Why are there so many brits here ?

why are there so many brits here ?

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says who? where is your source of information?


I'm an Aussie m8

Well, room temperature for them is 70 degrees, so maybe it evaporates.

More importantly why are there so many homos here?

cuz leftism is inclusive, exclusivity is bad

Brits are cool as long as they don't lynch me for not drinking tea


why wouldn't there be?

because britain is so bad the need for socialism is obvious

Brit socialists are shit tier. They ALWAYS conveniently ignore the fact our country is turning into Pakistan V2

Don't believe me? Come to fucking London. There are more brown people here than white people. I don't know how you can just be OK with that.

You can be against capitalism and still want to kick out the Pakis you motherfuckers

White: Total 5,103,203 71.15% 4,887,435 59.79%
Asian or Asian British: Total 946,894 13.20% 1,511,546 18.49%
Black or Black British: Total 782,849 10.92% 1,088,640 13.32%
Mixed: Total 226,111 3.15% 405,279 4.96%
Other: Total 113,034 1.58% 281,041 3.44%
Total 7,172,091 100.00% 8,173,941 100.00%

Yeah, nah


There about 2 million muslims tho.

But the Quillam foundation gives me hope tbh.

Holy shit that comment section.

I find it funny how they reject the evidence of the graphs and succumb to their own ideology.

Kek worthy indeed.


Personal perception and lived experience will always trump theory and statistics. Facts are impotent and more or less irrelevant in politics.

Uhm, because this is an English-speaking website? The two most important factors that contribute to the composition of an English-speaking website's user base that doesn't specifically cater to one nationality are Internet penetration and the share of an English-profiencient people of a country's population.

So the site will be dominated by Americans followed by Brits and all the other first world Anglophone countries. Then you have the Dutch, the Scandinavians and the Germans(their English is worse than the two other groups but they make up for it with their big population) who have a significant share of proficient ESL speakers and then all the other countries follow.

This a lot.

Thats why you find mostly Mexicans, Colombians and Venezuelans, in spanish chans, because they are the biggest Spanish speaking countries. Most of the times they are followed by us Spaniards because we have better and more internet access, but way less population.

What is the Spanish attitude to Latin Americans? Are they seen as vulgar or uncultured?

segsualidy=spoogs :DDDD


fuck of burgercuk

Where else are we supposed to go since Brexit?

I don't give a shit about London, too big, too expensive and full of cunts

This flag is better

I like this, its a tweaked version of the one from kaisserreich.

just get rid of the union jack completely. the colours are loud and the pattern's ugly, and it's hard to draw or paint

just replace it with a soviet- or china-style red field with simplistic yellow design

Wow that's actually a fucking terrible flag and I want to kill myself just looking at it.

that would be good if you got rid of the union jack and moved the emblem to the center of the flag. dunno why british and american communist flags keep the union jack/stars and stripes. it just makes it look ugly as fuck.


Fuck off self hating bitch


What, are you a Paki?

But if he is a Paki, that clearly cares not for Islam by affiliating with Stirner and by implication is smart enough to appreciate Stirner as well.

What's the problem? He's clearly your intellectual superior.

I thought your beef with brown people were that they were dumb smelly inarticulate backwards savages, or is it really just skin deep butthurt?


Holy fuck that's a great word filter

Das rite.
Feels > Reals


if you think about it we we're all wrong namaste

So who voted to leave the EU?

Is there any Western European country that has so consistently shat on the lower classes more than the UK has, historically?

Because leftists are typically bottom of the barrel and just give up trying to find women.

Same reason they vouch for systems that will give them an "easier" time in life under the guise that it's for the public good to make them feel morally superior.

They hide it by ironically calling morals spooks while also preaching about exploitation being wrong and something to fight against.

Weren't you the same person who was advocating for arranged marriages because girls don't want to fuck you?


Nah matey, fucking a man is manlier than fucking a woman because you establish a dominance over him, which is not given by default.

Not necessarily.
If the man you fuck is a huge faggot then it is probably even easier to establish a dominance over him than it is over a woman.

True, but only people with shit taste like such fags, so they can be disregarded

I think us Leftists are more indifferent to it than outright supportive or against.

Morals are spooks, correct.

Exploitation is bad because I'm subject to it. It doesn't have anything to do any morals.

easily led retards, mostly

Marginally better.

I suspect might be right.


ussr 2: european boogaloo? no thanks.

because they didn't join a real ML party yet :^)

leftypol is a waste of time, pretty autist tier

Unlike you I actually fucking live in London and no there aren't more "brown people" plus there wouldn't be anything wrong with it because colonialising half the world and then expecting nobody to come is fucking dumb. the Uk'd deserve it.


is still wrong as shown by , but it's almost like you don't want to win that argument and just feed Holla Forums's narrative


I did

That's true, Brexit won for all the wrong reasons but it needed to happen nonetheless. Did you seriously think the EU could be reformed or that its anti-democratic mechanisms were not intended by design?

At least the postal services will be the last thing the EU forced us to privatise and at least our farce of a democracy will have its undue influence removed from the supposed burgeoning leftist utopia of the EU as well. Unless of course blaming all the watering down of socially necessary EU regulations on Britain was merely histrionics to placate the populaces of Europe.

The design is a classic, what the hell are you smoking? I speak as someone who hates flying the flag or wearing it on t-shirts as it's bloody jingoistic, kitsch and uncouth as fuck.

There's a reason why despite the British Empire being remembered for its unsavoury perfidious infamy, that people all around the world including those people's who've been trampled under Britain, love to emblazon the design on garments or whatever.

And it's bloody easy to draw, it's just a bunch of straight lines. 3 basic colours, red, white and blue, children can do it, no need to be so contrarian mate.

I agree the Union Jack looks nice but I think it'd be best to get rid of it anyway as it's an explicitly Christian symbol from an era we're trying to move away from.