Greg Lansky wants to politicize porn and shoot Blacked footage in Appalachia
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All Jews must be slaughtered.
why does he think anybody would care
This makes my stomach turn
Jews and french…
Seriously, Trump certainly won't now that he has said it in an interview.
This could help us actually. We have a short and sweet redpill about porn being used as a political tool/weapon. That's the first part, then you can follow up with Lansky being Jewish and go into other Jews in porn from there.
did he kill himself?
I have this.
This is the usual in America anyway. He wouldn't get away with this stuff even in Germany or Czeckoslovakia/Bulgaria and they are the most perverse porn scenes in Europe.
Normies will not believe you. Trust me. I have told normies about the jews in pornography and they just said that it's a conspiracy theory and the opinions of one jew, its not real. And "all are individuals, they don't work together anyway."
he'll probably will get a warm reception in the Appalachian region.
I was thinking the exact same thing user.
Is there any possibility we can help this warm reception along?
Sounds like an apt opportunity for assassination
This is the only way to wake up normies.
If he doesn't get murdered then it's useless.
Was thinking the same thing. He's actually advertising the way and place he's going to contribute to the country's destruction. My first thought was to kill him before he gets a chance to do any damage.
does the internet exist over there? maybe the folks need a headsup of what's coming their way
Even if you don't kill him, we're pol. Its about time we started dishing some serious death threats.
He couldn't complain or go public about it without bringing to light his sick plans or the Jewish role in porn.
Death threats need to be backed up by something, either the actual threat happening or us doing such a ruckus about kike involvment in porn that they'll freak out.
all you do is reenforce the "conservative ebil white man" mantra, we need to be smarter than that
I am sure it does you can get dial up every where in the US.
How do we figure out what they look at on the inter webs?
every municipal probably has a website with contact information
maybe send them the info that way or local small newspapers
Jews just can't help themselves. This is a kike that deserves a slow painful death. He must really get off at defiling white women. What a sick fuck.
Wow color me surprised.
$50 says everyone involved gets shot or lynched by the locals
I am sick and tired of hearing this shit.
everything is a "conspiracy theory" until someone on Tel-Avision talks about it.
I fucking hate these people.
With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master.
I never understood why it's so bad to have sex with someone from another race as long as they don't have a baby.
Source? All I could find was the cuckchan thread op copied this from.
Lurk more faggot
Why do you think anyone will debate with you, oven dodger?
In 2014, the estimated diagnosis rate for HIV cases in the United States was 13.8 per 100,000 population and 49.4 among blacks/African Americans. Of 222,185 estimated diagnoses of HIV infection in the United States and six dependent areas from 2010 to 2014, African Americans accounted for the following:
45% of the total
62% of women
64% of infections attributed to heterosexual contact
64% of children, ages < 13
In a national survey, 29% of African American women and 12% of African American men reported at least one instance of intimate partner violence.¹
African Americans are the victims of 1/3 of the domestic homicides in the United States each year. African Americans have a domestic violence homicide rate four times that of whites.²
The guy says he is going to go to this place and do this thing. But he won't what he'd do is just film it outside and say it was in the place with a girl from that place.
It is like the typical leftist argument "If you don't like black so much why don't go to a ghetto and call people nigger?" because it would be dumb.
Libertarians: "The state is organized violence therefore it shouldn't exist or else be limited."
Fascists: "The state is organized violence therefore we must control it at all costs."
Sometimes it seems like, without any irony, one can say that Hitler fucked up by not committing the holocaust.
That's why I said hte first part is getting in into their heads that porn is a weapon/political tool. This guy, the owner/producer of one of the most influential porn sites, is flat out saying he is using porn as a political tool.
$100 says no one will be physically harmed and at the most they will be shunned by the community.
user you watch the electric jew too much
This particular kike requires immediate attention.
But let's say a clean gir (no stds)l fucks a clean black guy. No abuse and they don't have a baby. How is that bad? How does that have any lasting effect?
Porn already is political.
It is unhealthy for us psychologically, hormonally, and physically.
It wrecks havok on the body, and is damaging to society as a whole.
Go fuck a rake, kike.
Kikes have been pushing blacked porn for literally decades. Does anyone have the statistics stating they actually LOSE money on it? I think that was a pretty good redpill.
His claim is that this will "ease racial tensions". We can't prevent greedy whores taking gold from oven fodder to get fucked by shitskinned monkeys but maybe we can meme this into a race war somehow. Ideas?
So in other words, I was right.
You insufferable piece of shit. I know you are a shill, but since no one answered for the ones lurking. All promiscuous sex without the marital bond is adultery. The highest purpose of sex is to have children, and every sexual partner someone has before marriage degrades the chances of that marriage succeeding according to a non-linear function. You speak like you are unintelligent.
Nah, you weren't right. You're just a dumb shitskin that nobody bothered to answer because you can do your own research on the topic and just decided not to because that's actual work and you're a lazy colored.
I used to visit these sites, until they started banning people for talking about the jews.
If you want to go to a public toilet and eat shit out of it, I don't care if you're sick or not, I don't want you anywhere near me, and it'd be safer to just put a bullet in your head and burn the body.
Keep posts like this in mind. They are telling you the precise method to NEVER achieve anything. Only violence works.
Never tell your enemy what you're about to do.
And by shill, I mean someone that would purposefully dilute the quality of available partners for whites. Why you would do this, I do not know.
1) You have a mental illness fetishizing the defilement of women
2) You yourself could never marry and support a high quality woman so you hope to somehow pressure her into non-marital sex
Either way you're a piece of shit, and I hope you get stuck with one of the woefully unfit hybrids you are advocating for creating. You are a destructive force in this world, and there will be a correction.
This is what a shill looks like. Whipping you up about miscegenation and losing sight of the real goal here; this kike openly admitting to making porn as a political goal/tool.
I hate linking from this sandnigger's site but here you go
It degrades society and normalizes race mixing so that it will lead to the creation of giblets.
Put out a $10,000 btc bounty for the kike's head instead, so the males of the region get the money. I'm sure a good ole boy is open to the prospect.
In the case of pregnancy, yes. People cite this research all the time but never read is over fully. If a fetus is developed (even if aborted, rejected, or unformed) the man's dna stays in the woman.
This is pretty obvious, she carries the child after all. The problem is that many birth control products also cause a very limited kind of abortion (think plan B)
It's classic jew deflection. Combining something that's 'socially acceptable' but hated with furthering a goal to take more ground. When confronted, they always redirect to the action that's strictly legal but gross then attack you for pointing it out while continuing to undermine.
Where is your source?
Also can we do to greg what we did to shia?
Death before dishonor.
Dedicated Holla Forums trolling thread.
This stays while the stoic one dies.
t.beta rice farmer
Although in my younger days I did have sex with a couple half black girls and a half Indian girl
Kill yourself.
could you make that sound anymore gay? jesus christ
Oh no, I've really been shown!1!1 Xddd
alright, i admit it. i am a jew. and, fun fact:
white blondes are whores for me, i've fucked so many of them in the ass i've lost count. ;)
meanwhile, you can't even pay the rent for your shitty apartment and you can't even get a literal "girl friend"
if anyone is worthy of the title goya it's you, cunt
most likely passed himself out by flexing his traps till they choked him out. or something in that vein
I'm ready for the fucking race war!!! The kikes will never stop pushing until the white race is totally destroyed! The whole time, as they kill us, rape our women, and destroy our nations, they will claim it's to "ease racial tensions"
am i greg himself? who knows, but Holla Forums needs to learn to take it up the asshole.
I told you fools before, it's time to reverse the polarity of their memes. We know the power of propaganda, of meme magic, it's time to start making Great White Dick porn and finding Jewish women to get fucked on video while we wear Nazi uniforms.
Take your turds back to leftypol, shitskin.
This is what you get when you unconditionally support a public figure and refuse to entertain any criticism. You get these T_D fags shitting the entire place up.
Gas yourself. Then oven yourself.
They're kike-brained libertarian retards, as simple as that. They will never be pro-white.
This best way to make everybody know what this kike is doing is to assassinate him for it and bait the media into widely reporting your reason for doing so.
the source of this text is cuckchan.
Fuck that, the media wont give them our honest reasons. The best thing to do is just kill them, and keep killing them, until these kikes are afraid to do what they've been doing.
Did you check whatever those forums are, and even if this is fake, the fact that it sounds real shows what sort of state we're in.
Best idea in the thread.
there was no link provided, just raw text on cuckchan.
Make the media report his name. Once people know who he is, they'll be closer to knowing why you did it. Put them in a catch-22, either they report on NatSocs assassinating kikes and risk drawing attention to kike crimes, or they ignore it and let us operate with impunity.
Furthermore if you use the bitcoin angle:
The story becomes too salacious for them to ignore. NatSocs contracting out hits using cryptocurrency? They can't ignore that. They wouldn't be able to resist reporting that the jewish ponographer was killed by "ebil natzees" for political reasons using cutting edge digital technology. It would be a huge propaganda coup for us.
It's really a shame that Catholicism is totally kiked, I wish I could be part of a genuine white religious order that Jews hated, but there are none.
You're correct of course, and that is ultimately what it will come to. Normal white folks will reach their breaking point and start slaughtering kikes and their puppets en masse. Sadly however, we are quite a ways away from that breaking point currently. It's going to have to get a hell of a lot worse first. The average white is going to have to be extremely uncomfortable in his day to day life in order to prompt him to take up arms against ZOG.
Esoteric Hitlerism.
They're probably going to get used to the poz and do nothing.
Fuck off, defeatist. You would have said the same thing in 1920s Germany, and you'd resign yourself to becoming a fag in Berlin. White People have an incredibly high tolerance for bullshit, but that tolerance will not last forever.
I'm not being a defeatist, I'm just being realistic. Revolutions are fought by around 3% of the population and that 3% is us, the rest are being slowly boiled.
They won't unless they see an alternative system. The majority of people are followers, not leaders. In order to abandon one system they must first see an alternative to fall behind. That's why National Socialists need to broadcast the existence of our system and offer solutions to their problems. People naturally prefer the strong horse and right now we're outnumbered, so demonstrating a stronger will is an imperative.
Maybe I'm in denial, actually I probably am considering how many whites are totally brainwashed, but I get angrier everyday and it takes all my restraint not to pull a Dylan Roof and just shoot the closest niggers. Every month the anti-white propaganda gets worse, everyday I become more disgusted with the complacent, the apathetic.
How many good white men, unaware of the cause of society's ailments have killed themselves? Too many.
I know that feel.
One of us for even a few dozen niggers is a bad trade. You're worth more alive and unimprisoned.
you're not alone, but there's a silver lining; leftism can't build self-sustaining society, so one way or another, they'll die away, I mean I'd like to live to see it, but regardless, we're certainly going to win
t. Louis
I know you're right, but I live in Hollywood, the belly of the beast. Walking down Sunset Boulevard at night is like walking through hell on Earth, and as I look from face to face I see nothing but soulless animals. Devoid and without beauty they laugh and move about from shop to shop, all enveloped in their own hedonistic activities… The world doesn't have to be this ugly, it will always be a dangerous world, one where you have to struggle to survive, but it doesn't have to be this disgusting. While we want to elevate society, the kikes and their pet insects are content to roll around in the shit.
This time, we need to win for good, no more mercy, no more compassion for the monsters who perpetuate this filth. Before I die, I need to see a return to beauty.
I hate pessimists like this who defend their pessimism with "I'm just being realistic"
There are many Holla Forumslacks in Appalachia.
Many of those living in Appalachia own a high powered rifle.
Put two and two together, find him, and use the tools you have acquired to do the job God intended them for.
Probably makes more sense to just ban porn. Kike'll leave or be imprisoned for their degeneracy.
jews. It's always the jews.
fbi pls go
We're not in power yet, the purpose of counter memes is to weaken and upset the niggers spamming us with their bullshit. Obviously all degeneracy will be banished once we have actual power, but until then we have to fight dirty.
You're an idiot. In war you have to destroy and demobilize the weapons of your enemy, shitskins are the biological weapons of kikery. There are no good blacks, they're all bad, and they need to go.
This guy is going to be disappointed.
Would you support your daughter having casual sex with niggers?
But compared to the US, all European porn pales in comparison.
We need to figure out where he's going to film his first shoot and put boots on the ground imo.
When I was in highschool I was FWB with a half black half spic girl. I sung embed related with her and danced with her in the talent show. We danced dirty as hell
I don't come here for months and this shit is what I come back to? It's good to see we've finally reached 4chan levels of quality. No article link or archive in the OP. Off yourselves.
wasn't there a german government sponsored kike porn project to produce porn with refugees and blond german women to show how diverse and antiracist germany is?
Get out dude. What the hell are you thinking?
Jewish pornographer pls go.
Getting in the same room with him is as easy as accepting the add. This kike has to be stopped. This can not be allowed to happen. This is political justification for war. We are justified in resisting this. Let THIS be what appears in the media, Jewish porn producer tries to rub salt in the white genocide wound by shooting in appalachia, doesnt shoot porn anymore. Let that be the headline.
Appalachians, do something. You know where he will be. He is not hiding from you. Jews are responsible for our demoralization, but its our collective guilt if we allow this kike to openly take part in exterminating us. Stop him. He must be stopped. We must stop him.
To remove nigger we must first remove jew. It's the jews that force us to deal with the nigger problem. Until you address the root problem, addressing the symptoms is futile. Dylan Roof threw away his life with no lasting impact.
Lurk two more years.
Would be happy to show this kike some Southern hospitality. We need to track his movements so we can send Right Wing Greeting Squads
That could be anywhere. Easier to find out where he lives.
He stands as a martyr. Why did it happen? Why did a black state senator and many well appreciated members of the black community lose their lives? Because 100 black men rape white women every day in the US. Thats the reason he gave.
So until the rape problem is fixed, he would do it again. Fix the rape problem. Thats what he said. Fix the cultural marxist problem. Thats what Breivik said.
Who remembers him fondly but us? Horst Wessel was a martyr because he was shot senselessly for no reason, not because he shot a bunch of niggers and got himself executed for it.
Sure would be a nice redpill if someone could post the proofs.
Is this like a pretend deadlift or something?
Furthermore these are a dime a dozen. Pic related is the negress they replaced him with.
AKA a bunch of niggers too old to breed. He didn't even make a dent on their reproductive population. He didn't slow them down at all.
How many truly racially aware white men are there in America? I'm talking men who know the jewish problem. How many of our opposition are there? We're outnumbered by a large margin. Even if he killed 100 niggers that wouldn't be worth it mathematically speaking. You're worth more to us alive. Dylann Roof was worth more to us alive. His sacrifice was senseless. A tragic waste of a young white man.
Now I don't condone violence or anything but my prediction is that if he tries that in Appalachia, somebody is going to get fucked up by an angry redneck and it's going to be beautiful. He's mistaken if he thinks he can get away with the same thing he's doing in southern Cuckifornia's muhdik valley in Appalachia.
Whatever happens, as disgusting as it is, this will redpill the normies. We want things that intensely offensive and objectionable to normies, right? They need to get redpilled. For many of them, that's going to involve being dragged out of their comfort zone, and asking questions they're not (((supposed))) to ask.
Hey Bill, I heard your daughter got paid $10,000 to fuck a nigger in high definition by some rich Jew from the former USSR, and the video is out there on the internet forever. Wtf I'm #WithHer now #BlackLivesMatter
Anybody in that region with a gun knows what they need to do. Don't talk about it anywhere. Just do it, leave no evidence, do not boast or claim responsibility. Just leave the kike dead.
Who remembers those who died in the Beer Hall putsch fondly but us? Were the only ones who matter.
He killed niggers that niggers cared about, because the white women who are raped every day by niggers are people we care about. Our women are important to us. Those church going black women were about as pure of a black person as you could get, they were seen as innocent and valued - like our women are. See the logic?
Im not saying focusing his energy elsewhere wouldnt have achieved more, but his message was stop raping 100 white women a day - niggers - and he did a decent job of expressing that, if that was his goal.
He was also only half-pilled. He learned about black crime because the Trayvon coverage was endless, and when he finally was forced to look the kids name up - he didnt understand why it was wall to wall coverage for months. So that prompted him to search "black crime statistics" and viola, 100 white women raped a day. Thats about as far as he got before he decided he personally had to take action. Would I fault someone for snapping immediately, before they get educated on the Jews? I think his ancestors are smiling upon him.
Gas yourself.
The common German people at the time. It was a massive propaganda coup for the NSDAP.
Dylann Roof knew about the jews. He knew enough to point out that psychology is jewish bullshit.
Half-pilled. An awareness of psychology does not necessarily demonstrate an understanding of cultural marxism, white genocide, or the factors involved in jewish control and promotion of black on white rape.
Literally this. Why do you think Muslims wield so much power and are placated endlessly? Because they kill people who speak out and attack them
Best Carolina hear, not surprised that's happening, I live close enough to the border with nc though that i would give my left nut to find out were this is going down and shut it down PERMANENTLY
^^^Sorry for the shitty grammar^^^
He didn't just know that psychology is bullshit, he knew it was jewish bullshit. Knowledge of jews is largely binary, if you break free of their programming to question them in even one matter, you break free of them entirely. And in this "information age", there really is no excuse. All the information you need is right at your fingertips.
He knew about the jews, but his priorities were wrong because he was acting on the impulse of a young passionate man. To defeat the jew we need level-headed rational analysis and planning.
The jews final degeneracy is provoking its enemy to the point where it leads to their own death. They don't liberalism, which is really just a jewish mindset, a death cult for no reason. You're signing up for a suicide pact.
Find a like-minded woman who's willing to use herself to lure this guy out of hiding.
Just remember, its always easier to attack a white person than a Jew, and what he did qualifies him as a martyr, his life is over. He might as well have died, and he said he thought he would be dead by the time he ran out of bullets. He gave his life for whites, even without knowing everything. He might have looked a little funny with his bowl cut, but anyone who gives their life for a cause like that - regardless of how they decide to do it - deserves respect from all white people. The fact he refused to sit back and acted immediately is commendable, even if you disagree with what his actions took the form of.
He knew psychology was a bunch of Jewish crap, again, that does not mean he knows about cultural marxism and white genocide. Circumstantial, at best.
I guess theres no point in saging this thread even if its veering into being off topic. Should be pinned so the right person can see it and put a stop to him.
Already got one my dude
I'll head up there in a second if I need to
Fuck off back to where you came from.
That's MY neck of the woods I WILL NOT stand for the kind of degeneracy to happen unchecked around me
White women sleeping with niggers is an inherently degrading act. You're inadvertently promoting the act that leads to the creation of the mixed race bastards by defending an occurence where no offspring was created. It's like defending incest that doesn't lead to procreation. It sets a dangerous precedent that allows the negative occurence to propagate and the scales to tilt in a bad direction.
TLDR: Gas yourself.
His "campaign" isn't going to do shit except abuse and humiliate more poor white women like the sadistic kike he is. Someone needs to dox, find and kill this fuckface and vacate across state/country lines again never to be found for the greater good.
People naturally appeal to authority very strongly and for some reason they think the tv is a valid authority on literally everything despite it being established that it's fake news and other assorted deligitimization. The worst fucking thing about people is that the word "sheeple" is not even an exaggeration. I've sat down with my parents during a half hour broadcast of newsjews and explained to them the real reason behind things including everything that was omitted. They agreed and we actually has a pretty productive discussion on it where they brought things into the conversation to connect to the ideas I was giving them. They agreed that Trump was mostly doing the right thing and that the news was being very disingenuous in their presentation of him. The next fucking day, they are watching the same fucking news program. People will not care or do anything about it until either somebody with integrity takes over the (((media))) or shit starts to really go bad and the food/other supplies are gone.
Post the music you'll be playing when you assassinate this kike.
Fuck out of here, nigger, you'll never be accepted by anyone other than civcucks.
I didn't know Lansky is Jewish, (((wikipedia))) doesn't state anything last I checked. Is there a source? Lansky sounds like a heeb name, though.
It is degrading, and it promotes more of the same. A society that permits niggerfucking is a terrible society. If you're defending the right of your own women to fuck niggers, you're a lost cause. Something in your brain makes it so your disgust response is not fired immediately at the thought. You should probably sterilize yourself so you can't pass on your cuck/racemixing genes.
An ineffectual one. He made a bad decision, he was worth more to us as a free man.
He's still a nigger you useless fuck. They're the other. If you would willingly allow your women to be fucked by "le based black guys" if he was up to par, you're fucked up.
You should feel the same revulsion you would at the sight of someone eating shit. If the shit has been boiled and sterilized with no cause for infection/disease, do you suddenly find yourself "ok" with the thought of eating it?
A nigger is still a nigger, it could be played in gold and it's still a nigger
Good idea, and while he's at it, could he go to the ghetto's of New York and make porno's showing Orthodox Jewish woman go against their societal norms by having sex with blacks.
Good analogy. Shitskin lovers have the taste of scatophiles, no wonder the anal obsessed Jews are so desperate to push race mixing. They love what is ugly and evil.
Autists, is saying that such a nigger doesn't exist.
Don't ever send threats, they're mostly useless and only provide gain for the victim except in certain situations. If anything is to be done, it's to be done alone and silently without a single peep of forethought or bragging online. None of us should even know what anyone is planning or thinking of planning on doing.
Lol oh… Sorry it just got my blood boiling, that's too close to home for me
Don't argue like that, stupid fuck. That means on the offchance that nigger does exist, the kike shill will find smug satisaction that he was able too make a white nationalist OK with the thought of niggerfucking, so long as the nigger was "based" enough.
High quality niggers, no matter how rare they are, are even WORSE enemies to our race than the dumb fucking monkeys roaming the streets right now. Because they are better at stealing our resources and our women, and whites are even more likely to cuck for them.
Burgers, you have all the guns in the world. Why not just use them for a good purpose for once?
then they shouldnt be having sex
I'm not that user. I'm just explaining his comment for you.
I personally dont think we can ever vote to stop white genocide, or vote for National Socialism. I think our brand of National Socialism, at this late stage, will need to rely more on the SA for its success, than votes. With that in mind, yea, maybe he could have been something more, but he will be remembered and honored, if we are successful. look at how he sprung to action. Thats what we will point to. His initiative, and courage, and selflessness. Aspire to take the initiative, to have courage, to act selflessly. These are good qualities.
So before this thread get slid into cuck arguments about (((based niggers))) can some one do this Jew or at least find out what area of Appalachia this is happening in? I would but I lack the skills as I am retarded when it comes to computers
You fell for this obvious lie
When hitler was first starting the nazi party he had to purge dullards who pretended to understand the concepts he was talking about.
They did not understand the concepts of nation, people, or fighting degeneracy, they simply wanted an excuse to be racist, to hurt people.
Hitler purged those people with righteous abandon.
Why aren't we?
This specific post is what's wrong with this place.
You are, literally, mentally deranged.
Go fuck yourself kike
Don't defend retards. You think I don't know what he was saying? You people aren't used to kike dialectic. These are the same people who brought you "not all X are like that", so when you hold out reservations for the offchance of a BASED nigger to fuck our women, they're grinning in delight thinking of just exactly that.
You don't fucking falter, you don't make exceptions. You say fucking niggers is akin to eating shit or fucking beasts, and there's no special situations that could make any of these things acceptable.
You sound like those guys in Sweden who suggest its all just being made up by racists, because look at this anecdotal example of a story some leftists made up to poison the well. What are you angry at? White people. Who would be responsible for faking these stories? Kikes and white genocide promoters. Whos side are you on? Kikes, and white genocide promoters. That makes you a race traitor.
Wow, that escalated quickly, right? Too late, gas time. Dont be a race traitor.
Extinction fetishists get the rope.
If you dont have semite blood, that makes you a white jew. Youre acting in a detestable way towards white people. Thats also a straw man, your whole post is garbage. This is obviously a shill at this point. Enjoy your suffering, when ours is over and done with.
Your opinion is shit.
a movement based off of hot blooded racists isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it probably gets your panties in a twist, cuck.
The time for pleasantries is over. The time for "debate" is over. We have found the truth. Reality is that our race is in a steady procession towards death. All the trivialities don't matter. This kike said this, that nigger said that, it doesn't matter anymore. They're all still agents of our death, and we need to dispose of them before they do the same to us.
Being "nice" and playing by the rules gets us nowhere, because our enemies don't follow any moral code. Use the tactics that win, or lose. If you prefer to die in your perceived "righteousness of anti-hate", then go die. I say that anything is permissible when it comes to the survival of our people and the future of our planet.
Being nice and playing by the rules is why we and by we I mean white people as a whole are in this situation to begin with
Funny how the thread has discussion that fucking niggers it's just as bad, yet you are back posting your cuck shit. Who do you think makes nigger fucking porn to?
Then explain why you're sitting around posting on Holla Forums and not making america into a white utopia then you fucking aspie?
Can you provide a single example of when "hot blooded" (you mean quick to anger, like NIGGERS) ever was a boon to anyone?
One of the things separating whites from niggers is propensity for out of proportion violence against perceived or non existent slights.
You are all white niggers who will go nowhere, because you cannot tell when you are being led, you will not sit and wait for confirmation, you will not think about the things you are doing, you are not doing any of the mental process a white person makes.
you have all been spending your time here on this degenerate site (owned by literal jew with a jew wife) posting about anime and how dylan roof is your idea of a hero has seriously damaged your mental and thinking ability.
Hitler actually talked a great deal in Mein Kampf about how he had to deal with unruly, violent and low intelligence germans who wanted to join his party, they lacked discipline and wanted to use his movement as an excuse to commit violence, because they did not care about their people or country, they simply wanted to hurt someone, and would look for literally any excuse to disobey hitlers orders and commit violence on their own, causing hitler to have to re-think his own plans and the way he would go about saving his country.
There are /lefypol/ shills and kikes roaming this board now spreading their new shill tactic
whites fighting back against their own extinction aren't white, since whites are white because they are nice to everybody :)
Maybe your words would mean something if we actually had some sort of natsoc organization like Hitler had. As for now, the best thing we can do is arouse the anger of our people. If we don't, they will lie back and die like they seem to be doing right now.
Dehumanize and face to bloodshed.
So, what are you gonna do while our daughters and sisters are fucking the jew and nigger? Are you gonna sit there and wait for Hitler?
Someone should photoshoop that elephant to look like Trump and replace those clowns getting trampled with the CNN logo.
kek shows the truth again
as he has over and over
yet as the rope looms closer, the kikes still wish to renegotiate
poor elephant :(
I really hope some methed out cleatus has his hunting rifle sighted in and decides to play sniper.
Weak ass fags like you are the reason why we are in this predicament
GOYS stop getting uppity! Just sit at home and do nothing but wait… Wait for the slow inevitable death of your people but DONT YOU DARE DO ANYTHING IRL GOD FORBID
Sage and report this clown for d&c bullshit
When will they ever learn?
The black is always either going to
1) abuse/kill you
2) leave relationship after mongrels are spawned
This needs to be followed to see if he does it. I am very familiar with the region and country boys in their 30 year old pickups with a confederate flag on the tailgate will knock all his teeth out if he is lucky enough to get out that light.
This needs the HWNDU us Shia follow along treatment. I don't know if he is serious about actually going to Appalachia or just planning to fly some crack whore up north and pretend.
If he is stupid enough to go to Appalachia, set up camp in a motel and bring his studio equipment, and a social media storm notifies enough Appalachian rednecks, they will knock his fucking teeth out for trying to get their women to fuck nogs.
I know these boys, they won't like it.
(practice what you preach, kike)
>that will gain us the support of (((our))) people and not alienate us even more
>I didn't know Lansky is Jewish, (((wikipedia))) doesn't state anything last I checked. Is there a source? Lansky sounds like a heeb name, though.
Ever heard of myer lansky?
Furthermore I also know that the cops in these areas will not do much to protect the fucker from the country boys. The cops will despise his ass. Most likely they will only give lip service to his protection unless some sort of spectacle forces their hand and they have no choice but to protect him.
I wonder how this situation can be monitored? This mother fucker needs to learn that actively coming into isolated country boy town, soliciting white women to fuck niggers, is a really bad idea.
How can we figure out if he is really planning to come to Appalachia or just larping from his studio up north?
Maybe you should find out if it's FUCKING TRUE OR NOT FIRST.
I'm a local lad who'd be very interested giving these folks a warm welcome. I don't even care if Lansky himself shows up, I'd settle for some faggy cameraman, the nig, and the whore. They all deserve the rope, and they all need to recieve the message that they can't kick us around anymore. They would never provoke muslims like this. It's high time we reminded these Untermenschen what happens when the Saxon begins to hate.
You really are trying today aren't you chaim, you're no different than the shills that stop by our meet up thread you aren't good at this, never once did I insinuate to kill but a lesson does need to be made of this kike and his pet niggers they aren't welcome in my neck of the woods and neither are you, you are the weakness that's leading to our collective destruction
Go look it up yourself Chaim it's not fake hell the first link that comes up online is one to BuzzFeed talking aboutnit
fucking kill yourself
what gets me is the "we're all just individuals" shit. I can understand the conspiracy theory jive better than I can the belief in complete atomization of people and society. What jews have and currently pull is like something out of a science-fiction horror show. It truly is unreal how evil they can be, how depraved and negative. But to ignore patterns when shown them is worse than being skeptical or unwilling to look into something on your own. To me, saying "we're all individuals" is like saying engines only work because they want to. Water only boils at 212F because it decides to. It's gaddam idiocy
Normies worship sites like buzzfeed
You can feel the old man's resentment for his daughter and her mongrels in pic 3. I would honestly completely disown my daughter if she made niglets.
Killing niggers accomplishes nothing user. You know better. Niggers are the symptom, not the disease.
nigger, that's exactly why buzzfeed isn't a reliable source of information
You literally know nothing about me or any other user on this board. Everything you type here is a fart in the wind. You sure seem pooper perturbed by this thread. I wonder why that would be?
When people say "it's a conspiracy theory" to me I point out that it is an actual conspiracy, not a theory, and cite several historical events that are proven to have been conspiracies.
My point wasn't to say it was a reliable source but that is was source one on page one, it is a source and ALOT of people are going to see the article on it
Jesus Christ, you whiny faggots.
If you're so fucking upset about it, you know what to do about it.
These people are not politicians.
They are arrogant as fuck.
They don't travel with high level security teams, they don't think about the possibilities… So take him out.
Even if you get caught, no jury is going to convict you on the grounds of having shot a vile Jewish pornographer who purposefully stated he wanted to come to the bastion of Whiteness in the US and film hardcore degrading interracial pornography.
So grow some balls and do something about it, if you're that fucking upset, you fucking whiny bitches.
I know the area. They have smart phones, twitter, surf the internet. If you can find out where he is headed the women will participate in agitating the women because it allows them to join in, follow their man, and virtue signal. Those women don't fuck niggers because they grew up the Appalachian shell. If they fuck niggers they can forget their life in the community.
Sure, you have some meth and crack whores that will, and that he who he will target if he is actually brave enough to go there. This is not a bad thing actually. If the meth heads in Appalachia get wind that the he is actually physically in the area trying to get their women to hump nogs they will fuckkkkk his shit up.
For real though, there is an absolute dearth of white guys fucking black girls in the most racist way possible, but search for girl calling a black guy a nigger and there are millions of videos. I know that for a friend.
Shit, I'll expand on this:
Do you have any idea what one man, with the proper research, a box of .30-06 and a rifle, could do in Los Angeles or San Diego with one night's 'work'? You could send these people a very clear message that this shit will not be tolerated - and you'd probably get away with it, given the circumstances.
Just picture the headlines:
What do you think 90% of White men are going to feel about that, eh?
You think they're going to be upset? You think a White jury is going to be upset? You think White cops are going to be upset?
I rather fucking doubt it.
Nobody weeps for pornographers, especially not these kind.
So fucking do something about it, or shut the fuck up with all this whiny bullshit - you're like fucking niggers crying about Black Lives Mattering whenever a White cop shoots a street nigger, while not giving a shit about street niggers killing each other in droves.
this is why we ought to be networking and finding like-minded people in our area. It keeps us sane and, at the very least, two Roofs are better than one. Do stay strong though, user. Things always have to get bad before they get better.
nobody is reading this. you need to lurk more. you have broken the following violation
youre either straight out of reddit, or a shill.
Switching ips and tactics Moshe?
I highly recommend this, just make shure you have a proper vetting process and DO NOT discuss illegal activitys at your meetings
Shill posts pic of himself with his family. >Pushes sexual ideals he couldn't sell to a monkey in this day and age.> Instead of preaching the coal burning message he goes off on a insane tangent to make us all look like fanatic crazies.> Pic of himself shows that he needs to read his Hasbara manual again.
Trust me you won't need that and it would only make us look bad. If he ain't larping, and actually goes to Appalachia, awareness by the dudes there will be enough. If they know he is there, they won't forget it for a minute until he leaves. They will stand around a fire they built in the front yard, drink beer, and plan to beat his ass.
Go away FBInigger
fucking savages
Who is 'we', nigger? And why are you watching me instead of watching the fucking heebs turning our women into whores for political signaling?
Hmmm, sounds like pretty strong motivation for the kike to not make it obvious he was there until after he's done and marketing his filth, eh?
And I don't trust you, because you sound dim-witted.
A squad or team is always more effective in action and staying elusive. People don't realize just what even a few highly motivated whites could accomplish. Just look at how long it took them to catch the two nigger DC snipers. Imagine if they were highly motivated whites. Might never have bee caught.
Yep, it's autism.
THIS is why faggot.
Poor bait but for the uninitiated - A mongrel infused time-bomb, just waiting to go off
user, kindly calm down.
I never said anything about voting.
There are going to be a lot of kids out there with my DNA in that case.
Humans aren't fruit flies, sorry. Stop reposting your garbage.
Not an argument.
They are filming in California and Florida, not in New York. That's where the porn companies normally do these things.
The board is fucking up so I will do it this way.
That is what I just said you illiterate faggot. Learn to read. I am trying to figure out if he is stupid enough to actually do it. Get out moms basement and get sunshine cranky no reading faggot.
You give smart white people a bad name. Maybe it is not an accident.
stop what you're doing or nothing will happen to you
I don't give a fuck if you trust me or not shit head. I grew up in the region and I know the mentality. If even ten of them find out about it they will spread the world and beat the fuck out of him.
A white man fucking a non-white woman isn't that big of a deal as long as he doesn't catch anything or knock her up. However, if a white woman fucks a non-white man, that is exactly the same as that white woman being murdered. This is because it is the male that dispenses the genetic material and the female that receives it. We have to assume that any white woman that has had intercourse with a non-white, consensual or not, is permanently tainted with their genes and is worthless for creating white offspring.
(((Al Goldstein)))
The Bill Gates of Porn
The Great Porn Experiment — One More Devastating Jewish Globalist Influence and How to Overcome It!
Interracial Porn Isn't Profitable, It's Political
Jenna Jameson's 25 Good Reasons Why No One Would Ever Want to Become a Porn Star
>After the AVN Awards and all the mainstream exposure, everyone wanted to interview me, even people who had passed on the offer before. One of them was (((Al Goldstein))), the publisher of Screw magazine, who was writing for Penthouse at the time. Joy set up something after the awards show, and (((Goldstein))) came by to introduce himself. He's an obese, greasy, slovenly man, and was very touchy-feely with both of us. When he discussed the interview, he seemed to be dropping hints about going on a date or getting sexual favors from me in exchange for the article. He didn't say it explicitly, but it's the feeling Joy and I got… (((Goldstein))) never forgave us for canceling the interview. And so I made my first enemy in the business. He published a screed against Joy and me on the front page of Screw, accusing us of practically every offense imaginable – and a few that were unimaginable. He even attacked my family.
Jews and Porn
Jews Dominate the Production and Distribution of Porn
Jews in Porn
Jews in Pornography, with Rabbi Gary (((Katz))) and Mike Kulich
Jews and Pornography
Jewish Extremist Anti-Gentile Hatred Present in Porn Industry
Jewish Family Values
The Jewish Masters of Porn
The Jewish Semen Fetish Examined
Jewish Porn Star James Deen
Jewish Professor Boasts of Jewish Pornography Used as a Weapon Against Gentiles
Nathan (((Abrams))) on Jews in the American Porn Industry
Porn Shackles Society More than Patriot Act
Pornography as a Secret Weapon
Pornography, Sex Slaves, Prostitution…Why are These Businesses Dominated by Jews?
That Jewish Porn Star
The True Purpose of Jewish-Sponsored Pornography
Study Archive of Jewish Pornographers in Modern Societies
Weaponized Porn - Our Judeo-Pornographic Culture
You Americans are emasculated faggots and failures.
After reading everyone's thoughts about murdering Lansky, this is what I think:
If someone has the means to be in the Appalachian area then they should kill him. I know its worrying to think of the headlines "White supremacist kills pornographer over interracial film" and making him a martyr to some, but don't be. As long as you aren't caught you'll be fine. Lansky is a porn maker, he's not an "innocent Dindu in church" or some "little boy"(Trayvon) or a "gentle giant" (Mike Brown). He is involved with a scummy business. Porn attracts a certain kind of producer: criminals. Lots of pornstars commit crimes, and directors and producers probably the same. Do you think police will bat an eye if this guy gets whacked? They'll just write it off as a criminal hit. They'll investigate, sure, but if you love Forensic files as much as I do, you'll probably know there's a few mistakes you cannot make when killing someone. Wear a mask and use a revolver before dismantling and ditching the gun, would work.
Lansky isn't George Soros or a Rothschild. Killing him probably won't even make the news world wide. I hate to say it but avoid killing anyone else, not the Nigger and not a woman if they pick one. They're small fry. If you do that then it'll be seen as a hate crime, it WILL spread, and there will be the whole "Love is love" backlash like after the Pulse shooting except for interracial mixing. The death of one pervert filmmaker? Who cares? The motive could be anything! It's probably crime related. Death of the porn filmmaker along with his "stars" a white girl and black man who were going to have sex in Appalachia? It's going to be seen as a hate crime. Before we can go full Blitzkrieg on the Jews and their puppets, we need to start small. So many murders go unsolved, most of them involving the deaths of criminals. If we can directly tie Lansky to organized crime, the killing can go off without a hitch. The left already drew first blood with the congressman shooting, along with others, doing this will make all the higher up Jews give a collective "Oy Vey" at the loss of such a propagandist.
Cops likely won't care. Especially if he is killed in Appalachia. They'll hardly investigate. If you think "That film set could be anywhere, where do I strike?" Social media. He or the nigger will probably upload something into Twitter or Instagram that gives away their location. If 4/pol/ can amass all of their autism to find Shia in a Finnish cabin, the Tennessee wilderness or London, 8/pol/ could keep track of where he is going. I'm iffy on that, because it could tie 8/pol/ directly to the crime. It's better the shooters (yes, plural) work as a team. Locate and shoot. I find it unlikely they'll film it in Appalachia, but I do find it likely they'll find some still-put-together minor drug addict girl who looks pretty and offer her cash to become a "star". Then they fly her out to LA, she gets fucked, gets the cash she needs to get her fix, and then does it over and over. Keep a vigilant eye on Appalachia and on wherever Lansky's headquarters is.
Go suck-start a shotgun you useless fucking eromenus
You're the worst kind of stupid.
Heimbach's boys might take an interest in this nasal gentleman.
I white man procreating out side of his race is just as degenerate as the woman, there's no refuting this you cuck
I mean GOD DAMN the shills in this thread are insain, holy shit they do not want anything to happen to this filthy kike trash
Telogony is real, nigger. Let me guess, you're shitter shattered because your wife took some strange dicks before yours and the thought that your kids may be tainted by another man's seed in even some small fashion triggers the bejesus out of you?
I'm merely presenting the upsides and downsides of doing that. I think 8/pol/ getting involved might be a bad idea but it would provide a way for him to be more easily tracked than just following Twitter and Instagram. Also:
He's a low level scumbag doing propaganda work for the (((higherups))). He's the exact kind of guy we could kill and get away with.
The obvious way to find this guy is to get a woman to use herself as bait.
that already happens with fatties, junkies and daddy issues though. best reaction he's going to get is "oh look another goddamned pill whore."
also forgot to add that the fucking kike will never venture out into the sticks rather he'll stick to the liberal cesspool college towns and have his pick of pill whores, strippers/prostitutes and coal burners.
That won't put him beyond our reach.
you should be pointing fingers at jacques derrida instead. he's the source of this bullshit with his theory of 'deconstruction.' while the philosophy is complex and impenetrable in the original frog, the idea is that you take something that would normally be considered shit and pass it off as the best of the best. that's how we got artfags thinking pic related was good artwork and not useless dollar store items. be on the lookout for this jew alchemy, here's some examples:
I try nofap but once a week I get so horny I just need to see a young white teen get brutalized by black dick.
I can't fucking stop.
My collection of 4k precious aryan wombs getting stretched by thick virile masculine black black cock is nearing 2TB.
How do I get the Jew out??
The reproductive system of a fruit fly is completely different from the human system. Anons have already broken that down here and destroyed that study. However, girls shouldn't fuck niggers and should be virgins on their wedding night.
Reported for ban evasion.
You're probably a troll but I'll say this anyway.
I have tried NoFap for 2 years and always fail. Right now I masturbate when I feel like it but that's only been once in 7-8 days now. Probably going to do it again tomorrow.
If you have problems with porn, hypnosis is the only thing that changed my mind on porn and made me stop watching it. Vid related, good luck.
A woman should never have sex with a man she's not married to (there's degrees of bad there obviously, it's not a particularly big issue if a woman had sex with her husband before they were married). Sex with multiple men damages a woman's ability to form a pair bond with the man she eventually marries. Since you've acknowledged that creating mixed-race babies is bad, it's also clear that interracial marriages are unacceptable. Therefore, there is no situation in which it's appropriate for a woman to have sex with a man of another race.
Telegony might be a real thing in humans but evidence for it is weak and it's not necessary to prove the point in this case. Like many other cases, morality is overdetermined here and the action in question is wrong for multiple reasons, not just one.
You'll never earn the big shekels with weak shit like this.
I shouldn't be surprised by this point but god fucking damn, this old of a show and they were doing this cancer back then. Fucking jews.
Porn creators, distributors, and "actors" should all die. Violently. Painfully.
Kill yourself kike.
What retards.
Every time.
Things are different here in Appalachia. He would be killed if he ever let his guard down. Lots of quiet land out here.
Maybe he gets to be part of our "Horst Wessel Lied" once things start going our way. I personally think he screwed up and lost sight of the bigger picture but I can't deny that he did something more or less proactive.
i thought i was pretty redpilled about porn until i read these two images. it describes so much of what is wrong with me. im never viewing porn for as long as i live and im literally deleting all my porn content and bookmarks right now. fuck. ok just ONCE MORE so i can fall sleep but thats the last time i swear to god
Do you think there's any legitimacy to this pic?
Has the time to be reasonable come yet?
fbi pls go
Maybe it's best to stay away from the shit forever. Perhaps making yourself angry is the ultimate antidote to a porn addiction if administered properly.
I hope you do stay away from it.
Most of it is trash anyways. You can't even get past the main page of most mainstream porn sites without seeing at least 1 instance of interracial, almost always involving White women with blacks.
If you're going to fap, at least find something other than porn.
I mean save for your imagination I can't imagine what else one would fap to if not porn.
That said, it's not worth it anymore. You can only spend so much time jacking off to porn until you realize you eventually have to close the browser.
Abella Danger is a jew. Nina Hartley (another jew "legend") said in an interview that she fucks niggers because it hurts white men and she enjoys that.
I saw it a while back when I was on a porn binge and just found some random interview with her before a scene. I didn't watch the porn video, just the interview, but she was with a nigger so obviously some cuck shit. I hadn't watched her videos in years and wanted to look for old times sake because I was born with everything else. When you have been watching porn since you were 11 and been addicted to years, you just watch anything. I'm happy there was no video beyond that point though.
Damn, I'm tired. Need to go to sleep, too many spelling mistakes.
It's attention that gives them power. Ignoring people like that by going "fuck off coalburner" is ideal.
I know I probably shouldn't find that sentence amusing, but I'm just imagining the kind of shithead you'd have to be to write something like that. I'm also imagining what kind of person would read that and say, "Damn, I'd better watch this ASAP!!!"
I think it found it?, or something similar
The one I talked about was from a porn scene and an interview before they fucked, but there was no fucking.
She says the same things here though.
Fucking Jew rat.
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
Yes I do 100%. For me it was along these lines when doing NoFap(It varies from person to person but this is my experience.)
Day 1-3: Huge urge to fap, constantly trying to convince myself that it was ok to jerk off. This is the hardest part.
Day 3-10: Smooth sailing, no real urge to fap or do anything sexually.
Day 10-12: Testosterone levels insane, great workouts however the urge to fuck a girl was insane. Felt like killing someone and going crazy due to not having a girlfriend or just a girl to pound hard. This continued for me until day 15-16 where I just kept on fantasizing about fucking the shit out of every girl I met so I broke down and fapped.
The reason I got into NoFap was to get rid of my foot fetish which imo I have succeed. I still have it to a small degree but I rarely think about which is fine with me.
Jews in porn are perfectly cool with doing degenerate shit themselves so long as it persuades even more goyim to do the same thing as themselves. A jewess becoming a porn whore and ruining her life with disgusting niggerdick gangbang scenes is like the jewish equivalent of a muslim suicide bomber. Gotta take one for the (((team)))
We went from discussing killing Lansky to nofap.
Hang on, you any proof/source on this, OP?
Hang on, you* any proof/source on this, OP?
What the fuck is up with people wanting to shoehorn politics into EVERYTHING?
Cheap PR move, plus exploiting the poorest people. He'll probably get some opiate addicts.
What's this, ADT forum?
Checked. Next time call them names.
Aren't you cute. You must think we're kidding about genociding these fuckers.
You had to reach really deep into your faggot ass for that one, didn't you?
That's because you're fucking dumb.
You don't belong here. Move to Canada. You'll fit in there.
This asshole will never leave his LA mansion. Probably doing coke and eating foreskins 24/7. The name is probably fake. He claims to be born in Paris and no French Jew would name their kid, 'Greg'.
God damn I love this place
Don't you dare
I guess, if he wants to film a bunch of fatties and junkies riding some nigger cock. Pharmakikes pretty much decimated that region already. the people that haven't succumbed to that kikery aren't interested in greg's kosher antics either…the message those people sent last November was pretty clear
At least he went out in style.
He looks like Billy Tolley from Ghost Adventures.
That is all.
Sleep tight pupper.
no kike is innocent, kike. Killing kikes doesn't make you any less "white".
I'm onto your new shill tactics.
You're not white if you want to hurt your enemies, because being white means you're nice to everyone :) you don't wanna be a nigger do you goy-I mean, guys?
If this kike was murdered the world would instantly become a better place.
Do not blame the nigger for being the ape. Blame the kike for placing that ape in your backyard and tricking your daughter to fuck it.
Thanks for filling my heart with unyielding rage tonight user
I don't have the design skills, but if someone will make a wanted poster (like on the CNN dox thread) of this kike and his porn plans, I will mail it to every county sheriff in the region. Obscenity is still a crime, it just hasn't been enforced in a couple of decades. If the actresses are paid, it's arguably prostitution. County sheriffs are elected, not appointed by Sorosian mayors.
Careful planning and we could kill this guy and nothing would come of it.
Known as the "dance of the dead."
Going down into nigs, it's voodoo ecstasy volience/sex (same to them). In christcuck 'churches', it's the rapture ecstasy of gossip/salvation (a similar, but modestly higher-energy, form of violence=sex-reproduction cannibalism). In the pan-asians (all the way down through the 'native' spics and 'inca'), it's the cutting ecstasy of blood (playing with necro, etc).
The other direction, as you march up the energy-spectrum of 'subspecies', has it's own of this too. You reach a point where you start encountering those who have more and more memory (cannot suspend a -sense- of disbelief, or -know- [remember] it's a trance of death). Now most kazakhs (and thus all asiatic descents) don't reach the point of memory (stuck closer to the spic/satan-like). But past them is where you start encountering the cross-bred kikes. You end up passing thru sections of kikes that self-classify (though it's hard to tell when they're just higher-energy merchants just following money signals, or subversive with hard-ons for white-destruction).
Take (Al Goldstein) who is just "a muh-dick is going to muh-dick" spouting any nonsense rationale to go muh-dick (such as "the Catholics must pay, so I will go deceive and rape them" – the same thing I was going to do in the first place, but who's keeping track amirite?). Similar to "I am tyrone and must rape Whitey for slavery," a completely detached rationale that just ends right where it started (ignorant that the kikes were/are the slavers, etc). Also similar to and , advocating "meme back" variants… to really just go black (or possibly just go "muh dick" too, whichever) (Which is odd, since it's already admitted that it's kike-man on black pussy, or kike-harpy taking black cock-miles, etc).
The dance of the dead (the behavior of those who are not able enough, or are unwilling enough, to commit to memory the correct, complete, and unconfabulated totality of reality) will look like Sunset BLVD as you move to lower tiers. And much worse, down past them.
I had no idea how evil they were until I came here.
I'm fairly certain that's because there is a central bank. I don't care to go into the abstractions of production, trade, and numbers. So skipping to the end: A central bank can only create lies of numbers. So long as this central source of lying numbers exists, there is significant impetus to gain control over how lies are created, how they are dispensed, and how they are recalled. In a central bank economy, everything will, and must, become political. This is so that liars can lie, to steal, to eat. "Make the personal political" and other rationales are all the same, in this regard (BLM, NGOs, Migrants, La Raza, Feminism, Green Energy, Diversity, Holocaust, and on and on and on it goes).
A central bank could be about simply management. Principally: kike-bank, enemy central bank, and shitskin numized failed-underwriting containment. However, all centrals have turned into miseries that ended up capitulating to the work-load required of them (and straight into kike hands accordingly, if not by design from the very beginning).
Expect more lies, and plan accordingly.
Yes, an old insight. Death = Sex.
Just incite the white masses against this fucking jew rat
Post the archived article i want to send this to my friend whom i told about the role of kikes in interracial porn
you know you've watched so much cuck porn that reading this made my cock get instantly hard. fml
Kill yourself you disgusting cretin
Lol my story is pretty similar. By day 8 I was saying to my buddies "I just want to kill or fuck everything I meet."
This. Southern Men will be quite displeased.
Yeah, because when i am pissed at my neighbor the way we resolve the tensions is to let my neighbor bang my daughter.
Fan the flames, kike. DotR can't come soon enough.
honestly? good.
they really think that coming out and showing what their real purpose is will be good for them?
i'm sure that he will find women to do that, people who will praise this, who will fap to this.
but i also think there will be people who will understand what's up. and once you swallow the red pill there is no turning back.
The fruit man fly man again
That's because you are not and never will be white. I, like others here, also recommend suicide.
What a small world. I noticed the same thing yesterday, but I wasn't paying it much mind. I rarely watch TV anymore. Night Court is filled with this if you pay attention.
The negro marries a Vietnamese and they have a child. They pushed it with this because they knew miscegenation with whites wouldn't be accepted at that time. It had to be eased into.
The manliest white character on the show, Bull, is not only named Bull, but is also a complete idiot.
References to witches being real and friendly is made several times.
Dan, one of the only other white men regular cast members, is a sex-crazed degenerate from the South.
Christine is a strong independent white woman who don't need no man and goes on to win a political position.
Judge Harry adopts a niglet for a time. Said niglet often does horrible things to Dan, although not all unjustified, which is the point, to make a niglet attacking a white man seem justified, among other things they do with his character. An episode aired not too long ago depicts a mexican child threatening Harry's life, all because his awesome dad who didn't do nothing was put in prison for committing armed robbery.
Not only all of this, but the entire show is generally awful. It goes from light-hearted humor or silliness to extreme seriousness and solemn tones wildly. It's as if the show can't decide whether to be a comedy or social commentary brainwashing.
Even the Andy Griffith show, Bonanza, and other oldies have hints of this if one looks hard enough, but at least I can go through the entire Andy Griffith show without seeing a nigger.
To go into detail, the Andy Griffith show has an episode where a farm girl is given makeup and they eventually make her old dad see the light. In Bonanza, a Jew is treated unfairly by a school teacher and is found teaching the niggers, Indians, and mexicans that were also kicked out of the classroom, because they couldn't be causing disruptions as the teacher said. The Jew family forgives this racist teacher and he's not kicked out and all of the troublemakers are allowed back into the classroom. The Jew is also said to go on to win a Nobel Prize.
We have a porn scene?
Why even bother. Why not just make a Appalacia set and call it a day.
Post to the most local Topix forums. I'm not from around there but when researching events I have found entire small towns using it to post stuff under pseudonyms.
man that is heartbreaking
Back to reddit.
Right in the feels, and fuck all those people shooting Tyke, especially those using low powered ammo. I am beyond angry.
To rally white men requires sacrifice. Every major war that led to a major win for our peoples has been dependent upon the ultimate sacrifice. Sometimes in order to truly rally a peoples to stand and fight, to savage the enemy with every waking breath, to rise and crush the overwhelming tide of enemies at the door, requires sacrifice which holds no nope of those whom give it a chance to survive or even die for something worthwhile individually.
Look back into history. Marathon could not have happened without Thermopylae's sacrifice. The tiny 'battle' of Lexington led directly to the view that americans are not British and started the war. Texas was not going to win against mexico without the Alamo to inspire and cement views of Texans. White history is littered with such examples both big and small. Each one themselves had smaller instances which inspired them in turn before the big sacrifice which inspires the whole to action rather than standing on the sideline watching history roll past. Dillon and Breivik may not have been enough to rally the masses, but clearly they inspire others whom may become the real sacrificial push to begin laying claim to what is ours by right. Even shitskinns like Dorner and Zimmerman have brought forth small pushes which have furthered our causes in their own way. Much like the above examples started their move long before any open war was declared. When we have garnered enough of our own resolve to risk fighting hard and trying to win big even if it means our sacrifice in the face of overwhelming odds, maybe then we will be able to show the rest of the world that there are actually men of worth in this world, men whom are willing to fight, kill and die for something far greater than themselves. And will inspire others out of their own apathy and constant self doubt and march forward to bring a future for our children into the light of day. Forced to chose finally to accept slavery, or stand up and say no, I will fucking fight, because I am like them, I am one whom values more than just myself and my own, I believe in things which deserve to live no matter the cost to myself. And I now know, I am NOT ALONE!
Fug, refresh threw that get away. Solid post nonetheless.
I can assure you I'm very northern european. I'm not blonde/blue eyes though.
Haven't browsed reddit since they closed /coontown/. I honestly got my fetish from browsing Holla Forums Holla Forums back in January of 2015. Shills were spamming interracial porn and well it made blood rush to my weewee. I just dove nose first into it and the rest is history.
It's a terrible thing, but idk just feel like shit since my ex left.
Drown yourself in semen degenerate.
What savages. Tyke literally didn't do anything wrong.
Read Julius Evola's Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex
This changed a lot about how I view sex and it will do the same for you. But it starts with recognizing pornography as toxic.
I don't doubt that this kike fuck is up to this. But we need some hard evidence that this isn't some kind of troll before we go too deep into preparations for any sort of protest. What is this ADT forum? Regarding Trump: Anons, you are out of your minds if you think he is going to help us with this.
He'll focus on the ghettos
We pretend to be Muslim extremists.
If he is shot in Appalachia:
1. Country sheriffs will probably have no sympathy and write it off as organized-crime related.
2. It'll be easier to hide a body, although it's better to just kill him and drive off.
If in LA: It'll probably just be seen as organized-crime related.
Again, he's a pornographer. He's not going to be martyred, he probably has ties to crime. Just walk up to him with a ski mask and revolver, say "I told you I wanted my fucking money" (optional) and shoot him. Simple.
Look, even before getting redpilled, in my bluepill days i have always found the thought of a white woman going with a nigger absolutely repulsive.
how can you get aroused by that shit!?
what's the fucking kick you get out of it!?
I really can't understand how can a guy enjoy shit like that if not out of self-hatred.
Step your motherfucking game up. An Aryan man doesn't watch porn, period. Fod knows it's a hard vice to kick, but you must do it. Fight, fall, and fight again. You owe it to yourself.