Zuckerfuck Data Scam

Zuckerfuck is a Data Scam. The people own that data because they typed it up but Zuckerfuck treats it like his own personal fiefdom where noone can extract their data seamlessly onto competing platforms. there is also no ability for competing platforms to interact with facebook users like what happens with phone companies where you can call and interact with people on other networks. This is a giant data scam that must end just like if Bill Gates had forced you to not move your data off windows platforms or email people using Apple products.

On top of that he is spamming his data scam platform with Jewish leftwing propaganda and suppressing non Kosher political thought on a now public platform.

Trump has to end Zuckerfuck's data scam

The main reason Zuckerfuck is running for President is to block the Zuckerfuck Data Scam prohibition law from being passed in the future

Take him out with a law on Trump's watch to stop this

If you come into my store and write poetry on my bathroom wall, it becomes mine.

Stop using their property for your shit. They aren't a bank storing your assets in a safe deposit box. Fucking moron.

you fucking moron Zuckerfuck doesn't own your data

Zuckerfuck enterprises is not a physical store

does Dropbox own your data?

Probably, or at least a copy.


its a scam and Trump can enact a law that doesn't allow the abuse Zuckerfuck is doing

He can propose laws, but only congress has the power to write laws, and they are owned by kikes just like zuckerberg. Best you could do is try to spin it as an antitrust issue and see if there is an existing statute applicable.

well we need to brainstorm a path for a Zuckerfuck data scam prohibition law to be passed

99%+ of the value of Facebook was contributed by users

why do they get to extract 0% of it or use it only in the way Facebook dictates

It needs reform fast

Why not create a anti trust law to target google?

lol I'm guessing OP is sort of confused about how computers work
and that different companies on that dang ol innernet have different data policies
i also imagine he struggles with reading (and obviously math) and so has not even attempted to read the terms of service, which is why he brought up Dropbox as if dropbox's policies have something to do with fagbooks

tldr OP is a massive faggot

In my opinion it won't be really possible to forbid Facebook, too much depends on it right now. People use it as a global phone book as it's easy to use and everyone is there. The alternatives aren't so normie-friendly, but if there was some, I'd try to migrate my friends to such a network to cause a network effect.

I stopped using Facebook about a year ago. Unfortunately, I couldn't cause a network effect. When I asked people to move to another service I was called crazy and paranoid. The Facebook propaganda is pretty strong I guess.

Fix'd embed with a music video.

Windows is way bigger of a data mine then kikebook could ever dream to be.

that's why the government needs to force facebook to let cross network interaction for similar competing platforms

that is literally how we find out how much Zuckerfuck enterprises is really worth. not the inflated multi billion dollar effect of guarding the network effect on a shitty platform

Imagine MS going 100 % Open source like linux is. It won't happen because back doors, but imagine being able to fix what's wrong with windows XP while keeping it low on bloat.

Being open source wouldn't really fix windows problems since DOS is inferior to UNIX to begin with. The only reason people use it is for games

This will be hard to implement and it won't make too much sense, because other networks are incompatible (for example, how would you integrate Facebook with Twitter?) and don't have too many users, so it will still be a communication thru Facebook most of the time.

I'm afraid that the 2020 election will be mostly about blackmailing.

the way I figure it working only similar platforms would be linked. so there would be 5 or so twitter like platforms linked together and 5 or so facebook like platforms linked together

Why do normafags use social media?


I don’t think anybody is under the impression Facebook is anything but a negative force in the world. The question is, why would anyone on Holla Forums feed into this system?

Looks like you accidentally made a good post.

It's a bad thread, but I'm giving a bump because you have something incredibly valuable here.


This is a linguistic kill shot. This will be useful when Zuckerberg runs for president in 2020. Keep it around. Remember it.

The accusation of being a scam must be responded to with a clear concept of value.

Facebook cannot do this because Facebook has no value to a user. The user is the product; your data is stolen from you and sold. Why should the user participate in this scheme?

The best Facebook can respond with is some incomprehensible nonsense about staying in touch with friends or a part of the vast network of the world or human life or bla bla bla.

There is nothing Facebook can do in response to this that does not reveal them. The best response to it is to pretend they didn't hear it, even though it's burrowing into people's minds and it's going to be a problem. And that is the definition of an unblockable kill shot.

It's perfectly memetic:
-it's short
-it's that just right balance between unusual combination of words and words outside the base vocabulary
-it's nebulous. 'Data' is a computery word, but normies don't have a good idea of it.
-it's icky. Ew, I don't want a scam on me, take it off! We're not a scam!

It's so perfect. Congratulations. These are the two most important words your inconsequential monkey brain ever accidentally to put next to each other.




Go for the "for the children" angle.

Faceberg, Instagram (a Zuckerfuck property), and others allow minors aged 13 and over to use their platform. The industry standard for all social media seems to be 13.

How is it that a minor child able to consent to a TOS in which they agree to give their data, communications, image files, etc. that will be used in data mining schemes by this company for free?

Go for the "for the children" angle.

Faceberg, Instagram (a Zuckerfuck property), and others allow minors aged 13 and over to use their platform. The industry standard for all social media seems to be 13.

How is it that a minor child isable to consent to a TOS in which they agree to give their data, communications, image files, etc. that will be used in data mining schemes by this company for free?

Being against the power of Faceberg is correct, but your method is wrong. Saged for Downs-tier opposition to the jew. Act like a real white and think.

Thanks Dilbert man

especially if we can rebrand his entire campaign as a defensive attempt to protect his Data Scam from being rumbled and the truth value of Zuckerfuck enterprises being discovered

he will look desperate and on the defense

I was in middleschool into early highschool when myspace was all the rage. I remember seeing people acting like such faggots over these personal homepages. People in my class would obsess what friends they would put in each others "top 8" and it was a serious point of drama if your friend didn't rank you in the top 8. And there were literally tons of people competing to see how many friends they could amass. It was absolutely fucking pathetic, and it permanently turned me off from ever using normalfag social media.