Fucking Brits

Why wouldn't this work?

Picture unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:


People are already doing it. Especially when they announce hatecrime busts

Well, the real crimes can be what you can imagine. It doesn't have to work only for them. RIP octobro.


Dubs confirm…ehm…I don't know exactly what they confirm. That the system overload is imminent and soon lawlessness and chaos will reign in Londonistan, giving leeway to the White resistance for some serious "counter-measures".

ZOG grows fearful when free men plant hate speech whose consequences they know they shall never be legally responsible for


Reminder that the United States of America is the only country on earth that has freedom of speech.

And where you have to pay 100k dollars reparations to gay couples if you refuse to make them a wedding cake.


That first pic. They are braggin, proud of it. Makes my blood boil.
People should really start coming up with some code words or other rhetorical work-arounds, because this is only getting worse.


Half of them are "Asians" and rubbing in your face that they are prostituting your daughters.

No, we need to fight in the open. They cannot put all of us in jail. No more hiding in the shadows like cowards.

Not even remotely close to an argument.

Please, fuck off back to whence you came, you complete minda.

I've been doing this for years, even if they hired someone who'd break my opsec what the fuck will they do once they find out that Geoffrey Ronson from Birmingham actually doesn't exist and that this was all posted by some shitlord from some nowhere town in an Eastern European shithole?



This is the reason America is better than Brittan. The closest computer forensics gets to this shit in the US is investigating people sending bomb threats to their school in an email.

Go stand on a street corner holding a sign calling for the boycott of Israel Ameri-kun.

it would work, and in fact you can take advantage of 'cyberstalking' laws in the us doing the same thing. make profiles that appear legitimate of antifa members sending messages that constitute violations of the law to people willing to call the police over it and they'll get charges

there's no precedent set for what is necessary to prove these messages are from the actual person themselves so yes it does work

Okay. Given that it's not illegal to do so, regardless of what link you're going to post next, I will. And nothing will happen. Reminder that the United States of America is the only country on Earth with freedom of speech and you are just FUCKING ASS-RAVAGED by your own country's inadequacies.

You have to have an IQ of 110 to post here. We don't take retards.

But it is illegal to call for a boycott on Israeli goods Ameri-kun. You have an anti boycott law in place.

>muh (((supreme court)))

I fear for England almost as much as I fear for my own country.


Is this the anti-Anglo thread?
You fucks have been playing this for over a few years now.

In kingship we stand the outsider of desert morals will be slaughtered like the animal it is.

I feel bad for the britbongs. GCHQ probably fapping to all the hate speech on Twitter.

t. burger

All europeans were the shabbos goyim at one point in time.
Only since about 30 years have we had our greatest weapon against the kikes, the internet that allows us to report on their evil machinations globally.

Always focus on the kikes and put government before the people.
Even trump must be rationalized with 1488D chess now.

Fight the kikes, not the people.


The basic understand of the desert Peopeel (the jew) is very basic on turns of advanced civilisation. They cannot replicate it, but they are able to attach themselves and use it.
The problem comes when they think they can use this advantage to steer it for themselves. After that, they seem regard blocked to the fact why people disagree.

just never tell them it is because they are faggots


to send that Diane Abbot bitch lots of hate mail. Mention the work nigger a few times. It really triggers her.

Or "accidentally" fuck it up on delivery.

british police memes when?

When you need to make up stories as if you were a child stealing from the cooky jar then you don't really have freedom of speech.
Sure, there are no laws in the US stating you can't offend, but (((people))) can sue.

Anyway, the one thing protection free speech is anonymity. Made the mistake of posting something (which might very well have been "Fuck Muslim violence") (((they))) didn't like on facebook.

British cops don't even have guns. All it takes is a guy in a head towel screaming allahu ackbar shooting at them and they run. Now imagine that is a white male playing dressup and fucking up these ken dolls in bobby wear, and the crown can't do shit because it's a "muslim".
Why not use their self placed weaknesses against them?

They turn the cameras off to save money especially the ones close to where the royal family and all the politicians are. Of course hate speech is a priority they don't want people saying that 40 years ago when there were virtually no niggers of the sand or tree variety our country was better and safer. When the media wasn't constantly pumping the jewish message into the soft brains of our youth. And they don't want people saying that the government organizes the mainly false flag terrorism to justify their budgets and existence and to pave the way for martial law.

Stop spreading this meme you 110 IQ pleb, nobody cares about muh test scores.

Finsbury was just another false flag.
1 No damage to van
2 Air ambulance didn't attend but as you can see from my picture they say they did.
3 Police helping "victim" while ambulance men look other way and share a joke.
4 Police moving victim (wrong).
5 Police moving victim in such a way her shoulders may dislocate, or might cause paralysis.
6 Victim is carrying large number 2, as used in crisis drills to denote which pseudo victim has to be dealt with in which order.
7 The driver was a mason

As a britbong, I beg you to do this. Our police are arrogant fucking scum.

They do have guns.


This, and 110 isn't even that high. That makes you an average Northern European, nothing more, nothing less.



He's right. It's not illegal if your Muslim for example.

im so down

Actually, try it. You can go to jail for trying to boycott Israel.

It's perfectly legal to call for a boycott. It's only illegal to do a boycott, but…

…only if you're running a company. Private individuals can boycott whomever they want.

Considering how fucked up the laws in britbongistan are, especially against ebil whitey, I don't really see how counter-measures can be deployed.
Even some simple self-defense, clearly on videotape, can get you behind bars if you get the "right" judge.