I am angry

I'm sick and tired of seeing people walking around with little nigger kids direct from darkest Africa. I suppose it's better than burning coal and making a little mulatto, but it is still disgusting.

I was in the middle of Scandinavia taking a boat ride on some tourist boat and some old Swedish woman got on with 4-5 little Africans. They weren't mixed, so I knew that they weren't her coalburning daughter's kids. I imagine that she was some kind of Lutheran or possible one of the American sects. I guess that she's too old to have normal children and decided that she would "save" some apes by adopting them. I'm not trying to start some kind of religious d&c but I have noticed this kind of thing primarily among evangelical Christians. There are even churches that will finance your trip to Africa to get a baby. Often times it turns out that the baby isn't even really an orphan and they are just engaging in human trafficking because niggers will sell their own children.

A relative by marriage of one of my relatives actually went over to Africa and got a nigger with his wife. He's autistic and got it into his head that his shitty marriage would be fixed by having a baby. The problem was, he couldn't get his wife pregnant (his fault, not hers). She was willing to give up and say that they weren't meant to have a kid, but his autism prevailed and they tried to adopt.

When they tried to adopt a white kid, he filled out the adoption form and under the "other information" section he wrote "I am autistic." The adoption agency wouldn't give them a baby. They joined a church and they eventually got funding to go to Ethiopia and get a niglet. Right before they left, the wife's mom called them and told them that she had found a pregnant woman that wanted to give up her white unborn child for adoption. They said it was too late because they had already spent some of the money to get the tickets and arrange everything and that they couldn't back out.

They went to Ethiopia and got ripped off for way more money than the adoption was initially going to cost, the wife almost got raped, and the baby turned out to have all kinds of health problems and possible mental retardation (although I don't know how you can tell with niggers). He now lives with them. I don't know much about the situation now because they live in America, but the last thing I heard was that he's acting like a typical nigger kid.

Why do they do this? Why would anybody want to have a kid that doesn't look like them? This is the summit of cuckoldry, in my opinion. You are literally becoming the host for a cuckoo bird-like social parasite.

I understand that many people think niglets are cute. I have even heard this from people that hate niggers. Of course they are cute, they look like baby gorillas. Asian babies are cute too, because they look like baby animals. White babies initially look like wrinkled old men, but they turn into the cutest kids ever. Maybe these people just wanted a pet and don't realize that it will grow up. Only instead of ending up in a zoo like discarded exotic pets do, they will end up in prison.

People who adopt non-white babies are assholes and this should not be allowed.

Other urls found in this thread:


TL;DR synagoguecucks are subverted by the Satanic synagogues they visit every day offering them kike funded visits to africa.


Where is the shame in childlessness if you are physically incapable of having kids, especially if you are religious? Wouldn't you not having kids be God's will as well? I know that childless middle aged women often find child substitutes, be they pets or adult arabs and africans, in the case of the refugees welcome crowd, but shouldn't they think of the good of the community first?
It just makes me sad that people are so selfish that they would basically bring in a potential social virus willingly to virtue signal.

Pic related.

Also, pic related. These cucks don't understand the basic realities of race. On the other hand, even if they did they probably wouldn't care. It's all about collecting as many multicucklarism jew shekels that they can so they can show off to their brainless friends.


Imagine being such a beta omega cuck that your woman, literally, would rather adopt a niglet rather then have a child with you.

Hate to be the one to break it to you OP but your relative by marriage is a complete loser. If I was you I would nickname the bigger of the two niglets "Tarzan" and teach him to make monkey noises in exchange for candy.


I wonder if she did this on the purpose to stop them from adopting a nigger?


Damn, that's emotionally abusive.

clone wars nao

I've seen it to and heard the virtue signaling first hand. Since actions of social hygiene bring with them great consequences right now the only thing you can do is upset the parents with your disapproval, emotions work better than physical actions against women anyway. During this conflict after her signaling I said, "what right do you think you have for taking him away from his people?", and "Don't you think in his teenager years he will rebel against you in a culture alien to his own, what will you do then?".

Her answers was, "Me and my husband have been researching how best we can adopt his culture's ways". They're literally larping as Africans with the stupid clothes and shit, thinking Tyrone won't notice.

Everything is beyond fucked up

warms my heart to be honest

feelings nothing for her own blood, calls her a blob
'''Motherfucker I need to throw things at the WALL..'

Basically the adoption apparatuses are all kiked and so they make it really easy for you to adopt a niglet or a beancurd but terribly difficult to adopt a white baby. Paired with the fact that so many cucked whites suffer from impotency and you end up seeing a bunch of white couples virtue signalling with little shitskin babbies. It's pure kikery in action.


I know, the hormone treatment is a slyly legal way to kill her.

I'd make sure that as soon as the little shitstain started talking his favorite words were "Bix Nood."

Angelina Jolie truly deserves to be raped to death by a pack of Somalians. Makes me wonder how Brad Pitt could have deluded himself so thoroughly into believing that cunt would make a good wife, let alone a good mother. He can't be that stupid can he? He's definitely paying for it now. I just wish those innocent little white children didn't have to be collateral damage.

The celeb angle is a form of propaganda. "LOOK. See, your favourite (((Hollywood))) actress has an adopted African child! How kind and sweet of her to uplift one of these impoverished victims". You have to be like her, you have to be hip and on top of the trends, right? Adopt a nigger to be just like her and make your girlfriends jealous.

The religious angle is because many churches are massively subverted, like everything else. They play the card that Africans are more in need of kindness, aid etc. so gullible and tricked Christians adopt nigger kids.

Its all because of the same thing; subversion. We have been subverted to practically ignore our own people and help others. White is "boring", white is "racist" so they look to the foreign, the "exotic", the diverse.

Holy shit man this is probably spot on.

Any unfit women should be sterilized. It is not right for her to mistreat her biological daughter.

I am off because I am too sad so have a good night.



Andrew Jackson, our president, adopted an Injun and raised him with his sons. He let the Injun know he was different but he wasn't a white supremacist so I'm sure the kid didn't grow up hating himself. At the same time, the kid had no delusions he was white.

Is this cuckery?

Genuinely curious. Also, what would you do if your sister got preggo and she wanted to adopt it out? Wouldn't it be best for you to adopt it?

I will definitely consider adopting kids of parents I know that need it, I don't think I am getting "cucked."

I would still have kids of my own of course.

Back to cuckit TD.


Those aren't actually anybody I know, it's just a picture from an adoption website. My uncle's stepchild's husband is the one that adopted a niglet. He couldn't get his wife pregnant for whatever reason and forced her to adopt. I have never met them as they live on a different continent.


Not trying to blogpost, just pissed that I have to see it everywhere and that the Lutheran church shills it so hard.

Come on user, Angelina Jolie's been shilled as the prettiest woman alive for a decade in her youth and he's an actor performing for (((them))).
He muhdick-ed hard; I bet he regrets it, though I can hardly blame him.

The poor girl. All her life mommy openly hates her. One day, mommy is happy and loves her. What she couldn't know, is the reason mommy was happy was because mommy had devised a plan to destroy her life once and for all. There's no coming back once the transition goes through.

She has nigger lips.

Is this actually a thing that commonly happens though? I know a few couples who have adopted children, and it's always been white babies. The only time I see or hear about this "shitskin adoption"shit is from faggots in the media like that dude that writes for NRO, or Mittens, or Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

It's usually traitor-scum. Rich people with some sort of race-guilt that adopts the niglets. It's fucking disgusting how they can adopt niglets while not caring about their own people.

Because Brad Pitt is an immoral dumb cunt himself. Who like all of them mostly slept his way to the top in Hollywood with the old jewish studio-owners. Heck, he even had sex with another man's girlfriend once, Mike Tyson's girlfriend/wife (can't remember which).

The other week I saw a white woman in a convenience store with two white boys and one mulatto-looking piece of shit in a stroller, clearly the youngest by years. Dunno what happened there, babydaddy left so she went to Jamal who then knocked her up and predictably left as well?

These people are mentally ill! Devoting your resources to a child that is not yours is cuckoldry! I would never even consider adopting a white baby, nevermind a non-white one!

Probably not. Think back to the middle ages though, when it was very common for mothers and fathers to die of illness and plague, the living parent would find another single parent and marry. They saw that it was vital to stick together, even if you had to raise other peoples children. Society needed the firm bedrock of the family unit and still does today.

However, marrying a single mother who lost her husband is very different from marrying a single mother whose boyfriend went to prison.

This is the new show-off thing amongst rich people. It's really not about giving a shit about the niglets, it's about signaling that you are better then them because you care about serious issues, and you are a "responsible" citizen.

The same thing happened with retarded babies a few years back. Every upper class retard got a few of them in order to one-up the neighbours.

I shit you not, the females were competing over whose adopted child is more retarded.

"Jimmy here ha down syndrome"
"That's so sad, you see, Tina will probably never learn to speak, and she is blind.

How the fuck did he cuck Mike Tyson and live?

It's not specifically evangelicals but the Presbyterian Church and the jews4jesus, they are actively subverting the protestant Church in general into a liberalized pro-gay marriage, pro-degeneracy, pro-Israel state.

This child had no chance.

Iron Mike is a fucking downey nigger, he either was talked into thinking it was a good idea or just simply didn't notice.


Your inaction ensures your demise.

Adopting nigger babies, the new way to show how virtuous you are, especially popular amongst Evangelicals. Which goes to show they haven't read their own scripture, "Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven." 15:7-11

I'd rather adopt some vicious slav kids and turn them into MMA fighters, gangsters and mercs.

Aww. Me too. My wife wants kids but to be honest I don't.


c'mon Holla Forums !

This is a reminder to stay far, far away from women with Cluster B personality disorders. Jolie has Borderline, which is emotional instability and self-absorbed evil made flesh.

Just kill yourself right now, you worthless cunt.

Fedoras can't read.



Reported for intl. Tip your fedora elsewhere, faggot. We know the truth here and your falsehoods don’t fly.


She accused him of abusing the children.


Brad Pitt Accuses Angelina Jolie of “Placing Her Own Interests” Above Children in Divorce Filing

The F.B.I. launched an investigation into a child-abuse rumor, from which Pitt has since been cleared. The Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services advised subjecting him to random drug and alcohol testing and required a therapist to be present during visits with his children

Why should we care if you're angry? Do something about it or shut the cuck up.

I just give people with niglets a look of disgust and go on my day.

Good thing those niglets will grow up to rape and kill the race traitors, but the real perps that we need to go after are the goddamn bolsheviks that spew their poison behind the pulpits. It's time for a new priestly warrior class to infiltrate the Trinity colleges and start teaching racial identity along with who is who and who is jew!

this (>>10265859), faggot

Why would you want gene death? Put white babies into that woman or fellate a shotgun and let another white man do it for you.

meant to link

in this post

What about Angela?

If USA is a fascist white nation then this wouldn't happen. I am mad. ;_;

Took his list and made a map, accidentally posted in different thread. >>>10266341

Fuck, I'm retarded,

That is one of the most offensive and shocking things I have ever read on Holla Forums.

Don’t be selfish. You WILL regret not having children and you will sure as hell regret denying it from your wife. You will have to live the rest of your life watching her grow older, knowing you denied her the right to fulfill hers and natures wishes.

Shame on you.

American churches promote this pretty heavily. I rarely go to any church, but even going so few times I have heard African adoption promoted at least three different times (each in a different church). American Christianity has replaced Jesus worship with negro worship. The entire purpose of most of these churches seems to be funding trips and charity to Africa.



There has to be some lols to be had at making fun of the parents infertility (This could be a good attack vector on women) and asking them hard questions about why they can't fuck and make kids the normal way on Twitter.

Also apparently a lot of these African adoptions are being sourced from nations that aren't signatories to the Hague Treaty which governs international child rights and adoptions. So these niglets may very well be taken from their real families by force or have been involved in human trafficking. But hey, just like illegal immigration and gays adopting children to abuse why let some hard facts get in the way of virtue signalling?


You have to go back.

This is the same thing as throwing your own biological children out of your nest to raise someone else's offspring.

I am angry too. Quite often.
I am angry because degenerates, cuckservatives, and liberals are systematically destroying every single thing of beauty.
I am angry because psychotic Jews are leading my country and my kinsmen's countries by the nose to our doom all for the sake of their own power.
I am angry because my people are systematically being kicked out of our own ancestral homelands and exterminated demographically in our own homelands and no one is doing a thing to stop the psychopaths who are aiding and abetting the Jews.
I am angry because even on Holla Forums, so few people are willing to lift a finger to help even when the only alternative to fighting back is extermination.

In short, I am angry at a lot of things. But I don't blog-post. I advise action.
You are angry. Good. It is natural and healthy to be angry at what can only be described as evil. Jews are responsible. jews and degenerate traitors. Our race has been made blind and helpless by the Jewish media indoctrination. The solution is and always has been to help raise the racial consciousness of our race, one small action at a time. Please, if you are as angry as I am help me disseminate pro-White propaganda in your community. Poster your town, poster the neighboring villages, poster your cities, disseminate pro-White literature on cars and on eggs in the grocery store and written on sand at the beach, and everywhere you can.

Anger at injustice and genocide is normal. Now channel your righteous anger into something constructive.

you have to go back

lol stay mad you impotent cuck.

More fools supporting the adopt a turd foundation.

All those angry christcucks

Just your d&c folks. Surprisingly, why do "scientists" and fedoras cherrypick their facts? The bible clearly instructs followers not to marry into other nations, when translated - race. However atheists and hardcore scientists, at least the ones who claim to be are usually the first to defend non-whites and claim that we are all equal despite the evidence proving otherwise. Don't throw rocks when you live in a glass house.

That describes 90% of the threads on Holla Forums, you faggot,

It will end in the biggest river of blood the world has ever seen…oceans, perhaps.

christcucks caused this shit.

Sorry for the Reddit-tier meme but I couldn't resist

bretty gud image

I believe someone adopting outside of their race is innately displeasing to everyone that comes into contact with it, whether it be exposure from virtue signaling articles linked through facebook, from bus stop advertisements, or even from day to day meatspace encounters. The best part is that I believe normalfaggots also have the same repulsion as we do when they see it. This could be a very useful tool in the battle for the separation of races.


Apologies in advance for blogpost, but i'm pretty sure adopting niggers makes them more niggardly than usual. It shows them whites truly are better. If they are with their own kind, on the outside looking in, they can create a narrative for themselves that whitey is evil to shield themselves. When they are forced to confront the truth, they can't take it and nig out even harder.
When I was at school a white dutch family adopted a nigglet. They had 2 white kids already, and were working as missionaries. They didn't set out to adopt her, but her mother was 12 and died in childbirth then they kept it alive, waiting for some charity or organisation to come get it and no one ever did. So they were stuck with her. She fit in ok with the other kids during primary school. They had trained her well. Really nice family. Misguided but nice. Once nigger turns 12, problems begin. She starts being hateful towards white girls she used to be good friends with. Especially jealous of the better looking ones. Making fun of "skinny sluts" and even being violent towards them, completely unprovoked. She begins to break ties with whites and seek out other niggers. By 14 she has basically forgotten how to speak English and is speaking welfare. Complete with lip smacking and such. Remaining white friends wonder what the fuck is going on, when they ask, they're attacked so they cut ties. She becomes even more bitter "Everyone is raycis!!!" it has nothing to do with her being a raging cunt at all. Niggeress is aggressively chasing cock in a bid to be more popular than the white girls by 15. Most boys are genuinely repulsed because she's so aggressive with it. Male niggers aren't even that keen. Full reversion to Niggeress by 16.
If any thing being adopted by whites made her worse. She was so hateful. Last I heard she was still bitterly single at 35, has never even had a relationship. Never held a full time job.
She's so miserable. It would have been a kindness to let her die.

I knew a nice Christian couple who adopted a male niglet. By the time he was teenager he was a full blown nigger who basically terrorized them. He was a big, intimidating nigger and he would fuck them over all the time. Eventually he got sent to the NU for something.

big shocker there

I'm really sorry for my blogposting, especially when you just advised the OP not to blogpost but this shit that you're about to read (if you're willing to read this wall of text) just happened to me today and your post just makes me want to write down this shit so that everyone can see what kind of damage these filthy fucking kikes have done to me and my family. I want this to fuel your rage and let you see clearly what you are fighting to prevent.

I'm sorry for blogposting but I just feel like I need to get this off my chest in any way possible or else I might end up doing something stupid. How the fuck do I cope with this shit? FUCKING FUUUCK just as everything was going so good and I've started to sort of enjoy life after 10 years of depression. Now one of the few good things in my life has shown itself to be shit.

You cannot remove the nigger from a nigger.

One cannot control ones fetishes user. However, one can control whether to act on those fetishes. Problem is, your cousin as well as yourself have been conditioned to believe that it's not a fetish in different ways. One of you may believe that it's mental illness while the other can believe that it's natural. Just like any fetishist he can get back to normalcy if he believes he can and refrains from engaging in homosexual behaviour.

Splendid example of the phenomenon of juvenile environmental increases in IQ disappearing by adulthood. You can accelerate a child, but it will literally re-retard itself by its late teenage years.

As on the subject itself, I simply pity those parents for never going to see their 'kid' be as creative and fun to be around as if it were a white boy/girl. They will probably be asking themselves misguided 'what did we do wrong' questions, not knowing that the adoption was doomed from the beginning. Child-rearing is a rewarding period in which a kid often surprises their parents with their ideas and comments, and those adopters are unwittingly going to miss on that aspect of parenthood.




>posts D&C image that blames america for everything while ignoring the euroniggers that also fought on the wrong side and how (((churchill))) and (((britanistan))) STARTED the fucking war
Livestream your suicide you fucking kike.

Hey leftykikes

I feel your pain more than you can possibly imagine. My own brother came out as a tranny just a short while ago. No warning signs at all, before he went to his liberal college he was a normal, but a little shy kid. Two years of leftist indoctrination destroyed him. He was always desperate to fit in so he was roomed with a dorm of trannies and like any sociologist will tell you, he adopted the beliefs and attitudes of the social group he found himself in. Now he's a "girl."
Few things are more humiliating than having the Kikes steal your own kin. The rage I feel is quite calm. I don't view this personally but examine it in the context of the war of annihilation we were born into. I find it is best to simply view these things in a sort of historical context. Of which we are just one small part. It's enraging and we could be forgiven for just screaming with rage at the unfairness of it all.
Anyway, thankyou for sharing. I feel your pain on a personal level.

Unfortunately for me, my brother is completely lost. I have no way of saving him and he is going right back into the socialization program that corrupted him. I don't want to presume anything about your cousin but in my mind things may not be as bad.
While I simply cannot claim any expertise in "talking" someone out of this kind of propaganda (my focus is entirely on race and the JQ) your cousin seems like a good guy. You describe him as someone who you can talk honestly with so I can only assume he is redpilled on race and the JQ. If my assumption is correct, he feels great guilt over his behavior already (supported by the fact that he was embarrassed by your discovery). So if you want to help him, here is what I would do

First, and I know this sounds odd but bear with me; be accepting. Allow me to explain.
Going on the attack will make him feel isolated and alienated from you. No one will ever listen and understand someone who they feel is against them. Always be friendly. Keep up the strong relationship you have with your cousin. Talk about what you already talk about.
Now as for his homosexuality, take a long period where you simply never mention it to him. If he wants to talk about it, fine but don't bring it up. If he wants to talk, listen and occasionally add in your own opinions* on the matter but do not press him too hard lest he retreat into himself. Note when I say "opinions" I really mean it. Don't just deal with him logically, say things like "I feel such and such" and "I think so and so." Homosexuals are generally (but not uniformly) more emotional than logical.
After a period of not talking about it, subtly drop a few redpills. I won't pretend to know his situation but always keep in mind that your job is not to *change* him but to *enlighten* him. Understand? No one can ever be told something and then understand it. One must always reach the conclusions themselves, free of coercion. Coercion leads to solidification of the original ideas… especially with our people. Europeans are more than any other race, mentally resentful of coercion.

Anyway, I hope this helps. As for why I think I cannot save my brother, well, I simply don't have access to him. To my deepest shame, the Jews won with him and there is nothing I can do about it.

I'm worried my brother might be a fag. Never had a gf (despite having top tier facial aesthetics and athletic build), is somewhat secretive about his life, spent a lot of time in thailand after college. At least if he is a homo he has the decency to hide it from our family, but still it's worrying.

That sucks. At least he's not a tranny though. Gays are not nearly as delusional or selfish. A gay person can simply be gay in his own world but trannies always try to force their delusions on others. Always trying to force friends and family to "play along" with their delusions and then throwing temper tantrums whenever they don't get their way. Amazingly, I noticed that there is a great similarity between true believers in liberalism and tranny-ism. Both mindsets compel the believer to try to force other people to adapt their speech patterns to suit their own delusions.

pretty cool. on the other hand…

i think its generally a time thing. non-white babies are available immediately, whereas you've gotta wait years for an aryan child.

whether that supply/demand or kikery..

r/ing the one with the 'mom' having a cat instead of a baby


The worst part about this is that there's plenty of white children in need of adoption around the world, but no one cares…

They'd rather virtue signal by getting a pet nigger. It's fucking disgusting. It might not be as bad as actal coalburning, but it makes me sick to my stomach nontheless. I despise white families that do this. Isn't it enough that our governments are trying to replace us? Fucking tratiors.

btw, i found this


I don't use the word evil very often. Angelina Jolie might genuinely be an evil person. I doubt many of you saw the film 'Grimsby' but the antagonist is certainly modeled on her, a faux-philanthropic celebrity who harbours a desire to kill the majority of people to make way for an 'elite' new world.


the white child will not look like you at all and you've essentially created a mule beast..

That first quote is fake.

Supply and demand

Your post seems accurate.

is that hitler quote legitimate?

There is nothing wrong adopting black kids. Why do you hate kids? They are active and more adorable than my own kind.


Because you are simply contributing to the extinction of your fellow country men and downfall of your country by doing so. The saying of the typical family with 2.4 kids is not just a saying, it is what is needed to keep a nations population healthy and in steady growth. if a man and wife have two children then they have created offspring that will replace them when they die and keep the nations population healthy. If couples are only having one child then the population is going to halve in one generation because the there will be far more deaths than births.

Yes, some people will never have children, but some people might have four or five, what matters is that average birth rates are at 2.4 at least to maintain the population. many countries are currently experiencing birth rates of around 1.5 averages which means that the population is shrinking and if it carries on this way the drop in population will be dramatic with each new generation. Some countries average birth rates are so low that based on historical data they are considered irreversible and pretty much doomed.

While we are struggling to have one or two children with our own kind to keep our countries population healthy, the muslims who may have 2-3 wives, can be having 7-12 children between them wives and outbreeding us greatly. Blacks have a tendency to breed like rabbits too, and by adopting any child that is not from your own kind is to be putting another nail in the coffin of you and your fellow countrymen.

if you and your fellow countrymen do not focus on returning the average birth rates of your kind back up to 2.4 then you will see your indigenous population shrink year on year until you become the minority in your own country. And when you live in a democracy that can be very shaky grounds, suppose the muslims make up your countries majority, they can vote in who they want. If action isn't taken then it's fair to say that many countries could easily become islamic states within our life times due to the native populations shrinking and losing control. By adopting outside of your kind, or by engaging in miscegenation to create offspring, you are only contributing to the downfall of your own country.

Go forth and multiply, but with your own kind. Sow your seeds and play your part to keep your nations population healthy, the way it has been for many generations before the attack on the traditional family unit began, before we had to suffer the constant gay propaganda being forced upon us in order to produce more people who wouldn't go on to reproduce in yet another way to help put the average birth rates down.

this is technically considered genocide, but for the africans

All we have to do is leave out the intent to destroy part and we can conivince the SJWs adoption is genocide.

jackson was a traitor to the US people and gave the juden the keys of the city. he was definitly a cuck, and a puppet.

Sorry, but you're fucking retarded. That's not how birthrates work.

That has nothing to do with Christianity though. That's literally just the underlying nature of women. No ideology can wipe away biology, not even covering women with blankets and forbidding them from leaving the house can.

Which is why the German's ideology was so interesting, because it attempted to instead harness and redirect that nature of women instead of suppressing it. Women were encouraged to breed with multiple healthy and "noble" men.


I want to adopt a white loli who is thicc

Are you fucking retarded? Most adoptions are either within race OR the African in need. I fear 8/pol/ has been invaded by low-IQ Mongoloids like you

It's not a normal thing. A majority of white women find non-white men disgusting.

It literally is still cuckery, but you could say it's a nobler form of cuckery.

True, women are the more racist of the genders. Men are biologically programmed to impregnate as many women as they can, and race is a limiter to that. Another less common biological imperative is to reproduce with healthy and intelligent women.

Men are far more likely to race-mix then women, and women are far more likely to favor their in-group. The difficulty comes since women are also favorable to shared group-think so if in-group preference isn't socially acceptable, you end up with secretive or mentally conflicted women.

The whole defeating the national bank thing and the trail of tears makes him a cuck?

Still better than race mixing but yeah look up all the white kids in foster care that need good families. Pretty fucked up.

i want to add something to all this.
angelina jolie couldnt have adopted a white western child if she wanted to, because of her history of mental health issues and drug addiction. i heard a rumor that's what got her started on her global odyssey but it just as easily could have been shitlib signaling…
So it's not just christian cucks doing this, and it's not just virtue signalers. There are a lot of damaged women out there finding out they are point-blank not good enough to adopt the good white babies. So you have unfit parents adopting subhuman savages prone to violence. A real recipe for disaster.
I know a chick who adopted a white baby because she couldn't have kids. The parents were intellectual, shitlibs but probably christcucks otherwise they would have aborted (the woman knows them because it was an open adoption). Anyway she said it is fucking TOUGH to get a good baby, not to mention expensive and these stupid whores out here owe triple digits on their student loans and can't get jobs because while they do have pussy privilege they're still WHITE and the job market is so flooded with sheboons and spic women who got a free ride through college

forgot to add she's married. it was really tough for this normal MARRIED chick. imagine these stronk independent womyn types who deep down don't want a mudlet? they're getting shot down left and right by adoption agencies, so they hit up the third world


That's why they call them mulatto.
mulus - obstinate, stupid, stubborn person
attorn - assigned attribute

No wonder Jews want to create so many of them, they're literally mules and hinnys.

just look at that cuck beta husband.
Now look at the wife. She is hunched over, aggressive— basically all the testosterone in the relationship is in her. She's the alpha. This is what happens when we fuck up gender roles.


this shit makes me



Damn shame. Her daughter probably would of been a 9 at least when she grew up.

I don't think there's anything cuter than a blond-haired, blue-eyed little girl.

A lot of the agencies, at least in the US, will put the black, mestizo and pajeet kids up and forefront on their websites and only let you know about white and east-asian kids if you explicitly ask, which are usually either severely retarded, violently psychotic or >15. Hopefully the lack of normal white kids available to white parents has more to do with less being disowned and isn't something else. There's no shame in adopting a normal white baby or kid and giving him/her the chance at success and sanity. Definitely better than actually being cucked by getting your wife IVF from someone you've never met. (also 'accidental' black babies given to white moms through IVF happened)

Mix goyim

don't be angry user, fill your heart with love

What the fuck is this shit

RWDS when?

this is the work of our lord and savior jesus christ my friend, embrace jesus and be saved

Even jesus is cutting his wrists right now.