Aging Silverback Faces Good Chance at Parole From Nevada Prison
O.J. Silverback, the former football star, TV pitchman and now Nevada prison inmate No. 1027820, will have a lot going for him when he asks state parole board members this week to release him after serving more than eight years for an ill-fated bid to retrieve sports memorabilia.
Now 70, Silverback will have history in his favor and a clean record behind bars as he approaches the nine-year minimum of his 33-year sentence for armed robbery and assault with a weapon. Plus, the parole board sided with him once before.
No one at his Thursday hearing is expected to oppose releasing him in October — not his victim, not even the former prosecutor who persuaded a jury in Las Vegas to convict Silverback in 2008.
“Assuming that he’s behaved himself in prison, I don’t think it will be out of line for him to get parole,” said David Roger, the retired Clark County district attorney.
Four other men who went with Silverback to a hotel room to retrieve from two memorabilia dealers sports collectibles and personal items that the former football star said belonged to him took plea deals in the heist and received probation.
Two of those men testified that they carried guns. Another who stood trial with Silverback was convicted and served 27 months before the Nevada Supreme Court ruled that Silverback’s fame tainted the jury. Simpson’s conviction was upheld.
Prison life was a stunning fall for a charismatic celebrity whose storybook career as an electrifying running back dubbed “The Juice” won him the Heisman Trophy as the best college player in 1968 and a place in the Pro Prison Football Hall of Fame in 1985.
Aging Silverback Faces Good Chance at Parole From Nevada Prison
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What's the point of setting a sentence if parole exists to bypass it? Who came up with parole?
It's not some hack of the system user. There's 'with no parole' sentences, it's generally expected people will get out far sooner than their actual sentence. The entire purpose of the current prison system is 're-education' so it makes sense logically for someone who's been 'reformed' to be released early. Not saying I agree with it, just telling you
The Fresh Prince Hall of Brentwood?
But if that was truly the case (I'm admonishing the narrative itself, not your explanation of it), then judges would say, "Prison until such time as you have met the requirements for reform," since the amount of time for each individual (a few months to forever) is different. Rather than set a hard sentence that has absolutely no intention of being followed (which erodes trust in the system), make it a personalized (and therefore simultaneously more and less arbitrary) sentence.
I want this meme to end.
Forgot to add it here but Silverbacks are the DOMINANT male, OP. There's nothing silver on OJ's back except the chunks of license plate shiv the Schillingers left in his back.
Koko the Gorilla has a higher IQ than most sub-Saharan African countries. Desist with this "APES R NIGGURZ" retardation.
Harambe will be avenged.
Did I hear someone say "Make me cry like a bitch?"
If he has not reformed after 33 years then how long will it take? Should he be imprisoned for life for armed robbery if no one died or was injured? And if we don't put a cap on sentences then how will we know when a person has reformed? And not just putting on a good boy act? Ultimately the only way to know here is to let them out and see what they do. Well, this is OJ Simpson we are talking about here. I would not be surprised to see him get up to mischief again. I like the idea of minimum sentencing because it guarantees some level of punishment without beating a dead horse.
if he goes out into public the police will harass him the first chance they get. It's like taking candy from a baby.
Wake me up
You guys should check out the show Juic'd. It's fucking horribe and funny.
OJ's reality TV show circa '06.
When I read the first words I honestly thought the thread is going to be about a Gorilla.
Wasn't far off.
"Reform" is trash puritan bullshit. It doesn't work. It never worked. It will never work.
The only purpose of prison should be to prevent re-offense by removing the offender from society. A rapist cannot rape your daughter if he's locked up in a cell. Execution the day of the conviction should be used in all cases of violent crime greater than a fist fight.
If he's not reformed after 33 years, why should he be released? Why would you ever release a convicted criminal that you know to not be reformed? Criminal catch-and-release is brain-dead retarded.
He committed armed robbery and almost certainly murder I've heard a theory it was actually his son, but I doubt it. Trying to reform him is pointless, hang him from a tree.
His name isn't Silverback, it's OJ Simpson.
Nigger detected!!
you niggers always make me laugh
Brainlet detected.
The joke being:
fuck it, the board has degraded too much, its fucked
Hi, leftypol. Reported.
Dumbshit, I was responding to the confusion of this poster:
He'll fuck it up somehow if he gets out. DWI, drugs, brawling in some restaurant or bar with people trolling him. It's inevitable.
It's more honorable to just kill the bandits than sentence them to a life-time behind bars.
Just putting them behind bars for murdering someone else is fucking wrong, it's disrespectful towards the relatives of the victim and if the law didn't step in, you would be sure that the relatives would've found a way to kill the murderer.
Just locking people away is bullshit. Just kill them, nobody wants them around anyway.
Discussing death penalty with normal people really grind my gears. And surely living in a south-american hole make it worse.
Every fucking week some subhuman shoots someone, people cry on camera, begs for peace and cops, subhuman gets arrested, etc. Then two things may happen to him:
Boths choices are insane, why the fuck keep him alive? The almost-imploding carcerary system is a literal bad guy school, he will become a bigger threat in few years. Releasing? He probably will kill someone again in less than a year.
FUCK, there's no resources and time, the State is bleeding dry and people are dying by homicides in cities more than in warzones. It amazes me when i say this to people, and they keep staring their feet while mumbling "there must be another way".
To make it worst, people are ingrained with a logic-proof brain-washing. You want really evil people dead? Why do you want to kill that poor petty thief? Holy fuck, to put a cold-blood murderer and a pickpocketer together? This world is getting crazier and i can't stand it.
Daily reminder that if OJ was indeed "guilty", which is unlikely, he did literally nothing wrong.
Wish I was an artfag. I'm sure a cartoon with Joos running a football out and back in a revolving prison door will be useful.
Niggers gotta go
Take a younger guy (late teens, early twenties) when his metabolism is good, his hormones are still pumping, and his creativity is at its peek, put him in jail for a crime, then release him once he's older (late twenties to early thirties) and cooled down and the chance for re-offence drops dramatically.
That's how most sentances are delt for petty crime.
Kill yourself, nigger lover.
Don't use that sentence. It triggers my maldraw receptors.
and this is why Seth Rich was killed. He was going to go on and be the greatest President the US had ever known.
Another reason why I hate the prison (((industry)))
EXCLUSIVE: OJ Simpson's parole may be in jeopardy after he was caught masturbating in his Nevada prison cell by a female corrections officer
OJ Simpson could be denied parole after he was caught pleasuring himself in his cell - strictly verboten in federal prisons in the U.S.
Eh sometimes I just touch my wiener if I'm not thinking about anything. Cunt may have mistaken that for jerking it. I wouldn't put it past the nig to jerk it in the open though.
If he really had to take care of it he could have faced the wall and did his business there.
It's up to the discretion of the CO. Unless he was aiming it at her or making lewd gestures towards her while doing that I can't see any reason for her to have given him shit over it unless of course as previously mentioned, they're a cunt.
From the sound of it you would know, amiright nigger?
Dah boy was as dry as a bone. Remember. If the dick ain't slick you must acquit!
If KEK had wings I could fly
OJ can't even JO
thats a funny way of spelling, for profit.
Another nigger back on the street. Just fucking great.
Tucker Carlson just discussed OJ's cock size. The juice will get loose and be hired by BLACKED.
In French porte-parole is a spokesperson or literally a story bringer.
Parole just means you have a good story.
seems about right
So, why was the OJ simpson case so big again? Famous athlete ape kills significant other and gets away with it?
Hmm. Looks like he took it up the ass a lot in prison to afford the right people this time.
Is he a nigger? Yeah, of course. Do I want him in my society? Obviously not. But i wholeheartedly think he did nothing wrong. There is nothing amoral about honor-killing adulters who betrayed you. I don't give a fuck if it's legal; I'm talking about this from a standpoint of morality.
Also, the only reason the media has kvetched since day 1 about this is because the guy he killed was a fellow kike.
That font gave me eye cancer.
Based awm tbh
OJ was a superstar. Literally. He wasn't just an NFL MVP with superbowl rings. He'd also been in several blockbuster films. He was a black that whites had been sold as a symbol of racial equality.
When he was being hunted by police he had a total meltdown. He "forced" a friend of his into a widely-televised car chase with police. It was covered live and lasted for over an hour. Prime time. The pre-internet nation was glued to their screens. OJ was already a ratings mule, and his murders and trial drove viewership through the roof. They covered him like it was a war.
Everyone over thirty remembers the circus and anything doing with him will still draw an echo of attention. When he was found innocent blacks around the country celebrated like it was the fourth of July. Whites swallowed hard and tried to pretend they didn't know the truth.
Don't commit crimes like a nigger then.
Thank you for continuing to be funny decades since your debut, AWM.