Andrew Auernheimer's grandfather on his mother's (Alyse Marshall-Auernheimer) side is Alan Marshall...

Andrew Auernheimer's grandfather on his mother's (Alyse Marshall-Auernheimer) side is Alan Marshall, a Native American residing in New Mexico, this is primarily why his mother has previously identified as Native American:

Apart from Marshall's own biography indicating his origins at the Bacone Indian School, in N/E Oklahoma, documents corroborate his heritage & ICCC work:

CTRL + F for "Eagle Boy" here.

1969 newspaper:

Marshall's information is also included here at the VSA North Fourth Art Center:

Basically what this means is that an old e-mail allegedly from his mother is directly corroborated as well:



Alan w/ Kael:

Search for "Emathla Marshall" to find another reference:

Which no longer exists but read:

"Inner City, Los Angeles: "El Manco," by Josef Rodriguez a Mexican-American; and "Eagle Boy," by Emathla Marshall, a full-blooded Indian Marguerite Lenert…"

Other urls found in this thread:

Would ya look at that.

Shocked. Absolutely shocked, I tell you. Now, for closure can we get the info on the kike part? Is this just conjecture or is there something concrete there besides him looking like it in certain (re: most) pictures?

weev's grandfather has served Freemasonry for 50 years:

See here:

Grandmother "Marie" confirmed here:

Check page 12 to see they are on the Truman Club Roll of Donors:

Obituary to confirm the connection to Edward Auernheimer:

Which takes us back to Johann, a Mennonite whose line appears Jewish out of of Bayern, Bavaria, buried at Zion Mennonite Cemetery in Iowa:

Other relatives (Weber) for comparison through a Christian Auernheimer:

Yasi, a niece to his father, who appears Jewish:

Father, Mark (#4-L):

Yasi, a niece to his father, who is the daughter of Quannah and Mohammed Zamanian:

Quannah is Alyse's sister, Mohammed is an Iranian who married into their family, so Yasi is a mix

The email is verified since Alan is Native, which means the rest of it is likely true, also here is a picture of his ancestor Maria on his dad's side and he has lied about where his dad's side came from:


Every time !!!

TRS and DS are going to be shitting this place up very soon. Cannot believe it hasn't already started. So, how many non-white writers are we up to at the Daily Stormer now?

This really is even worse when you think of his insistence on European paganism. It seems it would be more accurate if he danced around a fire in a wolfskin and feather headdress. Even his children would qualify for Injun benefits right? Maybe even their children?

Fucking absurd.

even further back showing he is lying fyi

God damnit, not again.
We're going to have to deal with the " I swear mike enoch is Serbian Croatian Norwegian and you're all jealous".

Oh no, user, this could be even worse as Pierce (I think it was him?) went on about how it is somewhat D&C in America to get into what is white with regards to MINISCULE traces of Native American ancestry. This will guarantee be used ad nauseam. They will drag his name through the mud for this, like niggers in the Reich, so some cartoonish non-white can continue being a useless buffoon.

Remember heim is a Jew . and his furthest back are from -heim hamlet.
either way, the place he said they're from is from the opposite side of germany. Why lie right

This is far and away the worst formatted post I have ever seen on this board.

My mistake . It's been a long work day

weev had mentioned on many occasions that his parents were ultra-liberals and have adopted couple of nigger babies. No wonder they are also 'wannabe' Natives. Having Elizabeth Warren as your mom doesn't make you non-white. The claim of Jewishness has no basis either.

This retardation.

Because it's a shill, not a Holla Forumsack


weev is controlled opposition and an FBI snitch.

mom/sister (Quannah)

Implying there isn't like 75% overlap and people just come here to be slightly more edgy or when they don't want to shit on people they dislike with their namefag avatars.

It doesn't matter what his race is because he's a federal informant.

It doesn't matter what his race is because he's a federal informant.

It doesn't matter what his race is because he's a federal informant.

It doesn't matter what his race is because he's a federal informant.

It doesn't matter what his race is because he's a federal informant.

It doesn't matter what his race is because he's a federal informant.

It doesn't matter what his race is because he's a federal informant.

It doesn't matter what his race is because he's a federal informant.

It doesn't matter what his race is because he's a federal informant.

It doesn't matter what his race is because he's a federal informant.

some mennonites are jews not that unusual

People used to say his name was proof of him being a Juden, but it's not a Jewish name.
I then found out that back in his trolling days, he slandered or doxed or did something to some white (supremacist, identarian, whatever) guy who wants revenge. He was interviewed in podcast once and someone posted it here.
So basically this weev drama is because he was (still is) a sociopath troll who pissed off/ ruined the life of some white separatist before becoming one himself.

Well shilled, faggot.

Whew. Shareblue is out in full force these days.

Any reaction from Shanley?

This, frankly.




Hey, my grandpa was a Shriner.

He said he admitted to being jewish on multiple occasions.

Fug. Ignore the "he said"

any anons who have the capability and drive to try to start their own podcast thing should really fucking do so. We have allowed infiltrators to be the only ones doing it for far too fucking long.

I found that picture on link 2 of a jewish woman

I'm getting there user. It's going to be more like Zionist watch though - an altright version. Shill-o-Vision.

Now this is what non-organic doxing looks like. It's not like we don't have better things to use against the guy than cornnigger blood or better things in general to focus on

And here they come.

Is the OP Blindlight? The posting format seems just like him.

Yes Freemasonry not the main point rather it is that he is confirmed non-White. Sorry my native tongue is german

holy shit you're fucking retarded
t. ethnic mennonite


what about that okcupid profile where he's admitting to being a full disgusting kike of german kike descent? was it a carefully crafted fake?

Remember that he also said he was Native American on that.