Today, Rep. Ruben Kihuen’s (D-Nev.) family still lives in North Las Vegas, and his mother still cleans hotel rooms.
Today, Rep. Ruben Kihuen’s (D-Nev.) family still lives in North Las Vegas, and his mother still cleans hotel rooms.
Illinois (Chicongo, rest), Virginia (NOVA, rest), Washington (west/east), Oregon (west/east), Nevada (Clark/rest) and New York (upstate/downstate) should all be split. And give the Maryland panhandle an option to join West Virginia, it's so red with such blue laws.
California too.
Most of the state is still red believe it or not.
Stack the supreme court with nationalist,and then vote against Birth right citizenship.
DON'T try and push the birth right citizenship into the SCOTUS NOW.
We had judges who's demographics benefit from affirmative action rule in favor of it.
This is literally just the political pendulum, shit happens all the time. Why is Nevada not to mention Las Vegas the tourist trap for degenerates so special? Besides they are doing it wrong. They are focusing on this being a political battle between the faggot left and the cucked right. America (along with every other nation) should be a single party and resides solely by itself without globalism intervention. To live for your nation's welfare, not some faggot passing around I.O.U's.
No shit. That was the plan, amigo.
Not lmao
Just let Jefferson become a state, the rest of California is gay land
No, the swing right happened in 2016, because of Trump. It was so hard that the blue wall was shattered to pieces and he won. If Nevada wasn't red then, it won't be red in 2020 after 4 more years of wetbacks reaching voting age. The states I think we could potentially win in 2020 that we didn't in 2016 are New Hampshire and Minnesota, because they're white enough that the right-shifting we're seeing among whites on a civilizational scale could possibly counteract the demographic decay and tick across the finish line.
but muh natural conservatives
If we just get rid of all the illegal spics in Vegas, it'd be entirely red. We're basically little Utah with the amount of mormons here, and a bunch of boomers come here to retire.
This is what the map SHOULD look like.
How is this shit not illegal?
How does this not amount to collaboration with wanted criminals?
God damn it I am so sick of this bureaucratic bullshit.
Over the winter I took a trip to Vegas for business. First time I'd been there, although my father's uncle and his family moved out there back in the 70s and I have tons of pictures of what it used to look like.
But anyway, I get there, and I just can't fucking believe how goddamn brown it is. Nothing but mystery meat as far as the eye can see. And it's weird because where I'm from, we mostly just have whites and niggers, with a small handful of others like asians sometimes. But the point I'm making is that the races are clearly distinguishable. But in a place like Vegas (and I presume the rest of the southwest)? It's just one giant undifferentiated blob of brown. Some might just be tanned whites. Some might be aztecs. And varying degrees of mestizo across the spectrum with I'm sure plenty of nigger and other mystery meat mixed in there too. It was so absolutely fucking bizarre. Like I was just dropped off in Brazil or something.
And yeah, it's fucking Vegas so what am I to expect, but still.
Nothing. Seriously, nothing. Our only option is trying to get as many whites as possible radicalized in the near future, so we aren't completely unprepared for when mudskins become the hegemonic political force. We have no real stake in preserving the GOP as it is today, because it's just as anti-white as the democratic party.
You aren't wrong. Having been raised in Vegas even the difference of 20 years is insane. Most of the old crowd are actively leaving for places like Pairing and Logandale meanwhile super apartments are being erected at every major freeway exit. One trend I've noticed is the amount of government assisted rent in those areas. The whole greater area is going to shit and everyone is just pretending not to notice.
TL;DR California got tired of California so they moved to Vegas and turned it into California. You can see the same trend in places like Austin and Kansas City. Of course this is just a coincidence and not a ploy to sway red stated blue by attacking the core of the states commerce.
Are mods seriously removing comments from this thread? What the fuck happened to this board?
Harboring illegals IS a crime.
this is not how governments should be run. it's clear revolution is coming and heads will roll when it does. current government was designed to serve a homogeneous society, population was lower, states could be larger without becoming authoritarian because communication and transportation took longer and the large cities were few and most "cities" were small towns. today it's completely different and the structure of government has failed to adapt. if one city decides law for the entire state the rest of the people don't really have a voice in government. it's the same shit with NYC, Chicago, any large metropolis region. It can't continue much longer without devolving to civil war.
And when civil war comes, they're getting fucking purged. We will not have arguments with these people, they will be fertilizer!
is getting citizenship one of those daytime gameshows in america like who wants to be a millionaire?
simpler. more like a progressive stack since 1965 tbh.
The idea is to take over the GOP make it the party of white people.
I've noticed that as well. Cali has been net exporting their liberal whites for like 20 years now. And these people flee to nice red states and shit them up with the same exact ideas that destroyed the place they came from. And then when those areas are destroyed, they go on to the next. Leftists are like a swarm of locusts.
We don't need high birth rates because we're not peasant farmers who have to have 8 children to run the farm.
It’s 100% illegal. Good luck getting liberals to obey the law.
Friendly reminder that urbanism is one of the jew's greatest tools to destroy our people, our culture, and nature.
We don't if we violently kick out all non-whites. We do if we do so 'peacefully'. And 'politically', to outnumber the massive influx of shitskins voting for gibs. Alternatively, stop supporting the system and let it get shit (effectively to start violence from 'non-violent' non-participation in the system).
Hitler started non-violently and just out there, with body guards (protection only), speaking truths and redpills. They marched. Some NSDAP members got shot and killed, for marching peacefully.
Every 'leftist' against the right being able to speak out, eventually admits "We don't support free speech, because it allows you to garner support." Anti-nationalist at all costs. They show their true colors by behaving as if they've already lost the peaceful argument.
Basically yes
Have a physical confrontation that involves massive exchanges of dead on all sides until territory is definitively reclaimed or lost and the government of the United States remains in its current composition or is destroyed.
Or you could keep voting for people who "dog whistle" the problem while ignoring their obvious financial interests in keeping the system going as is.
God damn, I didn't know America was this fucked.
Indeed, doubly indeed!