Gen Z Appreciation Thread

New video of Gen Z kids btfo'ing their nigger teacher and their spic teacher.

The future looks bright

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I just married into a family with 7 gen-Z'ers. The older ones are definitely conservative kids who like Trump and ironic Nazi memes, and the smallest ones are following in their footsteps. One of the oldest girls just got her first boyfriend, who I overheard talking about how the German people in the 30s must have felt so emotional after hearing Hitler's speeches, and that he'd probably feel that way if he were there. Can confirm gen Z seems pretty open to redpills.

That hit me in the feels. We actually have got the kids on ourside for the first time in decades. It's working. Also dat paper wall prank.

This was actually their worst mistake wasn't it? They put a bunch of insufferable school marms in charge of brainwashing the next generation.

The past was Iron and Blood; the future is Shitposts and Fire.

I hope the next batch of kids she gets next year fuck with this gap-toothed niggress way worse.

Holy shit my sides are in orbit over that paper "wall".

they've been screeching "raycism" whenever their criminal behavior was met with justice but now they'll be met with real racism as never seen before the last decades thanks to their retarded behavior

the future is gonna be entertaining

I thought the gap tooth cutouts were funny enough, when she said "Mexican-American" and the wall came into view I shifted into maximum over-kek

The fire rises brother

It's both sad and depressing. Too much feels.

My 4 younger cousins are all pro-Trump and are aware about the problems of diversity, partly thanks to their conservative (not cuckservative) father and their experiences in prep school and the city after moving from the country. It truly is a wonder to say toned down versions of our memes and have them actually understand and know, like identifying as an attack helicopter for instance. Gen Z gives me hope for the future, and hopefully counters much of what my generation before them fucked up, as well as Gen X.

h…help……california sucks….

Both children of my ultra conservative White grandfather turned into lefties. Make sure you teach your kids properly.

They printed a fucking wall and listed nine (9) legitimate issues that were solved including the mass immigration and unfair trade tariffs under the new administration. I figured I'd see "Fuck niggers" written on the board repeatedly but they are more informed and creative than your average person. Especially at that age.

Let them be the turning point in this hell and let us guide them.

God, fat, middle-aged black women are the absolute worst teachers ever.
I remember having a fat old bitchy nigress as a chemistry teacher. She'd never teach us, only give us lesson plans. If you were white, she'd give you bad scores for innocuous shit like "bad handwriting" (it wasn't. cursive probably confuses niggers). She'd throw out suspension slips like candy. I remember towards the end of the year she gave less than 0 fucks, and started bragging that she'll be getting social security soon, and by the time all of us "white kids" grew up, they'll be no more social security.

These little fuckers give me hope. We've gotta do our part to facilitate their will in our age and influence when the time comes.

I was afraid the studies showing Zs were more conservative was a result of the large amount of non-white Zs. And the studies defined conservative as opposing gay marriage, abortion and other minor side issues.

It's unfortunate that we missed out on this generation, but we must show them the way. I was ridiculed throughout high school and college for my beliefs, but no more.

I think the kikes are too afraid to poll exculsively white children for their opinions on actual issues like race, foreign policy, and immigration.
I'm sure the kikes know Generation Zyklon is a big issue, and their only response is to triple down on the degeneracy and multiculturalism, hoping to swamp them into obscurity before they hit their 20s.

How many are here right now?

pic related

My fucking sides. I was expecting this to be some reddit cancer but my sides genuinely got a workout.

I just saw a short film from the 1970s in which a negress picked up a letter and said, “Aw, no, it’s just scribbles” and was told it was cursive. This is absolutely a longstanding thing.


i recently started to practice writting cursive again. its a bit more difficult than i remember in 3rd grade.

Apparently it does bother you enough to make a video and upload it to show how "raysis" the kids in your class are.
It bothers you enough that you're not going to their graduation.
Only a nigger would "teach" a class of kids and not take pride in her work and at least show up to graduation.


Anyone know of how that school is? Is she the only teacher for that class or are there multiple teachers and she's just one for one subject? Back in my middle school we had to visit 8 teachers a day (or conversely something around 6 teachers with one or two teaching multiple classes around the same subject I.E. American history and European History)


They even built a wall…


I would assume the sophistication of the "pranks" indicates high schoolers.
Typically you have 6 classes in HS. So that means she isn't seeing any of her 6 classes graduate. Some teachers only have 3 or so classes a day, but still.


It must have meant not-Americans.

Why do so many niggers have this gap in their teeth?

They have hands down the worst genetics a human being could have (one might call them less than a human,) save only the aborigines of Australia.

Yeah, it does seem more sophisticated than something 7th-8th graders could pull off, just wondering about the entire context. That's some shit though, those kids are bretty cool in my book for this, you can immediately tell that she's buttflustered.

There aught to be only one thing "mexican-american" in this world and that would be the southern border wall.

long live the meme machine

Mexico should be a word for a nation that no longer exists, just another province purged of filth and replaced by colonies of Anglo-Americans.

Their mandibles/jaws are extended much further than a normal human's. This is what gives them their ape-like appearance. Usually the gaps between their teeth (usually front gaps, and sometimes small gaps spread between all the teeth) means that the nigger's upper jaw is too big for their teeth to cover.

Mammals with distended upper and lower jaws like niggers usually have a diet consistent of uncooked, tough food. It's because they're not as evolved

Abbos are literally missing links. But they have some sort of kindness in their eyes that most niggers lack. Niggers straight from the congo look like bastardizations of humans, like humans made of rubber and clay.


Holy shit… can you imagine this bitch saying the number "3?"

I can only wonder how many anons around here are Gen Z. I mean, under 17 or so is Gen Z, as long as you're older than 12.
That, and I don't think there's an underage rule here.

I feel bad for these kids. That teacher could try getting them expelled for the truth. Not that it matters when their white anyways since their fucked because kikes. Especially doesn't help that teacher probably sucks at her job and takes zero pride in it as the video shows.

That is the nigger lesson plan.

The funny thing is that when a white teacher goes to a nigger school they have to try to win over the children to teach them anything. This bitch didn't try to win anyone over just complain really entitled.

I was fortunate to never have a nigger or spic teacher. My spanish teacher was an actual spaniard. All coaches were white. NO FUCKING NIGGERS.

Yeah sheboons aren't qualified to teach dog tricks let alone whites. We are on another planet in terms of intelligence and emotional maturity. Black women make the worst teachers imaginable and they have nothing but contempt for any non black student. We had this enormous, mean old negress substitute teacher with disgusting morgan freeman freckles all over her skin that I had to endure a handful of times in high school which left a huge impression on me. I have always noticed aspects of her personality, attitude and behavior in every black person I've met since. I can't fathom being a white kid going through an entire k-12 education being lorded over by a troop of these fucking apes. Millions of white kids are enduring this shit right now and it should be considered a national health crisis.

it makes me wonder sometimes if (((they))) want to start a race war

Go Spencarian my white brother. My cursive is chicken scrastch because of the fucked education system, so undoing all those years of practice is a bitch. But it gets better.

But do I have a snowballs chance in hell if I run for Canadian Parliament if I wait for the Gen Z to be able to vote and go full logic and promise to eradicate bs bills like C89, M103, and the Misgendering Bill?

Dubs; do it.

The rare tri-repeating digits confirm it, run dude.

You live in Cucknada; Ground Zero for Poz. The people are so left leaning that in two years it will be legally mandated that all citizens must write with only their left hand so they don't offend any communist-genderkin.

So make sure you add that to your list of repeals.


The fact these kids took the time to do all this is what's hilarious.

Kids in school can have a lot of idle times on their hands.



Is this part of the same niggernetwork as "worldstar"? Obnoxious bullshit watermark and everything.
BTFO regardless.

How did she become a teacher without being able to properly pronounce basic words?

affirmative action

I do too, on the other hand their exposure to such horrible non-whites has probably caused them to band together. They've circled the wagons and gotten the will to do stuff like this.

I'm a 17y.o. high school senior right now, I've been lurking for about two years now. I'm sure there are others; one of my friends browses 4cuck at least.

I had an old black woman for middle school English, she was a real stickler about teaching us cursive and sentence structure. I feel bad because she probably looks at the degradation of teaching and of her race like we do. My school district has a lot of spics and niggers and she was one of the only black teachers, and according to her every class after ours was worse.

More related to the overall thread, yes Gen Z is on the whole more conservative. Not all of them are Gas-The-Kikes-Race-War-Now-Redpilled like I am; most are just fed up with feminism/lgbtqbbqwtf bullshit, and some are about r/the_donald level of redpilled. Fortunately they're mostly receptive to redpills like Jontron and Stefan Molyneux, so they can fairly easily be led here.
On the other hand, I also see a fair amount of communist faggots and sjws, and they do a whole lot of pandering to our fucking wetbacks, most of whom don't even speak English. Most of the niggers mock them both though, for what it's worth.

AMA I guess, I'll check on this thread whenever I wake up.

I mean, I asked that whilst being Gen Z myself. I've seen a few more around here, and i've been lurking for a similar time as you have. 2.5 years more like, though

Ah. There are more of us here than I realized. Yeah I began lurking here and r/coontown (RIP) around whenever Peaceful Giant Mike Brown got goodified.

Same, that subreddit was the ultimate redpill if not for the sole reason that it was all true.

Holy shit that 'teacher' in op cant even speak proper sentences.

Kek, i got that same treatment. was there literally 30 minutes after it was created

More like Gen Zyklon B, amirite?

I had a black teacher two years ago in my sophomore year and i told him heres your reparations one time and handed him food and he laughed.I literally propagated hitler did nothing wrong and questioned the holocaust curriculum in that class and my nigger teacher did not care,so im confused why shes triggered by fucking printed out pictures.

T.Gen Z Fag

I was on Holla Forums back when it was /new/ about 7 years ago. Not gen Z, though. I'm 28.

This gave me goose bumps.

We're the counter-culture now give it a decade or two and corporations will wise up and start pretending they're like us and then everything will switch again. It's just a cycle.

See video: faith in humanity destroyed
Read comments: faith in humanity restored

coontown was run by a literal subversive kike who staged false flags to incite muslims to commit terrorist acts on US soil. more proof that jews are behind almost everything including this site.

All i needed it for was the finalizing of the redpill on nigs. Fuck the gay mod team that was there

Those kids are based. The future is bright. :)

AHAHA those little fuckers built a wall for the "mexican american".

This nigger is teaching our kids and can't speak fucking English!

Gen X here, may the Logos bless you and KEK keep you in his mercy. I have hope for the future.

Get that fucking Jew flag away from the Black Sun you nigger breeder!

Conservative = kike worshiping faggot who thinks Globalism doesn't count if you're fighting for Israel. Welcome to Holla Forums. Now learn what "redpill" actually means.

I don't think so. She was probably giddy that the harassment could potentially result in plenty of gibs.

Why hasn't anyone given those children a medal?!

It truly is summer.

She's a woman

I assume racemixing, they've acquired teeth designed for a white jaw yet maintained their nigger bone structure.


I just hope they don't look at us the way we look at Boomers

>it makes me wonder sometimes if (((they))) want to start a race war
They do, or at least did. I wonder if they're realizing that even if the nogs went all-out they'd still lose, it wouldn't even be a fair fight.

Technically we're millennials. They despise us user, we're destined for the rope. But that's fine so long as it makes the world a better place.

Those of our generation who stick with the dying pozed boomer worldview will either quiet down when the Turning event happens, or they will fight and end up in the ovens.

The rest of us will be fine. In fact, I suspect many of us here will find ourselves in leadership positions.

This reminds me of 'Based Jews' rationalizing why they don't need to go in the oven.

If they don't spare us, we must resolve ourselves to accept their judgement, as we were those who did not burn down DC the instant king nigger first got elected.

I don't think we'll be leaders more so advisers and sages of Kek or we'll get the rope too for not stopping the sjw menace when it was small.

So uh, be honest how many of us voted for Obummer back when we were bluepilled and didn't know better?

Not me I was awake to the jew shitskin problem pretty early probably due to some bad experiences with them early on.

How anyone could think a nigger would be a good choice for president is beyond me.

Lolyur fullo shit lou

It is interesting to watch the changes in politics as successive generations enter the game. Boomers are leaving that now and Gen X is starting to enter, along with many who were latchkey kids and raised on TV and going to daycare. Politics polarizes a little.

Soon it'll be our generation entering, along with many who grew up in the "heating up" phase of diversity, with divorced parents and extra helpings of globalist shenanigans. Things will polarize even further, the left in Gen Y/Millennial is rabid, and the right is simmering with anger.

G-d help the enemies of Gen Z, for they will truly know fear. These kids are going to shitpost and banter their foes into unconditional submission, because they are the first generation in a long time that is so caught up in their own conflicts against (((diversity))) that they don't have time for white guilt and muh holocaust. Hard to care about roast jews 80 years ago when you're focused on outsmarting the local hispanic gang. The future is looking bright my friends.

I'm not even american, m8. I was somewhat wise to the american urban coon problem thanks to /n/, and cheered for Ron Paul, but i thought Obongo would be a good president. Seeing such an educated black man rise to the presidency of the free world might encourage the ghetto-trash to stop rapping and smoking crack and pick up a book instead. Oh how wrong i was.

Then talk to them user, just talk. You don't need to go full "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" but I feel that, if they are young enough, they'll have a more open mind than when they get older. You don't even need to go the full mile, just give them a fraction of your opinion and they'll chase for the breadcrumbs. Really, isn't that how most of us ended up here in the first place?

Not an American so I couldn't vote but I warned people about him being a commie puppet and not even an American before he was known, background checking is always needed. All I got back was "ur a racist". It happened back then too, now years later he did exactly what the commies wanted him to do.

Good response. And I agree.

Reality has a way of breaking through conditioning based on lies. Black math teachers teaching whites is ridiculous. When GenZ enters its 20's we will be in our 30's and 40's. We will be the ones guiding them, probably like Hitler's Generation was guiding the generations that came after and suffered horribly through the war. Interestingly, Hitler mentions early in Mein Kampf that he had to overcome his own brainwashing about how wonderful the jews were and how they were unjustly persecuted, while he was living in Vienna.

Gen-X is not going to be much of a problem or leave much of a mark. They are the Nomad generation. they are born between 2 turnings and have little purpose of place. They are self-centered, nihilistic and ultra-materialists. They will exit far faster than the boomers, and their lack of identity will mean that when we hit the Big Bump (whatever that will be), they will be pushed off the stage by the members of our generation who see the world in a way that appeals to Gen-Z. And here, online, we are seeing the effects of this already, with the ease and effectiveness with which our memes are shaping Gen-Z culture.

It is ironic that the Yids have put everything in place for a 4th Reich to be born. And we will witness it in our lifetimes. We are already having an effect in shaping it. If they had just left us alone, things might have turned out differently.

Once Gen Zyclon comes into power the kikes are dead. Our generation kicked the pendulum back in the other direction but it will be theirs that catches it on the other side and nails it to the wall in a more permanent fashion. Best part is that it's going to happen all at once worldwide. There will be nowhere to pogrom to this time.

Our duty is to keep building that momentum, to ensure that the stage is set for their entry in force.

I've often wondered if the Kali-Yuga will end with the destruction of the jews (however that comes about). What happens if the entire planet becomes Jew-aware at the same time? Where will they go? Their past strategy was to leave when they had jewed a town, city-state, nation or Empire. But what about today? We have instant worldwide communication.

They'll escape to Israel, naturally. I'm slightly worried about the possibility the kikes are actually crazy enough to use the samson option.

Why do you think they've been trying their best to end the world or anything considered developed and functioning?

Chyna. Also Gookland. If they shelter the kikes we're going to need to mass nuke them. Shouldn't be too much of a moral dilemma, they sucked anyway.

This I have to say is the most curious. South America just got a taste of what the jew can do, and they revolted like madmen the moment someone said "Gender studies". I'm pretty sure Germany's and Sweden's next generation will also go full redpilled IF they survive.

Can you imagine the news ran by Gen-Z?

On one end what the kids are doing is funny and it's nice to see a push back against previous SJWism. On the other, it seems like part two of
I get the feeling a pendulum is swinging, where one radicalized climate creates a problem that justifies another, which in turn also creates problems.

Did Hitler actually say that?

The problem with that is that without the diaspora and trade they will not be able to sustain themselves (not to mention generous donations from the american and german taxpayer)

I don't think the jews will survive the racial barrier in asia. They've been mixing with whites for millennia. You also have tot take into account that North America and Europe suddenly mass expelling all its jews is going to cause wars, trade wars, trade halts, the race-war, massive global cultural changes…the point is it isn't going to go unnoticed.

I think the jews have gotten too big.

What's the definition of Gen Z? What about millenials?
Are Gen Z born after 2000? Or what.
This confuses me greatly.

We must protect gen Z. That's our job.

GenZ is basically after 2000. The oldest are in their mid to late teens now. The youngest still aren't born. It's pretty arbitrary, since a generation can be counted as 20 years long, or up to 25.

The Jew's domination in the state seems so assured that now not only can he call himself a Jew again, but he ruthlessly admits his ultimate national and political designs. A section of his race openly owns itself to be a foreign people, yet even here they lie. For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.

It looked to be sure, as though only a part of the Jews approved this viewpoint, while the great majority condemned and inwardly rejected such a formulation. But when examined more closely, this appearance dissolved itself into an unsavory vapor of pretexts advanced for mere reasons of expedience, not to say lies. For the so-called liberal Jews did not reject the Zionists as non-Jews, but only as Jews with an impractical, perhaps even dangerous, way of publicly avowing their Jewishness.
Intrinsically they remained unalterably of one piece.
In a short time this apparent struggle between Zionistic and liberal Jews disgusted me; for it was false through and through, founded on lies and scarcely in keeping with the moral elevation and purity always claimed by this people.

That would be Gen X. Don't you mean baby boomers?

We should make "Message to Gen-Z" videos, where we explain to them what is going on in the world and why things are so screwed up. We should also redouble our efforts to meme "Generation Zyklon" into reality. Those kids in the OP are printing memes on school printers. We should make posters showing them as soldiers and heroes. We should make them proud of being:


Hm, I was trying to work out if he'd actually used the word goyim, my translation doesn't have that.

Generation Zyklon is a great meme to pursue, it'd be encouraging to them if they have a clear identity as a generation to hang things on.

Probably best to have a german version if you can get it, just to compare word choice.

This is a good idea but it makes me feel bad about being a millenial.

The best part is that they aren't just printing memes, they're taking the time to do it well and message effectively. This isn't a hail hortler scrawled with a sharpie, and presentation counts for a lot.

So it's either from 95 to 2020 or 2000 to 2020?
Looks like by the first definition I'm Gen Z

Holy shit, my sides

our shitposting work already is doing that. Just keep ati t.

I'm pretty sure Gen Z starts past 2002 or something. If you are born in the 90's you are millennial.

There's no hard definition, it's just a general benchmark. Call yourself whichever you want.

generational theory is bullshit anyway. It's simplistic thinking applied to a complex system.


Born in 92 yet I remember in history class, while we were studying Germany, we'd start every lesson with the German national anthem despite us being British.

If nothing else, the big bad Nazis has certainly lost its effect on the people.

I don't disagree but what do you suggest in its place?

how did she get a teaching job in the first place when she can barely speak english properly?



And the country will be even more non-White simply by deaths of boomers and the teeming masses of anchor babies and niggers reaching consumer age. Corporations aren't going to change at all. The entire shift was pushed by them to homogenize their global consumer markets. I really hope there aren't too many on this board who genuinely think like you do.

I'm pretty sure that's a fallacy of some type.

The holocaust myth has been used as a hammer to smash any whites who dare care about their own people. But that was 70 years ago, and it can only be milked for so long before the younger generations stop giving a fuck.

Same with muh slavery, muh jim crow

where the fuck did shaniqua post this video to? WSHH? Fuck her and the other spic teacher. The wall just got 10' taller.

Posting again to remind you, my brothers, we created this fire, not the msm, not the govt, not the teachers or any authority - we spread this message, we spread truth and it is reaching out.

Sieg Heil

Imagine such futures, where the men are allowed again to be men and the women are again women.

I'm 16. TBH most of my school is slightly conservative, but not anywhere near what Holla Forums would call redpilled.

At your age I was a republicuck. As time went on, I moved further right. As things get worse, and with the internet, your generation will end up here too.

Just search for truth younganon that is all a man can do.

Image boards have immense influence.

Oh my fucking god. I havent laughed in a loooooong time at a webm. But that fucking wall did it. That other shit was good but that wall..holy fuck. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Wait 2 years before you post again.

Back to 4cuck.

I disagree with your dubs. We need to hear from his generation.

Im 30 and havent been to 4chan since moot decided to suck feminist dick. Nice try though.

The problem with this logic is that a white man with a weak jawline looks pathetic, and having to have dental surgery to remove impacted wisdom teeth is definitely NOT a useful evolutionary adaptation. But you can "train" a kid's jawbone by having them eat raw carrot sticks as a snack regularly.

Then act like a 30 year old.

Alright let me go sit down and grab my receipts and start compiling them for the next year's tax forms. You know…30 year old stuff.


I mean that shit.

Im sorry.



I don't know anons, it seems to me that this whole ordeal about Gen Z and them being "redpilled" is due more to "le nazi memes xD" and teenage angst rather than actually being informed.
I'm a millennial and even I was a little dumb fascist when I was in middle school, that doesn't mean I was redpilled. Sure, I was complaining about immigrants invading us (I'm europeon) and that they should all be put to the wall and shot, but at heart I was just a little edgy dumb fascist.
Then I did a 180 and was seriously brainwashed by liberal propaganda for the better part of high school, I even presented a speech about legalizing gay marriage at the end of my senior year.
Then I came of age and started browsing the chans, did another 180 and I became truly redpilled.

I also feel like not having witnessed the change that 9/11 brought in the world is quite severe. I was barely aware myself at the time, but I was aware. Better than still being in your dad's balls, at least. To the eyes of little european me, the United States of the late 90s were paradise. I dreamt of visiting them one day and possibly settle down with a nice job. Then come September 2001, all that smile and optimism: gone. Come 2008 and the economic crisis: "Welp, we're fucked." Gen Z never had to experience any of this. I doubt they even felt the crisis, living in their parents' safety bubble and all that.

I dunno tho, in the last 10 years the internet went from being a place for social rejects to being the latest normalfag fashion and the chans were not spared, so maybe things are different.

Doesnt matter at this point. Think of this as a fork in the road. Right or Left. People usually go down a road without knowing much. They eventually pick up the knowledge of that road further down. Its better that they pick the "right" road early on. Then they can learn all about it as they travel. Its better this than them trying to change from one side to the other. Its a lot harder to do that when you have had a mindset for about 25ish years i would say and decide that the current road sucks dick.


Jesus Christ, is that her actual face???

tbh, during my few years as a liberal, I learned the leftist hypocrisy first-hand, which is why it was easy for me to "change sides". All those "be progressive" and "don't be racist" was just feel-good nonsense. Actually believing that for a brief period and then that gradually cracking and collapsing onto itself really burned into my mind how it was all completely detached from reality.
What you suggest seems more straight up indoctrination rather than redpilling.

Well would your rather have children walking through a road filled with broken glass and razor blades or a road that teaches self discipline and how to lead a better life. I imagine the other road to punish every fuck up way harder and way more severe. That road has creatures that devour their own without a shred of dignaty or remorse. Ive already reached the end and I would rather make sure every other person makes it safely to the other side. Its not about indoctrination but what I have seen with my own eyes. I know that nothing on that other side is worth a single shit so why would I want others to even suffer it for a moment. Why do i want children to even experience something that is completely wrong. You can learn about the other side but to learn about it first hand is worse. Id rather not have kids forced into shit like "im sorry" groups that apologize for slavery or having to practice muslim beliefs in school.

I had a black history teacher who had a Dr under her name, she spoke even worse nobody could understand a word that was coming out of her mouth.

I don't know, I feel like it might lose grip in the long run. We went down that road, got burned, so we tell others to never go down that road.
After the original people who walked that road die out, nobody will actually remember why that road was dangerous in the first place.

Its the current generation's job to make sure the next generation is protected from the horrors that exist. The last few generations have not been doing their job.

Yeah, but when the current generation stops being relevant, you are left with a generation that doesn't really know why they do what they do other than "papa told me to do it".
It might hold for some time, but eventually you're gonna need another "revolution" to keep things in check.

The only racist thing in that entire video was the teacher apparently belonging to a nigger only group.

Thats why you teach them why as well. Its one thing to teach them correctly, its another thing to teach them correctly with reasons that support why you are teaching them. When I train people I always give them the reason why. The reasoning is because with a proper backing instead of "oh i was just taught to do this way" they will continue to do it because they understand the ramifications. If you dont properly teach them why they are doing it a certain way they wont care and wont realize why deviating from the norm is bad.

ok Ive watched it a few times now and can't stop laughing. What do you say we kick this up a notch and give this teacher he old internet hate treatment??

As a teacher I've seen far worse lessons than that. I've seen 'teachers' (typically middle-aged women who have the absolute minimum qualification in the subject) handout worksheets with deliberately dumbed down questions on so that the kids don't even know that they're being screwed over until their final exam.

That's because a union teacher who's on tenure. A union teacher is hard to fire and once a teacher is on tenure it's impossible to fire the only thing they could do is transfer to a new school.

I guess. We'll see.

How fucking sad that this nig is a teacher, a person supposed to enlighten and provide the tools to succeed in the world to our youngest and most vulnerable. Disgusting, you can bet the majority of the kids in the class are x10 smarter and only acted out because they know they are smarter, they know they ended up with the cheapest, shittiest education society can provide.


Millenials wouldn't be in this problem if you fuckers put the boomers in their place instead of sulking in the cuck corner.

It's because you start tenure after your 3 years probation but you complete your tenure in about 9 years later.

holyshit you absoulte mad geniuses

That wall was amazing.

Seconding this. Black women are the worst teachers.

Same user. Honestly, being as young as i am, Holla Forums gave me an absurd amount of hope. You can imagine how orgasmic i feel everytime something in our favor happens.

We aren't on halfchan. Nobody cares if you are 12 or 80. If you don't act like a tard, nobody gives a shit.

She says she hates the kids etc, should get her fired, that would be a cherry on top.

You should visit Poland once, the guys I've been drinking beer with were the finest men I have seen. All pure nationalist, was very fun to debate with them and to redpill them on certain subjects. They didn't even had to learn about the holocaust. From what they've said, it was a 5 minute topic nobody gave a shit about.

Poland is definitely a place I'd love to visit. A highly nationalist place sounds idea. It would be a breath of fresh air from being around the whiny little snobs who want diversity.

Just a little heads up, the country used to be a communist shithole, and it isn't "romantic" and "gentle" as western Europe. People will tell you directly what they think and don't like westerners due to their fake niceness. Also was pretty surprised, as a lot of women are blond and have blue eyes. A lot of the population has some Aryan genetics. Don't know if it was to the germanisation or something else, but in Czech republic you rarely see true blondes.

I lost it when the Mexican teacher showed the wall the students had placed.

The wisdom teeth are meant to replace molars which would normally be lost to tooth decay.

nigger runes best

Does 17 count? I hear people straight up saying nigger at my school all the time and just got back from a political camp where tons of people were throwing Romans

I was not of voting age at the time but I supported lib policies. I was challenged when I moved to the big city.

I admit, Holla Forums, I didn't think it was possible for anyone to be that dumb… my opinion of blacks in America has somehow fallen even lower. This is just shocking.

This isn't a bad thing. Being a nazi just to be ironic and edgy opens up the door to actually becoming redpilled. Heck, even I remember that I used to laugh at Hitler memes ironically.

Call them nigger.

Does 18 count

That can be a two-edged sword, however. I think we need to be more weary of communist subversion through memes. The last thing we need is a generation of retarded Holla Forums posters. We need to crank up production of memes humanizing Hitler and Nazi Germany, and slow down the Reds' means of spreading their propaganda through social media. If you see stuff like pics related remember to go into the comments and post facts debunking communism and other redpills.

Gen Z is after 1995. It's defined as such due to internet proliferation and them being the first gen 100% on the internet. I guess that means we're the first to take in memetics

T. 20yo gen z fag


while this style of handwriting looks awesome, it's not meant to be used with a regular pen or pencil. you're going to need an oblique holder and a large writing surface (not available in schools) to practice large muscle movement. i think IAMPETH is the place to find customs.

I shilled for Ron Paul back in the day. Even then I knew Obongo was trash.

It's gotta as palatable and fun to listen to as grandayy's content, for starters.

Such is life in the Gen-Z led world.

One of the best things that comes out of memes is the rendering artistic of things that are wholly devoid of art, such as the original version of this song. Even the commie version is more beautiful than the fucking nigger original. It's not even MUSIC…

Your girlfriend had fucking better be pregnant with twins, promising-user.

Videos like the ones this guy makes about the Nazis need to be pushed.

Especially the second video I am linking is good because it breaks that "le ebil nahtzee" narrative that likes push about all Nazis being evil people.


I feel like we (as in anons in general) are the prototype of Gen Z. Personally, I started with Holla Forums back in 2006 in high school and I've been wasting my time on 4chan and then 8ch ever since. Hell, even before that I was wasting time on places like YTMND. Even back then when I was totally ignorant and apolitical, I was doing completely shitlordy stuff like that. I was being a dumbass and doing shit like this, doing roman salutes and laughing at my math teacher for being a kikess, etc. It started as that sort of irreverence that comes with being an internet-dwelling shitposter. And this attitude of humor-in-irreverence breaks down the typical taboos and makes you more open into looking into the things that gradually turns you redpilled and into a national socialist.

Well, internet culture has only grown and grown since 2006. There were relatively few during my time that "grew up" with that as I (and I'm sure many others ITT) did. But now things have kicked into high gear, and we have shitloads of people going through this. So much so, in fact, that large fractions are even able to form "IRL cliques" and work together fucking with school administrations far more than I or anyone else could as individuals. And it's beautiful.

Sure, a lot of these kids probably aren't totally redpilled and are only in it for the lulz right now. But that's how we ALL started. That's why the media is freaking out so much over seemingly innocuous jokes and memes.

I'm born 1994 but I feel like I was raised on the internet.

That's too bad. I feel like my age is about perfect; I'm old enough to have been a teenager when the internet became a thing, so I've known both worlds. This one is better, but less comfortable.

I especially like that second one since that song seems to hit the right mix of high-energy and nostalgia for a time long past.

Other great videos to spread to Gen Zyklon:


Here's the way I see it:

Do you remember what America (/the world) was like before 9/11?
Gen Z


Holy shit you can tell that man is defeated. Nuke Chimpcago.

There were people born before Millenials.

Hey, glad to see another 17 year old senior here. Funny, both of our school districts are flooded with spics and niggers.
I could say something similar about my school as you could about yours, since i'm guessing that they're ran similarly.

I got in school suspension all because of some weak "papers please" joke where I asked some random brown kid for their papers in the small time I share with my friends before homeroom begins. The floor in which my homeroom was on just so happens to be the "literature/writing" wing of the school where the teachers are old, marxist catladies, and one of them happened to tattle on me without prior notice. Interestingly enough, I get away with singing along to Johnny Rebel's "alabama nigger" with my friends before homeroom and in math class.

It's still refreshing to see that despite the blatant lgbtqishygddtgtkrwn propaganda plastered over the school hallways, the majority of students that aren't complete normalfags still mock the concept of multiple genders. Our robotics teacher was joking about the amount of genders that exist today, and some student joked about how instead of having "male or female" on permission slips, there should be a percentage bar with "male" on one end and "female" on the other, shit was so cash

How much of the koolaid has your school administration and classmates drank?

Take it with a grain of salt because it's (((VICE NEWS))) but it certainly does look like the is thinking to himself "where did everything go so wrong?"

No shit, the implication of the post is that you are looking for the divider between Millennials and Gen Z. Oldfags need not apply.

look like the teacher* is thinking to himself

I'd set the bar to 10-13 and under who remember what it was like before 9/11

fucking newfags
you have my sympathies I'd probably fucking lose my shit if I was surrounded by propaganda like that in high school

Is that Dorner?

That's really too restrictive of a cut off. I'm sure people born in 92 remember a similar amount to people born in 91.

Low energy. Lame thread.


I wasn't counting years tbh. Was just an age range that seemed alright. Something around that. I'm no gen Z but I was pretty young when 9/11 fucked our shit up.

Kill self fgt

A blessed time when cuckservative flag-waving faggotry slackened off a bit. Then it returned with a vengeance.


You want to return to late 90s Clinton era?

That's the demarcation I use as well. The major shift happened on 9/11. That was the unofficial end of the time period we call "the nineties". That was the point where a period of peace and prosperity (whether real or imagined) ended and was replaced by the current zeitgeist. It's all about whether you understand the shift that happened due to 9/11 and you can contrast what it was like before vs after, or whether you were so young you don't even remember what it was like beforehand at all.

free as in freedom
you dumb kikes

I don;t want to "return" to anything, because the romanticizing of the past is always a mistake. But yeah, the 90's were better than the 00's under cuckservative dickless pieces of shit like Rumsfeld like Bush.

What I'm really interested in is what the Gen Z kids in the bible belt are like. Especially concerning jews, zionism, israel, etc. Anyone have any data or anecdotes on this? We know southern evangelicals, despite being good people on average, fell for the schofield bible meme and think they literally need to praise israel for some reason. I'm wondering if the youngest generation also feels this way, or if it's distinctly a boomer phenomenon.

I'm an faggot user in the body of a Gen Z kid. As much as I want to experience a calmer, more relaxed time before 9/11, There's nothing that will truly compare to a time this memetic.

Which is why we need to nuke Israel like yesterday.

Jews CANNOT be allowed to have nukes.
Same for ant-men, pakis, and no-poo-in-loos.

Nukes are one of the most destructive forces on the planet - they cannot be allowed in the hands of savages.

Shit dubs, sorta. I only support that because he used "TBH".

lurk moar

Checked. Truth

Bunch of cucks, the lot of you. You should all be ashamed, and if you even think that type of thought you should be dead already.

Here's a tip for you: the worth of an individual is not based on his age, but rather his experience. If you spend 40 years doing jackshit except wanking off to anime and shitposting you're going to be worth a shitton less than a 15 - 20 year old amateur athlete on the cusp of turning professional.


Good definition. That would put anyone from around 1996-8 (depending on memory) to Gen Z, and that seems right. 20-21 years old at most

You cannot actually be this autistic.

Same here. The younger ones are more willing to read anything on the internet which for once works in our favor and aren't so cowed by PC culture as mine or the ones that came before us. I've had miles more success redpilling Gen Z'ers than any other. I have high hopes for them

It was a relaxed time, but the disease was already well on its way, we just couldn't see it. Right now is far better time to be full of energy.

The 90's computer scene and internet were comfy as fuck though.

this gives me hope
the West has survived worse crises, hopefully Gen Z will be the ones to finally fire up the ovens and fix things once and for all
as long as there are enough of us left to repopulate after the fact we'll have won

Here in Europe we learn cursive right from the start. Non-cursive is for type-writers.

Nice autism. The joke is that the generation after us is going to be so hardcore that we'll all be considered weak cucks in comparison who get lynched on DOTR.

And even if that were seriously, I honestly would allow myself to be lynched if it meant Gen Z rises up and cleanses the nation. I'd be perfectly okay with going to hell if it meant my people got to live in paradise.

Gen z wife pls.

Same. I'm a millennial, but my brother is borderline Gen Z. Everyone in my age bracket are a bunch of social justice faggots that I haven't been able to reach whatsoever. But my brother is now fully redpilled on everything from race to jews to the holohoax to DOTR. And even his friends in his age group are fairly receptive to these things as well. They range from being nationalists to libertarians starting off, whereas my age bracket starts off ranging from liberal to marxist.

Reminder that the stigma associating with dating a younger woman is a recent phenomenon propagated by feminist cat ladies who want men to date/marry them instead of bypassing them for younger women.

Checking those shit 00's. That was the highest point of jew-framed political theater. It started out full neocon and ended with a magic negro. I get mad thinking about all the wasted thought, argument, and memes back then that did nothing but lube someone's rubbing hands.

These kids must have gotten advanced placements in "bantz"

I was a Republican until probably two years back. Seek the truth, user. That's all you can do.

You think 17 is underage bait?

how about 15.

Pick one and one only

B& doesn't mean bait, newfriend

We need to bring back cursive formating.

B& =/= bait, user, and I'm around your age. Lurk moar.

He probably means traditional. I doubt these young children are neocon scum. Young people give exactly zero shits about Israel.

look here a nigger and a spic false flagging this is new and exciting. and all you retards saying gen z is redpilled are full of shit they all worship rappers and niggerball players. the kids are the ones who choose which of the kikes stooges become famous. and all the famous ones right now are absolute degenerate subhumans.

Genetic adaptation for spitting watermelon seeds.

kek shill, keep trying to convince Holla Forums that Gen Z is muh degenerate, you won't win

No he's right, I'm Gen z and I subscribed to the meme, but we still have a lot of problems.
At least we're better than millennials.

Get ready for the ovens Shlomo.

I dunno (1). At the worst, Gen Z is in a very great place for redpilling, due to the memes and the irony about Hitler and all.

take the mewpill

I recall reading an article, Im not sure where from, maybe the Stormer, maybe even TRS, but it stuck with me because the end of the article was "We'll know we've won when we're executed for being too liberal." and I honestly think there is truth in that.

Amazing how this all has worked out, hasnt it? It's exciting too to see these people take the information we give them, digest it, and then spread it. I don't want to get too high on my hopes, but this really does feel and look like the beginning of the end for these kikes.

>the others a hopeless liberal faggot that could declare he's gay and no one would be surprised

Kindly gas yourself my friend.

You talking about Goldstein? Cuz he didn't actually run the sub, he was just a mod there.

Shame. Maybe he'll wake up one day

Teach him how to shoot a rifle. 9 times out of 10 it makes teenage boys remember that they're supposed to be men.

no your just plain Mexican

top kek

I didn't. I was deep in the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories back then and supported Ron Paul.

And now you see why they're importing millions of spics and asians. Nogs can't accomplish anything on their own. But nogs + spics, asians, middle-easterners, etc etc could get the job of white genocide done if it ever came to that. But this can be accomplished without so much as a whimper from the white race. It's the "boil a frog slowly and he won't even realize he's being boiled alive" theory. Whites as a race are the greatest practitioners of war that have ever existed on this planet by far. Kikes know this, they know they cannot win in a straight up fight, so they push "positive" feel-good memes like diversity to short-circuit the inherent good nature of whites and bring about their downfall without anyone noticing.

I think perfect straight teeth and braces are dumb Jew shit, but seriously if you have a gap like that fix it.

you get that naturally if you keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth at all times

It is true that GenZ is less white than Millenials, but only by a few percent. That doesn't account for the massive shift in their political views, though. 80% are fiscally conservative and around 60% or so are socially conservative, I believe.

Thank god for the death of Christianity.

Vid related.

no gf yet, I'm sorry to say


it from mein kampf

According to Wikipedia it started in 2004

most people don't have a clue at 16

I was only getting started seeing the problems then

they were the wrong problems

Kek, I'd be in a world of shit if I did either of those; I try to fly under the radar and hide my powerlevel. I have a couple of friends though that don't give any shits and regularly wear "meninist" and Trump gear to school just to trigger the marxist teachers. They actually managed to find a teacher to sponsor their Republican club too, after about a year of trying.

The administration is very largely cucked, most social studies and english teachers spew feminist rhetoric, and my freshman english teacher basically turned the class into "muh holocaust" class. I once got into trouble with her because I called a girl a "tumblr feminist" lul. Hell, even my calc teacher made us research mathematicians, but only women and minorities (half the class had to do the same Pajeet mathematician for the minority kek). My other friend founded the gay-straight alliance and all the admins and teachers suck off his ego for it. One of our VPs though is a closet conservative and is allowing the Republican club (full of shitlords) to debate lefties, so that'll be fun. A sizable chunk of the student body call them "ebul nadzis" though, and try to disrupt the meetings. Our fucking student government officers got elected by speaking spanish in their speeches, instantly winning the beaner vote.

Overall, most people mock the "multiple genders" bs but there's plenty other poz to go around, and especially with the number of spics and niggers, us righties are a small minority.

That's the most enraging shit about what they do. It'd be one thing if they had to suffer the consequences of shitting up their host nations, like the rest of us have to suffer. But no; they shit up our nations, and then they get out of dodge when things go south. You're already seeing this shit happen in France. France has the largest number of kikes in Europe, and they're all fleeing to israel… after they've already lobbied to bring the entire 3rd world to france, of course.

where are you getting these fucking stats dude?

i swear 90% of Holla Forums lives in bumfuck nowhere towns that are still white. in actual populated areas the poz is out of control for all generations.

Generation Zyklon is a great slogan. Will meme.

Nope. That's how it works. No one claimed the generational model is perfect, just that it is useful. Claiming that it's imperfect and should be removed, without proffering an improved replacement, would be throwing away the baby with the bathwater.

I knew Obunghole was going to win because (((they))) would make sure of it, but I voted for Ron Paul.

I meant that bit. It's better to lurk first.

It's not like we had any fucking idea of what was going on, we wouldn't listen. Everyone think multiculturalism is great until they have to live it.

I guarantee its a false flag so they can sue the school district.

And this is how a chan dies.

This isn't cuckchan faggot.

Don't mind me, just want this ancient cancer get a fresh filename.
I'm 12 btw.

Nationalism is the new hip and cool anti-establishment counter culture. Leftism is viewed as lame, annoying, controlling and filled with old people.

8ch doesn't have an underage rule like 4chan.

checked, you know she was wet with excitement from the "eeks" and "ooks" she was about to get on her Blaq Teecharz Kikehook page.
They will, circle of life, friend. Soon, we'll be the old, uncool ones.

Is that nigger basically threatening these children on the basis of her unwillingness to lose her job in order to assault them or something?
The fuck does this bucktoothed negress think she's gonna do, besides get that gap widened?

I lost my shit on the wall. oh fuck that's hilarious.

I honestly don't mind underage b& coming here. Sure, I don't want immature faggots who shit the place up, but that's true regardless of age. I'm not going to shit on someone who makes a decent post just because they mentioned they're 17yo.

At this point, I want underage b& to at least be lurking places like this. It was different when we were just having a giggle, but this isn't Holla Forums circa 2007 anymore. We're actually having an impact on the youth culture, and that's HUGELY important.

For any underage here, pay close attention to your student government. They are like a youth NKVD, constantly pushing the worst parts of the jew agenda and likely supported by the most leftist and leftist connected staff.

Identifying student government members and creating solutions for them is likely the easiest way to stop the cancer.

Hell when I was at school, the student government even had access to straight up propaganda where in collaboration with the film class they would create weekly newscasts we would all have to watch.

At least I have a strong marked jawline.
At least I'm white.

I couldn't run for school president because of my disciplinary record so I got over 300 students to sign a petition and they still refused. jews… somehow.

Then come up with innovative ways to deal with the leftists/shitskins that were allowed to run.


I'm still on the fence on whether to run for school president or not underage b8, I don't want to get Jewed and have my future destroyed.

This sheboon clearly pissed off the kids big time for them to do this. I bet she wouldn't shut up about "ebil drumpf" in her "math" class.

My favorite part is after the dindu says:

The fucking spic CORRECTS her on her godamn dindu speech

Holy fuck how is this ape teaching a math class.

Oh wait I know exactly why; bullshit PC and a lack of male teachers.

To all anons considering a teaching role or who are retiring and thinking of teaching.

GO FOR IT. Lord knows my favorite teachers were men because the women teachers were fucking godawful.

The issue is, as with many things, the affirmative action hiring standards. How do you think creatures like this sheboon get to teach?

When I was in HS a decade ago, I had this biology teacher who looked, sounded, and acted EXACTLY like the nigress in this video. She literally didn't even teach. All she did was sit at her desk and file her nails while instructing us to read chapters and take notes. She didn't even give any tests or assessments; she literally just checked to make sure we wrote notes on things. The entire year, she didn't actually teach a single damn lesson.

I complained to the administration multiple times about this, and I'm sure others did too. Everyone fucking hated her. Not having to do work sounds fun until you remember you have to still show up to this classroom for an hour and sit in silence taking notes every day. But regardless of how many complaints were issued, nothing was ever done. And at least two years later when I was a senior, she was still there teaching. Why? How? Because she was black, obviously.

I've got an anecdote. I am from the Bible Belt, but I live in Appalachia currently. I came here to escape the mongrel hordes of the Deep South. I was born in 1990. I had a conversation with someone 8 years younger than me, who was born and raised here in East TN.

He said, "We say 'round here, youns from the deep south have to learn how to hate niggers. We here in Appalachia are born hatin' niggers."

That put a smile on my face. For what it's worth.

How would people there take to a coastal city Californian who hates spics, pajeets, and niggers and loves guns?

That's good to know, but it's already a given that people there hate niggers. (hell, even the biggest libcucks secretly hate niggers but play "emperor has no clothes" and pretend they don't)

What about their opinions on the jews? Even just something as vanilla as their opinion on giving aid to israel and supporting them unconditionally as "our greatest ally". That's what I'm most interested in.

As a white looking mostly white person, I intend to do my part in the times ahead and then take what ever judgement is passed upon me after we've secured a white future. I'll jump in the oven if that's what's most useful.

We can use you to clear landmines in human wave attacks.

I only had one black teacher in high school. He wasn't a terrible teacher and it was his first year teaching so he put some effort into it. Generally new teachers put a lot of effort into teaching. He was a funny guy and made a lot of jokes so the students generally liked him.

I had one teacher, though it was an older white woman. The worst teacher I ever had in my entire life. She was the first woman to get some kind of doctorate in some bullshit so the administrators loved her. All the students hated her.

She never taught anything just told us to read a chapter in our curriculum book and do the assignment at the end of it. The girls hated her more than the guys did and a lot of students complained to the administration about her but nothing ever came of it. She was also strict and gave us shit tons of homework. I was in 11th grade at the time and 80% of my homework every day was from her class alone. Like two hours of homework every day from her class. Half the time she didn't even show up in class to even sit there.

On a brighter note, my AP psychology teacher was a retired fighter pilot in vietnam who taught a non-cucked version of psych to us. Hell, he even taught us about IQ and how it's heritable, and this was the first "scientific redpill" I ever took. It got my noggin joggin' and allowed me to put the pieces together on why niggers were so shit; that it wasn't JUST my own personal experience with them being retarded. That it was actually backed up by tons of data.

What a guy, how do they justify jailing someone who's only crime is taking out the trash?

Found the asshurt torfag from the boomer thread

My younger sister, after being raised with a very centrist father and very leftist mother told me the other day that if she fell pregnant that she would keep it or put it up for adoption.

She's also dating a tall blonde guy.

You gotta take the little wins sometimes.

Curiously, I know a few of those who made it over this way. We take to them quite kindly. However, that being said, Southern Hospitality dictates that we take kindly to just about any person.

The answer to this question I am sad to say. I've spoken to people who have absolutely vitriolic hate against non-whites, which exceeds even my own, but they have been absolutely unwilling to consider alternative views about the holocaust, or to even consider Jews as in any way non-white. There's an ideological barrier there that I haven't been able to penetrate.

That being said, I am no social butterfly with broad influence, nor am I a member of any right-wing groups in this area. I am talking about anecdotal experience, which, I hope, is not indicative of trends. I do know that (((American conservative))) views here are pervasive, and (((American liberal))) views are confined to a very few urban hives, and those individuals weild very little influence. The majority of political views here seem to be passed down by the church, which is largely Presbyterian. Of course there's merit there, but American Protestantism is hardly woke to the Jewish Question.

I suppose I have some redpilling to do.


16 yr old user here, im glad that there are more people my age that are like me, since i seem to be the only one who is /natsoc/ in my school, but thats probably expected since my town is ~40-60% jewish, and the history teachers promote communism and have upped the shoah to 11 million. last year i had a literal cuckold teaching me about muh ebil nazis and he didnt even know that nazi stood for national socialist. my friend group is probably has the most ~rightwing~ people in the school, aka r/t_d tier redpilled, and i cant do much as far as redpilling because they all have kike friends since there are so many and they'd be like "nah man the jews arent that bad." atleast some of the teachers are okay tho, like my chem teacher laughed when i asked if pic related could be used as a design for my poster about gas pressure, with the arms of the hakenkreuz pointing to different things about gas pressure, but he didnt end up letting me use it.

That honestly makes me hopeful. Be sure to spend some time with the guy and help keep him from being a cuck.

March 11th, 1998. What generation am I considered?

That's what I was afraid to hear. It's the same issue I have with the boomers. There are tons of boomers who will openly express hatred for niggers, spics, muslims, faggots, etc, but they absolutely 100% will not say anything bad about the jews, and no data or arguments or coincidences you point out will change their mind

I have absolutely no problem with the protestants of appalachia and the south. But that fanatic devotion to worshiping israel is a blight on what would otherwise be a decent church. And I still can't wrap my head around why they do that. I'm hoping the degree of the zion-cucking is less than with the boomers, at the very least.


You're right between Gen Y/Millennials and Gen Z. Take your pick



I have a much smaller gap in my teeth and I'm white. I sucked my thumb until I was in second grade.

There were only two black kids in my entire school, a handful of Mexicans, and one or two Koreans. All the rest were white and the teachers were all white. I notice more and more blacks in the area every year though. The walmart that was built a few years ago brought in the nigger hordes.

Just mention how Jews are responsible for Jesus's death and to this day they spite him. Tell them how to Talmud says the Virgin Mary is a whore and that Jesus is in hell in boiling semen and shit. Bring up that they can't be God's chosen people if they reject Jesus, "if you reject thy son, you reject thy father" there's so much ammo you have. Synagogue of Satan and so on


They both live in Melbourne, 1000 miles from me so I can't keep tabs that easy. He's only 20 and works for his father who is a builder, so I guess that's low on the degeneracy scale of things. We went and saw a band together and afterwards my sister joked that they were a bit "lol tumblr-feminists".

But you know I'm still an older brother and would beat the guy within an inch of his life if I had to, but things could be worse.

I've tried all that. It's like trying to reason with a leftist about race and IQ. None of this matters. It doesn't matter if the NT is explicitly antisemitic. It doesn't matter if the kikes' holy book is explicitly anti-christian. It doesn't matter that the jews are responsible for things like promoting marxism, homosexuality, feminism, etc. They just won't fucking listen.

I'm just shocked that a catholic school (in INDIANA of all places) even has a "director of diversity" in the first place. What the fuck?
I wish this happened in a public school so that the students could tell the principle to fuck off. Same goes with the jewish organization that says it will offer to """help""" make the student body understand how "severe" this is.

Yeah, if they are Christians it should not be hard to redpill them on Jews. You really have to apply a lot of mental gymnastics to the bible to come out thinking it makes Jews look good. If you need help, look up the many Christians who wrote against Jews in the past and steal their arguments. Luther, John Chrysostom

Gen Z experienced war for most of their lives and full blown indoctrination in the education system. 2008 - 2010 were the worst years of my life and that little bubble was popped when my mom lost her job and we had to live off of paycheck to paycheck skipping meals every other day or so.




t. used to be limp wristed bitch. Go shooting and it just wakes something up within you.

=how do you think Holla Forums reached this point in the first place?
Memes and edgy humor are important tools because they break down taboos and barriers that ZOG brainwashing seeks to build up. It starts with laughing about gassing kikes and heiling hitler and laughing about niggers. That's how we went from Holla Forums to /n/ to /new/ to Holla Forums

Ex long hair prancing liberal vegetarian faggot and can confirm this.
Makes you crave manhood for sure.

You get that gap, or you fix it?

I ran for school treasurer this year (on a "loadsamoney" platform, it was pretty good) and out of fucking nowhere the faggot that made the gay-straight-alliance and gets sucked off by the administration decided to run last minute and won. My speech actually contained positions, his amounted to "I founded the GSA and diversity is good." My friends told me that in the classes who didn't know who he was (ie the ones full of illegal spics) had someone yelling "vote for [faggot]!"

The fucking leftists at my school have a cult of personality that surrounds them and includes the administration and teachers. I think he won some faggy "peaceful student leader" award or some shit. These people are ubiquitous in our model UN and mock trial clubs; they're training to become globalists and (((lawyers))) so that they can continue this destruction of the white race and its civilization.

Not a fan of DS, eh? I guess you dropped something, here I picked it up for you to put on.

As a parent of kids who do dumb shit. If you have balls, this "parents doing a day of training" would never happen.

yeah, but every single fucking white girl in knoxville will whore themselves out to any and every black guy they can. It seems like the south is so cucked compared to the north

I can tell you that in Eastern Europe, that is the rare exception and not the rule. Also, Poland has gangs of Polish men going around and beating up what they call, "Dusky Princes" in Polish.

Saw this all first hand and celebrated it while I was living in Poland. I should have never left. I have forgotten most of my Polish too, feels bad man.

Fuck off, Andre.

c'mon down. The more the merrier. A friend of mine just moved here from Jew Jersey. The man was afraid to be in a room with a gun when I met him. Now he has a growing collection.

Actually there's a bit of a Germany effect here in east TN. Because of the "raysis" past down here, every white person is either a complete wigger, a total cuck, or will bend over backwards to prove to jamal how racist he isn't. The real racists are pretty hard to find, and even then you won't really know until you're alone with them.


Hey Z,
Xer here. I used to think y'all were slackers until the millennials showed their mettle. You're not so bad.

Hey, I found your picture on your Faceberg account.

Not Andre, but the man is doing God's work. He is helping bring people into the fold and that's what matters. All of the big sites are stepping stones into the Real Right.

There's one in every thread.

I have 4 Gen Z children. All white from the South. 3 boys 1 girl. My oldest daughter is 12 and can drop redpills like a motherfucker. She had a slumber party 2 weeks ago and I overheard her telling her friends about the Rothschilds, fake news, etc. My youngest son hasnt been walking for long but can do a perfect ok hand sign.

I would love to hear this video dubbed over with a convincing Eddy Murphy impersonator. Maybe a Mike Myers one as well.

Knoxville is different from rural south. I went to Bearden High my freshman year in 95. Met sp many Patels and Steinburgees I thought I was in a foreign country. Urban areas are not indicative of True Southern Values. Its an exception and a false flag of what the South truly is.

The cities really, try the nash/belle meade border, clash of worlds there.

Are you gay or something?



Shit dont get me started on Nashville/belle meade. I Lived in Davidson County for 2 years. Knoxville is worse tho IMO.

Nobody wants to know where you're from. I live in your neighborhood dude.

Blog post incoming.

>Tfw 18
>Currently have a considerable book collection of works by Oswald Mosley, Benito Mussolini, Gottfried Feder, Colin Jordan, and, of course, a copy of Mein Kampf that I intend on rereading soon Stalag Edition, of course

>Tfw constant daydreams about starting a NatSoc/Fascist vanguard, as outlined by Colin Jordan in National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future with inspiration from the various Identitarian groups in Europe but my dissolution with the present society has made me very anxious and introverted, hopefully military training helps with that

Everybody is getting gassed this time. There will be no survivors. I just hope we stick to our extreme views before the likes of Cernovich turn us all into libertardian ladyboy slaves and violates our NAP.

Also, is Esoteric Hitlerism just a meme or is it actually worth looking into?

Are you me from 5 years ago? You've much to learn, but damn that's accelerated to say the least.

Not from tn kike. Just lived and went to school in TN from grades 4 to 11th

I don't really think it is, and I would also recommend that before you reread Mein Kampf that you read "Hitler's Table Talks", its Hitler in his own words elaborating on various topics of society, his personal philosophy, the structure of future elections, Germany's government, etc all from 1941 to 1944. It's very insightful

I think I liked Mosley more than Hitler's national socialism or Mussolini's kind of fascism. Finding out about personalised medicine during my medical studies made me appreciate his idea that no two nations would benefit from the same kind of fascism (or any form of government) if it was copied and pasted into a different race or culture all the more.
Ability to post pdfs on Holla Forums when?

I can attest to Gen-Z being fairly right-wing in comparison to their millennial predecessors.
More of a shift south on the political compass than east, though. That is to say, they're extreamly libertarian compared to the authoritarian millenials.

Hell, I would know. I'm one myself.

You can post it on >>>/pdfs/ and then cross-link it here.

I know, you told me
Here you go. 100 questions and answers on fascism by Oswald Mosley. Although his never made it to rulership, he had some good concepts poorly (or never) executed.


Hey. I was a libertarian 2 years ago. Then someone told me about the Havaara transfer agreement…

Can't read white doctor's handwriting.
Can't understand nigger doctor speaking

Fuck off, communist faggot. I swear, almost everyone who obsessively organizes "fallacies" is some kind of slimy faggot commie weasel. Did you ever think that maybe I was genuinely curious what you think is a better replacement? I don't even care to hear what you have to say any more because you're obviously a Sargon-tier undercover CIA nigger.

That's the beauty of the comparatively perfected digital age my generation is being brought up in. Going from conservative to libertarian to full-on NS/Fascist is a matter of weeks and months now, not years. The information was almost always, literally, been at our fingertips.

You merely adopted the digital age. I was born in it, molded by it.

Will definitely check it out.

Can relate. Personally, I was always more fascinated with the economic aspects of National Socialism and Fascism as an alternative to Capitalism and Communism. I found Mosley's writings Fascism:100 Questions Asked and Answered and Fascism for the Million very informative when it came to the economic aspects of the Fascist Corporate State.

Always gives me chills.

100% this.

It's far from a meme. Read The Golden Thread and Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar. I thought it was just some /x/-like shit but how wrong I was.

here's your (you) faggot

Hitler had to put up with the worst of the worst from the jews, I like Mosley a lot, but his circumstances led for him to him to be less hard on the jews, but also made it so he had more time to philosophize than Hitler.

But I guess some fags on this board actually are.

If you honestly feel that way, please, feel free to go on a one-way vacation to your nearest hood or mosque. You're white. You have no biological or mental defects. You are learned far beyond most of your fellow populace. I'm willing to bet you're a complicit Cultural Marxist at heart, the same kind of person who regularly posts "let Europe burn; it deserves it" in between bouts of GTKRWN on here and not realizing the irony.

I turned 20 last month. Have fun putting me into your arbitrary classification system where half of you would call me Gen Y even though I could barely walk and couldn't even wipe my own ass in 2000, whereas the rest of you would say I'm "brothers" with those who have only just started HS and can't even remember a time before Kikebook or Jewtube. Way I see it, I'm neither. Part of a forgotten half-decade where they were changing everything, just like those born from '77 - '82 who are too young to be fully fledged X'ers yet would be insulted if you lumped them in with the memelennials.


Niggers don't have strong, chiseled jaws like white males. They have wide, rounded protruding jaws and maxilla.

Just because your jaw is small enough not to have gapped teeth, doesn't mean you look weak or pathetic.

See pic related. A niggers jaw/maxilla/teeth are convex, protruding, and non-angular. The white skull on the top is more angular, but not receding.

my laterals

Underage aryans are more civil than a kike of any age.

God fucking damn she could fit a mars bar between that gap in her teeth.

Mars Bars aren't a thing anymore, boomer. They changed the name to Snickers in the 70's.

He's refering to the studies that predict Gen-Z to be the most "conservative". Their words you retard.

Sorry, Milky Way.


Mars/Snickers/Milky Way/Three Musketeers. Bunch of them are swapped around in naming between countries for dumb reasons.

Cycles my man. What you are describing are edgelords not normal human beans. His grandchildren, being raised by such lefties will just go to the other extreme when it's their turn to rebel.

Meanwhile in the nigger school in the bad part of town white teachers are being terrorized, physically assaulted and can't enter their schools without going through a metal detector first.

My birthday is Sept. 5th, 1999. What generation am I?

How about no, you kikes.

Gen Z, the cutoff point is around 1998-1999.

European Gen Z teen here.
Kids my age don't seem to be right wing, several of my friends are socialists.
I think this is limited to the United States.

It's like I've discovered people who may be clones from a split universe. I can echo the same experience here.
I omitted lots of details for the sake of brevity, but it's funny to look back and think how naive I once was. You kids are radicalizing faster and faster and I'm fucking teary eyed over that. Once you've opened your mind to NS and gone down this road the world becomes understandable and previously unexplainable events become simple and clear. Though the wold does become somewhat bleak and depressing at times, I'm glad this board and other outlets exist for us to gather.
I have been waiting so many years, I can feel the dam is about to break with these youngsters, I can feel it.
Pic is probably my first NS save from ebolachan save date says middle 2011. Fuck, I feel old.

European gen Z is going to be the first generation experiencing full poz. There were no (under 18) majority non-white towns in the UK until 1998. Americans have several decades of experience dealing with non-whites. You'd still be hard pressed to find European youths that had to endure a non-white educational system. As for here, it's rare to find someone who hasn't.

I still believe that Europe will be faster to "wake up", however. You still have ancestral attachments to your homelands. Americans are mostly rootless. It takes an extreme amount of poz to stir us into action, when the only thing we can be assed to protect are our lives.

the 2012 election is when I finally realized that the "conservative" party of the US is just a doughy, ineffective band of zionists, with just as much malice towards us as the democrats.

What am I?

For you.

Just ask them questions about their beliefs and point out their hypocrisy in question form. Go full socrates on them. Its that easy to turn them down the path.

we have 3 of those here and they are all different slightly


Where is that article? I went to the Seattle Tribune and they took it down it seems

No disagreement there, still better than Memphis.

Let all tennesseeans be assured that at least they don't live in memphis unless you live in memphis but hey, the street fest is alright

Read The Lightning and the Sun. You can find PDFs online easily.


This. Young kids are basically autistic

Jesus christ, a nigger teaching math? Did you recover the knowledge lost from that wasted year?

I managed to retain most of the knowledge from that year, yes. Unfortunately, in Alabama, incompetent nigger teachers are present in every subject. Even in fucking Science. Not only do niggers make the worst teachers, but they are subpar therapists.

The 2008 crisis had nothing on the 1980 crash, people were saying "omg it's just like the 1930's crash" it wasn't. The 1980 crash? Wages declined by nearly 20% over 3-4 years, hyperinflation kicked in near the end of that 4th year. Mortgage rates went from 5% to 25% in the span of 2 years. Housing prices went from single-detached at $28k to $90k in months from inflation. $0.30/loaf of bread was $1/loaf in the same year(1982). Now think on that a second, before the crash you were making $140/weekly, then you were making $120 or less weekly by the end of it. But all the taxes remained the same, prices went up so quickly that in Canada they instituted wage and price controls(basically where Venezuela is at now) to stop riots that was in 1981. Took until 1983 at least here in Canada for wages to catch up, people who weren't unionized and had COLA(cost of living allowance) tied to inflation rate lost everything, suicide rate was through the roof. It wasn't a case of "everyone on the street losing their house" it was a case of "entire towns were wiped out." It was bad enough that banks stopped asset seizures at one point.

Those were bad times man. And I'm just old enough to remember the 1980's crash clearly. Not saying that the 2008 crash wasn't bad, it was plenty bad. But people haven't see just how bad things really have been in the last 50 years.

Imagine grandma who, no matter what, just can't into a simple cellphone. Kids are the opposite of that. They are extremely intelligent, extremely open-minded, extremely incapable of accepting bullshit as facts. Teach them about fucking fallacies, cognitive biases, et al

Also, teach them the art of the counter-example: Got called an anti-semite? "If I don't like scientology, am I an anti-scientologist? If I don't like satanism, am I an anti-satanist? How is calling me anti-something an argument?"

Are you l*terally retarded? Mars is the company that owns all those bars including Mars bars. They are all available everywhere but some are more rare in certain areas.

Good. I mean grade 9 math isn't going to contain much, but I could see problems cascading for future years if students didn't get a good base, as all math courses are taught with progressive difficulty. I really feel sorry for the whites stuck in such shitty education nigger run systems, I had a lily-white childhood, and even then, most of my white teachers were fairly incompetent. With niggers there's no point in even attending.

That looks great, and I'm in a similar spot. pic related is my cursive skill.

Niggers aren't the only problem in the modern education system,but you have teachers who don't give a damn about their job trying to teach kids in High School. I'm going into my Junior year, and the sheer amount of bad teachers in High School is astounding. The students are always disconnected and complaining about teachers, and I can't blame them one bit. Most of the teachers were also anal during the election.

How did this happen? You'd think with all the brainwashing Gen Z gets in school, they'd be cucked as fuck. Are they just sick of having the PC shit shoved down their throats? Also lol at the teacher not being able to speak proper English, fucking nigger.

Goyim no! We need to phase out and deprecate such writing, and have computer-based education. This archaic form wastes paper and disenfranchises certain segments of the population who owing to historic oppression, do not have a cursive-writing culture. We need an inclusive communication medium, not the same one from the bygone era in which white slave masters wrote cursive while slaves worked in the fields (building America on their backs).

Millennials are just old enough now that gen Z can get a clear picture of where walking down a Pozzed life path will lead them. No amount of propaganda and muh feels can contradict the reality they can clearly see with their own eyes.

They'll be too intelligent to go full aggro; divide & conquer is already a house-hold term among conspiracy theorists. It won't be a traditional "revolution", it'll be a gradual process of de-stupidification. To the dismay of many nazis, I don't believe the jews will be ovened at all, instead, they'll be laughed at for their stupidity, namely susceptibility to brainwashing, general tendency to only think rationally when solving a specific problem, being incapable of critical thinking & self-criticism, having a fixed mind, extreme susceptibility to appeals to authority and popularity and of course really strong instincts (hence all the pedos, sex-addicts, etc)

Young people like being rebellious. The main act of rebellion now is rejecting cultural marxism.

Millenials' generation still had a huge impact from the boomers' political correctness as being rebellious against the estabilishment.

I call bullshit almost all the race mixing in this country is in the south. Those southern bells love a nigger football star or basketball player

I think all the leftist shit they get fed in schools now is looked upon with disdain the same way past generations utterly refused to take the D.A.R.E campaign seriously.

You can't cram any kind of morality down on the youth with any success, it always backfires, this is why schools should be as morally and politically neutral as possible, people will gravitate towards either right or wrong beliefs on their own. Trying to tip the scales in any direction with propaganda is never going to work, at least not in institutions of learning or employment.

Like there is a huge difference in me holding a pro-fascism rally and spreading the message to people who VOLUNTARILY showed up to learn about it…and me being a teacher in a high school and trying to make kids side with me in a 45 minute class session every day. They hate whatever opinionated thing a teacher spews because the kids are being forced to be there and listen to it.

This needs to be something we all understand as well, when the overton window shifts heavily in our favor, we can't make this same mistake and try to keep each new generation on our side by forcing things on them in their schools. It has never worked historically. Pushing conservativism and anti-communist rhetoric on the Boomers after WW2 is what caused them to rebel and embrace socialism and multiculti. Keep that in mind, our guys basically caused the Boomers to become ultra liberal back in the 50s and 60s because they were way too heavy handed.

how many times is this nigger gonna smack its lips? you're god damn right they are racist you fucking nigger bitch. get used to it. white people are tired of niggers, along with other races.

I tutor a bunch of Gen z kids.
They always have such awesome stories about how they blow the fuck out of their excessively liberal teachers. I give them high fives.

They outright refuse any other tutors if I'm away.
Fight the good fight.

Exactly, comedy prevents the amygdala hijack. And, very importantly, you cannot possibly be anti-comedy without being extremely disliked (see: feminism)

I've heard anons here site Table Talks as unreliable. Not saying you're wrong, but I'm curious as to why they might think that.

I thought you were going to link this (benben8it -
Good Things that Hitler Did):

This feeling I have must be what leftists felt in the 60s when they realized that they were going to win. But it's not going to take us five fucking decades, because what we're trying to bring about is natural and not unnatural.

The professional Marxists of the academic world are so goddamn stuck up, stuffy, weak, and, simply put, boring. They have absolutely zero appeal to the young and idealistic.

so what. he was a mod. he had power.

I made it guys

We're all gonna make it.

Good lad. There are more like us.


Only in a colonial society like America would you be white. Europe might feel more cold to a mix-match. You and your kids would still white, but not ethnic to any land.

I know it's tough lad, but think of the kids. They couldn't even call themselves plastic paddies God that name is annoying.
I feel your pain, I'm Celtic myself, and a girl I fancy seems to only barely fit in the American white category.
As said though, we're all gonna make it.

>meanwhile the daughters are full of everything that (((Western))) culture has to offer
>churchgoing, virgin
Forgive me Holla Forums, but I think my future sons will be amerimutts.

Another vid related.

>Scandinavian girl
that's like finding a leprechaun. Scandi chicks are the biggest sluts out there. so watch out before you get the superids.

It's not all that bad

Fug, I'm not convinced I could have read that if I didn't already know it well, I stumbled on a few words.


It's fine user. It was good enough for Trump, it's good enough for you.

Honestly, this is what I feel. I've had exes from Russia, and they were all pretty much nothing but cold and pozzed up. And these girls were from the "normal," educated echelons of the country, with hardworking and loving parents. They either turned out as sluts or heartless hipster "career women," and almost always started seeing me as an obstacle to the realization of the shitty people they were becoming.

I found a girl who at the very least is equal to me in beliefs systems. Never mind the fact that she is easily a 9/10 and is very much looking forward to becoming a mother as an adult. I don't understand why I cannot find my peace with this girl because she's Irish yet have to consistently beat myself up over not finding those qualities in a girl of my own people.

I've dated one crazy Polish girl here in the States, pal. My condolences, and I hope your people find an answer to this issue.

As long as they don't act like retards, I don't mind.

Surely this isn't the oldest cancer you have on file? What is this, amateur hour?
Btw I'm 12 and what is this the final solution to the Jewish Question?


"We need to hear each other's stories". Kek, how ironic.

I'm pretty sure David Irving said that 1945 was fake, but that 1944 and before were genuine. He sounds like a reliable source to me.

Lad, you had better mash that potato while you still have the chance.

2013 Holla Forums is as far back as I go
I started lurking when I was 13

I don't get it either.
I think it has to do with our genes not matching up quite right. I've read some stuff before about how our senses of smell and taste help us to select a proper mate, i.e. if a girl smells good and her saliva tastes good then it's your body's way of telling her you're good to go. Something about how the immune system between the two of us strong against different illnesses, or something like that. Problem is that now that I'm in tune with that, the only girls that have had that effect on me were at the very least eastern european. The last girl that I knew who was Polish, well, she smelled like a blooming flowerbed to me even when dripping with sweat after working out. Irish girls, German girls, it's just not the same effect. I can taste that something is off during the kiss. Their breath doesn't smell right. Their saliva doesn't taste the same.
"This study is often known as the "sweaty T-shirt study". In it, men each wore the same T-shirt for two days. The shirts were then put into identical boxes. Various women were asked to smell the shirts, and to indicate to which shirts they were most sexually attracted. The results showed that women were most attracted to men with an MHC most dissimilar from their own"

Get that shit locked down before she tries to do something stupid like go to university.



I can relate to this wholeheartedly, so much so that it makes me overly picky about women, but it's nordic, gaelic and saxon girls that do it for me.

Wait until you're both legal age otherwise the government will come and fuck you in the ass like it did to me and won't stop because you're literally a disgusting kiddie fucker because banging a 17 year old is practically tge same as raping a 5 year old unless you're a refugee then it's all okay because you just don't understand social norms here.

Depends on your view of pan-Aryanism.

It could be said that your Race is more important than your nation or region, that, as long as you are both of European descent, it should not matter. And, given that we are facing the complete eradication of the White Race, that we, frankly, don't have time for the Jewish-led White infighting and "othering" of the previous century.

And this is the worst part of it. I have this girl infront of me, every day she lights up my phone, she wants to see me every week and yet….it just doesn't feel totally right. We're close and my head is in the clouds and then my nose twitches or my tongue feels her lip and it all crashes down in my mind.
On the plus side, being in touch with my olfactory sense gives me a permanent aversion to nonwhite women (as if that didn't already exist, but hey). I have to tune my senses to feel what I just described with this girl, but when I just look at a nonwhite coming onto me it's like catching a whiff of a landfill.

Once I went to Holla Forums as a sophomore in highschool there was no going back. You can't unsee shit you see in TV with a bunch of niggers and one blonde white person lined up at the news stand telling you about why you and you're people need to die. I can't watch the movies I use to enjoy as a kid because they tell me that I should feel like shit and that everything in the past is bed and we shouldn't do anything about it other then bend over. Its hitting harder and harder with people I know who are younger then I getting a taste and realizing everything is not as it seems. Right now Holla Forums is somewhat dying but even despite this the message still rings out. We are building men who will mold the future and carry us out of the abyss of our sins. I hope to survive long enough to see you guys there.

I redpilled myself thanks to Holla Forums


think I know you

time to move out of Mexicoville though

Dying? Holla Forums is more powerful now than at any point in the past, by far.

I never said its influence hasn't stopped just this board is in a terrible state. We have become reddit in the worst fucking way. We are making the same mistakes are before and if we don't do something we will end up being the people who stayed at 4chan. Im not saying we should move to platform X because none of them are viable in any sense and we haven't had moderation do something in specific to warrant that.

I still remember the very first time I visited Holla Forums.

But I was fascinated with how and why anyone would be a Nazi in [current century], so I kept reading what you lovely bastards had to say.

I regret nothing.

I went to Holla Forums because it actually had better discussion and Holla Forums shit blended in. I don't remember what happened but watching everyone talk about it and doing my own research through books and more I found myself turning from a lurker into a poster within 6 months. I already had that feeling of something is wrong but never put a (((face))) or a name to it. I am GenZ but I was taught my oldfags and was shown the glory of the past of imageboards. People want to change the nature of the board with the no-anime shit but if you forget your roots you lose why this place was great in the first place. I wish more oldfags would hammer this shit in.

I was gonna because I was blackpilled as fuck and the world always ends with a nigger president in doomsday stories but I couldn't be assed to go out and register.

>Be 13
>Have friend from out of country, Romania
I'm literally watching all my current friends fall apart in some way or another, this shit needs to be stopped

I started lurking at 11

If anyone remembers the flash animations this guy used to make, well shit, it's your standard 2004 "dumb texan with a 10 gallon hat eating mcdonalds in a power scooter who is also an oil baron" shit. The pussy made a cartoon series about Bush for pretty much the entire second term, and then goes fucking silent on the presidency after 2008.

Drama city hip hop. Yep niggernetwork.

Sadly. Although I was blue-pilled, I was at least a libertarian-type. I intended to vote for Ron Paul, but I lived in an almost 100% nigger suburan town (for 1 year), and when I got to the school to vote, it was all niggers (my first time voting). There was no voting booth! I was supposed to fill out a piece of paper on a table with other niggers lingering. I felt threatened and ended up voting for king nigger (out of fear, like a pussy).

According to generational theory we are supposed to be thew hero generation lel.
And it makes sense considering we made this site and this whole movement already

Nigger, pre war stereotypical pole was a blond haired red nosed "dumbo". We had a massive amount of blonde people but """aryan""" germanbros took care of that genociding them firs and foremost and stealing kids(literally). What was left was finished by jewish bolksheviks.
And we have grey eyes not blue.

If you're planning on moving to Ireland, sure. Otherwise, I wouldn't go for it. Let your child keep their mother's maiden name, simply so they won't be going around with a really foreign name they'll get picked on for.

I was actually cucking for McCain back in the day just because of the fact that Obama would be the first nigger president.


I'm honestly glad to find others my age that are likeminded. To believe there are other 16 year old Holla Forumsacks on this board fills my heart with warmth. Is anyone else having problems with their parents trying to cuck hardcore for college?
Should i find a way to redpill him on what goes on in college? Drop subtle hints?

What's the birth year cutoff for gen z? 2000?

user be happy you yourself found Holla Forums in time, you can't hope for too many miracles in life.

1998 to 1999.
I remember 16-year-olds being considered Gen Z around 2015, those people would be 18 now.
Some people seem to forget that kids get older.

28 year odlo user here. Listen to me.


Especially if you have to borrow money. Even if your parents can pay for the entire thing out of pocket, don't do it. Even for STEM. After high-school, get into a trade school, and learn something along the lines of construction, landscaping, electrician, plumbing.

Work at that during your early to mid-twenties, until you have enough proficiency to be able to fall back on it if ever something happens. In this way, you will always have a trump card to support yourself. You don't have to be a plumber, gardener or electrician your entire life, but you can always do that in case of an emergency.

This. Unless you have a very specific idea of what you want to do and where you want to go. Chances are, like most of us, you have no clue (you shouldn't know, sdince your life experience is limited to the industrial school system)

I hope this helps. Your parents would be better off putting the money in silver or guns or something.

Christians have only temporarily stopped hating Jews in the past 100 years. Now they are waking up to the fact that Jews still hate Christians.

My school's hallways and posterboards are lined with blatant diversity propaganda with south africa portrayed as a nigress and the current flag, and yet I still have white friends who willingly say nigger.

Here's one of my friend's drawings that he made in school.

Go military for now. Being an adult means standing up to your parents.

Have you seen a bar full of abbos on welfare day?

In rural areas bars literally dont open until late on welfare day to ensure that the abbos go to the shops and buy food for their families.

I'm a recent college graduate and my education is completely worthless in terms of employment. Don't be an idiot, stay away from college.

And be a ZOGbot?

Just go to trade school user, learn a useful skill like HVAC or electricity or boiler inspection or whatever.

Every year a fresh batch of ripe young hb8s descend into the college town hellholes. Kind of our duty to save them.


Got me some good degree when it comes to programming and now I'm working in a dirty factory. I enjoy the work so it helps, but what a waste of years and money.

Horrible advice, waste yourself my man.infantry doesn't even get taught basic CQC but they sure as hell learn about they/them/xi. Military is pozzed to shit there are trannies in CO positions.

2007 was when I first really started lurking on halfchan when I was 12 and what is this

Friend told me to get on it a year prior and I only went on once. I was scared to come back because of muh CP. Ironic, huh :^)

inb4 this whole thread is RP'ing as underageb&

There are several factors pushing Gen Z to be more conservative then millenials:

They are the first generation born to parents who had cheap, near universal access to the pill. I think people underestimate this one. Conservatives are having kids at 3x the rate of liberals. We see this come into affect for the first time in Gen Z.

They are the first generation raised on the internet. Memetics are powerful and funny.

They we raised in a post 9/11 economic depression. They are less certain, they are less trusting. They are more weary and save more than millennials. Yes, they were only children when these bad things happened, but they were raised under parents who had to live through tougher times.

>mfw I started going on Holla Forums in 2007 when I was 11
I gotta have myself MRI'd, who knows what the internet has done to my brain

It's hilarious how hopeless the future used to look, and now I can't fucking wait to see what this country will look like 20 years from now.

this fucking nigger isn't even making any sense though
N+7 is the value of N
A: is 3
fucking niggers

Blogpost incoming.
15yr/o user here. Been browsing 8/pol/ for maybe two years now, this is my first post in months. Was in a inner-city primary school until 6th grade when my parents pulled me out and put me in online school. Experiences during aforementioned primary school and with my rather liberal father pushed me here. I'll be honest when I say that I've only read the most basic required reading regarding nazism and natsoc in general, but it's shaped my life regardless. I spend the majority of days on here, .pl, /polk/, endchan, /k/, or /pone/- left 4chan when it become unbearable even for me.
If anyone can give me some natsoc reading material that'd be around my reading level I'd appreciate it

What ever young do don't let him put you in debt. That is the real thing that will fuck you over. I am in a similar situation but I will be on the street before I indebt/enslave myself to ZOG. You can always take the redpill but once your in debt ZOG doesn't let you get out unless your one of (((them))) or rich. Don't willingly enslave yourself to (((them))) like all boomer parents did or were encouraged to.

Dude. Im the same. I am buying up weapons and ammo and day dream of the day when i cam blast niggers jews spics arabs and traitors brains out. Always wanted to see brain splatter by 12ga.

Soon brother.

We’re going to have a holy war between ourselves and kikes with shabbos goyim who think that Harry Potter is their god. Not even joking.



My hope is a lot of Gen Z get redpilled like you user.
t. Also Gen Z

And so millennials come after that, right? Because if you’re born before 2000, you’re not a fucking millennial.
Because that’s what words mean.

Were still here. Just gets boring repeating the same crap over and over. Think i was around from 07 or so.

I just cant leave this place. Seeing the newfags coming in and getting redpilled is pretty sweet too.

This needs to happen.

This needs to happen.

Try the pdf board. Place is flooded with stuff you might like.

Medical fag dropping knowledge here:
Having gapped teeth is often a result of maternal syphilis infection during gestation. Let that shit sink in. Medical fact - but the kind you are not allowed to mention publicly anymore.

It is shit like this which is why the holocaust (which never happened) is gonna happen again.

Swear to god, I haven't been feeding this to him. He picked it up )))somewhere(((. There is hope.

so does it always get passed along to the niglet?

No, but when >90% of nog mothers have syphilis, odds are it's going to come out in some.

Seconding The Lightning and the Sun. That book changed my life.

The Jews have run a very successful preemptive interference campaign as a prophylactic measure to infiltrate communities that have traditionally never thought about them. They got into the church, and they made absolutely damn sure that every hill and holler was wired for (((cable television))) to get the message out that hating Jews is the mark of a very wicked person.

Fortunately, there's a way forward. Just find something ordinary folks hate that lies on a deeper level than where their hatred of Jews belongs, and link that to the Juden. Example: Just about everybody hates lies and liars, so why not run with faked-up pics related of the Holohoax? That can be an impossible-to-deny redpill; that some kikes are lying outright and faking evidence for their national origin myth. Then you can move on to Yiddish kid fucking and the white slave trade in Israel. Everybody hates scum like that.

Israel is a wonderful source of redpills here. The heebs have worked hard to link hating Israel to hating Jews, so flip that on them and use it. Tell people about the Liberty (see my post here: ), and if you're feeling frisky you can touch on the various totally unnecessary massacres Israel has unleashed on its fellow shitskins. Everybody hates murderers sort of :^).

Above all, anons – courage and honor. Live as you think we all should, and the strength it gives you will draw the weaker clay toward you and strengthen them all for what we all know must be done.

West and East Africans get a bad name because of the Central and Southern Africans. East Africa is hardly different from the Middle East while West Africa is more comparable to Mexico.

In the scheme of Africans in general, West Africans are extremely friendly and good-natured. I've been to Ghana and generally felt safe. You can spot little Chinese women strutting around with no fear of getting raped.

The Chinese in the Congo are at risk of being eaten alive which is why you won't find any women there


Like I said, East Africa is comparable to the Middle East and West Africa is comparable to Mexico.

Hey retard, thats from Breaking Bad.


Mah nigga.

East African are indeed BASED.


I've had some redpilled teachers.

One back in year 7 said that "Hitler was a master orator" and another in year 11 said "women on average have lower spatial reasoning"

I wish i'd been properly redpilled at the time.

Check'd. I haven't had such a good laugh in a long time.

Psalms 8:2, fags. Psalms 8:2.

Out of the mouths of babes.

Millennial were born from 1981-1995. However you could easily split this into 2 sub groups as things changed so rapidly with he rise of the internet. They were the group who were supposed to inherit the new Millennium as they would be the first generation to become adults.

I'd say it is a toss up on how well we are doing at this point. It's millennials who have pushed leftism to the extreme it reached however it was also millennials who pushed back and said enough is enough.

The thing with Gen Z is they are already conservative and if that is the case they will become more conservative as they get older like all generations do.

yes goyim not all niggers

To all you Gen Z kids listen up. Don't listen to your parents when it comes to making decisions about your future. College is currently the biggest fucking scam run by Kikes unless you get into one of the very few fields that actually make money and graduate you are better off not going at all. 90% of the things you can learn at college you can learn by just reading some books. The other issue with college is student loans the trick with student loans the kikes really played us with these monsters.

If you want to get into a trade go for an apprenticeship before considering school. There is a sever shortage in people taking trade jobs. Do some actual research learn what it takes to get into career field most of the time people with certifications are looked down on because they don't have actual work experience.

Finally save your money and avoid debt the only good debt is a house. Remember if the Bible tells you borrowing money and going into debt is basically slavery there is probably something there to consider.

Carry on my wayward son…

It's okay user the young need the old to teach them the way.

Wish I'd had someone to give me this advice in high school. Oh well, I'm a committed academia-fag now. The good thing about working for an academic journal though, you get to stay hip to all the latest propaganda coming out. You can bash the ivory tower world all you want, but man, it is absolutely daunting when you see just how much research, writing and effort goes into just one aspect of cultural marxism. Entire journals get devoted to nothing but the latest ways with which to indoctrinate primary school children with anti-racist propaganda, journals that have been publishing regularly, and swapping ideas for over 50 years. Detailed statistical breakdowns of racial composition of classrooms, comparison to historical trends, constant interviews with teachers, constant observance of classroom dynamics, endless adjustments to curriculum, endless suggestions for newer programs to expose children even in the whitest suburbs to diversity….and all that shit gets paid very close attention to by state politicians, teacher boards, textbook manufacturers, lobby groups, teachers unions, all the way to Congress itself. It's an uphill goddamn battle.

I swear to god Holla Forums might be remembered as the most influential group in the world. Where don't we have eyes and ears?

Only the places we don't need them :^)

When it happens it's pretty sweet, but most of the time their blatant newfaggotry is unbearable. I'm assuming you do it when you see it, but please, call newfags out whenever you see them.



When GenZ enters its 20s, and you the 40s, I'll be around 60s….


Friendly reminder that Robert Kraft is a Jew.

Fucking savage.

I had to vote for Obama in 08, I didn't want to the US to nuke Iran. We should thank Obama, he really redpilled a lot of people on race.

Obama's presidency will be looked back on as the moment the country started turning away from (((civil rights)))

Many years ago I had a conversation with a teenager who was trying to convince me that Jews were the real problem in Western society. At the time I refused to believe him and told him he sounded crazy. How little I fucking knew. I have since apologized to him.

The future is bright, anons.

Seems like a good cutoff but still leaves me in that shit cutoff zone.
Born in 96 so I'm either the youngest millennial or the oldest gen z.
I remember 9/11 happening and W. being elected but nothing before that.
So fully stuck on that shit inbetween area.

All the articles I've seen said 95 so sorry people my age you're gen z not millennial

how about 13

I redpilled my youngest Gen Z brother on Jews and College.

He started working out of high school and apparently really likes the work he does. Also once in a while we'll see something about Jews or Israel and I'll say something like "Of course it's a Jew." and he'll smirk.

Well, you stupid nigger, you made your underageb& self look like a fool.
See why you're not allowed here?

Sometimes I zone out and fantasize about the day I give my future unborn son my old NSDAP flag and Stalag edition Mein Kampf after he is old enough to appreciate and understand such things, after which he goes onto Holla Forums to shitpost about his redpilled father. The one who narrowly avoided suicide and a life of loneliness by finding purpose through his many faceless comrades on the internet, most of whom weren't so lucky and didn't make it. The one who sat many nights pondering how we'd ever make it out of this mess, who thought all was hopeless and lost in this world. The one who meme'd with all his might and faced ostracism from his friends and family for what he believed, but did so anyway because he knew it was right. But I guess they probably won't have imageboards anymore, will they?
Sage and apologies for semi-blogpost. Just way into the feels right now.

Niggers are pathological thumbsuckers, so there's that too….

They're brazilians so I assume they're up on the JQ moreso than many whites

holy shit

On the other hand, I'm exactly half and half of otherwise unmixed ancestry, so I'm not "generic European Amerimutt" with a little of everything thrown in there.
>tfw you will always only be colonial

Hey, same here. I was a migrant from /k/ because they stopped having as many libshit threads and I craved the political discussion. The initial thought was "Wait, these guys are Nazis!" but I later came back and saw "Wait, they're pro-gun, they can't be all bad…" Now here I am. Funnily enough it was the "America doesn't have a gun problem, it has a nigger problem" which started me on the path.

This is why cursive isn't taught in schools anymore.

You're disgusting. Go move to Africa with your based niggers and chinks and don't ever come back.

Not the user you responded to but your post has made a great impact on my life. From now on, I will never physically write in anything other than capitals or cursive.


There are few things more depressing than a defeated, disillusioned grade school instructor.

The paper wall killed me.

I also got some joy out of this.

So they can suck air through them before saying "dang", more efficiently.
They also have one oval hip joint so they can do that walk they do. The retarded gunslinger walk.

What do you mean by "solutions"?

I didn't vote in 08 but I was an Obama supporter. I was 18 at the time so could have voted. Became a Ron Paul probably not even a month after the inauguration as I went back and listened to the Republican debates. I wouldn't vote Libertarian today. Trump was the first person I ever voted for.

Seems like they are just being mindlessly edgy here.

Liberals will watch this and call it progress. I watch it and I can't help but think about all the resources white society redirected to educate and uplift a handful of niggers like that teacher so he'd be able to teach some very basic math. Resources that would have been much better spent on white children. And now that nigger can't even pass on the knowledge we sacrificed so much to give him because his own people are too stupid. It was all a waste.

I am half-jewish (on both sides I have some jewish ancestry but mostly my mum's mother left Lithuania in 1913) and much more hateful of these kikes than you could ever imagine. I will gas them myself.

My slavic ancestors practiced judaism in the middle ages but my family is liberated. We are hardcore conservative farmers. I am personally responsible for red pilling everyone in my academic and personal circles, and am full-blown 14/88. Canada is my home, not Israel.

Totally worth it!

user have you tried reporting the illegal aliens in your school?

I can say that i have no real quarrel with west africans, the ones i know are generally good-natured

Fuck anything south of nigeria though, they'll eat your face

cursive redpill images for mass distribution when?
what font would be best for use on them? I don't have the right software to use it.

What they need are some movie days. Kids like the movie days. What is the teacher supposed to do?

I'm young(ish) and work at an elementary school in a nice (or demographically transitioning) area
From my eyes the ratio is about 60:40 nonwhite to white kids

Its pretty insane, tbh, the retards ruin classes for everyone.

Some insane shit happens too, 5th and 6th graders are too mature now.

I'm 19. Does that make me Gen Z?

Kids these days peak in hormonality and aggressiveness in like 7th grade now, i can't walk by the local middle school without seeing some mexican-white-black bloodbath happening

it's the drinking water i swear on me mum

its that and several other factors including media, shit families, food, and healthcare products

fucking 12 year olds

sometimes I think redpill threads are a waste of time, and then another thread like this starts and I read the accounts of the journeys many young anons took to get here.
while it is prudent to guard ourselves against being too proud of our influence, we should still have at least one thread up at all times to spoonfeed the wanderers. those who read and understand will stay, those who reject it may shill for a while, but they, too, will either succumb to our views or leave in frustration.

i'm a grown ass man and i have had tiny children legitimately try to start fights with me

society as a whole is fucked tbh, soon kindergarteners are gonna look like 16 year olds and then game over man, game over

makes u generationfluid

Thanks for the feedback anons. It means a lot. It's only natural i feel a sour reaction to my dad talking about how he wants me to go to college. His damn girlfriend is 38 and still paying off student loans. I have 2 years until my graduation, and finding Holla Forums was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you guys so much. You mean the world to me.

Good to hear comrade! Stay strong and focus on improving yourself through exercising and reading. You might want to try to find some local comrades on

Should've left a bill for the Mexican lady for the building material and labour tbh

Finish highschool first though, and learn how to farm and guns

Teach me your ways, I need to rekindle my cursive. I don't want niggers to be able to read my handwriting. Can you take a picture of the written alphabet in upper and lower case and numbers 0-9, please?

Also I encourage anons to get into positions of power anywhere they can and build your way up. If you start now or within the year Gen Z will be voting for you in due time.

learn a trade before you go to college, don't go at all until you have a decent part time job, if you do go take something in STEM

I am mixed race (60% white+40% black, IQ 135) Raised in a VERY liberal black family with one mom on Food Stamps.
I was born in 2000, I am higher end Gen Z.
Started politics at 15 as Old School Socialist (Stalin, Lenin, Strasser, 1800s-1910s Communism)
Saw the degeneracy brought on by modern day "Communists" and then vomited out the zog poison. Watched some PragerU and Crowder when I was 16.
Don't know how, but I bounced around from Libertarianism and Cuckservatism 'till I hit Old School Fascism/Third Position at 17.
Watched some AmRen, Spencer, Murdoch, BPS, Molyneux, Comp Forever and Millennial Woes and got "redpilled" deeper. Been on 4pol and 8pol for about a year now.
Heard about how Z would reverse Y,
I have a burning hatred for these Gen Y faggots. I really hope that Gen Z would, at least, destroy Liberalism and hopefully they'll destroy Zog.

Prepare for war. It will be your generation that will fight it.

College won't be bad if you do STEM, perhaps electrical engineering if you like that sort of thing. But don't rush into it, it's a massive financial burden if you take on loans that can set you back 5 years at the least, it blows. Shoot for a trade apprenticeship and possibly do community college courses for the first half if your parents push you to go so hard and will pay it in full with no student loans.

A shame. Good luck though, you could essentially be a more radical right-wing Ben Carson and help us save civilization from these kikes.

wow, it's not like that has been happening for centuries, nothing more than a symptomatic response to the current window of discourse. Put your point forward once these faggots have finished their government sponsored indoctrination and have any real world experience/impact.

I have to agree, I had a math teacher in advanced algebra Dr Green that was bitter and mean and an awful teacher. She was the worst least knowledgeable teacher yet the only teacher with a doctorate in my high school. (black)

nothing like the hum of a CRT and the camaraderie of real, closed communities back then. Using creative software and doing shit offline and actually getting things done without the mental buzz of the internet constantly nagging at you. Being amazed by simple shit. . It really was a special time, but I look forward to a mature internet and seeing how things settle in the long term. We have been given a valuable gift, we have to use it responsibly, be prepared and recognize the huge opportunity we have been given.

If I was a hispanic, I would be pissed at people lumping me in with illegals as if there's nothing wrong with it. I'd hate those fuckers for dragging me through the mud with them, and undercutting the value of what I actually worked to achieve.

I'd probably kill myself too, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I had a history teacher named Mrs. Green in middle school who was a fat white woman and obsessed with the holocaust. She had pictures of the camps up on the walls and a poster with the different badges and what they meant. She didn't ever teach, either, just used the projector and had us watch videos while she screwed around on the computer.

18 yr old user here. While I am not in complete agreement with you guys on some things, I agree that the white race deserves to be protected.

Are you sure she wasn't a Jew user? Jewish women are infamous for pretending to be white.

My cousin in the navy posted pic related
I posted

It all began in 1941…

And he thumbed it up.

For me with a family whose furthest right winger is my mother who is a cuckservative from the 80s that gave me a brief feeling of hope. He is half polish, a quarter german/irish and like 12 percent mestizo.
…tfw my brother whose almost 100 percent white is fucking a spic anchor baby.

I would report her and her parents to ice but i dunno where her parents live

Are you saying your father fucked an illegal and you have a spic for a half-brother? your post is all fucked up and really hard to comprehend without any context

…you know, I don't know how I never thought of that before. This was quite a while back(nearly a decade ago) and there wasn't much on the internet(images) to help me identify "regular" jews. (also i guess I had the mindset of "this is a small town, there are no jews here!" kind of naïve, but there you go.)


Honestly with a name like (((Green))) and a fixation on the Holocaust I'd bet on Jew, user. Look at old pictures now that you have a functioning Jewdar and try to see if it sets off any alarms. Nose and lips are the most obvious features.


Oh, yeah….?


hitler is shaking his head user, you must actualize your autism.

time to train my cursive, over the years it sorta of have fused with the non cursive into a hybrid monstrosity

I hate this reality.

Some of my best teachers were black dudes.
They never, ever struck em as anything but wanting to change things for the better.

This isn't a surprise since they acted just like one of the better white dudes at the place, if not better.

Did you give him his Nazi uniform yet?

I'm mean't believe the teachers didn't just false flag this for sympathy points? You niggers are behaving like 15 year olds.
Post this shit again and me and some old fags will come round your house, fuck your mum and beat you into the ground.


While I was reading this thread, I read some bullshit that need some clarifications, and as a 90/ Gen Z myself, I'll go ad persona by my own "experience".

I've been browsing and mostly lurking 4chan since I was 13 (~2009, as far I can remember).
When the first exodus happen, I came here.
The redpill got me in youth and without chans, I think I'd have end up half retard in my natal village.
I owe a lot to this chan and the people who enlighten me (not only by redpill me, but also by giving me the tools to fight back and to build my own future.) Even if most of you guys are from the US, and I'm from Europe, in a country own by a banker, you give me hope and reasons to fight back and to not accept the programed death that was threatening me.

While I see generation Y (the 30's) trying to destroy everything I stand for with their bullshit (the list would be too long, but vegan, hipsters, "progressive media" and cultural Marxism can be at least be named) and the Millennials sucking the tits of this abomination with TV reality, hard drugs, and social medias, I was hopeless for the future.

But now I see,
The void I was feeling, the despair and the anxiety that was around me have been caused because of my surrounding, because France is doomed by the boomers, the gen Y and the 2000.

So I searched were Gen Z gone.
Half are unemployed, living with their parents and slowly getting redpilled, and the other half get out of this shithole.

There is still hope, it's just take his time.

18 y.o. school graduate here. When my 13 yo brother joked about kikes, I felt that we're gonna be alright. Though we don't have as much poz in education as the West has Russia, (((they))) are trying to fix that with new standards (not as bad as common core, though).
Also I've got a feeling that we have a different kind of problem than PC: a lot of people (youth included) voting for literal commies because of the Soviet brainwashing being contagious. If Putin kicks the bucket, things will get really bad - the first thing they'll go after is the Internet.

15 here. I know a handful of kids that even know what pol is. Probably for the best.


When I was your age, I was just getting into Holla Forums and was a lolbertarian constitutionalist who awaited the second coming of Andrew Jackson.
Man, even though it was almost 5 years ago, I'm now looking back fondly at the good old days

Good times.
Remember to always cherish them, never forget who you were and how you came here and what you're fighting for.
you will see Holla Forums change, it always had, but it's up to it's users to prevent it from being subverted.

Gen X got fucked by boomers doing jews' bidding
Gen Y got fucked by boomers doing jews' bidding
Gen Z got fucked by boomers doing jews' bidding
Soon the tides will turn.

Don't post again for 6 months. You're trying too hard.

weak minded pessimist

A friend and I did a presentation on 9/11 in 8th grade and included lucky larry aswell as the dancing israelis. We ended the presentation with pictures of people falling out of the towers set to the theme song from requiem for a dream.

I totally forgot that happened until you just mentioned your holocaust presentation. Fucking lol

What did your classmates and teacher think about it ?

do you remember what happened afterwards?

No doubt she spent a lot of time lecturing the kids on why Trump was bad and how they're evil for not listening to her diatribes.


What a shitshow that was.

Z = zombie

My first child will be born sometime around the new year (it's a boy… a boy with two blue-eyed parents… y'know, another fucking white male) and these kids give me hope that he won't turn out to be a little faggot.

Overall I feel relieved but at the same time either numb or unhappy for myself and relying on the rationalization that whatever good comes to the next generation, it'll be more deserving of it than me. I don't know whether I'm a millenial or Gen Z, since I can't say what life for myself was like before the early 2000s. At this point, while I am young, I only want to wait for death and spend my time making other people happy within reason so that when I do die, I won't burden them too much with whatever I leave behind, whether it be my property, money, or rotting body.

I've given up everything aside from talking to other people since I can't help but apply the idea of mutual exclusion to everything. If I have a job, someone else doesn't. If someone sleeps in a room, that's a room someone else isn't using, and my shoulders can feel only heavier even in comfortable sleep for it. I can't tell if I'd be more of a waste on for continuing to live or by killing myself and putting people through the trouble of the discovery. Even then, if people get redpilled enough, I'd probably be hanging on the DOTR Since I'm not white. I think for many other people, they won't get out of this without it becoming a tragedy or everything coalescing into a shitshow that we could only wish were a tragedy. People aren't managing to get along despite the idea that we can get along regardless of racial differences. Nobody even wants to think anymore "If niggers tried to conduct themselves like everyone else, but with greater proportions of melanin in their bodies, then racism will become an obsolete necessity.". It's a mess of demanding gibs and crying libs that has achieved nothing but making me wish that I were either white so I could securely write off entire demographics without the cognitive dissonance that occurs with every look in the mirror or palm, or that I was just stupid enough to avoid ever being redpilled.

To anyone from Holla Forums or some other dedicated anti-conservative cesspool hidden from God's eyes, fuck you. To any Gen Z users posting or lurking, godspeed. To any millenials or Gen Ys here, thank you for persisting. Please take happiness for yourselves and your beloved, as kikes want to monopolize it and faggots and niggers want to poison it before it reaches your hands. Please forget my pain because I'm a symptom of a world that may still be approaching ruin, and I want to keep that pain locked in my casket when I finally go. Nobody needs to know that pain but the people who brought this world further away from what we could've made it. I can only make things less worse, but you can make things better.



"But I'm really mature for my age"

>I want every younger generation to get brainwashed on (((Facebook))) and other kike website where they belong

As long as they don't act like a bunch of newfags and lurk for a while. Weshould be happy about getting some underage here.

What? Spy Burger'd? Bond Burger'd? The fuck?
Polite sage for off topic

Not I, I voted for Johnson because I was bluepilled ("economically conservative and socially liberal") and thought laissez faire economics was the best. Was too young to vote the first time.

for what purpose? what would you learn?

how to learn to love your gap teeth

I was almost old enough to vote during his 2nd run. I hated him by that point and wanted just about anyone else. I could sort of see liking him more than Romney, but why people still genuinely liked him by that point was beyond me. I'd have supported Ron Paul had I heard of him at the time. I really wish I had.

The first vote I ever cast was for Romney.

This, just make sure we let them know to lurk, and it's fine. 90% of people that contribute start as an underageb& who lurked for over a year.

Ha ha. Kids. On your side. Seeing as there are either only autists or kids on here right now, I am not suprised. I have also heard of shitposting communist gen z's, so it swings both ways unfortunately.

holy shit. They are down right feral in there. I like it
Keep it up.

We will be like the Kobzars. Keeping and spreading the traditions through stories and songs.


Those cheeky little fuckers, God bless 'em!

In the interest of fairness, I'm pretty sure she says she's okay with having a tooth gap, not that she doesn't have one.

The rest of the stuff she says is pure projection and butt-hurt.

My dad dropped the first redpills for me when I was around the age of 10. After that my grandparents took over, whose parents were full blown blackshirts. So I was right leaning all my life and gobbled up the medias lies, that we aren't plentiful.
After discovering the internet and the chans with 15, redpills became my daily routine. 1 year later we had US politcs as topic, because of the on going election campaign plus we were done with the normal syllabus, so the teacher had to fill the gap. Then a discussion occured between students and our teacher in class and oh boy I wasn't ready. Never have I thought to hear the names 'Soros' and 'Rothschild' being pronounced by fellow classmates. There's HOPE (atleast for swabia).

Sorry for blogpost.
