The Emmys Have Gone Full SJW

Bill Nye's Sexual Spectrum video has been nominated along with every other nominee being anything left. What are your thoughts on this? All staff of the Emmys are Clinton donors as well. Samantha Bee has been nominated as well and their chair is Madeline De Nonno – CEO of the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media.

Other urls found in this thread:

"Who enjoys a fleshlight
In the cold moonlight"
is a lyric from Bill Nye's Sexual Spectrum episode… Just putting that out there for folks that don't understand how cringey it is for this to be nominated.

Every single nominee is left
Some nominees:
Orange is the New Black
Full Frontal
John Oliver
Stephen Colbert
Alec Baldwin (for poorly mocking Trump on SNL)
Inside Amy Schumer
American Crime
The Reagans
Angels In America
Bill Nye Saves the World

Fashies when?

Surprised they are giving this shit a mention either.

Since when Emmy awards were relevant? That's electronic jew incarnate
Furthermore namefaggotry is
So you deserve a sage, shithead

I think if anybody wants do do something the should reach out to former Grammy winners, get them to debase themselves by saying this garbage is comparable to theirs. You know they have to or face the wrath of the Jew. For lulz.

The horrible thing is not so much what they're doing, but that every normalfag that begged for it to stop on YT and realized slippery-slope wasn't a fallacy, will willingly overlook this. They will blind themselves to the Jew outright insulting them so blatantly and outwardly, boldly. They're so committed to not seeing the Jew for what it is, they'll pretend it never happened. This is your mind on Jews. Forgetful, uninspired and docile.

Pure gold user

They'll overlook it because no one is providing an alternative.

The media is a cesspit of aids user, we all know this. I watched GameOfGoy this weekend, and almost right off the bat they had a scene pushing gender equality, defending the need to have women fight alongside men. Kikes are going all out.

Yeah, these are end times. Right now, the Emmy's are just producing for us a list of those who need to swing on the DOTR.

What a rancid title. Play this video if you want to throw up.

To be fair, for the GOT scenario, as well as the DOTR, we're gonna need every body we can get on the frontlines for such an important, lifechanging battle.

That cuckservative retard Crowder is just as bad, if not worse, than any SJW.


This isn't as easy as putting a gun in the hands of a woman. You can't train women, and little girls ("I refuse to knit by the fire during the fighting") for medieval battle in a short amount of time. Watch that show knowing the creators are ardent feminists, and you'll see that undercurrent rearing its head all of the time. It's overflowing with strong womyn.

No thanks


You made a good call. But next time someone you know brings her up as "really funny", serve them that link and suggest that they gas themselves for promoting such degeneracy.


I worry about the people that genuinely find this funny


Wanna know how I can tell OP is underage b&?

Geez the Emmys are desperate.

These 'award' shows are nothing more than end of year infomercial where Shlomo slings the bluerays he overproduced that are taking up shelf space that need to be moved to make way for his next batch of filth and degeneracy. Seriously, it's nothing more than a trade show. These faggots and junkies get dressed up in loaner outfits then do drugs and fuck each other in the ass. Some raghead would snackbar the red carpet unfortunately nonexist who aren't Jew controlled.

Who fucking gives a flying fuck about any of this subversive cuckery? If you have cable tv at this point, let alone watch it, you should find the nearest shotgun and eat lead. Quite frankly, if you're involved with any form of fiction at this point, you should be ashamed to call yourself a man.

If i would be a Chinese Talent scouting bot she would go straight to the olympic disc throwers Pool with that build.

Awards ceremonies have always just been a circle jerk and most people know it. They're just being stupidly obvious now, to the point where they're almost making a satire of themselves. Or maybe that is their plan…. I can't really tell with (((them))) any more.

normalfag talmudvision has been trash for a very long time now.

As a lifelong weeaboo fa/tg/uy, my instinct is to zealously debate this, but you just aren't wrong. Everything has been pozzed beyond belief. Besides, who the fuck even needs fiction when reality is now crazier than anime?

The only Thing that makes me angry is that Amy schumer isnt an olympic disc thrower with that Kind of genetics.

We're in fucking Weimar Germany here in America.
Trump is Hindenburg.
Question is, who's going to be our Hitler?

Maybe she figured she could throw class further than a disc.

Just wait, I'm coming.

Is this how she tried to stay relevant after that pirate movie?

no one cares what a namefag thinks, fuck off

That's exactly the case. I wish we could meme their dissolution.

The emmys have always been full (((SJW))) you fucking reddit fag. GTFO.

more like moishe kosher amirite?

Pretty sure your need for correct punctuation on a frog cultivating Board doesnt fit You for the job.

fuckin checked. your dubs have spoken.

>(((steven croughter)))

This is a joke, right?

Prohibition is degenerate.

Are you sure that's not a parody? Even that name looks kiked to all hell.

Further proof they are going for broke. They aren’t even slightly hiding their bias anymore. They are in brute force mode and it will continue to backfire.


fuck off sjw


This is a form of virtue signalling. The panel that judges these sorts of awards almost always consists of far-left freaks who virtue signal other award panels by giving the awards to leftist propaganda and degeneracy. Its the same with the nobel peace prize. How do you think Al Gore and Obongo got their prizes?

Just legalize it all maaaaaan. Fuck you degenerate debauchee scum. You'll die the death with all the other heretics. I bet you'd legalize fag marriage too, wouldn't you. - gghq's UN Recap thread, includes Di Nonno's bio - Di Nonno with a bunch of Indians. Don't know if it means anything. - big names at a fundraiser for Geena Davis Institute

She has a very unfortunate body fat distribution.
About as fortunate as her humour endowment.

or moishe casher

lol it's real

Every time someone mentions this lady, this image pops in my head and I get a good laugh.


It just..

The thing is it wasn't even am objectively good rap. I'd get it if it was tongue in cheek and rhymed well. But it was literally fucking dreadful. I thought it was satire for about half the song.


Dubs confirm retard. He's also the most arrogant alpha wannabe ever. I like how he poses for every thumbnail on his videos. He's absolutely in love with himself. I don't know how when he looks like a puffy cryptokike.

Amy (((Schumer))) is just the physical manifestation of all degenerates and females in comedy wrapped up in one pig faced ugly slag.

This coupled with that "sex junk" song from (((Bill Nye))) literally screams out to the likes of us that the kikes are going all out, they're holding nothing back and they are not being in any way smart about it…
This is *aggressive* propaganda.

And we're already seeing a backlash against it. A good portion of normies hate this shit as much as we do.

Been shitposting T_D lately and when Islam comes up, it has been rather interesting. What used to be a few comments is now pages. It's basically stormfront-tier hateposting within T&C (only the kikes get covered by rule 3 strangely, just like Liveleak).

Seems they allow us to bash the islam boogeyman on various sites in order to let steam off and leave the kikes out of it.
We need to subvert this anger to reveal the jew.

Why do you think those who cry loudest about Muslims (or 'Islamists' to use their cowardly newspeak) are always kikes? Milo, Shapiro, Wilders, etc etc

Who the fuck watches the emmys anyways?

Prediction; ratings for the emmy's will be at an all time low and they'll claim it's because of muh phobias.

Hitley ID dubs confirm

Very, very damn good point re:milo 'based nigger loving faggot' (fuck you T_D cucks ffs) and co.
On that topic, there has been more of a swing against fags and trannies there too it's been great to see. The Holla Forums is leaking there so much more than it was at the start of the year.

TFW our efforts are succeeding

The Emmys are literally a Goodest Goyim reward. What the fuck were you expecting? When the fuck were they ever not "full SJW?"

Why is this news?

Why are you namefagging?

Get the fuck off this board, newfag.

fuck off e-celeb faggotry

It's fantastic that this is happening. I was on an audiobook piracy site, the other day, and came across this comment left for the shitty hidden niggers book. Makes me smile that Holla Forums is everywhere.


I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Thanks user.
sage for off topic

Beautiful find, user.
Youtube is especially lost. Anything remotely related to the holohoax these days has been largely subverted at minimum 1/4 of all comments up to 1/2 or more in some cases, anything remotely related to middle east or US govt is 9/11 or ISISrael red pill related.