Police 'shocked' by violence as "youth" riot at small town fair
Authorities in the town of Schorndorf in Baden-Württemberg have expressed shock after police and bystanders were attacked by members of a group of around 1,000 youths.
Police 'shocked' by violence as "youth" riot at small town fair
Authorities in the town of Schorndorf in Baden-Württemberg have expressed shock after police and bystanders were attacked by members of a group of around 1,000 youths.
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Baden-Württemberg is majority CDU/Greens.
Delivered as ordered, I'd say.
Now imagine what happens when the economic dominos begin to fall. Everything is going according to the (((plan))).
You could say that for every german town.
Except for Afd every party in Germany is absolutely cucked.
AfD is now led by a married lesbian who used to work for Goldman Sachs.
Total collapse of the gibs system is only a few years away. Once the gibs run dry, the niggers will just take them. So yea, all according to keikaku.
Now it all begins to make sense why they were holding back the economy until Libya/Syria was under way using it to mask both intentions. Expanding Israel and weakening its neighbors, and importing a never ending stream of muslims into Europe knowing the civil war it'll cause when the crunch happens.
The wouldn't have bothered to send out photographers taking video and images of the non-stop stream of young muslim men if they didn't know it would lead to a visible backlash. These people aren't stupid they wanted our reaction. They need it.
This is necessary to forge the future Führer.
They are getting a little taste of what's to come soon when the subhumans have reached critical mass. Fucking Elois I swear.
Are you saying the rise of the far right and ultimately anudda Führer is all part of the plan? I've been thinking about this too. Like we are just a train running on rails and couldn't change our path if we wanted to…
Sounds very enriching.
Merkel Will Not Set Limit on Incoming Refugees
I stood back for a second and considered Revelation 11:18 and 13:7. "power was given to him over all kindreds, and tounges, and nations." "kindreds"….
Its a ballsy plan, but they want the growing resurgence in nationalism to be redirected towards Muslims. EDL, Alt-Right etc. are kosher nationalist movements that seek to take in many awakening white minds.
The left get their pet shitskins regardless, the right gets to smash some mudslime heads and then go onto fight for Israel in the great war. Everyone wins, right?
Why would anyone be shocked by this? You import the Middle East and Africa and they act like Middle Easterners and Africans. Shocking. Go import some Danes and watch as they act like Danes and things will be fine. So shocking.
Imagine if Hillary was in power. Everything is NOT going according to plan. What they started when they took out Gadhafi in 2011 cannot be stopped. The difference, is that the US is headed by a man going around telling everyone we should follow Poland's model. If chaos breaks out in Europe, the US will intervene on our side, rather than suppressing us, as Hillary would have done.
The backlash from the coming racial chaos will be healthy racial awareness. When that happens, fascism will rise and the jew will be discovered.
its always the jews plan to have all nonjews fight eachother
i dont think the semites are able to realize the threat they face from whites though
and i dont think they'll be able to stay out of this war like usual
they'll be consumed upon the pyre they built and call us murderers as they douse themselves in fuel and set the flame
such is the mind of the kike
It's racist to say that alone here. Our police got into trouble for refering to north-africans as "nafris", due to their rising prominence in crime-statistics. It was deemed DEHUMANIZING by every media outlet, and they had to kiss ass at every turn to be forgiven for this level of wrongthink. I think the officers in question got fired, but I got too mad to follow on the story. If you met the cuckoldry that is strangeling this once brave-hearted nation face to face, you'd get teary eyes.
I get it. I didn't mean it to sound like my country Canada was somehow less cucked than Germany. It's similar shit here, too. And to my own country I say the same thing: "How could you not expect this?" You guys have more of the nuttier ones though since you're so much closer and see more of it. It's sad and all according to plan.
It sounds like a decent portion of the population in Deutschland is very resentful of all this cuckery, but the political system and media is so united to fuck them over, there's not much to be done.
Pretty much, yes. I remember many years ago seeing this quote by a jewish elite saying that if they don't fight us then basically we're doing something wrong and we need to figure out what. The quote was from decades earlier I believe also. I really wish I saved it, but that got my head thinking even more steps ahead.
I think they anticipated our rise, which today seems almost out of nowhere to most, as a necessary reaction the same way they needed the left to. I think the ultimate goal is to use us to remove the left and then take our fanatical end goal views and get the masses to support crushing us in retaliation. Then working with whats left over in the middle where the useless eaters and apathetic majority always resides. It would be quite easy to set up a "Jew World Order" after that. Just like the World Wars the jews will walk away the victor.
Everything for us hinges on mass disruptions when the time is right and keeping our focus the generals leading the armies from behind. To disrupt that possibility we need to be the generals and let the Alt-Lite types fight on the streets against the colored hordes. It wont take long before their based negro turns on them.
Fucking kill yourself Kike
just part and parcel of living in a big city.
Seems you pretty much need an explicit rule against that from the beginning, otherwise it's inevitable.
Thanks for following this information, for a few seconds I was getting mad.
Oh, it's this bullshit again.
The difference is that normal people vote for establishment parties like CDU out of ignorance while cucks who vote green made an active choice to be antiwhite degenerates.
there is. especially when the media is concerned we are really talking about paper tigers, to use some guy's expression.
pretty sure a lot of people would be really surprised by how much stuff goes on simply because they tolerate it.
Everyone who is shocked by political events should have his office and right to vote revoked because he lacks the proper foresight.
Some damn self and situational awareness should be a part of holding positions of governance.
Modern germans are so fucking retarded. The good ones must have all died in the wars
Good. Germany needs to serve as an example, and ALLLLLLL Germans need to be punished for being even more treacherous than the Jews. Reminder, It was the Germans who let them all into Europe. It's the Germans who are in charge of the EU. It's the Germans who are the most left-wing the in the world. It's the Germans, now. The Germans who elected Hitler are all dead. They're the enemy. And for any nationalist to suggest there are good Germans are kidding themselves. It would be best if we assumed there is one giant non-white, decadent, communist mass right in the heart of Europe. When Germans get beaten, ran over, raped etc, I laugh. The modern German cares more about censoring white people than he does protecting his own. What else can one do but laugh when justice is served by their own pets?
Don't you mean "when they took out Saddam"?
Over the border shopping at Aldi is going to get cheaper for the Swiss.
The impotent rage of a toilet licker is hilarious.
I'm not Polish you retard. Besides, Poles like the EU because gibs, not because they enjoy mass rape of their country via foreign hordes
Shock them into turning their altruism. Shock them good and to the heart of what is sadly unfortunate about the white spirit.
Semite blood courses strong through your veins.
You too, bolshevik.
Wrong, we became Americans. Why do you think the kike has willed such an oppressive shekelling upon this land? We came with the British, cucked them and called it home.
low iq genetics course strong through your veins
I miss hitler.
he would have merkel shot on sight.
Are they starting to make connections yet?
Judging by the use of "youth", I'll take that they are still in denial.
Quintessentially Volkisch
What about NDP?
Holy fucking shit I think my mind broke on that one.
A better written article would have their description as immigrants in the headline, and that "a large portion of them were youths" in the body. The political correctness is not only disingenuous, but it diminishes the quality of the writing.
You do know herschel lieberman's a troll right?
The trouble for them is that we know the jews are to blame.
Under cover of chaos, put the jewish lives to the blade.
Used to be, his account is gone now
Schorndorf has a very conservative town council. A few years ago (2012-2013) they really annoyed the lefties by a few things they did. First, the towns conservative politicans said that the crimes of the communists should be given more prominence. Then they voted against and defeated a motion to change the
name of a street in the town named after Hindinburg (I can't remember what name the street was going to be called, some jew commie I think). Lots of people in Schorndorf
still revere General Paul Von Hindenburg, former chief of the German general staff in the Great war, and later President of the German Reich. Finally, the German government was preparing a very expensive propaganda campaign for the year 2013 to mark the 80 years since Hitler and the National Socialists took power. The conservative politicians voted to reduce the amount of money allocated to this in the town, from about 25,000 euros down to 15,000 euros. They also agreed not to make a big deal out of the coming to power of Hitler.
This was leaked, or reveled in the local newspaper, that the politicians weren't going to go along with the governments propaganda drive.
They were supposed to make a big fuss about this, "Oh my God, How tragic, the evil nazis etc etc", but they couldn't be bothered.
So shipping in niggers and muslims was probably done to the town as revenge.
Pic is of the town in happier days
It's like euanon said, they resolved to allow one "uncucked" party in every country that they may subvert it, better the party than the individual candidate.
Oh you silly, silly newfag.
Thanks for the info user, it's really sad to see what's happening in Europe rn, but at least we know there are still some people around who oppose this cult of diversity.
Considering that a new wave is approaching and every country in the EU except germoney has or is on the verge of shutting their borders unless it's for transit, I'd be suprised if it won't happen within the next 2 years.
Fake news, gtfo. The party chose Alexander Gauland to lead the party in the elections. Together with him the lesbian was elected as his running mate. Why the fuck do you shills always ignore that there are TWO people running… And Gauland is definitely not cucked in any way. He stood behind Höcke (ourguy) when Petry wanted to push him out of the party. Btw the AfD program (in English) can be downloaded on the official AfD website. And it's really good. It's better than Trump's program.
That's what controlled opposition looks like. He keeps talking, while they keep doing. But the plebs won't rise up while he's in office, because surely "he will fix it", "we shouldn't cause trouble, he needs our support", "it's 999D chess".
In the next 8 years you will see everything you love destroyed, Trump condemning it every day and alt-light retards applauding the whole thing.