This is just a friendly reminder for you that are too autistic to pick up on subtle social cues. Pepe posting has died down trickle except amongst boomers, Redditors and autists. You will see very little of it on the catalogue now compared to a year ago when it used to cover the catalogue. There's three threads up out of all the threads combined with OP of Pepe images and two of those are anchored.
I suggest a new rule to ban anyone that posts Pepe. We can't afford to becoming a laughing stock.
it's cringe as fuck. instead of invoking the image of the only type of Holla Forums user that shouldn't be banned (6' or taller, fit, pure blood, socially capable and charismatic), it invokes the people who should be banned from here and gassed (manlets, fatties, skeletons, NEETs, friendless virgins, civic nationalists, reddit)
kek, kekistan, pepe need to be banned. for now, just use wojak.
Nathan Jackson
I made a thread similar to this warning people about the impending death of the meme about half a year ago and got banned for it. People were caught up in the praise Kek fervor and I saw the writing on the wall that this wasn't going to end well.
This well not end well if Holla Forumslacks continue to persist in Pepe posting. We will become a laughing stock and lose our effectiveness. Pepe is done, over with. It's seriously time to stop.
Brayden Walker
Ive already thought people talking about this shit were autistic to begin with. That and spamming "memes" like some underage faggot makes you look retarded. I suggest anyone still acting like a sperg and using meme as anything but to describe what is called an internet joke , should be punched in the face. Seriously. You are all adults so you should be acting like it. Spamming "KEEP POSTING DANK MEMES BOYS!" in threads makes the actual adults want to vomit. Sure you can use "memes" aka internet jokes but please for the love of god stop acting autistic about it. Post the god damn joke, have a laugh, move on. Thats how it was done before reddit got ahold of it and now you all caught the faggot symptoms.
Lincoln Jones
No OP you are the newfag. Peep died before due to normies during the rare keep shit. /r9k/ brought it back with poo poo peeped.
It will come again. Mostly because the faggot artist that created it is trying to reclaim it and would love to see some San Francisco faggot fail.
Levi Walker
Kek returns in September.
Parker Lewis
Daniel Nguyen
don't fucking think so m8
Benjamin Flores
Such a newfag. I remember when people were trying to take Pepe from us, like they food Wojak. You know what we did? We flooded the fucking internet with pee pee poo poo, until normies were alienated and disgusted. We can do it again.
Camden Parker
Here's my suggestion: Give Kekistan the poopoo treatment, they'll abandon it as soon as they're mocked on a large enough scale.
Jacob Wright
We have to be cutting edge if we are to be paving the way forward. Continuing to post the same memes as boomers is a lost cause that leads to nowhere. If we aren't cutting edge then the Jews will be.
Jordan Taylor
Well, it's not perfect, but it's something. I'd rather have whites turn fascist than keep my frog pictures sacred.
Joseph Cox
Hush now, Schlomo.
Eli Cook
You're one of those guys who thinks he's 6'1 but refuses to admit he's 5'10 because of shoes.
Carter Morris
sure is summer
Luke Nelson
Go suck dick OP, no one tells me what memes I can and can't use.
Brandon Diaz
We aren't posting the same memes as Boomers. Boomers are posting the same memes as us.
Leo Perry
kekistanis are former leftist target group. if you try to isolate them, they will drift closer to left again. dont isolate neutrals, keep them close and pull them further right.
Levi Taylor
Some people we're better off without. Quality > quantity
Charles Howard
Except Kek and meme magic is real and we have countless examples archived here on Holla Forums. Fuck off normalfag. Reported.
Elijah Long
a hardcore without a soft normie shell is just an ineffective sect, aka what the right-wing has been for decades now. the left is all about normie inclusion without sacrifice of hardcore options. read this
Jonathan Sullivan
Mason Edwards
Ye of so little faith…
Sebastian Williams
Boomers don't fucking pepe post you retard. They post minions and spelling errors. I literally do not know a single normie (and believe me I know many) who post pepe, let alone even know who he is beyond 'that weird frog the Nazis worship'
Henry Davis
I wouldn't care, if it meant that normies have gone full 1488. But it doesn't… Kekistan, shiet tier civic nat retards, is what has killed Pepe.
Carson Carter
Summer please end already. I can't take these newfags for much longer.
Also on a related note, remember the Tet get. That is the new path we must go down if we are to evolve. Don't forget about Tet.
Luke Gomez
Daniel Roberts
do you have an example, a proof of that? no idea what you're talking about.
Eli Scott
This man knows what he's talking about.
Lucas Williams
Nolan Barnes
Where do you think you are? Reddit is two doors down.
Ayden Baker
Ok so let me get this straight, you fucking meme a damn frog into the presidency, now its normie tier i.e. recognisable and you think its a good idea abandon it?
Perhaps you have spent too long being edgy lurking on image board to realise the power you have generated and you wish to stay on the outskirts at all times. Yes we need new memes, we will always need new ways to encapsulate the thinking breathing pule of the internet. But dont be such a dumbfag as to abandon what has worked in the past because other people relate to it.
Think of pepe like the Simpsons, was cool now flooded with similar alternatives very mainstream. But mention the Simpsons and you draw on a barrel of emotional attachment. Mention kek and you evoke vietnam like flashbacks in redditors of their very first shitpost, its power is real.
You will need to draw on kek in the future, next time you need a hoard of neets from pebbit to spam, pepe provides a raceless stateless face to the masses regardless who you are and where you come from.