The research claims that up until 180 years ago, people were getting smarter thanks to natural selection favouring 'survival of the sharpest'.
The emergence of farming, cities and government would have made it easier for smarter people to get on in life, have more children and pass on their genes more widely.
Victorians were smarter than the class of 2017
Other urls found in this thread:
There are quite a few people still around of high intellect, they are just over swamped in all those people who would have died without the GIBS and during birth.
Gee, if only there were a means of applying selective breeding to humans, like humans do for livestock and pets. Or even, dare I say it, a means of deterring weaker members of our species from reproduction, instead of forcing others to subsidize it through welfare.
Were smart, social creatures. Why hasn't some forward thinking central planner tried to introduce something like this before, for the benefit of their nation?
Jesus, the hallmark of a dogshit thread: baseless, generalized assertion by pretentious OP who thinks he knows history.
Surely it has nothing to do with the mass importation of shitskins.
The past 100 years have been an endless decline in every aspect of humanity. Also note that radical demographic changes also effects average intelligence.
It's the exact opposite.
Only now. Agrarian societies favor different aspects than hunter-gatherer/nomadic societies. The problem is that the eternal (((swindler))) can thrive in both, much as a parasite lives inside a host until it is caught and expelled.
Fresh OC
That statement isn't supported by evidence.
Flynn effect is kill.
McFucking kill yourself, holy shit.
By that alone you can very well conclude they're including the octodecillion niggers popping out compared to 180 years ago.
I still don't buy into the "everyone's getting dumber" thing because if you compare average IQ changes in the past century to average population changes you can tell that, despite BILLIONS of more niggers and pahjeets, the global IQ hasn't dropped as significantly as as an exponential increase in sub70 IQ retards would actually do if the white median had stayed the same.
In short, whites are getting smarter, but it's not enough to combat the ridiculous boom of nonwhites.
Whites are/were getting smarter, due to environmental changes related to technology. At the same time genes for intelligence were selected out. So now, if environmental pressure diminishes, due to a happening, you would get dumbest whites ever. Still smarter then most of the world ofc.
b-b-but muh flynn effect!!!
So normies are not pretending that it's the environment anymore? That's a huge step in the right direction .
Its likely more due to the education being heavily subverted and dumbing us down. This is intentional. They heavily weaken the education standard, lower the requirements and merit of college/university and propagandize the entire curriculum to create a society of ill informed, ignorant, barely capable robots.
There was a thread a while ago with an entry test into Yale or some kind of application form from around a century ago, it was brutal stuff. That's because universities were high caliber a century ago. You had to be legitimately intelligent and gifted to get in. Now the average teenager can get in with ease and people are surprised when the debt bubble keeps growing as well as diplomas meaning nothing.
You didn't happen to save it did you?
No shit. Look at the wanton materialism and kikification of everything.
Although I don't doubt the rigorousness of old-timey education (it was much better) Ivy League schools like Yale put more of an emphasis on character than on academics. There was such a thing as the Yale Man or a Harvard Man because what they wanted to cultivate was future leaders not anti-social eggheads.
It wasn't until Jews got a hold of acadamia that egghead culture grew and more of an emphasis on things like grades and test scores.
Here is a yid admitting to it here:
Here you go user.
I wonder how prevalent slide rules were in 1869.. some of that arithmetic is pretty brutal to interpolate
I don’t doubt it, academic standards were higher and discipline still existed. BUT there is another factor familiar to us all that needs to be pointed out (yet again). The Victorians were Natives to the British Isles, Anglos, Celts and so fourth. Look at the “British” “Class of 2017” and you will in most cities and various other regions a minority of Ethnic natives. The Class of 2017 is in many cases totally different set of peoples race wise. Race and IQ are linked whether science dare admit it or not. Even if the curriculum were identical and discipline practices were identical to that of Victorian Britain I strongly suspect that results would still be lower.
Stronger than you, NEET.
Academic standards were not higher, just the academic knowledge was not as widespread. One of the very early entrance exams to harvard was literally "plug given data into a very basic pythagorean triangle problem". It's also that back then a lot of academic knowledge experiments could be reproduced at home without a lot of effort or sensitive equipment. It means that you could basically set up a lab in your back yard and see all the things you read in books. This is still possible today with knowledge from back then of course, but a lot of new advancements in science are simply impossible to reproduce without equipment that can cost well into 100k $. Exemptions would be IT I suppose.
all i read in this OP is bureaucracy loving kikery
I hate that idiots like you are allowed to live. The standarts were higher, you only have to look at old questionnaires from the nineteenth century. The existence of gender studies also proves a degeneration.
The hard times haven't even begun.
What's happening with demographics in the west is unprecedented in all of human history. This one is going to be big. It'd be a cruel irony if it took until we're old men to kick off proper, though. Improve yourself and your clan.
Which is why I'm not reproducing.
Dumb people shit out so many kids, I would just be taxed to subsidise them, at the expense of my own potential family.
So numbers wise we lose, this means democratically we are fucked, unless everything breaks soon, I'm just gonna opt out. Let the retards and their spawn inherit the shitshow that our world will become, they fucking deserve it.
Oh you mean standards like pic related? Oh so much harder than today. Are you telling me you can't multiply and divide? Are you telling me that Americans are not taught how to multiply and divide in school? That they can't solve basic problems? Your SATs are a joke, true. One time I looked an SAT up and I saw the hardest math question was about finding a set of parameters in a quadratic function with given values at points. However questionnaires like this are also pretty much a joke. It's what every student on even basic level math is taught since middle school in my country. Don't talk about shit you have no idea about, retard.
The Jews did this. They kill the brightest Goyim while promoting the most wicked and stupid ones. Jews want a world of slaves just intelligent enough to their assigned jobs but to stupid to rebel against them.
Can you post the full text? Or at least a cover that says what it is? Having a stamp that it belongs to a college library doesn't mean it's a college exam.
Answer all questions in pic related or retarded.
I got this off my search engine, checking the first link
Which is even easier.
As a scientist I have to criticize this data set because they are comparing two very different sample sets, unless the modern sample was composed of all whites who are descendants of the population originally sampled the conclusions are shit without any basis.
This is actually bullshit, the entire cyclic view of history is bullshit, just as is any unidirectional leftist narrative about "progress". Reality is more complex as humans we see cyclic were none exists. In reality times are relatively hard for many even in periods to which great decadence is attributed. At other times such as the long European period from 700 to 1900 AD there is no apparent cyclic for civilizations with the predominance and fall of powers based on outside interference or political maneuvering rather than apparent decadence or a national character forged through hardship.
And of course in modern times there is a whole new sort of selective pressure at work. Liberal whites(the weak) are actually dying out rapidly and it is only though the inundation of shitskins that they still hold any political power, particularly in America which the trend of disparate birthrates is most pronounced. Rightist white Americans are the only large population in the industrialized world which maintains above replacement birthrates and has for more than 70 years. Their birthrate is between 2.6 and 2.9 depending on how the group is defined and who collected the data. Meanwhile liberal whites site at 0.9, kikes at 0.8, spics at 1.6, niggers at 1.2, and azns(vague categorization) at 1.1. Even in Europe the shitskin invaders don't break a birthrate of 1.6, after the second generation they become like the niggers of America.
Never before have we had the plethora of distractions from the business of breeding, the welfare state which means that 60% of the population can feed off the surplus of white males, and the technology to make such decadence viable as even the poorest of the dregs each have the equivalent of thousands of human slaves laboring for them every second of their lives.
The situation is unprecedented and though drawing inferences from past events can inform our models of the future pretending that this is just like the slow decline of Rome or any other event will not only make a shitty non-predictive model it will fuck with our attempts to solve the problem.
The ultimate solution is the extermination of all leftists, faggots, muds, kikes, ect. Whether due to violent expropriation or by hunkering down and letting them abort, contracept, and snort themselves into oblivion is undetermined.
If the are allowed to import too much mud civilization will collapse. If we imposed adaptive behavior on them we might juts be kicking the can down the road as the genes that predisposed some toward liberalism and weakness might be preserved.
That's why I get pissed off as simplistic cyclic models, not only are they not helpful and perhaps harmful they openly deny attempts to solve the problem in a permanent manner at this most opportune moment.
Hitler as a fool because he would have saved the weak by forcing them to be strong, we should exterminate the week forever so no one will ever again have the choice to be anything but strong. We must eliminate the inheritable traits which are being expressed in this deleterious manner. If all whites were naturally hated-filled and taciturn this would never have happened. In the past our forefathers didn't exterminate the shitskins they conquered. Hitler didn't burn all the kikes to ash who were in territory under his control. Let us learn from the past and ensure this time no one survives.
Need sources for those birth rates if you've got them. This a whitepill that I desperately need
GTFO reddit.
Other than the somewhat archaic wording there is nothing difficult in those problems. A slide rule would be sufficient. to assist with the math. That's just geometry.
For the US the GSS, and US Survey will provide the raw data on birthrates. through time.
Why would a slide rule be necessary? It asks for proofs.
I assume they want example arithmetic rather than merely a drawing, though you could just write the equations with the variables attributed to a labeled sketch if you have them memorized.
Remember this was a test from a time when memorization of the equations themselves was important because you couldn't simply have them at hand anywhere and anytime.
Well you can solve the first question by knowing that a triangle with two equal arms, or sides if you want to call it that, has to have two same angles with the base. This means you can use the sine rule which is right for every triangle. So you have two arms which are equal to circle's radius and two same angles. Solving for third angle in each triangle you'll soon come to conclusion that the third angle has to be the same because all angles must sum up to 180. Each triangle has angle alpha and a right angle + one unknown angle. Ergo triangles' unknown angles are actually the same angle. Knowing that all angles in both triangles are the same and the heights and arms are the same, logical conclusion is that the base is also the same in each triangle. This means that the perpendicular in question cut the chord in two. If you want stronger proof, then you can use the sine theorem which will give you the same answer but mathematically with like three steps or something. You'll need to solve two equations, one with each triangle's base. Since the triangles' angles are the same you'll come to conclusion that both bases are, in fact, equal and thus again the chord is cut into two equal parts.
For the second question I assume that you need to draw a circle around any triangle. I am not a native english speaker so I am not familiar with some terms. Basically you need to cut all of the triangle's sides in half. The point where all the lines intersect is the center of the triangle. Radius is the distance to any point as should be, because it's a circle.
I don't understand wholly the third question and I lost interest. The structure suggests it's related to Thales' theorem but I don't know what exactly they want from me. Whatever. I am not even good at geometry. It's modern high school problems basically.
The meme is a simplification of history's cycles and never claimed to be an explanation for the fall of every nation in history. It remains that we have and continue to make the same mistakes that have destroyed past civilizations, and is largely a memetic payload that warns us of progress' destination.
agreed as a fellow STEM fag>>10272169
A major problem is that advertising has made intelligence more or less a moot point in so much of life. This is greatly exacerbated by the average person being brick shit-house stupid and things become more coveted than beliefs/ideas. Perhaps if women were smarter things would be different, but alas women are easily swindled and slow to realize. If you disagree, yes you female user, think of how many sluts/pornstars regret every decision in their latter years when the cocaine and parties have finally worn away youth and attractiveness.
Your tactics don't work here kike.
Good. We don’t need any more jews.
De-evolution theory comes to mind. We wuz hyper-intelligent giants and shieet. Not entirely impossible, as everything should be studied and investigated.
Keep crying.
African niggers have an IQ around 70 at best.
So the question is, why does Ireland have a lower IQ than England despite not having nearly as many shitskins?
So how could a nation stop such a cycle?
I've always wondered, and I think you alone can help me answer this question; what exactly does cock taste like?
Read Spengler you retarded bigger.
B-but IQ tests are fundamentally flawed, biased and racist. :^)
this could be really powerful if you made an effort instead of finding the first stock photo you searched for for each
as a man with common sense I have to criticize the way you introduce yourself: what does that have to do with anything here? trying to claim some status makes you look like an idiot, just explain your view
where are your sources for these figures you say, 'scientist'?
you really have your head jammed up your ass, everything you say is relativistic drivel with absolutely no grounding. Where is your point?
May you be an example to others as to what a MORON looks like, snapping this way and that ranting on anything that comes to mind and never establishing a context
It's because with the advent of "smartphones," the class of 2017 doesn't feel like they need to retain information, as they have lightning fast access to it. So they can use their brains for other things, like adult coloring books and fidget spinners.
Listen and believe
You can't stop the cycles hath ye not read? The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? Yes the only expception being jeremiah 31:22
Is there any way to overcome this access to information vs memorization? I have been memorizing more and more material lately so at the very least I can figure out how to build basic stuff. But I still suck at memorizing things unless I really care/focus.
University is there to learn, focus should be put on standardized testing.
Tests however have become a mostly obsolete memory game though where you memorize key passages from a shitty article. Not sure if this was the same in the past, if it was the same well whatever.
All the educational facilities for niggers, and yet they just can't get it above 85 average. Why are presidents keeping those animals around? They are easy to dispose of, as a people they are so inferior that when push comes to shove they are easy to exterminate even if they outnumber 10 to 1.
Well, is the information you're memorizing applicable to everyday situations, or is it simply trivia? Knowledge without application is trivia. Just try to learn, as opposed to memorizing.
this is true
intelligence is linking every experience, every emotion, every theory, all into one state of mind
KYS use jpg faggot.
Didn't Hispanics score lower than blacks that were born in the U.S somehow?
rampant alcoholism? kills braincells