty much the same

lol I had him added when I used to have a Facebook. He's a laughing stock. He literally has sucked 2 dicks to join a frat


Which parts of Texas do you consider 'Southern' I would say all small towns between Dallas and Houston and east from there. I agree that the cowboy thing is the major difference, however, cities like Beaumont and Nacogdoches might as well be Louisiana.

Certainly that's true.
But when you think of Texas, you think of Dallas, Houston, Austin (ruined by Califags), San Antonio and the other big cities. That's what defines Texas for me. Everything else, as you say, is like "southern Oklahoma" and "Western Louisiana." Doesn't really fit in with what the image of the state itself is.
I've never been to NE Texas so I can't say for sure about that particular area, but much of what people consider Texas is more Western.
Texas is more like Colorado and Arizona than it is Georgia or South Carolina.

How is life in Texas in general? Nice place to live or nice place to visit?

there are dozens of different cultures in the South.
as does every state. plus, not all Texas is remotely the same
It's been capitalist since forever, as has the rest of the South.
nobody is from Northern Texas? I don't understand this part
Texas is only Western in the sense that it has cowboys. The people are just like Southerners. They are not like Westerners. This is because they come from the same families as Southerners. Not including the Texans that came from other European countries

it has some very good parts and some not so good parts. depends what you're lookin for

I've noticed this among tumblrinas as well. Is it basically their equivalent of saying "goy" and "fam" on imageboards?

t. american Ching Chong Joo
really activates my rice


Who gets their dick sucked while the woman takes a shit? What a fucking loser, and he posted it on the Internet no less, faggot.

Is that one of the 25000 chinese spies on americas soil?

It was more amusing when I thought someone had just added that text to a photo of two asians. The video turns out to be terribly unfunny. (((Amazing racist))) tier jokes.

I warned you about the Koreans and their shinanigans

Yes. They also do "Oh, honey" and other things of that nature.

It's most likely Korean origin

No Hank Yoo

You're not allowed to talk about 'larping' if you're a gook in a cowboy hat.

Worst than California.

Total shithole full of christcuck communists and shitskins. IMkikey would love it

Definitely Korean. I mean he has one of the five surnames used in that place, the inbred cunt.

Nice slide thread guys.

The Chinaman has no place at the white man's table.

Woo Flung Poo?
Hank, Yoo?

Ohhhh ching chon dooo teng doi pun chi tsu la shi cho shon chi doo.

this faggot is a huge meme in altright fagbook circles

Korean. Not surprised.

Hank is a champ

He's as southern as Somali swede


That's his sugar momma according to him.

woah I sure am intimidated by his internet tough guy act. What a dumb gook. Good thing he'll be gone on the day of the rope.

Oh I know all about Hank. She was a 40 year old heroin addict that stole his truck, crashed it and took his virginity. The degeneracy is endless

I spoke with this faggot on Discord one time. He told me he's white LMAO.

what is he in JAIL for now?


I've had conversations with this guy. He actively pushes for whites to mix with other races. He gets triggered when you say whites and asians are not the same. The guy is insane and he is a problem because a lot of people don't see through his bullshit.

Go on..

Georgia and Florida largely birthed the name "cracker" from the whipcracks on their long cattle drives. You are a retard.

That is some of the gayest shit I've heard.

So? Ford makes cars in Tennessee, but it's not known as Motown.
You can grow peaches in louisiana, but that's not what they're known for.

tbh Tyler isn't that bad of a town, its a bigger "small town" but is getting filled recently with a bunch of trash from big cities like Dallas and Austin, has a booming economy and all of the nogs and beaners are segregated into the north part of town while the police are constantly patrolling south tyler to keep the nigs from nogging.
I drive by Hanks apartment complex at least once a week.

This would be 10/10 if it had the backpack straps

hello fellow southerners how do you do. i do declare, save your yen… i mean confederate money, nippon shall rise again

I'm gonna go ahead and put this here too.
There are precisely 0 times any kind of non-white is considered "Southern". I personally like the term Dixian better, for the same simple reason that you don't call Ukrainians "Western Russians".
Here is a literal definition though, I'll give you the one the guy who came up with that term has given it.
Also called Southerners (esp. when affixed with “unreconstructed”), Southern people, Dixians, Dixie people, Dixie nation, Confederates, Anglo-Celtic core South. A Christian nation and ethnic group native to Dixie, biologically descended primarily from the British and Scots-Irish peoples who settled the region during the Colonial Period and Plantation Era, who remain distinct from other British diasporas such as the East Anglia and North Midlands diasporas to the Northeast and Midwest, distinct from other European diasporas, and without significant admixture from non-European races. Ethnic Dixians speak their own widely recognized dialect of the English language.
Here is the link if you want to read the whole article:

Korean fatty desperate for attention whose spent too much time online. AKA a basic bitch gook. Someone should post, ONCE AGAIN, about what a fucked up people and place Korea is.

Find about his family and work. I bet they're in Korea and send him money while he spents all his time online.

Are people calling him? 1-903-805-9499 record that shit. We need to hear his Southern accent.

A Tennessean is going to be ethnically Scots-Irish, while the Alabaman is going to be English.

He's saying that people migrate to there so they're not from there. I wouldn't know I haven't been to Texas.
Yes, it's the blood that matters if you're going to be "blood and soil nationalists".

The majority of the North East Texas population originated from southern families moving west to escape the civil war, i.e. Virginia, alabama, south carolina ect.

I live nearby

Tyler has changed so much in the past few years, so much new shit on Broadway. We were supposed to have a new laser tag and bowling place put in but it got canceled.
Honestly it seems like Tyler would be the prime place for the racewar to kick off, its a heavily segregated town, but the nogs don't really chimp all too much.

Moving the goalposts. And also native Floridians know how cattle oriented the state is. You're just shitting up a gook hate thread with conjecture about the entire USA.

Heard GABC had something to do with it. They have influence on the commerce board.
NE Texas is prime, but I expect to happen more in Houston than here. I lived there for most of my childhood and can tell you it has changed rapidly for the worst. Its now like an mashup of LA and Detroit. If it happens anywhere, it'll be there.

Here is his arrest record for Smith County. He got arrested last December for robbing someones house while his buddies sat in his truck armed with several ar15s. Pretty scummy guy, he deserves whatever happens to him.

I can see where you are coming from, especially after all of the NOLA niggers got shoved into Houston after Katrina happened. I've only been to Houston a handful of times to visit, usually its only passing through on my way to Galveston. If things were to kick off in Houston it would be a fucking bloodbath.

Spic v Nigger v Southerner?

Good to know.

My best guess would it would start with a bean vs nigger and it would spill into white neighborhoods and it would end up bean vs nig vs white.


are you going to stay for a while? thought about moving there

Tyler is a nice town, just move into the south side of town and you wont have any problems.

that is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.

I myself am descended from English, Germans and Irish (not Scots-Irish) that settle western North Carolina and Tennessee during the first half of the 19th century and prior.

It is not that simple.

and the rest of Texas. my family hasn't been in North East Texas for a hundred + years

I like how it's close to DFW but not in that crowded ass metro.

yeah its 100 miles either way of Shreveport and Dallas, also visiting Oklahoma is really nice as well. I live out in the country away from Tyler but I still go there about once a week. Its a nice place to live.


Aren't we supposed to be against that here?


This guy is aware of this website by the way. I wouldn't be suprised if he has seen this thread. The guy was very suspicious when I talked to him, he might be a fed

Fucking alt-right cucks are basically antifa with more "muh property". Both filled with inked up degenerates and trannies.


The "cowboy" look isn't even southern per se, it's fucking Texan/Western. Plenty of people who actually raise horses/herd cattle/live on a farm have the decency not to make a caricature of themselves, but it sure is cringe-worthy when they accept these ridiculous stereotypes of themselves. It's like when southerners call themselves "rednecks" or "white trash", rather than gentlemen.

I literally don't give a fuck. At least gook boy there wants to be the bad boy instead of Nigger loving pretend republican waving a naval jack of a defeated democratic organization like most neo-Confederate larpers.

Neo-Confederate history white washing larpers are now triggered that not everyone is buying into their "We are the goodguys who love black people and hate the democratic party" garbage.

As a southerner myself…

So he's out on parole? What's he facing? At least 5 years I would imagine. Maybe his shit talk is a result of shitting his pants and losing his mind completely.

We should report him to his parole officer. His parents who you know posted the bond would lose their money. There's great victories to be had here. This lolcow is cashable at the lolz slaughterhouse.




Fuck off, you rice nigger.

American soldiers on Okinawa during WWII called Okinawans gooks.

"Korea" in Korean is "hanguk," whether country or people. The "guk" bit is likely what stuck, just like nip and nippon.

Die slant eyed gook fuck.
Wentworth, Harold; Flexner, Stuart Berg (1960). Dictionary of American Slang. Thomas Y. Crowell Co. "gook: Generically, a native of the Pacific islands, Africa, Japan, China, Korea or any European country except England; usually a brown-skinned or Oriental non-Christian."

"guk" roughly means "nation," it's a sort of catch-all term (means soup too)

"국" is the korean, you can chuck it in a translator of your choice.

I used to have him on fb. He's an endless source of amusement.
Pic related.

Every fucking time. I hate them so much.

That actually sounds fun.

Greeting everyone, I'm Caco, also known as Zach Parker. I am the one who takes credit for this chain of lulzy events, & I am the one who takes credit for doxing Hank Yoo.
Ask me anything you desire.
Also, here's his Facebook:
He blocked me the other day, but I still monitor his account & watch the flames, he likes to refer to himself as "pale".

Hank's yanks aren't known for being the brightest…..


Color me surprised, it's Maldraw 2.0.


This is clearly not first time i see asians like those. They sure do love fuck white women, and not just one or two. And they have extreme temperament, and constantly angry at everyone. They think by being angry to white men they can show off their power to white women, and score a pussy. First time i've met one i stopped believing in superior iq bullshit of asians.


He's gonna get lynched by REAL Texans

Dock that chink a days pay for napping on the job.

wmaf hapa

We should kill him

Oh fuck, it's me.

Also, I'm not a Mongol.


Who are you, and why do you wear my face?


It comes from the Korean Hanguk, or "korean people"

Really pisses me off.

This disgusting subhuman gook. I knew the moment I saw this faggot's face being posted everywhere that it was a gook.

Koreans are the nigger-kikes of East Asia. They cry non-stop about muh reparations, muh WW2, muh Japanese colonization, while in the same breath proclaim themselves "superior" by claiming every East Asian invention/discovery as Korean like fucking slant-eyed WEWUZ apefricans. Every time I see a "based roof Korean" post, it makes me sick. Disgusting weak race of dog-eaters.

There's plenty like that, actually. They usually make up the odd Jap name you'll sometimes see, in America, but boy do they feel the culture shock like a regular weeb does.

Well that's one thing you could do to captured Marxist filth.

mods = sods

His opinions about that aren't exactly uncommon on this board. There are plenty of naive Unionists who fail to see that it was Abraham Lincoln made it impossible for us to secede and create an all white nation.

That said, this guy is a racemixer and apparently a camwhore.

Hank Yoo? Call him, 'Thank You' maybe? He'll go away once someone locates his parents info. Print out some of these pictures and mail them to Korea for the greatest implosion in internet history.