Help explaining anti-Putin propaganda in the West

I'm trying to understand exactly which interests are behind the demonization of Putin as some kind of ubiquitous bogeyman behind everything evil. For a while I though it might be the Russian ex-oligarchs he sent into exile, many of whom wound up in Israel (as many were Jews, of course). It's not because he's an "anti-semite" though the Jews will call everyone "anti-semite" in the end (see Stalin, who had more jews in his family than most jews do). I can't conclude it's simply that NATO countries have interests opposite to Putin's, because in many ways they share interests, and thus, it makes the most sense to not have Russia as an enemy. If it were just the Neocons desperate for a return to the cold war world order, they aren't powerful enough anymore – and weren't even when Bush was president, and had a bromance with Putin. If It's the Israelis, then their antagonism toward Putin is based on Russia's support for Iran and Syria (Israel's enemies) – but the Israelis don't actually control all western media, and all foreign policy (even though they are a powerful lobby). This would also explain if the anti-Russia hysteria is being paid for by the Saudis, who are basically on the same page as Israel in terms of foreign policy (again, not powerful enough to control all western media and governments). We say "globalists", but that's kind of nebulous unless we're just referring to international finance – but what interest would they have in stoking WW3 against Putin?

Why would the bankers want to demonize/go to war with Putin?

Other urls found in this thread:

ZOG is preparing a gigantic blood sacrifice in Europe by provoking Russia and simultaneously setting up NATO countries to be steamrolled. Jewtin is just playing his role as an act-whore there's nothing else to it the sooner u know this the better.

user, nobody here will help you, just a warning. We have enough balts and hohols with their own opinions. Putin is a cunt to his own people and baltic countries, so the reaction is reasonable, but they kinda benefit the side he's fighting against (soros, zogbots and israel's isis), so they look like they are legit shilling for the jewish causes.

Anyway, no matter if you hate or love the guy, nobody wins with him around. Just remember anyone blatantly shilling against russians as a nation is a kike.

Russia is not a 'nation'. Russia is a multi-ethnic Empire of various ethnicities with no real connection to each besides the propaganda term 'slav'.

See, you just described the kind of "thinking under blinders" that's common from plebs and normie tier thinkers. I can put aside my nationality and see any leader or people objectively, enough to recognize what the motives of all the players on the board are. This isn't such a hard skill to cultivate – it just means being a man and not thinking with your emotions the way women do.

Everyone should be able to think outside their nationalistic allegiance, this is a basic skill of critical thinkers


The US needs to drive Russia away from western europe in order to maintain political and social dominance. That is why

You do not at all understand what nation means.

I'm French, my ancestors created that word! On the other hand, I don't think you know what it means


You still dont understand what nation means you frog cunt.

I do, heck even your Mexicans know.

< smug_trumpgif.gif

I know you are really a frenchmen because you are a huge fag

This is nothing more than the Jews moving operations to the Mongoloid sphere. They have been organizing this shift in influence to Russia/China/India for over a hundred years. All that's left is to send the horde to "liberate" and enrich Western Europe and America.

And to think that things were going so well there.

Not an argument, Anglo

The USA is a superpower in decline. The EU is on its last legs and they're both confronted with openly hostile regional powers. Russia is the most prominent, due to its ability to project force and proximity to western Europe. In essence, they're terrified of a Soviet Union 2.0 happening, because America's allies lack the means to defend themselves and America is becoming increasingly worn out.

In regards to Russia, the West screeches at the fact he lets cossack's terrorize muslims and tells the faggots they aren't allowed to do as they do in the west and that includes the banning of all NGO's both domestic and foreign. I could go on but it would be redundant because in the end the kikes want us to shed a retarded amount of our blood.

Other way around. Ramzen and his men are the hit squad for putins regime

Russia doesnt have shit for projection power the US is terrified of a Russia Germany team up. Anglo strategy for 200 years has been to prevent that at all costs. Russia acted retarded and getting into another massive bloody conflict with western europe is the US's wet dream

Russia is on the brink of collapse. They are even more of a paper tiger than NK

Western media a couple of years back absolutely kvetched at the fact cossack's were doing as cossack's do with the governments backing is what I was getting at.



Russia will fold.

tl;dr - (((They))) want a boogieman to distract the slave society. Putin's stance is the convenient scapegoat.
Putin is their Satan, the Angra Manyu.
Simple as that.

Going to "war" with Russia destroys the U.S.A. Not by military action but by Russia ushering in a new gold standard. They have worked their way to zero debt and stockpiled tons of gold. While we have done the exact opposite. The dollar would lose all value.

After Europe, yes.

crypto is the future, not gold
gold will be 3d printed for pennies in ten years time
russia always bets on the past and gets fucked by the technologically superior west


Stop reading.

I've also been looking into the financial motivations for the migrant crisis in Europe, and there again you find international finance bankers using humanitarian NGOs as "fronts" for their investment schemes and legal money laundering. But what exactly makes Russia an impediment to their efforts, I can't spot what it is.

Russia is literally controlled by Jewish oligarchs that actively suppress European Russians.
Putin has caused the largest displacement of Aryans (Ukrainians) since WWII.
The more you know.







Which Jewish oligarchs HAVEN'T been sent to gulag or into exile?
< Boris Berezovsky
< Vladimir Gusinsky
< Pyotr Aven
Which ones am I leaving out? We know he's not an anti-semite, but he's also not a Jewish puppet – there wouldn't be any trouble for him on the world stage is he WAS a Jewish puppet. He's not /ourguy/ but he's also not theirguy… something else is going on.

double wew

They want to mongrelize the Aryan race with either Muslims or Asians, it doesn`t matter who as long as it is destroyed.

There are more Jews in the US than there are in Israel, friendo. The US is ZOG, Israel is just a Jewish resort colony. Diaspora Jews have always been the biggest threat to the world: the leftists, the progressives, the liberals, the capitlaist jews – these are the ones that will inevitably destroy the world, not the meek, unimaginative colonists that want to live in the desert.


They are playing both sides, I dont know how anyone who has watched RT for more than 5 minutes can possibly think they aren't cancer.

I'm a big critic of Dugin, but that post you capped is a Weev-tier "we'll be fighting the revolution against the kikes by hacking UAV drones" rant. Technophiles ALWAYS overlook the most elementary feature of any infrastructure: the labor base. Why do you think the US and all of Europe are suffering from corrupt immigration policies and non-enforcement?
< because the globalists need constant supplies of cheap labor
Its why they want to import the 3rd world too, because they see them as more compliant labor than the first world white laborers who expect their quality of life to be improving each generation, and for their children to do better than they did. Third world r-selected monkey don't think that far ahead, so they don't harbor such ambitions or expectations. Automation wouldn't be profitable, because by eliminating the consumer base that is also the labor force, you eliminate the market. Since the time immemorial the iron law of labor has always been:
< make the laborers produce the commodities that you will sell back to them, thus retrieving the wages you paid them to make the things you sold them
I know its easy to miss these basic foundations of economics, since our modern educations are deliberately sabotaged to keep us conforming to the predatory system destroying us.

It`s not about the "economy" It`s smoke and mirrors to destroy the Aryans, the same way the Communists destroyed the Kulaks.
Pull your head out of your ass.

Daily reminder that (((Alex Jonestein))) shills for that guy
Daily reminder that Alex Jonestein married a Jewish prostitute and get her preggers

I`m a little drunk so I didn`t read your post completely and I apologize.
You understand well what is occurring right now.
Ideology, economy, political alignment is meaningless, it`s all excuses to flood Aryan nations with dysgenic foreigners.


I agree, im just saying that the full automation bogeyman is just a meme, unless you think the capitalist west plans on a future of techno-communism in which profit becomes impossible. Who is there to sell to when everyone is out of a job? Even if you just wiped out the majority of the population that used to be your laborers, and all that's left are programmers and engineers, you've wiped out your consumer base – so you've wiped out your economy. Full automation = Communist utopia, not capitalist utopia. Maybe that's actually what they want, but I don't believe the neo-commie kikes outnumber the capitalist kikes.

There are only a few races intellectually capable of enforcing there will on reality, Semites and the Aryans are two of them.
This war is spiritual, it`s not bean counting.



I agree.

I am depressed because jews wanted the white people to die by forcing Russia and USA into WW3. ;_;

You can say the same of America.

Gold has retained it's value for several millennia. To think a technology only a few years old that relies on a advanced industry to persist will unseat it is the height of idiocy.

Furthermore this assertion betrays a profound ignorance. Did you flunk out of grade-school or something?

Fuck Putin. Supposedly "based" but:

1) Marries his daughter off to a kike billionaire.

2) Some user posted a picture that Putin's chief spy is a kike. Is that true?

3) Russia has enough resources to make oil royalty payments to the people of Russia. Instead, Putin and his kike secret police rip off the resources and the secret police become billionaires.

4) He's just a dick. You can't say anything against him in Russia or you'll be arrested and beat the fuck up.

5) Fake as fuck. Pretends to be based, but (((divorced))) his wife of 30 years to bang bitches the same age as his daughters. He's a double talking piece of shit. Fuck Putin and his short-man syndrome. He's basically a degenerate that rips off the Russian people. He's a slavnigger that needs to be gulaged ASAP.

Gas the kikes, race war now.

I'm surprised no one has brought this up, Putin is and always will be a KGB man.

Three out of your five complaints are lefty progressive talking points. Rope yourself faggot.

Sometimes things aren't brought up because it's entry-level knowledge that everybody knows.

get with the times, grampa

this thread makes me happy, i thought you guys were all putin shills
t. russian using a vpn because 8ch is blocked here

checking those trips.
but why should a ruskie want to visit this failed datamining shithole anyway? aren't there any proper russian language image boards that aren't censored by the kremlin?

everyone already hates putin on 2ch, except for the gov. shills

Fucking BASED.

We've been over this.

Why are torposters the dumbest posters on this site?

And that's where you're wrong. Even "right-wing" outlets like Breitbart (I don't even need to mention obvious ones like Fox) are controlled by jews.

not an argument

crypto is completely artifical, it has no inherent value. it is not 'the way of the future' and your lack of understanding on how 3d printing works further proves my point
funny you're saying this as well because in case you haven't realized, the bitcoin market is plummeting as we speak

did you get your tabs mixed up you leftypol retard? kill yourself

Had this lovely exchange with my woman yesterday regarding Putin and Trump.

fiat currency has no inherent value either. except in the case of bitcoin, there's actual scarcity (21 million coin limit) vs. the fed printing money on demand.
you're clearly a moron who neither understands money, nor markets

(((They))) want another world war .

imagine being this retarded

The fuck? Educate her. You cannot hope to produce reliable offspring to work for the good of your Volk unless your woman generally sees the world your way.

Talking to women about anything serious like politics is a waste of time

any form of exchange that you can't eat, wear or live in is an abstraction. as such, fiat has no inherent value beyond what society agrees to. the fiat system will collapse because it's controlled by pure corruption and greed. decentralized crypto can't be controlled by anyone and it's already being used as primary currency in third world countries.
posting caps of crypto charts doesn't bolster your argument, it only makes you look dumber. like any asset, cryptos have boom and bust cycles and only dumb money gets fucked by them. the dip in cryptos was just normal profit taking and most cryptos will follow the trend of bitcoin. already, bitcoin has regained its support level and so has eth. both are now rising again.
go educate yourself a bit more before trying to impress your superiors

You can't possibly be this dumb, can you? What material will be used to print gold? Gold? Or are you implying that every household would have their own particle accelerator, which today is usually about as big as a town and requires about as much electricity as a town, with which to transform lead to gold or something.

lad if you just wanted to tell me you're legitimately retarded you could've just said it straight up. i cannot for the life of me imagine anyone remotely normal in any way period typing out what you just said without an ounce of humor. i should've taken the hint when you said 'nanotech' but goddamn

the day will come, user

make an argument instead of repeatedly resorting to ad hominem like an upset child and maybe you'll be worth responding to


nearly done responding but this is too rich of an opportunity. so you think you've made an argument with ? you think you can lambaste me for 'not an argument' when absolutely nothing you've said so far is an argument? i've posted multiple graphs and all you've done is say 'no, because x'. give me sources for anything you've said retard, i've already given you mine.

you post a few simplistic graph that show volatility of an asset. you made no point and have no point

oh, i see. sources are too good for you. screencaps pulled directly from websites tracking everything related to crypto is wrong because you say so. got it.
wew lad

here's since you love graphs so much, go have a look

you really are a retard
change it from 5min to 6hr, or fuck even 1 day if you want to really shit your pants.

what are you arguing? you still haven't made a point, even though you try to look smart by hiding behind a few graphs without having an argument supported by them

the only graphs i am hiding behind are a few official ones, plus the one YOU LITERALLY JUST PROVIDED TO TRY TO PROVE YOUR OWN POINT.

t. russian
Sure you are.

Kill yourself, retard.

what, you thought bitcoin was just going to keep going up infinitely without profit taking or a market correction, dumbass?

not an argument

Kill yourself.
I will never understand why is it ONLY the most moronic subhuman trash that uses tor.

still not an argument

>(((Azov))) and other controlled opposition mercenaries mislead native Ukranians into following kosher Nazis

Meanwhile in Ukraine
>(((Russian))) separatists, another wing of controlled opposition use similar weapons to patrol Ukrainian airspace
>(((Warhawks))) continue calling in airstrikes that coincidentally always manage to hit civilian targets

Kill yourself.



still waiting to hear you actually make a point instead of just posting some graphs and running away

That post cap is great for describing cause and effect in recent events, but doesn't go in-depth on "cui bono". It superficially describes the puppets and their public actions, not the forces way back behind the scenes, which is what I want to get a grasp on.

Its important to understand that ZOG > Israel, and diaspora Jews are the great power of this world, not the little desert farmers occupying land in the middle of nowhere. Not sure why thats so hard for people here to grasp.

Russia must be destroyed for the New World Order project. The kikes own the US and its nuclear arsenal. Once Russia falls there'll be no one able to say "no" to the one world government - or, rather, they can say whatever but it won't matter since they didn't bring a gun to the discussion.

The plan is being sold in American policy circles as the US dominance but that's a lie, naturally.

when russia was communist, leftists loved it.

now russia is nationalist and hence anti-communist. hence leftists hate them.

its that simple.

hattip: the media is leftist.

Israel had a monopoly on oil in the ME. Their pipeline runs straight through to Turkey so the EU can buy it and sell it. Along comes Russia and Syria, who set up their own pipeline that threatens the petrodollar and Israel's monopoly on oil.

The “allies”, in fact vassals don't lack the means to defend themselves, that is UK, France, Germany, Italy, the US don't want them to be independent powers.
Shortly after the breakdown of the east-block, US think tanks identified Europe as last potential challenger of US hegemony. That is their joint economic power is equal or bigger than those of the USA. There were quite a number of occasions short after the cold war were those Europeans showed a worrying for the USA degree of insubordination to the American regime.
So a breakup of the EU and weakening of the individual nations does play in the hands of the USA. Helpful for the American empire is for sure that since 1945 the USA has high degree of control of much of the political, media and economical establishment of western Europe.
That “sudden” influx of masses of hostile barbarians to Europe is not so sudden and in fact was long time planned and could not happened with out a massive logistic operation.

That is in fact the reason given by (((Friedmann))) from Foreign Policy journal why Poland needs to build an alliance of eastern European nations to antagonize Germany and Russia. It plays right in the hands of Polish dreams of being a big power, the Poles were indoctrinated even during the communist regime of the cold war. The Poles are promised to be a major power in 100 years if they stay good goys jointly with Jews milking the holocaust cow. Putin promised the Poles to grill them in first minutes of a major war.

That would eliminated two “problems” for US hegemony and at the same time weaken a third, China. It would weaken the US as well, but not as much as Russia and Europe and the US might speculate about gains by flight to the USA and economical advantages like happened in WWII. The USA might plan to start a third Thirty Years War in Europe, after 1618 and 1914. Thirty years war which destroyed Germany and gave rise to powers on the sideline who took advantage of the fighting, like France and the Netherlands and indirect England.

That could be the plan behind the plan.

None of the immigrants to Europe provides a net positive for the economy basically all of them are unemployable, unwilling, uneducated welfare queens and deadly hostile to the host society.

There is at the moment an economic bubble in Germany because of the hundreds of billion Euro wasted on the rapefugees. That bubble will burst catastrophically like that bubble of cheap money for the Club Med after the introduction of the Euro. Problem is, if that happens no lender of last resort will exist in Europe.

It must be an irrational reason, because it makes no economically sense.

no one is gonna read your blogpost, brah

If the west creates a serious alliance with the slavs, we will dominate the planet.
Das juden fears this.
Because once we're done dominating the planet, we will dominate the stars.
Colonies will eventually break free from jewish control and National Socialism will rise again.

That, and you can't profit when nations are stable.

a real cooperation between europe and russia would annihilate USA's technological and economic domination. simple as that

Just as the jew fears the samurai, the anglo fears an Eurasia going from Brest to Vladivostok

Pic related.
There ya go.

Not really. There aren't many actualy Slavic nations in the Russian federation, as opposed to plenty of Caucasian and Uralic ones. There is a giant, amorphous mass of "Russians" of various genetic origin. Most of them are mostly descended from the European East-Slavic tribes that formed the original Russian principalities, with a considerable admixture from the northwestern Finnic populations. But there's lots of assimilated caucasians, tatars and their blood. The Russian Empire stamped down on any sorts of local identities hard, while the USSR with its massive population moving projects basically destroyed any traces of them. Replacing it all with a sort of artificial identity that is a mix of old Slavic culture, Imperial pride and communist propaganda.

It's a sort of good with the bad situation - on the one hand, there are some strong traditional streaks there with resistance to most types of poz, but there's also nostalgia for gommies, hatred for anything "fascist" and most of their neighbouring nations. Add to this the extremely atomized nature of the concrete block jungles - where people from all over Eurasia have been crammed like sardines into identical, depressive blocks of flats, often with no opportunity for economic advancement, often having no clue where even their great grandparents come from - and you get some extreme nigger tier behaviour at times.

Russia is an empire that's been fucked in the ass by lots of things for centuries, and can't decide if it has become a nation or not - and even if it wants to. It's not a shining paragon of virtue by any means, or some magical stronghold for white nationalism. You can't really blame the Russian people for it, and to Putin's credit, he's been doing a lot to alleviate the situation that had befallen the place under gommies and the collapse of the 90s. Just be realistic in your assessment of the place.

Two words:

Go and look at the backgrounds of the kikes in the media writing about how horrible Putin is. Nearly all of them are from Russian kike families. They're still BTFO over losing the power they grabbed hold of during the (((revolution))).

Never thought I'd see screenshot from 08/15 here

why would i lie to you you dipshit, the fact that putin falseflagged us into a war in chechnya by blowing up our houses in the 90s to boost his ratings before the elections is enough to hate him for eternity. but there are many more reasons

Do you even Alchemy faggot?

I'm getting really tired of the jewtin meme. Like you say, he's definitely not /ourguy/, but to call him a jewish puppet in the face of the staggering amount of shekels the kikes have put into demonizing the entire nation/culture/race is staggeringly retarded.

Immutable history is valuable kike kryptonite.

I dunno, but let's look at a torposter's response to this guy's post….

I think this guy just proved the other guy's point. For those playing along, refer to the "What is greentext for?" heading in your lurker's manual.