Did doxing and ruining her life ever cross this board's mind before?
She is a figure of the extreme left in America, a malignant tumor that needs to go away and fuck off permanently, Why aren't we making her life shitty yet?
Did doxing and ruining her life ever cross this board's mind before?
She is a figure of the extreme left in America, a malignant tumor that needs to go away and fuck off permanently, Why aren't we making her life shitty yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
I've never been proud of attacking the mentally challenged.
She is a vapid cunt. I will give bump.
Details user, details.
Yes, she was discussed last week.
discussed is not the same as harassment.
She is literally funded by the Saudis to spread their Wahhabism horseshit to the libtards in the US.
Most likely no amount of shitposting will make her go away.
I actually hope Sarsour gains more attention and support from the left. Nothing red pills normies and cuckservatives faster than seeing some towelhead openly waging Jihad against the president.
Sarsour/Warren 2020
Burn her life to the ground
fuck off back to reddit you cancerous newfag.
Linda N Sarsour
Age: 35-39
47 74th St
Brooklyn NY 11209-1904
If we need to destroy anyone it's Zuckercuck, Elon Musk and Alphabet. They will try to gate keep true AI from us and inhibit our growth. Elon just got up on a stage and said AI poses and existential risk to humanity. He's confusing humanity with jewry.
this tbh
no rich guy is going to kill himself over a couple of mean messages and dragon dildos, you're asking for the least effective thing right now, a person with success has 0 interest in commiting suicide.
We might as well call her Justina Trudeau at this point.
How exactly would that harm her?
She is already a public figure, it's not like you can hurt her reputation.
I'm all for destroying her life, but doxxing isn't going to help you accomplish that.
If I'M wrong, more power to you.
Doxing would probably just get the vile bitch support.
its a bargain, it depends on how much of a lolcow she is.
If we can dig up dirt on her, not just the Sharia stuff (which we should spread) but something people can laugh at. Laughing at someone "Totes Suriuz" is a great way to finish their power.
Yeah, honestly this bitch pisses me off. Kikebart even pointed out she had armed guards while demanding guns get removed from normal citizens. Sorry, Sharia cunt, I'm fucking good.
If she wasn't so demonstrably retarded, I might consider her a threat, but I fear that she could also do more damage being a useful idiot through Alinskyite tactics.
The dumb fucking shit this cunt says is imbecilic to the highest degree, some many niggers and kikes buy into her (((diverse))) message.
I see no reason to anything that would stop her from doing what she's doing.
I listened to a clip of her calling for jihad against the Trump administration sounding completely unhinged even to normies.
sand niggers aren't human
This Jihadi needs to hang.
She quoted the Jihadi responsible for Sadat's death just a little while ago in reference to what she wants to do to Trump. She's sneakier than you'd think.
She is probably being funded by Stephen Heintz and Julia Middleton. Just a hunch, though.
The slide is real.
yes it is, your post proves how much of a sliding faggot you are, kill yourself.
her last name means cockroach in arabic. enough said.
Palestinians are like Jews too, born subversives. It's no surprise when Palestinians and Jews share similar genetics.
"She" looks like El Rato.
A dox on her would turn up stuff I cannot even imagine. I'm sure of it.
Sarsour should be attacked just enough to get her some sympathy. Just the regular online shit. the left is trying to disengage from her and other extremist morons like (((Mensch))). A lot of the left realizes just how toxic the extreme left mouthpieces are. They can defund BLM and it mostly goes away, but Sarsour and her ilk are literal poison to the left the longer they go around pissing themselves. Like the Hugh Mungous bitch. The left is trying to make itself more cleancut. Do NOT let this happen. " Poor Sarsour was assaulted on twatter and faceberg by frogs! Oh noes how terribad! " then she stays in the limelight. Make the left OWN the retards they used to push their agenda.
lel, I just called the landline. Someone picked up and didn't say hello or anything. I was just kinda listening to slight taps on her end. I whispered "penis" and immediately they hung up. This shit is funny.
if you're ITT and you're not calling Linda, you're fucking up
this is being slid guys
They are out tonight. It is organized. Never there or all there.
I agree, but I still hope she gets shot in the face.
is this normal?
seems kinda strangeā¦
Probably getting hammered. Gonna change that number.
fuck you're retarded.
this. What are you going to do? She's paid for by the Saudis whatever you do she's still going to get that money. Whether or not people love her or hate her, she's still getting paid.
who cares if she's getting paid or not, we can still harass her
didn't mean to sage
can't blame her then, all women want to be in this situation so she's basically prisoner of her own creation, she can't quit even she wanted to, because she would have nothing left
also, a reminder that if she's in NYC right now then it's about to be pretty late for them lol. I just called again and a dude picked up with an american accent.
No worry, you did not.
Maybe they can send her back to the jungle.
Rape her to death.
t. FBI
We should keep prank calling the number. See what happens each time.
some valuable dox being slid right now guys, don't let the Jews do it
Everyone report the prankcall results
Even if you hate her, I think she's creating a wedge in the left because of her extremism that makes people turn away from it. Double agent?
it don't matter nigger
Also, as an update to prankcalls, I just got called twice from a no caller ID number
that is the way the cookies crumble user
don't be evil goyim, you can't train your own neural networks you have to gib shekels :^)
another inbred shithead arab moron
This is a truly vile and disgusting woman. for anyone who isn't aware, her name literally means roach in arabic. She is oppressed and bitter and wants to trick other women into the same fate.
this video is unbeleivably vile. Most of these women would be punished under sharia law that Sarsour advocates. From showing hair, to tight pants to dancing provocatively in public. Look at the bitter continence on the lead singer's face as she rubs her belly provocatively.
"They" allow this without punishment as a form of taqiyya (religious lying) in order to appeal to women who know no better.