Thanks, Ivanka!


Other urls found in this thread:

Dont get your problem, now the girls are studing with relevance and not some genderstudy shit


I am not convinced that this is troublesome by your post.
I am convinced by your quads.
Trump fucked up this one.


I find it funny that a black man is literally the only one working in that entire picture

Females aren't meant for the workplace and we both know it. They are far more suited to becoming mothers than being shoehorned into extreme discipline fields where they more often than not simply aren't intelligent enough to perform effectively and are hired for their ovaries not their abilities.

Irony or not, you're a fool either way.

True, but just like the other fields, the labor pool will increase and drive wages down.

Wtf I love NASA now.

Trump will keep the woman vote thanks to Ivanka. Promoting STEM to women? Is that affirmitive action or just encourging propaganda?


There do exist a very few female outliers for whom their potential contributions to society through STEM exceed their potential contributions to society by raising children imo. Those sorts of women don't need handholdy, ego-stroking, feelgood bullshit like this.

Too much power and influence given to an unelected person.

Welcome to the world of nepotism.

Women in STEM ≠ Women good in STEM, you civcuck faggot. We want people at NASA who care about putting Americans and by extension Whites in space, not people who are being paid to take up space and if we're lucky will spend their time checking faceberg, and at worse will sabotage projects with their stupidity. Simply promoting without establishing a system of merit is worthless.



OP is a faggot to the surprise of no one

I don't fucking get it, why must there be a law that forces NASA to promote their positions to women? It's not like there's a single human being in the west who hasn't heard of NASA, it doesn't need promoting. Shouldn't an organization like this that's at the cutting edge of mankind's space advancement only care about getting the best and brightest? That's how it worked in the past and that's the sort of mindset that allowed plebeians to eventually get space tech in their homes.
Is this what Trump meant when he said he'd bring NASA back, by tying it up with forced diversity and gender quotas? Fuck you Donald, fuck you Ivanka!

So you're telling me it's only going to get worse?

OP pic is unrelated but the news are real, though old, all the way from February.

I don't like this shit, but there's a lot of normies out there who will un-ironically call Trump a "misogynist" because of MSM's propaganda tirade. I hope this is PR-centric and not very expensive.

I'm telling you you're a disingenuous faggot with a thread that is tantamount to lie. Reported.


Damn I was at JPL the other day and there are fat women everywhere. They also don't trust machine learning and AI for any of the mission stuff. They only want to use it to make pretty pictures.


Yeah dude, you can really tell Trump was grinding his teeth as his signed this retarded bill.

Funniest part is how hard its going to backfire. University age females are probably one of the biggest anti Trump segments, Trump endorsing women in STEM will make them want even less to do with it.

Never mind that a whole heap of STEM graduates fail to find employment full stop, regardless of their gender, simply because there aren't enough jobs. If NASA encourages women to get into STEM, it will just worsen the problem even further. Feminism was a mistake.


NASA can't even send people to space anymore. Might as well replace all employees with women, just as useless but at least they look better in pictures if they pick the good-looking ones instead of apes and landwhales.

There are if you're indian and work for five peanuts a day.

You're a bit behind on the agenda I see. Allow me to catch you up on the concept of non traditional beauty standards.

Which is exactly why there aren't enough jobs.


Get rekt, faggot. You could have made a thread about the stupidity of women in STEM or the wastefulness of programs like this, but instead you decided to lie and pretend this happened because Ivanka exerted influence on her father as well as taking an image out of context to make it seem worse.

Hey, at least I'm not an idiot who's too retarded to check IDs.

Hell yeah, brother! We should fight all of Israel's wars, too, to keep the Jewish vote.
Then give the niggers reparations to get the black vote.
Then open up the southern border and cancel the wall to get the beaner vote.



You are OP as far as I'm concerned, friendo


You don't belong here.

Has zero meaning outside pozzed websites

Feminism is probably the single worst thing the jews have ever pushed on us.

"Working women" was an idea fed to our forefathers under the pretense that if double the amount of people worked, then you'd have roughly twice as much income, and you'd be better off. What they forgot to mention is that doubling the labor force just means workers' wages get driven down. Congratulations, you're now BOTH working and still effectively worse-off than when just the man was working. Now, rather than it being a way of supplementing a man's income, most households can't survive unless both spouses are working. And then you have to factor in all the hidden costs. Babysitters, preschool, and tons of other stuff a mother would do on her own, but she now has to pay others to do while she works.

On top of that, there's all the ways that women in the workplace have completely destroyed the family unit. Women used to be loyal, whereas the divorce rates are much higher now. Why is this? It's because if a woman can make enough to live on her own, she's not as dependent on her husband, and she has an easier time ditching him. This all ties back to hypergamy and the fact that women are naturally predisposed to go for men who can provide resources. If a woman can provide for herself, this system gets thrown topsy-turvy, and the woman feels that she's now "worth more" and will try to trade up.

And it's causing similar issues with single women too. All these "career women" who thought they were the shit for getting a degree and some job nobody cares about are all single at 30-35 and wondering "where have all the good men gone?" It's not that the men aren't good, it's that they only refuse to date men who make more than themselves. But let's unpack that sentiment: if women are making (roughly) equal pay to men, but every woman wants a man who makes more than her, how exactly do you square that circle? You can't. And therefore, you end up getting all these businesswomen who refuse to accept that men don't value their degrees/job/income at all, and who literally rather become barren foreveralone cat ladies than "settle".

Anyone remember this?
6 months later

Our present education system is designed to greatly favor women, compared to men and as a result, a whole generation of men is unprepared to compete in the global economy. A well-educated woman is inferior to a well-educated man but this current generation of women will have to serve as a stopgap for America to maintain relevance in the world for now. Until our education system becomes uncucked enough that men are no longer lagging behind.

Hi, OP.

Where's the contradiction famalam?

I can tell you're pretending to be retarded. I'll spoon feed you anyway.

Take a look at what is actually coming out of the STEM educational system. The talents of the graduating female students continue to fall, just like with the male students. Women in STEM doesn't do anything good. They really don't need to get those STEM degrees to end up in sales positions, or as useless project members.

Girls should be in the house caring for kids and getting knocked up. Women in the STEM field are always batshit crazy and suck their way up to the top.

Do you have brain problems? Ivanka, Melania and a whole bunch of cunts were present for this ceremonial signing.

So? I trust the wisdom of a white woman than the posting of a shitskin (which you sound like). Sorry, but I'm a racialist.

The god Emperor is disappointed

Kek. Maybe Ivanka was white.
But she's not anymore. Not since she converted and took the name Yael.

No. We cannot give them anything.
We must find Hitler. We must always find canidates as far to the right as we can to support.
The overton window must expand again.

I can't hear you over the sound of truth (racialism)



Yael Kushner is a Jew. She's not white. I'm not even sure that her mother is white.

Yael Kushner is a kike.

They shouldn't be studying at all unless they are qualified and PAY FOR IT THEM SELVES!!!

Fuck of MGTOW nigger, white women fight hard to get what they have in this anti white world

Come now.

Maybe in an ideal world where there are no cucks, but even there I wouldn't pay attention to a woman who makes decisions based on emotions and feelings rather than facts.

Forgot to change your IP!
Should I have voted for Hillary? If she was a kike, why did Holla Forums supported Trump?
Pro tip: because everything about him is Aryan, especially his family and works.

Women belong in the home being mothers and wives first and foremost.
Second the EM drive needs to be laserized and nuclearized and minuturized then turbo'd
Third -

No, I meant to say Yael Kushner is a kike twice.

How does it work? Only some spic and some Asian came up with "ways" to make it works, but it's impossible according to the other scientists (like thunderfoot)

Muh wall and funny tweets. Remember though, he's not Hitler so we can critique the cucked aspects of his administration. Shills BTFO.

Where does it say that in the text of the bill?


This whole thread reeks of judaism. The senate and house are all blameless for passing the Inspire Act apparently, not even the kikes are being blamed. Women in STEM are all specifically Drumpf's fault now and also Ivanka is playing him like a fiddle. 0/10 effort.

You don't get it fam, Trump showed me that not all kikes are bad, the Israeli kikes that he's friends with and married his kids off to are alright, it's the globalists that control the media we have to look out for.
Man Shlomo, you truly are my greatest ally.

A law that promotes hiring women over men is a law that creates an unlevel playing field for men.
Let me break it down since you're still pretending retardation.
Affirmative action hurts whites. This hurts men.
Now take your (1) and go fuck yourself.

I would make a mirrored jet like in a traditional rocket. Bounce high powered nuclear laser beams inside of the chamber to create propulsion. Instead of burned gases expelled through a nozzle it could be high pressure nuclear laser light


The inspire act is a pointless waste of money because 99.999999999% of women don't give a shit about STEM so telling them "hey wow STEM's pretty cool" will do fucking nothing, but it doesn't have anything to do with hiring women over men. Did you even read the bill?

It's not 1963, women are well aware they can be STEM majors and have even more opportunities (scholarships, etc.) than men with respect to getting a STEM degree. Women already attend college at a higher rate than men, if they're still underrepresented in STEM, its because they fucking dont want to be STEM majors. How hard is that to comprehend? The left is like a paramedic who keeps hitting the patient with the defibrillator after hes revived. Eventually, the old cures become the current poisons.


Mirrored combustion chamber a light mixing nexus of sorts. The photons exiting the special mirrorized nozzle would create thrust

Just the bog-standard gender-blind & color-blind civ-nat cuckservatism at work. No, wait. This is actually much worse. It's fucking naked affirmative action. Girls should be barefoot & pregnant in the kitchen. Leave the rockets to the National Socialist men.


This thread is pic related.

Ivanka (((Kushner)))

Shoes are cheap nowadays. We can buy them shoes.


Did OP call for backup?

finishing school would be better for them

Just about sums it up, he's cucked out on a lot of things, Syria, Saudi Arabia, the travel ban, Obonobo care. If you're a burger you should really keep your fingers crossed as hard as you can for the wall to not become a metaphor.



He's cucked on a great many things - and if his Jewish-converso daughter and her Jewish husband weren't there, whispering in his ear constantly, he'd probably be less likely to cuck. Same goes for all the other kikes he's put in positions of power.

That's the sum of the point here - you can't pretend Trump is not to blame, nor that the presence of his cum-guzzling daughter and her Jewish merkin doesn't contribute to weakness on his behalf.

Bottom line:
Trump is a stepping stone - nothing more.

What site was this? Where was it originally posted?

Can't see their cute feets if you give them shoes.

So virtue signaling to feminist is a good thing now that Trump is doing it? You zio-shills make no sense but I don't expect someone with 30-60% nigger genes to make sense anyhow so feel to continue with your drivel.

What, they did a photoshoot of all their affirmative action female employees? There's no way they are all new hires from Ivanka's laws. Fuck Ivanka though, filthy philosemetic demon whore. Waste of good tits.

Women shouldn't be studying anything but their cooking manuals and the art of sucking their husband's dick.

Kek, universe is officially broken

Stepping stone to what, I wonder? If over the course of his 4 years barely anything changes, will burgers vote for the political outsider again in hopes that he will drain the swamp even after he showed that he's incapable of doing so? America will probably head back to a candidate who's openly pro-establishment with their sweet little lies.
I realize that not even a year has passed but he really needs to step it up, considering that most peoples' lives haven't had a drastic improvement with him in office and the media is keeping up their barrage of fake news about his low approval ratings.

TRS forums effortposting section, believe it or not.


They're fake.

I just can't get over how jewy these past few months have been. Hope it gets better soon. We need THE WALL!

That's all fine and good, but no matter how many pink glittery sprinkles you put on STEM fields, women won't be interested in it.

Sorry ladies, it just comes with the genes.

Of course women don't give a shit about STEM. Know what they do care about?
Holding positions of influence and prestige over men. And this bill allows them to do just that.
The ones that do get into it will have the red carpet rolled out for them. They'll be promoted over men who do better work. And then they'll proceed to go full "WE WUZ KWANGZ."
It will promote feminism and it will discourage men from going into STEM. Why should they work their asses off in school for 12 years when Jane McFuckenstein just showed up and she's getting every award and promotion available?
Just stop. It matters. This is the type of shit that makes people start to question Trump. If he could refrain from doing shit like this, (((shills))) from T_D wouldn't have to work overtime defending him here.

That's the question, isn't it?
Answer: Trump is a stepping stone to something better… Or he's nothing at all.

Yes, they very likely will. Because they're stupid.
Bingo. In that case, Trump will have been nothing, because he's either a stepping stone, or he's nothing.

If Trump is where this momentum ends, then it was a total failure and demonstration that democratic approaches will never succeed.

I really doubt he's going to, and I say that as someone who has supported him and largely still does. The fact is, Trump is weak, in that he's a civnat faggot.

See, problem with CivNat is that its fake. Even the descriptor, "Civic Nationalism", is false - it is impossible to be a civic nationalist, because nations are not civic entities, they are biological entities.

A state, a country, is a civic entity.
A nation, a people, is a biological entity.
Trump cannot embrace that definition, and he will not, because he's got a bunch of Jewish grandkids, a huge ego, and a Boomer worldview - too many non-Whites have expressed admiration for him in the past for him to allow hostilities against them, and he's got a dog in the fight there as goes his own flesh and blood (muddied though it may be).

Trump has never expressed any love for the American People, for the United States as a nation - he has only ever expressed admiration and love for the civic entity, for the state.
And that's fucking worthless.

So, come 2020, either someone better will step forward, or one of two things will transpire: White Americans will be consumed with apathy and go back to sleep, or Trump will once again lie through his teeth to these people and they will give him power again - and when he once again fails them, they will be consumed with apathy and go back to sleep.

Trump was always only one of two things: A stepping stone to something better, or a trap to lure the American people into apathy and demoralization.
Which that will be, I do not yet know, but I will admit that I am becoming more convinced over time that we genuinely should have waited for Hitler, which another 4 years of libshits - especial Clinton, cancer that she is - would have sped us towards more quickly than 4-8 years of some CivNat Jew-loving cuckservative who will use our ideals to get elected and then sully them via association when he fails to uphold his promises.

Affirmative action is not even CivNat, it's progressivism. Trump supporters should warn him they didn't vote for this.

>but user some women should be in stem
what a cuck. women should never be in stem. eugenics motherfucker. those female outliers should have been bred. 10 kids. 20 kids. let them produce white geniuses. instead they waste their life on discoveries that would in any case have been made as their time had come.

I agree. We should be making noise about things like this to keep Trump honest. That said, this shouldn't be seen as a "betrayal". Trump has always spouted basic "pro-female" stuff and has never hinted anything to the contrary.

Checked for the assumption that he cares - or, for that matter, has any reason to care in mid 2017 what his supporters want.

I agree with much of what you say, but I don't think we should have waited for Hitler. Here's why…
The process of electing Trump may have emboldened someone else to run. Hell, it emboldened David Duke to run, alphabet agent controlled opposition that he is.
We showed Washington DC that the white vote still runs shit. That can inspire better men if Trump isn't a stepping stone.
What should he be a stepping stone to?
Realistically, Pat Buchanan or someone along the lines of paleo-conservatism. A reactionary.
In a wet-dream scenario, it leads to Fascism or NatSoc, but we would be getting ahead of ourselves. Too many spics and niggers for that to happen just yet.


I wonder who could be behind these posts…

Only STEM girl I've seen so far was an attention-whoring "gamer gurl" that married somebody with a Spanish surname (probable mestizo because this is USA).

Women should only be allowed to study Medicine and to be Teachers or Secretaries, everything else is decadent.

And I remember when women were't interested in the military. Or corporate office jobs (aside from administrative or HR). Or video games. Or politics.
They weren't interested in those things at all until (((someone))) told them they should be. And the red carpet was rolled out and they infected all of those things.
But we're talking about NASA. It's actually important. It's not video game journalism.

What kind of creature is this?

Women really aren't interested in video games, they just want to hook up with NEET gamers so they can get muh cuckbucks.

It's basically summer camp shit/sending women to talk to kids in schools. I can't believe I was the only faggot who went and googled what this shit actually is. You people really are slipping.


And we agree that women aren't interested in NASA or STEM. But that will change once they find out gibs will be waiting for them behind every corner.
Just like with corporate jobs that they weren't interested in, just like video games, just like the military loosening restrictions for PT for females…
They want power over men because they physically have no power over us. So having financial power and prestige fills their void. And this is just another way to give them that while fucking over the most brilliant white men in our country.

Take your gf if you have one to your nearest electronic supply house/hobby store and see what happens lol. It would be the equivalent of your woman dragging you along while she goes clothes shopping at Old Navy.

nah. its either shills copying /intis/-like tatics, Holla Forums attempting to troll, /intis/ doing more d&c, or just newfags from cuckchan overeating as usual.

Okay. You're right. She's not interested.
But take your girlfriend to the hobby store and promise her that she will be the center of attention among everyone there and everyone will love her for going to the hobby store and what will happen?
That's what this bill does. Now I'd appreciate it if you'd stop feigning retardation.

On the flipside, if she told me that every girl at old navy would be on my dick for shopping with her, I would probably be much more interested in Old Navy.
Again, that's what this bill essentially is.

My semen is ready.


top bluepill, fam. Find a woman who's smart but decided not to go to college. You don't want a woman working anyway. They should be home raising as many children as possible, maybe having a part-time job once the kids are old enough to look after each other. If you're concerned about making sure you're not picking a woman who might be dumb, you can probably just tell from talking to them. Or look at the father and mother and see how well off they are, what credentials they have, etc. Or just have her get an IQ test (or SAT) if you're autistic enough.

Kill yourself you centrist piece of shit


We're never going to mars, are we?

Nigger detected

Trump could be a stepping stone to better days. Could be. But he most definitely is the People's choice to give the deep state/globalists the opportunity to have a "soft landing". The People are aware and watching him and the deep state, giving the shadowy powers to opportunity to change their own course and align with the interest of they, The People.
And should he fail, or be made to fail? Well then The People know that that the ballot no longer works, leaving them only the vote with your bullet option.
It truly is in their, the deep state/globalists, best interests to follow Trump on his road to "Making America Great again", otherwise they will all die, and most likely die hard long deaths that will be used as object lessons for the future generations to learn from.

In your dreams. If they didn't do anything after Obama and Rotherham they're never going to do shit.

there is no mars.


There was 27 women for 749 men in the Faculty of Sciences at the time.
Pretty good ratio if you ask me.

You do realize most of us old blood Yankees laughed at the limies for allowing that to happen.
Ah yes Obama, the man who turned the heat up on the pot holding the american frog. Not taking your black pill today buddy, you'll have to do better than that. I'm still collecting sweet and salty tears from all the various marxists here in LA, over Obongo failing to "stop Trump" and also failing to institute their utopia.

It's Ivanka. Whenever there's a full moon she turns into the monster known as Yael Kushner.

So he literally took what Obama was doing unofficially for his 8 years and turned it into law…

That sure is a LOT of useless bitches filling up space. Are they sure the few men that are no doubt doing all the real work behind the scenes there need that many bitches pretending they are human and can do real work?

This argument goes two ways user. The other way is that if they are in fact capable of doing the job satisfactorily, they should be the ones breeding and having children, not wasting their genetic superiority doing this kind of work.

Why isn't Trump just stripping women of the right to vote? Then they can't be a nuisance and go vote for the left.

They need to stop and let NASA crash and burn.

they should be doing this kind of stuff because either they'll succeed and hey presto we have more educated people without shit useless degrees like gender studies or arts degrees OR they'll decide it's too hard and take the easy route of being mothers instead. The third option being they fail and instead of giving up they decide to fuck with the standards and crash the whole academic system which is also a plus. Just remember to say to them "you could always be a full time mother instead" when they're struggling but also white and have a white partner.

We really need to end the vote whoring shit and use the fact we're in power to get what we need done, DONE – NOW.

This comment is the Truth.


Promoting women in STEM doesn't mean they're going to promote smart, qualified women in STEM. It means they're just going to fill up quotas with unqualified women just so they can feel they're being more inclusive or bullshit like that.

Women who are qualified in STEM were going to do that anyways, if anything this hurts that small percentage by artificially increasing competition, and it especially hurts men who are DEFINITELY qualified, but will no longer be hired because their sex junk isn't so OH OH OH.

Same thing that happens to niggers, this quota shit hurts them more than it helps.

But user, don'tcha know that all of Obama policies magically turn good once Trump decides to continue them? At least, that's what nu/pol/ keeps telling me. How can you not see how beneficial endless kike wars & anchor babies are? It's not just the same old semitic shit as before if we can all get on the same page & pretend it isn't. Right?

Why we can't return to the moon in one picture


Based Trump kicks out problematic cumskins out of (((science))) and puts women in.

oh for fucks sakes the world is clearly not flat, there are hills and mountains n' shit nigger

NASA really does need to fucking die as an organization. Shutdown NASA. Let someone else create a better space organization.

We need a night of long knives over at NASA, to remove nigger, curry and cunt.

STEM thought women could touch it. Therefore STEM never did anything to keep women out of it. Therefore women took advantage of the wide open door to touch STEM.A wake up call was inevitable. Either Trump does it, or the Jews do it. Take your pick, because you were never in control to begin with.

women couldn't touch it*

It's thread like these with endless kvetching, half-baked blackpilling, retarded theories, nigger tier bickering, and shills of all flavors that has me visiting this site less and less. It amazes me how many of you niggers fall for shills and actually converse with them. It amazes me how many of you niggers fall hook, line and sinker for their narratives. It amazes me how blatantly the shills lie through their teeth and how often nobody calls them out for it.

Outside of how stupid h8chan Holla Forums has seemingly become, I'm pretty fucking whitepilled about what's been going on recently. Maybe it's just the time of day I visit, maybe it's the particular threads I view, but goddamn this place has become pretty full of cabbage colored baby shit as of late. Mushy warm baby shit.

Of course you're right, exponential geniuses is better than one. Unfortunately I find it hard to think about things like this objectively. Individualism is some heavy brainwashing, at its heart it's pure flattery though we must do what is right for the human race. The media is complicit because they promote cults of personality never mentioning all the tiny steps borrowed from others when they talk about supposedly great people, they just assume the person created it whole cloth. Progress is incremental until a certain point of mass publicizing when everyone just starts copying the finished product. The book planet of the apes talks about this basically humanity is a race of imitators at its very smartest even.

Why would I want to work for NASA if I was passionate about my job?
I'm not libertarian, but if you care about space or anything, you must go private. Corporations are profit driven, they have more focus on merit. You can't push limits when the government is intentionally gimping you.

Good post. I also firmly believe that Trump getting elected in itself is far more important than anything Trump does during his terms (because let's face it, he's not going to start gassing the kikes). The white man waking up is what the true stepping stone is.

Do we have any proof that Marie Curie didn't rip off her husband Pierre Curie who was working together with her in the same lab?

Don't forget Ivanka was front and center for that bogus ass meeting with the corrpted NCMEC to announce they were going after human traffckers. Ashton Kutcher's shady ass Thorn organization too.

There is no fucking way Don and Inanka don't know that org is a trafficking and organ selling machine. That disappointed me when they paraded around with NCMEC. I would like to think there was a good reason for that shit show but there probably isn't.

Just another step forward in the quest to make all degrees meaningless.

We need to meme this as advanced mysogyny.

You do have a point. But don't count on Trumpy promoting traditional families if that's the case.
It's just pushing more college indebted women that can't produce children because of their debt.

Maybe you should stop being such a pushover crybaby.

To be fair the left is essentially telling women they're going to work with sexist pigs all day and be miserable if they go into STEM jobs. I wish I was joking.


Why has no one noticed these quads?


I count 3 niggers, out of 100+
They even put them in the front row in a futile attempt to feign diversity

Atleast that shows its serious, not some zero gravity gender studies


Fuck everything.


Should know something about gender differences, user.
also, tits or get out

That's too complicated for me.

I mean could be a good point, as in the lefties have cried wolf once too many, but I phrased it like I did for a reason, normies say that, not SJW websites, they heard it on CNN once, you see?