Space games thread, nms no man's sky is shit

so thats we know that no man's sky is gonna be shit, are there any space games where i can fly around galaxy kill xenos and walk around planets?

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I saw a video on youtube and it honestly looks pretty decent. Why is it shit again?

It's not. It's a beautiful game with one of the best endings ever.

We've got the whole spectrum here

Jesus fucking christ OP check catalog you massive horse cock sucking faggot!

Stellaris and Distand Worlds: Universe maybe?

Trips confirmed.

well i wanted to talk about games specifically like nms i mean like flying in galaxy killing ayylmaos walking on planet and shieeet

There isn't anything like NMS, that's why it is so talked about. You can't even really call it shit because you have nothing to compare it to.

currently nms is the only game that fits that bill. I'm hoping it doesn't break records but it breaks even or something. Show people that there's a good market for this kind of game but a alot of improvement is needed. I wanna land of a planet in an unstable system and end up getting stick in the middle of a civil war and deciding if I wanna pull a bunch of favors to get off world or stay and do some merc work for which ever side I happen to like more

So did the leak fag ever reveal what was at the center?


Boring and repetitive gameplay don't stop being boring and repetitive just because the game it's a part of is one of a kind.

Isn't NMS just 3d Starbound?

No, Starbound actually has content and things to do

fucking strategy game
flat, top down game

Neither of those is even close to what op was asking for. (image not related, almost as bad as NMS)

Has anyone played Adrift yet?
Please no bully

Hey,when the fuck is that 3d ss13 for the xboner coming out?

Kill yourself user.

Haha never.

this is probably a shill thread that's why.

That's what I thought.

It probably it.

Sorry to say.
I'd love a 3D version of that game.


user pls

Oi did the leaked footage show any spoilers? Can we make a No Man's Salt party?

No Man's Sky is secretly Kojima's new game.

we dont need xbone to play xbone games, just buy second hdd for cheap and install win 10 on it to play these few games, as we know EVERY SINGLE ONE EXCLUSIVE from xbone will be also on win10, i dont remember name of that ss13 clone but it have potential

Yeah, recently.

This is what you fags get for going "MUH OPEN WURLD SPEES GAMES". Scam Shitizen, Nu Male's Sky, and Shitheap Dangarous.

This is why Freespace 1 and 2 will never be dethroned.


Just pirate Rodina if you want a game where you can fly around space and land on different planets, also fight enemy ships.

No Man's Sky? What the fuck is that?

That's clearly a screenshot of Spore 2.

autism spectrum, I pressume?

Everyone has always wanted a starship captain simulator with star wars-tier (un?)realism, its not our fault every dev on earth is apparently fucking incompetent in delivering.


You have to really put in effort to be that much of a faggot. You deserve some kind of award.


I hate to say it but spore

No mans sky is basically that in a first person perspective anyway but without any building or terraforming or alien civilizations or anything else interesting.



literally restarts the game by taking you to a new galaxy

Yes, it was shit.
It's a linear hallway floating simulator in a wrecked space station. You float through narrow corridors of loosely floating space debris between somehow undamaged interior sections of space station, and you occasionally pick up an audio log or find the "press button to proceed" prompt.


It's too bad this project seems dead:

That's something I've wanted for a long time, too.

I remember that game, those guys started the kickstarter at the most unfortunate time - right around the time the press was quite anti-kickstarter

they did state they would never stop…
I do have to say, the concept is amazing,
you can literally see from your flagship your fleet at work

Sounds like something that would be in a sequel to Spore
