Beheading 'imminent' of Saudi who planned to attend Western Michigan

Recently, I saw a few sandniggers on facebook claiming that "only afghanistan is a hellhole of extremists! And that's because of USA intervention!"
Aparently, they'd have us believe other countries with muslims in power are a little slice of paradise on earth.
I set about to find out wether this was true or not and what do you know, this pops up. Saudi Arabia, one of the richests countries where Sharia Law is in full effect.
Do you not like the government officials you have? The one's that appear to be corrupt and imoral? Do a protest! There's only a small chance you'll NOT be charged with treason on the spot.
And don't you worry, even if you do it peacefully, without burning and looting like the antifa faggots, you'll still get thrown in jail and executed.

Ah, Islam. Trully the religion of Peace. Peace by any means, that is.

Other urls found in this thread:

Little slice, eh Carlos? Poor Mujtaba just wanted to attend college so he could get a head in life, but he stuck he neck out when he went to that protest and now he won't make the cut.

Hey, I don't mind the guy going to america.
He legalized himself, signed all the papers and by all means had the right to do so.
But try explaining that to Mohammed Explosives Inc. & Company.

This kind of situation paints a very good portrait of the influence Islam has over the state. Most of the rest of the world has Christian leaders. They (mostly) don't let that affect their choices when in power.
Alright, a lot of them do let it affect them because they know that a large portion of the electorate is christian too and they don't wanna offend them.

I'm wondering if we can meme "Muslims = 21st century nazis".
That would ring some warning bells on the mind of the normalfags.

is saudi arabia a meme yet?

It's not far, I think.
I still don't get why Trump tries to be buddy-buddy with them. They're the very antithesis of western values.

Good new is this is one less Semite that America is forced to host.

Get out.

Kill yourself.

Saudis are savages but nobody will stop them. Trump because he cares too much about money like his Jew relatives and leftists love the most violent subhumans the most even though they paradoxically against everything they stand for so they will behead more and stone more women to death and the left will cheer. So progressive.

There is nothing wrong with that to be honest. That's how an absolute monarchy works. If kings wants someone executed, he should be executed. Treason against the Crown normally include things like protests, not bowing low enough or even defacing the portrait of a king. Lots of retards were executed for that during WW1.
Maybe he should've used his head, before he protested.

Saudis did nothing wrong in this case. They are absolutely right.

Kill yourself.

Where do you think you are, NIGGER?


His fault for being born a mudslime.

No sympathies for him.

Must be the civcuck who got angry when an user exposed the truth about the cuckservative's prefered goy Ronald Reagan.

Thanks SIDF

So it's bad when the left gets people fired for dissent, but it's ok to behead people for it? Are you a Muslim defender or a hypocritical psychopath?


Keeping semites and shitskinsarabs are both out is a priority. If they're savagery keeps each other in their fucked up sandbox then good. Stop dropping false dichotomies you aids-riddled fucksack.


I don't want that sort of inclusivity


Pro-tip: it's not. That's why we're here. Defending barbarism isn't going to accomplish our goals.

So edgy, but so lacking in arguments. You seem to have the sandniggers mental capacity, maybe that's why you defend them.

Monarchy is not democracy, retard. If you live in a kingdom, your life belongs to the king and the king is free to do whatever he pleases to you.

Lots of German soldiers were shot during the WW1, because they dared to wipe their asses with a newspaper with Kaiser's portrait or roll tobacco into it. In Austro-Hungary you'd go to prison for 20 years for sitting in the presence of the Emperor.

If you want to protest, maybe don't be a citizen of a kingdom.

Yes, and if the people want to revolt and cut the fucking corrupt monarchs head off, they can do that too. People can do lots of things!

No, they actually can't do that. That's illegal, because the monarchy is absolute. The french only got away with it, because it was a masonic plot involving international banking.

If the saudi king decides to run over babies with tanks, the whole world will watch and congratulate him, because it's his right.

Except in this instance. Singular instance sure, but it acts as an example.
Defending them from what? The admonition of faggots and bleeding hearts on the internet. I'm not the retard who thinks muslims are nazis. But if the dunecoons want be niggers in their own shithole let them.

Best comeback.

Go back to cuckchan or The_Donald

Oh shit, never mind. People can never do something that is illegal! Guess you should tell that to the all the murdered monarchs throughout history.

You call them subhuman and then defend their subhuman actions.

Neither am I, IDs are a thing genius.

But they never stay their do they? That's the entire fucking point, and you are missing it because you're so obtuse.

Yes, people have the option of violently casting off corrupt governance. Are you not aware of this, or do you go along with the other shitlickers argument of "dey can't revolt, its illegal!~"

There are rules to killing monarchs. They can't just be killed by common plebs. That's why every time the plebs rose up, they got invaded by foreign powers that slaughtered them.

What you democratic retards don't understand, that common plebs are cattle, whose lives aren't worth anything and that's exactly how they are seen by every world power. It's the so-called "human resource", which can be used, displaced, replaced or discarded when needed. That's the whole reason for the mass migrations - the powers see you as a resource and they just toss some resources back and forth.

What really happened is that with the decline of the monarchies the plebs forgot their place and thought they can be people. Hence the whole cognitive dissonance with the current reality where they are being displaced and replaced for a couple percent of economy growth.


Should research who started wahabbi movement. Was a kike running away and blending in to the area and starting it.

And what you globalist retards don't understand is that there is no human society without the workers, and every time corrupt idiots try to expand their domain and push the worker too far, the society collapses. Hence the cycle of growth and decline. You think it's going to be different this time, and you're going to have your eternal slave subclass? You're a Semite if I've ever heard one.

Go back to posting on foxnews. Every last sand nigger needs to be beheaded. Every commie protester needs to be beheaded. Every jew needs to be gassed. Every cuck needs to go back to the fucking shed.

I'm neither globalist, not a semite. The whole problem with the world is, that plebs like you trust the liberal Jew words and let them remove the God-given monarchies. Now the Jews have declared themselves the noble class, they are now your kings and masters and you are still cattle. Except the legitimate kings cared about you living in peace and welware, but the Jews won't.

Bullshit to control the masses, don't act like that is legitimate.

You just talked about executing people for disagreeing or not bowing low enough. You can't possibly believe your own bullshit. You must be a clever troll.

Islam as a religion was made to scare whites into thinking killing their enemies is badong.

Ten bucks says you don't know cause you aren't from around here. The Saudis are kikes who took over the throne so many centuries ago. No one is going to give them shit on the global stage. Some stern words of "muh solidarity" and then back to business as usual. And that's disregarding the fact that the only way order can even just barely be maintained in those boyfucking sandpits is through ironfisted rule. Why do you think Saddam and Gaddafi were taken out faggot. Cause they were authoritarian leaders that weren't jews and didn't bend over and spread their cheeks for kikes.

How am I defending them faggot. Explain in detail how I'm defending them.
I never said you were OP dumbass.
What, you think giving them civilization will make them stay. It'll go to shit in a couple decades and they'll be back to where they are now.
You think they're making their way to the west on their own or what. ALL semites are a problem. ALL semites need to be removed.
I'm dense? Give one example of goatfuckers overthrowing their corrupt governance successfully. They've an average IQ of 84 and most of them are inbred. You're asking for far too much from them.

Go suckstart a shotgun


Democracy and universal franchise are shit. All that faggot is saying is that current (((rulers))) and the wetholes they have running the system see people as cattle and units of production. He's not wrong. He's also not entirely wrong to say that the common person is cattle. The average person doesn't want to be bothered with the power and responsibility of leadership that comes with democratic methods. They don't want to deal with global politics, they barely want to deal with local politics. Not only that but a great many of those who do care end up being the lemming like faggots you see on the left and in the aut-kike. These people are no different, they want to be part of a trend, a group, a community so that they have a sense of belonging and authority. That's the general public. People who just want to live their lives, people who don't want to face reality, and the few who realize the need to give the masses a nation while being responsible enough to not sell them to kikes for a quick buck.
But monarchies can be a coin toss.

I'm aware of and agree with all that. I'm. It sure what I said would have made you think otherwise.

You said a corrupt dictatorship and total suppression of decent was nothing wrong and how it should be done. You may be using the argument that most of them are stupid and lack self control, so it's the only way to rule them. There is a spectrum of ability, not just elites and everyone else who is shit. When you try to strip all power from those below you who pose a threat because you are competition, you are going against the natural order. Destroying the middle class destroys a country. That's what communists do. You are defending communist actions.

Now who's proposing false dichotomies. We don't have to give them anything. They either survive on their own, or they don't. I don't support aiding them, nor claiming their corruption is the correct course of action.

I didn't say muslims did, I was replying to the others guys general statements.

I never claimed otherwise. What I'm against is enslaving your own people by putting down any competition to your rule by corruption and manipulation.

Once again, spectrum, middle class, etc.
But humans will not live under the conditions these people push for, and so their country is doomed to fail once they go down that path. A bolder doesn't need intelligence to crush you if you carve it's footing out while you're standing under it.

i am pro beheading muslims and protestors
protesting is faggotry anyway

Get out, cunt.


Trump should have hit the Saudis with sanctions on their oil industry after they tried to fuck with the working middle class.

You moron.

I never explicitly said that and don't think I implied it. But there's something you're forgetting. We're talking about arabs here. The corruption is a natural occurrence in any system, however it's amplified by the fact that they are semites hardly different than kikes. Only difference being that kikes inbred for cunning while arabs are just inbred. Anything that semites do is against nature and that includes arabs.
But that's the thing. I don't care how they handle their shit in-house, the effects it has on the west are marginal and have only affected white nations due to a centuries old plan laid out by kikes. Whether they are corrupt, brutal, inhumane. I don't care. They're semites. They want to kill each and die off, good. That's all I'm trying to say. Our biggest problem is the kikes and traitors.

The rest of our disagreement seems to be just misunderstanding. Though I'll take responsibility for starting it since I've been combative due to the high volume of shit threads and posts the past couple days.

The WMU won't like the Saudis now. The beheading will hit low for the college attendees..

As the Bible says. A foward and cruel king is the death of a nation like mentions. A rightoues and upright king is the splendor of a generations like mentions.

Monarchies are a double edged sword. History repeats like points out. It's because foward, cruel, and stupid leaders come to power and bring about their own demise. Whether it is from the population fleeing their cruelty or rebellion however evil that may be.

Also fuck you kikes and sand niggers you have to go back.

I'm talking about White Guilt in the female mind. They will open their legs for the poisecuted Arabs.

Reminds me of the anti-apartheid propaganda during the '90s that led to a lot of coal burning. MTV had a hand in that IIRC.

No worries, I'm glad through shitposting we've come to mutual respect. I wonder if the ancient philosophers called each other faggots?

A truly brilliant synopsis of the discussion. I'm rather pleased with this thread.
in before mods anchor it

Any good reading regarding your response to me?

Because the Muslim leaders know what fosters civilization and what destroys it.
It`s why ISIS was slaughtering "Westernized" Syrians and Iraqis.
Trust no Semites.

No doubt.

Honestly no. The only evidence that I've found is in the synchronicity of jewish and muslim practices (pederasty/pedophilia, worship of the black cube/saturn), and other minor observations.
There was a screencap of a book that used to be posted every now and then but I can't remember what it was called. Something about the Jews and Muslims sharing the worship of the black cube or something like that. Thought I had it saved but I can't find it for the life of me.

I don't know how to feel about this

Kikes and Mudslimes fear their children assimilating into other cultures. It is one of the reasons they don't have second thoughts when executing their own children or countrymen for converting to another religion or taking up different values. Here this should be blown up so leftists can see "This is what real Islam looks like."

Never gonna happen.

OT, who is this
Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Musaed bin Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Saud?

Is this the same guy who had a drug problem and threatened to kill the people who saw him doing coke and engaging in homosex?