wake up goyim.
you are brainwashed.
you will always be slaves.
are you ready to be judged by your creator?
are you?
Wake up goyim
fuck off faggot. bring something new to the discussion or take your faceberg-tier image macros somewhere else.
the only upside to this is now I have some weapons-grade derailing tools.
good, i can use a few useful idiots to spread the truth.
reported for retardation. drink bleach.
blind wretched slaves so dumb it's so sad.
Go back to your containment board you fucking kike.
Fuck off Hasbara
how sad
The Earth is a torus you dumb fuck.
Both LEDs and CFLs are utter trash. Incandescent ftw.
>>>Holla Forums
a sign of low intelligence.
how sad.
Have you been lobotomized?
i'm just waiting for my sermon vid to finish downloading in 3 min, then i'm going to sleep, be thankful i even do this, i dont need attention from slaves. tsk what a waste now i regret. goodbye.
Actually you stupid fuck OP - the heliocentric model proves creation beyond a reasonable doubt but you have no idea about geometry of mathematics to show this fact because you are a child of a zog culture and thus were not given an education.
If you want to know the works of god just look at the sun, moon and earth and there relationship to each other.
The Jew will pay for his crimes against humanity.
There are no photographs of planet earth, only paintings and CGI. Globies are fucking stupid.
Do you have schizophrenia?