Are you a cuck and always felt entitled to money because you have "unique" opinions that you share every 5 seconds,do you think the world would be a better place if everyone just agreed with you ?…..then have i got the job for you
i saw this when i was browsing a website that fought for net neutrality basically its a propaganda teams that they are organizing .
B-Team is top what they can muster.
This reminds me what Zucker-Berg is going to do with the (((basic living wage))) probably implemented in FedCoin. Of course its not designed to last only to hurt the fighting strength of the enemies of the Jew.
And dozens of those retards won't be capable to do what a NEET autist do everytime FOR FREE.
The lefties must be starting to get shaky. A simple tactic by the kikes to reinforce their offense: convince the good goyim to become 100% dependent on them. If the only way for them to eat is to keep propagandizing, they'll keep propagandizing no matter what.
Of course, as usual, the kikes overlooked something: if the tech sector experiences an exodus of rainbow-haired faggots, the kikes' control of technology might start to slip.
Lets say we do this. We start making retarded teams, pick stuff and give them bare bones that will be lightyears of what they can even think of. We know that its wrong info that wont do anything (because we do the research). We then take that money and use our own A-Teams to fund Pro-Trump Pro-American groups. We let them finance their enemies.
Does it actually pays well ?
Who knows. Atm they say that if they pick you for one of the initial teams they will start you off with 15k. So a 3 person team gets 5k each if you split it well. I suppose thats for equipment, resources, interviews ect. I bet they will ask how you spent that money (if you mention that you spent it on personal items like a car or rent chances are they might not give you shit unless you give them something really good next time). Its hard to say what this is. They claim to be the niggers behind the net neutrality deal and another thing. Chances are that this is just another attempt to bankroll liberals and nogs to propaganda for them.
Oh, that's nice.
Some of you plan on doing it ?
Can anyone confirm this is real? my moral fiber is outweighed only by my debts
Well it seems nice but honestly if i look at it objectively I can not fake the other side, no matter how much I want to. Not because I cant lie, but because I cant even remotely force myself to act like the other side. It would be like me trying to act like a woman when im clearly not mentally challenged. I just cant do it. I cant be something im not. Now if they were neutral and accepted people that were pro-wall, pro-deportation, pro-police and harder on drug wars then sure I could easily do it. But I know they arent. I know they are looking for people that will fit their narrative. They are looking for the people that will help push their agendas and bankroll them. I can and have done some shady shit and manipulated bosses and companies but I know for a fact that I wont be able to do this because I just can not act like a faggot. I can not sit there and proclaim that i hate my president, hate the wall and want my country to flood with illegals and nogs. If it was something else like getting an entire division in a company removed, sure I can do that no problem. Done it before and will do it again as long as it benefits the company and fucks over people who would ruin the company.
But just know guys that this is going to be a lesson in lying if you want to do it. You will need to learn how to be a liberal and make sure you can hit every sweet spot. You will have to make some disgusting things and if you get picked be prepared to see your work used to help vilify and degrade your president or country. Only do this if you know that what you will use that money for will drastically outweigh what damage you do. If you are doing this for the paycheck then dont bother. Im sure they will be weeding out any half assed attempts. They arent going to fork over 15k just for faggots to make shitty youtube videos saying that they hate the police and say drumpf a lot.
So who wants to form an A-team that's focused on shitposting those assholes on Holla Forums? I'm up for that.
We can use universal basic income to our advantage. If everyone were to be guaranteed enough money to live on, we could pubicly come out and voice our opinions without fear of losing the money that we need to live.
Thats wrong because there will always be some clause in there to say "if you do something we dont like, we can reduce or resend that monetary income".
There is always a catch.
This looks like a scam, I doubt anybody would pay tons of random people 180 grand a year to bitch about Trump.
That's the single most well-crafted part of the kikes' scheme.
IF you're guaranteed enough money to live on. IF. And yet, supposing someone got elected who decided that basic income is "unconstitutional" and pledged to remove it? The "guarantee" flies out the window. Now you have to work to support political candidates who support basic income. You become dependent on them. You have to support them, which means you have to support everything else they stand for, or else you starve.
To put it simply, basic income is subtle slavery, and, as ever, the slavemasters end up being kikes.
Your screenshots needs better joke tabs. "Gay sex with hats" is always a good one.
Universal basic income is literally the recipe for infinity niggers. Why do you think jews keep promoting this shit? Because they know if they get it implemented that we will all be drowned in a sea of screeching jungle bunnies.
silly you, you're only going to be guaranteed anything, if you'll obey the party.. and even then the system will collapse eventually
These people are children. All they think about is marvel movies, harry potter and fantasy television.
Game the system. "Live" in a place that costs above average, get more gibs, use it to go skiing or on HWNDU hunts.
t. leaf, we used to call these people 'ski bums' living off UIC
That's the intended result of the Safe Space system. They're kept "safe" from the real world, so they never acquire life experience, never have to face hard truths, never encounter hardship, never mature.
They live in a bubble. And THAT'S why Trump "terrifies" them. Whatever they may claim or even think they dislike about Trump, the root cause of their fear of him - the reason they're willing to instantly believe any propaganda against him no matter how farfetched - is what he represents: the bubble popping, the collapse of the unsustainable, the castle in the clouds crashing to earth, reality reasserting itself.
They aren't mentally capable of life outside the bubble, out in the real world. That's why they're so rabidly up in arms about losing. It's not really about issues or philosophy, it's about them being unable to deal with life, and their rabid fear of being FORCED to deal with life.
I'm up for it. Might as well get paid for shit posting
My thoughts exactly. Racism/Facism seems promising. Could write a lot of subtle micro-aggressions into it. Like for example, we need more gibs for the nogs because they aren't capable of working. Or that asians are racist because they generally score high in tests. Basically anything that promotes in-group fighting.
Well something is going to give, automation is a coming reality.
I'd bet you never get the money. If Jews promise they MIGHT give you money you'll never get a dime. They just want free labor from thousands of hopefuls imo.
The less money represents work the worse inflation of necessities gets. No matter what they set ubi at you won't be able to live on it. Automation is a red herring because without immigration and welfare it only accounts for less than 5% of wage depression.
Dubs confirm! We can false flag as leftists, collect shekels, and post the most outrageous bullshit with obvious fake information that it actually redpills people!!!
What if we told them we were jewish?
then, don't do insane liberal shit if you have trouble lying about it
just pretend you will be an useful tool for them by contacting all the leftist group/clubs/organisations and do networking and information brokerage to facilitate their job
this will allow you an tremendously efficient way to make a mapping of all their groups, subtly push disinfo and have an early warning system for cases of aggravated leftistery
just be subtle about it, and use the momentum (((they))) will give you by financing you to gain access to contacts with lots of groups all over the place
this is what I would do if I lived here
That said, if any NEETs want to band together to make a fake cuck-team, you could basically lie to them until they pay you, then fuck it up in a way that makes their side look bad. This is an opportunity to con (((anonymous benefactors))) into paying you to make them look bad.
Who pays for all this crap?
Except protest don't do anything. Except maybe inconvenience others so they hate your cause no matter what it is. I'm really tired of faggots like BLM, antifa, muslims assholes, etc marching around acting like they're doing something. Protests are nothing but a circle jerk. I hope they start getting bombed.
Yeah, be sure to use the term "Tikkun Olam" in the application and in your leftyshill memes, and then go as retardedly anti-white as you can, false flag to fuck.
You don't want to be the one going full retard. You want them to just cut you off because you're not producing good results. While they think you're just inept, you're really networking with actual SJWs and convincing them you're a friend. When (((they))) get ready to cut you off, you take the less stable SJWs you could identify and really wind them up. For example, convince them to try and take down Trump to save America, and give them a gun with a firing pin too short to actually fire the round.