Rats and Sinking Ship; Expat Boomers Reminisce Of Time Before They Ruined Everything

Rats and Sinking Ship; Expat Boomers Reminisce Of Time Before They Ruined Everything
(vid partly related)

Interestingly, many Americans and Canadians have not only moved abroad partly to search for a life reminiscent of an earlier time, but quite a few tell me that they’ve found it — and in some very unlikely places, including Mexico, Panama, Belize and Nicaragua.

Here’s what they told us:

Less government involvement

It may sound odd that the government in countries considered to be socialist would have less government involvement than in the U.S., but in the day-to-day lives of the locals, it’s true. Whether these governments would want to be more involved or not, they simply don’t have the resources to do so. That means locals find themselves doing some things that the federal and state governments often do in the U.S.

“Having the government less involved creates an entirely different dynamic than north of the border,” explains Dr. Santiago Hernandez, formerly from the Chicago area and now practicing in Ajijic, Mexico, on Lake Chapala. “If there’s a problem, most locals don’t expect the government to fix it, so they either live with it or fix it themselves. This creates more community cohesion and a feeling of involvement and belonging.”

The family is supreme

Many expats have also told me that, as life in America becomes increasingly busy and disconnected, there has been a reduction in the importance of the family. But where they now live, they say, is more “like it used to be.”

Expats see entire extended, multigenerational families together constantly, whether having a barbecue at the park or working, perhaps at a small, family- run business, with everyone from grandma to the grandkids working side by side. Many times, the young children are the ones handling the money (which they’re surprisingly good at!) in between doing their homework.

Elders are respected

The expats also talk about a respect for the elders that they rarely see anymore in America or Canada.

James David Audlin notes that every morning, when he gets on the bus in Volcan, Panama, everyone greets him with “Buenos dias.” After he boards and someone new comes on, Audlin joins the welcoming committee. He likes that.

When my wife and I are eating at a restaurant in Mexico, it is not at all unusual for other diners to engage us, as total strangers, and say a simple, “Buen provecho” (“Enjoy your meal”). It’s bad manners not to do that there.


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Don't argue with these folks just with words.Get a group of young angry men together and Pull their chairs out from under them and explain that their laziness and greed and abandoning the values their parents tried to instill did this. Every time they say calm down, have you and your group hit them, no explains, just pain. They ruined everything and now are Old Poor and Powerless and are running away from their consequences, you and others like you are their consequences, their injuries, their humiliations. When they complain that not all the boomers did that, smack th


fuck phones

…Smack them, leave a handprint, something to remind them of your anger next morning and make them think of you every time they look in the mirror. Victimise them, bully them, make them afraid. Why? Vengeance, and a taste of the world outside "Pollyanna-land" the bubble boomers live in. Your job is to render that bubble meaningless, even if you have to get niggers to attack them so you can fight them off, THEN administer punishment.

TL;DR: Boomers are soft lazy creatures of habit that ignore all words except TEll Lie vision. So use force, and they won't be able to fight back.

Not sure what point you're trying to prove by showing a boomer that is foregoing the billionaire boomer lifestyle to lead his country despite hourly attacks on his character, family, and vision. We don't deserve him, you (((1))) faggot judenschwein.

That video must be from 2010 time. This site has been dead for a while. 7 years later, that last white boomer probably left the neighbourhood already.

You are telling me that these rich old bastards are moving to 3rd world shitholes, where they get to live like kings? And they like it?

The gov in these places is none existent. When they say
They mean that they fucking kill the fuck that is causing problems.

This user gets it.

The second these rich boomers lose their money, or land in some hard times, they will be abandoned by the niggers they think so highly of.


As much as boomer scum need to be eradicated this article is filled with lies. It's bad enough to trust a single thing these traitors say but it's another thing entirely to legitimately believe people from these places are actually civil, towards whites of all things.
They're getting fleeced and the don't even know it, just like when they thought selling out their home to niggers was a deal.

I thought old boomer men go to 3rd world countries to fuck underage girls and ladyboys

Oh, they know they're getting fleeced. They just don't care. They're boomers. The first thing you should assume about them is that they don't give a fuck about anything.

That is so fucking stupid I cannot even begin to comprehend where a should be intelligent pol/ack could fall for that bullshit. As if the boomers had anymore control over their circumstances than people today do.

Just like every generation in history that got fucked by the kikes the boomers got fucked to and were powerless to do a goddamn thing about it. The kikes are sticking it up the ass of this generation just like they did the boomers and nobody is doing anything about it.

"b, but, this generation is getting fucked worse than the boomers because boomers." NOT moron. In the boomer day the degenerate shit they had to endure was equally as grotesque to them as the shit we see today because they still had some morals and even though it wasn't as degenerate as what we see today, it was that degenerate to them as they experienced it.

Stupid fucking wanna be pol/acks falling for the divide and conquer game. Who benefits from separating the older generation from the younger generation? The yids dummy. The older generation due to the fact that they have more life experience has always been a valuable resource to pass along generational memory.

The yids use the "BOOMERS DID IT" to create one more fissure in their divide and conquer game and dumbasses fall for it. The fact that people fall for it, consider themselves redpilled, is unironically laughable as fuck.

And you probably are not a pol/ack, you are probably a yed slipping your shiv into the sides of society at every turn.


Then why did they move abroad to begin with?


USA is a police state. If they don't give a fuck there about certain activities, they get V&ed. In a 3rd world country, they get all the boy pussy they could ever want.

You really should use your brain more.


Because they are fucking broke. The yids made it impossible to retire. "muh rich boomers"…laughing my ass off. You think they move to a third world shit hole because they are rich?

They move to third world shit holes because their pitiful little social security check will buy more their. They can actually afford medical care there. You really think they move to Mexico because they are rich?

These fuckers are not moving to the French Rivierra and yucking it up in a posh resort.


Millennialfag here, should I honestly just prepare to move innawoods eventually or is there hope left?

Boomers, denying responsibility until the end, even here.
Now I don't blame them for mass migration, 1965 was the year and it was mostly da goytist generation. But the economy, unemployment, academia usurping, housing bubble and libshit culture. All boomers. Because fuck sustainability and future generations, you got pension money to collect and multiple houses to rent.
Oh and you made university much more expensive for those who want unpozzed stuff like STEM. Even if you resist propaganda, you're going to be in huge debt.
Oh and political correctness only reared its head around the time boomers took power, so you killed free speech.
Yep, horrific to grow up in a homogeneous community where you can walk into a job (thanks for bragging then demanding experience for entry level shit btw) and use it to buy a house cheaply. Where you can maybe marry a girl who's had under 10 partners, maybe even a few virgins.
But you're right, you had it just as bad as us.

The boomer cries out in pain as it strikes you.

Yep, the yids who have a free money printing machine didn't do that to our economy. Nope not the free money yids.

Wasn't the free money yids that made it impossible for their kids to go to college. Nope, it was the boomers.

Dumb ass…

Just get yourself some money and a good job.
Either we are dragged towards a dystopian nightmare by the masses, or it all collapses within our lifestyle. The more resources the better, either for surviving the collapse or trying to escape a society that deserves the problems it's making.

Just observe for now, and prepare for either outcome.

Mods need to shoah this divide and conquer thread intended to sever what is left of the white middle class. It is embarrassing to have it in a supposed pol/ack lounge.

There's nothing to divide-and-conquer here because boomers have already had their kids, have already lived most of their lives, and will die soon. Boomers are only relevant in as much as we fucking hate them for being cucks. Why would you waste even an ounce of effort defending people that will not be fighting or dying in the coming civil war that they disproportionately caused through policies designed to fuck over future generations?

My bad, I guess the boomers with multiple houses, who vote democrat and are bluepilled as fuck were just poor victims.
Not like modern generations get even more propaganda blasted at them, and yet still aren't as bad. You can blame whoever you want, no one forces you to act. Thus everyone is responsible for their actions.
Tell me, with 60 years or so, 40 years voting how didn't these people ever correct the problems with voting and raising their kids accordingly? Oh that's right, they voted for cancer and were shit parents. But no, Saint boomers were innocent, all have no responsibility for how they act.

This is why you are vile, this is why you were so fucking bad for society. You don't ever admit to fucking up, it's always someone else. Then you keep making the same mistakes and digging the hole deeper.
Atleast I can say my millennial generation is mostly cancer.

Go door to door and let me know how many middle class boomers you find owning multiple houses. Get back to us on that survey.

slap yourself back into reality. Middle class boomers don't own and control the housing market. Yids do.

I have one more thing to say to dumbasses. Suddenly in one day we have two new threads relating to two generations. One thread shitting on one generation and the other praising a generation.

Who do you morons think are behind these posts? Have you looked at the current blueprint for completely killing off what is left of the nuclear family unit lately?

You're soaking in it, willfully participating in it, because you are so redpilled. I laugh. Everytime I think the internet was good for waking people up I realize it created a generation of idiots willingly participating in the destruction of what little is left of our cultural bonds.

This thread pisses me off so i have to stop watching what dumbasses say for a while.

Since this seems like a boomer hate thread I'll just leave this here.


This is why I love my boomer Grandpa. He quit his job at 55 because in his own words "a younger man needed that job."

Trips of truth.

My most redpilled friends are all going to poor countries and marrying the first good virgin they see. I've met 8/pol/acks a year ago, and now most of them that had money are already married and have a kid in some redpilled countries (mainly Mexico). As soon as I get my life in order, I'll go do the same and bring my family back to the US. Once here, I'll make my redpilled children join politics.

You're grampa sounds like a cuck and a loser, look at Trump. He's 70 and he's winning, he'll probably going to be fucking your daughter (while you film) when she becomes 18.

kek'd and checked

you ass-paddled?

You're going to find a redpilled white woman in mexico?


Ahh these threads take me back. Why does x shabbos goy group always fall for the typical jewish 'attack y shabbos goy group' trick? Every 'generation' (muh social science) has the same ratios of archetypes. Every 'generation' is incredibly socially engineered since basically the beginning of the 20th century. This is just some angsty whining about irrelevant shit. Do you really even think that millenialfags that get everything handed to them on a silver platter are happy, and aren't going to get shit on when SHTF?

Learn a trade, barter your skills privately instead of working for some moishe who will fire you on your 19th year right before your 20 year anniversary 100k payout. Learn how to survive in innawoods, live outside of the city in a place where niggers and other zombies won't be attracted to when/if SHTF. Practice your permaculture/animal farming skills and stay away from the pharmaceutical jew unless you get something ridiculous like cancer. Don't buy into the valuable metal meme, that shit just like tender notes will not help you in a survival situation. Don't fall for the 'kids are jews' meme, you need to have as many white babbies as you can and don't start to red-pill them on anything until they are at least 12 and have the mathematical/scientific understanding to process the logistics of things. If you can into having multiple families (like my dad) do it, you will be old some day and if you are like said retarded boomers discussed in this thread who rely on gooks/pajeets to 'take care' of them you will get fucked over and only a strong company of sons will ensure your health/safety. Avoid the herbal/liquid jews, study nutrition and drink a fuckload of (needless to say, filtered) water unless you want to be a feral ghoul. Fear no man, defend your reputation and when scumbags try to hurt your life for whatever typical reason destroy them with subtlety and move on. And for christs sake, don't ever work the government.


top jej


I always hear this mentioned but legitimate trade school are needles in haystacks and apprenticeships are all but dead. Where the fuck do you learn a trade, especially if you lack something like a garage or workshop to hone your skill on your own?

Amazing isn't it? I'm just glad I was able to show my own boomer parents the light. Took me a while but I somehow did it.


Someone finally got the humor! Holla Forums is so uber-sensitive sometimes, I swear.

It’s a fair question. The people I know who know a trade took advantage of an apprenticeship scheme which whilst not available in abundance are admittedly an option in my country. But, only to people of a very specific age (e.g. as an alternative to going to University straight out of school or university).

In my early 20’s I liked the idea of becoming an electrician, my options were limited to trade schools which all charged close to what I was earning a year. So I didn’t become an electrician.

School or college (16-18 in my country)*

Find something that you can use in a survival situation, like small-scale steelwork, smithing, mechanical or carpentry. It's getting harder to survive in the economy independently, but if you are any good there will always be shit going on that you can get into. Some industries (like cabinet making) have been converted to factory labour, which means if you undertake some kind of role that is going to be redundant because of the mass production industrial complex jew then you will struggle to get work. I have a fair few classical books in PDF form that I'll be archiving in a couple of days that you could probably browse over. There will always be work for genuine labourers in any field, despite the jewish industrialization of everything, most of which roles you will find essential to survival. Right now, Im doing woodwork, gardening/landscaping and basic agriculture to get an idea of what I want to do, so I can't really give examples. However I worked in the cabinetry industry when it was becoming 'redundant' and it was brutal tbh. If you have a good IQ or intuition, maybe take up mechanical engineering, as you said apprenticeships are hard to come by because jewish education industrial complex ruining everything but there will always be areas where you'll have to teach yourself or read about how it was done in the past before muh industrialization.

If you are a contractor you will get fucked over. It's viable, but you have to find a specific role within the field and work for a company that will give you constant work. I'd rather take up welding, there's always work there. Electrical could just mean in some cases that you'll work on an assembly line in some gook warehouse wearing yourself out for some rat.

People in trade are based sometimes, they will give you a chance if you can demonstrate some understanding of the role. It's not office work where you have to sit through some cringey interview and give them some kind of qualification. There are night classes and workshops you can attend, don't worry about the (((recognised training))) jewish bullshit, anyone with a practical attitude towards employing people knows that even someone with down syndrome can complete courses and that it's more about one's abilities than some piece of paper. Another thing, you have to network with others like any type of active industry, you can be minimal about communicating and all that but just don't be difficult and autistic otherwise people will just subconsciously avoid you and your services. A lot of people fail in life for this reason, then blame it on the industry and spread misconceptions about how it works. If you just save some money up and buy some equipment to practice something particular, you can fast-track your way through babby education and luck into a job and go from there. You'd be surprised what some people like spending their money on; I met a guy last week who got paid 20k to build and finish an outside staircase for someone's house which took him 2 days and cost about 2k. This is why you're better off broadening your skill set instead of becoming a full-time bitch in my humble opinion.

In other news, water is wet and ice is cold.
More at 11.

That had some potential, but at the end, its nothing but more libshit cuckoldry crying about muh corporayshuns! instead of realizing the score.

Moving to latin america is a bad idea.
Things are shitty when things are good. Wait until shit hits the fan and the local beaners will have you on a spit.

cheap houses good jobs and this could be a founding culture in a city setting.
rare opportunity

Expecting boomers to have even an ounce of common sense.
Oh look, i fucked this country up, let me just move to a better country.
Jamal, what are you doing with that knife ? Rodriguez, you are my friend right ?

No, that would only work if you got rid of all the niggers first. If some Holla Forumsacks went in and made the place habitable, that would just cause a ton of niggers to flood back into the city demanding gibs, just like they did the first time they ruined detroit. As soon as whitey comes in, they'll tax the shit out of everything he does and ruin any opportunity.

That's the bait. The nogs currently in charge refuse to let go of potential property backtaxes, due to their GIBSMEDAT mentality. Outside of upper-middle class hipster communities, it's just a wait until Detroit finally goes bust, and the surrounding cities get ownership of the districts. Nobody besides laundering foreign "investors" is going to want to pay several years in backtaxes.

Old fag here. Tell you what I would do if I had to do it over again. I would go to work in the energy business because it is the only industry that for sure is not going anywhere. When I was in college I worked on oil rigs and you don't want to do that shit.

I would go to work for the electric company. Its not a nasty environment and they have all the good tools you need.

They pay good and right now they still have one of the safest pension system in the country. I don't have a crystal ball but I don't think they will fuck up the pension system because that is what attracts and keeps smart fit people with a good work ethic and electrical utilities need capable people on call 24/7 when shit hits the fan.

Its not hard work and the people you work with will be fairly high caliber people. Even if you lose the pension because things change for some reason you still have a better shot at getting one with an electrical utility than anywhere else I can think of.

Working for the railroad is also a damn good job, or used to be anyway, I don't know if it still is. They got paid well and had good pensions. I don't know if their pension system is weak now or not.

Two articles about electrical pensions. They are not very detailed mostly opinion pieces but maybe enough to get your noggin thinking of ways to research it further. One pro pension and one anti pension.


It's time to retire utilities' 'bulletproof' pension system

Best money in welding is working on pipeline crews. Its hard hot ass work though. You stay on your knees or on your back all day and you have to be fairly fit.

I know some plumbers that have made good money. You can become a walk on apprentice pretty easy if you can simply convince a plumber you have a good work ethic. Get ready to work your ass off though. When I watch plumbers under houses struggling and grunting with barely enough room to work I always think "damn that looks like some hard ass shit to do."

They do, but even more than that they go to be treated like kings by the whole family. There is a community of these guys who vlog their travels of the phillippines. What happens is the young women flirt, date, fuck them in an attempt to get the men to follow them back to their family homes . There the whole family "seduces" them: the kids act cute around him, the parents wait on him, grandparents make jokes and tell stories. It strikes me as strange bum rush of group acceptance. The goal being getting the guy to stick around and be a source of money for the family. The guys naturally end up in a power position ot exploit the women and girls of the family, but I can't feel much sympathy for the flips who completely embrace the opportunity to pimp out their daughters.

I think us whites have one last chimpout left in us.


Go to the link and look at that sign. The cops put that up themselves.

I greened that mother fucker to death. Sorry.

It's perfect for sharing with normalfags without getting shutdown or shoahed.
I guess you missed the part where they made the argument for cultural/racial separatism, named (((Abrahamic religions))), and said usery/debt was cancer. The muh corporations stuff is just to lubricate your bottom for the real meat and potatoes of anti-globalism and anti-kikery.

Someone who isn't an edgy teenager appears

Your spot on the money user, it's very easy blame but not to fix. D&C are Jews go to strategy.

They didn't have control over politics but they had complete control over the culture. The degradation of moral values in the western world is 100% the result of their actions. Everything from faggot acceptance, the break-down of marriage, the "anti-racist" movement, environ,entalist movements etc. are on them.

I've always felt that last chart was bullshit, considering each of those are the reverse of voting trends. They probably got Yes and No backwards but selected for very high 'Yes' answers so they can demonstrate then, and when they fucked up it looks like a landslide.

These youngster do not understand how quickly 30 years is going to fly by, then they will live in the nightmare they now fear and will have done nothing about it.

next the YIDS will have the younger generation knifing their own parents just like children did to their own parents in 1930's USSR
I shit you not, if they can get away with it, which it appears, once again they are.

Whites have been ruling Latin America for 500 years. Only in Haiti have they ever killed the Whites. Thought that would necessitate them assimilating into the local elite, and not be perpetual foreigners.

I had been looking to move abroad for filibustering purposes for ages. Most of these (((boomers))) are straight-up kikes working for Soros NGOs & have soured the locals on letting any palefaces in period, let alone enfranchising an American to do anything. Sucks because a handful of White militiamen could have taken over huge tracks of fertile virgin land in the turdworld while the kikes are busy using their hard power in their litter box of a backyard. There have been lots of commie take-overs going on too since this whole "war on terror" BS has meant that the Western world has abandoned South America and South East Asia to the ChiCom's influence.


jewish influence doesn't absolve the crime grandpa

look at her snauser. Hey Lady why do you feel unsafe? Is it the blacks?

It's one of the few things left where the "firm handshake" interview still somewhat applies. Except there's fewer positions and way more people. If you get a chance, you learn while being paid.
This is for USA, just do the same for your country if different. Go online (craigslist, etc.) and look for trade jobs that say no experience or little experience required. Then search "BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) [job] oes" to find out the salary average for your state. ie: "BLS carpenter oes". If it's shitty, skip the trade. You want to be making money in 5 years. Also look up the minimum wage, because chances are you're starting there or close to it.
Then you need a good resume. Spend a day or two learning how to make a good one. ONLY spend it on that. It's your ticket to getting an interview.
The boss would rather employ someone with zero experience than bad experience. This is to your advantage, because you have zero and you need to emphasize that you can be molded to his liking rather than unlearning awful methods. Also emphasize that you want to stick around for years, and not have him teach you and then disappear.

It is possible. I did it as a 25+NEET while pretending I ran a side computer business. No job at all does look bad.

the danger is what makes it a viable option
its almost obvious Detroit will be a hub of of light rail production
the sad part is the Chinese will be the hub

They did not have complete control over culture just like neither us nor the Jews have complete control over culture now. It has always been struggle.

I spent some time living in Eastern Europe when I was a normalfag. I absolutely loved the minimal government involvement. It was like a freedom I never felt not have to live under a nanny state. The experience stuck with me so much that it was my conscious reason for becoming a lolbertarian.

When you've spent all your life living in Western Europe, America, Canada, or Australia and then you live developing country it's one of the first things that hits you and you're very cognisant of it.


absolute bullshit

I am shocked to hear you say that. I don't know how old you are but that tune will change.

I believe you are sincere but your perception needs tweaking. You do realize that when the next generation is doing things even more depraved than this one that they will blame this generation and this generation will be the boomer type generation that just let it all go to hell right? Because that is exactly the way it has always played out and always will.

Boomers did not control culture, they reacted to the magic mirror of televison and radio, oppressive laws, permits, regulations, lack of financial power, lack of control over the economy, bully and peer pressure and desensitization and everything we get blasted with today.

You also need to understand that the yids started that meme and its been a very successful one. Think about it, this generation didn't think that up on their own.

Its a disservice to the white race, families, and cultural bonds across all generations and it only serves the yids. You should start educating people to think better than that.

As matter of fact if pol start a meme campaign to wipe out that divide and conquer tactic you would realize its over the target because the shills would try to disrupt it. Its hard to spot shills on this topic because they can be subtle because so many of this generation have bought it but you can be sure when you see people saying it that they are shills or just don't understand which is odd, considering that it is so obvious.

Its one of the most destructive memes the yids have too.

I forgot one of the most important aspects. They didn't have computers and cell phones. The library of the world was not open to them. They did not have the opportunity to wonder about something and have the answer instantly provided.

That in and of itself is a very profound difference between the two generations.


People who focus only on the jews are missing a huge part of the picture and that is not an accident. The Jesuits are good at staying hidden but if people knew how much of the world the Black Nobility runs they would be stunned. Some seriously ruthless mother fuckers too.

Of course the yids are all up in it but believe it or not the yids sort of run a smokescreen for the Jesuits in a way but they are very affiliated.

I felt sad for when she put on that old rabbit skin coat to look nice for the camera in the midst of that dump she lives in. She is obviously broke off her ass and can't afford to get the hell away from there. Surprised she hasn't found her a sugar daddy and hauled ass from there.

No shit. I can picture this guy speaking Spanish without him doing so, like a mid-westerner, aka like he speaks English, with his hick accent.

cringe, loser, ugly American.

to the point on nonexistence.

"it's real in my mind."

Bet the cops would screaming in if she just shot the motherfuckers.

What do we gain from uniting with people who won't admit their mistakes and won't sacrifice anything to fix them?

I'm a early millennial, i got nothing handed to me. In fact, marxism divided and destroyed most of my family. I'm really sick and tired that for my generation the faggots living with their middle income parents who get handed everything are my generational representation. All these shitbrains do all day is hoover around on social media posting about nonsense, most have been force-fed statism and posses zero critical thinking. I wonder where some of that white privilege i hear the kikes always yell about. Nice coming out the bag as some old fag since the first thing you yammer on about is millennials; you perfectly took the media D&C hook line and sink where i hear it almost every week about some complaining piece about my generation.

Why did boomers allow subhumans to come into my country in the 50s? Why did they allow a general pardon to occur in the 60s. Why did they allow subhumans to become nationals? Why did they get all sorts of subsidization for buying a house, yet i have to buy a house to todays standard at 300k while they got it for 5k with 15k government aid? All these fucks enjoyed the bubble creation by the government in the 1990's which doubled their house value in less then 1 year since the government banned house building and socialized housing construction for over a decade.

I hate old people in my country with a fucking vengeance. Most men from that era have died allready, their useless stay-at-home wives are on pensions from when their 55 years old and some of them will live up untill their 100s, geuss who's stuck holding that unpayable debt in my country. Most young people want to flee this country. The inflation theft started before the boomers in the US, it's not what i give a shit about, they were the generation that could have put a stop to it. The same with the US where the government was suppose to go in to a recession after WWII to pay off all the war debt, instead it just adopted harsher keynesian economics and is riding that wave all the way to the top middle class to destroy their wealth. But that central banking FIAT cancer only started in my country in 1947 where the government devalued the currency by 30% in one year, 99,4% were white and they're parents did fuck all and the baby boomers who got coozy lives handed to them when they reached maturity in the late 60s did fuck all either. Life was good back then.

Really? You're lazy.

1. Find someone doing something. A house being worked on, carpenters, something.
2. Ask for the boss.
3. Offer to pick up trash for 5 an hour, explain you would like to learn as much as make money.
4. Pay attention. Do work. Don't be a lazy entitled asshat. Learn who needs what and fetch it with quickness.
5. Show up a 6:50am the following day.

If you did well and were helpful the day before, you should get picked up for more work.

This is so stupid, control over culture? How so?
I'll tell you a real life experience I experienced. It had to have been late 1980's the news began reporting that firm and extra firm tooth brushes were the best for teeth with daily brushing. This was from the National Dental Association, so I started using firm and extra firm tooth brushes, fast forward to now. Keep in mind compared to today there has been an explosion in the various tooth brushes one can buy at the local Walgreens. I have fucking destroyed my gums, and also my teeth. I have good teeth but my fucking gum have receded to the point I look like a meth addict. I followed the best medical advice at the time, along with millions of other Americans. I didn't know dentists where colluding with a medical association and all form of media at the time to promote a false narrative generating millions in revenue for dentists for the millions of people who, just like me followed this advice. This is what the Jews do and how they have done it. This is but one example. But people followed the best advice at the time, never knowing it was complete and total fucking bullshit.

The rest of your post is spot on, but this is bullshit. My pops was in utilities for 30+ years, never even took a single sick day. Everything was great until he made upper management, he got put under some fucking scumbag Pajeet who screwed my dad over on every opportunity, passed him over for rightful promotion multiple times because my dad was a former marine who ran a tight ship, if he was promoted he would be moved elsewhere. After making management he was moved "temporarily" from a local plant 5 minutes away to a plant that was an hour and a half away. He was told this was supposed to be for no longer than two years, but his Pajeet boss kept him there for over ten years. Additionally being "management" my dad had a target on his back whenever the Union guys went on strike, he had sugar poured in the gas tank of his car multiple times, and once the animals even poisoned his coffee with rat poison (nothing fatal just enough to make him violently ill). If your gonna get into utilities/electric, get in the union and stay there do not become management it's not worth it at all.


It is too easy to blame the boomers; that alone should tell you something.

Obama doubled the debt on our watch. I don't feel responsible for that shit.

When things are good people aren't paying attention to the Shekel monsters in the background. They have been brainwashed.

I want to go innawoods.

My fear is they will slowly raise land taxes and estate taxes to the point where you can't live off the grind. Uncle Sam wants your datafile and tax money.

1972 here. This.

Pension schemes are fucked, so I spent the last 20 years learning how to grow pot and vegetables, indoor or out. Remote work for rent money, family has some land on the other end of the continent. Silent generation father who had the same job for 40 years finally clued in about 10 years ago.

So I have a question, what's the Holla Forums overall opinion of working-living in South American countries? If you could go and work there free of any bullshit would you guys take the chance?

The issue isn't that they fucked up in the past. We all have. The issue is that they are still in complete denial about how fucked things are getting, and their inability to engage with younger people in an open manner.

I'm from Brazil. It's a violent shithole, but there are good places especially in the south. Like always, you should avoid "diverse" places (with too much niggers).

Personally I don't know what you could gain from moving to a third world country. No idea what you mean with "bullshit" but we most likely have it as well.

People born in the 1970s aren't Boomers.

If you think this would work, you are probably severely autistic or a child

Just because you aren't one of the Boomer-bourgeoisie doesn't mean they don't exist. I see them all the fucking time and they are the reason young people can't afford housing because well-to-do rich boomer fucks buy up any cheap housing as soon as it hits the market and then demand rent payments that cover the mortgage plus give king boomer some spending money.

The boomers who don't have second properties are the Boomers you see stuck working fucking retail and part time grunt jobs until they die because they just could not for the life of them ever manage to save one fucking penny.


Just want to throw in my 2 cents, but I cannot stand boomers, not even my own grandparents. They are the most insufferable, self-centered, selfish fucks that I encounter far too often. The men are usually literal junk collectors, and the women are all hoarders and buy useless shit from catalogs CONSTANTLY. My own grandmother is guilty of this, and she has never ONCE cleaned her house thoroughly. It is so full of shit that you cannot realistically START cleaning it until every room of the house has been emptied, because every room is packed to the door. Grandfather picked up whatever garbage he found and kept it in case he might "need it" one day or thought he could scrap it, I've spent over a week throwing his shit out by myself because their own kids wont help. Weekly I have to throw out spoiled food the old lady wont get rid of, today it was two containers of moldy strawberries and a big bag of moldy cherries, but her cabinets are still full of shit that expired over a decade ago.
I cannot convince this fucking prune of anything, even when it comes to MATH she will not yield that she is wrong when the numbers do not support her, she just changes the subject. If I complain about how fucking lazy she has always been, how she never bothered cleaning the house, she will first jump to excuses like "Oh but I can only do so much", followed by deflecting with "Well YOU never did anything", despite this being both verifiably wrong and completely insulting considering all that I continue to do for her. Boomers are fucking cunts who would throw their own kids under a bus if it meant a few more minutes of them enjoying being complete wastes of space and ignoring their house of cards collapsing on top of them. Once they retired, they put all their responsibilities on their kids, left their houses to rot full of worthless novelties, squandered all their money, and then have the audacity to call their heirs ungrateful, KNOWING that they will inherit nothing but garbage cleanup and debt when they die. They would still boast that because they worked for so many years, they earned the RIGHT to be so revolting a person that relies entirely on the sacrifices of their kin with no regard for them having a life of their own.
I've wasted too much of my own life cleaning up after these fucks, I don't even have time to look for a nice girl, and by the time this old lady croaks it may be too late to even procreate.

Just when I thought the boomers couldn't get any worse

Just wait for Hitler!

Isn't this just white flight and not moving abroad?

God, this sounds like my mother who will be 66 soon. She's nowhere near as bad as how your grandparents sound but she does hoard a bit and never uses the shit. I actually reached a point sometime last year where I just began (and still do) saying to her sarcastically, "Ah great, another thing for me to have to drag off to the dump when you die." I know I sound like a massive cunt, but holy fucking shit am I annoyed with this. Nearly 25 years of this autism has driven me to give zero fucks.

I actually know another couple who use the excuse "we never had anything growing up, so now that we have money we get whatever we want". These people spend thousands on the most expensive shit, and do zero upkeep on any of it, blow hundreds on tech support that they could have got for cheap, buy riding mowers and snow blowers the most expensive brands, only to get rid of them when they've rusted outside the rest of the year. Now the man lost his job and they can't pay for their home and he can't even get disability. They've truly fucked themselves into a hole they can't get out of. For all the money he made, it never once crossed his mind to make himself a safety net in case he couldn't work. Not that nobody tried to intervene and tell them both to save their money, believe me, I was one of the people trying to intervene. I could not convince a baby boomer that the sky is blue because they'd argue that some days it's cloudy out.

Why would this post get deleted???

I was really digging this until she started blaming technology. Need to disassociate technological progress from the corruption of its gatekeepers.